Diet Duucan on oat bran. Oat bran: Duucana diet bran oat diet dukana

According to Dr. Duchan's theory, the use of pure protein without carbohydrates and fat contributes to rapid saturation, and, consequently, a decrease in caloric content of the diet and a natural reduction in weight. Therefore, the Duucan diet begins from the period of consumption of the maximum ski proteins: birds, veal, lean beef, horseback, fish, shrimp, offal, low-fat dairy products. This period is called "Attack" And at this time the maximum number of kilograms is reset. It lasts from 2 days before the week: the more extra kilograms you need to lose, the longer.

In addition to proteins, at this stage, only one product of carbohydrate origin permits Duucan diet - bran, namely oat bran in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons per day. At this stage, they must.

In fact, the addition of bran into a purely protein diet is extremely logical if approaching the question from the point of view of the physiology of digestion.

This is not customary to say, but the main problem of people who observe low-carb diets - constipation. In order for the body in a timely manner, exempted from undigested food residues, the intestines need a certain amount. Pure protein leaves behind an extremely small amount of waste, which, at the same time, are toxic nitrogenous compounds, and it means that they need to be output as quickly as possible. Bran in combination with water (and Duucana diet obliges to drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily) create the volume necessary for the proper work of the intestine. Diet Duucan on oat bran is also useful for the heart and vessels, but a little later. Carbohydrates are contained in oat bran in the form of soluble food fibers - carbohydrate chains, which are not cleaving with enzymes of our body, and, it means not digestively and dilute the pure protein, which is necessary at this stage.

At the second stage of weight loss - "Alternation" Diucana diet offers alternating purely protein days with protein-vegetable days. Any vegetables are resolved other than bean, artichoke and potatoes containing a lot of weight-friendly carbohydrates.

Vegetables are preferable in the form of salads filled with vinegar, mustard or degreased yogurt. In no case are oil refills. Those who cannot eat a lot of raw vegetables (in people suffering from gastritis, they often provoke uncontrollable hunger, irritating the mucous membrane of the stomach), vegetables better bake, cook or fry on the grill without oil.

Oat bran are added in the amount of 2 tablespoons per day.

This stage can last up to 4 - 6 months, depending on how many kilograms need to throw off.

At the third stage, Duucan diet implies the consolidation of the results obtained, it is also called: "Fastening". At this stage, one serving of fruits, any, except bananas, cherries and grapes is added to the already familiar combination of meat and vegetables. It appears in the diet and cutting bread, no more slice per day, cheese, legumes and cereals - no more than two times a week. But one day a week remains strictly protein. On the fixing of each lost kilogram is given to 10 days.

Oat bran is still needed: 2 tablespoons per day.

Final stage - "Stabilization", Allows everything, but in moderation, adhering to. Mandatory 1 purely protein day per week and 3 tablespoons of oat bran daily.

Millions of men and women around the world are ready to go to any victims in order to get rid of extra kilograms.

Often, thin diets are solved on the most stringent diets, refuse calorie foods, exclude meat products from the ration and feed on vegetables.

Attempts to lose weight in a similar way do not bring results and end with breakdowns, after which lost kilograms come back, as they say, with friends.

This pattern noted the French nutritionist Pierre Duan. He invented a special system of nutrition, which worked over 30 years. Mandatory element Duucana diet -. Its principles, he outlined in his book "I can lose weight", which was published in 2000, and contained an answer to the question which products need to be on the diet Dukan and what is so useful to lose weight loss.

Since then, a diet Duucana on Bran has many followers who managed to get rid of excess weight and save results.


How are oat bran on Dukan diet? Every day for breakfast, they can be dry or dissolved in a degreased kefir or source. At the beginning of the 21st century, many were surprised why Duucan diet includes bran-diet, which used to be used for food cattle. Duan explained, what is the benefit of bran for weight loss.

The fact is that this product contains many useful for losing weight vitamins and minerals: antioxidants, omega-3, vitamin C. They reduce the level of cholesterol and blood sugar, contribute to the purification of the intestine and are prevention of malignant formation of the colon.

The product is especially useful due to the property of creating a feeling of satiety. When contacting with saliva and getting into the stomach, mass increases several times in size. Thus, only 2 tablespoons of the product turn a ball of almost 400 grams. In the intestine, oat bran continues to help wishing to lose weight. They prevent the assimilation of fast carbohydrates and do not allow to gain extra kilograms.


What branches are needed for Duucan diet? The technique involves eating exclusively oat bran. The main advantage of its ability is the lack of necessity and the refusal of all familiar products.

