Obtaining housing for a family with a disabled child. Do they provide accommodation for disabled people? Conditions for obtaining housing

The rights of a disabled child to housing is a legal mechanism that protects the interests of citizens with disabilities from attacks by third parties. Assistance to such persons is a priority and obligatory for the state. This is due, first of all, to the characteristics of such children. Living with a large number of relatives, he feels uncomfortable because he needs certain living conditions.

Relatives may not use this right if they do not need state support. But often such special people have physical limitations, which causes additional troubles for parents or guardians. Satisfying household needs becomes a problem for everyone in the living space.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation has invented a special mechanism by which every disabled child receives the right to purchase housing. Article 17 of Federal Law No. 181, adopted on November 24, 1995, regulates these legal relations.


The law does not provide for restrictions on obtaining housing for this category of citizens. The only limitation is the registration time. The preferential category is divided only into those who registered earlier than January 1, 2005 and those who registered later. Those children who died earlier than the designated date have the right to receive money from a specialized fund from which veterans of the Great Patriotic War receive subsidies. In addition, they have every right to purchase an apartment on social rental terms.

The rights of citizens who registered after such a date are regulated by Article No. 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Only disabled people with a severe form of chronic illness receive housing without priority.


All conditions for receiving and categories of families that need improved housing conditions are specified in the document Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 901. The document stipulates all the rules for registration, as well as the circumstances and conditions.

The legislation guarantees the provision of housing to those families who:

  • have an area below the standard quadrature specified in federal law;
  • have an apartment that does not meet sanitary and technical requirements;
  • Several other families live on the territory;
  • raising a disabled child with severe chronic illnesses;
  • living conditions are so cramped that a disabled child is forced to live in the same room with citizens who are not related to him;
  • live in a dormitory;
  • live in a rented apartment.

Required documents

To receive housing from the state, you must register as a disabled person as early as possible. The production is carried out by the local government body. At their place of residence, relatives are required to submit an appropriate application to recognize them as in need of improved housing conditions.

To do this you must provide:

  • an extract from the house register;
  • medical document confirming loss of ability to work;
  • rehabilitation program;
  • a certificate from the bank confirming the existence of a personal account.
  • other supporting documents.

Medical documents must substantiate the cause of disability and acknowledge the fact of disability. In addition, it must be indicated that the citizen needs separate living space. All this is established by a medical social examination.

The government does not require a disabled child to submit documents. A representative has the right to do this using a legally certified document - a power of attorney. Relatives and guardians of a special child have the right to do this with his consent.

Housing space standards are set by the local government.

By analyzing the material provided, you can understand in detail the rights of disabled children, the rules for applying for benefits, and obtaining the status of a disabled child. In the article we will look at what benefits for disabled children in 2019, what documents are needed, where and how to get them.

Benefits for disabled children from the state

Families caring for disabled children use various methods of financial and social support. The government obliges local executive authorities to provide disabled children with:

  • Transport services;
  • Housing that meets established standards and is suitable for people with disabilities;
  • Pension provision;
  • Medical care, treatment;
  • Free provision of medicines;
  • Other financial payments and benefits.

In part transport benefits the opportunity to travel free of charge on city and suburban public transport is provided to both disabled people and an accompanying person; 50% discount on railway travel for a disabled child, as well as a guardian or parent, from October to May, once a year, round trip. Disabled children, as well as disabled people of groups 1 and 2, enjoy the right of free travel to the place of planned sanatorium-resort treatment.

Payment of social pensions for disabled children is established monthly, as well as corresponding supplements to the amount. Citizens who provide assistance to disabled children also enjoy financial support from the state.


If a disabled child is an orphan who lived in a special institution until the age of 18, he is also provided with personal housing. The emergency provision of premises must take into account the individual characteristics of the rehabilitation program, which allows a disabled person to live independently.

Signs of the category of a disabled child

Taking into account changes in legislation in 2014, the status of “childhood disabled” is no longer assigned to candidates. It was replaced by the title of disabled child until the child turned 18 years old. Persons over 18 years of age are assigned a specific disability group. All rights to benefits and preferences for a disabled child are retained in full.

Distinctive features of the status of disabled children:

  • The presence of a congenital chronic mental illness or deviation;
  • There is absolutely or partially no ability to support life activities independently;
  • Constant need for social support and rehabilitation.

