Barrier reflux condenser. How to improve the composition of moonshine or why do you need a reflux condenser? Which one is better, how to do it yourself. What can they be?

However, despite the widespread use of these names, if you analyze the numerous information on the Internet, then there is widespread confusion regarding the purpose of these devices. There are especially many discrepancies in the functions and essence of the operation of the reflux condenser and the steam boiler. Let's figure it out and start with the basics.

Rectification and distillation

Distillation- This is evaporation followed by condensation of vapor. This is exactly what happens when you use moonshine still the simplest type.
Rectification- separation of the mixture into fractions due to the countercurrent movement of steam and the same steam condensed into liquid (reflux).

Thus, it can be seen that during distillation, the steam formed during boiling of the liquid flows directly to the condenser. As a result, we get a homogeneous mixture containing alcohol, water, and fusel oils. The alcohol content increases due to the fact that it evaporates at lower temperatures and faster than water and other fractions.

During rectification, part of the condensed steam flows back towards the distillation tank, is heated by the newly formed steam and evaporates again many times. As a result of the process of re-evaporation, the distilled liquid is divided into its component parts. In the case of moonshine: fusel oils, water and the alcohol we need. The degree of separation depends on the design of the distillation column.

Looking ahead a little, let's say that a reflux condenser for a moonshine still is one of the elements included in the design of a distillation column.

Dry steamers and wet steamers

Actually, these are two names for the same element. They are also known as cubs. Both the steam steamer and the wet steamer are structurally a thin-walled closed container of small volume with two steam lines in the upper part: inlet and outlet.

A tap is embedded in the lower part of the diving board for discharging waste condensate. However, often the jugs are made from glass jars, then, naturally, there can be no talk of a tap. The accumulated liquid is drained through the neck and only after the distillation is completed.

A simple steamer from a can

There is only one structural difference between a wet and dry steam steamer: in a wet steamer, the outlet of the inlet pipe is lowered to the very bottom, so that the steam from alembic“gurgled” through the liquid poured into the container. Hence, a wet steamer is often called a bubbler.

How it works

  1. Steam enters the container and, due to the temperature difference, begins to condense on the walls and flow to the bottom.
  2. As the steam boiler body heats up with new steam, the intensity of condensation decreases, and part of the steam begins to escape.
  3. At the same time, the condensate begins to heat up and evaporate and also goes into extraction.
  4. At a certain point, due to re-evaporation, there is only “dirty” phlegm at the bottom, which is better to dump through the tap and start the cycle from the beginning.
  5. If there is no tap, then there is only one option - selection before flushing, i.e. At the exit we get a “dirty” product.

Both the “reset” and “selection to victory” options are not good - the output we will still get is not the highest quality product. In fact, the steamer performs only two useful functions:

  • prevents mash pairs from being selected;
  • due to re-evaporation, it slightly increases the strength of the product.

Is it possible to improve the efficiency of the bite? It is possible, but it is necessary to change its structure: the body should be located above the distillation cube, and the condensate should be discharged directly into the cube. Only this will no longer be a dry steam tank, but a quite decent uncontrolled reflux condenser.

How does a reflux condenser work?

The reflux condenser device in its simplest form is two welded tubes of different diameters installed vertically on a distillation cube. Coolant (water) circulates in the jacket between them, and a smaller diameter tube serves as a pipeline for the release of alcohol-containing steam.

To explain the operating principle of this device, let us conventionally assume that the distilled liquid has 2 components that have different boiling points. The division into fractions is carried out as follows:

  1. At the initial stage, the cooling starts at full power and until the distillation cube is heated, the apparatus works “on itself.” That is, the liquid evaporating from the container condenses, forms a thin film on the walls and flows towards the rising steam back into the cube. On its way, it is heated by the newly formed steam and partially evaporates - this is “re-evaporation”
  2. After the temperature in the container reaches a temperature sufficient for both fractions to boil, two areas form inside the structure:
  3. The upper one, where vapors of the fraction with a low boiling point condense.
  4. The lower one is the region of condensation of the second component.
  5. Nothing is still getting into the main refrigerator, that is, there is no selection yet.
  6. The evaporation and condensation temperatures of each fraction are known. Now you can change the cooling mode so that the evaporation point of the first fraction is at the upper edge of the reflux condenser.
  7. The selection of the first component of the mixture begins.
  8. After the low-temperature fraction is selected, the mode is changed again and the second part of the mixture is selected.