In addition to the daily use of oat bran on an empty stomach, it is necessary to eat according to a special scheme that contains 4 stages:

How to choose bran

A nutritionist offers its patients exclusively oat products. It is it that consists of insoluble fibers rich in particularly valuable for the body of beta glucan molecules. Only oat bran have such properties, so they should be selected for the diet.

What oat bran are suitable for Duucan diet? Do not purchase a product that is sold in the market in buckets and bags. It is intended for feeding animals. Sweese gains are acquired by special purified bran. They are sold in pharmacies and diet food stores.

When buying should pay attention to the grinding. Incorrectly crushed product loses part of its beneficial properties. The optimal version for dukan diet is oat bran of medium grinding.

Allowed and prohibited products

The method of the French nutritionist does not imply any unloading and hunger strike. There are so many as you want. But the diet must be compiled correctly.

The menu should include mostly protein products with low fat content. Bird freed from skins. Milk, kefir and cottage cheese for Duucan diet acquire exclusively degreasing. Fruits are allowed only after the second stage. This is one of the difficulties of the french nutrition nutrition system. For a long time you will have to completely abandon sweet.

In the first phase, only proteins are allowed, then injected in the menu cereals and vegetables. Potatoes, beets, carrots are excluded. They can be enabled in the menu only at the end of the second stage. Fully contraindicated before the start of the "fixing" of flour foods, fruits, sweets, fatty meat, smoked, salting.

Do not take oat bran at diet dukan exclusively as a food additive. They can also be used as the ingredient for the preparation of other dishes. Thanks to the bran, the followers of Duucan diet are not devoid of such delicacies, like, and. Just flour in these products are replaced with chopped oat bran, sugar - on stevia or other substitutes that do not contain calories. For the preparation of dishes use only low fat products. From this they do not become less tasty.

Interesting! Read about the well-known and what result can be achieved in 14 days.


Despite the efficiency and simplicity of Duucan diet on Bran has a number of contraindications. Due to the high content of proteins in the diet, such a system is not recommended to persons suffering from liver and kidney disease. The abundance of proteins creates an additional burden on these organs.

Like any other diets, this technique is prohibited by pregnant and nursing women. Beautiful sexes in the period of having a child and lactation should not cut down their diet. At this time, they need not only proteins, but also fats and carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate fasting adversely affects the state of the nervous system. Therefore, persons inclined to depressions, Duucan diet on Bran is contraindicated. It is recommended to people with a stable psyche.

Efficiency and reviews

Thousands of people managed to bring their figure in order thanks to Dukan diet on Bran. There are whole communities of followers of such a system. They even gave the name dishes prepared according to the recommendations of the French nutritionist.

Hilders are divided by recipes du-pancakes, du-pies and du-kittlet. Here are some reviews:

Alexandra, 35 years old: "The book" I can lose weight "recommended me a familiar. It sets out all the rules of weight loss on Duucan diet on Bran. I read it in one breath and decided that I would certainly be able to throw off too much thanks to her. After all, it was my old dream. Withstand all the stages, although it was sometimes difficult. I lost 15 kilograms and immensely happy! "

Oleg, 42 years old: "I can't imagine my life without meat. Therefore, Duucan diet on Bran was very acceptable for me. A little embarrassed bran, but they turned out to be quite pleasant to taste. Now I am in the 3th stage. Throw off 7 kilo. I feel excellent. "

Anna, 26: "I really liked Dyucana diet on Bran. It is so exciting - to prepare different dietary dishes. Oat bran accept both in the usual form and use how flour for baking. Bow itself even with cakes. I not only became easier by 10 kilograms. It seems to me that I even have a face color improved. I think it is the merit of oat bran. They remove slags and toxins from the body. "

Maximum results on Duucan diet on bran can be improvable recommendations:

  • Do not forget to consume oat bran on the required quantity.
  • Drink a day at least one and a half liters of pure water. A sufficient amount of fluid is especially important when a large amount of protein enters the diet.
  • In the routine of the day, turn on the light exercise. It can be a half-day walk or charging. There is no need for a gym.
  • Make a diet in each phase in accordance with the recommendations.
  • Fully exclude in the first three phases of sweets, pastries, carbonated drinks, smoked dishes and alcohol.
  • Watch your condition.
  • With a worsening of well-being, it is better to abandon Dukan's diet and choose another system of nutrition.

