Where are the fighters of PMC Wagner now? What the camp of PMC Wagner looks like near Krasnodar. - They were hollowed out from the air

Among themselves, they call Syria a "sandbox". Because the sand. Lots of sand. And the heat plus fifty. They know: if something happens, no one will save. And their bones will forever remain to rot under this burning sun all around, and the jackals will do the rest. The contract stipulates: non-return of cargo-200 home. Too expensive.

Instead of a ringing tone, Sergey's phone has a funny melody:

“Our armored personnel carrier is all crumpled, but quite so on the move, it beats the damned ISIS men, knocks out the spirit of the bastards. Behind the plain there are mountains at once, a pass through the mountains, and behind it is Palmyra, I have been her all my life ... "

The ending is quite in the style of Cord, so I will not give it here.

Sergei is a little over thirty, he is a former lawyer from Donetsk, but he has not worked in his specialty for four years - because of the war. First, the one in Ukraine. Then here - in Syria. War without rules. So he is unlikely to need beautiful legal terms: in battle, they will not save.

“The deed is done, it took only a few hours to get ready, we helped break the shackles of the Syrian falcons. Let the tourists come - Damascus, Palmyra, it doesn't matter. Money, women and wine await us at home ”- the bad boys in the homemade songs of the current“ fortune hunters ”try to seem even worse than they are.

I ask Sergei to let me listen to other hits of this Syrian war - he throws me through the messenger a covered "Cuckoo" by Viktor Tsoi. The chorus is almost unchanged. "My palm turned into a fist ..."

I can imagine how Sergei might look in real life: short, wiry, in shabby green camouflage, an unhealed callus on the index finger of his right hand - from the trigger. And there is a bruise on the shoulder too - from a machine gun. Here are just no awards for mercenaries.

We are not given awards. These are the Cossacks - titles, orders, they love that. And they don't know how to fight. The guys ask one newbie: "Do you even understand where you got to?" He mows right into the face of the fool: "What's wrong - I saw the car of the Islamists and throw a grenade at it." Damn, but I saw a car - tick away from it quickly. She carries a ton of explosives on herself.

Jihad mobile?

There are two types of them. Jihad mobile and inghimasi are such suicide squads that first fight like ordinary soldiers, and when they run out of ammunition, they activate the suicide belt. They explode, dying and taking everyone who is near them. Well this is Hiroshima and Nagasaki, how much TNT is hung on them! Their task, these crazy fanatics, is to die on the battlefield. They are going for this.

Our purpose of the trip is to make money. Without patriotism. True, the Cossacks come up with some beautiful fairy tales for themselves - for example, that they go to study Orthodoxy in extreme conditions, while Syria is the cradle of Christianity, but this is also for excuses. Mostly people go to earn money. It's just that not everyone admits this openly and honestly. This is normal. We also went to earn money, not kill. We, as recruiters, were told: you will protect communications, checkpoints, oil rigs, refurbish factories, and arrive at the place - both-na! - and in the assault battalion.

Have you signed a contract?

If you can call it that. Let's just say: I signed an agreement. There is a list of what we must do, there are responsibilities, but no rights. If you break any point, for example, you drink on the front line, then you get paid. The unit is fined completely. Although they drink a little - in such heat. But vodka in Syria is good.

Where do recruiters find their potential "clients"?

Recruiters have been working in Donbas since 1914. But in the early years, few left. Firstly, no one knew about Syria, and secondly, the DPR fought for an idea, for the salvation of the Russian world. It was then vulgarized by all. Now it is not clear whether there is peace or war. Many Russian volunteers returned home. The militias dispersed too. And what we know how - nothing but how to fight. If you serve in Donetsk now, you get 15 thousand rubles. Here I was offered 150 thousand a month, plus combat, plus an exit, and so on. I have a wife on maternity leave, two weather children, a son and a daughter, old parents. I won't make that much in a year. Even if you imagine that they will cheat and pay less, it is still better than nothing.

Are they often cheated?

- Who will behave how. In general, there are two large private military companies on the market today - the Wagner PMC of Dmitry Utkin and the Turan PMC, a Muslim battalion. The very first was the "Slavic Corps", but now it is no longer there. There are also subcontractors, intermediaries who also recruit people. They have nothing to do with the official Russian military structures. How legitimate they are is also none of my business; in my opinion, they are formalized through the leftist states, where they are registered and licensed - in South Africa, for example. I know that there were such organizations who offered 240 thousand rubles a month, but in reality they all get about the same - 150.

I will not say that they threw someone so hard: we have word of mouth, today they throw it - tomorrow no one will go. We are all the same in this circle, everyone knows everyone, in principle. When I was in the camp where I was being trained, they paid additionally 2-3 thousand daily allowances, for a month you can also raise a piece of bucks.

And in general not to go anywhere?

Personally, I did not know such. But the preparation is so-so, to be honest. A shooting range, a training ground, a training and material part ... Among other things, they talk about the traditions of the Syrian people, such as not to accidentally break them ... Personally, I was helped by the knowledge of how to survive in the desert: there are also a lot of creeping reptiles, so you take four pegs, you drive them into the sand, tie them with a woolen square thread - not a single scorpion can crawl through this woolen thread. They feel them and are afraid for some reason.

How did you get to Syria - on a military plane? Civilians?

Charter. To Latakia. We had a legend that we were peaceful builders, or something. There the sea, warm, good, but they did not let go for a walk separately. Although many ran off to swim a couple of times.

Did you disobey the order?

But what kind of order is there ... You still have no idea who goes there for the most part. The Ministry of Defense will not sign a contract with a person with a tarnished biography. And we also had previous convictions, and those who did not find work at home, knocked about without money, former volunteers who came to military training in Rostov, militias, even ethnic Ukrainians were, including those who fought against Donbass. Sometimes you see such a person in front of you - and you just go nuts.

Nothing sacred? ..

Not at all. It's okay. It's amazing how life can turn out. When the very first fighters were sent there, there was a strict selection, they say, even a competition. Now they take everyone. Personally, I saw an amputee, a man without an arm, he is a machine gunner by profession. How can he shoot? .. It seems to me that recent times recruiters are paid for quantity, not quality. Therefore, there are so many stupid losses.

Those Cossacks who were executed by the ISIS were from the May group. 150 people then arrived - in the very first battle they received 19 "cargo-200" ... It's just that the numbers are hidden, the media leaks out a minimum of information about what is happening. Those who were the last to arrive, they had such training, which is immediately clear: the suicide bombers arrived.

