In vain does the tired Karl shake his long beard. Pushkin A.S. - Ruslan and Ludmila

Or, giving free rein to your dreams,
To the native Kyiv fields
Flies into the oblivion of the heart;
Hugs his father and brothers,
Girlfriends sees young
And their old mothers -
Captivity and separation are forgotten!
But soon the poor princess
Loses his delusion
And again sad and alone.
Slaves of a villain in love,
And day and night, not daring to sit,
Meanwhile, around the castle, through the gardens
They were looking for a lovely captive,
They rushed about, called loudly,
However, it’s all for nothing.
Lyudmila was amused by them:
Sometimes in magical groves
Suddenly she appeared without a hat
And she called: “Here, here!”
And everyone rushed to her in a crowd;
But to the side - suddenly invisible -
With silent feet she
She ran away from predatory hands.
We noticed everywhere all the time
Her minute traces:
Those are gilded fruits
They disappeared on the noisy branches,
Those are drops of spring water
They fell into the crumpled meadow:
Then the castle probably knew
What does the princess drink or eat?
On the branches of cedar or birch
Hiding at night, she
I was looking for a moment's sleep -
But she only shed tears
My wife and peace were calling,
I was languishing with sadness and yawning,
And rarely, rarely before dawn,
Bowing my head to the tree,
She dozed in a thin drowsiness;
The darkness of the night was barely thinning,
Lyudmila walked to the waterfall
Wash with a cold stream:
Karla himself in the morning
Once I saw from the wards,
As if under an invisible hand
The waterfall splashed and splashed.
With my usual melancholy
Until another night, here and there,
She wandered through the gardens:
Often in the evening we heard
Her pleasant voice;
Often in the groves they raised
Or the wreath thrown by her,
Or scraps of a Persian shawl,
Or a tear-stained handkerchief.

Wounded by cruel passion,
Overshadowed by vexation, anger,
The sorcerer finally decided
Definitely catch Lyudmila.
So Lemnos is a lame blacksmith,
Having received the marital crown
From the hands of the lovely Cythera,
I spread a net to her beauty,
Revealed to the mocking gods
Cyprids are tender ideas...

Bored, poor princess
In the cool of the marble gazebo
I sat quietly near the window
And through the swaying branches
I looked at the flowering meadow.
Suddenly he hears a call: “Dear friend!”
And he sees faithful Ruslan.
His features, gait, stature;
But he is pale, there is fog in his eyes,
And there is a living wound on the thigh -
Her heart trembled. “Ruslan!
Ruslan!.. he’s definitely!” And with an arrow
The captive flies to her husband,
In tears, trembling, he says:
“You’re here... you’re wounded... what’s wrong with you?”
Already reached, hugged:
Oh horror... the ghost disappears!
Princess in the nets; from her forehead
The hat falls to the ground.
Cold, he hears a menacing cry:
"She is mine!" - and at the same moment
He sees the sorcerer before his eyes.
The maiden heard a pitiful groan,
Fall unconscious - and a wonderful dream
He embraced the unfortunate woman with his wings

What will happen to the poor princess!
O terrible sight: the frail wizard
Caresses with an impudent hand
The youthful charms of Lyudmila!
Will he really be happy?
Chu... suddenly there was a ringing of horns,
And someone calls Karla.
In confusion, pale sorcerer
He puts a hat on the girl;
They blow again; louder, louder!
And he flies to an unknown meeting,
Throwing his beard over his shoulders.

Song five

Ah, how sweet my princess!
Her like is most dear to me:
She is sensitive, modest,
Marital love is faithful,
A little windy... so what?
She's even cuter.
Always the charm of the new
She knows how to captivate us;
Tell me: is it possible to compare
Is she and Delphira harsh?
One - fate sent a gift
To charm hearts and eyes;
Her smile, her conversations
Love gives birth to heat in me.
And she is under the skirt of a hussar,
Just give her a mustache and spurs!
Blessed is he who in the evening
To a secluded corner
My Lyudmila is waiting
And he will call you a friend of the heart;
But believe me, blessed is he too
Who is running away from Delphira?
And I don’t even know her.
Yes, but that’s not the point!
But who blew the trumpet? Who's the sorcerer
Did you call me to a flogging?
Who scared the sorcerer?
Ruslan. He, burning with revenge,
Reached the abode of the villain.
The knight is already standing under the mountain,
The calling horn howls like a storm,
The impatient horse is seething
And he digs snow with his wet hoof.
The prince is waiting for Karla. Suddenly he
On a strong steel helmet
Struck by an invisible hand;
The blow fell like thunder;
Ruslan raises his vague gaze
And he sees - right above the head -
With a raised, terrible mace
Karla Chernomor flies.
Covering himself with a shield, he bent down,
He shook his sword and swung it;
But he soared under the clouds;
For a moment he disappeared - and from above
Noisily flies towards the prince again.
The agile knight flew away,
And into the snow with a fatal swing
The sorcerer fell and sat down there;
Ruslan, without saying a word,
Off the horse, he hurries towards him,
I caught him, he grabs me by the beard,
The wizard struggles and groans
And suddenly he flies away with Ruslan...
The zealous horse looks after you;
Already a sorcerer under the clouds;
The hero hangs on his beard;
Flying over dark forests
Flying over wild mountains
They fly over the abyss of the sea;
The stress makes me stiff,
Ruslan for the villain's beard
Holds on with a steady hand.
Meanwhile, weakening in the air
And amazed at the Russian strength,
Wizard to proud Ruslan
He insidiously says: “Listen, prince!
I will stop harming you;
Loving young courage,
I will forget everything, I will forgive you,
I’ll go down - but only with an agreement..."
“Be silent, treacherous sorcerer! -
Our knight interrupted: - with Chernomor,
With his wife's tormentor,
Ruslan doesn't know the contract!
This formidable sword will punish the thief.
Fly even to the night star,
How about you be without a beard!”
Fear surrounds Chernomor;
In frustration, in silent grief,
In vain long beard
Tired Karla is shocked:
Ruslan doesn't let her out
And sometimes it stings my hair.
For two days the sorcerer wears the hero,
On the third he asks for mercy:
“O knight, have pity on me;
I can barely breathe; no more urine;
Leave me life, I am in your will;
Tell me, I’ll go down wherever you want...”
“Now you are ours: yeah, you’re trembling!
Humble yourself, submit to Russian power!
Take me to my Lyudmila."

