The moral qualities of a person in the story of mumu. “What does Turgenev sing in the image of Gerasim? Moral superiority of the character

The image of Gerasim is a symbol of the Russian people. In his hero, Turgenev shows the best features of the Russian man: heroic strength, hard work, kindness, sensitivity to loved ones, sympathy for the unfortunate and offended.

Turgenev calls Gerasim "the most remarkable person" of all the servants. The author sees him as a hero. Gerasim was gifted with "extraordinary strength, he worked for four - the case was arguing in his hands, and it was fun to look at him." Turgenev seems to admire his hero, his strength and greed for work. He compares Gerasim to a young bull and a huge tree that grew on fertile land. Gerasim is distinguished by his accuracy and responsibility for the assigned work. He keeps his closet and yard clean. A detailed description of the mute's closet a little emphasizes his unsociability. “He didn’t like to be visited,” and therefore he always locked his closet. But despite his formidable appearance and heroic strength, Gerasim had a kind heart, capable of love and sympathy.

Many of the servants were afraid of the formidable janitor, knowing his strict and serious disposition. However, the uncommunicative Gerasim evokes not only fear, but also respect from the courtyard for conscientious work, patience and kindness. "He understood them, exactly followed all orders, but he knew his rights too, and no one dared to sit in his place at the table." And the lady Gerasim evokes not only fear, but also respect. "She favored him as a faithful and strong watchman." The mute, like the whole mongrel, is afraid of the old lady, tries to please her, as if carrying out her orders. But by remaining a loyal servant, he does not lose his self-esteem.

It is difficult for the village peasant to live in the city. He is deprived of communication with Russian nature. Dumb, unsociable Gerasim is lonely. People avoid him. Tatiana, who fell in love with him, is given in marriage to another. He is deeply unhappy. And now in his dark life a small bright ray appears. Gerasim rescues a poor puppy from the river, feeds him and becomes attached to him with all his soul. He calls the dog Mumu. She loves Gerasim and is always with him, in the morning she wakes him up, and at night she guards the house. They become close friends. Love for Mum makes Gerasim's life joyful.

The lady learns about Mumu and orders to bring her to her in order to dispel boredom. But the little dog refuses to obey her. The obstinate lady, not understanding how you can disobey her order, makes you get rid of the dog. Gerasim tries to save Mumu and closes her in the closet. But Mumu pretends to be barking. The unfortunate serf is forced to kill his only, sincerely loving friend. The evil lady takes away from Gerasim what is most precious, but cannot break his fortitude and self-esteem.

In the fate of Gerasim, Turgenev reflected the fate of many serfs. He protests against the serfdom of the landlords. The author expresses the hope that the "dumb" people will be able to resist the oppressors.

Gerasim is the main character of the story "Mumu" by I. S. Turgenev

Gerasim is the protagonist of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's story "Mumu". Literally from the first lines of the work, starting the story about the old lady, the author himself distinguishes him from other characters: "Of all her servants, the most remarkable person was the janitor Gerasim ...".

Describing Gerasim, Turgenev admires his strength and diligence: “Gifted with extraordinary strength,

he worked for four - the matter was arguing in his hands ... ". However, the author endowed his hero with one more difference - Gerasim was dumb.

But from the story we understand that in reality all the other heroes were "dumb" who did not have their own opinions and desires, did not know their own dignity and looked like slaves.

In describing the character, actions of Gerasim, his relationship with other characters, Turgenev shows the moral superiority of this hero. Talking about Gerasim, the author compares him with a young and healthy bull, a sedate gander, with a lion. To show the heroic power of Gerasim, Turgenev uses hyperboles: “... he acted with a scythe so crushingly that at least a young birch forest could be brushed off the roots ...”, “... he built ... a truly heroic bed; one hundred pounds could be put on it - would not bend ... ".

If the author compares Gerasim with a hero, a giant, then he calls the rest of the heroes "little people." The courtyard people tried to please the lady, thoughtlessly fulfilling any of her whims, humiliating themselves and others. The lady considers herself entitled to dispose of their destinies. So, for example, because of her whim, Gerasim lost first Tatiana, and then Mumu.

