Dream interpretation. musical instruments - all interpretations. Why do musical instruments dream? The feasibility and meaning of dreams

Miller's dream book

See in a dream musical instruments - promises long-awaited pleasures.

If they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited motley company.

If a young woman sees this dream, it portends her a real opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Why do musical instruments dream

Freud's dream book

Most musical instruments are symbols of a woman in themselves, with the exception of long instruments like the flute or clarinet which symbolize the masculine principle.

However: Whatever each musical instrument symbolizes (man or woman), but playing any musical instrument is a symbol of masturbation or masturbation.

If you are asked to play a musical instrument, your hobby became known to others, and you became the subject of gossip.

If you walk with a musical instrument, you are prone to exhibitionistic antics.

If a musical instrument breaks while playing it (a string breaks, keys fall, etc.) - you will soon part ways or have recently parted ways with your sexual partner.

If you hear vague or unpleasant sounds when playing a musical instrument, you are unhappy with your partner, but do not dare or do not want to break up with him, and you have secret thoughts of self-satisfaction.

If you break your musical instrument in a dream, this symbolizes possible diseases of the genital organs, but it can also symbolize your desire to stop masturbation (masturbation).

If a musical instrument is idle (hanging on the wall, standing in a closet or against the wall, etc.), you often have sexual fantasies that you cannot realize, and you have thoughts of self-satisfaction.

If in a dream a lot of people play musical instruments, perhaps you are abusing self-gratification.

Why do musical instruments dream

Family dream book

Musical instruments - dreaming to great pleasure. But if they are broken, then the pleasure will be interrupted by something or someone.

If a young woman sees a musical instrument in a dream, she will have a chance to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Why do musical instruments dream

Spring dream book

Playing musical instruments is a shock.

Why do musical instruments dream

Autumn dream book

Play a musical instrument - you will play on someone's nerves.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Playing musical instruments is a harbinger of joyful events. Seeing wind musical instruments - in reality you will receive a letter from a distant friend.

The accordion seen in a dream predicts bleak events, but with a happy ending. Harp - to marriage and a happy life in marriage. The balalaika foreshadows joyful events, the drum - good news, the tambourine - surprises caused by the machinations and slander of ill-wishers.

The cello is a sign of a big, joyful event in the family; bagpipes - positive sign, foreshadowing that everything will be fine with you. Seeing a guitar in a dream or playing it - have fun in a new interesting society. Oboe - indicates your unrealized creative possibilities.

A pipe or horn - to joyful surprises and overcoming the consequences of slander. Organ - to the deceased. A violin in a dream - portends a profit, a flute - to unsuccessful meetings. Piano, grand piano or piano - to a long-awaited meeting in a loved one after separation.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Musical instruments are property of no use.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

To see musical instruments in a dream is a long-planned entertainment.

Broken tools - indicates that your pleasure will be spoiled by the appearance of intruders.

Such a dream for a young woman portends the opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Why do musical instruments dream

Modern dream book

Seeing musical instruments in a dream is a sign of anticipated pleasures.

If you dreamed about broken tools, obsessive friends put these pleasures. A young woman has a similar dream - predicts that she has the strength to arrange life at her own discretion.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

property that does not generate income.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

What does it mean in a dream to see musical instruments in a dream - you see musical instruments in a dream - joyful events will soon happen in your family; you will experience the pleasures for which you have long sought. As if you hear that musical instruments are out of tune - fake will creep into the relationship between you and your loved ones; this will be clear to everyone, and you will be annoyed when you notice that loved ones pretend that nothing happened. You dream of broken musical instruments - uninvited guests will come to you and disturb the peace, they will not allow you to work or rest. A young woman dreams that she has learned to play some kind of musical instrument - the dream says that this woman has gained enough experience and can build her own life.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Instruments (musical) - generally a love or business relationship.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation of the healer Akulina

What do Musical Instruments mean in a dream - Enjoy relaxation. Imagine that you are playing the instruments of your dreams, and everyone around you admires this music.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation Of Steals Veles

A musical instrument is a person's energy range, it is your energy or the energy of another person; is it a person or yourself.