Chernomor humbly listens;
He set off home with the knight;
He flies and instantly finds himself
Among their terrible mountains.
Then Ruslan with one hand
Took the sword of the slain head
And, grabbing the beard with the other,
I cut her off like a handful of grass.
“Know ours! - he said cruelly, -
What, predator, where is your beauty?
Where is the strength? - and a high helmet
Gray hair knits;
Whistling he calls the dashing horse;
A cheerful horse flies and neighs;
Our knight Karl is barely alive
He puts it in a knapsack behind the saddle,
And he himself, afraid of the moment of waste,
The steep one hurries to the top of the mountain,
Achieved, and with a joyful soul
Flies into magical chambers.
In the distance, seeing a big-haired helmet,
The key to a fatal victory,
Before him is a wonderful swarm of Arabs,
Crowds of fearful slaves,
Like ghosts from all sides
They ran and disappeared. He walks
Alone among the proud temples,
He calls his dear wife -
Only the echo of silent vaults
Ruslan gives his voice;
In the excitement of impatient feelings
He opens the doors to the garden -
He walks and walks and doesn’t find him;
Confused eyes look around -
Everything is dead: the groves are silent,
The gazebos are empty; on the rapids,
Along the banks of the stream, in the valleys,
There is no trace of Lyudmila anywhere,
And the ear does not hear anything.
A sudden chill embraces the prince,
The light is darkening in his eyes,
Dark thoughts arose in my mind...
“Perhaps grief... gloomy captivity...
A minute... waves..." In these dreams
He's immersed. With silent melancholy
The knight bowed his head;
He is tormented by involuntary fear;
He is motionless, like a dead stone;
The mind is darkened; wild flame
And the poison of desperate love
Already flowing in his blood.
It seemed like the shadow of a beautiful princess
Touched trembling lips...
And suddenly, frantic, terrible,
The knight rushes through the gardens;
He calls Lyudmila with a cry,
It tears cliffs from the hills,
Destroys everything, destroys everything with a sword -
Gazebos, groves are falling,
Trees, bridges dive in the waves,
The steppe is exposed all around!
Far away the rumbles repeat
And roar, and crackling, and noise, and thunder;
Everywhere the sword rings and whistles,
The lovely land is devastated -
The mad knight is looking for a victim,
With a swing to the right, to the left he
The desert air cuts through...
And suddenly - an unexpected blow
Knocks off the invisible princess
Chernomor's farewell gift...
The power of magic suddenly disappeared:
Lyudmila has opened up on the networks!
Not believing my own eyes,
Intoxicated with unexpected happiness,
Our knight falls at his feet
Faithful, unforgettable friend,
Kisses hands, tears nets,
Tears of love and delight are shed,
He calls her, but the maiden is dozing,
Eyes and lips are closed,
And a voluptuous dream
Her young breasts rise.
Ruslan doesn’t take his eyes off her,
He is tormented by grief again...
But suddenly a friend hears a voice,
The voice of the virtuous Finn:

“Take courage, prince! On the way back
Go with sleeping Lyudmila;
Fill your heart with new strength,
Be true to love and honor.
Heavenly thunder will strike in anger,
And silence will reign -
And in bright Kyiv the princess
Will rise up before Vladimir
From an enchanted dream."

Ruslan, animated by this voice,
He takes his wife into his arms,
And quietly with the precious burden
He leaves the heights
And he goes down into a secluded valley.

In silence, with Karla behind the saddle,
He went his own way;
Lyudmila lies in his arms,
Fresh as spring dawn
And on the shoulder of the hero
She bowed her calm face.
With hair twisted into a ring,
The desert breeze plays;
How often does her chest sigh!
How often is a quiet face
It glows like an instant rose!
Love and secret dream
They bring Ruslan’s image to her,
And with a languid whisper of lips
The spouse's name is pronounced...
In sweet oblivion he catches
Her magical breath
Smile, tears, gentle moan
And the sleepy Persians are worried...

Meanwhile, across the valleys, across the mountains,
And in broad daylight and at night,
Our knight travels incessantly.
The desired limit is still far away,
And the maiden is sleeping. But the young prince
Burning with a barren flame,
Is it really a constant sufferer?
I was just watching over my wife
And in a chaste dream,
Having subdued the immodest desire,
Have you found your bliss?
The monk who saved
Faithful legend to posterity
About my glorious knight,
We are confidently assured of this:
And I believe! No division
Sad, rude pleasures:
We are truly happy together.
Shepherdesses, the dream of a lovely princess
Wasn't like your dreams
Sometimes a languid spring,
On the grass, in the shade of a tree.
I remember a little meadow
Among the birch oak forest,
I remember a dark evening
I remember Lida’s evil dream...
Ah, love's first kiss,
Trembling, light, hasty,
I didn’t disperse, my friends,
Her patient slumber...
But come on, I'm talking nonsense!
Why does love need memories?
Her joy and suffering
Forgotten by me for a long time;
Now they're getting my attention
Princess, Ruslan and Chernomor.

The plain lies before them,
Where the spruces sprang up occasionally;
And a formidable hill in the distance
The round top turns black
Sky in bright blue.
Ruslan looks and guesses
What comes to the head;
The greyhound horse ran faster;
It’s a miracle of miracles;
She looks with a motionless eye;
Her hair is like a black forest,
Overgrown on the high brow;
The cheeks are deprived of life,
Covered with leaden pallor;
Huge lips are open,
Huge teeth are cramped...
Over half dead head
The last day was already hard.
A brave knight flew to her
With Lyudmila, with Karla behind her.
He shouted: “Hello, head!
I'm here! your traitor is punished!
Look: here he is, our villain prisoner!
And the prince's proud words
She was suddenly revived
For a moment the feeling was awakened in her,
I woke up as if from a dream,
She looked and groaned terribly...
She recognized the knight
And I recognized my brother with horror.
The nostrils flared; on the cheeks
The crimson fire is still born,
And in dying eyes
The final anger was depicted.
In confusion, in silent rage
She ground her teeth
And to my brother with a cold tongue
An inarticulate reproach babbled...
Already her at that very hour
The long suffering is over:
Chela instant flame went out,
Weakly heavy breathing
A huge rolled-up gaze
And soon the prince and Chernomor
We saw the shudder of death...
She fell into eternal sleep.
The knight left in silence;
The trembling dwarf behind the saddle
Didn't dare to breathe, didn't move
And in blackish language
He prayed fervently to the demons.

On the slope of dark shores
Some nameless river
In the cool twilight of the forests,
The roof of the drooping hut stood,
Crowned with thick pine trees.
In a slow river
Near the reed fence
A wave of sleep washed over
And around him there was barely a murmur
With the slight sound of a breeze.
The valley was hidden in these places,
Secluded and dark;
And there seemed to be silence
Has reigned since the beginning of the world.
Ruslan stopped his horse.
Everything was quiet, serene;
From the dawning day
Valley with coastal grove
Through the morning smoke shone.
Ruslan lays his wife down in the meadow,
He sits down next to her and sighs.
With sweet and silent despondency;
And suddenly he sees before him
Humble shuttle sail
And hears the fisherman's song
Over a quiet river.
Having spread the net over the waves,
Fisherman leaning on his oars
Floats to the wooded shores,
To the threshold of the humble hut.
And the good Prince Ruslan sees:
The shuttle sails to the shore;
Runs out of a dark house
Young maiden; slender figure,
Hair, carelessly loose,
A smile, a quiet gaze of eyes,
Both chest and shoulders are bare,
Everything is sweet, everything captivates about her.
And here they are, hugging each other,
They sit by the cool waters,
And an hour of carefree leisure
For them it comes with love.
But in silent amazement
Who is there in the happy fisherman?
Will our young knight find out?
Khazar Khan, chosen by glory,
Ratmir, in love, in bloody war
His opponent is young
Ratmir in the serene desert
Lyudmila, I forgot my glory
And changed them forever
In the arms of a tender friend.

