Canned cherries compote recipes. Cherry compote is a gorgeous preparation! Recipes for different cherry compotes with and without seeds, for winter and summer. Cherry compote with mint for the winter

Cherry fruits are a whole storehouse for vitamins and microelements that remain in the berry even after canning.

In conservation, this has found wide application in the form of jam, preserves, and, of course, compote. The latter product does not require much effort, since even peeling the cherries from the seeds can be avoided. As a result, the compote has a sweet and sour taste. How to close sweet cherry compote for the winter, read further in our article.

Preliminary stages

In order for the preservation to have a pleasant taste and be able to stand for a long time on the shelves of the cellar or pantry, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the stages of preparation. So, the preparation of the berries and jars themselves should be carried out first.

Preparation of cherries

For preservation, it is best to use freshly plucked sweet cherries. You can use completely different combinations of berries: only black, red or white, or mix these varieties with each other in one jar.

First of all, you need to do a selection of the freshest and most whole berries.

Throw away ingredients containing rot, dents or other defects in the trash can. Otherwise, low-quality elements can ruin the entire drink.

If you want to prepare cherry compote with seeds for the winter, you can effortlessly eliminate the worms while preserving the seeds. Take a bowl of water, add a couple of tablespoons of salt to it and place the berries there for 100-120 minutes.

After that, sort through the elements that have floated up and wash the ones that have sat down below. Next, you should wash the cherries and place them in a colander for 2-3 hours. After that, tear off the green component from the dried berries.

Preparing cans

Wash containers with baking soda or mustard powder.

It is best to use natural products, otherwise synthetic dishwashing detergents will settle on the glass walls, and this will significantly reduce the quality of the future compote.

  • Can sterilization methods:
    Using the oven: jars with a volume of 1 liter are set for ten minutes, two-liter - for twenty, and three-liter are in the oven for half an hour.
  • Steam sterilization- one-liter for ten minutes, two-liter - twenty, and three-liter - thirty.
  • Microwave great for sterilizing small jars. To do this, fill them with water (otherwise they will burst) and place them in the microwave for three to four minutes at the highest power setting.

Sterilization of caps

Metal lids should be boiled for several minutes in a saucepan, and then dried.
The screw caps are treated with soda, poured with boiling water, and then dried.
You can also simply wipe the lid with honey. alcohol, which has a detrimental effect on bacteria.

A simple recipe for cherry compote for the winter

To create a classic compote, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of cherries.
  • 2.5 liters of boiling water;
  • One and a half glasses of sugar.

Here is the procedure:

  • Place the prepared sweet cherries in a container.
  • Stir and simmer the ingredients for a few minutes.
  • Pour the liquid into the jars almost all the way to the top.
  • Now you need to pasteurize the contents for fifteen minutes.

Take care of seaming cans:

Turn the rolled jars upside down. This will help to further disinfect the lid and test the strength of the jar.

It is not recommended to turn over jars with screw caps: it is enough to wrap them up in a warm blanket.

If liquid leaks out of the container, it must be opened, re-prepared and rolled up.

Ready-made jars should be placed in a warm place, for example, wrapped in a blanket. The next day, the conservation can be placed on the shelves of the cellar.

Preservation of compote with citric acid

This recipe practically does not differ from the previous one. The main difference is the presence of citric acid added per gram of citric acid per liter of water.

Let's list the required ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of cherries.
  • 2.5 liters of boiling water.
  • One and a half glasses of sugar.
  • A sachet of citric acid.

How to roll up cherry compote with lemon - algorithm:

  • Put the prepared berries in a jar. Do not be stingy: the more cherries, the tastier.
  • Stir the other ingredients listed and simmer for two minutes. Pour the mixture into a jar and cover with lids.
  • Sterilize containers within ten minutes. Turn the cans over, wrap them in a blanket, and cool.

Algorithm for creating compote without disinfection:

  • Pour boiling water over a jar of cherries and leave it there for twenty minutes.
  • Pour the water into a clean saucepan and add the rest of the ingredients to it.
  • The fruits should be poured with boiling water up to the jar's throat. Close and turn it over.