To play a musical instrument - to come into close contact with the energy of another person, try to find harmony in a relationship, or is it your own harmonious perception of the world around you.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation of prince Zhou-Gong

Musical instrument - Give another person a longitudinal flute. - portends fame, glory. Give a man castanets. - Heralds a squabble. You press a stringed instrument to your chest - There will be support, help from another person. You play the sheng instrument. - Heralds a change. You play the longitudinal flute and beat the drum. - There will be joy, a holiday. Another person plays musical instruments. - You will be recognized as right in court proceedings, litigation.

Music Box - A mechanism that produces repetitive music. This image may indicate a mechanism of latent obsession or the manifestation of schizophrenia (see toy).

Musical equipment - No sound - expectation of change.

Why do musical instruments dream

English dream book

You dreamed about Musical Instruments - Playing musical instruments in a dream involves a desire to appeal to the emotions of others: the musical direction and instruments reflect the emotional state that you are trying to evoke. Why dream: What tools were present in your dream? Most stringed instruments are considered feminine due to their round shape and sound. The violin and guitar are especially often used as the embodiment of the female body. Harp is romantic and brooding, very feminine. Brass instruments, on the other hand, are loud, bold and defiant. Are you blowing fanfare? How did the audience perceive sounds in a dream? Woodwind instruments have a phallic shape, but their sound is soft and gentle, almost gentle. Dreams of playing the flute or oboe indicate a desire to persuade and persuade, instead of coercing by force. The piano, organ and synthesizer are versatile and powerful instruments used in a variety of musical styles. Dreams in which you play well on them speak of self-confidence in most life situations. Drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments can symbolize marching to other people's drums, especially if you are independent and prone to individualism in real life. Plus, they sound loud and turn on listeners - are you trying to get attention?

Why do musical instruments dream

Big dream book

Mandolin - Playing a mandolin in a dream means that you will have to spend a lot of effort, time and nerves to reach a decision in your favor of an extremely important matter for you, on which your entire future career largely depends. Hearing the sounds of a mandolin portends melancholy, despondency and disappointment. Broken mandolin speaks of the onset of unfavorable life circumstances for you.

Why do musical instruments dream

Psychoanalytic dream book

You dreamed about Musical Instruments - see also Drum, Flute, Organ or Piano. 1. Musical instruments in a dream are responsible for our skills and abilities in communication. Wind instruments imply intelligence. Percussion instruments are the fundamental rhythm of life. 2. Sometimes in a dream, musical instruments can suggest sexual organs and thus an attitude towards their sexuality. 3. Ways of self-expression (for example, playing a musical instrument) are suggestions of our creativity and are spiritual actions.

Why do musical instruments dream

Home dream book

You dreamed about Musical Instruments - the ability to express your feelings, to reveal your abilities.

Why do musical instruments dream

Women's dream book

Musical instruments - To see musical instruments in a dream is a long-planned entertainment. Broken tools indicate that your pleasure will be spoiled by intruders. For a young woman, such a dream portends an opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Why do musical instruments dream

Idiomatic dream book

"Play the first violin" - to lead; "Trumpet" - "trumpet" (divulge); “Ringing all the bells” - natural disaster, misfortune, holiday, joy; "Balalaika" - "balabolit"; "Flute" (pipe, flute): "to dance to someone else's pipe" - to fulfill someone else's will; "To play on all cheeks" - try hard; “To thunder to the fanfare”, “to trumpet” (about something), “to beat the timpani”, “to knock on the drums” - an appeal, a celebration; to trouble or victory.

Why do musical instruments dream

Universal dream book

What musical instrument do you play or what musical instrument do you listen to in your sleep? Do you play this musical instrument in real life or would you like to play it? - in the first case, the dream reflects your passion for music.

If you do not play this musical instrument in real life - maybe it is worth trying? Perhaps this is the way you want to express yourself.

Each musical instrument affects feelings in its own way - are your emotions in a dream explained by the action of a musical instrument? What are these emotions? If you dream that another person is playing a musical instrument, how do you feel about this? Does it amuse or annoy you?

The dream in which you play a musical instrument also symbolizes dedication. Are you ready to devote yourself to anything or anyone in your life? Or do you still want to just fool around and mess around?

Why do musical instruments dream

American dream book

The symbology depends on certain instruments.

Piano can mean - "keys of life".

The flute speaks - about nature, freedom and childish purity that lies in you and me.

The drums are a symbol of primitive, primitive instincts.

