The Italian bank UniCredit has started a big sale of assets. Will he sell the Russian Unicredit ba. The stability and reliability of the bank. financial analysis of unicredit bank Balance sheet structure and dynamics

The Italian bank UniCredit has started a big sale of assets. Will he sell the Russian Unicredit Bank?

I have had a similar experience in my practice. In June 2010, upon learning of the sale by Barclays Bank of fourteen of its offices in Russia, I made the assumption that, . Oh, what then began! I probably spent an hour talking with a representative of the press service of the bank. No, they didn’t shout at me, everything was very correct. But the bank was very unhappy with my article, and even consulted with lawyers on this topic.

The bankers know what happened next with Barclays Bank, I’ll tell the rest. Only 8 months passed, and in February 2011 it became known that the British one. That is, my prediction began to come true. Another 8 months pass, and in October 2011 it became known Naturally, I called that PR person and reminded her of our conversation, and she apologized.

Now, I feel like history is repeating itself. This time in relation to the Russian daughter (more precisely, the granddaughter) of the Italian bank UniCredit. Naturally, not exactly. You cannot step into the same river twice. What reason do I have to think so?

UniCredit sold a 10% stake in Poland's Bank Pekao in July 2016 for €749 million. At the same time, UniCredit sold a 10% stake in the online broker FinecoBank for 328 million euros. Shortly before these transactions, it was reported that UniCredit announced a strategic review of all assets after the appointment of a new head of the bank in an attempt to increase equity and profitability.

The bank is forced to sell assets due to its deplorable financial situation. In early August, UniCredit reported a decline in core capital in the second quarter. On the one hand, this confirmed the adequacy of the stress tests of fifty-one European banks conducted at the end of July. On the other hand, it revealed the lack of adequateness of these stress tests. However, I warned about this in my article.

According to stress tests, only with a negative (negative only in the opinion of the European Banking Regulator, aka European banking authority, or EBA) development of events by the end of 2018, UniCredit's capital adequacy will decrease to 7.1%. This value is above the minimum required. And if the negative scenario does not materialize, then the bank will be fine. As with all other banks studied.

And then it suddenly turns out that nothing bad has happened in the European economy, and the UniCredit bank has already needed additional capital. In general, the stress test from the European banking authority is a worthless letter. This is a scam, quackery, eyewash, bluff, scam, hoax, knavery, window dressing, fooling, phony. This is a swindle of gullible citizens. As I expected. Surprisingly, almost everyone bought into this lie. Including the so-called "analysts". They discussed the results of the stress test in all seriousness, although it was immediately clear to any literate person that his conditions were adjusted to a positive result.

So, nothing terrible has happened in the European economy, and the Italian bank UniCredit has problems. However, it is not surprising that Italian banks are in trouble right now. What is surprising is that they are still alive (see article). But when (exactly "when" and not "if") problems will start in the European economy, and they will definitely begin, UniCredit Bank may need much more than the 7-8 billion euros we are talking about now. Now the bank may well find buyers for its newly issued shares, and / or limit itself to selling minor stakes in small daughters and granddaughters. But when the bank begins to have real problems, then the time may come for the sale of Unicredit Bank.

Naturally, in a Russian bank today they refuse to believe in this, and refuse to say anything on this subject. The press service of Unicredit Bank stated that "UniCredit Group does not comment on such speculation, and we, as a Russian division, do not have the right to comment on any actions and intentions of the group." But this is today. Let's wait 16 months, as we did with Barclays Bank.

P.S.: By the way, in that stress test, the Austrian Raiffeisen-Landesbanken-Holding GmbH is doing even worse than the Italian UniCredit. The Raiffeisen holding, which includes this bank, is represented in Russia by Raiffeisenbank. And the Russian bank back in March 2015. And in January 2016. That is, if UniCredit is still here, then Raiffeisen is slowly starting to reduce its presence in Russia. So, I do not rule out that these banks will leave Russia at the same time, or almost at the same time.

I would never have taken a loan at other times, but it just so happened. And what's wrong with a credit card as such? The main thing is to spend money wisely and make payments on time, that's all. In case of unforeseen expenses, nothing better has yet been invented. I turned to Unicredit Bank, simply because the office is near my house. I was offered to issue a world mastercard autocard. Service in the first year of using the card is free, cashback is accrued from each purchase, you can withdraw cash at any ATM...