The method allows you to separate a liquid into any number of components having different boiling points. The process is inertial, and it is better to change the cooling mode very carefully, slowly and stepwise.

Dimroth reflux condenser

The separating ability of the reflux condenser depends on the size of the contact area between the reflux condenser and the steam and the accuracy of the adjustment. The principle of operation is the same for all types of these devices; they differ only in design.

The one that was described in the previous section is a direct-flow film-type refrigerator. The design is simple to manufacture and quite effective. But it has disadvantages - a small interaction area, which generally tends to zero when the structure deviates from the vertical. The second is the difficulty of adjusting the steam temperature. The Dimroth design is partially devoid of these shortcomings.

The Dimroth reflux condenser is a glass or metal flask with a spiral tube in the center. Water circulates through it and phlegm condenses on it.

The principle of operation is the same, but it is obvious that such a design, even by eye, has a larger contact area between steam and liquid than a film apparatus. In addition, the interaction of phlegm and steam occurs in the center of the flask, where its temperature is maximum. Consequently, the resulting product will be cleaner and stronger.

Why is a Dimroth reflux condenser or a film reflux condenser for a moonshine still most often used in everyday life? This is due to the properties of the raw material - mash. If, when distilling it, you use the most efficient packed column with a large area of ​​filler, then after half an hour of operation the filler will be so contaminated that no rectification will become possible.

All reflux condensers used in moonshine can be divided into two large classes: film and all the rest. The fundamental difference is that in the classical film design there are no additional elements: phlegm condenses on the walls of a vertical tube and evaporates from it. The main advantage is the simplicity of the design, the manufacture of which is possible with your own hands; the main disadvantage is the interaction of the phlegm with the peripheral region of the steam flow, and not with the central one.

“All the rest” are reflux condensers, into the internal cavity of which are introduced various elements: fillers with a developed surface area (plates, glass beads, etc.) made of inert material. Due to them, the efficiency of interaction between steam and reflux increases and the overall dimensions of the device are reduced. We list just some types of reflux condensers:

  • Le Chatelier;
  • Bunsen;
  • Christmas tree;
  • nozzles;
  • Dimrota, etc.

In terms of product quality / dimensions / ease of manufacture / ease of adjustment of the operating mode - practicality, in a word, preference is given to the Dimroth design.

Some methods for making the simplest reflux condensers

  1. Modernized steam tank. Strictly speaking, even a home-made primitive - a steamer from a glass jar - still performs some of the functions of a reflux condenser. But only some, and only if we say “very strictly”. In order for it to turn into an elementary uncontrolled reflux condenser, the design and its placement must be changed. This can be done easily and with your own hands.
  • There is only one outlet pipe left at the top.
  • The body is made of thin metal.
  • A metal tube is soldered into the bottom, which is then connected to the lid of the distillation cube.
  • This entire structure, unlike the classic steamer, is installed not on the side, but above the distillation tank with the initial mixture.

As a result, the reflux condensed on the walls of the housing flows down the tube back into the tank, meets the newly formed steam, is partially evaporated and goes to the selection. The strength and purity of the product increases slightly, but increases.

  1. Do-it-yourself reflux condenser made of two tubes- the simplest film. On the outside of the large tube, two pipes are welded into the walls at the ends. A tube of smaller diameter is inserted inside the larger one. The ends are welded to form a cavity (jacket) between them. The entire structure is connected to the hole in the lid of the distillation cube. Circulates in the resulting shirt cold water.

Steam from the container rises inside the tube, condenses on its cold walls and flows down them back into the container. When interacting with a counter flow of steam, the phlegm is repeatedly evaporated and divided into fractions. By adjusting the cooling intensity, all components are sequentially separated from the feedstock, starting with the low-temperature component.