The harp can remind - of heavenly harmony and angels.

Accordion - a wandering minstrel; pleasant pastime with friends and contentment with life.

The violin and all the strings mean dedication.

Sitar is a symbol of Eastern culture; mysticism; inner peace.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation of symbols

Instruments (musical) - in general, they are what they “use”, what they carefully “listen to”, what they listen to, admire, empathize with. It is love relationships, communication and the ability to "play" on the feelings of other people. Different tools have different meanings.

"Violin", "guitar" indicate a woman (from the environment of the sleeping person) - love relationships; "Trumpet" - can be very talkative, divulging secrets or betraying women, as well as gossip or news; "Flute" - can become a musical background of a certain fateful period of life or even the fate of a person as a whole, etc.

Thus, musical instruments are symbolic expressions of other people, meetings, moods, messages, sexual symbols and acts; the nature of the course of various cases.

Instruments (not sounding) indicate an emerging perspective, or ("does not sound!") - a closed, unused opportunity.

Play yourself - self-importance or success.

It is always good to see musicians (playing).

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation of lovers

A dream in which you see musical instruments portends pleasure and love.

If a girl has a dream about musical instruments, this means that she can make her life what she wants. She will be lucky and will be able to achieve whatever she wants.

Why do musical instruments dream

Zhou-gun's Chinese dream book

Give another person a longitudinal flute - portends fame, glory.

If you give a man castanets, it portends a squabble.

You press a string instrument to your chest - there will be support, help from another person.

Playing the Sheng instrument portends a change.

You play the longitudinal flute and beat the drum - there will be joy, a holiday.

Another person plays musical instruments - you will be recognized as right in court proceedings, litigation.

Why do musical instruments dream

The interpreter of 1829

Playing any musical instrument - portends joy and pleasure; hearing the music play is good news.

To see a harp or other similar musical instrument in a dream foreshadows a lot of empty sense; playing it is pleasure and joy; to cut or break it - a quarrel with a friend or the loss of something important.

To see musical instruments and play on them portends the death of one of the relatives, generally means a funeral;

If you see the instruments and play them in a concert in the circle of many artists, then this signifies consolation in sorrow, the cure of the disease;

To play yourself or hear others playing wind instruments means embarrassment, a quarrel, an unfavorable ending to a lawsuit.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation for bitches

Musical instruments - pleasure, entertainment.

The broken ones are unexpected guests.

To play some musical instruments - you decide your own destiny.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing musical instruments in a dream - to get long-forgotten pleasures; if they are broken, it means that receiving pleasure will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited company.

To see a guitar hanging on the wall in a dream - to pleasure, to play on it - means to learn interesting news in reality, to hear it - to grieve about what was in your hands, and you did not take the opportunity.

Buying a guitar in a dream is a sign that you have to make a choice.

An electric guitar in a dream is a harbinger of your aspirations to find a common language with those who are unpleasant to you, but really need; to play on it is to make an annoying mistake and reveal the secret at the most inopportune moment.

Hearing bass playing in a dream means that someone is trying to harm you by creating various obstacles in your path.

Hearing slow pleasant music in a dream - to good health and good luck in business, discordant discordant chords - to occupations that are unpleasant, annoying you, a sad melody - to sad news.

Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some fun event or meeting, playing it is a sign that your undertaking will bear good fruit.

If you dreamed about a broken and upset piano, it means that in reality you are tormented by the lack of recognition of your services to society.

Seeing an old piano in a dream is a sign that your troubles are the result of neglecting good advice.

For a girl in a dream, learning a complex melody means that one of her friends will show deeper feelings for her than just friendship.

If in a dream you see a piano or play it, it means that old friends will let you know about themselves or former employees.

In a dream, hearing an organ in a church - to the collapse of the family, sad chanting in a dream accompanied by an organ - to tiresome work, a quarrel with friends.

Seeing an accordion in a dream or hearing a game on it is a pleasant pastime, an invitation to a celebration.

Hearing a button accordion in a dream - to the appearance of your faithful assistant and friend.

Seeing how you play it is a sign that you will delight your family with something.

Hearing the accordion in a dream - for entertainment, getting rid of sad memories.

For a young woman to see herself playing the accordion is a harbinger of meeting with a loved one, the union with whom will be happy and long.

