Cauliflower recipe for a child 1 2. Cauliflower: benefits and harm for a child. Cauliflower Casserole

Beneficial features

  • protein;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • a wide range of vitamins - the entire group B, PP, A, E, C, D;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • acids necessary for the growth and development of the baby - folic, tartronic, Omega-3, etc.

The value of cauliflower for feeding children under one year of age is that it does not contain coarse fiber, which is poorly absorbed by the child’s underdeveloped digestive system. In addition, this vegetable is a hypoallergenic product, since intolerance to it is extremely rare.

Introduction of cauliflower dishes into the baby's diet:

  • helps improve intestinal motility and active removal of toxins;
  • helps the development of beneficial microflora necessary for proper digestion;
  • has a beneficial effect on heart tissue and blood vessels;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • replenishes iron deficiency (prevention and treatment of anemia);
  • reduces the risk of inflammatory processes.

Due to the absence of coarse fibers, cauliflower is easily digestible without causing increased gas formation and. Moreover, this particular product is recommended to be consumed to normalize digestion.


There are practically no contraindications except for individual intolerance.

But it is important to know that an excess of cauliflower in the diet of a baby under one year old can:

  • provoke allergies;
  • increase the acidity of gastric juice and cause irritation of the stomach walls;
  • cause inflammation of the intestinal mucous membranes;
  • disrupt kidney function;
  • cause an enlargement of the thyroid gland (endemic goiter).

Rules for introducing complementary foods

Please note: if a child is underweight, complementary feeding should be started with porridge, and vegetable dishes should be added from 7 months. Tartronic acid, which is part of cauliflower, prevents the accumulation of fatty deposits.

The first portion of vegetable complementary foods is half a teaspoon of puree. The baby can be immediately fed with breast milk or formula, then the cauliflower will be better absorbed. If no signs of allergies or indigestion appear within two days, the next time the portion is increased to one teaspoon, and within a week it is increased to 40 g.

Up to 150 g of puree, at 8 increase the volume of the dish to 180 g, and for one-year-old children and older they are given a serving of 200. If you want to introduce your baby to a new dish gradually, at first mix cauliflower puree with a small amount of breast milk or formula.

The body of a six-month-old baby may not be ready for vegetable complementary foods, in which case increased gas formation, diarrhea or constipation, and colic occur. In this case, stop complementary feeding and try again after a couple of months, during which the baby’s gastrointestinal tract will become stronger and adapt to other foods.

Buying and storing vegetables

The freshness of cauliflower is indicated by:

  • density of inflorescences, even color - almost white, greenish or yellowish;
  • green leaves around the head of cabbage (yellow wilted leaves indicate that the vegetable has been stale);
  • absence of dark spots on the inflorescences (they indicate spoilage of the product).

In winter, this vegetable is sold frozen, disassembled into inflorescences. The cabbage pieces should be white or yellowish in color. A gray tint and a large amount of ice in the bag indicate improper storage - the cabbage was thawed and re-frozen. This product is unsuitable for feeding a child; it has lost most of its nutrients.

A fresh head of cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. If you do not plan to cook cauliflower during this time, separate it into florets, rinse them, dry them and put them in the freezer, placing them in a plastic bag or freezer container.

Making puree

Cauliflower puree for a baby is prepared in different ways. First of all, fresh inflorescences are washed and placed in a container, filled with salted water, for 30 minutes. This allows you to clean the product from insects hiding inside the inflorescences and chemicals. Frozen products do not need to be thawed or processed.

Heat treatment options:

  1. The prepared inflorescences are dipped into boiling water and cooked for 5 to 10 minutes, covered with a lid. It is important not to overcook the vegetable, otherwise it will lose many nutrients. When the inflorescences become soft, remove them with a slotted spoon; do not pour out the broth yet.
  2. The inflorescences are placed on the upper tier of the steamer and cooked for 12-15 minutes. This method allows you to preserve a maximum of vitamins and microelements.
  3. Place the cabbage pieces in a glass saucepan and add a little hot water. Covering the saucepan with an appropriate lid, place it in the microwave and cook for 6-7 minutes at maximum power.

Grind the softened inflorescences through a sieve or chop with a blender. You should get a homogeneous puree, to which add a little vegetable broth, bringing it to a semi-liquid consistency. Vegetable oil is added to the puree; 1-2 ml can be added starting from the second week of complementary feeding. The optimal amount of oil is 3 g per 150 g of puree.