The assessment of the condition and the decision to recognize the child as disabled is carried out by a special medical expert commission.

Limitation of life activity consists in the lack of physical strength to move, communicate with others, conduct educational and work activities.

Benefits in the housing sector for disabled children

Housing legislation has significant rights, providing disabled children and their families with:

  • A discount of 50% on all types of housing and communal services;
  • Compensation for rental costs of social housing;
  • Benefits for paying for a landline telephone (landline type of communication).

If houses are not equipped with central heating, then citizens are given a discount on the purchase of all types of heating material.

This group of socially vulnerable citizens is primarily provided with the necessary living space, as well as priority housing. At the same time, there is a certain gradation according to the type of disease:

  • Persistent mental disorders;
  • Significant damage to the nervous system, which leads to impaired mobility, cerebral palsy, atrophy of the limbs;
  • Psychological disorders that require regular medical supervision.

At the same time, square meters are also provided to people who directly care for disabled children. The size of the preferential area is 10 square meters.

The principle of providing and processing housing benefits

All benefits for disabled children are of a declarative nature. The representative or the disabled person himself registers with the territorial department of social support of the population. Housing is provided on a first-come, first-served basis and on the basis of need. There are some differences that have been identified due to changes in the legislative framework.

Disabled children and their families are given the opportunity to dispose cash payment, intended for the purchase of their own housing, if they are registered with housing until 01/01/2005.

Subsequent beneficiaries have the right to expect to receive housing in accordance with the law. Out-of-turn space is provided only to disabled people with acute chronic disorders and severe physical illnesses.

Housing program standards are established by the territorial housing service. Exceeding the permissible requirements is permitted, but not more than twice.

For example, in Moscow this figure is 18 square meters, which means that the maximum possible area should not be more than 36 square meters. per person. Subject to receipt of a room or one-room apartment.

This norm remains the same for disabled people with chronic diseases.

Who is involved in providing housing for disabled children?

Registration for housing for disabled children or their families is carried out through local social service authorities, housing committees, as well as through a single territorial MFC.

Regular registration of families of disabled people, where disabled children are raised, is kept at the place of residence by persons appointed by official representatives of the authorities, the social security department, and at the place of work in organizations that own and manage housing stock.

In this case, the executive body is obliged to take into account the characteristics of the applicant’s illness, as well as take into account the conditions of individual characteristics for the rehabilitation of a disabled child.

If a disabled person has the right to use a housing subsidy, he is provided with this service in order of priority. As funds allocated for these purposes become available, local governments notify the applicant.

A disabled person must take advantage of the housing subsidy within 6 months of receiving it. At the same time, funds are not paid in person. The disabled person must provide a purchase and sale agreement with the details of the developer. The money goes to the account of the real estate seller, bypassing the beneficiary.

It is not prohibited to contribute the personal savings of a family raising a disabled child to the purchase of housing. Upon completion of the transaction, the payer (applicant for preferential space) becomes the owner of individual housing.

Documents for receiving housing benefits

Before visiting executive authorities or mediation centers, a disabled person must prepare a list of documents:

  • Identity card, passports of citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • Certificate of family size from the passport office;
  • House book or extract from it;
  • Extract from the personal account about the status;
  • Documents confirming disability, indicating the type of disease, results of a medical examination;
  • Certificates from the BTI.

Belonging to a disability group is determined by a medical institution on a special commission. Additionally, you may need documents for a disabled child to attend a rehabilitation program that maintains a satisfactory state of health.

Some regions are conducting a pilot program to provide subsidized families of disabled people raising disabled children with a plot of land using individual housing construction. This program begins with the provision of a plot of land for rent for 3 years. Next, ownership of the plot is carried out. Additionally, employees can request a TIN or SNILS certificate.

Possible denial of benefits

To reduce the likelihood of refusal to receive subsidized housing, you should pay attention to the time frame during which certificates of family size and other confirmation of rights will be valid.

If you exercised your right and received a plot in an individual housing construction, as a future owner you must:

  • Start individual construction no later than 3 years after the site is provided;
  • Be in a large family (at least three children), and also raise a disabled child;
  • Pay income tax after taking ownership.

If one of the conditions is not met, the land plot is not provided, and it is also confiscated if there is no housing construction work.

The applicant must meet the requirements that qualify for improved housing conditions:

Common Questions

Question 1: Can a disabled child receive education without leaving home? Who provides this?

