Juice production: description of production technology. Canned "Pumpkin nectar". Technological instruction Pumpkin juice production scheme

The Multon company has been a member of the Coca-Cola system since 2005. Two of its factories are located in St. Petersburg and Shchelkovo near Moscow. It is the plant near Moscow that is one of the largest plants in Eastern Europe. In total, both enterprises produce about 790 million liters per year. In addition to Dobry and Rich juices and nectars, Multon plants produce Pulpy juice drinks and My Family nectars. Juice production lines have also been installed at Coca-Cola Hellenic plants in the Moscow Region, Orel, Rostov-on-Don and Novosibirsk.

The Village editors visited the Multon factory in Shchelkovo. It has 17 production lines, its own research and development center, a microbiological laboratory and a logistics complex with a capacity of about 40 thousand pallet spaces. The warehouse has its own railway line. We learned how Dobry and Rich juices are made at this enterprise.

Multon company

Production of Dobry, Rich, My family juices and nectars and Pulpy juice drinks

LOCATION: Shchelkovo city, Moscow region


SQUARE: 11,000 sq. m


What are juice products

According to analysts from Multon, Russia consumes 79 portions of juice products per capita per year. The company calculates the volume per serving
0, 237 liters - this was the first, smallest bottle of Coca-Cola. According to this indicator, Russia is approximately in the middle: residents of Albania, for example, drink on average one portion a year, while residents of the Netherlands - 180-200. If we talk about tastes, Russians most often buy apple, multifruit and orange juices.

Juice products are juices, nectars, juice drinks and fruit drinks. There can be nothing in the juice except the actual juice. That is why there is no composition on a pack of juice, if it is one-component. Juices can be reconstituted (what is produced in factories), freshly squeezed (squeezed just with you or by your order) and direct pressing (those that have been stored for some time).

The difference between nectar is that it usually contains from 25 to 50% of the juice part. The required minimum for each fruit is set in the technical regulations: for an apple and an orange - 50%, for a peach - 40%. The juice drink is characterized by a low juice content - 10%. And add 15% berry juice to fruit drinks.


Dobry and Rich are produced using the same technology. Depending on the recipe, the raw materials for juices may differ - each taste has its own combination of fruit varieties. There are also differences in packaging: Dobry is bottled in Tetra Pak, and Rich in Combibloc.

Both Dobry and Rich are made from concentrated juices and purees. They are purchased from hundreds of suppliers around the world. For example, orange in Brazil, pineapple in Thailand, and tomato in Spain. Among the suppliers there are also Russian companies: Multon buys concentrated apple juice in the Tambov region. For its production, fruits are sorted, separated from branches and leaves, and washed. Then they are sent under a press, which squeezes the juice out of them. Then a large tank - a cistern - of freshly squeezed juice must be turned into a concentrated one. This can be done by evaporating some of the water from it. This happens in a vacuum container: the juice is heated to a temperature of 60–65 degrees until the required part of the water is separated. It is important not to let the juice boil so that it retains the vitamins. Then the concentrated juice is packed in aseptic bags (foil sealed bags), put in barrels and, as a rule, delivered to Russia by sea.

Why do companies use concentrated juice? Firstly, it is profitable (you do not need to pay for water delivery), and secondly, its shelf life is much longer (freshly squeezed juice quickly deteriorates, preservatives cannot be added to it, and concentrated and without additives can be stored for up to two years).

Then the barrels arrive at the plant and go to the warehouse of raw materials and materials. Most concentrated juices need a small minus temperature for preservation, the only exception is mashed potatoes, citrus fruits and berries. They are placed in a freezing chamber with a temperature of about minus 5-18 degrees.

Before putting the concentrated juice into production, the barrels are placed in the defrosting zone, where they are warmed up to the required temperature. After that, the driver of the loader picks up the barrel and puts it on the conveyor, which will take it to the first stage - to the blending shop.

In the blending shop, the operator meets the barrel, who checks the integrity of the package and opens the package with scissors. Then the barrel moves along the conveyor to the barrel tipper, which turns it over the container and empties it. The employee removes the bag and squeezes it out using a device similar to the one on the old washing machines... All raw materials are pumped out with the help of a pump and are piped into huge blending tanks with a capacity of 1 to 10 tons. In them, with the help of mixers installed inside, it is mixed with the required amount of water. It is mined in four artesian wells with a depth of 60 to 170 meters, and before getting into the juice, it goes through five stages of purification.

