The procedure for passing a medical and social examination. How to pass the VTEK commission. What does disability registration provide?

In order for a person to receive a disability, it is necessary to undergo a special examination, which will confirm the fact of disability. Such an examination is called a medical and social examination - MSE.

Passing this examination is not easy. You should start with the fact that to begin the process you need a complete package of documents.

Legislative regulation

The legislation clearly regulates the procedure and conditions for granting disability. Those who apply for disability for the first time have to deal with a lot of incomprehensible nuances, moments that make a person fall into apathy or panic.

In particular, basis for receiving disability is the presence of confirmation of three facts:

Moreover, it is important to note that receiving disability possible only if available two of the above signs, since one of them may not be enough.

Only the medical and social examination, which represents the main or federal bureau.

Direction for examination is issued by medical institutions, regardless of property rights, as well as by pension or social protection authorities. It is important to understand that a person can independently contact the ITU office if one of the organizations previously refused to issue him a referral.

At the same time, passing the examination provides for the establishment one of three degrees of disability, namely:

Obtaining the status of “disability” requires strict compliance with all provisions of the law. Regulation in this matter is carried out through the Federal Law on the social protection of disabled people in Russia, as well as the PP on the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.

List of required documentation

To apply for disability, you must submit following documents:

Step-by-step order of passage

Registration of disability is a painstaking process that requires a huge amount of patience and, of course, time.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to collect the necessary documents, it is important to assert your rights. In some cases, those applying for disability are faced with reluctance on the part of health workers to provide assistance and assistance in a difficult matter, despite the fact that this is their direct responsibility. However, due to the fact that this is required by health conditions, it is important to overcome all obstacles.

Medical checkup

Before registering for disability, the applicant undergoes a medical examination, according to which the diagnosis is confirmed, and the presence of a disease that prevents him from living and working fully is substantiated.

The first action that must be taken by an applicant for status is to visit his attending physician, who is obliged to record all complaints in the outpatient record and issue a referral to specialized specialists so that the person undergoes a full examination.

The doctor gives the patient a corresponding form, which contains notes on which specialists need to be visited, as well as what examinations to undergo. It is important to note that the results of some examinations are valid for only two weeks. In some cases, it may be necessary to undergo an examination in a hospital setting.

The attending physician also draws up a package of documents for further passage by the ITU commission. If the doctor refuses to issue the appropriate referral, a written refusal must be issued citing the reasons for the refusal. Only in this case is a person allowed to apply independently to the ITU commission. If the doctor refuses to write a documented refusal, the person has the right to appeal to the judicial authorities.

The documents that are drawn up by the attending physician are called messengers. They should record the state of health at the time of application, test results, as well as the necessary funds for rehabilitation. In particular, to rehabilitation means include a wheelchair, special orthopedic shoes, diapers or walkers, a hearing aid or spa treatment, etc. In addition, a referral form for passing the ITU commission is issued, which is certified by the seal of the hospital or medical institution, and also has the signature of three doctors.

Collection of necessary documentation

Once the date for the commission is set, you must have all the necessary documents, in particular:

Passing the commission

After collecting the necessary documentation, it is very important to come to the ITU regional office on time. As a rule, the waiting period for admission to the office is one month from the date of submission of documents.

The ITU commission is attended by a patient who needs to receive disability status, as well as three specialists. They can examine the patient and, if necessary, ask questions related to the patient’s health and financial condition. The commission may also be interested in living conditions, social skills, education, characteristics from the place of work, etc.

All questions and answers during the meeting are recorded in the minutes, after which a vote is taken. If there are disagreements, an additional examination may be prescribed.

Deadlines and results of registration

The process of registering disability takes place in stages. It takes at least 7-10 days to collect documents and undergo the examination. The decision to assign disability is made on the day of the examination.

If the commission is satisfied with everything, a disability group is assigned, which is documented with an appropriate certificate and the development of an individual rehabilitation system.

In fact, registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and problems.

Registration of disability for a child

Assignment takes up to four months. At the same time, an ITU examination is also carried out, which is referred by the attending physician.

At the ITU office The following documents must be provided:

  1. A doctor's note.
  2. Outpatient card.
  3. Registration.
  4. Identification documents of the parent or.
  5. Identification documents of the child.

