How to speak with a school principal about translation. Constantly called to school: how to behave correctly? Be a reliable home front for the child

The head of a modern Moscow school is distinguished by incredible dedication. Even taking into account the attractive salary, not everyone will agree to such a position to work on a daily basis in multitasking mode, bear on their shoulders an enormous load and responsibility, and find unconventional solutions to emerging problems. Nevertheless, the flow of those wishing to head the school does not dry out.

To school only with experience

The path to the director is multi-stage. Those who have no restrictions on employment in the field of education and have a managerial diploma join it. A candidate's pedagogical education is not a prerequisite.

“It is normatively determined that a leader must have a higher professional education in the areas of training "State and Municipal Administration", "Management", "Personnel Management" and work experience in teaching positions for at least five years, - explains rector of the Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOO) Alexey Rytov... - Or the second option: higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of state and municipal administration or management and economics. As well as work experience in teaching or leadership positions for at least five years. Note: the lack of pedagogical education in the requirements is compensated by the presence of work experience in pedagogy, because even a person with excellent managerial knowledge often finds it difficult to understand some of the features of the functioning of such a complex organism as a school.

Live Exam

The candidates will be certified in two stages.

The first qualification test takes place in the form of computer testing. Within one hour, you need to answer 40 questions regarding the management of people, resources, processes, results and information. The questions are formulated in the form of descriptions of everyday situations that may arise.

For example, “How is the amount of subsidy for the fulfillment of a state task determined in terms of the cost of maintaining property? educational organization?».

Or a question from the field of information management: “Your school biology teacher was among the finalists of the international competition. The school was approached by a TV channel reporter who wants to organize an interview recording. To prepare, he needs information about the hero. What information do you have the right to give to the correspondent without the personal consent of the biology teacher? "

Resource Management Assignment: “The school needs to purchase interactive whiteboards... The contract manager planned to conduct the auction in accordance with the requirements of the law, having formed an initial price based on the received commercial offers. What needs to be analyzed in order to understand the correctness of the price determination? "

Since the head has to build management based on a regulatory framework, only clear answers with reference to specific documents are permissible during testing.

Director candidates spend several months preparing for this stage. They call the materials posted on the IIOO website a serious help: texts of documents, lists of references and a demo version of the test. By the way, the test is publicly available, any site visitor can take it.

The second stage of attestation (for those who passed the first) is an interview in the Department of Education with members of the Attestation Commission (consisting not of officials, but of school principals) and secret electronic voting. This process goes live on the Internet, video is recorded, after which the videos are posted on the department's website. Such openness, firstly, removes any questions about the transparency of the procedure, and secondly, the records act as a kind of study guide for future candidates.

Before the interview, potential candidates can find recommendations on effective public speaking, common mistakes, and even appearance on the IIOO website.

Not everyone will get a contract

However, it is too early for the excellent students who have gained the necessary points to occupy the director's office.

“I would like to draw your attention to one point that lies in the legal field of labor relations. There can be no signing or extension of a labor contract with the head of an educational organization who has not passed certification, - notes head of the Department of Education of the capital Isaac Kalina... - However, the passed certification of a school principal or a candidate for this position is not an automatic obligation to sign or renew an employment contract. Certification is one of the conditions, but not a universal pass to the leaders of the capital's school. "

For a month now, Ivan Dorodnov has been trying himself as a school director in the Mitino district. He is 28 years old. In the recent past, he is a physics and computer science teacher. However, he plans to continue teaching in a leadership position.

The initiator of his nomination as a candidate for certification was the leadership of the former school. Colleagues-teachers, knowing the skills of Dorodnov as chairman of the school trade union organization, assumed that such an outcome was possible.

“During the preparation for certification, I realized that the new position would be more difficult than I thought,” he admits acting Director of School No. 1747 Ivan Dorodnov... - The measure of responsibility is greatly increasing. The director's actions are multipolar, you should be everywhere and everywhere. I got to know the team, there was the first meeting. I came to school in the summer, so I delve into current repairs and everything that is not directly related to educational activities. "

There is also a certification procedure for those who replace the head of the school during his absence. Since 2013, 2,242 people have passed testing and interviews for this purpose. Deputy directors, teachers, methodologists, educational psychologists, speech therapists pass exactly the same tests as the future director!