How much are the relatives of the dead and wounded paid? Is it in the contract?

Three million - for the deceased, 900 thousand - for injury. But in reality, we have such insurance that if they are injured, and you are not wearing a bulletproof vest or a helmet, then they may not pay anything. And the armor with equipment weighs 18 kg. Who will carry him in such heat ?! They are also fined for this. But the relatives of those two whose heads were cut off will be sure to make all the payments due, because the press made a fuss.

They are heroes! ISIS did not swear allegiance (banned in Russia - E.K.) ...

Don't make me swear. They lost heart. Because normal guys would not have surrendered alive.

What a nightmare - with this cutting off of heads!

Ours are also cut off. And what, who was killed in the desert to drag everything on himself? For one head of the ISIS, at first they paid 5,000 rubles. The guys dragged a whole bunch of them ... Therefore, they dropped the price - you need to stop nightmare the local population - lately they paid like a thousand. I’m definitely not interested, because I don’t do it myself.

And they were definitely Islamist fanatics, and not civilians?

I'm telling you exactly. Syria is now divided into zones. Pink - Damascus, Latakia and surroundings. You can't touch anyone there. There is also a gray zone - back and forth, and the most terrible - black, where we stand. There are no peaceful people there. All enemies.

I don’t understand why it’s impossible to carry out air strikes against these countless Ishilov villages without using the infantry, since such crazy human losses?

This is very understandable. The use of infantry, soldiers, is much cheaper than aviation. It has always been that way. Soldiers are meat.

In ancient times, the armies of all countries had rules: for the first three days, a city captured by troops was given to the victors. Is there such a thing now?

I guess, yes. Everything that you find in the liberated villages is yours. Only money is required. These fanatics have their own - gold dinars, silver dirhams, copper falsifications ... Although they are made of pure gold, you cannot take them with you. They bear the symbols of ISIS - "Islamic State" (prohibited in Russia), their storage and distribution is equivalent to a criminal offense and support for terrorism. Who needs such a headache? ..

What about after the fight? How are you resting? You are not an official army - so, concerts of famous guest performers from Moscow are not allowed for you? ..

Yes, it can be boring. But you can buy a wife. A virgin from a good family costs 100 bucks. For a year. Kalym type. If you take it forever, then it is $ 1,500-2,000. It's easier to buy there than to search here. I know guys who corrected documents for such brides and then took them with them to Russia. In general, women help a lot in war - at least by brightening up our life. But basically only officers can afford them.

Are they well fed?

They are fed like slaughter. But the water is tense. There is a technical and a drinking one. But you can't drink technical. And drinking is not enough.

With weapons how?

Here is a problem with weapons. The equipment is old, worn out, shaggy years ... They also give out Chinese machines. It is clear that people throw off and buy weapons themselves - they want to live, and since cash is not very good, many spend so-called cigarette money on this: about $ 100-200 a month.

Is the salary transferred to the card?

As you want. Usually on a card to your wife or whomever you say, yes.

After death, a nondisclosure subscription also applies to relatives?

In fact yes. They are warned that it is better not to exaggerate this topic if they want to be paid for everything. In the end, the man went there voluntarily, no one forced him. It is clear that no one will drag his corpse back to his homeland, because it is expensive, and there is no particular sense. But three million, which will be given for the murdered, will earn alive in two years only ...

Do you consider yourself a mercenary?

Not. I was put in such conditions. In the Donbass in the ranks from the very beginning of hostilities and almost to the very end. I had convictions. And I personally know those who would never agree to die for money - only for the Motherland and the idea. But gradually nothing remained of the ideas, and the war turned into business as usual. Ordinary people have to adapt too. But I didn't betray myself.

And who was betrayed?

There was a case. Our guys caught fire alive. It happened. And they burned for a long time. It was scary to watch them suffer. It was necessary to shoot them, and it would have been merciful, but I could not ... Perhaps this can be considered a betrayal.

Do you believe in God?

- I do not know. Probably I believe in something. The good, the bad. I do not know. All I know is that killing is not good. And I do not like it.

Simple accounting

One of the leaders of a private military company gave us a comment on condition of anonymity.

“I believe that there is essentially no criminal offense here. Yes, there is an article over all PMC members - participation in illegal armed formations, or even the leadership of illegal armed groups, up to 20 years in prison, but let's think about the fact that now a new type of war is waged all over the world. Let us recall the experience of the same Americans, all their operations in Iraq or Afghanistan are mainly carried out by PMCs. The French Foreign Legion is generally supported by the government. So it's silly to pretend to be naive young ladies and say that we shouldn't have this, because it's bad.

This is a business. We will not capture the market, others will come to our place. But while Russian PMCs are beginning to gradually squeeze the Western ones: because ours are undemanding and take on everything, yes, they are deceived. But deception is also a life experience.

At the rate we get about $ 5,000 per person per month. According to the contract, you pay 2000 plus 500 for related expenses. There remains a net profit of 2500 times the number of fighters.

1. Union of fascists with recidivists.

Roma was killed, but the people, the cadres that he put forward are still alive. One of them whom Roma left us as a keepsake is Putin's chef Prigozhin. He could not have gotten so close to Putin and Zolotov if Tsepov had not helped. As the saying goes, the person died, but his work lives on.

4. Forces of special machinations.

In general, as you understood, Putin's chef is a person with a rich biography. And in 2000-2001. she made another zigzag: Prigozhin left from under the roof of Misha Kutaissky and went over to Tsepov-Zolotov. And soon he completely fell into Putin's inner circle.

After this, the affairs of our hero went uphill. From an average restaurateur, he turned into a supplier of ready meals for schools and military units for huge sums. But at some point even this seemed not enough. And somewhere in 2012, Prigozhin began to be attracted for a non-core (non-kitchen) business.

At first it was a project to clog the Internet with Putin's propaganda. With Prigozhin's money (ie from the budget), the famous troll factory in Olgino appeared in St. Petersburg, which then moved to 55 Savushkina, then to the Lakhta-2 business center, etc.

Petersburg, business center "Lakhta-2" on the street Optics, 4. Most of Putin's comments on social networks are written here.

In addition to this factory for writing comments, in 2014 there was also the "Federal News Agency" (FAN) - a group of sites that spread Putin's and GB-shny nonsense on the Internet under the guise of news. From the series: “The USA is in a panic over our new fighter. The Russophobes of the State Department strangled themselves with laces. " True, they overdid it, and in 2017 Google threw all FAN sites out of Google News, along with the archive for all the years. But Yandex News continues to give out this Prigogine garbage in batches.