Children are not assigned any degree of disability, that is, there are no degrees of severity.

What to do in case of refusal

When passing the commission, situations may arise when the patient receives a refusal. In this case, the patient has the right to appeal the decision. It is important to comply deadlines for appeal– no later than one month from the date of such decision.

IN statement indicated:

  1. Full name of the bureau to which the application is sent.
  2. Applicant details.
  3. Statement of the essence, indicating the composition of the commission.
  4. Request for re-examination.

The application is reviewed within three days. If the answer is positive, a new examination is scheduled within 30 days after consideration of the application.


Re-examination occurs annually, since the ITU commission annually examines persons who have been assigned the status of a disabled person.

Passage order re-examination involves three types:

  1. For the first group of disabled people – once every two years.
  2. For the second and third groups of disabled people, re-examination is carried out once a year.
  3. For children once during the prescribed period.

It is absolutely impossible to skip the re-examination procedure, as a person may lose the right to be considered disabled. When undergoing re-examination, there is every chance of getting a category change if doctors consider that the person is getting better or his health condition has worsened. If the state of health is satisfactory, a person may lose his disability status.

For re-examination must be provided:

Registration of disability is a painstaking task that requires a lot of patience and effort, but if you are not afraid of difficulties and know your rights and all the registration rules, the procedure will go almost smoothly, allowing you to receive additional benefits and payments.

The rules for passing the ITU are described in the following video:

How to successfully pass an examination in medical and social examination institutions?

Many patients who apply for the first time to medical and social examination institutions remain dissatisfied with the decisions made and the examination procedure itself, since they are forced to complete additional documentation and undergo additional clinical and laboratory examinations.
A few simple tips will help solve such problems.

First of all, it is necessary to check the correctness of the documentation that will be submitted for examination.

A referral for a medical and social examination (your main document), drawn up in a medical and preventive institution (MPI) at the place of observation and treatment, must be certified by the seal of this institution and at least 3 signatures of doctors (including the signature of the chairman of the medical commission or the chief doctor).

Extracts from hospitals must be certified by their seals (having only a corner stamp and the doctor’s personal seal is not enough).
Check the correctness of the passport data in the above documents, since an error in even one letter will invalidate them.

Make photocopies of all extracts from the hospital and attach them to the referral for medical examination, preferably in chronological order. For examination, be sure to take the originals of all hospital extracts and other medical records. documents (ITU experts will check them with photocopies and the originals will be returned to you).

The results of your observation and treatment in an outpatient setting are important in the examination, so the outpatient card should be with you. If there are ambulance call tickets, they must be attached to the outpatient card (it is advisable to photocopy them as well).

If you have pathology of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, arthrosis-arthritis, spinal pathology), you should take X-rays with you - preferably recent ones (no more than 1 month before the date of examination). In this case, the direction to the ITU should contain a description of them. If there are a lot of pictures (take everything you have - it is important to assess the dynamics of the disease) - it is advisable to put them in chronological order. If you suffer from hypertension and there are crises on your outpatient card, you can carefully make bookmarks with colored stripes (stickers) on the pages where they are recorded - this should be done in the last 12 months before the examination.

If there have been sick leaves over the last year, it is advisable to write them down on a separate sheet - from what date and to what date, indicating the diagnosis and duration in days. Unfortunately, doctors at health care facilities do not always fill out this item in detail and accurately when sending it to the medical examination.

If there are conclusions of narrow specialists (consultations: cardiologist, pulmonologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, orthopedist-traumatologist, neurosurgeon, etc.) - obtained in other medical institutions - they must also be certified by the seal of these medical institutions (and not just the personal seal of the doctor - consultant). Check the dates of issue of the conclusions and passport data in them.

Information about your education may be required - for students - a certificate of study from an educational institution, for others (especially young people of working age) - a copy and original (bring it with you) of an education diploma.

The work record book (or its copy certified by the HR department) is also provided to the ITU. It is also advisable to make a photocopy of your passport (the original, of course, must be with you). For workers - a production description, indicating working conditions and how the patient copes with his duties (the date of its preparation must be indicated and must be certified by the seal of the enterprise).

