Congratulations on the baptism of an adult. Beautiful congratulations on the baptism of the Lord in prose. Congratulations on the Baptism in prose

Celebration Baptism of the Lord- one of the most ancient holidays of the Christian Church. The Baptism of the Lord is celebrated in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. During baptism, according to the Gospels, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven proclaimed: "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

The word "baptize", "baptize" means in Greek "immerse in water." It is impossible to understand the meaning and importance of baptism without first understanding the symbolic and real meaning of water in the Old Testament. Water is the beginning of life. It is from the water fertilized by the life-giving Spirit that all living beings will arise. Where there is no water, there is a desert. But water can both destroy and destroy - as with the water of a great flood, God poured sins and destroyed human evil. The baptism of John was symbolic and meant that as the body is washed and cleansed with water, so the soul of a person who repents and believes in the Savior will be cleansed from all sins by Christ.

According to the gospel story, after his baptism, Jesus Christ, led by the Spirit, withdrew into the wilderness to prepare in solitude, prayer and fasting for the fulfillment of the mission with which he came to earth. For forty days Jesus "was tempted by the devil and did not eat anything during those days, and after them he was hungry for the last." Then the devil approached him and with three deceptions tried to tempt him to sin, like any other person.

After the Baptism of Christ, baptism for people is no longer just a symbol of cleansing. Here Jesus revealed Himself to the world as Christ, the Son of God. “I saw, I testify: He is the Chosen One of God,” confirms John the Baptist. The Epiphany revealed to us the great Divine mystery of the Holy Trinity. Now every one who is baptized participates in this mystery.

In Russia, it is customary to consecrate water on the night of Epiphany. The clergy put on white robes for this holiday. There is also a custom of baptism divination, unacceptable by the church, associated with ancient pagan traditions. The folk Russian calendar identifies the feast of Epiphany with frost, the so-called. Epiphany frosts.

More information about the holiday: when it is celebrated, the history of the holiday, the traditions of the celebration and Interesting Facts look in the calendar →

January 19 - the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is great. Congratulate with beautiful congratulations on Epiphany in verse and prose to relatives, loved ones, loved ones.

Verses of congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Let the Epiphany frosts
Together with holy water
Threats will be diverted from you.
And sickness side
They will definitely bypass you,
There is no doubt about that,
After all, the waters of the Epiphany miracle
Protects you from all troubles!

Today is Baptism.
Great holiday.
Grants forgiveness
The Lord is many-sided.

Let there be business
Your thoughts match.
And may it grant you
Lord grace!

Let in Epiphany frosts
Your sorrows will go away.
Let there be tears only from happiness
Let the good news come.
I want you to laugh more often
And they were never sad!
To be admired by love
And they were always happy!

They say that the sky opens on this night.
You can even think of whatever you want.
On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, the bells will ring,
All will be blessed from great to small!
Let the water cleanse the soul, resurrect faith in the heart,
And the Lord will hear us all and forgive us for mistakes.

Lord's bright baptism
It has come on this frosty day!
May blessing enter the house
Let the shadow go away
Saint Jordan water
Let health protect!
Bells are ringing from the temple
Blessing the procession!

The frost is bursting with might and main - January.
And for Baptism, as of old, -
Plunge into the hole three times,
Stock up on health for a year.
May your body be vigorous
Drink holy water to your heart's content.
The very soul ordered it -
Blessed be the power of God!

On the bright day of the Lord's Baptism
I wish you all earthly bounties.
May soul and body be cleansed
On this day, it will descend from heaven to you.

The blessings of the earth and God's grace
I want to wish you now.
May everything be on time and by the way
May the Lord protect you.

May everything in life be easy for you.
And let Epiphany water,
What is pouring from everywhere today
Will wash away all bad things forever!

Once upon a time Jesus received the Baptism,
And that day the water became holy,
Let the sick grant healing
And it brings joy and peace to the house.
May the Holy Spirit be white like a dove
That he once descended upon Christ,
With its warmth and joy it will warm
On a frosty day of Epiphany, everyone is always.

On the bright day of the Baptism of the Lord
I sincerely want to wish you
Happiness, joy, kindness, health,
For grace to come to you!

Pure thoughts, warmth and understanding,
Peace and harmony around
Warmth, love and compassion.
And you do not know any troubles or partings.

May faith warm your soul
May hope not leave you
Let your mind not interfere with your heart to listen,
Let sadness not touch your eyes.

Congratulations to the Baptism of the Lord in prose

I congratulate you on the greatest Orthodox holidays of the Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord! I wish the holy grace of God to descend on you, so that the body and soul, being washed with the blessed water, are satiated with health, lightness, joy, so that pain, annoyance, disappointment, hatred and vices will go away, and peace, calm and harmony will reign in your soul. !