The hero approached, and instantly
The hermit recognizes Ruslan,
He gets up and flies. There was a scream...
And the prince hugged the young khan.
“What do I see? - asked the hero, -
Why are you here, why did you leave?
Anxiety of life combat
And the sword that you glorified?
“My friend,” answered the fisherman, “
The soul is tired of abusive glory
An empty and disastrous ghost.
Believe me: innocent fun,
Love and peaceful oak forests
Dearer to the heart a hundred times.
Now, having lost the thirst for battle,
I stopped paying tribute to madness,
And rich in true happiness,
I forgot everything, dear comrade,
Everything, even Lyudmila’s charms.”
“Dear Khan, I am very glad! -
Ruslan said, “she’s with me.”
“Is it possible, by what fate?
What do I hear? Russian princess...
She's with you, where is she?
Let me... but no, I'm afraid of betrayal;
My friend is sweet to me;
My happy change
She was the culprit;
She is my life, she is my joy!
She returned it to me again
My lost youth
And peace and pure love.
In vain they promised me happiness
The lips of young sorceresses;
Twelve maidens loved me:
I left them for her;
He left their mansion cheerfully,
In the shade of guardian oak trees;
He laid down both the sword and the heavy helmet,
I forgot both glory and enemies.
Hermit, peaceful and unknown,
Left in the happy wilderness,
With you, dear friend, lovely friend,
With you, the light of my soul!

The dear shepherdess listened
Friends open conversation
And, fixing his gaze on the khan,
And she smiled and sighed.

Fisherman and knight on the shores
We sat until the dark night
With soul and heart on my lips -
The hours flew by invisibly.
The forest is black, the mountain is dark;
The moon rises - everything became quiet;
It's time for the hero to hit the road.
Quietly throwing the blanket
On the sleeping maiden, Ruslan
He goes and mounts his horse;
Thoughtfully silent khan
My soul strives to follow him,
Ruslan happiness, victories,
He wants both fame and love...
And the thoughts of proud, young years
Involuntary sadness revives...

Why is fate not destined
To my fickle lyre
There is only one heroism to sing
And with him (unknown in the world)
Love and friendship of old?
Poet of sad truth,
Why should I for posterity
Reveal vice and malice
And the secrets of the machinations of treachery
Convict in truthful songs?

The princess's seeker is unworthy,
Having lost the hunt for glory,
Unknown, Farlaf
In the distant and calm desert
He was hiding and waiting for Naina.
And the solemn hour has come.
A sorceress appeared to him,
Saying: “Do you know me?
Follow me; saddle your horse!
And the witch turned into a cat;
The horse was saddled and she set off;
Along the dark oak forest paths
Farlaf follows her.

The quiet valley was dozing,
In the night dressed in fog,
The moon moved across the darkness
From cloud to cloud and mound
Illuminated with an instant brilliance.
Below him in silence is Ruslan
I sat with the usual melancholy
Before the sleeping princess.
He thought deeply,
Dreams flew after dreams,
And sleep blew inconspicuously
Cold wings above him.
At the maiden with dim eyes
In a languid drowsiness he looked
And with a tired head
Bending at her feet, he fell asleep.

And the hero has a prophetic dream:
He sees that the princess
Above the terrible depths of the abyss
Stands motionless and pale...
And suddenly Lyudmila disappears,
He stands alone above the abyss...
A familiar voice, an inviting moan
Flies out of the quiet abyss...
Ruslan strives for his wife;
Flying headlong in the deep darkness...
And suddenly he sees in front of him:
Vladimir, in the high gridnitsa,
In the circle of gray-haired heroes,
Between twelve sons,
With a crowd of named guests
Sits at dirty tables.
And the old prince is just as angry,
Like a terrible day of parting,
And everyone sits without moving,
Not daring to break the silence.
The cheerful noise of the guests has died down,
The circular bowl does not move...
And he sees among the guests
In the battle of the slain Rogdai:
The dead man sits as if alive;
From a foamed glass
He is cheerful, drinks and does not look
To the amazed Ruslan.
The prince also sees the young khan,
Friends and foes... and suddenly
A quick sound of the gusli rang out
And the voice of the prophetic Bayan,
Singer of heroes and fun.
Farlaf joins the grid,
He leads Lyudmila by the hand;
But the old man, without getting up from his seat,
He is silent, bowing his head sadly,
Princes, boyars - everyone is silent,
Soulful movements of the cut.
And everything disappeared - the chill of death
Envelops the sleeping hero.
Heavily immersed in slumber,
He sheds painful tears,
In excitement he thinks: this is a dream!
Languishes, but has an ominous dream,
Alas, he is unable to interrupt.

The moon shines slightly over the mountain;
The groves are enveloped in darkness,
Valley in dead silence...
The traitor rides on a horse.

A clearing opened before him;
He sees a gloomy mound;
Ruslan sleeps at Lyudmila’s feet,
And the horse walks around the mound.
Farlaf looks with fear;
The witch disappears in the fog
His heart froze and trembled,
From cold hands he drops the bridle,
Quietly draws his sword,
Preparing knight without a fight
Cut in two with a flourish...
I approached him. Hero's horse
Sensing the enemy, he began to boil,
He neighed and stamped. The sign is in vain!
Ruslan doesn’t listen; terrible dream
Like a load, it weighed down on him!..
A traitor, encouraged by a witch,
A hero in the chest with a despicable hand
Cold steel pierces three times...
And rushes fearfully into the distance
With your precious spoils.

Unfeeling Ruslan all night
He lay in the darkness under the mountain.
The hours flew by. Blood flows like a river
It flowed from inflamed wounds.
In the morning, opening my misty gaze,
Letting out a heavy, weak groan,
He stood up with effort,
He looked, bowed his head in a scolding manner -
And he fell motionless, lifeless.

Song six

You command me, oh my gentle friend,
On the lyre, light and careless
The old ones were humming
And dedicate to the faithful muse
Hours of priceless leisure...
You know, dear friend:
Having quarreled with a windy rumor,
Your friend, intoxicated with bliss,
I forgot my solitary work,
And the sounds of the lyre dear.
From harmonic fun
I am intoxicated, out of habit...
I breathe you - and proud glory
I don't understand the call to call!
My secret genius left me
And fictions and sweet thoughts;
Love and thirst for pleasure
Some haunt my mind.
But you command, but you loved
My old stories
Traditions of glory and love;
My hero, my Lyudmila,
Vladimir, witch, Chernomor
And Finn's true sorrows
Your daydreaming was occupied;
You, listening to my easy nonsense,
Sometimes she dozed off with a smile;
But sometimes your tender gaze
She threw it more tenderly at the singer...
I’ll make up my mind: a loving talker,
I touch the lazy strings again;
I sit at your feet and again
I'm strumming about the young knight.

But what did I say? Where is Ruslan?
He lies dead in an open field:
His blood will no longer flow,
A greedy crow flies above him,
The horn is silent, the armor motionless,
The shaggy helmet doesn’t move!