You must be mentally prepared for the fact that the decision made may not coincide with the one you expect. You should not rely excessively on the opinions of medical doctors, who sometimes allow themselves to express an opinion about the specific disability group you are entitled to. This is the most common cause of conflict situations that arise in the process of announcing an expert decision.

The attending physicians do not have the appropriate expert training and should not “tune” the patient to a certain specific decision. They bear absolutely no responsibility for their verbally expressed opinion about which group a particular patient belongs to. In contrast, medical experts draw up an expert medical file for each patient, where they justify their decision in writing with reference to the relevant regulations, certify it with their signatures and the seal of the ITU institution, and bear full legal responsibility for it. This important point should be very well understood.

It is advisable to take a clean sheet with you to the examination, since during the examination while lying on the couch, you will need it.

You can take an interesting book so that waiting to be called into the meeting room is not tiresome. It is not advisable to take a player or radio - you may disturb others, and if you use headphones, you will not hear how they invite you.

The right of priority call is enjoyed by: WWII veterans, WWII disabled people and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. Therefore, if you belong to one of the above categories, you should inform the commission about this.

Take with you medications that may be useful to you during a possibly long wait for a call; this primarily applies to patients with diabetes, hypertension and coronary artery disease. The duration of the examination can vary from several tens of minutes to several hours, depending on the workload of the ITU institution.

Therefore, you should be prepared for a possible long wait.

The most severely ill patients, who are unable to come to an ITU institution for examination, are examined at home (very rarely and in cases of exceptional remoteness of the patient, a decision can be made in absentia - based on documents). In this case, the referral for medical examination is accompanied by a certificate from the Medical Commission (medical commission) stating that for health reasons the patient cannot appear for examination. It is advisable for elderly and seriously ill patients to come accompanied by relatives - who, if necessary, will help them get dressed and undressed during the examination, complement their complaints, and supervise their return home.

Given the high workload of most ITU institutions, you should prepare in advance to answer the questions that will be asked during the certification process.

Experts, as a rule, first get acquainted with your honey. documentation - therefore, during the communication process, only the necessary clarifying questions are asked.

You should answer the question posed precisely, avoiding, if possible, unnecessary details. As a rule, questions are asked about the onset of the disease, how it progressed, whether (when, where and how many) there were inpatient treatments, operations (their dates), the effect of the treatment and your personal plans regarding employment (do you consider yourself completely disabled, do you intend to find an easier job or plan to continue treatment on sick leave). Questions are asked about outpatient treatment - what medications the patient takes daily and in what dosage.

After questioning the complaints, the patient is examined by experts, if necessary, in a lying position on the couch. The details of the examination depend on the specific diagnoses of the patient. In most cases, the patient is asked to undress down to his underpants. After the examination, the patient is asked to wait in the corridor, at which time the specialists collectively, during a joint discussion, make an expert decision. Then the decision made is announced to the patient.

It is possible that you will be offered further examination - if the experts consider that in order to make a final decision it is important to obtain additional information characterizing the state of your health.

In this situation, it is advisable, if possible, to agree, since it is in your best interests to obtain additional information about the state of your health and thereby increase the accuracy of the decision made. However, you have the right to refuse further examination - in this case you will be asked to write a written refusal and the decision will be made on the basis of available documents and data from an objective examination.

Do not forget that if you are recognized as disabled, your pension and other benefits will be accrued from the moment the examination begins (if you have a second examination, i.e. if you have previously been recognized as disabled). The beginning of the examination is considered to be the day of registration at the ITU institution of your documents (application with a request for examination with a referral to the ITU attached to it).

If you are recognized as disabled for the first time, then your pension will begin to be accrued not from the date the examination begins, but from the date of writing the application for accrual of the pension (this application is written at the Pension Fund, where you will need to appear with a certificate of disability).
Therefore, you should not delay your visit to the Pension Fund after you have been initially recognized as disabled (the sooner you write an application to the Pension Fund, the sooner they will start accruing your pension).

Briefly about how to act correctly in a situation when you do not agree with the decision made. In this case, firstly, you should remain calm and not insult the employees of the ITU institution who are in the performance of their official duties. You should state that you do not agree with the decision and ask for clarification of the procedure for appealing it. You are required to provide appropriate explanations.