I used a UniCredit bank credit card for many years. The time has come and I decided to close the card, the limit was 143,000 rubles. Arrived on September 26, 2018 at the bank branch in Odintsovo. I explained the situation to the teller, she gave me a calculation so that I could pay the balance for full repayment. I was confused by the fact that there was one amount in the application, and the operator indicated 1300 more. I paid the amount through the cash desk, after which the operator gave me the application to sign, while saying that if they ...

I want to tell you about my negative experience of communicating with UniCredit Bank PJSC. In 2013, we bought a car in a showroom and applied for a loan, and as a result, we bought a car for cash and forgot about this story. And three years later, UniCredit Bank PJSC sued us allegedly for a loan dated October 30, 2013, this was the date of our application, the Bank submitted to the court a fake contract for the sale of our car, where the buyer’s signature was forged and on this basis on the "left" account they overtook 1,400,000 rubles. 00 kopecks, to the salon ...

The largest foreign bank in Russia. The face of the bank is the Austrian pop singer Conchita Wurst. UniCredit Bank boasts of its banking license number (No. 1). At introductory seminars for new employees, they are sure to talk about this. The bank's lawyers made every effort to keep this number. However, it's more like wanting to have a nice number plate on a car, like v777op. Russian top management of the bank and internal audit corrupt. Developed system of nepotism. Among the staff...

Like a holder salary card I got a credit card and I want to share my impressions. Since I am the owner of the car, the card was the best option AutoMap World MasterCard Premium. Alas interest rate not modest, but additional bonuses still add a share of positive. The grace period is adequate, if you don’t get out of it, then you can use the card very comfortably. Of the bonuses, the driver package is extremely useful. In our realities, when legal assistance is needed regarding a vehicle ...

All the problems of Unicredit Bank come from bad management. Mikhail Yuryevich Alekseev, Chairman of the Board of UniCredit Bank, created a management system in which, first of all, they smuggle their relatives and acquaintances. Without a change in leadership, nothing will change in this bank. Alekseev, go!

I would like to express my gratitude for the long-term successful cooperation between UniCredit Bank and ILS Globalvin LLC. For more than 5 years of interaction, we were convinced of the professionalism of the bank's representatives towards our company. The Bank appreciates corporate clients, shows competence and attentiveness. Good luck.

Last week I came here to apply for a credit card and got a general idea of ​​UniCredit credit cards. It turns out that it is possible to open a card (with a greater degree of probability) if you are a client, that is, open a deposit (proof of solvency). Well, I opened a deposit of 200 tons. R + brought a certificate from work for a salary of 75 tons. R. per month. I ordered a credit card with a limit of 300 thousand rubles (in reality, I expected to get a limit of about 200 or 170). From obligations. I have a credit card from another bank...

The history of issuing the simplest salary card: the end of October - the authorities decided to contact this misunderstanding, which was called the bank through an oversight, and sent them to draw up a salary card. the only available office for me is DO Leninsky, because it works on Saturday and I only have half an hour to go to it (there is no closer and it’s not worth looking for, there are few of them) I arrived, filled out the form, told the clerk that: 1, I need to check that did not pull up old phone(was a car loan account 7 years ago closing). 2. Map...

At one time, I took a consumer loan from your bank. Everything was great, the loan was repaid in full without delay. However, as follows from the extract from my credit history, in your bank I have 1 more active loan, judging by the parameters, it is identical to the repaid one. How to explain this and how to delete this entry?

I visited today 06/16/16 at the branch of UniCredit Bank on the street. Yeniseiskaya, 11, the impression was unpleasant. 3 specialists worked in the operating room, 2 of them (girls) were busy with customer service, 1 young man was engaged in other matters and showed no initiative at all. After waiting 20 minutes, I still couldn’t get service, the young man refused to serve me (this was after my appeal to him), I believe he had much more important reports and the highest priority work ...

I have been a client of Unicredit for many years, I go mainly to the branch in Odintsovo, on Mozhaisk Highway 112-a. A year ago, apparently, something happened at the bank. The level of professionalism of bank employees has fallen sharply, many new people have come. Personal manager L-ev Andrey, does not solve problems and literally hides, manager S-ov Vadim "fences himself off", both of them throw off all questions on the managers of the operating room, and they simply cannot solve anything, because they do not know how or do not know how to solve . In general, the environment...

Hello. We share experience and of course I hope for people (owners, directors) who will make the right choice. Unfortunately, in Russia we, the people, businessmen, and taxpayers are often treated badly, to put it mildly. So, I tried to open a 2nd account in this bank in the Khimki branch for my office, which has been operating for five years. I was refused without explaining the reasons (I tried to get a written answer, but I did not succeed). The sediment, of course, is unpleasant. We will sue. If there are "the same", please write to the email.

