Dream interpretation of millet - why do you dream about millet in a dream? Millet porridge Why do you dream of yellow millet groats?

If you cook porridge in a dream, prosperity awaits you in reality. There is a mess - the hassle of getting things right if they are going well for you, but with the frustration of things if they are going brilliantly for you.

Hot, piping hot porridge foreshadows the strengthening of your position, provided that you do not deviate from the line that you have outlined for yourself, no matter how much you are forced to do so. Cooled or burnt porridge means a desire to improve relationships with partners, which will not bring a positive result.

Oatmeal in a dream foreshadows wealth sent down by fate, which has had mercy after such a long time.

Buckwheat porridge - petty grievances that will quickly be forgotten. Rice porridge foreshadows an unexpected phone call that will jerk you out of your seat, forcing you to drop everything you are doing.

Barley porridge - to tears and worries due to unhappy love. Millet porridge portends warm, cordial relationships in the family and between lovers.

Semolina porridge - friends will rush to help in trouble.

Barley porridge is a sign of wealth and prosperity built on the suffering of others.

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Dream Interpretation - Porridge

Cooking porridge means trying to improve relationships with others.

Eating porridge means worries, troubles, improvement in financial situation.

For the patient - a speedy recovery.

If the porridge you see in a dream is poorly cooked, over-salted, etc., trouble awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about millet? Flipping through dream books, you can find different answers to this question. Often such dreams promise changes that can affect any area of ​​life and change the current situation for the better or worse. Much depends on details that should definitely be remembered.

Why do you dream about millet: Miller’s dream book

What opinion does the famous psychologist Miller express on this matter? Why do you dream about millet? If we are talking about spacious rooms, there is nothing to worry about. Such a dream predicts good luck in matters that are now most important to a person. Now is the perfect time to take action. Ripe wheat can be a dream for someone who will soon have good luck in the romantic sphere. Seeing grains large and clean means achieving prosperity.

Why do you dream of millet in bags? A person will soon win if he shows determination and perseverance. Wet grain appears in night dreams not for good; due to the machinations of ill-wishers, you can lose a large sum of money. Rubbing wheat in your hand means going through a long and difficult path to your goal, but it is worth it.

Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about millet? Seeing grains being pecked by birds means losing money. In the current situation, a person cannot even trust banks. In the near future, you should not make large purchases or agree to any deals, especially if they are offered by strangers.

If a person sees grain in a dream or collects it, such a plot predicts positive changes. will stabilize in the near future, unexpected sources of income may appear. If the dreamer tramples, scatters or sows grain, he, on the contrary, will face financial losses.

Dirty cereal

Why do you dream of millet on the floor? It doesn't matter whether a person just sees it or tries to remove it with a broom, either way they should be careful. In the immediate environment of the owner of the dream there are ill-wishers who are up to no good. People are pushed to weave intrigues by banal envy.

What does a dream that features dirty cereal soaked in water warn about? A person should fear for his reputation, as there are those who dream of ruining it. It will be difficult to restore the lost trust of people.

Sorting grain in a dream means suffering from gossip in reality. Ill-wishers do not like the fact that a person is able to cope with any task.

Cooking food

Why do you dream about millet? If in night dreams this product is used to prepare porridge, in reality the person will enjoy good health. If a patient sees such a dream, he will soon recover. Putting cereal in the first dish is a plot that also promises recovery from an illness.

If the dreamer collects millet scattered on the table into a pan, in reality he needs to pay attention to friends and relatives. Someone close to you is sick and needs help. Such a dream is often seen by those who will take on the role of blood donor.

Feed the bird

Why dream of treating poultry with millet? Such a plot promises profit; investment will provide good dividends. If a person feeds chickens in a dream, in reality he will see a source of small but stable income.

If the grains scattered for the poultry have sprouted, this means an improvement in their financial situation. The dreamer's profit will increase day by day, and financial difficulties will remain a thing of the past. Buying millet to feed hens and chicks is a dream that financial geniuses often visit. A person is endowed with an instinct that helps him turn any situation to his advantage. He is able to benefit even when the business seems doomed to failure.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about cereals?

Seeing cereals in a dream means sadness, tears, quarrel.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Cereals - Quarrel (if you see grains, and even scattered ones).

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why does Krupa dream?

I dream of cereals - sadness, tears.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Cereals from your dream

Cereals - In containers - prosperity; scattered - quarrel.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Krupa, what does it mean?

