How to make a beautiful flower bed correctly. DIY flower bed

Successfully crafted, original, beautiful blooming flower bed almost always is the embodiment of creative ideas on a certain piece of land. To get the desired result, you should realistically assess the available space, financial and physical capabilities. Experts recommend starting with planning and taking into account your own wishes, choosing a flower bed design, creating a floral masterpiece with your own hands.

Beautiful pink flowers for decoration

Very beautiful flower garden

A flower bed in the country

The landscape design of the flower bed combines not only a colorful flower garden of flowers planted in a row, but also curbs, garden paths, front gardens, mixborders formed around them with appropriate planting boundaries and the ability to organize vertical gardening.

Having free space and a desire to create a masterpiece with their own hands, many summer residents strive not only to break the central flower bed on their site, but to build a rose garden or alpine slide, to create a garden of continuous flowering. Depending on the exterior of the house and the chosen style, an appropriate design of flower beds is created.

Beautiful decoration with flowers and trees

Beautiful flowers for decoration

Get inspired to create a flower garden with your own hands

It has long been observed that what gives you pleasure is the best inspiration. To build a flower bed in the country with your own hands, and then admire the result, you need to draw up a site plan for laying the future flower garden. Armed with a pencil and a piece of paper, draw a schematic plan based on the actual dimensions of the future flower bed. It is necessary to plan a place for a flower garden with the most favorable sunlight. Many plants need shade or partial shade, this should be taken into account when planting plants and flowers. If the site is located on level ground, then you should protect the plantings from strong winds by erecting a fence or planting resistant plants on the leeward side.

A fascinating activity - decorating a flower garden on a site with a strong slope. There is a place for imagination, the implementation of the most daring ideas, from creating a patio, platforms at different levels, to decorating a terrace.

Red flowers in the design of the cottage

Curly flowers in the design of the cottage

Beautiful flowers and trees in the design of the cottage

Classic rose garden or decorative perennial flower bed

  • Before you break a flower bed with your own hands, focus on three points: the location of the site;
  • its size and shape;
  • soil condition.

In the process of creativity, people often act spontaneously, using their own intuition, but sometimes it will not be superfluous to take into account the advice of experienced florists. The flowerbed should be placed in a place that will often catch your eye and create a good mood every day. The design option for the front flower garden is efficient way brag to neighbors, passers-by, created by a creative creation.

Decorating a summer cottage with flowers

Flowers in pots for decoration

There are the following types of flower garden:

  • a flower bed arranged along the perimeter of a plot with a fence as the main background;
  • option in the form of a rectangular bed;
  • an island flower garden located in the middle of the lawn;
  • flower bed-peninsula;
  • a flower garden located directly under the wall of the house.

Each person has their own preferences in choosing flowers for a flower bed. Someone cannot imagine a flower garden without roses, but someone likes lilies, peonies, tulips, irises or gladioli. Focusing on your taste and preferences, they create a stylish monoclumba of roses or a colorful mixborder.

Drawing up the general layout, I want to create a continuous flowering flower bed with my own hands in order to admire the flowers from early spring to the first autumn frosts. Developing your own flower bed design, first on paper, and then in kind, involves planting perennials and annuals.

Elegant decoration with flowers of a summer cottage

Flower bed with beautiful flowers

Color options for decorating a summer cottage

The use of various decor by practical hosts

Ideas for decorating flower beds with your own hands involve the use of improvised means. Old baskets, household utensils and even old galoshes, rubber boots, in which blooming petunia, other annual or bulbous flowers look organically, are used. The harmonious design of the flower beds is complemented by paving slabs, framed with concrete borders, as well as an inexpensive, interesting solution - decoration with old car tires, plastic bottles. In the garden, old stumps, logs, overturned wooden barrels, ceramic jugs in which climbing vines and ampelous varieties of plants will grow are used as containers for a flower garden.

Flowers for a summer residence

Beautiful bouquet of flowers in the country

You can create beauty from improvised materials; natural stone and brick left over from the construction site, broken furniture and unnecessary things in the household are used to equip a flower garden. For the environment, hedges and green shrubs are used. All kinds of vases, figurines become an excellent addition to the created composition.

It is not enough just to plant plants randomly, you need to monitor the appearance of weeds and weed them in time, and also not to let annual plants grow strongly, occupying the space between perennials.

Flower arch

Flowers in pots for decorating a summer cottage

Path with flowers

Various colors or monochrome flower garden

The site does not have to be a riot of color, the planted plants in the same color scheme will become a beautiful oasis. By combining colors and styles, experienced gardeners create a constant flowering mixborder. It is recommended to use more than two dozen varieties of plants, grouping them by plant height and by the timing of future flowering.

Having compiled a list and determined the location of perennials, they select flowers with similar needs for moisture, light and watering frequency.

Roses on the fence

Conifers in the landscape design of summer cottages

List of seasonality of perennial flowering:

  • muscari, daisies, anemones, saffron, crocuses, snowdrops, hyacinths, tulips and daffodils bloom in spring;
  • lilies, chamomiles, daylilies, gladioli, hosts, peonies, irises, echinacea delight in summer;
  • autumn gives chrysanthemums, dahlias, coreopsis.

Having dealt with perennials, having planted them in the ground in a permanent place, they sow or plant seedlings of unpretentious annuals in the resulting voids.