Answer: If a child does not have the opportunity to study, this opportunity is provided by a special educational institution. Parents can provide this opportunity by submitting a written request to the management. Also attach copies of certificates that confirm disability, restrictions in movement or development.

Question 2: Is there an individual queue for disabled children? How to get housing out of turn?

Answer: Families raising disabled children are subject to Art. 17 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which states that applications are registered in accordance with the general procedure. Sales occur based on the date of receipt. The opportunity for priority housing is given to disabled orphans who are able to lead a social life independently. Also, out-of-turn housing is provided to families whose houses are recognized as non-residential, and to disabled people with severe forms of mental disorders.

According to Art. 17 disabled people and families with disabled children in need of improved housing conditions, registered after January 1, 2005, are provided with living quarters in accordance with the housing legislation of the Russian Federation.

Determining the procedure for providing residential premises (under a social tenancy agreement or ownership) to citizens in need of improved housing conditions who registered before January 1, 2005, is established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the law distinguishes between two groups of disabled people:

1. registered as needing improved housing conditions after January 1, 2005,

2. registered as needing improved housing conditions before January 1, 2005.

When determining the procedure for providing residential premises, the first group of disabled people is subject to the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), and the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is applied to the second group.

According to Part 1 of Art. 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, residential premises are provided to citizens registered as needing residential premises, in order of priority, based on the time of registration of such citizens.

At the same time, according to clause 2 of the Rules for providing families with disabled children with the provision of living quarters, payment for housing and utilities (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 27, 1996 No. 901) grounds for recognizing disabled people and families with disabled children those in need of improved housing conditions for registration are:

The provision of housing for each family member is below the level established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Living in a residential premises (house) that does not meet established sanitary and technical requirements;

Living in apartments occupied by several families, if the family includes patients suffering from severe forms of certain chronic diseases, in which living together with them (according to the conclusion of state or municipal health care institutions) in the same apartment is impossible;

Accommodation in adjacent non-isolated rooms for two or more families in the absence of family relationships;

Accommodation in dormitories, with the exception of seasonal and temporary workers, persons working under a fixed-term employment contract, as well as citizens who settled in connection with their studies;

Living for a long time on a sublease basis in houses of the state, municipal and public housing stock, or renting in the houses of housing construction cooperatives, or in residential premises owned by citizens who have no other living space.

At the same time, Part 2 of Art. 57 of the RF Housing Code establishes that residential premises under social tenancy agreements are provided out of turn:

· citizens whose residential premises are recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unfit for habitation and are not subject to repair or reconstruction;

· orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, at the end of their stay in educational and other institutions, including social service institutions, foster families, orphanages family type, upon termination of guardianship (trusteeship), as well as upon completion of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or upon return from institutions executing a sentence of imprisonment;

· citizens suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases.

Thus, this list does not include disabled people, therefore, they are provided with residential premises under a social tenancy agreement in the order of general priority.

Out of turn, residential premises can be provided only if the disability is associated with a severe form of chronic disease, in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment. The list of such diseases was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2006 No. 378:


1. Active forms of tuberculosis with the release of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

2. Malignant neoplasms accompanied by copious discharge

3. Chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or frequently exacerbating painful manifestations

4. Epilepsy with frequent seizures

5. Gangrene of the limbs

6. Gangrene and necrosis of the lung

7. Lung abscess

8. Pyoderma gangrenous

9. Multiple skin lesions with copious discharge

10. Intestinal fistula

11. Urethral fistula

In addition, according to Art. 17 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, disabled people may be provided with residential premises under a social tenancy agreement with a total area exceeding the provision rate per person (but not more than twice), provided that they suffer from severe forms of chronic diseases provided for in the following list (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 N 817):


1. Active forms of tuberculosis of all organs and systems.

2. Mental illnesses requiring mandatory medical supervision.

3. Tracheostomy, fecal, urinary and vaginal fistulas, lifelong nephrostomy, bladder stoma, uncorrectable urinary incontinence, unnatural anus, malformations of the face and skull with impaired breathing, chewing, and swallowing functions.

4. Multiple skin lesions with copious discharge.

5. Leprosy.

6. HIV infection in children.

7. Absence of lower limbs or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including those of hereditary origin, with persistent dysfunction of the lower limbs, requiring the use of wheelchairs.