Cauliflower for children - simple recipes

The baby will enjoy the puree soup made from cauliflower and other vegetables, to which he is already adapted. You can prepare the soup without difficulty: boiled vegetables are chopped in a blender, the resulting puree is diluted to the desired consistency with broth. This soup is cooked not only in water, but also in broth made from meat, poultry or fish.

Babies from 9-12 months can be given boiled cauliflower inflorescences without chopping them. This allows you to introduce new dishes into your diet, one of which is stewed cabbage.

Recipe 1. Stewed cabbage with tomatoes.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it up, add finely chopped onion and pieces of cauliflower. Fry over medium heat, then add some water and simmer with the lid closed for about 10 minutes. At the same time, blanch the tomatoes in boiling water. Add the tomatoes to the cabbage and simmer together for another 5-7 minutes. At the end, add dry dill.

Recipe 2. Stewed cabbage in sour cream.

Boil the inflorescences for 5 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and place them in a preheated frying pan with oil and chopped, lightly fried onion. Add a tablespoon of semolina and fry everything together for 2-3 minutes. Then add 4-5 tablespoons of sour cream, stir and simmer for 10-12 minutes over low heat. The more sour cream, the more tender the cabbage will be.

Soup with meatballs.

Place small pieces of carrots, potatoes, cauliflower inflorescences, and a small onion in a saucepan with water (remove it after cooking). When the water boils, add the ground chicken and onion meatballs. Boil the soup until the meatballs are ready. Use dry dill and parsley as spices.

Simple recipes for healthy dishes with cauliflower will add variety to your baby’s menu.

The most common form of cauliflower dishes is puree, which is ideal for both first feeding and older children.

  1. To prepare a delicious puree, you need to salt the water and boil a small head of cabbage in it.
  2. When the cabbage softens, you need to separate the heads from the head, dry them, mash them, and then beat them with a fork until the mass becomes fluffy.

This puree option is ideal for little ones. For older children, you can flavor the puree with milk and butter. Cabbage puree can be supplemented with vegetables such as zucchini or new potatoes.


An interesting interpretation of puree can be a casserole.

  1. To prepare it, the pre-prepared puree must be placed in a baking dish, which must be generously greased with butter and sprinkled with a little breadcrumbs.
  2. Place a couple of pieces of butter on top and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until crust appears.

To prepare the next dish, you need to wash the cauliflower well and put it in boiling water for about five minutes. Next, you need to boil the cabbage in salted water. After 20 minutes, remove the cabbage from the heat and drain the water. Separate the heads from the head of cabbage, then dip each of them in lightly stewed butter and roll in breadcrumbs. In this form, the cabbage should bake in the oven for a couple of minutes.

Cabbage in sauce

Kids will certainly appreciate cauliflower flavored with a delicate white sauce.

  1. Pour equal amounts of milk and water into a saucepan and boil the cauliflower in this mixture, adding a little salt.
  2. Meanwhile, you need to melt a piece of butter in a frying pan, in which you lightly fry a teaspoon of flour.
  3. Cook the sauce for 20 minutes, gradually adding the water and milk in which the cabbage was cooked.
  4. Separate the heads from the cabbage and fill them with the prepared sauce.


For the most picky children, cauliflower can be served in the form of a delicate pudding.

  1. Boil the cauliflower in salted water and grind it through a sieve (or mash well with a fork).
  2. Add some bread, well soaked in milk, to the puree.
  3. Add a third of the yolk and the same amount of whipped white to the resulting mass.
  4. Transfer the mixture into an oiled ceramic mold and cook in a water bath for half an hour.

More pudding

Another option for making pudding involves adding a thick white sauce to the cauliflower puree.

  1. Heat the mixture well, without bringing it to a boil, and quickly stir in half a chicken egg, beaten until foamy.
  2. As in the previous case, the pudding should be transferred to an oiled ceramic form and cooked for about 30-40 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Puddings can be served either on their own or by adding a little sour cream or white sauce.

Thus, there is a whole

Cauliflower isn't always a kid's favorite food. But she is very useful! For kids to eat it with pleasure, serve it in the form of some mysterious animal.

