How is a child's disability determined? Registration of disability: in what cases and who has the right to receive it? Drawing up an inspection report

Nowadays, the health of children does not always meet the necessary standards, and if the child cannot fully lead his life, like his other peers, then the mother must think about how to register a disability for the child. Here we will tell you in detail what needs to be done to confirm the baby’s incapacity, as well as where the medical examination will take place and what payments the mother of a disabled person is entitled to.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Disability

If the disease is established, the child is considered disabled, in which case the mother will be entitled to certain benefits, as well as compensation payments for the maintenance of the child. What criterion will be taken into account when establishing a disability group will be decided only by the attending physician.

It is worth noting that a health problem such as autism is not always the reason for the determination of disability. In some cases, a minor does not require constant parental care, and the autistic person can exist independently in society. In Russia, it is recommended to establish a diagnosis in time to begin rehabilitation and help the patient adapt to the outside world.

Required documents

But, on the other hand, it is possible to receive compensation for the maintenance of such a child, and also have the opportunity to use free medications, send the patient to sanatorium treatment, and much more.

Note! Even if it was received, this cannot affect the choice of school or kindergarten. In this case, parents can provide a list of required documents, undergo a re-examination and have their disability status removed.

The legislative framework

Children's disabilities are regulated by law every year. The legislation provides for certain articles that indicate what kind of payments she is entitled to, and how this status will be formalized:

  • Government Decree No. 95 states in what order and under what conditions a certain disability group will be registered.
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 17, which describes how a medical examination will be ordered to identify the cause of the child’s condition.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health No. 317. It describes the process of conducting a medical examination, as well as an examination.
  • Explanation of the Ministry of Labor No. 1. Here is a complete list of those medical clinics and institutions where diagnostics and examination can be carried out.
  • Federal laws. They clearly indicate the rights of a disabled person, as well as what payments a minor can expect. The law on the protection of incapacitated persons in society is also spelled out here.

Important! Any child who has the following diagnoses: diabetes mellitus, cerebral palsy, bronchial asthma, tissue dysplasia, Down syndrome, serious neurological abnormalities, lack of vision, epilepsy and more can receive disabled status. If these diseases prevent the patient from leading a full life.

Disability indicator

How to establish disability: procedure

It is necessary to register the status of incapacity according to the rules; first, the mother collects the necessary documents; if necessary, she should contact social security to obtain them. It is important to follow the structure, when all the papers are prepared, a medical examination is carried out, and only then the fact of disability is established.

What documents will be required

If the child is already registered, then he should start by visiting a specialized doctor, and the doctor will issue a list of those specialists who will need to be visited. If a minor needs to be sent for an ITU examination, then the parents must prepare a list of documents. It includes:

  • a statement written by one of the parents or a guardian;
  • outpatient card with notes from specialists;
  • referral from a specialized doctor;
  • a list of treatment and rehabilitation measures;
  • reference from a preschool or school teacher;
  • results of tests taken;
  • fluorography result;
  • passport or birth certificate of the child.

Note! Documents will be processed quickly, but additional information may be required.

Passing the ITU

The first examination may be necessary immediately after birth, when an injury occurs, or during complex surgery on the spine, heart, or other organs. The child is prescribed an examination by doctors such as:

  • neurologist (if neurological problems are suspected);
  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • endocrinologist

Additionally, blood and urine tests are prescribed; in addition, examination by other doctors may be necessary. Psychiatry accepts patients if a minor has been diagnosed with mental disorders. Sometimes an echocardiogram, blood test for hormone levels, and more are required.

Passing the ITU

Drawing up an inspection report

Based on the results of the medical examination, the doctor draws up a report stating that the child is incompetent or has partial legal capacity.

Determination of disability

The registration of disability for a child is carried out by a pediatrician or psychiatrist and must be signed by the chief physician. After this, parents go to the ITU and write a petition to get the result. If the child cannot move on his own, then the meeting can take place right in the hospital room.

Repeated procedures

The law has certain rules according to which disability must be confirmed every year. The fact is that the child can recover from the disease, or positive changes will occur. In this case, the disability is removed. If no changes occur, then the minor remains incompetent and receives payments from the state.

Important! Some disabled people of the 1st group do not undergo examination every year, since their disability is considered lifelong.