A horse walks around Ruslan,
Hanging my proud head,
The fire in his eyes disappeared!
Doesn't wave his golden mane,
He doesn’t amuse himself, he doesn’t jump
And waits for Ruslan to rise up...
But the prince is in a deep, cold sleep,
And his shield will not strike for a long time.

And Chernomor? He's behind the saddle
In a knapsack, forgotten by the witch,
Doesn't know anything yet;
Tired, sleepy and angry
Princess, my hero
He scolded silently out of boredom;
Without hearing anything for a long time,
The wizard looked out - oh wonder!
He sees the hero killed;
The drowned man lies in blood;
Lyudmila is gone, everything is empty in the field;
The villain trembles with joy
And he thinks: it’s done, I’m free!
But old Karla was wrong.

Meanwhile, inspired by Naina,
With Lyudmila, quietly put to sleep,
Farlaf strives for Kyiv:
Flies, full of hope, full of fear;
The Dnieper waves are already in front of him
There is noise in familiar pastures;
He already sees the golden-domed city;
Farlaf is already rushing through the city,
And the noise in the haystacks rises;
The people are in joyful excitement
It falls behind the rider, crowds in;
They run to please their father:
And here is the traitor at the porch.

Dragging a burden of sadness in my soul,
Vladimir was the sunshine at that time
In his high chamber
I sat, languishing in my usual thoughts.
Boyars, knights all around
They sat with gloomy importance.
Suddenly he listens: in front of the porch
Excitement, screams, wonderful noise;
The door opened; in front of him
An unknown warrior appeared;
Everyone stood up with deaf whispers
And suddenly they became embarrassed and made a noise:
“Lyudmila is here! Farlaf... really?”
Changing his sad face,
The old prince gets up from his chair,
Hastens with heavy steps
To his unfortunate daughter,
Fits; stepfather's hands
He wants to touch her;
But the dear maiden does not heed,
And the enchanted one dozes
In the hands of a killer - everyone is watching
To the prince in vague expectation;
And the old man has a restless look
He stared at the knight in silence.
But, cunningly pressing a finger to his lips,
“Lyudmila is sleeping,” said Farlaf, “
I just found her recently
In the deserted Murom forests
In the hands of the evil goblin;
There the work was accomplished gloriously;
We fought for three days; moon
She rose above the battle three times;
He fell, and the young princess
I fell into my hands sleepily;
And who will interrupt this wonderful dream?
When will the awakening come?
I don’t know - the law of fate is hidden!
And we have hope and patience
Some were left in consolation.”

And soon with the fatal news
Rumors spread throughout the city;
A motley crowd of people
City Square began to boil;
The sad chamber is open to everyone;
The crowd is getting excited and pouring out
There, where on a high bed,
On a brocade blanket
The princess lies in a deep sleep;
Princes and knights all around
They stand sad; the voices of trumpets,
Horns, tambourines, harps, tambourines
They thunder over her; old prince
Exhausted by heavy melancholy,
At the feet of Lyudmila with gray hairs
Drooped down with silent tears;
And Farlaf, pale next to him,
In silent remorse, in frustration
Trembling, having lost his audacity.

Night has come. Nobody in the city
I didn’t close my sleepless eyes
Noisy, everyone crowded towards each other:
Everyone was talking about the miracle;
The young husband to his wife
In the modest room I forgot.
But only the light of the two-horned moon
Disappeared before the dawn,
All Kyiv is in new alarm
Confused! Clicks, noise and howling
They appeared everywhere. Kievans
Crowding on the city wall...
And they see: in the morning fog
The tents are white across the river;
Shields shine like a glow,
Riders flash in the fields,
Black dust rises in the distance;
The marching carts are coming,
Bonfires burn on the hills.
Trouble: the Pechenegs have risen!

But at this time the prophetic Finn,
Mighty ruler of spirits,
In your serene desert,
I waited with a calm heart,
So that the day of inevitable fate,
Long foreseen, it has risen.

In the silent wilderness of the flammable steppes
Beyond the distant chain of wild mountains,
Dwellings of the winds, rattling storms,
Where do witches look boldly?
He's afraid to sneak in at a late hour,
The wonderful valley lurks,
And in that valley there are two keys:
One flows like a living wave,
Murmuring merrily over the stones,
It flows like dead water;
Everything is quiet all around, the winds are sleeping,
The spring coolness does not blow,
Centuries-old pines do not make noise,
Birds do not fly, the deer does not dare
In the summer heat, drink from secret waters;
A couple of spirits from the beginning of the world,
Silent in the bosom of the world,
The dense shore guards...
With two empty jugs
The hermit appeared before them;
The spirits interrupted the long-standing dream
And they left full of fear.
Bending down, he immerses
Vessels in virgin waves;
Filled, disappeared in the air
And in two moments I found myself
In the valley where Ruslan lay
Covered in blood, silent, motionless;
And the old man stood over the knight,
And sprinkled with dead water,
And the wounds shone instantly,
And the corpse is wonderfully beautiful
Thrived; then with living water
The elder sprinkled the hero
And cheerful, full of new strength,
Trembling with young life,
Ruslan gets up on a clear day
He looks with greedy eyes,
Like an ugly dream, like a shadow,
The past flashes before him.
But where is Lyudmila? He's alone!
His heart, flaring up, freezes.
Suddenly the knight stood up; prophetic Finn
She calls him and hugs him:
“Fate has come true, oh my son!
Bliss awaits you;
The bloody feast calls you;
Your formidable sword will strike with disaster;
A gentle peace will fall on Kyiv,
And there she will appear to you.
Take the treasured ring
Touch Lyudmila’s brow with it,
And the powers of secret spells will disappear,
Your enemies will be confused by your face,
Peace will come, anger will perish.
Both of you deserve happiness!
Forgive me for a long time, my knight!
Give me your hand... there, behind the door of the coffin -
Not before - we’ll see you!”
He said and disappeared. Intoxicated
With ardent and silent delight,
Ruslan, awakened to life,
He raises his hands after him.
But nothing is heard anymore!
Ruslan is alone in a deserted field;
Jumping, with Karla behind the saddle,
Ruslanov is an impatient horse
Runs and neighs, waving his mane;
The prince is already ready, he is already on horseback,
He's flying alive and well
Through fields, through oak groves.

But meanwhile what a shame
Is Kyiv under siege?
There, with his eyes fixed on the fields,
The people, stricken with despondency,
Stands on towers and walls
And in fear awaits heavenly execution;
Timid moaning in houses,
There is a silence of fear on the haystacks;
Alone, near his daughter,
Vladimir in sorrowful prayer;
And a brave host of heroes
With a loyal squad of princes
Preparing for a bloody battle.