If the accordion is out of tune, it means that your close friend may get sick.

Seeing yourself or someone playing the cello in a dream is a great joyful event.

Seeing a pipe in a dream is good news, it is also a sign that you will have unusual hobbies, blowing a pipe - to fulfill your desires.

Seeing a violin in a dream is a fun pastime, good luck in love, adding to the family.

Playing a violin in a dream with the orchestra is to show you all kinds of honors, alone is a sign that you will find comfort and peace of mind.

Seeing a balalaika in a dream is a joy, fun.

Hearing praise for your balalaika in a dream means in reality receiving an undeserved reprimand.

If a string breaks while playing the balalaika, this promises an unexpected change in your plans.

Hearing the sound of musical cymbals in a dream - to the illness of an elderly person from your environment.

Seeing a drum in a dream is a sign of good luck and prosperity for sailors, fishermen and merchants.

If the sound of the drum is muffled, it means that one of your friends needs help, loud is a harbinger of happiness, prosperity, and a successful career.

If in a dream you beat a drum, it means that a guest who has arrived from afar will visit you.

Seeing or playing a pipe or a small flute in a dream means that despite rumors spread about you, your reputation will remain impeccable, hearing the sounds of a pipe means that soon you will have to defend your honor or the dignity of people close to you; for a woman, this is a sign that marriage with a military man awaits her.

Piano - can mean "keys to life".

Flute - can remind you of nature, freedom and childish purity that lies in you and me.

Drums - may indicate primitive, primitive instincts.

An organ is a homonym for a male organ or other organs contained in the body.

Harp - can remind you of heavenly harmony and angels.

Harmony, wandering minstrel - indicates a pleasant pastime with friends and contentment with life.

The bagpipe is a symbol of partnership.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation Veles

A musical instrument is a person's energy range, it is your energy or the energy of another person; is it a person or yourself. To play a musical instrument - to come into close contact with the energy of another person, try to find harmony in a relationship, or is it your own harmonious perception of the world around you

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation 2012

Musical wind instruments are a reflection of harmony with their inner essence; the need for harmony with your inner essence.

Strings are a reflection of harmony in relation to a larger, whole; the need for harmony between large and small, between parts and the whole.

Percussion - a reflection of harmony within the current social status; the need for harmony within the current social status.

The feasibility and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer's life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream - depletion of strength. Sleep fulfillment should be expected before lunchtime.

To see musical instruments in a dream is a long-planned entertainment. Broken tools indicate that your pleasure will be spoiled by intruders. For a young woman, such a dream portends an opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

To see a guitar hanging on the wall in a dream - to pleasure, to play on it - means to find out interesting news in reality, to hear it - to grieve about what was in your hands, and you did not take the opportunity. Buying a guitar in a dream is a sign that you have to make a choice. An electric guitar in a dream is a harbinger of your aspirations to find a common language with those who are unpleasant to you, but really need; to play on it is to make an annoying mistake and reveal the secret at the most inopportune moment. Hearing bass playing in a dream means that someone is trying to harm you by creating various obstacles in your path.

Hearing slow pleasant music in a dream - to good health and good luck in business, discordant discordant chords - to occupations that are unpleasant, annoying you, a sad melody - to sad news. Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some fun event or meeting, playing it is a sign that your undertaking will bear good fruit. If you dreamed about a broken and upset piano, it means that in reality you are tormented by the lack of recognition of your services to society. Seeing an old piano in a dream is a sign that your troubles are the result of neglecting good advice.

For a girl in a dream, learning a complex melody means that one of her friends will show deeper feelings for her than just friendship. If in a dream you see a piano or play it, it means that old friends or former employees will let you know about themselves. In a dream, hearing an organ in a church - to the collapse of the family, sad chanting in a dream accompanied by an organ - to tiresome work, a quarrel with friends. Seeing an accordion in a dream or hearing a game on it is a pleasant pastime, an invitation to a celebration. Hearing a button accordion in a dream - to the appearance of your faithful assistant and friend. Seeing how you play it is a sign that you will delight your family with something.