About a year ago, I wrote here a negative review about Unicredit Bank, where we have opened accounts for seven years. The main complaints were that we were not extended the overdraft in time, which currency control worked terribly (as I understand it, due to a lack of employees), and that the bank is difficult to get through. And that was true at the time. And now I would like to praise the bank and thank its team.

01 June 2019 01 May 2019 01 April 2019 01 March 2019 01 February 2019 01 January 2019 01 December 2018 01 November 2018 01 October 2018 01 September 2018 01 August 2018 01 July 2018 01 June 2018 01 May 2018 01 April 2018 01 March 2018 01 February 2018 01 January 2018 01 December 2017 01 November 2017 01 October 2017 01 September 2017 01 August 2017 01 July 2017 01 June 2017 01 May 2017 01 April 2017 01 March 2017 01 February 2017 01 January 2017 01 December 2016 01 November 2016 01 October 2016 01 September 2016 01 August 2016 01 July 2016 01 June 2016 01 May 2016 01 April 2016 01 March 2016 01 February 2016 01 January 2016 01 December 2015 01 November 2015 01 October 2015 01 September 2015 01 August 2015 01 July 2015 01 June 2015 01 May 2015 01 April 2015 01 March 2015 01 February 2015 01 Jan January 2015 01 December 2014 01 November 2014 01 October 2014 01 September 2014 01 August 2014 01 July 2014 01 June 2014 01 May 2014 01 April 2014 March 2014 01 February 2014 01 January 2014 01 December 2013 01 November 2013 01 October 2013 01 September 2013 01 August 2013 01 July 2013 01 June 2013 May 2013 01 April 2013 01 March 2013 01 February 2013 01 January 2013 01 December 2012 01 November 2012 01 October 2012 01 September 2012 01 August 2012 July 2012 01 June 2012 01 May 2012 01 April 2012 01 March 2012 01 February 2012 01 January 2012 01 December 2011 01 November 2011 01 October 2011 September 2011 01 August 2011 01 July 2011 01 June 2011 01 May 2011 01 April 2011 01 March 2011 01 February 2011 01 January 2011 01 December 2010 01 November 2010 01 October 2010 01 September 2010 01 August 2010 01 July 2010 01 June 2010 01 May 2010 01 April 2010 01 March 2010 01 February 2010 01 January 2010 01 December 2009 01 November 2009 01 October 2009 01 September 2009 01 August 2009 01 July 2009 01 June 2009 01 May 2009 01 April 2009 01 March 2009 01 February 2009 01 January 2009 01 December 2008 November 1, 2008 October 1, 2008 September 1, 2008 August 1, 2008 July 1, 2008 01 June 2008 01 May 2008 01 April 2008 01 March 2008 01 February 2008 01 January 2008 01 December 2007 01 November 2007 01 October 2007 01 September 2007 01 August 2007 01 July 2007 01 June 2007 01 May 2007 01 April 2007 01 March 2007 01 February 2007 01 January 2007 01 December 2006 01 November 2006 01 October 2006 01 September 2006 01 August 2006 01 July 2006 01 June 2006 01 May 2006 01 April 2006 01 March 2006 01 February 2006 01 January 2006 01 December 2005 01 November 2005 01 October 2005 01 September 2005 01 August 2005 01 July 2005 01 June 2005 01 May 2005 01 April 2005 01 March 2005 01 February 2005 01 January 2005 01 December 2004 01 November 2004 01 October 2004 01 September 2004 01 August 2004 01 July 2004 01 June 2004 01 May 2004 April 1, 2004 March 1, 2004 February 1, 2004

    Select a report:

Under the reliability of the bank we mean a set of factors under which the bank is able to fulfill its obligations, have an adequate margin of safety in crisis situations, and not violate the standards and laws established by the Bank of Russia.

It should be borne in mind that only on the basis of reporting it is impossible to accurately determine the degree of reliability of the bank, so the study below is indicative.

Bank stability is the ability to withstand any external influences. Dynamics over a certain period may show stability (either improvement or deterioration) of various indicators, which may also indicate the stability of the bank.

Joint Stock Company "UniCredit Bank" is largest by a Russian bank and ranks 9th among them in terms of net assets.

As of the reporting date (01 May 2019), the net assets of UNICREDIT BANK amounted to 1486.79 billion rubles Per year assets increased by 8.00%. Growth of net assets negative affected the return on assets ROI (data as of the nearest quarterly date April 01, 2019): net return on assets fell over the year from 3.11% before 0.46% .