The story of the readers "How I dropped 18 kg in 2.5 months"
All my life was Tolstoy, suffered because of excess weight. In clothing stores, chose the size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell for a long time, as I tried to fight my 30-35 extra kilograms: both diet, hunger strike, and physical exertion, even pills and some conspiracies. The effect was short-term or absent at all. In short, despair, depression and practically humility with their huge weight. But once I came across ... Chocolate, which helps to lose weight! Trying it to me nothing worthwhile - I love chocolates. Ordered, ate. And the weight crawl down !! It looks like mystic, but it is. I began to study the question, and I understood how it all works. Girls, try! I already threw the 18 kg in 2.5 months. And continue. Your business, but you do not lose anything other than the weight, of course. Try chocolate Choco Burn for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Diet Pierre Dukana can not be observed without oatmealbran. This is a mandatory product on each ofstages of diet.

Oat bran is a rather calorie product, so their number for each phase of DUKAN diet is strictly limited. In addition, they contain a significant amount of carbohydrates that are capable of slowing down slimming on a protein diet. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations on the consumption of oat bran at each of the diet steps.

The table of the daily norm of oat bran at the Duchana diet stages.

How to take oat bran.

On the diet dukana oat bran recommend using an empty stomach on an empty stomach with plenty of water. It is necessary in order to burst bran. After that, it is impossible to eat 20-30 minutes. In dependence on the phase of the diet, use 1-3 tablespoons of bran on the day. You can take oat bran several times a day, but observing the same rules, 20-30 minutes before meals and necessarily with a sufficient amount of water.

If you are unpleasant to use dry bran, you can thread a small amount of water for 20-30 minutes, and then eat watering with water.

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Proven information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and cosmetologists seeks to be objective, unpredictable, honest and submit both sides of the argument.

Many women to lose weight are ready to go for many sacrifices - to abandon meals or eating those products that are not intended completely for this. Naturally, it gives its results, but, as a rule, they are not preserved for a long time. After the end of the diet and the achievement of the desired effect, they are pounced on food with "hungeries", with this food are high-calorie products, which contribute to the rapid return of weight.

This cannot but affect health - the rapid weight loss and the rapid set of weights are very much reflected on the digestive system and at work of the heart.

Today you can find a lot of diets, which are based on a moderate weight loss and maintaining it for many years. An example of Togo is Duucana diet oat bran, which appeared in 2000.

Its essence is not in starvation, but on the contrary, it is necessary to eat and eat a lot, but only correctly selected products. It is based on the use of protein food, it allows not only to reset the extra kilograms, but also to increase muscle mass, as a result of which the fat layer decreases, and muscles appear in its place.

In such a system, athletes are mostly eating, but it does not mean that it is impossible to use it from sports. On the contrary, with her, you can easily remove fat from the abdomen and sides, make the buttocks with elastic and that is, that you will be required by the minimum of time on exercise.

A bit of history

This weight loss method has appeared long before everyone learned about her. Pierre Dukan was not a nutrient physician at all, his real profession is a neurologist. He began his career of a nutritionist at all unexpectedly for him, when he decided to help his friend, who for many years tried to throw the weight, but unsuccessfully.

Pierre reread many literature, because he needed to answer many issues relating to nutrition, and rather the weight loss process. As a result, he created his technique, which was based on protein and water eating. But the most awesome for many was the fact that his diet includes the use of oat bran, which were initially intended for feeding livestock. Below, we will later end in more detail on how oat bran in Dukan diet were generally and how to use them properly.

But there was another task in front of him - to help your close friend to keep the results achieved. As a result, he developed a nutrition program, which consisted of 4 phases, about which we will talk below.

So, in briefly about the 4 phases of Dukan diet:

  • 1 Phase: Wears the name "". The duration of the phase depends on the excess weight, which must be thrown and lasts from 2 to 10 days. During this period, it is necessary to focus on protein products, and the carbohydrates must be excluded and minimize the fats;
  • 2 Phase: Wears the name "". Lasts until the desired result is achieved. Includes the use of pure protein and vegetables in a ratio of 60:40 (60% protein, 40% of vegetables);
  • 3 Phase: Wears the name "". The duration of the stage depends on the kilogram dropped. For each 1 dropped kilogram 10 days of stage. That is, if you looked at 4 kilograms, 3 phases should last 40 days. It is allowed to gradually introduce those foods that were used before the diet, but in limited quantities;
  • 4 Phase: Wears the name "". This period lasts throughout life and includes compliance with some power rules. 6 days a week you should eat familiar to you, and 1 day exclusively protein food, with oat bran every day.

So with the help of such a diet you can reset up to 20 - 25 kg. And now let's go to the most important thing: how do you eat bran on a diet and how do they contribute to weight loss? Let's figure it out.