“At the interview, the commission asked me a question about how I see the school of the future,” recalls the recently passed certification history teacher of school number 1293 Natalia Klimova... - At this moment I had to quickly orient myself so as not to miss anything in my answer.

In the past, I had administrative experience, and passing the certification allowed me to take the position of deputy director for educational content. This work is colossal, so it is simply impossible to work as a teacher full-time - something will suffer. But I would like to teach history for a few hours a week. "

In addition, current school principals undergo certification for compliance with the position. The positive results during the two phases guarantee them the right to lead the school further.

However, according to statistics, in four last years 98 managers were not certified - 56 did not pass testing, 42 - interview.

“With a manager who is not certified for the suitability of the position, the labor contract is terminated, this is a requirement of the law,” sums up Alexey Rytov. - And yet, termination does not become a limitation for further self-improvement. Typically, unsuccessful executives apply as candidates and pass the performance milestone. ”

Dear accomplices!

In some way, I ask for support in talking with the director about the transition to family education (or external studies, which from the next academic year seems to be indistinguishable). How did your conversations go? How did you justify your decision? Have you met resistance?

Today I spoke with the director - a very intelligible and deserved woman. Maybe my expectations were naive, I don't know. I must say right away that my children (moved to grades 2 and 5, boys) study in an English gymnasium, which is considered one of the best in Yekaterinburg, and therefore puffs up their cheeks a little and observes traditions. One more introduction: I don't want to spoil relations with the director and the teaching staff, but I want a certain alliance so that they don't try to squeeze us out of school on the basis of non-registration. Well, you never know, suddenly the children decide to return.

I have outlined my intentions. I was asked to clarify what the problem is. And since I can't say to my face: the problem is in the education system, there is too much spam, children choke and get tired, we ourselves will cope with less blood, we can and want this, we need freedom, - she complacently told that my oldest child ( moved to grade 5), a very intelligent and inquisitive boy, educational motivation is catastrophically falling and negativism is growing, that he suffers from school lessons and wants to study at home, that we consulted with a psychologist, that at home the child is engaged in a lot of things that interest him (including, included in the school curriculum) with great pleasure _in_ their_ rhythm_. They objected to me that a) maybe you just need to go to a simpler school; b) the problem with the loss of motivation should be solved at school, this is the most correct way; c) homeschooling corrupts a child - how can you be sure not to harm him? d) now he will start a new stage - grade 5, adaptation is not easy, do not take him now, let it be like at least six months - and there it will be seen, maybe you will not want to leave; e) the school itself does not yet know how exactly the issues with the family / external student will be resolved from next year, acts to the new law will fall in August like hot pancakes, so it cannot say anything concrete.

We talked, on the whole, favorably and for quite a long time, I shocked with my regalia, proving my ability to teach children at home, and a free work schedule. My arguments for home schooling didn’t convince the principal at all (well, I know I don’t have to convince her, but still)). We parted on a note: we will think about everything until September, and there will be clarifications according to the law.

Tell me, pzhlst, experienced moms and dads! What about directors and administration? What works? Smile and stand your ground without presenting evidence? Formulate a couple of clear arguments about the reason for leaving? Appeal to the law and that's it? Is it worth involving children and asking them to formulate and justify their desire to study at home?

When parents are called to school, it is always stressful both for the parents themselves and for the child who is awaiting punishment. If parents are called to school often, then this is not just a nuisance - it is a problem that needs to be addressed.

If it is difficult for a child at school, he does not cope with the program, receives a lot of comments, has difficulty communicating with classmates, adults are almost always to blame. The most difficult thing in such a situation is to figure out which adult is to blame and who will be responsible for solving the problem.

There are always two sides here: teachers and parents... And each, as a rule, always seeks to shift the responsibility to the other side. While teachers and parents find out who is right, the child himself and his childhood problems remain out of work. So it turns out that there is a lot of talk, but the problem does not go anywhere. This is why the first rule should be remembered.

The responsibility for raising a child lies with you and the teachers alike. Therefore, on the way to school, set yourself up for a productive dialogue with the teacher.

Try to avoid negative attitudes - this can greatly facilitate your communication. If you see your teacher as your ally, he will seek to help you. And if you start looking for shortcomings in his work on the fly, trying to justify your child, then the teacher will begin to defend himself from attacks.

Think about what you want from this meeting: help or excuses?