In terms of services rendered, the bank mainly attracts client money and more funds legal entities (i.e. is a settlement client), and invests funds are mainly loans.

UNICREDIT BANK - subsidiary foreign bank.

UNICREDIT BANK - is on the pawn list , and the Bank of Russia accepts as collateral the bonds of the credit institution in question; has the right to work with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and may involve its funds in trust management, in deposits and savings for the housing provision of military personnel; has the right to work with non-state pension funds that provide mandatory pension insurance , and can attract pension savings and savings for housing for military personnel; has the right to open accounts and deposits in accordance with the law 213-FZ of July 21, 2014. , i.e. organizations of strategic importance for the military-industrial complex and security of the Russian Federation; to a credit institution appointed authorized representatives of the Bank of Russia.

Liquidity and reliability

The bank's liquid assets are those bank funds that can be quickly turned into cash in order to return them to depositor customers. To assess liquidity, consider a period of approximately 30 days, during which the bank will be able (or not able) to fulfill part of its financial obligations (because no bank can repay all obligations within 30 days). This "part" is called the "proposed outflow". Liquidity can be considered an important component of the concept of bank reliability.

Brief Structure highly liquid assets present in the form of a table:

Name of indicatorMay 01, 2018, thousand rublesMay 01, 2019, thousand rubles
cash on hand10 278 985 (3.17%) 9 825 228 (2.50%)
funds on accounts with the Bank of Russia50 612 638 (15.60%) 43 815 862 (11.14%)
NOSTRO correspondent accounts in banks (net)31 022 342 (9.56%) 33 001 421 (8.39%)
interbank loans placed for up to 30 days147 531 136 (45.46%) 173 048 782 (44.01%)
highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation84 730 115 (26.11%) 132 397 910 (33.67%)
highly liquid securities of banks and states433 312 (0.13%) 1 316 038 (0.33%)
highly liquid assets, taking into account discounts and adjustments (based on Ordinance No. 3269-U dated May 31, 2014)324 543 531 (100.00%) 393 219 018 (100.00%)

From the table of liquid assets, we see that the amounts of cash on hand, funds on accounts with the Bank of Russia, NOSTRO correspondent accounts in banks (net), interbank loans placed for up to 30 days have changed slightly, the amounts of highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation, highly liquid securities securities of banks and governments, while the volume of highly liquid assets, taking into account discounts and adjustments (based on Ordinance No. 3269-U of May 31, 2014), increased over the year from 324.54 before 393.22 billion rubles

Structure current liabilities is shown in the following table:

Name of indicatorMay 01, 2018, thousand rublesMay 01, 2019, thousand rubles
deposits of individuals with a term of more than a year79 231 060 (10.12%) 94 027 351 (9.72%)
other deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) (up to 1 year)145 201 207 (18.55%) 165 823 350 (17.14%)
deposits and other funds of legal entities (up to 1 year)447 765 966 (57.21%) 607 255 906 (62.77%)
including current funds of legal entities (without IP)232 097 980 (29.65%) 123 828 200 (12.80%)
correspondent accounts of LORO banks13 038 726 (1.67%) 7 760 073 (0.80%)
interbank loans received for up to 30 days57 007 527 (7.28%) 70 086 306 (7.24%)
own securities (0.00%) (0.00%)
obligations to pay interest, arrears, accounts payable and other debts40 464 552 (5.17%) 22 489 991 (2.32%)
expected cash outflow308 098 865 (39.36%) 364 522 435 (37.68%)
current liabilities782 709 038 (100.00%) 967 442 977 (100.00%)

During the period under review, what happened to the resource base was that the amounts of deposits of individuals with a period of more than a year, other deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) (for a period of up to 1 year), and own securities slightly changed, the amounts of deposits and other funds of legal entities (for a period of up to 1 year), interbank loans received for a period of up to 30 days, the amounts decreased significantly, incl. current funds of legal entities (excluding individual entrepreneurs), LORO correspondent accounts of banks, interest payment obligations, overdue, accounts payable and other debts, while the expected cash outflow increased over the year from 308.10 before 364.52 billion rubles

At the moment under consideration, the ratio of highly liquid assets (funds that are easily available to the bank over the next month) and the estimated outflow of current liabilities gives us the value 107.87% what says good margin of safety to overcome a possible outflow of funds from bank customers.

In correlation with this, the standards of instant (H2) and current (H3) liquidity are important for consideration, the minimum values ​​of which are set at 15% and 50%, respectively. Here we see that the H2 and H3 standards are now at sufficient level.