In case you add lemon on top of the main ingredient, you will need to shake the jar slightly after seaming. A couple of mint leaves can add a touch of freshness to the drink.

Sweet cherry compote with seeds for the winter with lemon

In case you do not like too sweet compotes, you can add lemon to a cherry drink. This will contribute to a change in the taste of the compote and the addition of sour notes to it.

In addition to the interesting taste, the preservation will have a dizzying aroma when steamed with a whole bunch of vitamins.

We list the list of ingredients required for preservation:

  • Fresh prepared fruits - 700-750 grams;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • One glass of sugar;
  • Boiling water.

Course of action:

  • Tamp the washed and peeled fruits tightly in a container.
  • Prepare the lemon. To do this, clean it, pour boiling water over it, divide it into several circles and place them evenly on the surface of the berries.
  • Pour a glass of sugar into a container with boiling water until it is completely dissolved. Pour boiling water over the container and cover with a lid.
  • The jar must be sterilized within fifteen minutes.
  • The container must be covered and rolled up. Turn the prepared jars and wrap them up.
  • An orange circle can add even more richness and aroma to the workpiece. To do this, you need to clean the citrus with soda, cut and pour over with boiling water.

Cherry compote with apples: recipe

This compote has an amazing taste, aroma and a whole bunch of vitamins.

Let's list the list of ingredients:

  • Peeled cherries and apples in a 1: 3 ratio.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 glass.
  • Citric acid - 3 grams.

Cooking algorithm:

  • Select and rinse the berries suitable for conservation.
  • Go through, wash and peel the apples. Remove the inner component.
  • Place apple and sweet cherry slices in jars. Distribute them as evenly as possible.
  • Boil the syrup. Then pour it into a container.
  • Sterilize the jars for 30-40 minutes. Cover and wrap the finished compote. Place it in a warm place and then on the shelves of your cellar or pantry.

Cherry compote without granulated sugar

A delicious compote can be made without adding granulated sugar. The final product will have a natural, slightly sour taste.

For lovers of the natural taste of drinks, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Cherries - 700-750 grams.
  • Allspice - one pea.
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick.
  • A little clove and nutmeg.
  • A little vanilla.

Course of action:

  • Place the prepared berries in containers.
  • Pour the indicated spices on top of the fruit.
  • Pour boiling water on top of the workpiece.
  • Within fifteen minutes, you need to sterilize the jars. If the liquid evaporates before rolling, pour in a little boiling water.
  • Roll the cans up, turn them upside down and place them in a cool place.

Of course, you do not need to add the spices indicated in the list of ingredients: it all depends on your preferences. You can also put a spoonful of honey in the liquid: the product will acquire a pleasant fragrant taste, and, of course, a lot of vitamins.

Cherry compote with strawberries

This recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of cherries.
  • 2.5 liters of boiling water.
  • One and a half glasses of sugar.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Strawberries - 100 grams.
  • A sprig of mint or lemon balm.

Step-by-step method of making compote:

  • Prepare berries... Go over them, wash and clean. The petioles must be peeled from the stalks, and the strawberries must be removed from the sepals.
  • Prepare the jar... Place sweet cherries in it, and on top - strawberries. Place a sprig of mint on top of the strawberry.
  • Fill the jar with water brought to a boil and leave for fifteen minutes.
    Pour the mixture into a saucepan and place the rest of the ingredients in it. The mixture should be boiled for two to three minutes.
  • The mixture must be poured into containers, rolled up and turned over... Next, the prepared jars must be turned upside down and placed in a blanket. After that, the jar of compote can take its place on the basement shelves.

Cherry compote in its own juice: recipe

This type of compote has the richest taste. Of course, it can be consumed in its pure form, however, concentrated fruits can be placed on top of the cake for decoration or used in the manufacture of various baked goods, jellies and other desserts.

In order to prepare this compote, you need to prepare very few ingredients: just cherries and boiling water.