8. Organic diseases of the central nervous system with persistent dysfunction of the lower extremities, requiring the use of wheelchairs, and (or) dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

9. Condition after transplantation of internal organs and bone marrow.

10. Severe organic kidney damage, complicated by renal failure of II - III degree.

Children with disabilities belong to the category of unprotected citizens. Such people require special living conditions, where they could be provided with satisfaction of everyday needs and acceptable comfortable conditions. But not all families have the opportunity to do this, so they ask whether a disabled child is entitled to an apartment from the state? Let's look into this issue.

The Law on Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities determines that disabled children have the right to an apartment. This is Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995. The procedure for its provision is stipulated by Art. 17 of the same bill.

Disabled children who need housing are given free apartments as part of a government program. Such projects are developed by the Government in the social sphere and are aimed at improving the level and quality of life of vulnerable citizens. The first thing a family that doesn’t know how to provide housing for a disabled child needs to do to get an apartment is register.

Now regarding the question, can a disabled child get into an apartment, and in what queue should he be in order to do this? Despite the fact that the requirements for applicants are equal, several types of queues have formed. They differ from each other in the period for registration of the applicant. The reference date was January 1, 2005.

On a note! The factor that classifies an applicant as belonging to one of the queues is the date before and after 01/01/2005; housing benefits for these two registers are slightly different.

Persons registered before the established date receive funds to purchase living space for a disabled child. The program is financed by special funds. The same procedure applies to. And now we will answer the question whether a disabled child is entitled to an apartment if his family was registered after January 1, 2005.

The answer is yes; those who apply for improvement of the family’s living conditions can also arrange an apartment for a disabled child. Only now, instead of a sum of money, they will be offered housing under a social rental agreement. Consequently, the priority and deadline for registration are the main factors for allocating a residential property to needy applicants.

Art. 57 of the Housing Code determines the order of priority for the state of the country to allocate an apartment for permanent residence to a child with a childhood disability.


Factors relevant to purchasing a subsidy for a disabled child to purchase an apartment:

  • the right to be placed in a priority queue (only persons with disabilities can be included in it), equality of program participants is provided;
  • applicant number in general order;
    registration period.

Attention! Those persons with disabilities who have severe chronic illnesses have priority over other queue participants. These include lung abscess, psychological diseases, malignant tumors, severe skin lesions, tuberculosis and other dangerous serious diseases.

Conditions for obtaining housing for a disabled person from the first stage (before 01/01/2005)

If a child has congenital or acquired physical disabilities or diseases, can he, as a disabled person, get an apartment? What are the requirements for applicants? In fact, there are no criteria that a minor citizen must meet in order to be assigned the right to housing. Moreover, minors are not even divided into groups; they all have the status of childhood disabilities.

Government Decree No. 901 of the Russian Federation, in force since 1996, determines the conditions for the implementation of a housing program for disabled children. It establishes factors that make it possible to classify a family with a disabled child in need of improved living conditions.

But as for the conditions for allocating an apartment to a disabled child, they exist. One of the first requirements is the presence of a need factor for improved living conditions. Now let's look at these circumstances in more detail:

  • the family has a home, but in terms of each member there is less space than provided for by law;
  • the residential premises where the applicants live does not meet sanitary, technical and other conditions;
  • an apartment where a disabled person lives is the main place of residence for several families;
  • there is an applicant in the family who has severe chronic diseases;
  • there is no dedicated room for a disabled person to live in, which is why he is forced to live in the same space with other people who are not his relatives;
  • the family of a disabled person lives in a dormitory, but with the exception if this is temporary seasonal accommodation for the period of study;
  • the family rents housing under a sublease agreement from strangers.

Attention! The fact that a disabled child cannot live with a family member who has serious chronic illnesses must be confirmed by an employee of a state medical institution.

Conditions for the allocation of housing under a social tenancy agreement (queue after 01/01/2005)

Art. 57 of the Housing Code in part two establishes that the following are eligible for priority provision of housing under a social tenancy agreement:

  1. Citizens/families living in unsafe/unsuitable premises for safe living.
  2. Orphans are left without parental care.
  3. Patients with severe chronic diseases.

On a note! Housing should be provided to orphans on a priority basis after they leave boarding schools, after completing service in the Second World War, after ending guardianship and upbringing in foster families.