So you've come to a teacher and want to find a solution. Unfortunately, the productivity of your conversation isn't entirely up to you. After all, the teacher may not have such a positive attitude. Some educators are very fond of summoning parents to tell them how to raise children. Teachers with great experience are especially prone to this. They believe that their life and teaching experience allows them to intervene in your family affairs. In this matter, be adamant. You don't tell the teacher how he should teach his subject. Likewise, the teacher should not interfere in your family affairs, this is not in his competence.

Don't let yourself be scolded for your child's wrongdoings. After all, you are a parent, an adult, and you do not need guidance. This position must be adhered to strictly, but without aggression, in order to do without conflicts.

If the parent and teacher manage to steer the conversation in the right direction, then half the battle has already been done. Together, finding a solution is much easier!

A young teacher I know often complained about her student: “He's incredibly noisy! He constantly talks, does not allow me to say a word in the lesson, always argues with me and tries to catch on mistakes. It is very difficult for me to teach the lesson. " When it became completely unbearable, the teacher called the parents to school. And later she admitted: “I am very sorry that I did not do this earlier. My parents helped me find an excellent solution: they advised me to turn Kolya into my ally. And now we together with him check the answers of other students. It became much easier for me to work. "

A positive way out of a difficult situation turned out to be possible, because both sides pursued the same goal - to solve the child's problem and make his stay in the lesson as productive as possible. As a result, a disadvantage turned into a virtue - the student's critical thinking was turned in his favor.

If you can do the same, this is ideal.

But what if the dialogue with the teacher constantly turns into mutual accusations?

Moreover, you have already lost all hope of establishing contact with him, and calls to school are becoming more and more frequent ...

Then you will have to solve the problem bypassing the teacher. This is much more difficult, but still possible.

First, analyze the situation as a whole.

  • From whom do the complaints come: from one teacher or from several at once?
  • How does your child's communication with peers develop?
  • Who does your child communicate with?

Answering these questions will help you understand the situation more clearly.

If your child has no problems either with other teachers or with peers, but you are constantly called to school by the same teacher, then it is likely that the problem is not with the child. Ask the teacher this question in the face, does it not seem strange to him that only he has problems with the student, and all other teachers have a normal relationship with the child?

Ask other parents for advice, what if one of them was in the same situation, and therefore can help you?

If you have found out for sure that the problem lies in a particular teacher, feel free to go to the director. Since the teacher doesn't want to listen to you, let the boss listen. As a rule, the school administration is tolerant of parents, so they will listen to you carefully.

Important! Don't let go of the situation! Inquire about what measures the administration has taken to solve your problem. If you lose interest, then the rest - even more so. The parent is the most interested person in raising children.

Even in such a situation, do not blame the teacher in front of the child. After all, an adult will finally lose credibility in the eyes of the student, and this can lead to additional problems. The teacher may not be replaced. It will be very difficult to just convince a child that he must obey the teacher who offended him and then turned out to be guilty.

When it turns out that your child does have problems at school, talk to him. Calmly, without reproach, this is very important.

Do you want the child to open up to you? Create a comfortable environment for him. Reassure him that you are a friend who wants to help and will always support. Talk to him as an equal - this advice is relevant at every age.

How to punish and is it worth doing?

Remember that no educational process is complete without punishment. When you decide to punish a child, make sure that the punishment is consistent with the offense, that is, it is fair. If the child does not understand why he is being scolded, then the punishment will be meaningless. Punishing a child doesn't mean your conversation has to be emotional. It is quite enough to calmly explain to him what he is being scolded for and announce the punishment.

A big and very common mistake many parents make is to forgive a child more than once for the same offense.

It is helpful to understand that this is a matter of habit. After all, your child will understand that he can get away with everything, and therefore will continue to do what he did. Forgiven twice, so they will forgive the third. To think so is quite logical.

If you feel that you cannot find a solution on your own, do not hesitate to contact the specialists. All schools have psychologists and social educators. They work there for you. Let go of the prejudice that only bad children go to a psychologist. This is not true. Children whose parents care about their social and psychological comfort go to a psychologist. Agree that it is much better to solve the problem with the help of a specialist than not solve it at all and continue to endure the eternal challenges to school.