How to prepare this preservation:

  • Go through the fruits, wash them and peel them of stalks and seeds. Next, you need to tightly tamp the berries into jars. You can sprinkle the layers between the berries with granulated sugar.
  • Pour the fruits up to the very neck with boiled water.
  • Sterilize the jars for about twelve to fifteen minutes.
  • Close containers with lids.
  • Wrap the prepared container in a blanket, and the next day place it on the shelves of the pantry or cellar.

The subtleties of making compote

There are many ways to create compotes. They differ from each other not only in composition, methods of mixing and preparing ingredients, but also in other points, for example, sterilization methods.

To summarize the differences, they can be divided into two large groups: with or without sterilization. Fans of the first method prefer it, because they believe that the next disinfection of ingredients will not be superfluous.

However, adherents without a sterilization method believe that conservation will last a long time without this stage. Of course, both the first and second masters are partly right. Let us examine in more detail the subtleties of both these methods.

With sterilization

The application of this method consists in the fact that a towel is lined at the bottom of a large saucepan, several jars are placed on top. After that, pour water into the pan at the same temperature as the compote (otherwise the jars may crack).

This is followed by pasteurization. After this time has elapsed, the banks are taken out and further steps are taken.

Sterilization can also be carried out in the oven. The jars are placed on a baking sheet and the oven is heated to 150 °. After twenty minutes, the workpieces can be removed.

Without sterilization

This method involves the inclusion of the following points:

  • Pour the required amount of boiling water into a container with fruits for 20 minutes.
  • Pour the liquid into a saucepan.
  • After adding the spices, boil the compote for two minutes.
  • Pour the compote into containers up to the very neck.
  • Then close the workpiece.

In this article, we figured out how to roll up cherry compote for the winter. The finished product can be stored in the cellar for a year.

Compote with cherries, in which the seeds are stored, cannot be stored for a long time: otherwise, poison will begin to be released from them, which releases toxic substances that can cause serious poisoning.

In Russia, a sweet drink made from fruits and berries, that is, compote, fell in love in the 18th century. The word itself came to us from France, literally it translates as "fruit puree". Our great-grandmothers often added cereals to the dessert for satiety. Almost immediately, sweet cherry compote began to enjoy success in Russia. For the winter, it can be prepared in various ways: with seeds, without seeds, in a slow cooker, with and without sugar.

Useful properties of cherries

The cherry berry is very sweet and juicy. In addition to its taste, it is appreciated for its unique beneficial properties. Even after heat treatment, the concentration of vitamins C, A, PP, E, B1 and B2 remains in it. Also in the berry there are many macronutrients:

  • calcium;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • gland;
  • fluorine;
  • magnesium;
  • copper.

At the same time, there are no more than 50 kcal calories per 100 g. You can cook a delicious cherry compote for the winter without adding sugar and enjoy the dessert without fear for your figure.

Red berry supports the body's immunity, lowers blood cholesterol levels and strengthens blood vessels. Scientists note that sweet cherries are beneficial for anemia and hypertension. It is a natural pain reliever, well absorbed, and quickly satisfies hunger. In addition, unlike cherries, the berry does not cause heartburn. Thus, cherry compote for the winter is not only tasty, but also a very healthy drink.

Preparation of products for procurement

There are several ways to make a berry drink. Someone boils the ingredients and then insists, others prefer to pour boiling water over them several times. Each housewife chooses how to cook sweet cherry compote for the winter, but there are rules that must be followed in both cases:

  1. Before cooking, the berries must be sorted out, the rotten ones must be discarded.
  2. Rinse the selected cherries with running water.
  3. For the drink, it is best to choose berries that are already ripe, but not yet soft.
  4. The most delicious compote is made from large dark scarlet and yellow cherries.
  5. Themselves berries in the jar are advised to put as much as possible.