And the day has come. Crowds of enemies
At dawn they moved from the hills;

Meanwhile, around the castle, through the gardens
They were looking for a lovely captive,
They rushed about, called loudly,
However, it’s all for nothing.
Lyudmila was amused by them:
Sometimes in magical groves
Suddenly she appeared without a hat
And she called: “Here, here!”
And everyone rushed to her in a crowd;
But to the side - suddenly invisible -
With silent feet she
She ran away from predatory hands.
We noticed everywhere all the time
Her minute traces:
Those are gilded fruits
They disappeared on the noisy branches,
Those are drops of spring water
They fell into the crumpled meadow:
Then the castle probably knew
What does the princess drink or eat?
On the branches of cedar or birch
Hiding at night, she
I was looking for a moment's sleep -
But she only shed tears
My wife and peace were calling,
I was languishing with sadness and yawning,
And rarely, rarely before dawn,
Bowing my head to the tree,
She dozed in a thin drowsiness;
The darkness of the night was barely thinning,
Lyudmila walked to the waterfall
Wash with a cold stream:
Karla himself in the morning
Once I saw from the wards,
As if under an invisible hand
The waterfall splashed and splashed.
With my usual melancholy
Until another night, here and there,
She wandered through the gardens:
Often in the evening we heard
Her pleasant voice;

Often in the groves they raised
Or the wreath thrown by her,
Or scraps of a Persian shawl,
Or a tear-stained handkerchief.

Wounded by cruel passion,
Overshadowed by vexation, anger,
The sorcerer finally decided
Definitely catch Lyudmila.
So Lemnos is a lame blacksmith,
Having received the marital crown
From the hands of the lovely Cythera,
I spread a net to her beauty,
Revealed to the mocking gods
Cyprids are tender ideas...

Bored, poor princess
In the cool of the marble gazebo
I sat quietly near the window
And through the swaying branches
I looked at the flowering meadow.
Suddenly he hears a call: “Dear friend!”
And he sees faithful Ruslan.
His features, gait, stature;
But he is pale, there is fog in his eyes,
And there is a living wound on the thigh -
Her heart trembled. “Ruslan!
Ruslan!.. he’s definitely!” And with an arrow
The captive flies to her husband,
In tears, trembling, he says:
“You’re here... you’re hurt... what’s wrong with you?”
Already reached, hugged:
Oh horror... the ghost disappears!
Princess in the nets; from her forehead
The hat falls to the ground.
Cold, he hears a menacing cry:
"She is mine!" - and at the same moment
He sees the sorcerer before his eyes.
The maiden heard a pitiful groan,
Fall unconscious - and a wonderful dream
He embraced the unfortunate woman with his wings.

What will happen to the poor princess!
O terrible sight: the frail wizard
Caresses with an impudent hand
The youthful charms of Lyudmila!
Will he really be happy?
Chu... suddenly there was a ringing of horns,
And someone calls Karla.
In confusion, pale sorcerer
He puts a hat on the girl;
They blow again; louder, louder!
And he flies to an unknown meeting,
Throwing his beard over his shoulders.

Song five

Ah, how sweet my princess!
Her like is most dear to me:
She is sensitive, modest,
Marital love is faithful,
A little windy... so what?
She's even cuter.
Always the charm of the new
She knows how to captivate us;
Tell me: is it possible to compare
Is she and Delphira harsh?
One - fate sent a gift
To charm hearts and eyes;
Her smile, her conversations
Love gives birth to heat in me.
And she is under the skirt of a hussar,
Just give her a mustache and spurs!
Blessed is he who in the evening
To a secluded corner
My Lyudmila is waiting
And he will call you a friend of the heart;
But believe me, blessed is he too
Who is running away from Delphira?
And I don’t even know her.
Yes, but that’s not the point!
But who blew the trumpet? Who's the sorcerer
Did you call me to a flogging?
Who scared the sorcerer?

Ruslan. He, burning with revenge,
Reached the abode of the villain.
The knight is already standing under the mountain,
The calling horn howls like a storm,
The impatient horse is seething
And he digs snow with his wet hoof.
The prince is waiting for Karla. Suddenly he
On a strong steel helmet
Struck by an invisible hand;
The blow fell like thunder;
Ruslan raises his vague gaze
And he sees - right above the head -
With a raised, terrible mace
Karla Chernomor flies.
Covering himself with a shield, he bent down,
He shook his sword and swung it;
But he soared under the clouds;
For a moment he disappeared - and from above
Noisily flies towards the prince again.
The agile knight flew away,
And into the snow with a fatal swing
The sorcerer fell and sat down there;
Ruslan, without saying a word,
Off the horse, he hurries towards him,
I caught him, he grabs me by the beard,
The wizard struggles and groans
And suddenly he flies away with Ruslan...
The zealous horse looks after you;
Already a sorcerer under the clouds;
The hero hangs on his beard;
Flying over dark forests
Flying over wild mountains
They fly over the abyss of the sea;
The stress makes me stiff,
Ruslan for the villain's beard
Holds on with a steady hand.
Meanwhile, weakening in the air
And amazed at the Russian strength,
Wizard to proud Ruslan
He insidiously says: “Listen, prince!
I will stop harming you;

Loving young courage,
I will forget everything, I will forgive you,
I’ll go down - but only with an agreement...”
“Be silent, treacherous sorcerer! —
Our knight interrupted: - with Chernomor,
With his wife's tormentor,
Ruslan doesn't know the contract!
This formidable sword will punish the thief.
Fly even to the night star,
How about you be without a beard!”
Fear surrounds Chernomor;
In frustration, in silent grief,
In vain long beard
Tired Karla is shocked:
Ruslan doesn't let her out
And sometimes it stings my hair.
For two days the sorcerer wears the hero,
On the third he asks for mercy:
“O knight, have pity on me;
I can barely breathe; no more urine;
Leave me life, I am in your will;
Tell me, I’ll go down wherever you want...”
“Now you are ours: yeah, you’re trembling!
Humble yourself, submit to Russian power!
Take me to my Lyudmila."

Chernomor humbly listens;
He set off home with the knight;
He flies and instantly finds himself
Among their terrible mountains.
Then Ruslan with one hand
Took the sword of the slain head
And, grabbing the beard with the other,
I cut her off like a handful of grass.
“Know ours! - he said cruelly, -
What, predator, where is your beauty?
Where is the strength? - and a high helmet
Gray hair knits;
Whistling he calls the dashing horse;
A cheerful horse flies and neighs;
Our knight Karl is barely alive

He puts it in a knapsack behind the saddle,
And he himself, afraid of the moment of waste,
The steep one hurries to the top of the mountain,
Achieved, and with a joyful soul
Flies into magical chambers.
In the distance, seeing a big-haired helmet,
The key to a fatal victory,
Before him is a wonderful swarm of Arabs,
Crowds of fearful slaves,
Like ghosts from all sides
They ran and disappeared. He walks
Alone among the proud temples,
He calls his dear wife -
Only the echo of silent vaults
Ruslan gives his voice;
In the excitement of impatient feelings
He opens the doors to the garden -
He goes and goes and doesn’t find him;
Confused eyes look around -
Everything is dead: the groves are silent,
The gazebos are empty; on the rapids,
Along the banks of the stream, in the valleys,
There is no trace of Lyudmila anywhere,
And the ear does not hear anything.
A sudden chill embraces the prince,
The light is darkening in his eyes,
Dark thoughts arose in my mind...
“Perhaps grief... gloomy captivity...
A minute... waves..." In these dreams
He's immersed. With silent melancholy
The knight bowed his head;
He is tormented by involuntary fear;
He is motionless, like a dead stone;
The mind is darkened; wild flame
And the poison of desperate love
Already flowing in his blood.
It seemed like the shadow of a beautiful princess
Touched trembling lips...
And suddenly, frantic, terrible,
The knight rushes through the gardens;
He calls Lyudmila with a cry,