Special cases of registration

There are specific diseases for which the registration of disability has some nuances:

  • With ZPR. The issue of incapacity can only be decided by the attending physician, and it is difficult to establish disability here. Only a doctor can determine whether a child can exist normally in society.
  • For autism. A referral to ITU can be given by a psychologist. Disability is established for a year, and then it will have to be extended. Having a certificate of incapacity makes it possible to save money on the treatment and adaptation of the child.
  • With Down syndrome. Here the decision is made by a psychotherapist, and in order to establish a disability, the child will have to go to a geneticist, as well as have an ECG and EEG done.

Important! With mild or moderate bronchial asthma, disability may not be established, since children outgrow this disease.

Disability criteria

How to apply for pension payments

If a child becomes disabled, he must be paid compensation every month. Parents should contact the pension fund, as well as the MFC, to collect the required papers. After this, the package of documents is sent to the social protection authority, where the child is provided with benefits and benefits. You can register at State Services to submit documents there. In addition to the fact that the child will be provided with compensation, he will also receive free treatment in sanatoriums and travel on transport. If parents want to know how much they receive for disabled children, then at the moment (for 2018) the amount is 11,903 rubles.

There are some advantages and disadvantages to making a disability determination. Parents should find out more about what an established disability will give them, as well as what restrictions a child with a certificate of incapacity may face.

Unfortunately, sometimes serious illnesses, injuries and accidents lead to disability. It's even more unfortunate that this is happening to our children. To an outsider, there is nothing sadder than a disabled child. And for parents of a sick baby, in addition to the usual worries and troubles, there are many other, specific ones. One of these moments is registration of disability.

What is disability, what does it give to a child and how to get it, read on.

Causes of disability in children

The concept of “disability” implies a person’s inability to carry out normal life in society, as we understand it, due to

  • persistent violations of basic body functions. The main causes of disability are:
  • congenital anomalies (heart defects, diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and other vital organs);
  • diseases of the nervous system (such as cerebral palsy), mental disorders;
  • serious injuries of various origins.

What benefits does disability give to a child?

One of the reasons why it is necessary to register a child’s disability is the pension provided by the state. This is a cash benefit that is intended to purchase necessary medications and a variety of care products for a sick child.

In addition to the pension, a disabled child receives other benefits:

  • the right to free travel in public transport (except taxis);
  • preferential travel in railway, air and river transport;
  • free spa treatment;
  • free provision of necessary medical equipment (mobility aids, prosthetic and orthopedic products, etc.);
  • free purchase of medications with a doctor’s prescription in case of outpatient treatment.

Privileges are granted not only to the disabled child himself, but also to his mother: this is a benefit when paying taxes on income, as well as the opportunity to work on a reduced work schedule, have additional leave and even retire early. These benefits depend on what disability group is assigned to the child, which, in turn, is determined by the medical commission. There are three disability groups for children, as well as for adults.

  1. Group I – the “heaviest” – is assigned to a child who is unable to take care of himself (move, eat, dress, etc.), cannot fully communicate with other children and needs constant supervision from adults.
  2. Disability group II implies certain restrictions in the actions listed above. Also, a disabled child of the second group is not capable of learning (and later of full-time work) or can only study in special institutions for children with specific disabilities.
  3. Group III is given to a child who can move independently, communicate, study, but is poorly oriented in unfamiliar situations, has a slow reaction and periodically needs control and care due to a special health condition.

Documents for registering disability for a child

As a rule, your local pediatrician helps you register your child’s disability. He must issue a referral to undergo a medical commission at your local clinic and to undergo all necessary tests.

The next stage is a medical and sanitary examination (MSE). To pass it you will need the following documents:

Within a certain time (usually it takes about a month), you will be given a certificate recognizing the child as disabled and assigning him a disability group. With this certificate, you should contact the Pension Fund office at your place of residence to apply for a disability pension.

The discovery of a serious illness in a child always becomes a heavy blow for parents. In this case, registering a disability seems a very difficult task, but knowing the intricacies of the procedure will save a lot of time and nerves.

Is it worth giving a child a disability: pros and cons

Many parents are in no hurry to register their child’s disability and wonder whether the ITU certificate will become a cause of discrimination for their child in the future. But it must be taken into account that children are diagnosed with disability no longer than until they are 18 years old, so by the time they reach adulthood, the issue of obtaining this status can be reconsidered.