Cereals in large quantities symbolize wealth and large incomes. Scattering cereal means loss, quarrel. Seeing rice is good news for the home, wedding. Millet - abundance, revival of the forgotten. Oats are a symbol of sexual appetite.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about Krupa

A dream in which you dreamed of cereal indicates that your husband (wife) or lover (mistress), unexpectedly and secretly from you, of course, is very passionate about someone.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Groats - Sprinkle - your pettiness is what bothers you. Seeing, knowing little joys about her.

The newest dream book of Georgy Ivanov

Why do you dream and what does Krupa mean to the dreamer?

Sort through cereals - a necessary, but very uninteresting activity. Cooking from cereals means monotony in life. Barley - to diarrhea (diarrhea). Buying cereal in a dream - Your other half is not entirely faithful to you, there is no betrayal yet, but his (or her) thoughts are occupied with someone else.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

You saw cereals in a dream - there will be no number of small worries; but there will be no number of days to solve minor problems; every evening you will feel a little satisfaction; When irritated by small worries, control yourself to avoid petty quarrels.

It’s as if you spilled cereal - the dream portends losses for you. If a pregnant woman dreams that she spilled cereal, there is a possibility that this woman will have a premature birth, but it will pass easily. It’s as if you are sorting through cereals - the dream indicates: you do not have enough knowledge and life experience to understand what is happening.

It’s like you’re feeding grains to birds - your ideas are original, your innovations are attractive; there will always be a lot of people around you; you are like a center of crystallization for gifted people who think outside the box; you will be respected, your opinion will be referenced.

Your cereal is being taken away by mice - in reality, your ideas are being adopted by strangers; another interpretation of the dream: not being able to realize your ideas, you become disappointed in them; you are a brilliant theorist, but a poor practitioner; you need to have a spiritual appearance, but wear patched clothes; you are one of those people who are teased by mischievous boys for being weird.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why does Krupa dream about the days of the week?

Scattering the cereal means that you will be greatly disappointed.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dream about Krupa

Cereals - to the well-being and prosperity of your family. Imagine that your house has large stocks of various cereals. You decide to cook porridge for the whole family. You sort through, wash the cereal, then pour it into a large saucepan and cook. When the porridge is ready, put it on plates and call the whole family.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Sorting through cereals is a tedious task.

For those born in May, June, July and August

In a dream, you sort through buckwheat to cook porridge - this means an unpleasant task.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Seeing in a dream how you sort out buckwheat - to minor troubles.

Why do women and men dream about Krupa?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Krupa in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

The dream you had on the 28th touches on your past; it is a processing and re-evaluation of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell or affect your future in any way. On this day, nightmares and dreams are of particular importance - which cause a negative aftertaste in the morning. Only those stories that were dreamed at dawn should be interpreted - all other dreams are empty.

Read more in the dream book:

  • why do you have dreams?
  • why do you have a dream?
  • why do you dream about the image

Dreams in which we see millet are endowed with quite a positive meaning. For some it promises profit, for others good health. This is probably why among Russian traditions there is a custom of sprinkling newlyweds with this grain. And this is done so that lovers live not only long, but also in abundance. Why do you dream about millet in this case? Let's look into this issue with the help of a dream book.

Actions with millet grains

  • From Miller's dream book we learn that if a person dreams of scattering millet, then he needs to protect his property in reality. Only when the dreamer collects all the grains will everything end well.
  • Difficult and uninteresting work is foreshadowed by the dream book when it comes to a dream in which the sleeper sorts through cereals.
  • The Ukrainian dream book associates millet, which the dreamer feeds chickens or ducks, with profitable financial investments. Minor dividends should be expected in reality if you dreamed of feeding chickens with millet.
  • If the dreamer is in a dream at his own wedding and sees how he is sprinkled with grain, he should expect a huge profit in reality.
  • Sprouted millet in our dreams represents financial growth in real life.
  • The dream of millet, which the sleeper buys for poultry, is associated with the dreamer’s entrepreneurial talent to make a profit from everything.

Millet dishes

  • The Slavic dream book interprets millet, from which porridge is cooked in a dream, as a sign of the dreamer’s excellent health and good immunity.
  • The plot of how a sleeping person cooks soup with millet in his dream is also associated with his well-being in reality. The dream book reports that after such dreams people quickly recover, even if they are very seriously ill.
  • An interesting explanation is given by the dream book about why millet is dreamed of, which the dreamer sweeps from the table into a pan and subsequently cooks porridge for guests from it. Most likely, the sleeper will assist in the recovery of his friend in reality.
  • It is necessary to pay close attention to your diet in reality if in a dream you observed undercooked millet in a pan.
  • Serving your family members and guests with millet porridge in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will need to visit a sick friend.