Hearing the accordion in a dream - for entertainment, getting rid of sad memories. For a young woman to see herself playing the accordion is a harbinger of meeting with a loved one, the union with whom will be happy and long. If the accordion is out of tune, it means that your close friend may get sick. Seeing yourself or someone playing the cello in a dream is a great joyful event. Seeing a pipe in a dream is good news, it is also a sign that you will have unusual hobbies, blowing a pipe - to fulfill your desires. Seeing a violin in a dream is a fun pastime, good luck in love, adding to the family. Playing the violin in a dream with the orchestra is to show you all kinds of honors, alone is a sign that you will find comfort and peace of mind.

Seeing a balalaika in a dream is a joy, fun. Hearing praise for your balalaika in a dream means in reality receiving an undeserved reprimand. If a string breaks while playing the balalaika, this promises an unexpected change in your plans. Hearing the sound of musical cymbals in a dream - to the illness of an elderly person from your environment. Seeing a drum in a dream is a sign of good luck and prosperity for sailors, fishermen and merchants. If the sound of the drum is muffled, it means that one of your friends needs help, loud is a harbinger of happiness, prosperity, and a successful career. If in a dream you beat a drum, it means that a guest who has arrived from afar will visit you.

Seeing or playing a pipe or a small flute in a dream means that despite rumors spread about you, your reputation will remain impeccable, hearing the sounds of a pipe means that soon you will have to defend your honor or the dignity of people close to you; for a woman, this is a sign that marriage with a military man awaits her.

Freud's dream book

Most musical instruments are feminine. Elongated, oblong wind instruments are rare exceptions. They symbolize the masculine principle. Often, playing a musical instrument is a sign of self-satisfaction, masturbation. If in a dream you heard a request to play a musical instrument for someone, in reality someone will find you for self-satisfaction.

A dream in which you are walking, holding your musical instrument with you, is evidence of your hidden propensity for exhibitionism. If a musical instrument breaks down while you were playing it, in real life you will be forced to part with your sexual partner. If in a dream you cannot tune the instrument, which is why it makes sounds unpleasant to the ear, in reality you tend to resort to self-gratification, since your sexual partner cannot give you pleasure or does not excite you.

A dream in which you consciously break your musical instrument speaks of your desire to stop masturbating. Also, such a dream suggests that you are at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. A dream in which you realize that your musical instrument is gathering dust and nothing, says that you do not have the opportunity to realize your sexual fantasies and replace them with self-gratification. If you see a lot of people playing musical instruments, you too often prefer self-satisfaction.

Loff's dream book

What musical instrument do you play or what musical instrument do you listen to in your sleep? Do you play this musical instrument in real life or would you like to play it? - in the first case, the dream reflects your passion for music. If you do not play this musical instrument in real life - maybe it is worth trying? Perhaps this is the way you want to express yourself.

Each musical instrument affects feelings in its own way - are your emotions in a dream explained by the action of a musical instrument? What are these emotions? If you dream that another person is playing a musical instrument, how do you feel about this? Does it amuse or annoy you? The dream in which you play a musical instrument also symbolizes dedication. Are you ready to devote yourself to anything or anyone in your life? Or do you still want to just fool around and mess around?

Chinese dream book

Give another person a longitudinal flute - portends fame, glory. If you give a man castanets, it portends a squabble. You press a string instrument to your chest - there will be support, help from another person. If you play the sheng instrument, wait for a change. You play the flute and beat the drum - there will be joy, a holiday. Another person plays musical instruments - you will be recognized as right in court proceedings, litigation. Musical equipment without sound - expectation of changes.

Miller's dream book

Dreamed musical instruments are harbingers of pleasures that you have long dreamed of. To see the broken ones - a dream means that the invasion of an uninvited, colorful, noisy company will interfere with these pleasures. For a young woman, this dream is a prediction that she will have a real opportunity to arrange her life the way she wants.

Erotic dream book

A dream in which you see musical instruments portends pleasure and love. If a girl has a dream about musical instruments, it means that she can make her life the way she wants. She will be lucky and will be able to achieve whatever she wants.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

If the dreamer plays musical instruments, then in reality he will receive news that will please him very much. But also according to some interpretations - to hear the sound of musical instruments - promises to learn about the death of a familiar person.

TO PLAY a musical instrument in a dream means a signal of an impending danger that threatens you and your family because of the insincerity and deceit of your subordinates, who are ready to betray you at any moment, as soon as you find yourself in a weak and vulnerable position. Beware of being stabbed in the back by your co-workers and colleagues !.