And finally, since 2014, Prigozhin began to participate not only in informational, but also in real wars of the Putin regime - in the east of Ukraine she received a baptism of fire PMC Wagner... And in the fall of 2015, she was transferred to Syria.

Moscow, 2016. The commanders of Wagner PMCs in the Kremlin. Judging by the Russian press, in Lugansk Utkin liked to go out wearing a Wehrmacht helmet. In the image that is. It's strange that he didn't wear it to the Kremlin. Still, a meeting with the Fuhrer.

The one to the left of Putin is Andrei Troshev ("Sedoy"), Utkin's deputy at the PMC. A former paratrooper, then he served in the SOBR. According to Russian media reports, in June 2017, he was found on the street in St. Petersburg in a state of "severe alcoholic intoxication" and taken to a hospital. I had 5 million rubles with me, some maps of Syria, papers for Wagner PMC. I almost drank the military secret, in short.

Another participant of the reception in the Kremlin is Ratibor, aka Alexander Kuznetsov. This is a major from the "Senezh" center in Solnechnogorsk ("sunflowers", special operations forces of the Ministry of Defense). In 2008, Major Ratibor sat for robbery and kidnapping. In 2013, he miraculously got out of prison and became a mercenary.

It is noteworthy that in the same place in Solnechnogorsk, where the "sunflowers" grow, the private security company "Stealth" is now based, about which Litvinenko once wrote. The private security company was established in the 1990s. jointly by the FSB and the Izmaylovo organized criminal group to commit contract killings - for hire and by order of the Motherland. Special forces fighters were involved in the private security company. The office was a living symbol of the merger of the FSB and the mafia - where one ended and another began, it was already impossible to determine.

The private security company "Stealth" was founded by FSB colonel Lutsenko (he still works there), and General Khokholkov ("Yeltsin Sudoplatov") was his curator in the 1990s. The general also covered the heroin trade, and the PSC was his help in the showdown. In short, the special operations forces (lads with the Chekists).

Returning to the Wagner PMC, it is worth noting that it also arose on the basis of the under-roof office of the special services: the backbone of Wagner PMC was formed back in 2013 as part of a security company Moran Security Groupheaded by Vyacheslav Kalashnikov, Putin's colleague in the KGB.

Moran is a firm that, since 2010, has been recruiting mercenaries to guard sea-going ships abroad (including those carrying contraband). It was to Kalashnikov in "Moran" that Utkin first went, quitting the army in 2013. Major Kuznetsov (Ratibor) also began his career there as a mercenary after leaving prison, and many others.

Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB Vyacheslav Kalashnikov from Petersburg. The person who selected the key personnel for the Wagner PMC:

In 2013, the first (unsuccessful) attempt to send mercenaries to Syria for land operations was made through the Kalashnikov firm. They collected a small unit (267 people), with the loud name "Slavic Corps", and sent to fight for Assad. However, without air and artillery support, the mercenaries could not fight, in the first battle they fled and were sent back to Russia.

This detachment included Utkin and the future command staff of Wagner PMC. The first pancake came out lumpy, but in 2014 they were remembered again, creating a new, larger gang, which went to fight on a grand scale - in Ukraine, again in Syria, etc. And the lackey cook was brought in to pay for it all (from the budget money in the end, so it's not a pity).

Wagner's private military company is illegal in Russia. They don't talk about it on state channels. But her fighters died in the Donbas and in Syria, and now they are probably working in Africa. DW has collected all the evidence about this PMC.

Three Russian journalists - Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguev and Orkhan Dzhemal - were killed in the Central African Republic (CAR) on Monday, July 30. The Russians went there to investigate Wagner's private military company. Journalists and activists have collected much information about her bit by bit over the past years. DW represents all the most important that has been learned so far.

What is PMC Wagner

The Wagner private military company or the Wagner group is an unofficial military organization that is not part of the regular armed forces of Russia and does not have a legal status on its territory. The military units of PMC Wagner totaled at different times and according to various sources, from 1350 to 2000 people. According to sources from the German newspaper Bild in the Bundeswehr, the total number of mercenaries reaches 2,500.

Officials in Russia deny the existence of Wagner's PMC. The Kremlin only admits that, privately, Russians can participate in hostilities abroad. Mercenary activity is prohibited by Article 359 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, however, proposals are made in the State Duma and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to legalize private military companies in Russia. Talking about the goals of Russian journalists in the CAR, the state media of the Russian Federation reported that they "filmed documentaries in the republic about the life of this country."

Where did Wagner come from and what are Prigozhin's interests

Dmitry Valerievich Utkin "Wagner", born in 1970, is considered the head of a private military company of the same name. He apparently took up this activity after his dismissal from the post of commander of the 700th separate spetsnaz detachment of the 2nd separate special forces brigade of the GRU, stationed in Pechory, Pskov region. A copy of the report on his dismissal is on the Web. Nothing is known about its authenticity, but there were no denials either. In 2016, Utkin was seen at a special reception in the Kremlin for the military who distinguished themselves with special heroism. Since June 2017, Utkin has been under US sanctions, the list of the US Treasury says: "Associated with Wagner's private military company."

Evgeny Prigozhin

Some of the sources of financing for PMCs in the media are called secret items of expenditure of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, close to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He is also called "Putin's chef". As RBC found out, Yevgeny Prigozhin participated in several tenders to ensure the maintenance of the Wagner group's base.

Prigozhin himself, who is also under US sanctions, denies any connection with PMC Wagner. There is only indirect evidence of his involvement. Since the winter of 2016-2017, the Russian company Euro Polis LLC has become interested in the development of gas and oil fields in Syria. According to RBC and Fontanka, she is affiliated with Prigozhin.

In the summer of 2017, Euro Polis entered into an agreement with the Syrian state concern that it will be engaged in the protection and extraction of energy resources at local fields and receive at its disposal a fourth of the volume produced from those towers that it recaptured from ISIS militants, the AP agency reported with reference for a copy of the agreement. The functions of protection, as it is believed, should be taken over by the soldiers of the Wagner PMC.

Where Wagner's mercenaries fought

PMC Wagner grew, as it is believed, from the military company "Slavic Corps", which carried out combat missions in Syria back in 2013. The future head of the PMC, Dmitry Utkin, callsign "Wagner", also belonged to the "Slavic Corps". The first evidence of the activities of PMC Wagner was recorded by the Ukrainian special services in May 2014 in the Donbass. In October 2017, the head of the SBU of Ukraine, Vasily Gritsak, announced the involvement of the "Wagnerites" in the destruction of the military transport Il-76 in eastern Ukraine in June 2014, the storming of the Donetsk airport and the hostilities near Debaltseve. There is no independent confirmation of this information.