To rid the juice of air, prevent product oxidation and exclude the growth of microorganisms, it is pasteurized and deaerated. It happens like this: first, the juice is heated to 55-60 degrees, passing it through the first section of the tubular heat exchanger. After that, the juice goes to deaeration, during which all air bubbles are completely removed from the juice. Then thick juices (for example, orange and peach) are homogenized, that is, passed through narrow holes in order to make the consistency homogeneous and exclude lumps from entering. Clarified juices, bypassing this process, immediately go to the second stage of pasteurization. In this case, the juice in the stream is heated to 85–90 degrees for 30 seconds, and then quickly cooled. As a result of such heat treatment, according to the employees, the beneficial substances and properties of the product are preserved.

Further, the juice is awaited by the so-called aseptic pumping: with the help of a pump, the juice is directed through sterile and sealed pipes to the second floor to the bottling workshop. Everything here is also completely automated and sterile. Before the juice enters the bag, the packaging material undergoes a temperature treatment and, following through a peroxide bath, enters a sterile chamber. Until the packaging is filled with juice and glued, it does not come into contact with the outside air - everything happens inside the equipment. Then the finished box is marked and the lid is glued.

At each stage of the production of products, the employees of the plant take test samples, which are examined in the laboratory. New flavors are created at the research center.

Then the finished packages are folded into corrugated boxes, from which a set of products is formed, ready for transportation.

A juice production line can be very profitable with the right business organization. This drink is in rather high demand, and not necessarily, only in summer, juices are drunk with great pleasure all year round. So, many people will prefer on their festive table to see juice at any time of the year, not mineral drinks with dyes.

Premises for organizing production

The premises where you plan to organize your business should have enough space for at least one purchase of one juice production line. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the space where raw materials will be stored, where the finished product warehouse will be located, as well as household premises. If you want to save money, then the office can be located on the territory of the plant.

It is more profitable to locate production outside the city and there are several good reasons for this. Firstly, you will be able to significantly save on rent, and secondly, the tariffs for housing and communal services will be lower (and this is important, since you will have to consume a large amount of water). As for the area of ​​the premises, for a start, you can stop at 150 m 2.

Necessary equipment

If you decide to purchase a juice production line, then its price will vary from 2 to 6 million rubles. Basically, the cost depends on the country of origin, the period of operation and the year of manufacture (in the event that you purchase used equipment). Naturally, before buying, you should do a market analysis of the manufacturers of the relevant equipment in order to have an idea of ​​the manufacturers.

Juice production lines consist of the following equipment:

Water treatment systems (includes several filters for water purification).

Fresh product conveying line
  • Pumps and filters for finished products.
  • Mixing jars.
  • Homogenizer.
  • Pasteurizer.
  • Heat exchanger.
  • Aseptic storage tank.
  • Filling machine.
  • Flushing equipment.
  • The device for the output of packages and packing in containers.

If you decide to acquire used equipment, then the price of such a juice production line will be much cheaper. However, before purchasing it, it is necessary to consult with specialists, since it often happens that it will take you exactly as much money to repair and debug an old line as is the difference between new and old equipment.

Types of juice and technology of its production

Based on what raw materials will be used on the production line, juices are divided into:

  • fruit;
  • vegetable;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • vegetable and fruit.

Juice, which is made from one type of fruit, is called monosok (ordinary) juice, and from several - blended (mixed).

Depending on the preparation technology, juices are:

  • direct extraction;
  • restored.

Freshly squeezed juice (fresh)

Freshly squeezed juice (fresh) is directly squeezed juice, which is not subjected to industrial processing, it is consumed immediately after the squeezing process. Most people believe that this kind of drink is the most beneficial. In fact, this is true, subject to certain conventions. For example, if the juice is obtained exclusively from ripe and fresh fruits that are grown in an area with a clean ecological situation.

Therefore, if you think well, the usefulness of fresh juices can be questioned. For example, a line for the production of freshly squeezed orange juice. The fruit itself is "overseas" and travels to us for a very long time, moreover, it is harvested still unripe (which means that it lacks the necessary vitamins). Another unpleasant fact - before a long trip it is processed certain substances so that he simply does not disappear. Conclusion: it is unlikely that fresh from such a fruit can be called useful.

Direct juice

Filtration of freshly squeezed juice Direct juice is a freshly squeezed juice that can be preserved for long-term storage. To obtain such a juice, it is necessary to use exclusively fresh and ripe fruits.

Directly squeezed juices can only be preserved in a physical way, which involves short-term heating.