It tears cliffs from the hills,
Destroys everything, destroys everything with a sword -
Gazebos, groves are falling,
Trees, bridges dive in the waves,
The steppe is exposed all around!
Far away the rumbles repeat
And roar, and crackling, and noise, and thunder;
Everywhere the sword rings and whistles,
The lovely land is devastated -
The mad knight is looking for a victim,
With a swing to the right, to the left he
The desert air cuts through...
And suddenly - an unexpected blow
Knocks off the invisible princess
Chernomor's farewell gift...
The power of magic suddenly disappeared:
Lyudmila has opened up on the networks!
Not believing my own eyes,
Intoxicated with unexpected happiness,
Our knight falls at his feet
Faithful, unforgettable friend,
Kisses hands, tears nets,
Tears of love and delight are shed,
He calls her, but the maiden is dozing,
Eyes and lips are closed,
And a voluptuous dream
Her young breasts rise.
Ruslan doesn’t take his eyes off her,
He is tormented by grief again...
But suddenly a friend hears a voice,
The voice of the virtuous Finn:

“Take courage, prince! On the way back
Go with sleeping Lyudmila;
Fill your heart with new strength,
Be true to love and honor.
Heavenly thunder will strike in anger,
And silence will reign -
And in bright Kyiv the princess
Will rise up before Vladimir
From an enchanted dream."

Ruslan, animated by this voice,
He takes his wife into his arms,
And quietly with the precious burden
He leaves the heights
And he goes down into a secluded valley.

In silence, with Karla behind the saddle,
He went his own way;
Lyudmila lies in his arms,
Fresh as spring dawn
And on the shoulder of the hero
She bowed her calm face.
With hair twisted into a ring,
The desert breeze plays;
How often does her chest sigh!
How often is a quiet face
It glows like an instant rose!
Love and secret dream
They bring Ruslan’s image to her,
And with a languid whisper of lips
The spouse's name is pronounced...
In sweet oblivion he catches
Her magical breath
Smile, tears, gentle moan
And the sleepy Persians' excitement...

Meanwhile, across the valleys, across the mountains,
And in broad daylight and at night,
Our knight travels incessantly.
The desired limit is still far away,
And the maiden is sleeping. But the young prince
Burning with a barren flame,
Is it really a constant sufferer?
I was just watching over my wife
And in a chaste dream,
Having subdued the immodest desire,
Have you found your bliss?
The monk who saved
Faithful legend to posterity
About my glorious knight,
We are confidently assured of this:

And I believe! No division
Sad, rude pleasures:
We are truly happy together.
Shepherdesses, the dream of a lovely princess
Wasn't like your dreams
Sometimes a languid spring,
On the grass, in the shade of a tree.
I remember a little meadow
Among the birch oak forest,
I remember a dark evening
I remember Lida’s evil dream...
Ah, love's first kiss,
Trembling, light, hasty,
I didn’t disperse, my friends,
Her patient slumber...
But come on, I'm talking nonsense!
Why does love need memories?
Her joy and suffering
Forgotten by me for a long time;
Now they're getting my attention
Princess, Ruslan and Chernomor.

The plain lies before them,
Where the spruces sprang up occasionally;
And a formidable hill in the distance
The round top turns black
Sky in bright blue.
Ruslan looks and guesses
What comes to the head;
The greyhound horse ran faster;
It’s a miracle of miracles;
She looks with a motionless eye;
Her hair is like a black forest,
Overgrown on the high brow;
The cheeks are deprived of life,
Covered with leaden pallor;
Huge lips are open,
Huge teeth cramped...
Over half dead head
The last day was already hard.

A brave knight flew to her
With Lyudmila, with Karla behind her.
He shouted: “Hello, head!
I'm here! your traitor is punished!
Look: here he is, our villain prisoner!
And the prince's proud words
She was suddenly revived
For a moment the feeling was awakened in her,
I woke up as if from a dream,
She looked and groaned terribly...
She recognized the knight
And I recognized my brother with horror.
The nostrils flared; on the cheeks
The crimson fire is still born,
And in dying eyes
The final anger was depicted.
In confusion, in silent rage
She ground her teeth
And to my brother with a cold tongue
An inarticulate reproach babbled...
Already her at that very hour
The long suffering is over:
Chela instant flame went out,
Weakly heavy breathing
A huge rolled-up gaze
And soon the prince and Chernomor
We saw the shudder of death...
She fell into eternal sleep.
The knight left in silence;
The trembling dwarf behind the saddle
Didn't dare to breathe, didn't move
And in blackish language
He prayed fervently to the demons.

On the slope of dark shores
Some nameless river
In the cool twilight of the forests,
The roof of the drooping hut stood,
Crowned with thick pine trees.
In a slow river
Near the reed fence

A wave of sleep washed over
And around him there was barely a murmur
With the slight sound of a breeze.
The valley was hidden in these places,
Secluded and dark;
And there seemed to be silence
Has reigned since the beginning of the world.
Ruslan stopped his horse.
Everything was quiet, serene;
From the dawning day
Valley with coastal grove
Through the morning smoke shone.
Ruslan lays his wife down in the meadow,
He sits down next to her and sighs.
With sweet and silent despondency;
And suddenly he sees before him
Humble shuttle sail
And hears the fisherman's song
Over a quiet river.
Having spread the net over the waves,
Fisherman leaning on his oars
Floats to the wooded shores,
To the threshold of the humble hut.
And the good Prince Ruslan sees:
The shuttle sails to the shore;
Runs out of a dark house
Young maiden; slender figure,
Hair, carelessly loose,
A smile, a quiet gaze of eyes,
Both chest and shoulders are bare,
Everything is sweet, everything captivates about her.
And here they are, hugging each other,
They sit by the cool waters,
And an hour of carefree leisure
For them it comes with love.
But in silent amazement
Who is there in the happy fisherman?
Will our young knight find out?
Khazar Khan, chosen by glory,
Ratmir, in love, in bloody war
His opponent is young

Ratmir in the serene desert
Lyudmila, I forgot my glory
And changed them forever
In the arms of a tender friend.

The hero approached, and instantly
The hermit recognizes Ruslan,
He gets up and flies. There was a scream...
And the prince hugged the young khan.
“What do I see? - asked the hero, -
Why are you here, why did you leave?
Anxiety of life combat
And the sword that you glorified?
“My friend,” answered the fisherman, “
The soul is tired of abusive glory
An empty and disastrous ghost.
Believe me: innocent fun,
Love and peaceful oak forests
Dearer to the heart a hundred times.
Now, having lost the thirst for battle,
I stopped paying tribute to madness,
And rich in true happiness,
I forgot everything, dear comrade,
Everything, even Lyudmila’s charms.”
“Dear Khan, I am very glad! —
Ruslan said, “she’s with me.”
“Is it possible, by what fate?
What do I hear? Russian princess...
She's with you, where is she?
Excuse me... but no, I'm afraid of betrayal;
My friend is sweet to me;
My happy change
She was the culprit;
She is my life, she is my joy!
She returned it to me again
My lost youth
And peace and pure love.
In vain they promised me happiness
The lips of young sorceresses;
Twelve maidens loved me:
I left them for her;

He left their mansion cheerfully,
In the shade of guardian oak trees;
He laid down both the sword and the heavy helmet,
I forgot both glory and enemies.
Hermit, peaceful and unknown,
Left in the happy wilderness,
With you, dear friend, lovely friend,
With you, the light of my soul!