PMC Wagner, according to various testimonies, twice participated in the liberation of Palmyra

Since the second half of 2015, evidence of the activity of Wagner PMCs has appeared only in Syria. It is believed that its fighters, in particular, were actively involved in the first and second assault on Palmyra in 2016 and 2017. Since June 2017, the goals of the mercenaries, as reported by the Russian media RBC and Fontanka, have changed. "Fontanka" wrote that the Russian Ministry of Defense has drastically reduced the supply of weapons to PMCs, transferring only outdated samples.

Allegedly, PMCs were offered to receive funding in Syria itself, including through the seizure and protection of oil and gas fields. In this regard, it is noteworthy that the attack in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Syrian village of Khusham, presumably with the participation of the "Wagnerites", was conducted in the area of \u200b\u200ban oil field and, according to some reports, was aimed at its capture.

Interests of Russian PMCs in Africa

The interest of Russian mercenaries in the region was recorded after negotiations russian leadership with the leaders of the Sudan and the Central African Republic in the fall of 2017. According to the British BBC, traces of Wagner's PMCs have been seen in Sudan since the end of 2017. Russian journalist Alexander Kots published a video with a Russian instructor teaching soldiers in Sudan, with the caption "everyday life of a Russian PMC."

According to The Bell, about 100 mercenaries are training Sudanese military units. In exchange, according to the publication, M Invest and Meroe Gold associated with Yevgeny Prigozhin signed concession agreements for gold mining in this country.

The road to Sibut where Russian journalists were killed

But armed people from Russia were also spotted in the neighboring Central African Republic, and it is possible that this is already a new PMC, not associated with the Wagner group. Officially, it is only known that Russia is exploring the possibilities of "mutually beneficial development of the natural resources of the CAR. In 2018, the implementation of exploration mining concessions began," the Russian Foreign Ministry said at the end of March.

The foreign ministry also said that Moscow "on a gratuitous basis" supplied "a batch of small arms and ammunition for the needs of the Central African Army in late January - early February, and also sent 5 military and 170 Russian civilian instructors to train CAR military personnel.

The first that "civilian instructors" may be members of Russian PMCs, reported the French radio station Europe1, AFP agency and Le Monde. According to them, the Russians chose the estate of the former leader of the country, Bokassa, 60 kilometers from the capital, Bangui, as their base. AFP correspondent who visited the place said that he could not take photos or videos.

Private army soldiers: who are they

The recruitment of mercenaries, judging by the information about the dead, went all over Russia. Many of those killed in Syria had previous combat experience in eastern Ukraine. This is confirmed by both relatives and friends of the deceased mercenaries. According to the Ukrainian SBU, there are 277 people who fought in both "hot spots".

The recruitment of private army personnel, apparently, was not limited only to Russia, but was carried out among the inhabitants of the part of eastern Ukraine, which is under the control of the separatists. According to the SBU in October 2017, 40 fighters with Ukrainian passports served in the Wagner PMC. Similar information without specifying exact figures was previously cited by several Russian media outlets.

How they accept and how much are paid to mercenaries

The mercenaries hired by the PMC sign a non-disclosure agreement. Most of the details were reported about the work of Wagner PMC by the St. Petersburg edition of Fontanka, which claims to have part of the company's internal documentation. Referring to the published copies of the documents, Fontanka claims, in particular, that all applicants fill out questionnaires with personal information, photographs, are tested on a polygraph and receive from 160 to 240 thousand rubles a month for their work.

Ruslan Leviev, founder of the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) activist group, which monitors the actions of the Russian military in Syria, clarifies that salaries depend on the skills, goals and location of the operation. During training in Russia, according to CIT, the salary ranges from 50 to 80 thousand, during foreign operations - 100-120 thousand, in case of hostilities - 150-200 thousand, in case of special campaigns or major battles - up to 300 thousand ...

Where do mercenaries train? in Russia

The "Wagner Group", according to numerous testimonies, trains at a military base near the Molkino farm in the Krasnodar Territory, directly adjacent to the 10th separate brigade of the GRU special forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (military unit 51532). There is no information about other training points.

Mercenary losses

Counting losses among the "soldiers of fortune" is complicated for a number of reasons: this is the illegal status of the PMC and its fighters, and the formal non-accountability of the company to government agencies, and a non-disclosure agreement. As a result, the relatives of the victims often learn about the incident only after a few weeks. The Russian Defense Ministry refuses to record losses among the mercenaries.

In October 2017, the SBU cited data on 67 dead who had experience of hostilities both in Donbass and in Syria. As of December 2017, Fontanka journalists estimated the total number of identified casualties since the beginning of the mercenaries' participation in hostilities in Syria at 73, and the CIT team at 101.

See also:

From "spring" to war

In early 2011, the Arab Spring reached Syria, but the first peaceful demonstrations were brutally suppressed by the police. Then, starting on March 15, mass protests broke out throughout the country demanding the resignation of Bashar al-Assad. It was hardly possible to imagine that those events would initiate a conflict that would drag on for eight long years and claim the lives of almost half a million Syrians.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

Parties to the conflict

After a wave of mass protests swept across the country, Assad began to use the army to suppress them. In turn, opponents of the regime were forced to take up arms. Detachments of national minorities (for example, Kurds) and Islamist terrorist groups, among which the so-called "Islamic State" stands alone, also entered the conflict.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

"Caliphate" of terrorists

In April 2013, fighters of the terrorist organization ISIS, formed from the Al-Qaeda unit, entered the civil war in Syria. In June 2014, the group announced it was renaming the Islamic State and proclaimed a "caliphate." According to some reports, in 2015, IS controlled about 70 percent of the territory of Syria, and the number of militants was 60,000 people.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

Cultural heritage as a target of terrorists

The destruction of the ancient oasis city of Palmyra has become a symbol of the barbaric treatment of cultural heritage by IS terrorists. In total, more than 300 archaeological sites have been destroyed since the start of the civil war in Syria. In February 2015, the UN Security Council equated the destruction of items of historical, cultural and religious value by IS militants with terrorist attacks.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

