How to make moonshine from mulberries. Homemade mulberry liqueur. Mulberry at home

This alcoholic drink is considered the hallmark of Transcaucasia. Mulberry moonshine rarely appears in stores, and the price is not inferior to good whiskey and cognac. Owners of mulberry berries (the second name is mulberry) can prepare homemade mulberries. The recipe and technology are not much more complicated than sugar mash; the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Tutovka– distillate with a strength of 40-80%, produced in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Karabakh from fermented mulberries. After aging in barrels (necessarily made of mulberry), the drink acquires a greenish-yellow hue and a persistent pleasant aroma with notes of herbs. Tutovka is drunk as a dessert alcohol according to cognac etiquette or served during a feast in its pure form (sometimes with ice). In the second case, the appetizer can be any meat, fish, smoked or marinated dishes.

With a sufficient amount of raw materials, mulberry is easy to make at home. Any red or white mulberry variety is suitable. The berries should be as sweet as possible. To harvest, they spread a blanket (film) under the tree and wait until the fruits fall on their own.

White mulberry is the sweetest

The disadvantage of mulberries is that they spoil very quickly. Fruits cannot be stored for longer than three days; it is advisable to process them on the first day.

Mulberry mash recipe


  • mulberries – 10 kg;
  • water - 12 liters and another 4 liters for every kilogram of sugar;
  • sugar – up to 3 kg (optional).

Real mulberries are made without sugar. During the picking period, the natural sugar content of the berries reaches 16-18%. This means that with 10 kg of mulberry you will get about 2 liters of forty-degree moonshine. Adding 1 kg of sugar increases the yield by 1.1-1.2 liters with a strength of 40%, but some of the aroma is lost. Everyone can find a compromise between quantity and quality themselves. Baker's pressed and dry yeast ferments quickly (in 3-7 days, instead of 15-45 for wild ones), but it greatly spoils the aroma, so it is not recommended for use.

Cooking technology:

1. Mash unwashed berries with your hands or in any other way. There is wild yeast on the surface of the mulberry, which cannot be washed off, otherwise the wort will not ferment and you will have to make a starter.

2. Place the resulting liquid in a fermentation container, add sugar (optional), add warm, but not hot water (25-30°C), mix well.

3. Install a water seal of any design on the neck (you can use a glove with a hole in your finger), then transfer the container to a dark place with a temperature of 18-24°C. Stir the wort once a day, knocking off the “cap” of pulp from the surface. Depending on the temperature and yeast activity, after 15-45 days the mash will lighten, taste bitter without sweetness, sediment will appear at the bottom, foam and hissing will disappear. It's time to start the distillation.

Braga under the water seal-lid

Getting mulberry moonshine

4. Drain the mash from the sediment through a colander or sieve into alembic. It is very important that the pulp does not get into alcohol mashine, because when heated, the particles burn, which spoils the taste. Owners of steam generators do not have to worry about burning.

5. Distill the mash for the first time without dividing into fractions. Finish collecting the product when the strength in the stream drops below 30%. Measure the strength of the resulting distillate and determine the pure alcohol content. Dilute the moonshine with water to 20% and re-distill. The first 10-12% of the yield from the amount of pure alcohol is poured off separately; these are the “heads” - the upper harmful fraction with a nasty odor, which cannot be drunk.

Collect the main product until the strength in the stream drops below 45%. Dilute the distillate to 40-55%. Before use, leave for 2-3 days in a sealed container in the refrigerator or basement to improve the taste.

Mulberry without aging in barrels

6. For mulberry moonshine to become real mulberry, the drink must be aged for 6-12 months in charred mulberry barrels, or infused with this wood. If there is such an opportunity, I advise you to try it.

This strong alcoholic drink has several names. In addition to mulberry, it is known as mulberry vodka, Artsakh or Armenian brandy. Whatever name you hear, it will be about the same thing.

Historical homeland mulberry vodka Armenia is considered, or as it used to be called the country of stones. However, not everyone agrees with this statement. Thus, residents of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh consider Artsakh to be their own invention.

Mulberry is a distillate made from mulberry berries, the second name of which is mulberry. The strength of this drink can vary significantly from 40 to 78 degrees.

How to cook artsakh at home?

The recipe for Armenian mulberry vodka is quite simple.

To prepare mulberry you will need the following ingredients:

  • mulberries – 6 kg;
  • clean water – 6 l;
  • sugar – 1.8 kg.

It should be understood that traditionally mulberry is prepared without adding sugar. This is due to the fact that mulberries already have a sugar content of about 17%. However, when using sugar we can significantly (1.5-2.5 times) increase the yield of moonshine. Just remember that when using such a recipe, the amazing aroma of Artsakh will be somewhat lost. So, everyone must answer the question: “Should I add sugar to mulberries or not?”