Registration of disability will provide the family with social benefits and payments:

  • Disability pension - in 2019 it is equal to 12,082 rubles, and in a number of regions (St. Petersburg) it was increased thanks to local support measures;
  • Receiving free medications for the underlying disease, including insulin for diabetes;
  • Receiving free sanatorium and resort vouchers for the treatment of the underlying disease, which is especially important for children with cerebral palsy;
  • Quotas for complex operations, which are sometimes vital for the baby, for example, for severe congenital heart defects;
  • Preferential travel in transport;
  • Priority admission to the university;
  • Discounts on payment for utility services;
  • Increased tax deduction for the child’s parents (an amount that is not subject to income tax when calculating wages);
  • Additional days off to care for a disabled child, paid by the employer, in the amount of 4 every month;
  • Possibility of receiving benefits in the amount of 5,500 rubles if one of the parents does not work to take care of the child;
  • Early retirement for one of the parents who raised a disabled child up to the age of 8 years.

Most benefits also apply to guardians and adoptive parents. In addition, when adopting a disabled child, a one-time cash benefit is provided in the amount of 124,929 rubles.

Registration of disability for a child (instructions)

The procedure for assigning the status of a disabled person is the same in different regions of the country, since it is clearly regulated. In children and adults He practically no difference.

Registration of disability is regulated by regulations:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 02/20/2006 N 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled”;
  2. By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation from 08/22/2005 N 535 “On approval of classifications and criteria used in the implementation medical-social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination.”

A person is recognized as disabled after a comprehensive examination within medical and social examination (MSE).

The legislation provides a clear list of conditions for assigning disability:

  1. Impaired health with a persistent disorder of various functions, resulting from illness, congenital defect or trauma;
  2. Loss to one degree or another of the ability for self-care, movement, orientation in space, communication, control of one’s behavior, learning or work;
  3. The need for rehabilitation and other social assistance measures.

Upon determination of disability There is a lot of subtleties. For example, of the listed requirements must be at least two are met, otherwise the commission’s result will be negative. To what extent the health status ultimately meets the necessary criteria is decided by the ITU commission.

The procedure for registering disability

The doctor who diagnosed the child’s underlying illness usually offers to register a disability and issues a referral for medical examination. This could be a pediatrician or any other specialist, for example, an audiologist for hearing loss or a neurologist for epilepsy.

For illnesses associated with mental or mental development disorders, a referral to medical examination is issued by a psychiatrist.

This applies to children:

  • With mental retardation;
  • Down syndrome;
  • Autism.

It also happens that parents themselves want to try to apply for disability, but the doctor refuses to issue a referral. Then you can apply for it to the management of the medical institution, and in extreme cases - to the OSZN, because according to the law, a citizen has the right to initiate the procedure for registering disability.

  1. Passing a comprehensive examination;
  2. Taking tests;
  3. A visit to specialists, each of whom will write their own report on the health status of the little patient. Must visit:
  • Surgeon;
  • Neurologist;
  • Oculist;
  • ENT doctor.

Depending on the diagnosis, a conclusion from an orthopedist, audiologist, oncologist or other specialist doctor with whom the child is registered may be required. A complete list of doctors will be written by the doctor who referred you to the ITU.

Mandatory examinations include a general blood and urine test. The child may also be referred for additional examinations, for example, DNA diagnostics if cystic fibrosis is suspected. This is necessary to get a complete picture of the baby’s health and prescribe optimal treatment and rehabilitation.

Passing a medical commission usually turns out to be long and difficult, and here it is necessary to take into account several important points:

  • All results of examinations and medical examinations are valid for strictly defined periods; it is better to clarify these details in advance with the local ITU office;
  • No additional referrals for appointment with specialized specialists are required, since the referral itself to ITU gives the right to priority appointment.

According to the experience of many parents, the following algorithm of actions is optimal:

  1. Receiving a referral to ITU;
  2. Making an appointment with doctors, their conclusions are usually valid for quite a long time - from 1 to 3 months. Be sure to take into account the vacation period so that the success of passing the commission does not depend on the signature of an absent specialist;
  3. Visiting medical specialists and undergoing all additional examinations prescribed by them;
  4. Taking blood and urine tests. This should be done last, as their results are valid for only 10-14 days;
  5. Final visit to the pediatrician or doctor who issued the referral for medical examination to fill out all the paperwork;
  6. Signing of documents by the head physician of the medical institution.

Having received a complete set of documents for registration of disability at the clinic, you can go to the bureau of medical and social examination. When submitting documents, the presence of the child is not necessary, because the commission itself will be postponed to another day.