Concentrated juices

In a concentrated juice production line, a certain amount of water is removed from the freshly squeezed beverage.

That is, freshly squeezed juice goes through the process of evaporation or freezing of water.

During the evaporation process, the juice is heated in a vacuum, however, it does not boil, since it can lose all of its beneficial features... The end result is a viscous mass.

The freezing process is identical to evaporation, the difference is only in temperature indicators.

Sugar is usually not added to concentrated juices. Such juices are stored from 6 months to 1 year if all the rules for their content are observed.

Reconstituted juices

The following processes take place on the line for the production of reconstituted juices. The concentrated juice is quickly heated to 100-110 degrees, and then cooled to room temperature. After that, water is added to it in such an amount that has been evaporated. If you adhere to all the subtleties, then ultimately you can get 100% juice.

Container and packaging of finished products

Paper containers for juice

V modern world most juices are sold in packages called Tetra Pak because they are considered more practical than glass and prevent the breakdown of certain beneficial properties that the product can lose when exposed to sunlight. In addition, the glass is heavier, which is of particular importance during the transportation process (transportation services will cost you more).

Also, if you decide to deal with Tetra Pak packaging, then your juice production line must be suitable to handle it. The finished product is packed in boxes of several bags each and covered with plastic wrap. Thus, another issue to worry about is the container board.


As for the personnel who will serve the production, then at initial stage you need no more than 30 people (together with office workers). Pay great attention to the choice of a technologist, as he will set up and test the juice production line.

Start of the production process and implementation

What is needed in order to launch your own production:

Juice containers can be paper or plastic
  • At least one production line.
  • One barrel of concentrated juice.
  • Package.
  • Packing boxes.

On average, one line produces about 2 tons of finished products per hour.

At first, juices are best delivered to kiosks, small shops and supermarkets, trade pavilions. You should also not forget about promoting your products, for example, by organizing promotions, various bonuses, gifts to sellers and distributors in order for them to cooperate with you more willingly.

Video: Juice production

Canned food " Pumpkin nectar»Make:

  • directly pressed - from fresh pumpkin, with or without added sugar, citric acid;
  • reconstituted - from pumpkin puree, with or without added sugar, citric acid.

Canned food is packed in glass jars, bottles, hermetically sealed and sterilized.

Incoming raw materials and materials must be accompanied by quality certificates, declarations of conformity of suppliers.

Canned "Pumpkin nectar". Delivery, acceptance, storage.

The pumpkin arrives at the plant by road transport in bulk.

Acceptance of pumpkin is carried out in batches. Upon acceptance of the pumpkin, the production laboratory determines the quality characteristics.

Each accepted batch of raw materials must be provided with a label in the prescribed form indicating:

  • names of raw materials;
  • commercial grade;
  • lot numbers;
  • date and time of arrival at the plant.

When processing raw materials, it is necessary to observe the sequence of incoming raw materials (FIFO principle - first in - first out) to production, taking into account its quality condition.

Canned "Pumpkin nectar". Washing.

The pumpkin is washed sequentially in a drum-brush washer and in a fan-washer with rinsing at the outlet.

To carry out high-quality washing:

  • it is necessary to change the water in washing machines as the water gets dirty, but at least once a shift;
  • the water pressure must be at least 2.5 atm.

Canned "Pumpkin nectar". Inspection.

During the inspection, the pumpkin is selected that is of poor quality, defective, affected by diseases and agricultural pests.

Canned "Pumpkin nectar". Preparation of raw materials, materials.

Sugar. The bags are opened, observing the requirements to prevent the ingress of foreign objects.

Lemon acid. The bags are opened, observing the requirements to prevent the ingress of foreign objects.

Inspect the pumpkin puree, check the integrity of the packaging, wash and wipe the packaging bag, then open the package and check the dry matter content using a refractometer.

Canned "Pumpkin nectar". Preparation of nectar.

Pumpkin nectar of direct extraction.

The pumpkin is inspected, crushed, blanched with live steam at a temperature of 110 0 C for (15 - 20) minutes, squeezed out on a screw press, wiped on a double wiper with a sieve hole diameter at the last stage of 0.5 mm.

Freshly prepared nectar is mixed according to the recipe with the remaining components, the dry matter content and the pH value are checked. Adjust the pH value with citric acid.

PH norm:

  • for pumpkin nectar with pulp 4.7;
  • for pumpkin nectar with pulp with sugar 4.7;
  • for pumpkin-apple nectar with pulp with sugar 3.8;
  • for pumpkin-apricot nectar with pulp with sugar 3.8.