The correct sequence of actions when making mulberry vodka.

Crush the mulberries to release their juice. It's better to do this with clean hands. Remember, you can’t wash the berries! This is due to the fact that their skin contains natural tremors necessary for the fermentation process.

Without filtering, pour the wort prepared in this way into a fermentation container. Fill it with water at room temperature and stir thoroughly.

Place a water seal on the neck of the container and place it in a dark room with a temperature of 19-25 degrees Celsius. Every day you need to stir the mulberry juice once and knock off the foamy cap from the pulp.

After about 2-3 weeks, the drink will become lighter in color, sediment will be visible at the bottom of the container, and fermentation will stop. This will be a signal for us that our Artsakh is ready for distillation.

At this stage, we will naturally need a still. Our mash should be poured into it through a sieve. Such filtration is mandatory because if the pulp gets into the cube, it will most likely burn and the taste of Armenian brandy will be spoiled. However, if you plan to distill the mulberries through a steam generator, then the pulp does not need to be filtered.

During distillation, heads and tails should be selected. They contain acetone and other harmful impurities and should not be drunk. The heads will be the first 100-170 ml of mulberries. The tails will appear after the strength of the drink drops below 40 degrees.

Here we are entering the home stretch. However, there is no need to rush; Artsakh is not ready yet. To complete the process, the alcoholic drink must be left for 48-72 hours in a dark, cool room.

After this, you can proceed to tasting. However, if you want your mulberry to be completely traditional, it needs to be aged for six months to a year in a barrel of mulberry wood.

If we are guided by the geographical principle, then one of the closest relatives of this Caucasian alcohol is Ossetian araka.

How should you drink it?

Mulberry is good for the digestive system. This circumstance turns it into a wonderful aperitif and digestif. In other words, it is good to drink a glass of mulberry vodka before lunch for appetite or after for digestion.

Artsakh can also be consumed in its pure form. Crushed ice can be used.

If you plan to treat relatives and friends with mulberries during the holiday, then you can prepare and serve a meat or fish dish for an appetizer. It also goes well with smoked meats, as well as salted and pickled snacks.

Connoisseurs deservedly classify good mulberries as premium. It is in no way inferior to the most famous and honored brands of cognac, whiskey, tequila, vodka or rum.

Good day, dear readers! Today we present to your attention an alcoholic drink that is completely unique in its qualities - mulberry, especially popular in the Transcaucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Karabakh). The strength of mulberries can range from 40 to 80%! It is made from mulberry berries (otherwise known as mulberries) - hence the name. The taste of this warming drink is buttery, rich in woody, mulberry and herbal notes. Mulberry is also called Artsakh or mulberry vodka.

How is mulberry produced?

The first mulberry vodka was prepared a long time ago; it is believed that it has existed for several thousand years. In the countries of Transcaucasia, there is a mulberry tree in literally every garden, and each owner carefully preserves his special recipe for a strong drink made from its fruits.
An important stage in the production of mulberries is the preparation of the container: first, a special fired barrel is made - this is where the strong drink will be kept. The main secret of the uniqueness of the mulberry lies precisely in the fact that the barrel is made from mulberry wood, using old mulberries that no longer produce a harvest. When you have a barrel, you can start preparing the drink.

In general, the mulberry production process is similar to the process of making whiskey or cognac, and it consists of the following:
1. Berry picking. Mulberry fruits are harvested in early summer (June), when their sugar content is at least 16%.
2. Processing of berries. The collected berries are pressed and the juice is squeezed out of them.
3. Fermentation. The juice obtained from mulberries is poured into special tanks for fermentation.
4. Distillation. The fermented juice is distilled into alcohol, the strength of which is approximately 70%.
5. Exposure. The alcohol obtained from fermented mulberry juice is poured into charred mulberry barrels and kept in them for 1-3 years. It is thanks to aging that the finished drink acquires a yellowish-greenish tint and a characteristic pleasant taste.
6. Blending. When the exposure time is considered sufficient, purified, soft water is added to the alcohol.
7. Cleaning. The mixture of mulberry alcohol and water is cooled and purified using special filters.
Of course, homemade recipes differ from the described production process.

How to use mulberry

Mulberry is an excellent digestif and is often served after a hearty lunch or dinner. Mulberry vodka is good neat and with ice, and it is also used for making cocktails. By the way, it is believed that after mulberries there is no headache or hangover, since mulberries grow only in ecologically clean areas, which means that the drink made from the fruits of this tree does not contain harmful impurities. Of course, when drinking such strong alcohol, you need to know when to stop; besides, drinking too much mulberry means showing disrespect for this drink. If you serve Artsakh during a feast, then many meat, fish, smoked, as well as salted and marinated dishes are suitable as appetizers.