The ITU office will need the following documents to register disability:

  1. Referral for medical examination and epicrisis filled out by the clinic doctor;
  2. Identification documents of the child and legal representative, as well as their copies;
  3. Outpatient card;
  4. Characteristics from school or kindergarten, provided that the child goes to an educational institution;
  5. Diagnostic findings relevant to the diagnosis;
  6. Application for examination (it is filled out at the ITU office when submitting documents);
  7. When recertifying a disability, you will also need a previous pink ITU certificate and an individual rehabilitation program.

If there is a certificate stating that the patient cannot arrive due to a serious condition or hospital stay, the bureau organizes an on-site examination.

Features of registering disability for a child with a certain disease

For children with bronchial asthma, disability is determined when the clinical course is severe. These are complex forms of asthma, when conventional hormonal therapy is ineffective or helps only in very high doses that cannot be reduced.

This condition is aggravated by the development of fungal complications from constant hormonal treatment, which is an additional criterion for limiting the child’s life activity.

With atopic dermatitis, disability is very difficult to obtain. The ITU Commission gives a positive answer only in particularly severe cases when other autoimmune diseases are associated or immobility of the limbs due to skin lesions.

Until recently, it was almost impossible to register a disability with a diagnosis of cleft lip and palate.

The criteria used by the ITU examination stated that these maxillofacial defects deprive the child of no more than 30% of normal functions, which is not enough to establish disability. However, the wide public outcry raised by the parents of such children forced the bureaucratic machine to move.

Now children with cleft palate are given the status of a disabled person, which means they can receive benefits for high-tech plastic surgery and expensive orthodontic correction.

Autism and autism spectrum disorders do not always cause disability. It all depends on the limitations of the autistic child’s ability to communicate, self-care and learn. Most often, the decision is made collectively, and the psychiatrist plays the leading role.

With speech impairment and mental retardation (MDD), it is not easy to obtain disability. Mild forms of mental retardation are also not a good reason.

Even with motor alalia, when the child completely lacks speech, disability is established only in a situation if the speech disorder is recognized as persistent and cannot be corrected by various treatment methods.

When trying to obtain a visual and hearing disability, the result depends on the severity of the dysfunction; in addition, it is necessary to confirm that the disease prevents the child from fully communicating or learning.

In law even the absence of an eye or total deafness in one ear does not serve as a reason for disability if the paired organ is healthy or not significantly changed. If the ITU answer is positive, parents need to be prepared for the fact that they will have to undergo re-examination every year.

Those who have not previously encountered the ITU examination sometimes do not quite clearly understand its meaning. Indeed, in addition to receiving standard social benefits, the procedure for establishing disability has other goals.

The ITU Bureau may ask:

  • Financial and housing situation;
  • Composition of the family of a sick child.

This is done in order to make the necessary rehabilitation as accessible as possible for him and to provide the little citizen with full support from the state.

Based on the results of the commission meeting, a child’s disability can be established for a year, 2 years, 5 years, or until he reaches the age of 14 or 18 years.

Experts use clear rules and most often assign disabled status for short periods; disability up to 18 years of age is extremely rarely granted upon first application. After all, first of all, the commission members must be sure that the child will receive benefits justifiably, that is, his health will not significantly improve over the coming period.

With the most severe diagnoses, children are given disability until they are 18 years old. This happens no later than 2 years from the first visit to the bureau, and after 18, the permanent category “disabled since childhood” should be assigned.

Such diseases include:

  • Incurable cancer with metastases, benign tumors affecting the brain;
  • Severe dementia;
  • Progressive degenerative diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Severe defects in the gastrointestinal tract, not sensitive to therapy and disrupting general metabolism;
  • Complex forms of damage to the cardiovascular system;
  • Stomas and fistulas that will never be removed;
  • Congenital defects of the skeleton and muscles that do not allow the child to move and are not corrected;
  • Injuries of the skull and spine with serious consequences;
  • Absence of arms, legs or their segments.

Medical and social examination

When going to a meeting of the ITU commission, you need to prepare for the fact that the queue will be long. The ITU office receives a large number of people every day, so it is wise to bring a drink and a light snack, baby food for your baby and some entertainment such as a book or toy.

The ITU commission must consist of at least 4 doctors specializing in pediatrics. The applicant can also invite any other medical specialist, but only with an advisory function. The final decision is made by the members of the commission after examining the child and carefully studying all the attached documentation.