Tall and undersized marigolds, asters of various varieties, nasturtiums, surfinia, petunias, balsam, and other flowers with a long flowering period will perfectly complement the design of the flower bed. All-season plants, such as conifers or shrubs with beautiful foliage, look attractive. In the design of flower beds, boxwood is often used, forming evenly trimmed borders of bushes, green foliage of ferns.

Ornamental cereals (reed grass, sheep, miscanthus, millet, foxtail pennisetum) perfectly complement flower arrangements.

Option for decorating a summer cottage with flowers

Flowers for a summer residence

Big beautiful white flowers

Installation and other extraordinary methods for decorating a flower garden

To create interesting thematic installations, they use several containers with planted flowers, ceramic figurines of animals, birds, fairy-tale characters, add a solar flashlight, a scattering of large and small stones of different colors and other stylish decor elements that complement the composition. A small artificial reservoir looks stylish from a container filled with water and a pair of green "frogs" surrounded by creeping flowers and sedges. An impromptu trickle is obtained from a jug lying horizontally, from which flower water flows.

Making the most of the natural landscape, they create original alpine slides. Placing all the elements correctly, they begin to plant the plants from top to bottom, choosing the central element. An artificial reservoir is often installed to decorate the flower bed.

Option of flowers for giving

Beautiful flowers in the flowerbed

A hit in landscape design is considered to be a rockery created by your own hands, which combines succulents, stone and other plants. The original flower beds have non-standard shapes from a triangle to an ellipse, a polygon to a star, a moth flower bed, a clock face. When creating a flower garden with their own hands, they make out flower beds, streams, compositions in the form of butterflies.

The aesthetically complete version of the flower bed design and the design of the entire summer cottage space combines a tastefully decorated flower garden with garden furniture and other decorative elements: lanterns, lamps, wrought iron elements, figurines.

A self-made vertical flower garden combines one or more climbing and ampelous plants on a support. All varieties of clematis and morning glory are perfect for vertical gardening. Do not be afraid to fantasize and arrange plants to create the perfect flower garden arrangement. Go for it and you will succeed!

Video: Garden flowers. Survey of the suburban area. Blooming flowers in the country. Dacha and garden with their own hands

50 photos of examples of summer cottage design with flowers:

For most of our fellow citizens, the suburban area has ceased to be a means of survival. Indeed, the same vegetables are much easier to buy at the nearest supermarket. The dacha is increasingly being used as a vacation spot. After office work, you really want to arrange a holiday for yourself, finding yourself in the world of landscape delights, beautiful plants and fragrant flowers! However, flower beds in the country were welcomed at all times. There was always room for gladioli, peonies, mallow, golden balls, tulips and snapdragons. An elegant flower garden, laid out by the porch or in the front garden, as if meets the owner of the house and his guests, inviting them to leave their worries behind the threshold, plunge into a good mood and fully relax!

The flower garden, located directly in front of the entrance to the house, plays the role of a kind of visiting card. And the first impression they get depends on how well he will present home ownership to the guests. Therefore, it is very important to decide what kind of flower garden in front of the house we are going to create. After all, each species has its own characteristics that must be taken into account.

Option # 1 - flower bed, like flowering geometry

The flower bed is characterized by a strict geometric shape: oval, rhombus, circle, rectangle. The choice of location is also characteristic of flower beds. They are placed on a hill so that all flowering plants can be clearly seen. An example of a flower bed can be a round flower garden, in which plants are placed in rings.

A flower bed in one form or another is present in the implementation of any landscape style. It is versatile. You can imagine a beautiful garden without many elements, but you cannot live without a flower bed.

The height of plants can be uniform or decrease when moving from the center of the composition to its periphery. In such conditions, each flower will be clearly visible. Plant height is not the only accent used in the design of a flower bed. Color is often used for the same purpose. The site is very decorated with a round flowerbed, in which the plants are located by rays from the center to the edges.

Option # 2 - long bed ridges

If you need to disguise a small defect in the building or decorate that part of the building that you don't like for some reason, it's hard to come up with something better than a rabat. These flower beds can be a decoration of inexpressive garden paths, the beds can be placed along the fences or parallel to the foundation of the cottage.

The rabatka can be located along the wall of the building, hiding behind its flowering all its flaws, which may be invisible to outsiders, but so annoying the owners

Usually, flowers of the same type are used for flower beds, kept in a single color scheme. But the designer's imagination can suggest another move. For example, you can create a border of all colors of the rainbow, alternating them with stripes of the same width. Plants planted in a checkerboard pattern look great.

Option # 3 - very different curbs

The final element of complex compositions can be a border. Located along the paths, along the perimeter of the flower beds or the flower garden in general, the border is always in place. However, as an independent flower garden, it looks no worse. This requires low plants that do not grow more than 25 cm. Not only the usual hawthorn is used as border plants, but also bright petunias, various marigolds, as well as other flowers growing in bushes, or herbaceous plants.

Armeria can play the role of a border, but it can become an integral element of a flower garden. Very attractive and, at the same time, unpretentious plant

Option # 4 - plant commonwealth on a mixborder

The rows of various plants that are collected in a mixborder have one quality in common: they get along well with each other. Do not encroach on the living space of another, do not strangle a neighbor and do not fight for water and sunlight - these are the main qualities of flowers and bushes that make up one.

Such a flower garden can rightfully be called the pearl of any garden. It can be placed in front of the house, and the bench will come in handy: you can sit and admire

Option # 5 - a piece of natural landscape "rock garden"

An alpine slide or rock garden is today at the peak of popularity and enjoys increased attention from both gardeners and landscape designers. Even palace complexes today use rock gardens. In addition to real high-mountainous plants, those that only outwardly resemble mountain plants are used when creating them.