May the Baptism of the Lord bring prosperity, tranquility, good luck, many good friends, good impressions, funny moments, confidence in every day and the strongest health in the world!

On the great day of the Baptism of the Lord, I wish to be cleansed with holy water and remain pure in soul, healthy in spirit and strong in faith. Be happy and loved.

May the Epiphany frosts be the strongest and may your health be the same. Boldly into the hole. Baptism! Happy Holidays!

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most ancient Christian holidays, on this day the soul is cleansed from vanity and sorrow, filled with the highest meaning, light, kindness, love, let the Epiphany frosts not cool it down. May the best in people be revealed to you, may peace, beauty, happiness in family and business reign, may a lucky star illuminate your path!

With the Baptism of the Lord! Let your thoughts be kind, the heart - filled with warmth and love, the soul - serene and calm! Let life light up every day with new wonderful impressions!

On this special day filled with holiness, I would like to wish you harmony, peace of mind, tranquility and idyll. May the heavens protect your soul, and the angels protect your home from evil and troubles. With the Baptism of the Lord you, do not lose faith in good, and it will certainly help you in difficult times.

Happy winter holiday. With the Baptism of the Lord. Bells are ringing, services are being held and water is being blessed. May this holiday be as pure as Epiphany water and give you health and joy.

Let all doubts and troubles disappear forever. Let joy and peace come to your home. I wish you prosperity, peace, wisdom and good luck. Let there be more happy moments in your life. Let the severe frost crack in the street, and the soul will be warmed by kindness, mercy. Good and reliable friends to you.

Congratulations on Orthodox holiday- Epiphany! May the Almighty sanctify your heart with peace, happiness and health. Great spirit, wisdom and patience to your home!

Beautiful short SMS congratulations on the Epiphany

Do not forget to wash your face with holy water,
Epiphany day on earth,
And let your soul open up
I wish you all the best!

Let the baptismal water
Will give cheerfulness for all years!
We wish you not to get sick
And grow younger in soul!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord!
And don't be afraid of frosts!
This day is famous for its consecration,
We are clean and it is easier for everyone to breathe!

With the Baptism of the Lord, all your family,
Never let bad weather touch you,
Let the sorrows, troubles, bitterness go away,
The soul will be filled with great, bright happiness.

Dive into the hole with your head
And let the frost go on the skin
I will be with you with all my heart
I dive mentally too.

Congratulations on the Epiphany
I am sending you an SMS.
I want to wish you fun
Happiness in life and miracles!

Kindness, warmth and light,
Bright days and a lot of summer
Light, joyful moments!
Congratulations on your Epiphany!

With the Baptism of the Lord,
Happy big, holy day,
Let the heart be warm
Health, faith, strength.

It sparkles in the sun
White snow sparkles.
Baptism gives water
Health for the whole century!

On a holiday, let the water be holy
Transforming my whole soul
Will open again for you
Pure love for life!

Congratulations to everyone on the Baptism,
With an unprecedented feeling.
With purity and beauty
What are the gifts of water!

Let the baptismal water
The disease will drive away without a trace.
Smile from the heart
And hurry up to do good!

Baptism is in the yard,
Singing is heard in the church
Congratulations to the Orthodox!
I wish you happiness, sister, on this day!

With the Baptism of the Lord!
Take a gift from heaven
A sip of water today
And hello all days!

Today God has appeared to the world -
May he give you holy power,
Will fill everyone with love.

I wish you cleansing
From all the sins of the world,
Great Baptism of Water
Drive away evil demons.

The Baptism of the Lord
The sky opens up
And holy water
Souls are cleansed.

Baptized with hope
And fills with faith
For good deeds
He blesses us.

Jordan waters
Float across the land
The Lord forgives sins
And you and me.

Congratulations on the Epiphany, I wish you healthy.
And your angel always, may he take care of you.
Wash yourself with holy water, and look into the sky,
For all your friends and relatives, you pray first.

Congratulations to you Christians,
From the heart, well, from the heart,
Happy Baptism of the Lord,
Everyone - from an old man to a baby.

May God give you faith,
And love, hope too
Well, if something happens,
Believe, and the Lord will help!

Happy Baptism! Happy great day!
Don't take God in vain
Remember him all the time,
And the evil lot will pass you by.

I wish you peace in your soul
Let the trouble do not touch you,
All grievances will dissolve
And your day will begin with joy.

The Baptism of the Lord has come
And to your cozy, bright home,
May the power of faith pure, noble
Will help anyone in an endeavor.

May life be joyful and long
There will be no place for darkness and evil
May continuously along the earthly path
God's ray will show the right path.

The bell ringing is measured,
Frosty outside:
We celebrate Epiphany
Lord's in January.