  1. Dimroth reflux condenser. Two tubes. One of them serves as a housing; a spiral is rolled up from the second so that it fits into the housing with a small gap. The structure is installed on the lid of the distillation tank; water circulates through a spiral tube. Unlike the film structure, here condensation and re-evaporation of reflux occurs on the surface of the spiral.

Let us separately consider a reflux condenser, which, if you can make it at home with your own hands, gives a very good result for the final product.

Dephlegmator made of a metal thermos

The basis of this design will be a thermos with a volume of 0.5-1 liters. Let's get started.

  1. We disassemble the thermos, that is, remove the bottom so as not to damage the flask itself. To do this, we clean the area on the bottom and solder a metal bracket to it. We fasten a wire or steel cable to the bracket. We securely fix the second end of the wire and firmly pull the thermos towards ourselves. The bottom should be removed from the thermos flask. To facilitate the process, you can preheat it with a burner.
  2. Next, you need to grind off the rib along which the partition is connected to the outer flask so that an almost indistinguishable uniform gap appears around the entire circumference. For this, it is best to use a drill with an attachment or, if you have access, an emery machine. After this, the thermos partition is easily separated from the outer flask.
  3. In order to remove the inside of the flask, you must also carefully grind off the ridge on the neck of the thermos. As a result, the inner part is easily removed from the outer one.
  4. We drill a hole in the bottom of the inner flask, insert a tube into it for communication with the atmosphere and tin the junction.
  5. We cut and solder two pipes into the wall of the outer flask at the top and bottom to organize the circulation of cooling water. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the ends of these tubes protrude inside the flask at a distance less than the gap between the flasks.
  6. We assemble the flask: carefully solder the gaps made earlier, drill a hole in the bottom and partition for the tube and put them in place.

In principle, our do-it-yourself reflux condenser, as far as the thermos itself is concerned, is ready. Its working position is on the moonshine still with the neck down. But it does not yet have the most important node, which is why everything started: the node for selecting the finished product.

Selection unit

It will be connected to the neck of the thermos. Its design and position in the moonshine still are shown schematically in the figure below.

Dephlegmator operation diagram

It is made from a piece of pipe with two adapters: the top one to the neck of the thermos, the bottom one to the tube connecting the reflux condenser to the distillation cube. A wide washer with a low side (8-10 mm) along the edge of the central hole is welded inside the tube. If you have the skill, then you can install the washer yourself; if not, then go to a workshop. Just above the bottom formed along the wall of the bowl pipe, a hole is drilled for the pipe through which the finished product will come out.

Not shown in the diagram, but to accurately adjust the operating mode of the device, you also need a thermometer or temperature sensor. To install it, just above the upper side of the washer, drill a hole in the pipe wall for the sleeve to install the thermometer.

So, the reflux condenser is assembled. It can be connected through a tube (50-80 cm long) to the lid of the distillation container and begin to obtain the finished product. But if we want to get really high-quality alcohol, then we should think about replacing the tube with a full-fledged distillation column.

To cook good alcoholic drink at home, you need to clearly understand how the procedure for making it is carried out and have all the necessary equipment for this. In addition to the distillation cube and refrigerator, the equipment must also include a reflux condenser for the moonshine still.

It comes in different sizes and can be made at home or purchased assembled in a specialty store. The quality directly depends on the equipment used to make the drink.

What is a reflux condenser?

A reflux condenser is often called a reflux condenser or a steam chamber. It is a container with thin walls of small volume, from which 2 tubes emerge from the top. Through one of them, liquid enters, and through the other, gaseous alcohol is removed. This device does not have to be installed on a moonshine still, but many professional moonshiners recommend its use.

A moonshine still with a reflux condenser is capable of producing high-quality and tasty moonshine. In most cases, for people who make a drink at home, the reflux condenser looks like a glass jar with an iron lid and copper tubes.