Photo of the finished dish

Recipe contents:

Cauliflower is a storehouse of many vitamins, macro- and microelements. Its tender pulp contains 1.5–2 times more vegetable protein compared to white cabbage, which is important for the development of body cells. It also contains 2-3 times more vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The vegetable is also well saturated with vitamins A, PP, B6, B1. Its “curly” inflorescences are rich in magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus. That is why it is useful for children and the elderly, and should definitely be included in the diet.

And tartronic acid, which is found in cauliflower, prevents the formation of fatty deposits. Why people who monitor their weight and figure and want to get rid of extra pounds should include it in their menu. But cauliflower is valued not only for these reasons, but also because it is tasty, and the dishes prepared from it are very tender.

Preparing cauliflower is not difficult. It is baked, boiled and stewed. To ensure that the inflorescences remain white after heat treatment, water is added during cooking so that it can be stewed or boiled in it. Also for this purpose, pour 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 80 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 40 minutes


  • Cauliflower - 1 head
  • Refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Drinking water - 100 ml
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp. or to taste
  • Ground nutmeg - 1/3 tsp.
  • Ground ginger - 1/4 tsp. or to taste
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch

Cooking cauliflower for children

1. Wash the head of cabbage under running water, dry with a paper towel and cut into inflorescences. If they are too large, then divide them into smaller parts.

2. Place the frying pan on the stove, literally pour 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil, so that only the frying pan is greased with it, and put the cabbage to fry.

3. Fry the cabbage for literally 5 minutes and pour in drinking water. Since we are preparing it for children, the cabbage should not be fried, but stewed.

4. Season it with salt, black pepper, nutmeg and ground ginger. Mix the ingredients well and bring them to a boil. Then reduce the temperature to low, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the cabbage for about 30 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to stir it, and if the water evaporates, then add it.

5. When the cabbage is ready, you can simply put it on a plate and serve it to your baby. But as we know, not all children like to use it. Therefore, make something interesting out of it, for example, some mysterious animal. You can fasten the inflorescences with toothpicks, and complement the cabbage with all kinds of vegetables and herbs.

Of course, cauliflower for a child - whether he is 1 year old or 10 - is an important part of a healthy diet. However, before introducing dishes from it into the menu, it is worth remembering the old principle: everything is good in moderation. Each component of baby food must be thought out.

29.11.2016 1010 2

The beautiful cabbage, brought to our region several centuries ago from Malta, has long proven its leading position in the list of the most useful products. Cauliflower is especially good for children.

Recently, queries such as cauliflower for a 1-year-old child have been quite popular in search engines - not surprising. In addition to its beneficial effects on health, it is tasty and easy to prepare.

Cauliflower for children - beauty and benefits in one package.

The inflorescences of this vegetable are not only appetizing to look at, but also have many attractive properties:

  • record content of iron, as well as vitamin C: twice as much as in lemon. Iron-containing foods help maintain blood hemoglobin at the proper level, and vitamin C is an important link in strengthening the immune system. What is needed for a child to grow up healthy and miss as little school or kindergarten as possible due to a cold;
  • any gastroenterologist will confirm: there is nothing better for good digestion. The fiber contained in the inflorescences promotes optimal bowel function. This is a very significant factor in the first years of life, when the baby is often bothered by bowel movements. And the enzymes released during their digestion help the absorption of nutrients from other products and the development of good microflora;
  • If we talk about vitamins and microelements, then cauliflower is a real treasure for children. Vitamin A is essential for vision. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is actively involved in the formation of the nervous system, which is especially important in early childhood. Potassium, the daily requirement of which is contained in only 300 grams of this vegetable, is necessary for normal heart function;
  • pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. In folk medicine there are many recipes using it, used both for local inflammation (of the gums, mouth) and for general diseases of the body, such as colds and viral infections;
  • polluted city air, drinking water of poor quality, radionuclides, antioxidants help cope with all these delights of modern ecology. There are especially many of them in cauliflower;
  • Cauliflower has a number of advantages over its fellow cabbage and broccoli, which come to the fore when it comes to baby food. For example, it does not cause as much gas and is less likely to cause intestinal colic.

The list of positive properties of this vegetable can be continued almost endlessly. Scientists continue to study the effects of different foods on the body and in the near future will certainly surprise us with new information about how cauliflower can still be useful for children.