Migration crisis

According to the UN, over the past seven years, 5.3 million Syrians have fled the country. Most of them found refuge in neighboring Turkey (more than 3 million people), Lebanon (over 1 million) and Jordan (almost 700 thousand). But the possibilities of these countries to receive refugees were practically exhausted. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Syrians went to seek rescue in Europe, triggering a migration crisis in the EU.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

International coalition against IS

In September 2014, US President Barack Obama announced the creation of an international coalition against IS, which includes more than 60 states. Members of the coalition carried out air strikes on the positions of the militants, trained local ground forces, and provided humanitarian assistance to the population. In December 2018, US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of American soldiers from Syria, justifying this with a victory over IS.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

Islamic Anti-Terrorist Coalition

In December 2015, Saudi Arabia unveiled its anti-terrorist coalition of Islamic countries. It includes 34 states, some of which, like the Saudis themselves, are also members of the international coalition led by the United States.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

Russia's participation

Since the fall of 2015, the Russian Aerospace Forces have also been striking in Syria - according to Moscow's assurances, only on the positions of IS. According to NATO, 80% of Russian air strikes were aimed at opponents of Assad from the moderate opposition. In November 2017, Putin announced the imminent end of the military mission in Syria. The grouping will be reduced, but the Russian Federation will have 2 military bases and some other structures at its disposal.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

Security Zone Arrangement

Since January 2017, in the capital of Kazakhstan, on the initiative of Russia, Turkey and Iran, parallel to the Geneva inter-Syrian negotiations on a settlement in Syria have been held. For the first time, representatives of both Bashar al-Assad's regime and opposition forces met at the same table. In May, a memorandum was signed in Astana on the creation of four de-escalation zones in the northern, central and southern parts of Syria.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

A year of radical change in Syria

2017 brought radical changes to the situation in Syria. Back in December 2016, Assad's troops, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, liberated Aleppo, in the spring of 2017 - Homs. And in June, a US-Russian agreement was reached to establish the Euphrates River as the dividing line between the Forces of Democratic Syria and Assad's troops.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

The defeat of IS, but not yet the final victory

In 2018, Assad's troops occupied the strategically important city of Deir ez-Zor and several others. And the opposition "Forces of Democratic Syria" and the Kurdish People's Self-Defense Units with the support of the United States - Raqqa. On March 3, 2019, a decisive battle took place for the last settlement of Bakhgus in the hands of IS. Once the village is liberated, only a remote region west of the Euphrates will remain under IS control.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

Troika in Sochi

In 2017, at a meeting in Sochi, the leaders of the Russian Federation, Iran and Turkey, Vladimir Putin, Hassan Rouhani and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, came up with a number of initiatives, calling on Damascus and the opposition to participate in the Syrian Congress of National Dialogue, which should open the way to constitutional reform. In 2019, the leaders of the three states announced that control over Syria should return to the government in Damascus.

Syria: 8 years of war and unclear prospects for resolving the conflict

New use of chemical weapons in the Duma

According to humanitarian organizations, on April 7, 2018, chemical weapons were again used in the city of Duma, the last hotbed of resistance by Islamists and rebels in the region. According to the WHO, more than 70 people died in the attack, and 500 residents showed symptoms of poisoning. The Syrian authorities denied this information. But on March 1, 2019, OPCW experts came to the conclusion that chlorine was most likely used in the Duma.

Referring to the history of mankind, the hiring of a residential military force always had a place to be, and today only the forms have changed, but the basic essence has remained the same.

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For many years, private military companies have been used all over the world in order to implement the set numerous tasks, ranging from the protection of facilities and ending with active participation in various military operations, right up to the organization of a coup d'état.

It means that PMCs will find paths to the place where regular troops cannot, for reasons known for that,. This is their main difference.

While operating in the interests of the country, private military companies are able to solve the most difficult tasks around the planet, while remaining in the status of a mercenary force with multiple consequences.

How to correctly conclude a contract through the official website

Speaking of the opportunity to sign a contract via the Internet, there is simply no such opportunity.

This is largely due to the fact that:

  • many companies hide data about themselves;
  • in any case, you need to pass exams in order to identify compliance with the stated requirements for potential candidates.

When deciding to sign a contract with one of the PMCs, you need to remember that their main task is not only to obtain maximum income, but directly - to survive.

It is for this reason that it is extremely important to meet all the stated requirements, which are quite tough in terms of strength and tactical training.

At the same time, the activities of private military companies have both advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages are:

  • there is an opportunity to officially employ former servicemen who, after leaving the army, could not adapt among the civilian population;
  • a significant decrease in losses among conscripts and the regular army as a whole;
  • the ability to form a military base anywhere in the world;
  • additional investment of the state treasury;
  • there is an opportunity to solve any problem that requires high skills and abilities. In particular, the ability to solve the task outside the country without violating international rights;
  • implementation of strategically important facilities at a high level;
  • providing assistance in resolving numerous issues related to national interests;
  • the presence of a high efficiency indicator, in contrast to the regular army.

The main disadvantages are:

  • the presence of a kind of counterbalance to the regular troops;
  • lack of ability to exercise control over private military companies at the state level;
  • high level of cost of providing services of such companies;
  • the formation of armed groups on the country's territory that are not controlled by the state;
  • the contracts being signed do not have sufficient transparency;
  • private military companies are aware of numerous state secrets;
  • there is high civilian concern.

It must be remembered that, according to numerous experts, private military companies today are the main threat to the country's security, since their work is not enough

Where to get information about specialties

In 2020, private military companies operating in Russia are in need of such qualified specialists as:

  • operators of unmanned aerial vehicles IDSZO in particular;
  • professional security guards from the PSD group;
  • professional security guards, divers and other specialists for structural units of the rapid response group on the water;
  • various specialists for structural divisions in anti-sniper combat;
  • professional equipment operators to combat IEDs.

Without any doubt, the very activity of private companies and specialists in particular is under strict secrecy.

Only those people who have appropriate acquaintances, and those who already work with PMCs, have the opportunity to find a job in such companies. Talking about how to get into a Russian PMC, the vacancies speak for themselves.

No work experience

Initially, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the level of training and the corresponding profession of the future employee of a private military company lays its foundation even during military service in the army.

For candidates, the chances are significantly increased if they passed military service in special forces and other similar units from the rapid response group.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in reality, physical training alone is not enough for specialists of this level, which is why it is extremely important to have several, moreover, narrowly focused specialties.

Unfortunately, in the absence of military combat experience, citizens are not considered among potential candidates with whom they can sign a contract.