And in this case, to answer the question of whether disabled children are given apartments out of turn, you will have to answer negatively. Since, as part of the exercise of the right to housing under a social tenancy agreement, persons with disabilities do not enjoy a priority right to housing. They can receive it on a first-come, first-served basis.

Standards for allocating housing

Whether a particular disabled child is entitled to an apartment must be judged in the context of standards. The law does not directly stipulate the minimum square meters that must be allocated to the applicant. Regulation of this issue is the prerogative of local authorities.

In order to get an apartment in Moscow, a disabled person, as well as each member of his family, must have less than 18 square meters. m. area.

Priority right to allocate normalized living space

Now we know that disabled people are entitled to an apartment, but it is only provided to them in accordance with the general procedure. The law establishes a list of chronic diseases in one of the family members, giving a priority right to separate housing:

  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • neoplasms of a malignant type, which is accompanied by discharge;
  • persistent, protracted, worsening mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • pyoderma gangrenous;
  • lung abscess;
  • necrosis, gangrene of lung tissue;
  • numerous skin lesions with tissue necrosis, numerous compartments;
  • urethral fistula;
  • intestinal fistula.

On a note! If one of the family members has such diseases, children are allocated space out of turn under a social tenancy agreement, which cannot be more than twice the minimum standard and cannot be below the established threshold.

Reader questions

Question 1: I heard that there is also a group of diseases that allows you to allocate a room, which can more than double the minimum threshold. What kind of illnesses are these?
Answer: The list of diseases for which disabled children are entitled to additional space above the norm: HIV, active tuberculosis, fistulas, purulent diseases, gangrene, chronic urinary incontinence.

Question 2: What documents are needed to allocate housing to disabled people?
Answer: the applicant’s passport (parent, adoptive parent), a copy of the house register, income certificates, documents on kinship, a copy of the cadastral plan and a paper confirming disability (ITU medical report).

Who is involved in providing housing for disabled children Registration for housing for disabled children or their families is carried out through local social service authorities, housing committees, as well as through a single territorial MFC. Regular registration of families of disabled people, where disabled children are raised, is kept at the place of residence by persons appointed by official representatives of the authorities, the social security department, and at the place of work in organizations that own and manage housing stock. In this case, the executive body is obliged to take into account the characteristics of the applicant’s illness, as well as take into account the conditions of individual characteristics for the rehabilitation of a disabled child. If a disabled person has the right to use a housing subsidy, he is provided with this service in order of priority.

How to get an apartment for a disabled child in 2018


Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 901. The document stipulates all the rules for registration, as well as the circumstances and conditions. The legislation guarantees the provision of housing to those families who:

  • have an area below the standard quadrature specified in federal law;
  • have an apartment that does not meet sanitary and technical requirements;
  • Several other families live on the territory;
  • raising a disabled child with severe chronic illnesses;
  • living conditions are so cramped that a disabled child is forced to live in the same room with citizens who are not related to him;
  • live in a dormitory;
  • live in a rented apartment.

Necessary documents To obtain housing from the state, you must register as a disabled person as early as possible.

The production is carried out by the local government body.

Get compensation and benefits

Next, ownership of the plot is carried out. Additionally, employees can request a TIN or SNILS certificate. Possible refusal to provide benefits To reduce the likelihood of refusal to receive preferential housing, you should pay attention to the time frame during which certificates of family size and other confirmation of rights will be valid.
If you exercised your right and received a plot in an individual housing construction, as a future owner you must:

  • Start individual construction no later than 3 years after the site is provided;
  • Be in a large family (at least three children), and also raise a disabled child;
  • Pay income tax after taking ownership.

If one of the conditions is not met, the land plot is not provided, and it is also confiscated if there is no housing construction work.

Are disabled children entitled to housing and land in 2018?

An exception is made for citizens who, for medical reasons, have contraindications for living together. Even without taking into account all the bureaucratic procedures, the Russian Federation, represented by its government bodies, must create comfortable conditions for people with disabilities:

  • the presence of ramps or special lifts for wheelchairs in public places and residential buildings;
  • provide assistance in relocating citizens with disabilities and their families to the first floors of houses, etc.

This is very important for the full functioning of society.

Download for viewing and printing: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 27, 1996 No. 901 Changes in 2018 Our experts monitor all changes in legislation in order to provide you with reliable information.