The decision of the ITU establishment can be appealed to the higher ITU Main Bureau or to the court, in the manner prescribed by current legislation. There is no particular point in appealing the decision directly to the court, since there are no specialists in ITU there and a competent judge will be forced to look for the same specialists from the higher Main Bureau as an arbitrator, just spend money on a lawyer. It is more rational to write a statement of disagreement with the decision made and with a request to have your examination carried out at the higher ITU Main Bureau. This statement can be written either directly at the institution where you were examined, or in person to the higher ITU Main Bureau (at your discretion). Within three days from the date of writing your application, your expert medical file is transferred to the ITU Main Bureau, whose specialists will check the validity of the decision (within a maximum of 1 month). You will be invited to them for an examination (or they will come to your home - if there is a certificate from the VK about the patient’s inability to come for the examination). If there are grounds, they have the right to change the decision made.

By following these simple recommendations, you will be able to feel more confident during the examination and go through the medical and social examination procedure faster and more successfully. Believe in yourself and you will definitely feel better. Good luck to you in achieving your goals.

An attempt has been made to introduce greater objectivity in determining the disability group, but still much is left to the discretion of the specific commission.

Medical and social examination (MSE) is a mandatory procedure when receiving disability. It is this commission that determines a person’s ability to work, benefits and the size of the pension. The opinions of experts often do not coincide with the opinions of disabled people and their loved ones - there are many statements that the patient was assigned too “easy” a group.

Until now, ITU specialists have been guided by scattered documents to assess the degree of disorders in the body, as well as their own views on a particular case. Since the new year, new standards of medical and social examination have been in force, uniform for all regions of the Russian Federation.

A new order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection “On classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination” was issued in order to make the procedure more understandable, objective, and it establishes clearer quantitative indicators for assessing the degree disorders in the human body.

Order No. 664n identifies four degrees of persistent impairment of body functions caused by diseases or consequences of injuries.

In grade I, a person experiences persistent minor functional impairments in the range of 10–30% (with such impairments, the patient is not assigned a disability group). In degree II – persistent moderate impairment in the range of 40–60%. In grade III – persistent pronounced disorders in the range of 70–80%. In grade IV – persistent, significantly pronounced dysfunction in the range of 90–100%.

This document also stipulates the degree of limitation of the patient’s life activity in several categories - his ability to move independently, navigate, communicate and learn, control his behavior and work is taken into account. It is according to these two criteria - the degree of impairment of body functions and the degree of limitations in life activity - that the patient will be assigned a disability group.

The order of the Ministry of Labor on MSE is commented by the head of the advisory and legal department of the St. Petersburg Association of Public Associations of Parents of Disabled Children (GAOORDI) Olga Bezborodova:

– From a legal point of view, little has changed. As before, the entire mechanism for registering disability is regulated by the Ministry of Labor and the procedure approved by the government of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Labor is developing methodological materials.

As for the content, yes, an attempt has been made to introduce more objective medical criteria by which a person can be assigned one or another disability group. Although the form of medical and social examination itself has not changed.

But there are certain problems. For example, if a person, according to the IPR, is entitled to a technical means of rehabilitation that helps him move, then he will no longer receive the 1st group. If we talk about neurology, then for a person to now be given group 1, he must simply lie down and even shake during epileptic seizures. That is, if there are no epileptic seizures, then they will give you the 2nd group.

I wonder if the people who develop these rules imagine what it would be like for a person with diplegia to exist with the social support that is provided to him according to these new rules? Many additional criteria have been introduced: for example, in case of heart failure, disability is now given depending on how impaired the blood circulation is.

Recently a woman came to me whose child had a 1st group disability, and now he has been given a 2nd group. One of the reasons is that the child is adapted to his room. But what does this mean? This means that the child is adapted only in his room - that is, excuse me, when he needs to go to the toilet, he is no longer adapted. But the ITU has already considered it adapted. But this can also be said about a bedridden person, that he is adapted to his bed - despite the fact that his connections with the outside world may be disrupted.

Actually, all the details are set out in the appendix to order No. 664n, which is called “Classification of criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination.” This appendix to the new order has a lot of links to specific diseases. This didn't happen before. But what should people do who have lost some functions, but doctors cannot give them an accurate diagnosis? All clinical symptoms are described in detail. And a person must learn all this very well in order to know what diagnosis doctors should give him in order to receive one or another disability group.