Of course, a rock garden is a flower garden that you need to tinker with. Who said it would be easy? But the result is worth the effort

Choosing the right place

In order to correctly plan how exactly to break the chosen flower garden in front of the house, you should make a sketch on paper. It is better if it is colored for clarity. Then you can not only correctly plan the space allocated for this purpose, but also calculate the need for planting material and fertilizers that will be needed to translate the idea into reality.

It should be noted that when planning a plot for a flower garden, it is necessary to provide for all the nuances of the subsequent care of it. For example, it is best not to plan too wide plantings so that each crop can be easily reached. Usually, you should not make a landing wider than 2.5 m.

Agree that such an arrangement of a flower garden allows you to decorate absolutely any house. A romantic mood, a surge of strength and emotions in such a home is provided

The choice of a place opposite or near the house is natural, although it does not exclude the possibility of setting up several flower beds in different parts of the garden. There are wonderful places for this purpose along the paths, on the banks of reservoirs or in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe gazebo. It is important that a specific location is determined already at the planning stage.

Based on the existing experience of such plantings, you can suggest the gardener to plan a flower bed with some reserve of territory "for growth". Usually, with a positive result, there is a desire to complement an existing flower garden and transform it. After all, the visual result, as a rule, exceeds the plans. To enable the wildest dreams to come true, the reserve territory will come in handy.

What planting material should I prefer?

Crops that are to become the basis of a flower garden should be chosen taking into account the illumination of the site and its soil. Different plants have their own preferences that need to be considered. For example, the most important thing for tulips is the fertility of the earth and sunlight. Next to them there is a place for. And, crocuses and lilies of the valley will feel great in the shade of buildings or trees. Daffodils look good next to perennials, phlox and peonies.

To ensure constant flowering of the flowerbed, it is necessary to choose the right plants. The group should include not only spring primroses and perennial plants, but also sowing annuals, which, if necessary, can be changed.

If the flower garden does not consist of only one type of flowers, planting groups will have to be compiled taking into account their soil and light requirements. It is important that the plants in the group do not turn out to be antagonists fighting incessant battles. Otherwise, the defeated flower will look sick and still have to be replaced. Not only flowers, but also decorative herbaceous plants with leaves of an attractive color will be an excellent decoration for any flower bed.

Dreaming of how to make a really beautiful flower garden, we will definitely imagine the intended area in bloom from early spring to late autumn. This means that our collection should include spring primroses, along with annual sowing plants and perennials, which will form the backbone of the planting. By replacing each other, different cultures will create. And this is exactly what we are trying to achieve.

Practical planting work

Planting work must begin with transferring the existing sketch to real soil. At this point, we need not only to clearly imagine how we are going to arrange a flower garden near the house, but also to have at hand all the planting material along with fertilizers, as well as a supply of fertile land. We mark with the help of pegs and twine the borders of the future flower garden.

When creating a flower garden, you can use not only plant seeds, but also seedlings ready for planting. This method, by the way, is more attractive because the result of the work is visible almost immediately.

If the land of the intended site has not been dug, the fertile layer should be removed by 20 cm. Fertile soil should be poured onto the bottom of the pit. The removed soil must be carefully sieved, removing the rhizomes of weeds, pebbles, glass and other debris. After that, fertilizers are added to it, they are poured into place and moistened. If you are building a rabatka, gravel should be placed on the bottom of the flower garden for drainage.

The flowerbed should be planted from the center, moving towards the edges. Otherwise, some of the seedlings or seeds may be damaged or trampled. The elongated flower garden is filled in succession. Move from planting one row of seeds or plants to the next. It is better not to place a bunch of flowers. A distance of 30-60 cm can be considered optimal.

At the end of the work, a curb is planted, after which you can check the result with the plan. It is recommended to pay special attention to the fence, figured decorations and other decorative excesses, which so diversify not only the flower garden, but also our life in the country.

Proper care of an already finished flower garden

Breaking a flower garden is just the beginning. To make it look the way you dreamed, you must remember to take care of the plants. Periodic watering is an important part of grooming. For the first time, you need to water the plants when they are planted in the soil. The next watering will take place only after a few weeks. It is important to consider the actual weather conditions. The plants should soon sprout. Now watering will add to the need to loosen the soil and remove.

Careful care of the flower garden will allow your work not to be wasted. And the knowledge that you have made all this beauty with your own hands will make it possible to believe in your own ability to create, which is already a lot

Autumn is coming and the last plants are blooming. Annual flowers must be removed from the flower bed. Perennial flowers are pruned, leaving the roots in the ground, and covered with light material. You can be far-sighted and peg the locations of the plants that make up the flower garden. Then it will be easier to restore the planting in the spring. It will be necessary to examine the plants, remove or transplant some of them. Infected or dead shoots should not be left to rot naturally. Better to remove them.

If you look after a flower garden, carefully looking after its constituent cultures, you will have a wonderful island of romance, which you can rightfully be proud of and admire.

With the arrival of spring, many summer residents go to their garden plots. For any amateur gardener, it is important not only to grow vegetables, fruits and fruit trees on their site, but also to give it beautiful view, which will delight not only the owners of the garden, but also all the neighbors and guests who came to the country.

Garden decoration is a kind of art. On your site, you have the opportunity to create unforgettable pictures of flowers, expressing your inner world with them. It is not without reason that they say: "An artist paints his pictures with paints, and a florist - with flowers."