If the commission considers the child’s illness serious enough, it assigns him the status of “disabled child.” A disability group is not established for children: the reason for this is that the group primarily reflects a decrease in the ability to work, and children are not yet able to work.

On the same day, parents receive an IPR - an individual rehabilitation program, which indicates all the procedures, classes and technical means of rehabilitation that can be received free of charge for the baby.

Documentary evidence of disability is a pink ITU certificate; these papers have strict accountability and are issued to parents against signature. It is better to immediately present the ITU certificate to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund and OSZN for the calculation of pensions and utility benefits.

ITU pink certificate,

If doubts arise, members of the commission may ask to undergo additional diagnostic procedures. Whether to agree to this is the parents' choice.

This option slows down the registration process, but increases the chances of eventually getting a disability.

Appealing the decision of the ITU Bureau

Another outcome is refusal, but you shouldn’t despair right away. You can take away written confirmation of the ITU decision and challenge it. Within a month, you retain the right to contact a higher bureau and ask for a new examination. This is often justified, because despite the fairly precise wording of laws, their meaning is sometimes distorted locally.

If a refusal is received there again, you can appeal it to the ITU Federal Bureau in Moscow, and the last resort remains going to court.

Repeated procedures

The date of the next re-examination is indicated on the received ITU certificate; in other cases, re-registration is required if the child’s health has changed significantly. It is better to start the procedure in advance; the law allows for a re-examination 2 months before the end of the specified period of disability.

The repeat commission is exactly the same as the initial commission and lasts just as long. Therefore, parents of disabled children are often forced to take leave specifically to undergo medical examination.

Registration of disability for a child is a labor-intensive task, but the difficulties are completely justified. The benefits received will allow parents to restore, develop and socialize their child as much as possible in order to ensure a prosperous future for him despite health problems.

The procedure for registering a disability for a child is almost no different from the procedure for registering a disability for an adult. The process lasts 3 months and has clear stages: collection of certificates, examination by specialists, examination by the MSE (medical and social examination). After which a certificate is issued with the assignment of the group and indicating the validity period. This article describes in detail how to register a disability for a child.

Reasons for the procedure

Registration of disability for a child requires sufficient grounds for this procedure. If they are present, the small patient is sent to the ITU, where the following is taken into account:

  • the presence of health problems with constant disruption of its functioning as a result of injuries, diseases;
  • the presence of a partial or complete loss of self-service, loss of self-control, which leads to the inability to complete a full training program and work activity;
  • the need for social protection and rehabilitation measures.

Registration procedure

Parents registering a disability for their child often wonder where to start the procedure. Group registration procedure:

  1. Take a referral to the clinic at your place of residence.
  2. Pass a medical examination and take a doctor's report.
  3. Provide the results obtained to the observing pediatrician for drawing up a decision report.
  4. Get a referral to ITU.
  5. Come to the commission at the appointed time.

If citizens are refused, they have the right to re-submit their application to higher authorities.

Specialist consultations

The child's disability is registered after consultation with specialists. If the disease is classified as general, then the referral is given by the local pediatrician. In case of impaired hearing - by an ENT specialist, vision - by an ophthalmologist, cardiac pathologies - by a cardiologist. Genetic diseases require consultation with a psychiatrist. Because they are accompanied by mental retardation. This applies to an autistic child or a diagnosis of Down syndrome. Genetic pathologies often occur simultaneously with psychospeech delay.

To pass the necessary medical examination, you need to consult the following specialists:

  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • orthopedist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.

If a child is assigned a speech disability, then consultation with a psychologist or speech therapist will be required. After receiving the conclusion of narrow specialists, you need to come to the local pediatrician to draw up a conclusion and epicrisis. Next, he takes the documentation to the head of the medical institution for signature. At the same time, a certificate is provided indicating the individual rehabilitation program.

Features of the procedure for different diseases

It is necessary to start registering for disability by visiting a specialist. If there are problems with the musculoskeletal system, a referral is issued by the attending surgeon. Usually a group is assigned for a year. Next, it is confirmed. Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome requires consultation with an endocrinologist. Disability is given if the child has mental retardation or pathology of the endocrine organs. Otherwise, the group refuses. Disability is granted for a year.

Vision problems require the intervention of an ophthalmologist. Typically, these diseases lead to lifelong disability. In case of autism, a psychologist refers the group. The assignment of disability in this case is aimed at reducing the cost of treatment and the opportunity to undergo rehabilitation in Moscow. Typically, registration is carried out for 1 year, then, if necessary, an extension occurs.