How did oat bran have a list of useful products for a person?

We are all accustomed to the fact that oat bran are feed for livestock, but not for a person. However, American scientists in the 80s of the last century proved that oat brans are a useful product, especially for those who want to reset a couple of superfluous kilograms.

In addition, scientists also proved that this product favorably affects the work of the intestinal tract, is capable of lowering the glycemic index, which is very useful for people with diabetes. But the most important thing, oat bran securely protect the thick and rectum from the formation of cancer.

Learn more about the impact on the organism of oat bran, you can learn from the following video:

The dietary properties of oat bran struck all physicians and scientists. They are able to help a person to lose weight and at the same time correct health. And everything is in their composition, and rather in the fibers that are rich in beta-glucan molecules. Finding into the body, they act on two levels of the digestive tract.

First, oat bran have such ability, how to absorb liquid on average more than 25 times its own volume. Thus, if you get into your mouth, they absorb saliva and only then fall into the stomach in a completely different volume. Suppose if you eat 15 g bran, then 375 g of finished bran will fall into the stomach, which are quickly saturated and quenched hunger.

Secondly, when they are in the "paths" of the esophagus together with rockets of food, they are subjected to chemical effects on the side of the gastric acid, which leads to the transformation of bran into acid, amino acids and glucose, thereby running the weight loss process.

This is how oat brans act on the human body. It remains only to answer another question: how to cook oat bran for Duucan diet?

Probably, you, like any losing weight, are interested in the question: and where to buy oat bran? Of course, use ordinary bran, which are sold in all markets buckets, is unreasonable. It is necessary to find special diet oat bran. Make it will be extremely difficult, especially in small towns. However, there is nothing impossible in the world.

Oatmeal bran can be purchased in pharmacies, but there they are very rare. You can try to find them in any dietary dietary department or purchase in the online store. The price of dietary oat bran is not so high, so you can immediately order a pair of packs.

So, now we turn directly to the preparation of oat bran. They can be added to dishes, as well as the furnace of them various baking. For example:

  • duucan bread;
  • cupcakes;
  • cookies;
  • pizza.

With this, you can absolutely not worry about the fact that baking hurts your figure and give you a couple of extra kilograms. Also from oat bran can be prepared vanilla porridge or make dietary pancakes.

They can still be used as a breading for cooking meat or fish. If you add oat bran into mince, you can also prepare diet cutlets, meatball or meat roll.

Opening options for oat bran mass. They can also be simply used in a dry form by drinking water, but not more than 15 g (1 tablespoon).

Duucan bread from oat bran

To prepare this diet bakery, you will need:

  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • degreased liquid cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat bran - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • bolder - ½ Package.

Prepare bread in the microwave oven is about 4 minutes at a power of 750 W. But first needed the dough, and for this it is necessary to grind oat and wheat bran into flour, add the other ingredients to them and knead the dough. Then lay the ready-made dough in a square shape (you can use the dishes for the microwave) and send to be baked.

After the bread prepares, he needs to give time to completely cool and only then remove it from the shape and cut into small pieces.

It is necessary to mix in a bowl of 3 tbsp. l. oat milk, 150 ml of low fat milk, sugar substitute and 2 h. Vanilla. All mix well and put it up in a microwave oven, literally for a minute. Then let cut bran, and when they will swell, porridge can also be heated, after which it is ready to use.

Oat bran pizza

You will need:

  • oat bran - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • wheat bran - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • degreased kefir - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tuna in its own juice - 1 bank;
  • red onions - 1 pc.;
  • degreased melted cheese - a couple of slices;
  • ketchup - 1 tbsp. l.

First you need to cook the root. To do this, it is necessary to grind in the flour of oat and wheat bran. Then take a mixer and begin to beat the egg with a small amount of salt, gradually supper the flour, and after it is necessary to add kefir, only you need to constantly beat the mixture. After that, give the bran to swell, and then place this mass in the shape, shining with parchment paper. Bake in a preheated oven until readiness.

After that, lubricate the finished korgin by ketchup, cut into thin rings onions, sprinkle the base for pizza. Tuna must be pushed with hands into small pieces and put it on top of the bow. Cheeses can be grate or cut into thin slices or cubes and sprinkle with them pizza. Then we send everything in the oven and drink until the cheese is completely melted.

Such goody can be prepared from oat bran. If you wish, you can find many recipes on the Internet and prepare yourself every day a variety of delicious dishes. And then the process of weight loss will be easy for you and will not provide you with any health problems.