In this regard, summer residents planning to decorate a flower garden on the site have questions: what varieties of flowers are better to buy to make your site more beautiful, where and when is it better to plant them, with which you can decorate your flower garden?

Design selection and planning

Let's consider in stages how to arrange flower beds with our own hands. First of all, it should be noted that the concepts of "flower garden" and "flower bed" are identical. The flowerbed has the correct shape and is necessarily fenced with a border. But when creating a flower garden, you can not adhere to the rules and give scope to your imagination.

When breeding a flower garden, the following factors must be taken into account: the general appearance and area of ​​the garden plot, the number of buildings and structures located on it, varieties of fruit and vegetable crops planted in different places site, as well as their financial capabilities.

There are directly opposite ways of arranging a flower bed on a site:

  • coincidence in style and design with the appearance of the garden area
  • on the contrary, a deliberate and complete contrast to the garden plot

It should be noted that there can be many flower beds in the garden, differing in style and design.

Do-it-yourself preparations for creating a flower garden in the country should begin in winter.

By the time a flower bed is designed, it is necessary to clearly understand what types of flowers will grow on it, and how it will look in general.

Moreover, it is necessary to purchase flower soil and specialized fertilizers for planting plants.

Making a flower bed with your own hands

Making a flower bed with your own hands resembles transplanting a plant into an ordinary flowerpot and takes a lot of time. However, there is nothing complicated in this process.

To create a flower bed in your garden, you need:

  • Prepare and clear a place for her;
  • Remove the top layer of soil;
  • It is imperative to make drainage. Broken bricks and crushed stone are quite suitable for this;
  • Lay a border around the edges of the flower bed;
  • Pour in new soil;
  • Let it settle for at least 10-12 days;
  • Start planting flowers.

A selection of plants for a flower arrangement

Flowers in a flower bed must look beautiful and pleasing to the eye. However, you do not need to plant all the flowers you have on it. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly travel to the country, you should select varieties of flowers that do not require special care.

To create a beautiful flower bed, you must follow these tips:

  • it is necessary that the plants be adapted to the same conditions. That is, flowers are planted on the same site with the same requirements for care, weather conditions and the composition of the land;
  • select plants that will bloom for the entire period;
  • be sure to take into account the size of the plants;
  • connect plants by color combination.

Most often, from eight to fifteen plant species are planted in one flower bed. When creating a flower garden, it is imperative to use the principle of multi-tiered plants.

The tallest flowers are placed in the center, and undersized plants are planted along the edges, as if framing them and the entire floral arrangement. The side from which the flowerbed is open for viewing is also of great importance.

In addition to flowering, decorative deciduous plants, usually perennial, can be present in the flowerbed.


It should be noted that the process of creating such a composition is a little more complicated and requires a lot of imagination from the owner.

Planting plants

Plants are planted in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

If you decide to plant seeds, you need to prepare everything in advance. In early spring, flower seeds are sown in high moor peat.

Depending on the duration of flowering, plants are divided into three types:

  • annuals (you need to plant annually);
  • biennial (bloom profusely in the second year);
  • perennial (bloom constantly, becoming more beautiful and magnificent every year).

When planting seeds, you need to separate one group of flowers from another, leaving space between them. This is done so that the grown plants do not interfere with each other.


If the flowers grow too densely, they need to be broken through or part of them transplanted to a new place. Planting seedlings is much more convenient. In this case, you do not have to wait for the emergence of seedlings and the result will be seen much faster.

Flowerbeds require constant maintenance. First of all, you need to regularly inspect the flower garden and remove wilted inflorescences. This stimulates perennial flowers to re-bloom and maintains a beautiful appearance plants.

Interesting design of a flower garden in the country

As a rule, it does not take a lot of financial resources to organize a beautiful flower garden. To decorate a flower garden, you can use many household tools at hand. This will give your flower garden a special individual style and make it look like a fairy tale.

To create a flower arrangement, you can use any material, as far as the imagination of an amateur florist is enough.

You can use single "flowerpots" and furniture that has served its life, parts of wood, unnecessary materials for construction, almost all types of transport in which you can plant flowers.


Tires are very popular for creating flower beds. They can be put one on top of the other in the form of a fun slide. Remember what things you don't need at home. They can be very useful at their summer cottage when creating a flower garden.

The advantage of such flower beds is that they are mobile and, if necessary, can be easily rearranged to another place. It should be noted that photos of flower beds designed in this way will be simply amazing.

Decor elements when creating a flower garden

To add originality and zest, you can use special garden figurines, children's toys and decorations. Very often, among the flower beds, you can see figures of different animals and birds: hares, deer, squirrels, hedgehogs, swans, titmouses, as well as heroes from fairy tales: gnomes, Snow White, the Frog Princess and others.

In many cases, small toy mills, fountains or castles are used in such compositions.

And the illuminated lanterns located around the perimeter give the whole picture an additional effect and elements of a fairy tale.

You can also organize a flower garden in the courtyard of your house. Carefully thought out and made with soul, it will not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but also make the atmosphere around your home magical and unforgettable.

DIY photo of flower beds

A summer cottage without flowers, this is a banal vegetable garden, little adapted for recreation. It is the flower beds that turn the dacha into a desirable place for spending weekends in the summer. The creation of a flower bed is a creative process, an occupation that brings satisfaction to those participating in it. The time spent and the physical effort invested is justified by the end result.

Where to begin

Planning- the first stage in creating flower beds at a summer cottage. First, the entire territory is examined, after which the place for the flower beds and their sizes are determined. As a rule, they are located in the most visible places, in recreation areas, near artificial and natural reservoirs.