It is worth noting that the seeds in the berries contain hydrocyanic acid (poison), which, over time, passes into the berries themselves. Therefore, some experts recommend removing the seeds from the cherries before cooking. On the other hand, if you drink a drink within a year, then there will be no harm from it. Moreover, cherries have varieties that are easily pitted, and those in which the pulp is difficult to separate. Therefore, the recipe is chosen depending on the variety.

The cherry itself is combined with almost all fruits and berries, you can cook a delicious assortment with it.

We sterilize the jars

Young housewives often wonder how to close sweet cherry compote for the winter. It is believed that it is safer to roll up sterilized jars.

For this you need:

  1. Rinse containers for compote with soda in running water (rinse well).
  2. Boil the jars over steam (over a large saucepan) or heat in the oven (if overheated, the jar may burst when pouring the compote).

In this case, the lids are poured over with boiling water or "boiled" in water. The covers themselves should be free of scratches, with a tight elastic band.

Some housewives sterilize cherry compote for the winter along with jars. To do this, they warm up the water in a large saucepan, line the bottom with a rag, and put cans of hot drink in such a dish. In this design, the compote is simmered over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Winter cherry compote with seeds

Sweet cherry is not a large berry, so most often housewives boil it without removing the seeds. At the same time, the fruits are quite sweet, so they will not take too much sugar.

The classic recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • 5 cups fresh cherries
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar.

For the winter, cherry compote with seeds is very simple to cook:

  1. First, we sort out the berries, removing the rotten and damaged ones.
  2. My cherries and dry. Can be left to dry on a large towel.
  3. Put berries in a three-liter sterilized jar. The jar needs to be placed in a bowl. Then pour boiling water over the berries to the top, cover with a lid and leave to "rest" for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Then the water from under the cherries is poured into a separate saucepan, sugar is thrown into it and boiled until it dissolves.
  5. Now this syrup needs to be poured back into the jar, rolled up, wrapped in a towel and turned over.

You can indulge in a delicious berry drink in a month. Exactly so much the classic cherry compote for the winter is infused until fully cooked.

Cook without pits

Making a pitted drink is also quite simple. It is enough for the hostess to acquire a hairpin or buy a special device in the store that will help to separate the pulp of the berry from its core.

For a liter jar of pitted sweet cherry compote for the winter you will need:

  • cherry - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We sort out the berries, as in the first recipe.
  2. We take a hairpin, a safety pin (it needs to be unbent) or a special device for removing the bones.
  3. We put the device on the upper side of the berry, scroll inside and take out the seed.
  4. Pour cherries and sugar into a sterile jar. Fill with boiling water.
  5. We put the jar in the pan. It is advisable to put a clean cloth on the bottom of the dish.
  6. Cover the jar with a lid without twisting.
  7. We also fill the saucepan with boiling water, put it on the tile.
  8. After the compote inside the jar boils, it is "simmered" over low heat for another 10 minutes.

It remains to close the cherry compote for the winter. How to do it:

  • remove the jar from the pan by the neck;
  • roll up its lid.

Assorted berries

A simple recipe for cherry compote for the winter can be diversified by adding other fruits from the garden to it. In the kitchen, there will be almost no hassle, but the taste will turn out to be more intense and unusual. In addition, such a drink can be brewed from the remnants of the berries.

For a liter of winter dessert you will need:

  • ½ cup cherries;
  • ½ cup cherries;
  • ½ cup gooseberries;
  • a sprig of lemon balm or fresh mint;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 0.5 l of water.

We put the prepared washed berries in sterile jars, cover with sugar. Then the cans are sterilized and turned upside down. It is recommended to store such a drink in a cool place.

Yellow cherry compote for the winter

Yellow cherries are one of the first berries to ripen in the garden. It contains many vitamins, iodine, calcium and magnesium. At the same time, it retains its beneficial properties in compote. The berry also has a rich taste and aroma.

You can cook yellow cherry compote for the winter without hassle. We take for a liter of compote:

  • yellow cherries - 0.3-0.5 liters;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • boiling water;
  • cinnamon to taste.

The seeds of the berry can be removed or boiled with them. Then the compote is prepared, as in other recipes: berries, sugar and cinnamon are poured into sterile jars, after which they are poured with boiling water.