In the case of chronic asthma, disability is given if the child has constant attacks. Registration of a group is usually not easy; if the ITU response is positive, annual confirmation is required. Mental retardation (MDD) requires consultation with a psychotherapist, who will refer you to a commission.

Cerebral palsy refers to neurology. The attending neurologist will refer you for an examination. The group is assigned for 1 year. Next, re-examination occurs. Disability is given for 1 year after heart surgery. Then it is usually removed. Please note that usually at least a month passes after the documents are submitted until the examination is carried out.

Required documents

A pediatrician will give a detailed answer to what documents are required to be submitted to the ITU. Typically, the commission is provided with the following list of documents:

  • application for assignment of disability to a child;
  • hospital card;
  • conclusion of the chief physician of the clinic at the place of residence;
  • a copy of the small patient’s birth certificate or passport;
  • certificate of residence;
  • if re-registration is carried out, then it is necessary to provide a certificate from the previous commission;
  • characteristics from school;
  • passport and its copy of the parent or guardian.

In addition, children need to undergo a simple examination. Take a general blood test, blood biochemistry test, urine test, and do a cardiogram. If necessary, undergo an EEG, ultrasound, x-ray. If children are studying at school or attending another educational institution, then it is necessary to provide a description to the treating pediatrician. If the child is studying in a correctional institution, a reference will not be given; this requires a request from a doctor. Because it is a psychiatric mystery.

The characteristics must be certified with two seals. If the child is small and does not attend kindergarten or school, then this document is not needed. Please note that before contacting MSEC, you must check the list of documents, otherwise the request will not be considered.

Documents for the pension fund

To calculate a pension for disabled children, you must provide the following package of documents to the Russian Pension Fund:

  • application requesting pension accrual;
  • insurance certificate of one of the parents or guardians;
  • birth certificate or passport of the child;
  • a document confirming the fact of assignment of disability indicating the group;
  • child's insurance certificate.

In addition to calculating the pension, monthly payments are made, which vary slightly depending on the area of ​​residence. Usually for Moscow citizens they are higher.

How is ITU carried out?

After collecting a package of documents, parents and children must come to the commission at the appointed time. If children do not have the ability to move independently, then an on-site medical examination is possible, which can take place in a hospital or at home. In order for this procedure to take place, you must obtain the appropriate certificate from the institution where the child is being treated. During the ITU procedure, a conclusion is given on the recognition or non-recognition of the fact of disability.

A certificate indicating the disability group is also issued to the Pension Fund, a certificate to the social protection department, a certificate confirming the presence of a disability group, and an extract from the medical examination report. Please note that during the medical examination, at least 4 people with pediatric specialization must be present. Otherwise, the decision of the ITU may be considered unlawful.

During the commission, an individual treatment program and rehabilitation are developed. After being assigned disability status, the child’s parents go to the clinic with certificates and a conclusion, where the child will be registered. They will prescribe the necessary therapy, taking into account medications that are provided free of charge. A child is assigned a disability for a certain period of time. It depends on the disease and its severity.

At the end of the validity period, if necessary, the procedure is repeated. The length of the period depends on the group. The first group is given for 2 years, the second, third – for a year.

Registration of disability is a long and difficult process. To successfully complete the procedure, it is necessary to collect all documents, certificates, and opinions of all doctors. If at least one signature is missing, the procedure will stop until the necessary documentation is collected.

The birth of a disabled child in a family is always a challenge for his parents. A disabled person is a citizen who has permanent physical or mental disorders of body functions. Health problems can be the result of various diseases, injuries, and defects. All this together leads to the complete or partial deprivation of a child with a disability of the opportunity to realize key elements of life. Registration of disability for a child is a fundamental procedure for receiving benefits and cash benefits from the state in the future.

What diseases give children disability?

A child's disability can manifest itself in varying degrees. Many parents of such a child wonder what diseases can cause disability. Today, on the territory of the Russian Federation there is Federal Law No. 181 “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” , which regulates the state social protection of incapacitated citizens and ensures their successful integration into everyday life. However, this federal law cannot provide clear explanations about the list of diseases for which parents should hope to obtain disability for their child.