Pumpkin nectar is homogenized at a pressure of (10 - 15) MPa. The temperature of the nectar supplied for homogenization should be (60 - 70) 0 С. Pumpkin nectar homogenization is carried out to prevent delamination of the juice during storage, by reducing the pulp particles.

Deaeration of pumpkin nectar is carried out to remove air from the tissues of the fruit. Deaeration is carried out at a residual pressure (86.5 - 93.1) kPa.

After deaeration, pumpkin nectar is heated to (85 - 96) 0 С and served for packing.

Recovered pumpkin nectar.

Pumpkin puree is mixed according to the recipe with the rest of the components, the dry matter content and the pH value are checked. In case of positive results, pumpkin nectar is homogenized, deaerated, heated and served for packaging.

The results of the control of the homogenization and deaeration process are recorded in the log "". The frequency of control is once every 2 hours.

Canned "Pumpkin nectar". Packing, sealing.

Prepared glass jars or bottles are filled with pumpkin nectar with a temperature of at least 90 0 C. The degree of filling is determined by the set volume.

It is necessary to control the volume of pumpkin nectar before sterilization in at least 6 cans, the frequency of control is once an hour.

The results of the volume and temperature control are recorded in the log "".

The deviation of volume for single cans is allowed ± 3%.

Filled cans are sealed with lids on a seaming machine. After capping, a visual inspection of the cans is carried out, while cans with seam defects and other defects are rejected.

The quality control of the closure is recorded in the journal "". The frequency of control is once an hour.

Canned "Pumpkin nectar". Sterilization.

Carried out in autoclaves.

Canned food sterilization modes:

Container type Filling temperature, 0 С, not lower Sterilization mode Autoclave pressure, atm
time, min temperature, 0 С
Pumpkin nectar with pulp
1-82-500 90 20-45-25 120 2,8
1-82-650 90 20-50-25 120 2,8
Pumpkin nectar with pulp and sugar
1-82-500 90 20-40-20 120 2,5
1-82-650 90 25-45-20 120 2,5
Carrot-quince nectar with pulp
1-82-500 90 25-30-25 120 2,8
1-82-650 90 25-35-25 120 2,8
Pumpkin-apple nectar with sugar and pulp
1-82-500 92 15-20-20 95 2,5
1-82-1000 92 20-25-25 95 2,5
1-82-3000 92 25-30-35 95 2,5
Pumpkin-apricot nectar with pulp and sugar
1-82-650 92 15-20-20 95 1,2
1-82-1000 92 20-25-25 95 1,5
1-82-3000 92 25-30-35 95 1,5

The pumpkin is considered the “queen of the garden”. This is a very healthy vegetable that contains many nutrients and vitamins for the body. It is rich in iron, carotene, vitamins C, B, PP, D, E, as well as vitamin T, which is responsible for accelerating metabolic processes in the body.

Pumpkin is very useful for liver and kidney disease, as it has a choleretic, diuretic, laxative effect. Useful properties were transferred and pumpkin juice.

It can be used for edema associated with kidney and heart disease, as a diuretic. In addition, it has a mild sedative and antipyretic effect.

Our company is engaged in the production of natural pumpkin juice, the quality of which meets all GOST standards. When making pumpkin juice, only natural products are used, no preservatives or additives are added that could harm health. To improve the taste of pumpkin juice, you can add other juices or honey to it, which doubles its beneficial properties. In our assortment you can find apple-pumpkin and pumpkin-carrot juice. In addition to production, we independently sell our products, so you can buy natural pumpkin juice, one might say - straight from the conveyor.

It should be noted that pumpkin juice has cleansing properties for the digestive system and the whole body. It is recommended for anemia, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, bladder diseases, and constipation.

Also pumpkin juice is considered a dietary product. It is recommended for obesity, diabetics, for baby food and for those who want to lose weight.

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice with pulp is especially useful. It can be used both as a drink and as a remedy for external use. It is used to treat acne, burns, eczema and acne.

For men, pumpkin juice should be used for inflammation of the prostate gland.

Women can also take it for inflammation of the appendages. Moreover, pumpkin juice improves the structure of hair and nails.

Can be used every day, 1-2 glasses a day before meals for 30 minutes. For insomnia, it is used in a glass at night, it is possible with the addition of honey. For stones in the bladder and kidneys, half or a quarter glass of juice three times a day. Treatment is recommended for ten days.