Rights of a disabled child to housing

Disabled children and their families are given the opportunity to manage cash payments intended for the purchase of their own housing if they became registered with housing before 01/01/2005. Subsequent beneficiaries have the right to expect to receive housing in accordance with the law.


Out-of-turn space is provided only to disabled people with acute chronic disorders and severe physical illnesses. Housing program standards are established by the territorial housing service.

Exceeding the permissible requirements is permitted, but not more than twice. For example, in Moscow this figure is 18 square meters, which means that the maximum possible area should not be more than 36 square meters.

per person. Subject to obtaining a room or one-room apartment. This norm remains the same for disabled people with chronic diseases.

You will need

  • -statement;
  • -identity documents;
  • - certificate of income;
  • -extract from the house register;
  • - issuing a personal account;
  • -extract from the cadastral passport (if there is housing);
  • -copy of the cadastral plan;
  • - certificate of disability;
  • -copy of the rehabilitation program;
  • - certificate of family composition;
  • -marriage or divorce certificate.

Instruction 1 In order for a family with a disabled child to be put on a preferential queue for social housing, they must be low-income and in need of improved housing conditions. Also put on the waiting list are families whose housing does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards, is dilapidated and in disrepair, or if the family lives in cramped conditions in the same apartment with other residents.

24-hour legal advice by phone GET FREE CONSULTATION WITH A LAWYER BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: ST. PETERSBURG AND LENIGRAD REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL NUMBER: Are disabled children entitled to housing from the state? The law of Russia has invented a special system according to which it is possible to purchase an apartment or house for a family supporting disabled children. In general, providing housing for disabled children in 2018 is one of the main directions of the state’s work.


Also, compensation for utilities is provided to disabled children and land to disabled children. In addition, benefits are provided for housing and communal services. Is a disabled child entitled to a plot of land? Today, you can even get the state to allocate a plot of land to families with a disabled child.

What rights does a disabled child have to receive housing in 2018?

At their place of residence, relatives are required to submit an appropriate application to recognize them as in need of improved housing conditions. To do this you must provide:

  • an extract from the house register;
  • medical document confirming loss of ability to work;
  • rehabilitation program;
  • a certificate from the bank confirming the existence of a personal account.
  • other supporting documents.

Medical documents must substantiate the cause of disability and acknowledge the fact of disability.

In addition, it must be indicated that the citizen needs separate living space. All this is established by a medical social examination. The government does not require a disabled child to submit documents. A representative has the right to do this using a legally certified document - a power of attorney.
Relatives and guardians of a special child have the right to do this with his consent.
The rights of a disabled child to housing is a legal mechanism that protects the interests of citizens with disabilities from attacks by third parties. Assistance to such persons is a priority and obligatory for the state.

This is due, first of all, to the characteristics of such children. Living with a large number of relatives, he feels uncomfortable because he needs certain living conditions.

Relatives may not use this right if they do not need state support. But often such special people have physical limitations, which causes additional troubles for parents or guardians. Satisfying household needs becomes a problem for everyone in the living space. The current legislation of the Russian Federation has invented a special mechanism by which every disabled child receives the right to purchase housing.
Disabled children belong to a group of people that is commonly called vulnerable. This position is based on the fact that children with disabilities need to live in certain conditions where it would be possible to fulfill their everyday needs with maximum convenience. In our country there is an opportunity to get housing for disabled children. However, for this you need to take certain actions.

In the Russian Federation, providing housing for disabled children is one of the areas of state policy in the field of social protection of the population. Families raising children who are officially recognized as disabled based on medical reports can count on improved living conditions.

The right to improve housing conditions and provide living space for disabled children can be guided by Article 17 of the Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995.
At the same time, there is a certain gradation according to the type of disease:

  • Persistent mental disorders;
  • Significant damage to the nervous system, which leads to impaired mobility, cerebral palsy, atrophy of the limbs;
  • Psychological disorders that require regular medical supervision.

At the same time, square meters are also provided to people who directly care for disabled children. The size of the preferential area is 10 square meters.

The principle of providing and processing housing benefits All benefits for disabled children are of a declarative nature. The representative or the disabled person himself registers with the territorial department of social support of the population.

Housing is provided on a first-come, first-served basis and on the basis of need. There are some differences that have been identified due to changes in the legislative framework.