With experience

In the case of combat experience, potential candidates who are considered for the purpose of signing a contract out of turn include:

  • the officers have a better chance of being hit than the rest;
  • officers who already have experience of successfully conducted military operations, both on the territory of Russia and abroad;
  • former conscripts with a serious level of training;
  • the officers of the law enforcement agencies;
  • officers with available awards;
  • citizens with narrowly focused specialties in the military sphere;
  • combat veterans.

At the same time, you need to remember that the necessary skills directly depend on the specific situation.

It is customary to refer to the main ones:

  • high level of knowledge of the English language;
  • having sufficient experience with numerous weapons;
  • excellent possession of combat skills. The best option would be to have the title of master or candidate for master of sports in martial arts;
  • a license to carry a firearm;
  • combat experience - the more, the higher the chances of success;
  • excellent sports training;
  • experience of work in difficult climatic conditions;
  • having an excellent ability to work in a team.

In addition, do not forget about the presence of strict discipline and the absence of the fact of alcohol and drug abuse.

Requirements for candidates

The main requirements put forward by private military companies for potential candidates are:

  • age category from 25 to 45 years old;
  • growth should not be lower than 175 centimeters;
  • lack of any bad habits;
  • excellent level of physical fitness;
  • the absence of any health problems, which is confirmed by an appropriate medical certificate;
  • the ability to carry out activities in all corners of the planet and in difficult climatic conditions in particular.

Additional requirements of private companies include:

  • no criminal record and no police records, in particular for any reason;
  • confirmation of the absence of the fact of involvement on suspicion of terrorism;
  • respect for the civilian population;
  • the presence of a balanced psyche;
  • manifestation of attentiveness and a high level of stress resistance;
  • conscientious fulfillment of the assigned obligations;
  • willingness to work in high stress situations;
  • availability of medical documents / documents on the absence of mental illness, on the absence of prohibitions on physical / psychological stress, on the absence of other diseases.
  • ability to adapt, quick recovery, endurance.
  • the functions performed by PMC employees depend on the type of the company itself and the specific operations carried out. They can be conditionally divided (PMCs) into the following categories -
  • training, training and "supply" of specialists for solving combat missions;
  • consulting tasks. This includes the development of plans of operations and instructions, combat training, strategic planning, etc. The employees themselves do not take part in hostilities.

As you can see, there are extremely stringent requirements for potential candidates.

What payments do volunteers receive (salary)

In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the concept of a volunteer, as such, does not exist for the reasons indicated above. It is only about signing a full-fledged contract.

PMCs all over the world are a huge business: "private traders" often substitute for the armed forces. In Russia, they are outside the law. But in Syria, a prototype of Russian PMCs, the Wagner group, was tested, and the authorities are again thinking about legalizing

The military unit on the Molkino farm in the Krasnodar Territory is a secure facility. The 10th Separate Special Forces Brigade of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Ministry of Defense is stationed here, Gazeta.Ru wrote. A few tens of meters from the federal highway "Don" - the first checkpoint on the way to the base. Further, the road forks: to the left - the town belonging to the part, to the right - the landfill, the guard at the checkpoint explains to the RBC journalist. Behind the range is another checkpoint with guards armed with AK-74s. Behind this checkpoint is the camp of a private military company (PMC), says one of the officers of the military unit.

On archived satellite images google service Earth, it can be seen that there was no camp in August 2014. It began to function around the middle of 2015, say two interlocutors of RBC who worked in this camp and are familiar with its device. These are two dozen tents flying the flag of the USSR, surrounded by a small fence with barbed wire, one of them describes the base. On the territory there are several residential barracks, a sentry's tower, a dog handler, a training complex and a parking lot, an employee of a private military company who was there describes the base.

This structure has no official name, the name of its head and the proceeds were not disclosed, and the very existence of the company, possibly the largest on the market, is not advertised: formally, the activities of PMCs in our country are illegal. RBC magazine figured out what the so-called Wagner PMC is, from what sources and how it is financed, and why a business of private military companies may appear in Russia.

Mercenaries and "private traders"

According to Russian law, a military man can only work for the state. Mercenary activity is prohibited: for participation in armed conflicts on the territory of another country, the Criminal Code provides for up to seven years in prison (Article 359), for the recruitment, training, financing of a mercenary, “as well as his use in an armed conflict or hostilities” - up to 15 years ... There are no other laws regulating the sphere of PMCs in Russia.

The situation in the world is different: the principles of work of private military and security companies are fixed in the Montreux Document adopted in autumn 2008. It was signed by 17 countries, including the USA, Great Britain, China, France and Germany (Russia is not included in their number). The document allows people who are not in the civil service to provide services for armed protection of facilities, maintenance of military complexes, training of military personnel, and so on.

For private investors, financing PMCs is a way to prove their loyalty, explains the source in the Ministry of Defense, for example, for closer cooperation with the military department. RBC magazine found no evidence that Prigozhin's firms provided financial support to PMCs. At the same time, if in 2014 the volume of services provided by companies related to the businessman to the Ministry of Defense and its structures amounted to 575 million rubles, then in 2015 the volume of such contracts reached 68.6 billion rubles, it follows from the data of SPARK-Marketing.

These contracts make up the lion's share of all government contracts that 14 companies received (most of these firms are linked to Prigozhin by SPARK-Interfax; the rest of the structures are managed by those who worked with the restaurateur at different times, Fontanka wrote). In 2015, the total volume of tenders they won amounted to 72.2 billion rubles.

Hybrid financing

The cost of maintaining a PMC numbering several thousand people is quite difficult to calculate. The Wagner group does not pay for the rent of buildings and land, say two interlocutors of RBC who are familiar with the structure of the camp. The state and private subdivisions of the camp in the Krasnodar Territory are located, according to Rosreestr, on a single plot of about 250 sq. km. There is no information on who is the owner of the land, but several neighboring plots are registered with the territorial forestry department of the Ministry of Defense.

The military department is engaged in equipping the training ground. As follows from the documents on the public procurement portal, in the spring of 2015, the Ministry of Defense held a corresponding auction in the amount of 294 million rubles, the winner was JSC Garrison, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Defense. The base in Molkino was also re-equipped: 41.7 million rubles were spent on the landfill.

The maintenance of the base itself, like the rest of the military units, is also on the balance sheet of Sergei Shoigu's ministry. Tenders for services for garbage collection and transportation of linen, sanitary services, cleaning of territories, heat supply are carried out in packages for several tens or hundreds of military units at once, grouped by territorial principle. On average, in 2015-2016, the military department spent 14.7 million rubles on one military unit. excluding classified contracts, follows from the procurement documentation of six auctions, which mentions a base in the Krasnodar Territory.