At the same time, the compote from yellow cherries is sterilized a little longer than from red berries. Cans with a drink are boiled over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Then the finished dessert is turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket. The next day, the compote is removed to a cool and dark place.

Sugar-free drink recipe

Even on a diet, you can indulge yourself with a cherry dessert. The berries themselves are very sweet, so the drink can be brewed without sugar. This simple recipe for sweet cherry compote for the winter can be prepared according to any of the above options. The main thing is not to add sugar to the drink. Or cook a spicy dessert according to the original recipe.

In this case, you need to take for a three-liter jar:

  • 700 g cherries;
  • 3 cinnamon sticks (or 0.5 teaspoon);
  • 1-2 peas of allspice;
  • 1-2 carnations;
  • vanilla and nutmeg on the tip of a spoon.

Cooking compote:

  1. Put the prepared berries in a sterile container.
  2. Add spices, pour boiling water over it.
  3. We put the jar in a saucepan with a cloth at the bottom, cover it with a lid.
  4. A three-liter compote is sterilized for 20-25 minutes over low heat.

Harvesting for the winter without sterilization

You can prepare cherry compote for the winter without sterilization. True, in this case, it is recommended to drink it in the first winter.

For three liters of drink you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg of cherries (red or yellow, can be mixed);
  • 2 glasses of sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • boiling water.

Cooking method:

  1. The berries are sorted out and put in sterile jars.
  2. Then the container is poured to the top with boiling water and covered (without twisting) with boiled lids.
  3. Leave the drink on for 15 minutes. Next, the jar should be closed with a lid with holes. Through these holes, the syrup is poured into a saucepan.
  4. Sugar and citric acid are added to the drink. Then it needs to be boiled for 2-3 minutes.
  5. The berries are again poured with the prepared syrup. The jar is rolled up and turned over.

Without sterilization, the compote is infused for a month.

Delicious from the multicooker

At any time of the year, you can cook fresh cherry compote in a slow cooker. In summer it can be fresh berries, in winter it can be frozen.

Ingredients for the drink:

  • cherries (fresh, dried, frozen) - 0.5 kg;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 1 lemon (can be substituted with an orange);
  • 2 liters of water.

So, how to cook cherry compote for the winter in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash the berries (you do not need to defrost frozen ones). Place on the bottom of the bowl and cover with cold water.
  2. Add sugar.
  3. Cut the lemon or orange into several pieces, squeeze the juice from it into the drink mix.
  4. Switch on the "Extinguishing" mode. The time is set depending on the power of the multicooker. Usually the compote is cooked for 20-30 minutes.

When preparing cherry compote, it should be borne in mind that this berry is sweeter than cherry. That is, less sugar is needed for it. A liter of cherry drink will take 600 grams of sugar, while a maximum of 350 g of granulated sugar is needed for a can of cherry drink.

A pinch of citric acid can enhance the taste of a delicate berry. However, there should not be too much of it. Not more than 1 gram per liter.

It is very difficult to spoil a cherry compote. The berry goes well with other gifts of summer: strawberries, cherries, citruses, gooseberries, apples and other fruits.

When sterilizing a drink, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Do not wash cans with detergents. The foam is difficult to wash off the glass and spoils the taste of the drink. It is better to rinse the container with mustard powder or soda (food grade).
  2. If the lid of the jar was badly rolled up, then bubbles appear in the compote. Such a drink will quickly deteriorate (ferment). Therefore, it must be boiled again.

If syrup remains after cooking, do not rush to pour it out. You can make a dessert from the leftovers. You can add berries, mint, citrus zest to it, or just add syrup to tea.

24.04.2017 15 942

Cherry compote - a simple recipe for harvesting for the winter

With the onset of summer, delicious berries appear and each housewife tries to roll up cherry compote for the winter. The recipe in the article is the simplest, you do not need to separate the bones, add citric acid and other ingredients, sterilize. This method of making homemade sweet cherry compote provides for preparation without sterilization, and how to do everything correctly, read on ...