If you dreamed about playing the balalaika, it means that in reality you will be able to overcome all the hardships, sorrows, trials and hardships that befell you.

Playing the flute means that you will soon lose your peace, perhaps even your sanity, if you do not stop paying attention to stupid and worthless things.

If you play by sheet music, it means that in reality you will be infinitely happy and prosperous in everything. Soon you will become the owner of vast fertile lands and pastures. In addition, it is possible to purchase real estate, as well as movable property. In a word, such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Playing hymns in a dream is evidence that in relations with people around you you are not always correct and attentive, very often you have no sense of tact at all, so you try to force all your loved ones to obey your conditions unquestioningly.

To put it harsher and rougher, but stating real facts - literally dance to your tune. In a word, such a dream characterizes you as a very eccentric, spoiled and capricious person, accustomed to the fulfillment of all his desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream book meaning of dreams

Dream interpretation - Tools

Seeing wooden (carpentry) tools in a dream - in reality it can be a foreshadowing of the unsuccessful completion of any work. To have in a dream deal with iron (locksmith) tools - such a dream predicts success in the business you have started.

Broken tools portend a serious illness of someone from your loved ones or friends.

Medical instruments - times are unfavorable for you, surgical instruments - the disease threatens you directly. If you dream about tweezers, it means that in real life a rather delicate situation will develop around you, which will give you a lot of trouble.

A scalpel portends domestic troubles or dissatisfaction with how a friend has treated you.

Drawing tools foreshadow a meeting with a distant relative whom you know only from the stories of the elders in the family. The compass is a sign of upcoming business failures.

Musical instruments warn against possible accidents.

Seeing a chisel in a dream means that in reality you will make you reckon with your opinion, which will cause deserved respect. Sharpening a chisel - to some losses.

A brace in a dream suggests that only by diligence and diligence you can pave your way to happiness.

A file - for hard and long work.

A plane - to minor troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation Trumpet (musical instrument) Trumpet (musical instrument) - Soon you will have a new interest, which will bring you moral satisfaction and material benefits. Imagine playing the trumpet. The melody comes out beautiful, intricate. You and everyone around you love this music. Dream interpretation of Akulina

The symbology depends on certain instruments. Piano can mean: "keys of life". The flute says: about nature, freedom and childish purity that lies in you and me. Drums: a symbol of primitive, primitive instincts. The harp can remind: of heavenly harmony and angels. Accordion: a wandering minstrel pleasant pastime with friends and contentment with life. Bagpipes: a symbol of camaraderie. Violin and all strings: means dedication. Sitar: a symbol of Eastern culture, mysticism, inner peace. American dream book

Dream interpretation Musical instruments Musical instruments. Seeing musical instruments in a dream promises long-awaited pleasures. If they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited motley company. If a young woman sees this dream, it portends her a real opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it. Big dream book

Meaning of Sleep Musical Instruments Musical instruments dream of great pleasure. But, if they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by something or someone. If a young woman sees a musical instrument in a dream, then she will have a chance to make her life the way she wants to see it. Large universal dream book

Dream Musical Instruments "Play the first violin": lead "trumpet": "trumpet" (disclose) "sound all the bells": natural disaster, misfortune, holiday, joy "balalaika": "balabolit" "flute" (pipe, flute): "dance to someone else's tune ": to fulfill someone else's will" to blow on all the cheeks ": to try hard to" thunder to the fanfare "," trumpet "(about something)," beat the timpani "," beat the drums ": a call, a triumph to trouble or victory. Idiomatic dream book

Dream interpretation Musical instruments The symbology depends on certain instruments. Piano can mean "keys of life". The flute speaks of nature, freedom and childish purity that lies in you and me. The drums are a symbol of primitive, primitive instincts. March in step (or out of step). The harp can remind you of heavenly harmony and angels. The accordion is a wandering minstrel, a pleasant pastime with friends and contentment with life. The bagpipe is a symbol of partnership. The violin and all the strings mean dedication. Sitar is a symbol of oriental culture, mysticism, inner peace. Dream interpretation of Lynn