Basic functions of the device

To find out how a reflux condenser works, just remember school course chemistry. The device eliminates unnecessary chemical compounds. It resembles a refrigerator that reduces the temperature of the liquid in the moonshine still at the distillation stage.

The principle of operation of the reflux condenser is that when boiling occurs, the alcohol evaporates, and harmful impurities, called fusel oils, remain in the container. Thanks to this, dangerous compounds do not enter the finished product.

In addition, when the body of the device heats up, the intensity of condensation decreases, and the remaining part of the steam is released. The accumulated condensate also evaporates and then goes into the selection. Then the steam with a high alcohol content cools and moves along the structure of the moonshine still.

Another important function of the device is that it prevents the mash from ending up in the finished drink. And even if the manufacturing process is disrupted, the reflux condenser will take the blow and protect pure moonshine from getting into the mash. In order to prevent spoilage of moonshine when making this device, it is necessary to place the inlet tube 15 mm below the outlet.

How does a reflux condenser work?

The design of the reflux condenser may be different. There are dozens of device modifications. In most cases, the design consists of the following elements:

  1. Metal or glass cylindrical body. It comes in different sizes, which in turn depends on the volume of the distillation cube.
  2. Filter attachment. It consists of small glass rods of small diameter, on both sides of which mesh-shaped plugs are installed.
  3. A reflux condenser, which makes it possible to make the drink stronger, due to the fact that it allows the vapors to condense, thereby returning them to the distillation chamber with the main liquid.
  4. A thermometer that allows you to control the degree of heating of the mixture.
  5. Drain valve for waste substances, allowing you to remove unnecessary liquid. There is no need to disassemble the device.
  6. Fittings and threaded connections
  7. Tubes made of glass or metal of different diameters.

How to do it yourself?

To begin with, in order to answer the question of how to make a reflux condenser with your own hands, you need to understand that it is unlikely that you will be able to make a device that will be comparable in quality to industrial models. You need to know that there are many ways in which you can make this device, the main thing is to choose the right one. Before starting work, it is also worth considering that the quality of the assembly directly determines how well the device will work and whether unforeseen situations will arise.

For those who have just started trying their hand at moonshine brewing, to make a reflux condenser it will be enough to use a glass jar with a screw-on metal lid.
With this method, there is no need for welding, and this design is considered reliable. In this way, it will be possible to improve the quality of moonshine and improve the device itself.

The volume of the container will depend on the size of the installation. In most cases, 1.5 liter jars are used. Also in the future you will need fittings, nuts, and heat-resistant glue.

In order to make a reflux condenser with your own hands, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Determine the location of the holes for attaching the fittings on the iron cover, taking into account the diameter of each of them.
  2. Drill holes with a wide drill or cut with an awl.
  3. Apply heat-resistant glue along the contour of the holes
  4. Secure the fittings and use nuts to fix the tubes on them, placing the inlet 1 cm below the outlet.
  5. Connect the device to the moonshine still between the refrigerator and the distillation cube.
  6. Now, first, you can try in small quantities, assessing the quality of the finished product.

Advantages of the device

  1. The amount of harmful impurities that worsen the taste of the drink is reduced. If the device was manufactured in accordance with the standards or was purchased in a store, then after distillation the moonshine does not need to be treated with chemicals.
  2. This processing method is considered the most practical, because with its help, during just 1 distillation, you can obtain a large amount of drink with an alcohol content of up to 96%. In addition, the strength can be adjusted using a reflux condenser.
  3. The device helps prevent mash from getting into the finished drink, which will eliminate subsequent liquid distillation processes.
  4. Dephlegmator for moonshine device can be used as a flavoring device. If you put a piece of apple, orange or fresh berries in a container, you can ensure that the moonshine acquires a unique aroma and pleasant taste.

Thus, although a reflux condenser is not a mandatory part of a moonshine still, it is difficult to imagine the process of obtaining a high-quality and tasty drink without its use.

Making good homemade alcohol is not always very simple and you need to clearly understand the manufacturing process, as well as have additional equipment, and not just the machine. One of the important elements is the reflux condenser. Its shape and size vary, in addition, you can make it yourself at home, and if you don’t have the time or energy to make the device, you can buy it. The shapes and sizes directly depend on the type, the device itself, and of course, on the performance and requirements for the drink.