In 2015-2016, the Ministry of Defense allocated an average of about 410 thousand rubles for the removal of waste from one part of the Southern Military District: Megaline became the winner of the tender. Until the end of 2015, the co-owners of the company were Concord Management and Consulting and Lakhta, which each owned 50%. Until mid-2011, Yevgeny Prigozhin was in the first company, and until September 2013 he already controlled 80% of Lakhta.

Sanitary maintenance of one military unit of the district in 2015-2016 cost an average of 1.9 million rubles, technical operation of heat supply facilities - 1.6 million rubles. The winners of the tenders for these services were Ecobalt and Teplosintez, respectively (the latter, according to Fontanka, is managed by Megaline employees). The most expensive item of expenses for the maintenance of the camp is cleaning. In 2015, the Ministry of Defense allocated an average of 10.8 million rubles for cleaning one part of the Southern District. The agreements for cleaning in Molkino were concluded with the Agat company (the company was registered in Lyubertsy, the connection with Prigozhin and his entourage could not be traced).

Unlike the maintenance of bases, contracts for the supply of food in the unit are not posted on the public procurement portal - this information falls under military secrecy, since it allows you to determine the number of fighters. In July, the Avito.ru website posted an announcement about the hiring of workers for a military canteen in Molkino. The employer indicated the company "Restaurantservice Plus". A similar vacancy was posted on one of the Krasnodar portals back in May. On the phone indicated in one of the announcements, someone named Alexei answered the RBC correspondent, who confirmed that Restaurantservice Plus was looking for workers in the canteen of the military unit. The telephone number of this company coincides with the numbers of two firms associated with Prigozhin - Megaline and Concord Management and Consulting.

It is not clear whether the Krasnodar PMC camp is supported by the same government orders as the GRU camp at the same base. The interlocutor of RBC, familiar with the device of the unit, claims that the camps are similar in number and size, so the average cost of service is applicable to the base of the Wagner group. Firms related to Prigozhin - Megaline and Teplosintez - could earn the most at auctions in which a military unit in Molkino is mentioned: these companies in 2015-2016 signed government contracts for 1.9 billion rubles, follows from procurement documentation.

When asked whether the restaurateur's companies were connected with the financing of the Wagner group, a high-ranking federal official just smiled and replied: "You must understand, Prigozhin feeds very tasty." The companies "Restaurantservice Plus", "Ecobalt", "Megaline", "Teplosintez", "Agat" and "Concord Management" did not respond to the request of RBC.

Issue price

If the contracts for servicing the base go through electronic platforms, then it is almost impossible to track the costs of the salaries of the PMC fighters: salaries are issued mainly in cash, according to the fighters from the Wagner group. Part of the money is transferred to instant issuance cards, on which the name of the owner is not indicated, but they themselves are issued to unauthorized individuals, one soldier specifies and an officer of the Ministry of Defense confirms. Untitled cards are issued by a number of Russian banks, including Sberbank and Raiffeisenbank, according to their official websites.

Talking about salaries, RBC's interlocutors give similar figures. According to a driver working at a base in the Krasnodar Territory, civilians receive about 60 thousand rubles. per month. An RBC source familiar with the details of the military operation indicates that a PMC fighter can count on 80 thousand rubles. monthly, while at the base in Russia, and up to 500 thousand rubles. plus bonus in the war zone in Syria. The salary of a PMC employee in Syria rarely exceeded 250-300 thousand rubles. a month, an officer of the Ministry of Defense clarifies in a conversation with RBC. With a minimum threshold of 80 thousand rubles. he agrees,
and the average salary for a private is estimated at 150 thousand rubles. plus combat and compensation.,\u003e With the maximum number of Wagner's group 2.5 thousand people, their salary from August 2015 to August 2016 could be from 2.4 billion (at 80 thousand rubles per month) to 7.5 billion rub. (with monthly payments of 250 thousand rubles).

The cost of equipment for each fighter can go up to $ 1,000, moving and living will cost the same amount per month, says Chikin of MSG. Thus, the cost of the presence of 2.5 thousand people in Syria, excluding salaries, can reach $ 2.5 million per month, or about 170 million rubles. (with an average annual dollar exchange rate of 67.89 rubles, according to the Central Bank).

The maximum spending on food during the Syrian campaign could be 800 rubles. per person per day, estimated Alexander Tsyganok, head of the Center for Military Forecasting at the Institute of Political and Military Analysis. It follows from this estimate that food for 2,500 soldiers could cost up to 2 million rubles.

The main losses from the Russian side in Syria are borne by the PMC, say the interlocutors of RBC, who are familiar with the details of the operation. Their data on the number of deaths vary. An employee of the Ministry of Defense insists that a total of 27 "privateers" were killed in the Middle East, one of the former officers of the PMC says at least a hundred deaths. "From there, every third is" two hundredth, "every second is" three hundredth, "says an employee of the base in Molkino (" cargo-200 "and" cargo-300 "are symbols for transporting the body of a dead and wounded soldier, respectively).

RBC contacted the family of one of the dead PMC fighters, but the relatives refused to communicate. Later in in social networks Several records appeared of his relatives and friends, in which the actions of RBC correspondents were called "provocation" and an attempt to tarnish the memory of the murdered. An officer from the Wagner group argues that non-disclosure of working conditions in PMCs is a condition for families to receive compensation.

The standard compensation for the relatives of the deceased soldier is up to 5 million rubles, says a source familiar with the structure of the PMC (the same amount is received by relatives of servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces who died during the hostilities). But getting them is not always easy, insists an acquaintance of the "private trader" who died in Syria: often families have to literally knock out funds. An officer of the Ministry of Defense clarifies that for a deceased relative of the family they receive 1 million rubles, for wounds fighters are paid up to 500 thousand rubles.

Taking into account salaries, supply of the base, accommodation and food, the annual maintenance of the Wagner group can cost from 5.1 billion to 10.3 billion rubles. One-time expenses for equipment - 170 million rubles, compensation to the families of the victims with a minimum estimate of losses - from 27 million rubles.