Why dream of Musical instruments Musical instruments symbolic depends on certain instruments. Piano: can mean "keys to life". Flute: can remind you of nature, freedom and childish purity that lies in you and me. Drums: May indicate primal, primitive instincts. Organ: is a homonym for the male organ or other organs contained within the body. Harp: can remind of heavenly harmony and angels. Harmony, wandering minstrel: indicates pleasant pastime with friends and contentment with life. Bagpipes: a symbol of camaraderie. Dream interpretation Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream interpretation Musical instruments Seeing musical instruments in a dream: for long-planned entertainment. Broken tools: Indicates that your pleasure will be tainted by intruders. A young woman has such a dream: portends an opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream interpretation Musical instruments Musical instruments: dreaming to great pleasure. But if they are broken, then the pleasure will be interrupted by something or someone. If a young woman sees a musical instrument in a dream: she will have a chance to make her life the way she wants to see it. Family dream book

Dream interpretation Musical instruments To see and play on them: portends the death of one of the relatives, generally means a funeral, but if you see the instruments and play them in a concert in a circle of many artists: this signifies consolation in sorrow, curing the disease to play yourself or hear others playing wind instruments : means embarrassment, quarrel, unfavorable ending of litigation. Play a musical instrument: portends joy and pleasure to hear the play of music: it means good news. The interpreter

Dream interpretation Musical instruments Musical wind instruments: a reflection of harmony with one's inner essence, the need for harmony with one's inner essence. Strings: a reflection of harmony in relation to the larger, the whole, the need for harmony between large and small, between parts and the whole. Percussion: Reflecting harmony within the current social status the need for harmony within the current social status. Dream interpretation 2012

Dream interpretation Musical instruments What musical instrument do you play or what musical instrument do you listen to in your sleep? Do you play this musical instrument in real life or would you like to play it ?: In the first case, the dream reflects your passion for music. If you do not play this musical instrument in real life: maybe it is worth trying? Perhaps this is the way you want to express yourself. Each musical instrument affects feelings in its own way: are your emotions in a dream explained by the action of a musical instrument? What are these emotions? If you dream that another person is playing a musical instrument, how do you feel about this? Does it amuse or annoy you? The dream in which you play a musical instrument: also symbolizes dedication. Are you ready to devote yourself to anything or anyone in your life? Or do you still want to just fool around and mess around? Universal dream book

Dream interpretation Musical instruments Seeing musical instruments in a dream: to receive long-forgotten pleasures if they are broken: it means that the receipt of pleasures will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited company. Seeing a guitar hanging on the wall in a dream: for pleasure, play it Buying a guitar in a dream: a sign that you have to make a choice. Electric guitar in a dream: a harbinger of your aspirations to find a common language with those who are unpleasant to you, but you really need to play it: make an annoying mistake and reveal the secret at the most inopportune moment. Hearing bass playing in a dream: means that someone is trying to harm you by creating various obstacles in your path. Hearing slow pleasant music in a dream: for good health and good luck in business, discordant discordant chords Seeing a piano in a dream: a harbinger of some fun event or meeting, playing it If you dreamed of a broken and upset piano: it means that in reality you are tormented by the non-recognition of your service to society. Seeing an old piano in a dream: a sign that your troubles are the result of neglect of good advice. For a girl to learn a complex melody in a dream: it means that one of her friends will show deeper feelings for her than just friendship. If in a dream you see a piano or play it: it means that old friends or former employees will let you know about themselves. In a dream, to hear an organ in a church: to the collapse of a family, a sad chant in a dream, accompanied by an organ To see an accordion in a dream or hear a play on it: to a pleasant pastime, an invitation to a celebration. Hearing a button accordion in a dream: to the appearance of your faithful assistant and friend. Seeing how you play it: a sign that you will please your family with something. Hearing the accordion in a dream: for entertainment, getting rid of sad memories. For a young woman to see herself playing the accordion: a harbinger of meeting a loved one, a union with whom will be happy and long. If the accordion is out of tune: it means that your close friend may get sick. Seeing yourself or someone playing the cello in a dream: to a great joyful event. Seeing a pipe in a dream: good news, it is also a sign that you will have unusual hobbies, blowing into a pipe Seeing a violin in a dream: for a fun pastime, good luck in love, adding to the family. Play the violin in a dream with the orchestra: to show you all kinds of honors, alone Seeing a balalaika in a dream: to joy, fun. Hearing praise for your balalaika playing in a dream: means in reality to receive an undeserved reprimand. If a string breaks while playing the balalaika: this promises an unexpected change in your plans. Hearing the sound of musical cymbals in a dream: to the illness of an elderly person from your environment. Seeing a drum in a dream: for friendly relations with others, for sailors, fishermen and merchants If the sound of the drum is muffled: it means that some of your friends need help, loud If you beat the drum in a dream: it means that a guest who has arrived from afar will visit you ... Seeing or playing a pipe or a small flute in a dream: means that, despite rumors spread about you, your reputation will remain impeccable, to hear the sounds of a pipe for a woman: this is a sign that she will be married to a military man.