Functional features and operating principle

Many people often call a steam tank or sump tank a reflux condenser. Its essence lies in the following functions:

  1. When alcohol-containing materials begin to boil or evaporate, they need a temperature lower than many fusel oils, as well as other particles that can spoil the alcohol.
  2. Heavy particles remain in the reflux condenser, namely in the liquid that will be in it. Due to this, harmful impurities will not enter the final product.
  3. The steam that has condensed will partially move on, but its temperature will be lower, but the alcohol concentration will be higher.

When considering a device such as a distillation column, but a non-standard apparatus, particles of alcohol vapor will again enter the device. Due to this, it will be possible to produce high-strength alcohol.

If you have a reflux condenser, its essence will be simple actions, namely collecting chemical particles that spoil alcohol. Thanks to the device, the quality of the final product increases several times. Another equipment can be called a specific refrigerator, which is used in the interval between distillations. Previously, such a device was almost never used and was optional, but today many moonshiners are trying to use a reflux condenser. You can build it yourself, you can turn to craftsmen, or buy a ready-made structure. You can also purchase or make a Dimroth refrigerator, which is better than a standard reflux condenser in terms of practicality and performance.

Visually, the Dimroth refrigerator resembles a device for laboratory research and is made using a glass flask, as well as a coil. In addition to the Dimroth reflux condenser, there are other types of devices, but when choosing this or that equipment, you need to focus on your moonshine still, the productivity and scale of brewing moonshine.

If the equipment will be made independently, then for the sump you can use conventional glass jar, which requires preliminary preparation, namely the installation of fittings.

Advantages of a reflux condenser

Those who are just starting to prepare moonshine often refuse to use a sump, although such equipment can be very useful in the work in general. The obvious advantages of the reflux condenser are as follows:

  1. Harmful impurities and fusel oils are reduced, so the drink will not have an unpleasant aroma or taste.
  2. If you make the device correctly and competently, then thanks to the reflux condenser, the final product will not need to be cleaned by mechanical methods.
  3. If the device is mounted in a distillation column, then the production of alcohol will be at the highest level and very practical. The resulting liquid will be well purified, and the strength can be 96%.
  4. If you use a steamer, the cleaning will be stronger than using chemical methods.
  5. You can easily increase the strength of the drink by distilling it several times.
  6. The reflux condenser does not allow the mash to get into the final product, because if this happens, then the distillation must be carried out again.
  7. The device is used to flavor the drink. To do this, put citrus peel or dried fruit inside.

All the described advantages only simplify the production of alcohol at home.

Types of reflux condensers

Today, any device for preparing alcohol at home is sold, so you can buy any part. Dephlegmators are often made of glass, this also applies to the Dimroth refrigerator. The tubes of the device can be made of stainless steel or titanium, but this is less common. As a rule, glass tubes are used to prepare moonshine.

The device can be called differently, it all depends on the parts used and the principle of operation. For example, Dimroth’s device works according to the standard principle, in other words, the condensed mixture is returned back to the container, and not to the container with ready-made alcohol. It is believed that Dimrot’s device is one of the most convenient and practical. Its body is made of glass, which can withstand and not break from high temperatures. In addition, glass does not spoil the taste of the drink. To work, you will need to have access to running water and additionally use a flask, for example, a Bunsen flask.

DIY dephlegmator

It’s very easy to make a steamer yourself, but if you don’t have time to assemble such a device, you can buy ready-made options. In addition, not all models of reflux condensers can be made with your own hands; many of the industrial types simply physically cannot be repeated.

The effectiveness of self-made equipment will depend on the calculation of all parameters, the material used and the assembly method. At home, the easiest way is to make a steamer from a can. Such a device additionally serves as a sump. With such equipment you can easily improve the moonshine still, as well as the resulting drink. In terms of practicality, of course, the equipment differs from professional equipment, but it is suitable for home distillation. The jar must be selected based on the power of the device. Often at home, a volume of about 750 ml or more is used. The main thing is that the lid of the jar can be screwed onto the neck to make using the steamer easier. To make it you will need a couple of fittings, several nuts and glue that will not lose its properties when exposed to high temperatures.