We will plunge into the hole
We don't care about frost
We'll gain health
Let it beat with a key.

Let the soul rejoice
Forgive enemies for everything
And never empty
Life doesn't hurt.

The Lord appeared to Jordan,
He touched her waters.
And since those distant ancient years
All the people are celebrating!

The skies opened up in the night
A bright face appeared
And all hearts freeze
In the moment of the Epiphany!

We wish everyone to live in Christ,
Receive baptism.
And the blessings of the soul and the earth
Know fully in love!

Today, the Lord's Epiphany -
Orthodox Great Baptism!
Holy water flows in the rivers,
Swimming in it - no one is afraid!

All with joy and pleasure,
With a smile and a great impression,
They strive to plunge into the hole three times,
And to everyone in the neighborhood to smile tenderly!

Congratulations on the Great Holiday,
We wish you health, happiness, earthly blessings,
Your pure soul, faith, inspiration,
Never know: no trouble for you, no contempt!

Holy water baptisms,
Let your houses consecrate,
Purity reigns in thoughts
And fate favors you.

In my soul, like a divine light,
Only kindness is born
In the house there is love and advice,
And luck is in a hurry.

The Baptism of the Lord is ahead, on January 19 Orthodox Christians will remember the day when the Savior was baptized in Jordan. John the Baptist revealed the Messiah to the world. Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord is a congratulation on one of the most important holidays for Christians. In the form of a dove on this day, the Holy Spirit himself descended on the Savior, designating Who stands before people. We offer you congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in verses and postcards, let our selection help you congratulate your loved ones.

How to congratulate loved ones on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord:

  • Message in verse;
  • Postcard;
  • Short SMS congratulations on the Epiphany.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Anton Ovsyanikov. Baptism

Congratulations on Baptism in verses

Lord's bright baptism
It has come on this frosty day!
May blessing enter the house
Let the shadow go away
Saint Jordan water
Let health protect!
Bells are ringing from the temple
Blessing the procession!


Once upon a time Jesus received the Baptism,
And that day the water became holy,
Let the sick grant healing
And it brings joy and peace to the house.
May the Holy Spirit be white like a dove
That he once descended upon Christ,
With its warmth and joy it will warm
On a frosty day of Epiphany, everyone is always.

With the Baptism of the Lord you, friends!
May a kind angel be with you,
I wish you this day:
Forget all the old grudges
To say I'm sorry, to say I'm sorry
And remember good deeds.
But about the sad, dear,
I wish you never to think.
Love, kindness, hope, faith,
Light moments every day
And of course health,
For many, many years to come!

Let in Epiphany frosts
Misfortunes, sorrows will go away
With happiness only tears are shed
And let the days bring only joy.
I wish everyone to laugh
And sadness was forgotten forever.
Everyone just admired love
And never suffered

Bells ringing of churches and temples,
Let the soul ring today.
I want to wish you straight today
Peace in the house, easy days in destiny.

And let love knock on the heart
The frosty day will ring with fire
Let your face light up with a smile
Giving joy and success in everything!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in verse to a friend or friend

May your Faith not weaken
And your Spirit grows stronger over the years.
Do not let fate deceive you
Happy Baptism of the Lord, my friend.

Let Hope in life not fade away,
Love will warm you in the cold
May the Lord give happiness
And health for many years!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in verse to your beloved man

I want a beloved man
On Baptism I wish you happiness
And so that there is no reason
To be sad, hurt, and discouraged.
Desires of the main fulfillment
And endless kindness
Hope, joy, luck,
And in a kind heart - warmth!

Read also -

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord to loved ones

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
A glorious holiday of peace and happiness!
And I want to wish you today
So that there are no troubles and bad weather!
Pray at the old icons
May faith help you in everything
May the divine, generous fire
Warms your heart!

Let the Epiphany frosts
Are angry outside the window
Let a quiet holiday come
On this day to your house
Let it bring to your souls
Peace and grace
Let it be wiser, cleaner, better
He will help you become!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord 2019 in SMS


With the Baptism of the Lord,
Happy big, holy day,
Let the heart be warm
Health, faith, strength.

May the holy Epiphany
He will save the whole family from adversity.
And the candle of unquenchable faith
It will give you a spiritual stronghold.

With a pure soul, as after Epiphany,
I wish you to live this whole year.
Then happiness will come, no doubt
And every day will bring good luck!

Let the holy water wash away the pain and annoyance
Let the disease and the enemy go far
On the bright holiday of Epiphany, I wish you joy,
Let it be easy in your soul and heart!
With the Baptism of the Lord!

Congratulations on the Epiphany: cards, pictures


Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord! We hope that our congratulations on the Epiphany were useful to you!