TO PLAY a musical instrument in a dream means a signal of an impending danger that threatens you and your family because of the insincerity and deceit of your subordinates, who are ready to betray you at any moment, as soon as you find yourself in a weak and vulnerable position. Beware of being stabbed in the back by your co-workers and colleagues !.

If you dreamed about playing the balalaika, it means that in reality you will be able to overcome all the hardships, sorrows, trials and hardships that befell you.

Playing the flute means that you will soon lose your peace, perhaps even your sanity, if you do not stop paying attention to stupid and worthless things.

If you play by sheet music, it means that in reality you will be infinitely happy and prosperous in everything. Soon you will become the owner of vast fertile lands and pastures. In addition, it is possible to purchase real estate, as well as movable property. In a word, such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Playing hymns in a dream is evidence that in relations with people around you you are not always correct and attentive, very often you have no sense of tact at all, so you try to force all your loved ones to obey your conditions unquestioningly.

To put it harsher and rougher, but stating real facts - literally dance to your tune. In a word, such a dream characterizes you as a very eccentric, spoiled and capricious person, accustomed to the fulfillment of all his desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream book meaning of dreams

Dream interpretation - Musical instruments

For long-forgotten pleasures.

Broken musical instruments - enjoyment will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited company.

A guitar hanging on the wall is for pleasure.

Play the guitar - find out interesting news.

Hearing a guitar means grieving about what was in your hands, and you did not take the opportunity.

Buying a guitar in a dream is a sign that you have to make a choice.

An electric guitar in a dream is a harbinger of your aspirations to find a common language with those who are unpleasant to you, but really need.

To play the electric guitar is to make an unfortunate mistake and reveal the secret at the most inopportune moment.

Hear bass playing in a dream - someone is trying to harm you by creating various obstacles in your path.

Hearing slow pleasant music in a dream - to good health and good luck in business.

Dissonant discordant chords - to occupation with unpleasant, annoying business.

A sad melody - to sad news.

Organ in the church - to the collapse of the family.

Sad chanting in a dream, accompanied by an organ - to tedious work, a quarrel with friends.

An accordion or hearing a game on it - to a pleasant pastime, an invitation to a celebration.

Hearing a button accordion in a dream - to the appearance of your faithful assistant and friend.

Play the accordion - you will please your family with something.

Hearing the accordion in a dream - for entertainment, getting rid of sad memories.

To see herself playing the accordion is for a young woman a harbinger of meeting with a loved one, an alliance with whom will be happy and long.

The accordion is out of tune - your close friend can get sick.

To those who play the cello themselves or someone else - to a great joyful event.

A musical trumpet - to good news, you will also have unusual hobbies.

Blowing a musical trumpet - to the fulfillment of desires.

A violin - for a fun pastime, good luck in love, addition to the family.

Playing the violin in a dream with the orchestra is to show you all kinds of honors.

Play alone - you will find comfort and peace of mind.

Balalaika in a dream - to joy, fun.

Hearing praise for your balalaika in a dream is an undeserved reprimand.

A string broke while playing the balalaika - promises an unexpected change in your plans.

The sound of musical cymbals - to the illness of an elderly person from your environment.

A drum in a dream is a sign of good luck and prosperity for sailors, fishermen and merchants.

The drum sound is muffled - some of your friends need help.

The sound of a drum is loud - a harbinger of happiness, prosperity, a successful career.

Beat the drum - you will be visited by a guest who has arrived from afar.

They saw a pipe or a small flute or play them - despite the rumors spread about you, your reputation will remain.

You hear the perfect sounds of a pipe in a dream - soon you will have to defend your honor or the dignity of people close to you.

A pipe in a dream - for a woman - let a marriage with a military man await.

Interpretation of dreams from