When all the materials are ready, you can begin assembly:

  1. On the lid of the jar, you need to draw the outlines of the fittings; to do this, just attach them to the lid and draw along the diameter with a marker.
  2. Now you can use an awl or drill to make holes to install the fittings.
  3. The fittings are installed with glue, and then they are clamped with nuts. Experienced moonshiners advise placing the inlet tube slightly lower than the outlet tube, about 1.5 cm.
  4. Next, the steamer is connected to the moonshine brewing apparatus itself, usually something like this homemade device placed between the distillation tank and the refrigerator.

Such a device is not suitable for a distillation column, so a container in the form of a thermos or a thermos itself is used for a reflux condenser. Do-it-yourself assembly is several times more difficult, since you need to be able to grind welding seams, solder, and drill. In general, the procedure will be something like this:

  1. Initially, the bottom of the thermos is cleaned, brackets are soldered into it, and then it is fixed on the wall. All these actions are necessary to produce a sharp push, because you need to pull the term.
  2. The welding seam is ground down until a gap appears.
  3. When the flask from the middle of the thermos remains, a tube for ventilation is mounted to it. This is done by conventional welding or a soldering iron.
  4. Next, a test tube is fixed at the bottom.
  5. The intake assembly is soldered to the neck itself, after which a small hole is made for installing the hoses.
  6. Next, a hole is prepared in the sleeve, which is made of fluoroplastic, and then the tube is attached.

As you can see, it is difficult to make a reflux condenser from a thermos without certain skills and knowledge. But if there is a strong desire, then it will be possible to carry out work and improve the quality of the resulting alcohol at home.

The distiller’s desire for purity and quality of moonshine is understandable. After all, the purpose of moonshine brewing is not only to reduce the cost of alcohol, but also to make it safe for consumption.

To obtain a product with a minimum content of fusel oils, use a reflux condenser for a moonshine still, which helps achieve the goal. However, there is so much confusion with this concept that it is time to clarify.

A reflux condenser is module operating on the principle of heat and mass transfer. Definitely a countercurrent effect. In other words, it is a reflux condenser in which alcohol vapors condense and return to the cube in the form of a liquid – phlegm.

Encountering new vapors along the way, phlegm reacts with them, “carrying down” heavy fractions - fusel oils - and allowing light substances (among which ethyl alcohol) to pass further to condense in the downward (direct) refrigerator and enter the receiving container with purified and strong alcohol distillate.

Important. The device does not eliminate the need to “cut off the heads” - the first fractions, the boiling point of which is lower than that of ethanol. Also select tailing fractions separately.

Many even “advanced” distillers call it a reflux condenser or (prukubnik). Yes, these devices are aimed at the same goal - to provide clean homemade moonshine. But they cannot be called that for two reasons:

  • they operate on a different principle: condensation of vapors with a boiling point higher than that of ethanol. Fusel oils settle in a cylindrical container (jar). Ethanol, as a substance with a boiling point of 78.4 ° C, passes further - into the cooler, and enters the receiving container as a liquid;
  • In terms of the power of purification of alcohol vapors, the immersion devices are inferior to the reflux condenser.

Is it necessary and why?

There is not even any doubt about the usefulness of the reflux condenser. With its help, it is possible to obtain a clean final product.

The steamer and bubbler are the weak link in comparison, since they only partially remove fusel oils from moonshine.

Where is it?

This is a vertical drawer so that phlegm can easily flow down back into the cube. Located between the still and the direct condenser.

Although there is a model without a second refrigerator, more on that below.