    Ingredients (for a 3 liter jar):
  • 350-400 gr cherries
  • 250 g cane sugar
  • 2.5 l purified drinking water

Preparation time: 8 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes

1 ... In order for the cherry compote to stand and not explode, first of all, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the cans. Thoroughly wash the glass containers and sterilize in the oven or in a water bath. Do not forget to dip the lids in boiling water for 1-2 minutes;

sterilization of cans in the oven - pictured

2 ... Sort the berries, remove the stalks, you do not need to remove the seeds, according to the recipe, cherry compote with seeds. Pour cold water over the prepared fruits and leave for 10 minutes to let the worms come out. If you are sure of the quality of the product used, you can not leave it in water. Some housewives dip the berries in salt water (40 g / 5l), then the worms instantly slip out - after the fruits are washed well with running cold water;

preparation of cherries for making compote - in the photo

3 ... Pour prepared cherries into sterilized jars and fill with boiling water, leave for 10-12 minutes to warm the berries;

4 ... After the time has passed, drain the berry water back into the pan, add granulated sugar and bring to a boil again;

making cherry compote - in the photo

5 ... Pour the boiling syrup over the cherries in the jar again to the very brim, close the lid and roll up.

Homemade cherry compote for the winter is ready! Be sure to turn the jar over, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it in this state until it cools completely. After the compote in the jars has completely cooled down, the finished product can be moved for winter storage to the cellar, basement, or storage room in the apartment.

Their cherry compote for the winter with seeds, prepared in this way does not explode and is very well stored even in apartment conditions. Open and enjoy the finest homemade drink! The aroma of such a compote is of course incredible! There are many ways and methods of making berries at home, try to prepare sweet cherry jam, you will definitely like it!

Cherry compotes for the winter without sterilization are better than any store-bought drink, carbonated or instant. Indeed, in cans there are only natural products, without impurities, preservatives and chemicals. But the long winter will pass without vitamin deficiency. It is necessary to close such compotes in the summer, ahead of time, when the season for cherries comes. The containers are taken in 3 liters, which are ideal for a drink.

How to make sweet cherry compote for the winter, find a simple recipe without sterilizing cans? In general, is it necessary to prepare them like this, or is regular washing enough? no less loved by children than jam. Sometimes compotes are made by diluting the jam in a jar with boiled water. But you can also brew such a drink separately. It is stored in the same way as jam, in a dark and cool place.

Cherry compote - recipe number 1

Is there a difference, cherry compote with seeds for the winter without sterilization, or is it necessary to remove the seeds? In principle, the bones will not affect the taste of compote. Ingredients are taken on the basis of one 3-liter jar.

What you need:

Cherry - 2 cups;
Sugar - 1 glass;
Citric acid - a teaspoon (incomplete);


First, thoroughly rinse all the berries bought for a sweet cherry compote for the winter using a bag or a colander, as it is more convenient. Go through them, removing the stalks, also damaged, rotten fruits.

Take a regular, large jar (3 L), wash it, then pour out all 2 cups of peeled cherries (without stalks). You can have more berries, at the same time the compote will turn out to be rich in taste. Next, add citric acid (powder) and sugar.

Fill the jar with steep, hot boiling water almost to the top, leaving 4-5 cm after the lid. Then roll it up well. You just need a tin, disposable lid. That's it, turn it upside down on a blanket or blanket. Cover all the banks. Seaming takes a long time to cool, several hours. Wait for this, then remove.

In the basement, mezzanine or balcony, refrigerator - depending on where you plan to store the conservation. Such compote can be stored safely for six months or more. By the way, a similar recipe is perfect for any kind of compote, be it a cherry or a peach.

Important: sometimes cans do not withstand the pressure of boiling water and burst. This scares the housewives and upsets them, because the supply of cans, especially large ones, is small. No fear, there is a simple piece of advice. Before infusion, place a metal spoon (you can use a knife) on the bottom of your can. Then pour in the boiling water carefully, trying to hit the metal with a stream. Then the container will withstand.