Millet harvest

  • Vanga's dream book calls millet, which he had to sow in the field in his dream, a symbol of good luck and luck in everything.
  • Dreaming of rich millet harvests collected in a granary means fruitful, productive activities. What the dreamer starts in reality will all turn out to be good luck for him.
  • The lunar dream book interprets millet, scattered by the dreamer in a dream in his garden, as the fulfillment of his long-standing desire.

Millet that is dirty or soaked in water

  • Sweeping millet from the floor in a dream means in reality you need to beware of envious people. The Eastern Dream Book tells us about this.
  • Soaked and unclean cereals in a dream also warn the dreamer about the possibility of ruining his reputation due to rash actions in reality.
  • When in a dream a person sorts through dirty and wet cereals, in reality he will be surrounded by gossips and intriguers. Such feelings of envy in people will be caused by the dreamer’s talent to cope with any task. The dream book gives advice to beware of such ill-wishers and not to reveal your soul to them.

In Rus' there was a tradition according to which the newlyweds were sprinkled with grain. Our ancestors believed that this ritual would bring happiness and prosperity to the home of a young family. Based on this fact, cereals are considered to be a favorable sign in esotericism. To formulate an objective interpretation, one should recall the picture of the night vision in detail: the type of grain and the dreamer’s actions in the Kingdom of Morpheus. Scattering grain is a sign that you should take care of your property and control your spending. Sorting through cereals means long and painstaking work, which will greatly tire the dreamer. Collecting millet from the ground means success in your endeavors.

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    The dreamer's actions

    If you dreamed of feeding poultry with millet, then this is a good sign. It is especially favorable for a person who works in finance. Money invested by the dreamer in securities or a private enterprise will bring him profit. If the dream is seen by a person who is far from business, then the dream reflects his responsibility and generosity. He takes orders from his superiors seriously and never refuses help. A dream in which the sleeper cooks porridge for lunch for his family members has a good meaning. Millet in this dream reflects the good health of the sleeper. The man is in excellent physical shape.

      Sowing millet in the hope of a good harvest means luck. Luck will accompany the dreamer. He can take risks and bring his plans to life. The main thing is to act wisely and not give in to momentary impulses. You should think carefully before taking a step that could change your life. Seeing a large number of bags with different cereals in a dream is a sign that the dreamer’s kindness will return to him a hundredfold. The interpretation also concerns the efforts that were made to successfully complete the task of the authorities. The sleeper will receive a well-deserved reward and will be able to be proud of his successes.

      Seeing a rich harvest of millet at your summer cottage is a favorable sign. The sleeper realizes his potential. To do this, he will have an excellent opportunity that should not be missed.

      Sweeping the floor on which millet is scattered is a sign of envious people and competitors. They will try to tarnish the dreamer’s reputation or provoke a conflict with his participation. The dream book advises you to ignore the behavior of your opponents. One should not stoop to the level of people who are ready to commit an unworthy act in order to harm an innocent person.

      What cereal did the sleeper in the Kingdom of Morpheus see?

      The type of cereal is a key detail that will tell the dreamer a lot about his future. Night vision scenes:

      • If a person dreams of millet, then in reality pleasant changes will occur in his life. For a young girl, the dream foreshadows marriage with her beloved man. For a married woman, warm and harmonious relationships in the family. For a man - career growth or salary increase.
      • Scattering buckwheat on the floor is a sign that the sleeper does not realize how wonderful his life is. Too much time is spent on work and study, a person does not have time to look at his life from the outside and realize his happiness. The dream book advises the dreamer to learn to appreciate the little things that make up our world. You must be able to find something pleasant, kind and bright in any situation.
      • Rice represents the personal life of the sleeper. If an unmarried girl sees a dream, then she is internally ready for family life. She will make an excellent wife and mother. All that remains is to meet the ideal man and link your destiny with him.
      • Corn is a favorable sign. It symbolizes the onset of a bright streak in the dreamer’s life.
      • Oatmeal - to wealth, which will be a complete surprise for the sleeper.
      • Pearl barley portends tears due to separation from a loved one.