The dear shepherdess listened
Friends open conversation
And, fixing his gaze on the khan,
And she smiled and sighed.

Fisherman and knight on the shores
We sat until the dark night
With soul and heart on your lips -
The hours flew by invisibly.
The forest is black, the mountain is dark;
The moon rises - everything became quiet;
It's time for the hero to hit the road.
Quietly throwing the blanket
On the sleeping maiden, Ruslan
He goes and mounts his horse;
Thoughtfully silent khan
My soul strives to follow him,
Ruslan happiness, victories,
He wants both fame and love...
And the thoughts of proud, young years
Involuntary sadness revives...

Why is fate not destined
To my fickle lyre
There is only one heroism to sing
And with him (unknown in the world)
Love and friendship of old?
Poet of sad truth,
Why should I for posterity
Reveal vice and malice
And the secrets of the machinations of treachery
Convict in truthful songs?

The princess's seeker is unworthy,
Having lost the hunt for glory,
Unknown, Farlaf
In the distant and calm desert
He was hiding and waiting for Naina.
And the solemn hour has come.
A sorceress appeared to him,
Saying: “Do you know me?
Follow me; saddle your horse!
And the witch turned into a cat;
The horse was saddled and she set off;
Along the dark oak forest paths
Farlaf follows her.

The quiet valley was dozing,
In the night dressed in fog,
The moon moved across the darkness
From cloud to cloud and mound
Illuminated with an instant brilliance.
Below him in silence is Ruslan
I sat with the usual melancholy
Before the sleeping princess.
He thought deeply,
Dreams flew after dreams,
And sleep blew inconspicuously
Cold wings above him.
At the maiden with dim eyes
In a languid drowsiness he looked
And with a tired head
Bending at her feet, he fell asleep.

And the hero has a prophetic dream:
He sees that the princess
Above the terrible depths of the abyss
Stands motionless and pale...
And suddenly Lyudmila disappears,
He stands alone above the abyss...
A familiar voice, an inviting moan
From the quiet abyss flies out...
Ruslan strives for his wife;
Flying headlong in the deep darkness...

And suddenly he sees in front of him:
Vladimir, in the high gridnitsa,
In the circle of gray-haired heroes,
Between twelve sons,
With a crowd of named guests
Sits at dirty tables.
And the old prince is just as angry,
Like a terrible day of parting,
And everyone sits without moving,
Not daring to break the silence.
The cheerful noise of the guests has died down,
The circular bowl does not move...
And he sees among the guests
In the battle of the slain Rogdai:
The dead man sits as if alive;
From a foamed glass
He is cheerful, drinks and does not look
To the amazed Ruslan.
The prince also sees the young khan,
Friends and foes... and suddenly
A quick sound of the gusli rang out
And the voice of the prophetic Bayan,
Singer of heroes and fun.
Farlaf joins the grid,
He leads Lyudmila by the hand;
But the old man, without getting up from his seat,
He is silent, bowing his head sadly,
Princes, boyars - everyone is silent,
Soulful movements of the cut.
And everything disappeared - the cold of death
Envelops the sleeping hero.
Heavily immersed in slumber,
He sheds painful tears,
In excitement he thinks: this is a dream!
Languishes, but has an ominous dream,
Alas, he is unable to interrupt.

The moon shines slightly over the mountain;
The groves are enveloped in darkness,
Valley in dead silence...
The traitor rides on a horse.

A clearing opened before him;
He sees a gloomy mound;
Ruslan sleeps at Lyudmila’s feet,
And the horse walks around the mound.
Farlaf looks with fear;
The witch disappears in the fog
His heart froze and trembled,
From cold hands he drops the bridle,
Quietly draws his sword,
Preparing knight without a fight
Cut in two with a flourish...
I approached him. Hero's horse
Sensing the enemy, he began to boil,
He neighed and stamped. The sign is in vain!
Ruslan doesn’t listen; terrible dream
Like a load, it weighed down on him!..
A traitor, encouraged by a witch,
A hero in the chest with a despicable hand
It thrusts cold steel three times...
And rushes fearfully into the distance
With your precious spoils.

Unfeeling Ruslan all night
He lay in the darkness under the mountain.
The hours flew by. Blood flows like a river
It flowed from inflamed wounds.
In the morning, opening my misty gaze,
Letting out a heavy, weak groan,
He stood up with effort,
He looked, bowed his head in a scolding manner -
And he fell motionless, lifeless.
Read the work Ruslan and Lyudmila from Pushkin A.S., in the original format and in full. If you appreciated the work of Pushkin

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Ruslan and Lyudmila (poem by A.S. Pushkin)

Slaves of a villain in love,
And day and night, not daring to sit,
Meanwhile, around the castle, through the gardens
They were looking for a lovely captive,
They rushed about, called loudly,
However, it’s all for nothing.
Lyudmila was amused by them:
Sometimes in magical groves
Suddenly she appeared without a hat
And she called: “Here, here!”
And everyone rushed to her in a crowd;
But to the side - suddenly invisible -
With silent feet she
She ran away from predatory hands.
We noticed everywhere all the time
Her minute traces:
Those are gilded fruits
They disappeared on the noisy branches,
Those are drops of spring water
They fell into the crumpled meadow:
Then the castle probably knew
What does the princess drink or eat?
On the branches of cedar or birch
Hiding at night, she
I was looking for a moment's sleep -
But she only shed tears
My wife and peace were calling,
I was languishing with sadness and yawning,
And rarely, rarely before dawn,
Bowing my head to the tree,
She dozed in a thin drowsiness;
The darkness of the night was barely thinning,
Lyudmila walked to the waterfall
Wash with a cold stream:
Karla himself in the morning
Once I saw from the wards,
As if under an invisible hand
The waterfall splashed and splashed.
With my usual melancholy
Until another night, here and there,
She wandered through the gardens:
Often in the evening we heard
Her pleasant voice;
Often in the groves they raised
Or the wreath thrown by her,
Or scraps of a Persian shawl,
Or a tear-stained handkerchief.
Wounded by cruel passion,
Overshadowed by vexation, anger,
The sorcerer finally decided
Definitely catch Lyudmila.
So Lemnos is a lame blacksmith,
Having received the marital crown
From the hands of the lovely Cythera,
I spread a net to her beauty,
Revealed to the mocking gods
Cyprids are tender ideas...
Bored, poor princess
In the cool of the marble gazebo
I sat quietly near the window
And through the swaying branches
I looked at the flowering meadow.
Suddenly he hears a call: “Dear friend!”
And he sees faithful Ruslan.
His features, gait, stature;
But he is pale, there is fog in his eyes,
And there is a living wound on the thigh -
Her heart trembled. “Ruslan!
Ruslan!.. he’s definitely!” And with an arrow
The captive flies to her husband,
In tears, trembling, he says:
“You’re here... you’re wounded... what’s wrong with you?”
Already reached, hugged:
Oh horror... the ghost disappears!
Princess in the nets; from her forehead
The hat falls to the ground.
Cold, he hears a menacing cry:
"She is mine!" - and at the same moment

He sees the sorcerer before his eyes.
The maiden heard a pitiful groan,
Fall unconscious - and a wonderful dream
He embraced the unfortunate woman with his wings.
What will happen to the poor princess!
O terrible sight: the frail wizard
Caresses with an impudent hand
The youthful charms of Lyudmila!
Will he really be happy?
Chu... suddenly there was a ringing of horns,
And someone calls Karla.