There are several modifications:

  1. Low drawer (20-30 cm) without cooling. This is followed by a steamer and after that a refrigerator. This tandem provides good cleaning, although the main drawback is the inability to control the steam temperature, which reduces the degree of final purity.
  2. Film drawer with cooling. Due to the countercurrent (phlegm - down, steam - up), it cleans and strengthens the final product.
  3. Dephlegmator (also called refrigerator) Dimrota. A simple design that does not require an additional cooler, copes with purification and distillation.


A reflux condenser is a perfectly working device for purifying vapors. And although the design of canned steamers/bubblers is more complicated in design, it is worth buying and installing.

If you have plumbing skills, do it yourself. What will it give:

  • high-quality homemade alcohol, which is drunk without fear of a severe morning hangover and poisoning;
  • ease of use;
  • a sufficient level of distillation speed (only slightly lower than when using a direct-flow distiller);
  • preservation of the aroma of the original product (when distilling mash from grain, fruit, etc.).

Design and principle of operation

The reflux condenser consists of the following parts:

  • drawer with a diameter of 23-50 mm, the height of which is selected individually;

Attention. A drawer below 45 cm does not cope with the task satisfactorily, and equipping it with a cooler is problematic, if not impossible.

  • a water jacket (flow-through refrigerator), covering from a third to half the height of the drawer, located in the upper part of the structure;
  • a thermometer “crowning” the drawer to control the fractions of moonshine;
  • hoses for water supply/discharge to the cooler;
  • a tube from the device that goes into the refrigerator coil.

The heat and mass exchange that occurs in such a device between liquids with different boiling temperatures leads to the maximum possible separation of the evaporating mash into separate substances in order to select purified ethanol with a strength of 60-80°C.

How to make it yourself?

To make a reflux condenser yourself, you need the skills of a mechanic and welder. Here you can’t get by with a couple of fittings and hoses, as when creating a steam steamer/bubbler. Having chosen a suitable scheme for the block, get to work.

What to make it from?

For any of the models you will need:

  • Pipe made of food grade stainless steel or copper (tsarga) with an internal diameter in the range of 23-48 mm. You should not deviate from these dimensions due to a decrease in work efficiency. Altitude calculation depends on conditions. The ideal ratio for a film reinforcing column is: 30 sizes of the inner diameter of the frame. That is, from 70 to 144 cm. If you are planning only a reflux condenser, without strengthening the final product, stop at 45-50 cm in height.
  • A device for securely and airtightly holding the pipe above the cube in a strictly vertical position. This can be welding (if the cube has a flanged cover); threaded connection; clamp

Carefully. Even a slight deviation from the vertical threatens to reduce performance.

  • The water jacket is a larger diameter pipe that covers the frame and is securely connected to it by welding. It has two fittings for water supply and drainage.
  • PVC hoses, possibly plumbing hoses. Do not interact with the finished product.

Here are two main models of reflux condensers.

Film with cooling

This is a drawer with its own intermediate refrigerator. The main one is located after the reflux condenser. Thanks to cooling, high-quality heat and mass transfer occurs in it, and phlegm flows into the cube as a film, interacting with steam.

Repeated re-evaporation perfectly cleans moonshine. Disadvantage: a second refrigerator with a coil is required.

Dimroth model

This device simultaneously performs three tasks: purification, strengthening and condensation. It does not require an additional refrigerator. Has an original design:

  • Open at the top of the drawer (this is a reflux condenser).
  • A wide closed pipe is welded onto the drawer, leaving room for purified ethanol to escape in the form of steam. At the same time, it serves as a container for collecting and discharging distillate purified from fusel.
  • The refrigerator is a coil with inlet and outlet fittings, the coils covering the drawer. Only it is not moonshine that moves along this coil, but cold water. It simultaneously cools both the drawer and the alcohol vapors escaping from it, purified of impurities.

Steamer or reflux condenser – which is better?

Both devices are intended for use in distillation, as well as raw alcohol (re-distillation of the first distillate with separation into fractions). However, the reflux condenser copes much better with the task of cleaning the final product.

The steamer has only one advantage - simplicity of design and the ability to use a regular can.

Therefore, in order to obtain moonshine that is pure in terms of organoleptic characteristics, a reflux condenser is preferable.

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