Yes, such a link to diagnoses is an attempt to make ITU decisions more objective. Until now, too much depended on the subjective decisions of certain people in the commission. But there are a number of phrases in the text that cannot indicate objective parameters. For example, “adequately administered treatment.” For one doctor one treatment method is adequate, for another – another. It would be more understandable if the phrase “according to accepted medical standards” was present. Or another example: the phrase “partially adapted.” Partially – how much? “Moderate impairment of circulatory functions” - where is it stated what this means? There are no clear criteria here. There can’t be any – after all, it’s all very individual for each person.

So, an attempt has been made to introduce greater objectivity in determining the disability group, but as a result, much is still left to the discretion of a specific commission. That is, from a legal point of view, there was no strengthening of the legal position of a person claiming disability.

When studying the appendix to the order, it is striking that the degree of detail in the consideration of each group of diseases depends on the extent to which specialized specialists were involved in the work on the document in each specific case. For example, pulmonologists worked conscientiously and protected their clients. But congenital genetic diseases are practically ignored in the application. What could this mean? That if a particular disease is not specified in this application, then the person suffering from it may not be given a disability at all.

And here’s what’s interesting: it is indicated that one of the reasons why a person can be recognized as disabled is alcohol etiology. That is, a person can voluntarily and systematically bring himself to this state for years, and he will also be given a disability - he is provided with the 2nd group. This emphasis on alcoholism is also an innovation. It is not clear why this particular group of people stands out - after all, if a person has already lost some function of the body, it is not so important whether this happened because of excessive alcohol consumption or as a result of a car accident.

– What, in your opinion, are the disadvantages of the current form of passing the ITU?
– Firstly, the level of professionalism is very low - professionals who love their work do not go to work in these bureaus.

Secondly, the citizen is left alone with the commission, that is, he finds himself in a stressful situation.

Thirdly, when a citizen gathers for a commission, no one really tells him what documents he needs to bring with him. In fact, you can submit for consideration to the commission any documents that a person considers important for obtaining disability, and not just what the doctor wrote at the clinic.

And few people know that a person has the right to additionally undergo specialist training - after all, there may not be a specialist of a certain profile on the commission. For example, a person with a genetic disease comes to the commission, but there is no geneticist on the commission. But how can anything be decided in this case without a geneticist?

Fourthly, the commission draws conclusions, including depending on the number of citizen visits to medical institutions. But even a very severely disabled person can rarely go there.

Judicial practice in the field of appealing ITU decisions is currently extremely poor, because there are very few independent experts who have the right to issue relevant opinions. In St. Petersburg, I personally know one such specialist - a geneticist. Moreover, he was given the corresponding license in Nizhny Novgorod. That is, we are offered to challenge the ITU decision by transferring the case to another group of specialists from the same system. But the lack of an alternative is nonsense.

– In your opinion, in what direction should lawmaking move in matters relating to people with disabilities?
– If the goal is to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, then it is necessary to provide them with a rule of law under which they can be calm about the social support they need. This needs to be done at the legislative level. And we need medicine and social protection to work together. In the meantime, as a result of the new order of the Ministry of Labor, the level of disability is decreasing. Accordingly, less budget funds are spent on social support measures for the population.

The state has created an entire system of assistance for the social protection of those individuals who have persistent health problems, injuries, cannot work, and have limited opportunities for socialization. Its goal is to reduce the distance between a sick person and society. It consists of several components:

ITU - what is it

To resolve some of these issues in relation to each specific person requiring state support, a medical and social examination (MSE) was created. Strictly speaking, ITU is a state examination designed to resolve the issue of establishing disability for a specific person.

Among the main tasks of carrying out MSA is determining the degree of damage to the basic functions of the body of a particular person, identifying possible ways of rehabilitation, and legal recognition of him as disabled.

ITU structure

For each specific person who needs to establish a disability, the examination is carried out at the ITU office at the place of residence. They are branches of the Main Bureaus located in the regions.

There are city and district branches of the Main Bureaus, where you should come with a referral and documents. A disabled person can apply to the ITU at his place of residence (this may be his place of residence) or at his location (if he has left the Russian Federation). For example, to conduct ITU in Moscow, you should contact one of the 95 branches of the “GB ITU in Moscow” (their addresses are posted on the official website of the Head Office).