3 D layout of the suburban area

Some types of flower beds are used to delimit the site and are arranged, for example, between a parking lot and a sports field, between a patio and outbuildings.

Suburban area project

What you need to consider when planning flower beds in the country:

  • Land area;
  • Architectural style of buildings;
  • Dimensions of the yard;
  • How much land will be occupied by other plantations: fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetable crops.

There are several types of flower beds. The main and most popular of them are border, monoclumba. When the location and type of the flower bed is determined, the area allotted for it is fenced off with a border that will not allow the soil to be poured onto the path or lawn, dug up and fertilized. Preparation is recommended in the fall, so that by spring the soil is already ready for planting. If the flower garden is arranged in the spring, the site should be prepared in 2-3 weeks before sowing seeds or planting seedlings.

How to make a mixborder

Mixborder mixed flowers different types and habit. Annuals and perennials, shrubs, herbaceous plants and small trees can coexist here. It is believed that a flower garden of this type is broken against a fence or wall, but this is not necessary. It looks great at the border of the garden against the background of tall trees, it can serve as a dividing strip between different zones of the summer cottage.

Mixborder with dahlias

The basic rule of creating a mixborder is that the plants are planted "by growth". Low-growing flowers are placed in the foreground of the flower garden, representatives of the fauna of medium height are located behind them, and the tallest plants are planted at the very end.

Flowers are selected not only in height, but also in flowering periods. Each tier should contain plants that bloom at different times of the year. This will ensure that the flower garden is elegant throughout the season.

Mixborder with roses

The mixborder looks very nice against the background of coniferous trees: thujas, firs, pines. In this case, evergreen boxwood, creeping junipers and dwarf spruces are included in the flower garden, which will complement the style orientation of the mixborder.

Useful advice. It is advisable to protect perennials with a powerful root system with a curb tape, which will help control their growth and protect other, less hardy plants.

Continuous flowering mixborder scheme

Border and rabatka

Rabatka scheme

Standard suburban areas have an area of ​​6 acres. In such a space, it is difficult to place a house, an orchard, and also to set aside a place for a flower garden. A great way out of the situation is a flower border, planted along the paths. Its width does not exceed 30-50 cm, it can be monochrome or mixed, arranged on one or both sides of the garden path. The main principle of creating a border is the use of bright, with a long flowering period, a lot of annuals.

Perennial flower border

If space permits, you can make a discount. It is also arranged in the form of a strip, but much wider than the curb and there are always several types of plants in it, and they are planted at a certain interval. Thanks to this approach, one plot is repeated in the bed, and it is similar to a regular flower bed.

One-sided discount

Advice. The rabatka can be arranged from the side of the street between the fence and the road. A neat well-groomed flower bed in front of the house will become the hallmark of the suburban area.

Cobbled courtyard landscaping

A yard covered with paving slabs or paving stones is very convenient, since it is easier to keep it clean, even in slush. But with the design of a paved area, problems may arise. Mobile gardening comes to the rescue: flowers are grown in flowerpots of various sizes and hanging pots.

Flower pots are placed along the curbs, at the entrance to the house, near the gate. Thanks to this approach, original flower beds that are easily updated depending on the situation. For example, flowerpots can be easily moved if necessary to free up space for parking or holding a family celebration.

An original idea - flowers in hanging pots

Another way to green your paved courtyard is to start tiling by stepping back from the fence. 50-60 cm... The freed up space is used to create a floral border. This method helps to achieve two goals: to revive an empty courtyard and to disguise the fence, the walls of the outbuildings.

Stone flower bed with thuja and annuals

Advice. If the yard is very small, it is better to plant climbing plants along the fence, and in the foreground there are undersized bright annuals. A narrow strip of land planted with flowers will create the illusion that the courtyard does not end immediately behind the paving, but the garden just begins behind it.

Hydrangea along the fence

The use of stones in the design of the cottage

An original way to bring exclusiveness to the landscape of a summer cottage is to use natural stones in its design. There are two main types of flower beds with stones: rockery and rock garden. The difference between them is that in rockeries the emphasis is on boulders, and in the rock garden on flowers and plants.

Alpine slide - harmony of stones and vegetation
Rockery - emphasis on stones

How to make rockery

So that weeds do not germinate in rockeries - we lay geotextiles

Large boulders are placed on a flat area in a pre-planned order. The largest of them are dug into the soil, making the composition look more natural. After that, stones of smaller dimensions are laid out in small groups.

In the creation of rockeries, it is advisable to use stones of the same breed: sandstone, granite, slate, limestone, tuff. The space between the boulders is filled with sand, gravel or fine crushed stone. It is recommended to make the background filling in a color contrasting with respect to the stone blocks.

Plants are planted last. They should not dominate rockeries, so it is better to plant hardy species that do not attract special attention: Ornamental onions, gorse (Spanish gorse), pampas grass, gray fescue or other cereals for the garden.

How to make a rock garden

In the creation of an alpine slide, stones are also used. They are laid out on a previously poured earthen hill, and suitable vegetation is planted in the gaps: saxifrage, tenacious, stachis and other ground cover plants.

Also used are bright creeping and undersized perennials: obrietta, rezuha, carnation herbaceous, gentian and others. Creeping juniper, dwarf pines, and boxwood look very good in the rock garden.

The height of the slide can be different, from half a meter to 2 meters. It all depends on the size of the suburban area. If the rock garden is not high, it is better to make it against the background of conifers, for example, fir trees, thujas.