This category is not assigned once and for life; this status should be constantly confirmed and evidence collected in its favor. In the Russian Federation, a child can be granted incapacity for a year, two, 16 years, or until he reaches adulthood. This means that when the period comes to an end, the disability must be renewed again.

The list of diseases that qualify for disability in children includes the following health disorders:

  • mental disorder;
  • disruption of the sensory organs;
  • external physical pathologies;
  • pathological disorder of language and speech functions;
  • motor disorder of the arms and legs;
  • disruption of the functioning of internal organs and various body systems;
  • skin diseases and others.

A child receives the first group if:

  • complete or partial blindness;
  • more than 80% of hearing is damaged;
  • the baby has diseases that negatively affect the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • absence of upper and lower limbs, etc.

The first group is characterized by serious disturbances in the functioning of the body and requires the help of strangers.

The second group is characterized by performing minor self-care activities without the participation of other people and is assigned when:

  • liver disease (cirrhosis);
  • vision problems;
  • paralysis of the upper and lower limbs;
  • fistula, etc.

The third disability group is given to a child if there is:

  • minor disturbances in speech function;
  • minor mental disorders;
  • presence of pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.

III gr. is a worker, the violations are not so significant, although they require additional state social protection.

How to apply?

To register a disability group for a child, parents will need to be patient. The procedure is carried out in stages and usually takes at least three months.

Parents who notice defects in the functioning of the baby’s body should follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • Contact your family doctor at your local clinic

The minor citizen is examined and the voiced complaints are recorded in the patient’s outpatient record. The family doctor issues a referral for tests (OAC and OAM) and subsequent examination by specialized doctors. After preparing all the necessary documents and receiving references for the IPR, the attending physician issues a referral to MTU using a special form No. 080/u-06. This document is stamped by the medical institution and its contents are confirmed by the signatures of three doctors.

  • Contacting the ITU Bureau

Pre-registration is made by phone or by visiting the office in person to set a date. If the child cannot come to the examination on his own, then the examination takes place at home. The Disability Commission is required to provide the entire package of collected documents. In the accounting department of the bureau, payment for services is not made - for disabled people, all activities carried out are provided free of charge.

  • Carrying out medical examination

After making a preliminary appointment, a specific date will be assigned to visit the office. The approximate waiting period is a month. The examination is carried out by a commission consisting of three specialists. The child is examined; parents and the patient themselves may be asked questions regarding the child’s integration into social life. Members of the specialist committee keep a protocol where observations and responses of the baby and parents are recorded. The resolution is made by voting. If the vote was in favor of the child, then the issuance of a certificate of assignment of a disability category and IPR follows.

  • Visit to the Pension Fund and Social Security Administration

At the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, parents register for their child to receive a pension, and at Social Security they register for the purchase of rehabilitation funds free of charge.

Parents will repeat the above algorithm of actions if necessary to extend the child’s disability.

For autism

Autism is a brain disorder, and if a child suffers from this disease, then the law allows parents to register a disability for the child. This category can only be acquired after examination by a psychiatrist.

General procedure for parents:

  • examination by a psychiatrist. The doctor will create a special card and register the baby with a mental health clinic. Many specialists insist on hospitalization, but go to the children's psychiatric ward NOT NECESSARY;
  • obtaining a VTEC bypass sheet. The child should definitely visit the following specialists - a neurologist, a surgeon, an otolaryngologist, a speech therapist, an ophthalmologist. Get tested for UAC and OAM;
  • obtaining a decision from the PMPC. After completing all the specialists, you should return to the psychiatrist. The doctor will fill out a disability card and give a referral to a district psychiatrist, who, in turn, will also issue a conclusion;
  • register your child for ITU;
  • passing the commission;
  • receiving a pink piece of paper confirming the child’s disability.

Something to remember!A set of documents is submitted to the ITU office at least six months after registration with the IPA.

When making an appointment at ITU, you must have with you - an application for examination, a child’s outpatient card, parents’ identity card, a photocopy and original of the birth certificate, SNILS of all family members. If a minor attends a preschool institution, a reference from the teachers will be required. Registration of disability for an autistic child takes about 6 months.

If your child has poor vision

Problems with the sensory organs, namely vision, also give parents the opportunity to register their child with a disability. Permanent incapacity, without a re-examination period, issued for complete blindness with unsuccessful treatment. Also, when visual acuity is reduced to 0.03 and the field of vision is limited to 10 degrees.