Throughout the story, we see that in any situation the hero retains such qualities as hard work, honesty, and the ability to love. He always keeps his word and has a sense of his own dignity. This is the moral superiority of Gerasim.

Turgenev says about Gerasim: "he ... exactly followed all the orders, but he also knew his rights ...". So, obediently fulfilling the will of the lady, drowning Mumu, Gerasim leaves for the village. By this he expressed his protest against the lady's attitude to her servants.

The very last word in the story is "mute." Turgenev shows us that, unlike heroes who can speak, only the dumb Gerasim has a voice - his own voice.

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  • essay about gerasim
  • essay about gerasim

The work "Mumu" was written by Turgenev in 1852. According to the testimony of the writer's contemporaries, it was based on real events that took place in the house of Varvara Turgeneva, the mother of the writer himself. This incident made an indelible impression on the author. And after that, he created a small work that seemed very sweet, sad and touching to critics. But for Turgenev himself, this story was really terrible.

general characteristics

Description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" can begin with an acquaintance with the main character. The main character of the work is a deaf-mute janitor named Gerasim, who serves an elderly lady. Almost from the first lines of his work, the writer distinguishes Gerasim from the rest of the servants. Describing his character, Turgenev emphasizes such qualities as hard work and strength. He does all the work around the house, in the yard, as well as in the stables, and at night he takes care of the guard. Gerasim is an ordinary village man. He is a serf peasant.

Despite the natural lack of a man, he has great physical strength, which must be mentioned in the description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu". He is usually withdrawn and sullen. Even on his face it is difficult to tell what he is going through. And his severity, apparently, was as innate as his deafness. Also, the main character did not understand the jokes of others. The description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" in this regard can be supplemented with a quote from the work. "Not everyone dared to scoff at him: he did not like jokes." Even the courtyards were afraid of the janitor. The protagonist loved order in everything. And even the roosters did not dare to enter a fight under Gerasim. He lives in a small room above the kitchen. He arranges everything in this closet according to his own taste.


The description of Gerasim's appearance from the story "Mumu" should contain the information that the writer gives in his work. Turgenev describes the main character as a sedate and important hero. His height is 12 vershoks (or 195.5 cm). Turgenev describes Gerasima's gait with the help of such definitions: "hard", "hard-to-reach", "incorrect". His face is “joyful”, or “lifeless”, “petrified”. Gerasim is dressed in a caftan, sheepskin coat, and boots.

Description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu": character traits

Throughout the story, the reader has the opportunity to observe that in each situation the protagonist retains his best qualities - honesty, love for work, and the ability to sincerely love. Gerasim always keeps his word to the last. He is also endowed with a deep sense of self-esteem. This is his moral and spiritual superiority over the rest of the inhabitants of the courtyard.

To whom Gerasim was attached by the soul

A short description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" should also contain a small essay about his emotional attachments, because this testifies to the ability to love inherent in the main character. Gerasim of all the inhabitants of the courtyard most of all likes Tatiana - a woman with a kind and meek character, whose age is about 28 years. Gerasim treats her kindly, showing signs of attention and not letting anyone offend her. After the evil lady ordered that Tatyana be married off to a drunkard, Gerasim became completely sad. He finds a puppy with an interesting color - a white dog covered with black spots. Only with this puppy Gerasim feels happy. He calls the dog Mumu. Gerasim takes care of her as if he were his own child.

Brief description of Gerasim's closet from the story "Mumu"

A lot can be said about the main character based on the description of his closet. Turgenev writes that Gerasim built a bed for himself from oak boards. The writer calls her "truly heroic." There is a table in the corner, and a sturdy "three-legged chair" by the table. The chair is so firmly made that Gerasim himself sometimes picks it up, drops it on purpose and grins. There is a heavy chest under the bed. The serf's closet is locked.