Advice. To prevent the germination of weeds, the area for the rock garden is covered with geotextiles. Holes are made in it at the planting sites, and the rest of the area is covered with stones.

The same rule applies when creating rockeries.

If there is no time to care for the flower garden

It so happened that visits to the dacha are not regular. Because of this, caring for flower beds is not always carried out on time. In this situation, it helps.

It should be noted that it has very little in common with an ordinary lawn. Firstly, he does not need a constant haircut, and secondly, he is very smart. The Moorish meadow (or lawn) consists of 70% of cereals and field grasses and 30% of unpretentious garden flowers. The lawn continues to bloom throughout the summer, so it looks great throughout the summer cottage season.

The main plants used in creating a Moorish meadow:

  • Field poppy;
  • Knapweed;
  • Echinacea;
  • Scabious;
  • Tansy;
  • Nigella;
  • Decorative bow.

Attention. When choosing plants for a flowering lawn, their habit should be taken into account. All of them should be about the same height and none of them should dominate.

Monoclumba - stylish and simple

Traditional lawns can be easily revitalized with a monoclumba - a small flower meadow on a green sheared carpet. In the center of the lawn, the soil is removed along with the grass, the site is fenced off with a flexible border, and the inner space is filled with fertile soil mixture. In the resulting "window", any flowers are planted that are suitable for the country landscape.

Monoclumba with tulips

If bulbous (tulips, daffodils) are used, after the end of their flowering, bright annuals can be planted in a monoclumba: petunia, viola, tagetes, zinnia, celosia and others.

Many modern summer residents, striving to decorate their plots in an original way, choose annual and perennial low-growing flowers for flower beds, blooming all summer or most of it. If you are one of these people and want to create your own inimitable masterpiece flower garden, check out the descriptions and photos of the most interesting, popular types of low plants. Understand for yourself the criteria for their selection, planting methods, view the design options for impressively beautiful flower beds.

Flower bed of constant flowering

Types and varieties of low-growing plants that bloom all summer

Plants with a stem height of up to 30 cm are considered stunted. Adorable flower beds are made up of one variety of such flowers, and using several species. In summer, multi-tiered compositions fringed with miniature flowering specimens and borders edged with compact bushes look great. Many varieties of perennials are long-flowering, even more of them among annuals.

Blooming border is gorgeous

Annuals or perennials - selection criteria

Many gardeners consider annual low flowers for flower beds to be the best option for decorating their plots, which:

  1. Quickly (in the season of disembarkation) they allow you to refine the territory by drawing up an excellent composition.
  2. They have an incredible number of varieties, which makes it possible to pick up specimens for any zones on the site: sunny and shady, arid and waterlogged, with fertile soil and poor.
  3. They do not need special care, feeding, frequent watering in summer.
  4. Provide room for creative minds to experiment with annual garden design updates.
  5. They allow correction of oversights in the selection of varieties, colors already in the next season.
  6. Suitable for growing by novice gardeners, since they are mostly unpretentious.

Bright flower bed of annuals

Fans of perennials refer to the unjustified waste of time, money, effort in the annual selection of plants for the flower bed, in the trouble of seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. Of course, perennial low-growing flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, make it possible to avoid these worries for several years. But gradually they lose their decorative effect, and every 5-7 years they have to be updated, while spending more effort than planting annuals.

Perennials allow you to create flower beds that have a special charm, but they are not encouraging with such brightness and variety as annuals. Also controversial is the argument that weeds cannot develop under the rugs of perennial plantations. Yes, germination of weed seeds, the development of germinated weeds is suppressed under the dense clumps. But if they have already managed to make their way to the sun, it is much more difficult to destroy them than in planting annuals.

Aubriet perennial

It is your choice to give preference to annual or perennial flowers, and possibly combinations thereof. In any case, it would be useful to get to know some of their species better.

The most popular unpretentious annuals

Purslane- one of the most beautiful annual low-growing flowers for a flower bed is known to many simply as a "rug". Indeed, its creeping succulent shoots with peculiar leaves, similar to fleshy needles, form a continuous carpet, covering the ground. Numerous flowers of various tones can be simple or double, depending on the variety. The most popular are terry species, which open their buds at the beginning of summer and decorative ones until autumn frosts:

  • Pun;
  • Cream;
  • Mango;
  • Flamenco.

Motley purslane rug

Purslane is unpretentious, easily takes root on sandy, rocky soil, does not need additional feeding, frequent watering. But he needs the sun: in the shade, the shoots stretch out, become thinner, the flower loses its attractiveness. Moreover, the buds of most varieties of purslane open only in bright light, which is why it, even when planted in a sunny place, is not so picturesque on a rainy day. However, there are varieties with flowers that do not close even in cloudy weather:

  • Sundance;
  • Cloudbeater.

Charming flamenco

And if you are planning to use one-year undersized white flowers to decorate your flower beds, it is difficult to find something more suitable than a purslane variety with the telling name White-flowered.

This purslane should be called Snow White

Tagetes (marigolds)- an extremely unpretentious undersized flower, which a child can grow. Marigolds do not need specific soil, regular watering. But for all their non-capriciousness, they demonstrate excellent decorative qualities, which is rare. From the first days of summer to autumn frosts, they delight with bright flowers of various colors in warm tones, which makes the flower bed "sunny" even in bad weather.

Two types of marigolds are distinguished by compact bushes: rejected and thin-leaved. Both groups are incredibly sweet and lovable.