In case of disagreement with the decision of the local branch, the person (or his guardian) can appeal it to the Head Office, as a rule, these are regional structures. Then the examination will be carried out here (in our example, this will be the ITU GB for Moscow).

The main structure is the Federal Bureau of ITU. In difficult situations, in case of disagreement with the decision of the Head Body, the examination is carried out here; its decision can be appealed in court.

The Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise is subordinate to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Tasks and powers

One of the main functions of the ITU is to establish a disability group. This procedure is a factual overall assessment of the health status of the person contacting the bureau.

To conduct examinations of persons with various diseases, special expert groups have been created:

  • mixed-profile groups will examine patients with general diseases;
  • special groups are created to consider issues related to persons aged 18-1 years.

Specialized groups have also been created for examination:

  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • persons with mental disorders;
  • suffering from visual impairment.

The examination will be carried out by an expert group depending on the disease that the patient has.

When passing the ITU, the issue of rehabilitation is also resolved and an individual rehabilitation program (IRP) is issued (or adjusted).

Place of examination

At the same time, in accordance with the Rules for recognizing a person as disabled (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95), an examination is possible:

About disability groups and criteria for their establishment

The ITU examination involves determining the disability group (its extension) or refusing to establish it. All and there is also a category “disabled child”. The ITU Bureau can set disability for 1 or 2 years, 5 years or for life (this is determined by the relevant criteria of the Rules).

The group specification contains a detailed list of health disorders of the person being examined. These criteria form the basis for establishing the disability group by the examination.

For example, when persistent moderate impairments lead to a decrease in the ability to perform previously familiar professional duties or to a decrease in the volume or intensity of work, and also cause the inability to continue activities in the main profession, but at the same time the person remains able to perform duties of a lower qualification under standard conditions. This indicates the presence of 1st degree limitation of the main categories of life activity, and there are grounds for assigning a III disability group.

If persistently expressed disorders of body functions arise, requiring special devices or the creation of specific working conditions or any special technical equipment to perform work activities. funds or assistance from outsiders, they qualify as the second degree of restriction. In this case, disability group II is assigned.

When persistently expressed health disorders are detected, leading to the impossibility (even contraindication) of work or absolute inability to do it, grade 3 occurs. These are signs of disability group I.

The assignment of the group depends on the general health of the person undergoing the examination. Here, many factors are taken into account that limit the main categories of life. Among them will be his ability to self-care, orientation, communication, movement, ability to control himself and learning ability (which is very important for children and young people).

When all these factors are taken into account, the group will be established. The criteria themselves are approved specifically for each group and have uniform, very clear recommendations for all ITU branches of Russia.

About the possible purposes of the examination

In addition to the main goal - maximum adaptation of a disabled person into society - MSE also pursues more specific goals. These include:

  • determination of a person’s disability group (category “disabled child”);
  • establishing the degree of loss of professional skills and ability to work;
  • development (or its correction);
  • development (or its correction) of a rehabilitation program for the victim.

The commission may also be held to establish:

  • stages of loss of professional skills from an occupational disease or industrial accident;
  • the need for outside care of a close relative, a citizen undergoing military service;
  • signs of persistent health disorder for employees of internal affairs bodies and other structures.

How to get directions

To undergo the examination, you need to receive a referral (to the patient himself or his guardian). This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Contact a medical institution healthcare of the Russian Federation , where the person requiring testing is being observed or treated.
  2. Apply to the Pension Fund office. Here you will need to submit the necessary medical documents certifying your illness, injury or disability.
  3. Apply to the social protection authorities, and there must be signs of a person’s disability and his need for social protection.

The medical institution issues a referral in form No. 088/u-06. In which there will be information about the state of health of the person referred and the recovery capabilities of his health, about the rehabilitation measures taken, their results, and necessarily the purpose for which the person is sent to MSE (disability and group are not indicated in it).

Social protection authorities and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation issue a referral in a form approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2006 No. 874, which contains information about signs of disability (as a rule, based on a fact established by them) and the need for social protection, the purpose of the referral.

If a person has been denied a referral by all of the listed institutions, he has the right to appeal directly to ITU branches .