Now let's track the dynamics of change liquidity indicators during a year:

According to the median method (discarding sharp peaks): the sum of the norm of instant liquidity H2 during of the year quite large and tends to increase, but over the past half a year tends to decrease, the amount of the current liquidity ratio H3 during of the year tends to significant growth, but for the last half a year tends to increase, and the expert reliability of the bank during of the year tends to remain virtually unchanged, but over the past half a year tends to increase slightly.

Other coefficients for assessing the liquidity of the bank JSC UNICREDIT BANK can be seen by this link.

Structure and dynamics of the balance sheet

The volume of assets generating income for the bank is 90.11% in total assets, and the volume of interest-bearing liabilities is 81.29% in total liabilities. The volume of earning assets roughly corresponds to the average for the largest Russian banks (87%).

Structure earning assets at the moment and a year ago:

Name of indicatorMay 01, 2018, thousand rublesMay 01, 2019, thousand rubles
Interbank loans306 841 077 (24.93%) 288 871 208 (21.56%)
Corporate loans623 592 075 (50.67%) 673 932 419 (50.30%)
Loans to individuals138 989 327 (11.29%) 166 660 473 (12.44%)
Bills (0.00%) (0.00%)
Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim6 318 290 (0.51%) 12 094 964 (0.90%)
Investments in securities95 988 407 (7.80%) 156 442 734 (11.68%)
Other income-generating loans8 925 884 (0.73%) 16 722 012 (1.25%)
Income assets1 230 668 405 (100.00%) 1 339 779 559 (100.00%)

We see that the amounts of Interbank loans, Loans to legal entities, Loans to individuals, Bills of exchange changed slightly, the amounts of Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim, Investments in securities, and the total amount of income assets increased by 8.9% c 1230.67 before 1339.78 billion rubles

Analytics by degree of security issued loans, as well as their structure:

Name of indicatorMay 01, 2018, thousand rublesMay 01, 2019, thousand rubles
Securities accepted as collateral for issued loans70 825 468 (6.69%) 91 243 440 (7.88%)
Property accepted as security1 062 546 370 (100.42%) 1 098 705 494 (94.86%)
Precious metals accepted as collateral (0.00%) (0.00%)
Received guarantees and guarantees2 483 404 063 (234.71%) 1 683 014 387 (145.31%)
Loan portfolio amount1 058 075 953 (100.00%) 1 158 259 991 (100.00%)
- incl. corporate loans620 898 075 (58.68%) 663 237 422 (57.26%)
- incl. physical loans persons138 989 327 (13.14%) 166 660 473 (14.39%)
- incl. bank loans280 250 377 (26.49%) 288 871 208 (24.94%)

An analysis of the table suggests that the bank is focusing on diversified lending, the form of security of which is property pledges. The overall level of loan collateral is quite high and possible loan defaults are likely to be offset by the amount of collateral.

Brief structure interest liabilities(i.e. for which the bank usually pays interest to the client):

Name of indicatorMay 01, 2018, thousand rublesMay 01, 2019, thousand rubles
Funds of banks (interbank credit and correspondent accounts)114 633 062 (10.59%) 117 037 771 (9.68%)
Legal funds persons708 434 219 (65.48%) 773 704 773 (64.01%)
- incl. current funds of legal entities. persons238 517 116 (22.04%) 139 065 154 (11.51%)
Physical contributions. persons218 013 131 (20.15%) 244 613 747 (20.24%)
Other interest-bearing liabilities40 889 772 (3.78%) 73 326 803 (6.07%)
- incl. loans from the Bank of Russia (0.00%) (0.00%)
Interest liabilities1 081 970 184 (100.00%) 1 208 683 094 (100.00%)

We see that the amounts of Funds of banks (Interbank credit and correspondent accounts), Funds of legal entities have changed slightly. individuals, deposits of individuals. persons, and the total amount of interest liabilities increased by 11.7% c 1081.97 before 1208.68 billion rubles

The structure of assets and liabilities of the bank JSC UNICREDIT BANK can be considered in more detail.


Profitability of sources of own funds (calculated according to balance sheet data) decreased over the year from 5.61% before 0.61% . At the same time, the return on equity ROE (calculated on forms 102 and 134) decreased over the year from 18.64% before 3.02% (here and below, data are given in percent per annum for the nearest quarterly date).

Net interest margin decreased over the year from 3.07% before 2.67% . Profitability of lending operations decreased over the year from 7.91% before 7.69% . The cost of borrowed funds has increased over the year from 4.08% before 4.43% . The cost of borrowed funds from banks increased over the year from 5.46% before 6.80% . The cost of household funds (individuals) decreased over the year from