Low-growing tagetes in the design of the border
Marigolds rejected
Marigolds are thin-leaved

Examples of other long-flowering annuals

Petunia- rather capricious in cultivation, the favorite of landscape designers and gardeners has many varieties that differ in various shapes and colors. Luxurious large-flowered and modestly but profusely blooming petunias can be distinguished. It is worth noting that the latter suffer less from rains, which are destructive for terry specimens. But you can also find terry petunias that are not afraid of rain (Butterfly F1, for example), which will become favorites of the garden.

F1 butterfly - tenderness itself

Lobelia- these purple, white, and more often blue undersized flowers are quite suitable for a flower bed that comes to life in early summer and withers only by October. Spherical miniature (10-20 cm) lobelia bushes like sunny places with loose, but not very fertile soil such as loam. Timely watering is important in leaving, especially in hot weather; the ground under the lobelia should be constantly moist.

Lobelia, variety Blue

Calceolaria- an unusual undersized plant that will decorate a flower bed in a shaded place. Calceolaria is not just shade-tolerant - direct sunlight is generally contraindicated for it. This exotic loves high soil moisture, but it should be watered with caution: when water gets on the velvety leaves, they significantly lose their decorative effect.

Exotic calceolaria

Iberis grows equally well in the sun and in a shady place, the soil loves light, breathable. It has small, more often fragrant snow-white inflorescences, but there are varieties with pink, carmine, lilac color. Flowering lasts two months, starting in May. It goes well in combined flower beds. For example, the neighborhood of white Iberis and small red carnation flowers for a flower bed is a very advantageous option.

Delightful Snow White Iberis

Annual carnation(Chinese). The adorable neighbor of Iberis can please not only with red, but also with pink, white, purple flowers that have a pleasant aroma. Loves the sun, resistant to frost. Perennial by nature, sometimes it can overwinter.

Chinese carnation scarlett

Beautiful perennials - charming consistency

If one day you successfully pick up perennial types of low-growing long-flowering flowers for a flower bed, you can get rid of the spring hassle of improving it for a number of years and enjoy the beauty of your site from the first days of summer. Various carnations, hardy asters, saxifrage and other beautiful representatives of the flora are popular. It is worth paying attention to at least a few favorites among them.

Beautiful flower beds - the business card of the site

Alpine aster- herbaceous plant 10-30 cm high. The best place for it is openwork partial shade, well-drained soil. Flowering can last up to three months, the longest it is in Rosea.

Alpine Aster Rosea

Carnation herbal- an unpretentious undersized perennial, the dark greenery of which is completely covered with purple or pink small flowers during one and a half summer months. Along with perennial arabis, feverfew, primroses can act as beautiful border flowers for edging a flower bed or path.

Herbal carnation as a border

The ever-flowering begonia is rightfully the leader among the flowers for flower beds, which bloom all summer. Begonia plantations blaze with a variety of elegant inflorescences from May-June to late autumn. It can bloom almost all year round if transferred to a warm room for the winter. Not only flowers are extremely decorative, but also begonia leaves, pleasing to the eye with shape and color.

Terry ever-flowering begonia

Green-leaved, bronze-leaved hybrids are distinguished by the color of the leaves. The height of low-growing bushes, as a rule, is within 15-30 cm. Begonia is not indifferent to the growing conditions. The soil for the flower bed should be rich in humus, with a slightly acidic reaction, moisture-absorbing, but not waterlogged - excess moisture in summer causes root rot.

There are about 600 known hybrids of ever-flowering begonia. Among them are medium-sized (up to 25 cm) series of varieties:

  • Ambassador;
  • Bada bing, bada boom;
  • Senator.

Eternal flowering begonias in a flower bed

Dwarf varieties:

  • Queen;
  • Cocktail;
  • Ray.

Ground cover

Ground cover applicants for a place in a flower garden

Among the stunted perennials, there are many ground cover or carpet flowers for continuous flowering beds. It is not out of place to get acquainted with several representatives of this group.

Phlox subulate... It is extremely unpretentious, forms curtains up to 10 cm high. Loves the sun and dry land, is afraid of stagnant water. Already from the beginning of May for two months it is covered with inflorescences of red, white, pink, lilac shades. The second wave of flowering occurs in September.

Phlox subulate

Sedum(sedum). Among half a thousand varieties, you can pick up sun-loving (most of them) and shade-loving specimens. The sedum plant does not need watering, feeding, hibernates without shelter - isn't it a godsend for time-limited summer residents? Moreover, there are so many varieties of sedum that only one of them can make a motley colorful flower bed.

Sedum prominent

Ducheney... A rapidly growing ground cover, sun-loving, thriving on any soil. But in order for the duchenei rug to be dense, the ground under the bushes must be constantly kept moist. The original leaves and fruits of the duchenei are very decorative in summer. However, it is worth remembering that berries, somewhat reminiscent of strawberries, are inedible.

Dusheney Indian

Aubrieta... A bright representative of carpet, ideal for rock gardens. It can be used as a frame for flower beds and in independent plantings. It blooms for a month and a half from May, and after pruning it can repeat this process. It hibernates with leaves that look attractive in early spring. It must be borne in mind that the Aubriet grows aggressively, like the Duchenea - both of these species can suppress, even survive, neighbors.