For parents of students, the headmaster is a very important person. We all know perfectly well that the educational process and the team of teachers depend on it. But in order to communicate effectively with him or her, there are some tricks you need to know. So, read about what parents need to know about the principal and the school.

How to communicate with the director

If you want to talk to the principal about a problem, ask him to make an appointment in the morning. Then he will not be very tired and will be able to focus on your words. After all, school requires a lot of strength and nerves.

If you are complaining about a teacher, the principal is unlikely to tell you that he will fire him. He will listen to you and promise to sort it out. But even if he doesn't tell you, don't be nervous, maybe he really is going to fire him.

It is difficult to expect the principal of a school to formally approve your child's absence when you are considering extending his vacation because of your vacation. But know that almost all directors do the same with their own children or grandchildren. Therefore, he is unlikely to be too strict.

Do not start a serious conversation with the principal about your child's problems during school basketball or during recess. If you have something to talk to him about, it is better to go to his office or make an appointment in advance. This will show that you respect his time.

Children at school and at home

Do not think that your child does not talk about everything that happens in your home at school. Teachers and the principal are aware of your financial problems, troubles, illnesses and even binges. Sometimes they know more than you would like. Consider this.

The child you see at home is not always the one the school knows and the principal sees. But that's okay. This means that your child is emotionally intelligent.

Don't tell the principal that your child never lies to you. All children make mistakes, and good learners are often most afraid of telling their parents about their learning difficulties.

When a child appears at school who throws things in anger or tries to hit a classmate or even a teacher, his parents usually tell the principal: “It's strange, I have it like silk at home, especially when I spank him.”

Director and conflicts with teachers

Don't complain to the principal until you speak directly with the teacher. And this does not depend on the class in which your child is studying.

Do not ask the principal to talk to a particular teacher about how to teach a particular subject or what to give. homework... A good principal will not dictate to teachers what to do. He works with them. And this is completely different.

If you and your child do not like the teacher, first of all, think of it as a kind of life lesson. After all, in school, as in life, sometimes we have to learn to do things that we don't like. You need to start a serious conversation on this topic when you finally make sure that something very important is behind your child's dislike.

Director and children

Every school has bully students who bully others. Parents are often indignant that these "moral monsters" are still learning with their children. Of course, the school administration must take action, but know that even such students have a right to education. It is very difficult to drive them out.

A good director finds it easy with children. But with parents it is often difficult. They constantly try to solve their children's problems for themselves.

When an unruly student is sent by a teacher to the office of a professional director, he often uses an interesting strategy - he does not immediately communicate with the delinquent. For a while he goes about his business, until the offender "goes crazy." This will give him the opportunity to calm down and start talking about the case. By the way, smart parents can adopt this strategy and see how it works at home.

Teachers love not only smart children and excellent students. They truly value hardworking students who are capable of hard work and overcoming difficulties. After all, this is what they are trying to educate in their students. No wonder, it is said that genius is only 10 percent of innate abilities. The rest is hard work!

Director and parents

When your child is struggling with homework, you must understand that this is his or her assignment, not yours. Don't do your homework for him - teachers will quickly understand what a person with a university degree can do, and what a seventh grader can. Children need to make mistakes and overcome difficulties on their own. This is how they can learn something.

Of course, life is hard, especially for people with little income. Many parents work multiple jobs, trying to get as much money as possible without ever being at home and neglecting their children. And often such parents try to psychologically compensate for this by taking the side of their child during a conflict with the teacher. But this is not the best solution.

There is a saying that if you don’t know how to do anything, go to work as a school teacher. Or a director. Of course, there are also such teachers. But there are also good professionals. You must respect your teachers, at least until they prove otherwise.

Director and his work

What does a real school principal like about his job? He can influence children and adults, help them solve problems and find solutions with them. And every day he comes to class, where something interesting happens. A rare position provides an opportunity to experience all this.

Usually the director never knows what will happen that day. He must be ready for anything - wipe the vomit after a sick student, and then immediately go to the meeting, and on the way to separate the fighting classmates. Then it turns out that you have to shovel snow from the sidewalk in front of the school, and then meet with the teachers to discuss changes in the language program, and finally, play basketball with the students. And all this before dinner!

Well, in addition to all of the above, the director must understand many other things - in bus routes and curriculum, in the art of communication and school lunches, in the intricacies of the development of adolescent psychology and theories of conflict management ... You can't list everything. In short, the director must be an expert in everything. Sometimes he is given no more than half an hour.