Contraindications and negative aspects - is it all that simple?

Of course, cauliflower for a child 1 year old or 10 years old is an important part of a healthy diet. However, before introducing dishes from it into the menu, it is worth remembering the old principle: everything is good in moderation. Each component of baby food must be thought out. First of all, you need to be careful if your baby has a tendency to allergies: in this case, a pediatrician will help clarify the possibility of introducing new foods.

The ideal time to introduce cauliflower into complementary foods is after 6 months.

The consumption of this vegetable is contraindicated in case of thyroid pathologies. Gout and hypertension are quite rare diseases in childhood, but if they are present, cauliflower should also be avoided. Ulcers and chronic intestinal diseases can worsen due to excessive consumption of any vegetables from the cabbage family.

When is the best time to introduce cauliflower into your diet?

At what age is cauliflower most useful for a child 1 year old, 3 years old, 5 years old? In fact, the ideal time to introduce it is after 6 months. If the baby was bottle-fed, you can do this 3-4 weeks earlier. In any case, the main thing is to follow the basic principles of introducing complementary foods:

  • start with small portions: half a teaspoon per day. Gradually increase the amount up to a maximum volume of 150-200 grams;
  • one new type of food is introduced at a time. The intervals between the introduction of different types of complementary foods should be 1-2 weeks. It is advisable to give new products in a mixture with previously tried ones;
  • Initially, complementary foods should be prepared in the form of purees. For children over 8 months old, cauliflower can be used in soup, stew, or served as a separate dish.

How should cauliflower be prepared for a child (1 year old)?

You can buy fresh or frozen cauliflower in stores and markets. For baby food, use fresh. Pay attention to the appearance of the head of cabbage: visible damage or black spots are unacceptable, the color must be even. Before cooking, soak it in cold water for about half an hour to two hours. Then rinse thoroughly and separate into individual inflorescences.

Cauliflower dishes cannot be cooked in metal containers; only enameled ones are suitable. Boil the inflorescences for up to ten minutes in salted water. Then, depending on the recipe you choose, you can complete the preparation of a tasty and healthy meal as follows:

  • Grind the boiled inflorescences in a mixer or blender, gradually adding the broth remaining after cooking. Then you will get puree: it is also suitable for children under one year old;
  • To prepare the soufflé, add a little milk, butter and yolks to the chopped cabbage. Beat, mix with egg white and place in the oven or water bath. Children love this dish very much;
  • and if you add cream and salt to the puree, then sprinkle with grated egg yolk, you get a delicious cream.

Cauliflower can also be cooked in combination with zucchini, carrots, onions and other vegetables. A separate level of culinary skill is pudding and cauliflower with cheese sauce. However, these dishes are more suitable for older children. In the children's menu of the first years of life, simple, easy-to-digest food is desirable.

Easy to prepare, tasty and nutritious, cauliflower is an excellent option for parents who want to teach their baby a healthy diet from childhood.

Pediatricians believe that vegetables are the most important component of children's healthy diet. Cauliflower is especially useful for children for normal intestinal motility and digestive tract. Its value is explained by the balanced content of amino acids, proteins, mineral salts, carbohydrates and vitamins. Cooking for a child is not difficult at all. Let's look at some simple recipes with you.

Cauliflower for children under one year old


  • cauliflower – 500 g;
  • water.


First, select fresh cabbage forks without any dark spots or dents. Then rinse the vegetable with running water and dry with a towel. Next, take a small saucepan, pour boiled water and boil the inflorescences in it without adding salt for 5 minutes. After this, carefully remove the cabbage and mash it with a blender or fork into a puree, gradually pouring in and diluting the mass with its own decoction. This dietary supplement can be fed to small children from 4 months, starting with half a teaspoon and increasing the portion of complementary foods over the course of a month to 50 g.

Recipe for cooking cauliflower for children after one year



Now we’ll tell you how to cook cauliflower for a child. To prepare this version of a vegetable dish, separate the cauliflower into inflorescences, add water, add a little salt and boil for 5 minutes. Then we put it in a colander, dry it and put it on a baking sheet. Fill the inflorescences with sour cream if desired, sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs and bake in the oven at 200 degrees until a light crust forms for 30 minutes. Decorate the finished dish with raisins, previously soaked in warm water.