Aubrieta Light Blue
Aubrieta Lucas

Small garden - undersized bushes in a flower bed

In garden design, not only herbaceous plants are often used, but also beautiful trees, shrubs. If you have an idea to use them in landscaping a plot, then perennial low-growing bushes that bloom all summer are suitable for a flower bed in the form of a miniature garden. And creeping and dwarf conifers will add a graceful green touch to the variegated composition. Among them, the following types can be distinguished.

Mini-garden of begonias and conifers

Heather... Evergreen shrub with low growth rate. Needs well-drained moist soil, grows well in the sun, in partial shade. For the winter, it is recommended to mulch and cover it.


Lying gualteria... A creeping evergreen ground cover shrub that blooms beautifully in summer, including September. The dark green leaves are very decorative; by winter they turn bronze-red. Gualteria prefers partial shade, fertile acidic soil with good moisture capacity, does not tolerate drought well.

Lying gualteria

Creeping willow... An attractive dwarf, slow-growing shrub with thin elastic shoots. In early May, before the foliage blooms, it is covered with silver, and in summer - yellow, catkins. Light and moisture-loving, loves fertile sandy loam soils, does not tolerate heat and dry air.

Creeping willow

Dammer's cotoneaster... Dense, open, undersized bush. In mid-May, it is covered with numerous white flowers. Later, the decorativeness of the bush is supported by multiple light red fruits. Loves the sun, partial shade, undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant.

Dammer's cotoneaster

Japanese spirea... Compact creeping bush. Numerous pinkish inflorescences that form in the middle of summer, decorate the bushes for a month and a half. The golden yellow leaves are original. Spirea is undemanding to conditions, winter-hardy, sun-loving.

Japanese spirea

Juniper horizontal... Dwarf forms are good for a flower bed, for example, the Blue Chip variety. It is a slow-growing conifer with a bluish coloration of dense, thorny needles. Photophilous, not picky about the soil, frost-hardy.

Juniper horizontal

Planting low-growing flowers that bloom all summer

If you are going to create a colorful corner that is constantly pleasing to the eye on the site, you should understand how to properly arrange a flower bed with flowers so that they bloom all summer and even part of autumn.

Simulated creek

Principles of arranging flower beds

For a competent approach to the design and filling of the future garden masterpiece, it is important not to miss such moments:

  1. Before running to the store for seeds of low-growing flowers for a flower bed, you should clearly determine the place of its possible location, study what the illumination-shading, characteristics of the soil, and its moisture are. This is necessary for the correct choice of plants that will be comfortable in this place.
  2. Beginners should limit themselves to two or three types of plantings - this is enough to decorate a beautiful flower bed. For your first flower bed, it is better to choose unpretentious varieties of flowers that do not need special care.
  3. It is important to choose species with similar requirements for growing conditions for one flower garden.
  4. It is advisable to use group plantings of the same type of low-growing plants in order to avoid random mixing of different species.
  5. It is necessary to take a responsible attitude to the selection of color combinations for flowering plantations. Excessive brightness, variegation are inappropriate, may indicate bad taste. Combinations of various bright and white colors look organic.
  6. For a flower arrangement to look spectacular all summer long, you need to choose plants with different flowering periods for it.
  7. When composing flowers, you need to take into account the viewing angle. If the flower bed is visible from all sides, taller specimens should be placed in the center. If its view is possible from one side, the background should be the place for tall specimens.
  8. To achieve a decent result, a preliminary layout of the flower garden is required with the help of a landscape designer or on your own.

Combinations of bright and white tones are spectacular

Schemes of continuously flowering flower beds

For self-planning of a flower bed, since winter, you will have to arm yourself with colored pencils and draw a detailed outline of its plan on paper. The sketch must indicate:

  • the contours and sizes of the flower garden to scale;
  • location of dominant and complementary plants;
  • the distance between them;
  • color gamut (correct it if necessary).

Important! It should be borne in mind that undersized perennials, growing, will eventually take up more space - on the plan, and later, when planting, leave free space between them, temporarily filling it with annuals.

Perennial flower garden

Having made the decision to make the layout of the flower bed yourself, you will save a substantial amount on the services of a landscape designer. However, for this you need to have a certain artistic taste and flair.

For a beginner in design matters, the task may seem daunting, but at first you can use ready-made diagrams and plans found in gardening books or suggested below. Here, for example, is a scheme for filling a flower bed with only perennials.

Pictured below the simplest flower bed for beginner gardeners, where blue delphinium (1) and red paniculata phlox (2) act as dominant low-growing plants. When decorating flower beds, they are planted first. A garden geranium (3) of purple color is placed in front of them. The flower garden is framed with a ground cover, a yellow cuff (4).

Scheme for beginners

When deciding how to choose perennials and annuals for your flower beds that bloom all summer, you can use the information about them set out above, as well as study the range of plants presented in the diagrams, and choose samples to your liking. The most flexible filling option is the joint planting of bulbous, summer and perennials. Below you can get acquainted with a few more simple schemes.

Continuous flowering mixed bed scheme
Planting in pink
Flower bed of annuals

Ready-made projects are not a dogma; it is not necessary to implement them with extreme precision. You should not give up your plans if you could not buy planting material for any plant shown in the diagram. Replace it with another one with similar characteristics, color and bring the chosen scheme to perfection. Watch short videos for creative inspiration.

Shaded flower garden plan

Video: Examples of decorating flower beds with low-growing flowers

Video: Flower bed decoration with marigolds

Low-growing flowers, both annuals and perennials, are great choices for your site. Do not be afraid to experiment, show imagination, creativity, enthusiasm and create an interesting, original, exemplary composition that you can be proud of all summer.