Do you have a conversation with the teacher or with the director?
Do not worry or cheat yourself and come to a meeting in a state of "righteous anger."
Your main goal: to make sure that problems at school no longer harm the child, and that good relations with the teacher are preserved as much as possible.

For constructive communication with a teacher, the position you take is important.

1. The “equal” position is the best. You are confident that you are right, filled with self-esteem and respect the teacher and his pedagogical experience.
The "adult-adult" dialogue allows each of you to express your thoughts and wishes and respond to them adequately.
For example, the teacher says:
"Your Sasha interfered with the lesson: he made noise, talked."
To this "adult" mother will answer:
“Thank you for saying. I will definitely talk to him at home.
And what are his today successes?»

2. Aggressive "I'm smarter" stance cannot lead to constructive dialogue.
Mom acts as a "parent", and assigns the teacher the role of "unreasonable child." Naturally, the teacher protests against such an attitude towards himself. A conflict arises between parent and teacher, or they simply ignore each other. The problem is not only not being solved, but is getting worse. In addition, when parents look down on the teacher, the child also begins to behave with him as if he were in charge.
As a result, problems arise that could well have been avoided.

3. The conniving position “the teacher is smarter” is sometimes acceptable in communication with the teacher, for example, when the teacher is much older than both parents. In this case, the mother briefly becomes a “child”, and the educator becomes a “parent”.
All this is good in peacetime, but if something serious happens, such a behavior pattern can prevent parents from defending the rights of their child. Remember that a child is looking at you. Try to be on an equal footing with the teacher.

It is important to choose a place and time for a personal conversation. There should be no third parties: the presence of a child or other parents is excluded. Therefore, the time when you pick up your child from school or after parent meeting is not the best. Immediately before the conversation, you need to set yourself up correctly. Often people, outraged by a certain situation, deliberately wind themselves up before a conversation. They feel that in a state of "righteous anger" they will look more convincing. A better psychological state is when you feel that you are ready to calmly and rationally defend your position.

We should start by expressing our gratitude: "Thank you for your willingness to meet with me and discuss this issue."

It is necessary to formulate the problem that brought you to the teacher, for example, I would like to know why my son got a “4” in mathematics in the quarter, if the diary mostly contains fives ”?

How to handle slippery situations?

The interlocutor does not speak in essence: about the weather, the events of the day, other people. You can get the conversation back on track with the phrase: "Let's get back to our problem ..."

If the conversation has reached a dead end, it is necessary to continue it: "Let's still look for a way out together."

The interlocutor fell into silence, making it clear that the conversation is over? In this case, you can say: “You were silent. May I know what thoughts came into your head? "

Perhaps the beginning of the conversation will be quite "tough" and you will hear something unpleasant. The teacher, thinking that you have come with accusations, begins to defend himself, and as they say, "the best defense is attack." Do not under any circumstances enter into a skirmish.Wait for the blame to dry up and you can speak constructively. Let the teacher know that you are against the problem, not against him.

Keep two goals in mind throughout the conversation: so that the problem no longer hurts the child, and that a good relationship with the teacher is maintained. Based on this, think over and weigh your every word, and you will understand what is worth saying and what is not.

Suggest your way of solving the problem. Emphasize how this path is beneficial for the teacher. Be prepared for the fact that your conditions will not be fully met. But it is quite possible that together you will find the "middle" option.

Learn to apologize and accept an apology. Perhaps, in the course of the conversation, you will realize that your point of view was wrong, you were wrong (for example, the teacher will tell you what your child kept silent about). Feel free to admit your mistake and thank you for the clarification.

But, if the teacher turned out to be wrong, do not take a proud and gloating look. Say that the conflict is over and thank the teacher for understanding the problem. You need to end the conversation in a conciliatory manner: "I am glad that we were able to talk about the problem and solve it."

Even if it seems to you that the conversation with the teacher ended in nothing, it is quite possible that it was not. The teacher, after pondering the conversation with you, will change his opinion in relation to your child. Wait a while. If, from your point of view, unacceptable actions are repeated, you will have to go to higher authorities. You need to talk there using the same strategy.

Remember, the main thing is to protect the interests of your child, his physical and mental well-being.

Based on the article by Y. Vasilkina