Foreign PMCs and security companies do not disclose the structure of expenses - it is impossible to “pull out” neither the amount of training costs, nor the salary of a soldier, nor the cost of maintaining a group from their reports. In the mid-2000s, in Iraq, employees of one of the most famous military companies Academi (formerly called Blackwater) received from $ 600 to 1,075 thousand a day, the Washington Post wrote. According to the newspaper's estimates, the general of the US Army at the same time received just under $ 500 a day. Veterans of the United States Marine Corps who trained soldiers in Iraq could earn up to $ 1,000, the Associated Press reported. CNN estimated the salaries of mercenaries a little more modest - at $ 750: this is how much the fighters were owed at the beginning of the war in Iraq.

Later, the monthly salary of "private traders" working in the Middle East could have grown to about £ 10 thousand (about $ 16 thousand at the average annual rate), the Guardian pointed out. “In 2009, there was a period of about three months, when we lost people every two to three days,” the newspaper quotes the words of a British army veteran who served under contract in Afghanistan at the time. The cumulative losses of PMCs working in the Middle East numbered dozens of killed and hundreds and thousands of wounded: for example, in 2011, 39 soldiers were killed, and 5206 people were injured.

Syrian Express

The fighters get to Syria on their own, there is no centralized dispatch, explains one of the mercenaries. But the cargo for the Wagner group is delivered by sea, on the ships of the "Syrian Express". This name first appeared in the media in 2012: this is the name for the ships supplying the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, including with military goods.

The composition of the "express" can be roughly divided into three parts: ships of the Navy, ships that previously performed civil flights and then became part of the military fleet, and chartered bulk carriers belonging to various companies around the world, says Mikhail Voitenko, creator of the Sea Bulletin website. It monitors the movement of ships using an automatic information system (AIS), which identifies ships and determines movement parameters, including course.

“The supply of military bases is carried out with the help of the auxiliary fleet. If there are not enough ships, the Ministry of Defense hires ordinary commercial ships, but they cannot carry military cargo, ”explains an interlocutor familiar with the organization of sea freight. Among the ships that have joined the ranks of the Navy since the spring of 2015, there is the Kazan-60 dry cargo ship, which, as Reuters reported, is part of the Express. Recently, it changed owners many times: for example, at the end of 2014, under the name "Georgy Agafonov", the ship was sold by the "Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company" to the Turkish company 2E Denizcilik SAN. VE TIC.A.S.

The Turks resold it to the British firm Cubbert Business L.P., then, as stated in a letter from 2E Denizcilik to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine (a copy is at the disposal of RBC), the ASP company, “located in Russia,” became the owner. Among the firms associated with Yevgeny Prigozhin is the winner of several auctions for cleaning the facilities of the Ministry of Defense and a participant in one of the tenders for maintenance of the base in Molkino. In October 2015, the ship entered the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) of the Russian Navy under the name Kazan-60. The command of the Black Sea Fleet did not answer RBC's question about how the fleet got the ship.

In total, at least 15 civilian ships were involved in the "Syrian Express": all of them in the fall of 2015 followed the route Novorossiysk - Tartus, Voitenko notes, citing AIS data. Most of the ships are registered to firms located in Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Greece and Ukraine. Several companies are located in Russia, it follows from the data of the services Marinetraffic.com and Fleetphoto.ru.

Voitenko estimates the freight of one civilian ship at $ 4 thousand per day, of which $ 2 thousand is its maintenance, and $ 1.5 thousand is the cost of fuel and fees. Based on this estimate, the lease of only civilian ships from the "express" for 305 days (September 30 - July 31) could amount to $ 18.3 million, or slightly more than 1.2 billion rubles.

Delicate interests

In early March 2016, with the support of Russian aviation, Assad's army began an operation to liberate Palmyra: the city was recaptured after 20 days of fighting. “All the scattered ISIS bandit groups that escaped from the encirclement were destroyed by Russian aircraft, which did not allow them to leave in the direction of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor,” said Lieutenant General Sergei Rudskoy, chief of the General Staff's Main Operations Directorate.

PMC fighters played an important role in the liberation of areas of the historical part of Palmyra, says a former officer of the group. “First the Wagner guys work, then the Russian ground units come in, then the Arabs and cameras,” he says. According to him, Wagner's detachment is used mainly for offensive in difficult areas. This helps to reduce losses among the regular forces in Syria, says a source in one of the PMCs.

On March 6, 2016, with the support of Russian aviation, Bashar al-Assad's army launched an operation to liberate Palmyra, which had been in the hands of Islamic State militants since May 2015. The city was recaptured almost 20 days later. (Photo: Reuters / Pixstream)

The Wagner group is not entirely correct to call a private military company, another representative of this market is sure. “The detachment does not set itself the task of making money, this is not a business,” he clarifies. In the case of the Wagner group, the interests of the state, which needed strength to solve delicate tasks in Syria, coincided with the desire of a group of former military personnel to earn money by performing tasks in the interests of the country, explains an interlocutor of RBC close to the leadership of the FSB.

"The benefit from PMCs is the ability to use them abroad when the use of regular armed forces is not very appropriate," said Alexander Khramchikhin, deputy director of the Institute for Political and Military Analysis. He actually repeats the statement of Vladimir Putin. “This (PMC. - RBK) is indeed a tool for the realization of national interests without the direct participation of the state, "said Putin in the spring of 2012, who was then head of government.

In the same vein, in the fall of 2012, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, in charge of the military-industrial complex, expressed his opinion: “We are thinking about whether our money will flow to finance other people's private security military companies or we will consider the feasibility of creating such companies within Russia itself and take a step into this direction ”.

PMCs are also an opportunity for big business to use armed guards, which will ensure the security of facilities abroad, such as oil pipelines or factories, says Grinyev from the Center for Strategic Assessments and Forecasts. For the protection of its facilities, including in Iraq, LUKOIL, for example, created the agency LUKOM-A in 2004, and the safety of Rosneft facilities is provided by a subsidiary of the RN-Okhrana company.

“For the state, the use of private military companies can be financially beneficial solely for solving specific problems, but it cannot replace the army,” said Vladimir Neelov, an expert at the Center for Strategic Conjuncture. Among the risks of legalizing PMCs, he names a possible outflow of personnel from among the active military - not only for financial reasons, but also for the sake of career growth.

As for the Wagner PMC, because of the information in the media about its connection with the base in Molkino, the Defense Ministry is discussing the option of transferring "private traders", says the FSB officer. According to him, Tajikistan, Nagorno-Karabakh and Abkhazia are among the possible options. This is confirmed by the interlocutor in the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, he is sure: they will not disband PMCs - the unit has proven its effectiveness.

Featuring Elizaveta Surnacheva