The actions of the protagonist

Usually the time when schoolchildren are asked to prepare a description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" is 5th grade. At this age, students can already understand those difficult events in the life of a Russian peasant, about which Turgenev's work tells. The serf works for four. Despite such work, the lady is not even satisfied with this. She wants to have complete control over the lives of her serfs.

First, she marries her maid, Tatiana, to a shoemaker who abuses alcohol. And then he demands that Gerasim's beloved dog Mumu be removed. However, the main character, although he is deaf and dumb, shows his intractability. He drowns his beloved dog and then leaves the master's house without even asking the master's permission. Until the end of his days Gerasim lives as a boar in his village.

Moral superiority of the character

Despite the fact that Turgenev made his main character mute, in fact, all the other inhabitants of the courtyard can be called such. After all, they had no personal desires. Unbeknownst to them, they had a sense of their own dignity, they were more like slaves. Despite this, Gerasim is on good terms with the servants.

Describing the character of his hero, the writer emphasizes his moral superiority over others. In the essay "Description of Gerasim from the story" Mumu "the schoolchild can point out: Turgenev compares the main character with a young bull, a sedate and proud gander. In order to describe the appearance of his hero even more vividly, Turgenev uses the technique of hyperbole. For example, Gerasim mows so crushingly that he could "at least brush off a young birch forest from the roots ...". And if the writer compares his main character with a powerful hero, the rest of the servants are called "little people" by Turgenev. All the inhabitants of the courtyard tried to please the lady in everything. They thoughtlessly followed any of her orders, even if these actions humiliated them or those around them.

The image of Gerasim is a symbol of the Russian people. In his hero, Turgenev shows the best features of the Russian man: heroic strength, hard work, kindness, sensitivity to loved ones, sympathy for the unfortunate and offended. Turgenev calls Gerasim "the most remarkable person" of all the servants. The author sees him as a hero. Gerasim was gifted with "extraordinary strength, he worked for four - the case was arguing in his hands, and it was fun to look at him." Turgenev seems to admire his hero, his strength and greed for work. He compares Gerasim to a young bull and a huge tree that grew on fertile land. Gerasim is distinguished by his accuracy and responsibility for the assigned work. He keeps his closet and yard clean. A detailed description of the mute's closet a little emphasizes his unsociability. “He didn’t like to be visited,” and therefore always locked his closet. But despite his formidable appearance and heroic strength, Gerasim had a kind heart, capable of love and sympathy. Many of the servants were afraid of the formidable janitor, knowing his strict and serious disposition. However, the uncommunicative Gerasim evokes not only fear, but also respect from the courtyard for conscientious work, patience and kindness. "He understood them, exactly followed all orders, but he knew his rights too, and no one dared to sit in his place at the table." And the lady Gerasim evokes not only fear, but also respect. "She favored him as a faithful and strong watchman." The mute, like the whole mongrel, is afraid of the old lady, tries to please her, as if carrying out her orders. But by remaining a loyal servant, he does not lose his self-esteem. It is difficult for the village peasant to live in the city. He is deprived of communication with Russian nature. Dumb, unsociable Gerasim is lonely. People avoid him. Tatiana, who fell in love with him, is given in marriage to another. He is deeply unhappy. And now in his dark life a small bright ray appears. Gerasim rescues a poor puppy from the river, feeds him and becomes attached to him with all his soul. He calls the dog Mumu. She loves Gerasim and is always with him, in the morning she wakes him up, and at night she guards the house. They become close friends. Love for Mum makes Gerasim's life joyful. The lady learns about Mumu and orders to bring her to her in order to dispel boredom. But the little dog refuses to obey her. The obstinate lady, not understanding how you can disobey her order, makes you get rid of the dog. Gerasim tries to save Mumu and closes her in the closet. But Mumu pretends to be barking. The unfortunate serf is forced to kill his only, sincerely loving friend. The evil lady takes away from Gerasim what is most precious, but cannot break his fortitude and self-esteem. In the fate of Gerasim, Turgenev reflected the fate of many serfs. He protests against the serfdom of the landlords. The author expresses the hope that the "dumb" people will be able to resist the oppressors.