First group Visual disability in children is characterized by:

  • zero percent vision (total blindness);
  • sharpness with correction is up to a maximum of 0.04;
  • field of view - up to a maximum of 10 degrees.

Group II notes changes in vision such as:

  • sharpness - from 0.05 to 0.1;
  • field - from 10 to 20 degrees.

III group A child receives disability if:

  • sharpness - from 0.1 to 0.3;
  • field - from 20 to 40 degrees.

The examination is first carried out by an ophthalmologist in the clinic. He issues a referral to undergo the ITU, where after examination and voting a pink piece of paper will be issued.

For asthma

A child suffering from bronchial asthma may become disabled. The baby is monitored by a pulmonologist. If the frequency of attacks is not high and they are relieved by using an inhaler, then the ITU bureau may refuse to register a disability.

A child with bronchial asthma can be issued a first degree disability if:

  • the disease cannot be controlled with drugs;
  • interrupted breathing is observed even at rest;
  • complications in the functioning of the heart and internal organs are evident;
  • inability to cope without outside help.

Stages II and III are characterized by less severe symptoms.

To register a disability, an asthmatic child must undergo a medical examination at a clinic. In addition, tests should be taken - for the presence of sugar in the blood, OAM, culture and general analysis of sputum, spirography, ECG of the heart and x-ray of the lungs.

The documents that should be provided when registering with the ITU office are as follows:

  • parents' passports;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • application for disability;
  • outpatient card.

Diagnosis of a mild or moderate illness in a child will not serve as a reason for the examination commission to assign a disability. Most often, treatment carried out in childhood produces positive results and the baby is cured. If the attacks are severe and you often have to seek intervention from an ambulance, then this must be reflected in your application. As evidence, you can bring certificates taken from medical workers about the calls made. If you have been diagnosed with asthma due to allergies, you should undergo examination by an allergist to cancel it. Otherwise, the child’s parents will be denied benefits and disability benefits.

Required documents

To pre-register with the ITU office, the child’s parents should prepare the following set of documents:

  • a completed referral from the attending physician to determine disability in form No. 080/u-06;
  • medical card from the clinic;
  • characteristics from a preschool educational institution or school;
  • child's birth certificate or passport if the minor is 14 years old;
  • parent's passport;
  • An application filled out by the parent with a request to assign a disability to the child.

After submitting all documents, a date for the examination is set. It is advisable not to be late on the appointed day, as they may not be accepted. The parent must have a change for the child and himself and a clean diaper if necessary.

You can download the application form for conducting ITU link .

Can they refuse?

A child’s disability application may be refused if the commission considers the arguments presented to be unsubstantiated. To appeal the commission's decision, you should file a complaint with the bureau that carried out the examination. This must be done within a month after receiving the resolution.

The application contains the following information:

  • name of the bureau where the document is submitted;
  • parent's passport details;
  • a description of the problem indicating the name of the bureau where the child’s disability was determined;
  • expression of a repeated request for examination.

The application is submitted within 3 days to the Main Bureau. In turn, the Main Bureau accepts or rejects the application within 30 days. The applicant may also use the services of independent experts.

Duration of disability

Group I disability can be given to a child for 2 years, other groups are given for 1 year. It follows from this that every time the period of the issued disability comes to an end, this status will need to be re-registered and confirmed at the ITU office.

Disability can be granted for a year, two, 16 years or until adulthood, depending on the dynamics of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment used. The legislation contains a special list of diseases for which a child will be given permanent disability. The list contains 23 diseases, including- malignant and benign tumors without the ability to operate on them, complete blindness or deafness, dementia, mental illness characterized by progression, absence or defects of limbs (upper and lower).

What benefits are provided?

A child who has received a disability is entitled to some benefits and cash payments from the state. First of all, this concerns the provision of free medical care, medicines, and technical means for the integration of a disabled child into social life; the child is also at the beginning of the queue to receive a voucher for sanatorium treatment. Transport travel is free of charge, pre-school and school education is also free.

Cash payments imply that the minor child receives a disability pension. Its amount is - 11,903.53 rubles. EDV is also paid every month - 1,478.09 rubles and 2,527.06, if the NSO was rejected.

If a parent caring for a disabled child is unemployed, he is entitled to 5,500 rubles every month. If the parent is in a working position, then he is entitled to a tax deduction for personal income tax. Its size is 12,000 rubles.

Registration of disability for a child will give parents the opportunity to receive social assistance from the state, which will help improve the child’s living conditions.