Cherry compote - recipe number 2

As you can see, the recipe for making a simple, homemade one is quite understandable. But if you want to cook cherry and strawberry compote for the winter, without sterilization for jars? Is it realistic to combine berries? Quite. When the berry and fruit season comes, the hostesses plan the number and types of future seams. How many cans will go to jam, what kind of compote they want. It is not necessary to choose one particular fruit if you want a platter.

What you need:

Sweet cherry - 1 kg;
Strawberries - 1 kg;
Sugar - 300 gr;
Water is boiling water.

Cooking procedure:

Important: when choosing berries for compote, look at small strawberries. Then the result will be tasty, at the same time beautiful, when the berries look almost the same. Moreover, it is easier to count small strawberries by placing them in banks. At home, the mix must be rinsed using a colander, then cleaned, removing excess stalks, rotten, diseased fruits.

It is not necessary to sterilize the jars or lids. As you can see, the composition is completely natural. By the way, see the amount of sugar so that you can immediately use the opened jar without adding spices.

In terms of quantity, the ingredients are designed for several large, three-liter cans. It is easier to rinse in advance and arrange them side by side in order to immediately lay out the berries. In terms of quantity, make the cherries the same with the strawberry neighbor.

Having dealt with the berries, fill all the jars with sugar. Boil a kettle or a saucepan, then pour boiling water over all the jars, only 2/3 of the container (by quantity), leaving a little space. Make sure that the sugar crystals dissolve, stir if necessary. After waiting a little, add fresh, steep boiling water to 1/3 of the remaining container.

That's it, roll up the cans with disposable, tin lids. a similar compote from cherries with seeds for the winter is perfectly stored, delighting home ones with a sweet taste. Fold all the jars down with the lids on top of the blanket or blanket, carefully leveling it from the bottom. Cover with another blanket by wrapping the jars. Everyone, let them cool down slowly. Once it has cooled down, rearrange it normally, with the lids up in a dark, cool place.

Instant cherry compote

This recipe suggests making compote for the winter without sterilization in a small amount. When you need not a 3 liter supply, but literally a couple of glasses that you can drink right away. I wonder if instead of cherry berries there is a cherry, change the recipe? Not necessary.

What you need:

Sweet cherry -150 gr;
Strawberries - 150 gr;
Sugar - ½ cup (half).


First, wash the selected berries, remove unnecessary stalks, rotten, spoiled fruits.
Prepare the dishes. This simple recipe is easy to use for seaming or subsequent consumption. Take either a decanter (if you plan to insist, then drink a compote), or a jar (seaming). You need a large, 3-liter jar.

Boil water in a saucepan. Pour sugar there. Stir, it is important to achieve complete dissolution.

Pour the cherries, cook them. Not for long, literally 7 minutes, setting a medium, low fire.
Then add strawberries. Boil it for less, 5 minutes. Everything, for the winter for 3 liters without sterilization is ready, you can drink or roll up in cans.

Sweet cherry compote without sugar

How tasty will the compote turn out if you do not take sugar and what does it replace at all? Other spices.

What you need:

Sweet cherry - 1 kg;
Carnation - 2-3 buds;
Allspice –1-2 peas (per can);


The amount of spices here is conditional, see according to your own taste. After washing the selected berries, remove the stalks. Leave the bones. Then rinse the dishes and lids. Without sterilization, simple washing is sufficient.

Next, fill the jars by folding the berry. You need to fill in about 2/3. Be sure to shake, tamping the contents lightly. Boil water using a saucepan. As it boils, add all the spices there, counting the amount immediately for the cans. Now pour spicy boiling water over all the jars.

It's time to roll up. Use disposable, tin lids. You will need a special tool that is rolled up. Everything, it's time to put the finished compote under the blanket, turning the lids down. Once the seaming has cooled, place it in a permanent storage location.

Fragrant herbs, their composition, the amount of the hostess are selected by themselves. But it turns out an excellent, savory, tasty compote.