In confusion, pale sorcerer
He puts a hat on the girl;
They blow again; louder, louder!
And he flies to an unknown meeting,
Throwing his beard over his shoulders.


Ah, how sweet my princess!
Her like is most dear to me:
She is sensitive, modest,
Marital love is faithful,
A little windy... so what?
She's even cuter.
Always the charm of the new
She knows how to captivate us;
Tell me: is it possible to compare
Is she and Delphira harsh?
One - fate sent a gift
To charm hearts and eyes;
Her smile, her conversations
Love gives birth to heat in me.
And she is under the skirt of a hussar,
Just give her a mustache and spurs!
Blessed is he who in the evening
To a secluded corner
My Lyudmila is waiting
And he will call you a friend of the heart;
But believe me, blessed is he too
Who is running away from Delphira?
And I don’t even know her.
Yes, but that’s not the point!
But who blew the trumpet? Who's the sorcerer
Did you call me to a flogging?
Who scared the sorcerer?
Ruslan. He, burning with revenge,
Reached the abode of the villain.
The knight is already standing under the mountain,
The calling horn howls like a storm,
The impatient horse is seething
And he digs snow with his wet hoof.
The prince is waiting for Karla. Suddenly he
On a strong steel helmet
Struck by an invisible hand;
The blow fell like thunder;
Ruslan raises his vague gaze
And he sees - right above the head -
With a raised, terrible mace
Karla Chernomor flies.
Covering himself with a shield, he bent down,
He shook his sword and swung it;
But he soared under the clouds;

For a moment he disappeared - and from above
Noisily flies towards the prince again.
The agile knight flew away,
And into the snow with a fatal swing
The sorcerer fell and sat down there;
Ruslan, without saying a word,
Off the horse, he hurries towards him,
I caught him, he grabs me by the beard,
The wizard struggles and groans
And suddenly he flies away with Ruslan...
The zealous horse looks after you;
Already a sorcerer under the clouds;
The hero hangs on his beard;

Flying over dark forests
Flying over wild mountains
They fly over the abyss of the sea;
The stress makes me stiff,
Ruslan for the villain's beard
Holds on with a steady hand.
Meanwhile, weakening in the air
And amazed at the Russian strength,
Wizard to proud Ruslan
He insidiously says: “Listen, prince!
I will stop harming you;
Loving young courage,
I will forget everything, I will forgive you,
I’ll go down - but only with an agreement..."

Most expensive:
She is sensitive, modest,
Marital love is faithful,
A little windy... so what?
She's even cuter.
Always the charm of the new
She knows how to captivate us;
Tell me: is it possible to compare
Is she and Delphira harsh?
One - fate sent a gift
To charm hearts and eyes;
Her smile, her conversations
Love gives birth to heat in me.
And she is under the skirt of a hussar,
Just give her a mustache and spurs!
Blessed is he who in the evening
To a secluded corner
My Lyudmila is waiting
And he will call you a friend of the heart;
But believe me, blessed is he too
Who is running away from Delphira?
And I don’t even know her.
Yes, but that’s not the point!
But who blew the trumpet? Who's the sorcerer
Did you call me to a flogging?
Who scared the sorcerer?
Ruslan. He, burning with revenge,
Reached the abode of the villain.
The knight is already standing under the mountain,
The calling horn howls like a storm,
The impatient horse is seething
And he digs snow with his wet hoof.
The prince is waiting for Karla. Suddenly he
On a strong steel helmet
Struck by an invisible hand;
The blow fell like thunder;
Ruslan raises his vague gaze
And he sees - right above the head -
With a raised, terrible mace
Karla Chernomor flies.
Covering himself with a shield, he bent down,
He shook his sword and swung it;
But he soared under the clouds;
For a moment he disappeared - and from above
Noisily flies towards the prince again.
The agile knight flew away,
And into the snow with a fatal swing
The sorcerer fell and sat down there;
Ruslan, without saying a word,
Off the horse, he hurries towards him,
I caught him, he grabs me by the beard,
The wizard struggles and groans
And suddenly he flies away with Ruslan...
The zealous horse looks after you;
Already a sorcerer under the clouds;
The hero hangs on his beard;
Flying over dark forests
Flying over wild mountains
They fly over the abyss of the sea;
The stress makes me stiff,
Ruslan for the villain's beard
Holds on with a steady hand.
Meanwhile, weakening in the air
And amazed at the Russian strength,
Wizard to proud Ruslan
He insidiously says: “Listen, prince!
I will stop harming you;
Loving young courage,
I will forget everything, I will forgive you,
I’ll go down - but only with an agreement..."
“Be silent, treacherous sorcerer! -
Our knight interrupted: - with Chernomor,
With his wife's tormentor,
Ruslan doesn't know the contract!
This formidable sword will punish the thief.
Fly even to the night star,
How about you be without a beard!”
Fear surrounds Chernomor;
In frustration, in silent grief,
In vain long beard
Tired Karla is shocked:
Ruslan doesn't let her out
And sometimes it stings my hair.
For two days the sorcerer wears the hero,
On the third he asks for mercy:
“O knight, have pity on me;
I can barely breathe; no more urine;
Leave me life, I am in your will;
Tell me, I’ll go down wherever you want...”
“Now you are ours: yeah, you’re trembling!
Humble yourself, submit to Russian power!
Take me to my Lyudmila."

Chernomor humbly listens;
He set off home with the knight;
He flies and instantly finds himself
Among their terrible mountains.
Then Ruslan with one hand
Took the sword of the slain head
And, grabbing the beard with the other,
I cut her off like a handful of grass.
“Know ours! - he said cruelly, -
What, predator, where is your beauty?
Where is the strength? - and a high helmet
Gray hair knits;
Whistling he calls the dashing horse;
A cheerful horse flies and neighs;
Our knight Karl is barely alive
He puts it in a knapsack behind the saddle,
And he himself, afraid of the moment of waste,
The steep one hurries to the top of the mountain,
Achieved, and with a joyful soul
Flies into magical chambers.
In the distance, seeing a big-haired helmet,
The key to a fatal victory,
Before him is a wonderful swarm of Arabs,
Crowds of fearful slaves,
Like ghosts from all sides
They ran and disappeared. walks