What other documents are needed for examination?

Documents are attached to the received referral. Their list will depend on the purpose for which the referral is issued. And you can get it along with the direction.

Common to all types of examination will be:

  • a written application for an examination from the person who requires it;
  • Identity document of the disabled person and his guardian (if available). For children under 14 years of age, documents of one of the parents are required;
  • medical certificate confirming health problems.

Most likely, you will also need the following documents:

Who are the legal representatives

In some cases, a person who requires the establishment of disability is due to his illness and cannot be fully responsible for his actions or is physically unable to collect certificates and go to authorities. This will be the basis for their interests to be represented by legal representatives. They may be parents, children, other relatives, spouses, or strangers caring for the disabled person (in this case, a guardianship decision will be required).

When examining children under 14 years of age and adolescents under 18, their legal representatives will be their parents. The law provides for their mandatory participation in the process (without them the examination will not be carried out). If the child does not have parents, then guardians replace them.

In all these cases, legal representatives for the ITU are an important component of the process. They must present documents that certify kinship or marriage, and can carry out a number of actions for the patient. So, they collect the necessary certificates, bring the patient for examination, and organize the commission to go home if it is impossible to deliver him. In fact, they represent the interests of their ward at the ITU.

About the results

During the examination, a protocol is kept. Then an inspection report is drawn up, which consists of 2 parts. It is stored for 10 years. The person in respect of whom the examination was carried out is given:

  • Help. It indicates the disability group, the cause and the period for which the disability was established, and there must be a link to the examination report and its details.
  • Individual rehabilitation program.

An extract from the act, which must be drawn up, is sent to the regional branch of the Pension Fund no later than within 3 days.

If a person disagrees with the results of the examination, he must write a statement to the same regional or head office no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the certificate. The period during which the re-examination must take place is 1 month.

If you disagree with the commission's conclusions, you can also go to court.

The innovation of the Russian Ministry of Labor, which approved new classifications and criteria, should first of all reassure patients of the ITU bureau - people with disabilities. Some of them often expressed dissatisfaction and complained about the incorrectness of the disability groups assigned to them, explaining this by the subjectivity of specialists.

After all, disability in general and its group, in particular, are important for our people, since they provide certain social guarantees of state support: which a person with disabilities receives instead of in-kind benefits that were canceled ten years ago, as well as the opportunity to use travel, travel, and so on .

The degree of disability is determined as a percentage

Until recently, when conducting medical and social examinations, specialists were guided by scattered recommendations and instructions. Which to some extent contributed to the “discrepancy” regarding the assignment or refusal to establish disability, the “underestimation” of the group, and so on. To exclude this, at the end of last year the Russian Ministry of Labor developed clear, uniform quantitative indicators for all regions to assess the severity of dysfunctions of the human body (respiration, blood circulation, digestion, and so on). This made it possible to eliminate the subjectivity of experts during the examination.

It should be noted that there is no significant difference in approaches to establishing disability then and today. As in the previous document, the new one is based on the severity of dysfunction due to disease, injury or defect. But only now - in percentage terms.

There are 4 degrees of persistent dysfunction of the body:

I degree - given for minor impairment of body functions in the range from 10 to 30%;

II degree - with persistent moderate impairment of body functions in the range from 40 to 60%;

III degree - with severe impairment of body functions in the range from 70 to 80%;

IV degree - with persistent, significantly pronounced impairment of body functions in the range from 90 to 100%.

In order, again, to avoid the subjectivity of specialists when determining the quantitative assessment as a percentage, a corresponding document was published (annex to the classification). It sets out the clinical and functional characteristics of persistent dysfunctions of the human body in percentage terms.

A few more basic points

Even if the application does not include a specific disease, experts will consider a general approach to the class of diseases.

If there are several persistent disorders of body functions, each of them will be assessed separately. And then they will select the maximum violation expressed as a percentage.

If it is established that other disorders influence the severity of the maximum impairment of body function expressed as a percentage, then it can be increased, but not more than by 10%.

The third disability group is assigned in a new way

The ITU Bureau also drew attention to the fact that to establish disability groups, the classifications of the main categories of life activity and criteria remained the same, except for group III. If previously it was possible to obtain disability group III, having only one disability of the first degree, now two or more are required.