How to prepare mulberry using a home moonshine still

In order to make pure mulberry vodka yourself, you need to collect mulberry fruits. Ideally, picking berries for a drink is done in a completely simple and, at the same time, cunning way - they lay some kind of blanket under the tree and wait for the berries to attack it themselves. Shaking mulberries to make vodka is not recommended.

The berries that have fallen on the blanket are poured into clean wooden barrels and poured with boiling water. No sugar or any other ingredients need to be added. The resulting mixture is left for 10 days, and then distilled twice in a moonshine still over low heat (the still should be washed before the second run). The resulting drink is bottled. If desired, the finished mulberry can be aged in a barrel.
Recipe for making mulberry tincture with sugar:
- 5 kg mulberries;
- 5 kg of sugar.
The berries need to be mashed, the resulting mass combined with sugar and placed in a vessel for fermentation. Then build a water seal and place the entire structure in the basement for several weeks. After the fermentation process is completed, the resulting liquid is distilled, poured into an oak barrel, sealed and left for a year.
When drinking the finished drink, remember that mulberry requires respect!

This alcoholic drink is considered the hallmark of Transcaucasia. Mulberry moonshine rarely appears in stores, and the price is not inferior to good whiskey and cognac. Owners of mulberry berries (the second name is mulberry) can prepare homemade mulberries. The recipe and technology are not much more complicated than sugar mash, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Tutovka– distillate with a strength of 40-80%, produced in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Karabakh from fermented mulberries. After aging in barrels (necessarily made of mulberry), the drink acquires a greenish-yellow hue and a persistent pleasant aroma with notes of herbs. Tutovka is drunk as a dessert alcohol according to cognac etiquette or served during a feast in its pure form (sometimes with ice). In the second case, the appetizer can be any meat, fish, smoked or marinated dishes.

With a sufficient amount of raw materials, mulberry is easy to make at home. Any red or white mulberry variety is suitable. The berries should be as sweet as possible. To harvest, they spread a blanket (film) under the tree and wait until the fruits fall on their own.

White mulberry is the sweetest

The disadvantage of mulberries is that they spoil very quickly. Fruits cannot be stored for longer than three days; it is advisable to process them on the first day.

Mulberry mash recipe


  • mulberries – 10 kg;
  • water - 12 liters and another 4 liters for every kilogram of sugar;
  • sugar – up to 3 kg (optional).

Real mulberries are made without sugar. During the picking period, the natural sugar content of the berries reaches 16-18%. This means that with 10 kg of mulberry you will get about 2 liters of forty-degree moonshine. Adding 1 kg of sugar increases the yield by 1.1-1.2 liters with a strength of 40%, but some of the aroma is lost. Everyone can find a compromise between quantity and quality themselves. Baker's pressed and dry yeast ferments quickly (in 3-7 days, instead of 15-45 for wild ones), but it greatly spoils the aroma, so it is not recommended for use.

Cooking technology:

1. Mash unwashed berries with your hands or in any other way. There is wild yeast on the surface of the mulberry, which cannot be washed off, otherwise the wort will not ferment and you will have to make a starter.

2. Place the resulting liquid in a fermentation container, add sugar (optional), add warm, but not hot water (25-30°C), mix well.

3. Install a water seal of any design on the neck (you can use a glove with a hole in your finger), then transfer the container to a dark place with a temperature of 18-24°C. Stir the wort once a day, knocking off the “cap” of pulp from the surface. Depending on the temperature and yeast activity, after 15-45 days the mash will lighten, taste bitter without sweetness, sediment will appear at the bottom, foam and hissing will disappear. It's time to start the distillation.

Braga under the water seal-lid

Getting mulberry moonshine

4. Drain the mash from the sediment through a colander or sieve into a distillation cube. It is very important that the pulp does not get into the moonshine still, since when heated, the particles burn, which spoils the taste. Owners of steam generators do not have to worry about burning.

5. Distill the mash for the first time without dividing into fractions. Finish collecting the product when the strength in the stream drops below 30%. Measure the strength of the resulting distillate and determine the pure alcohol content. Dilute the moonshine with water to 20% and re-distill. The first 10-12% of the yield from the amount of pure alcohol is poured off separately; these are the “heads” - the upper harmful fraction with a nasty odor, which cannot be drunk.

Collect the main product until the strength in the stream drops below 45%. Dilute the distillate to 40-55%. Before use, leave for 2-3 days in a sealed container in the refrigerator or basement to improve the taste.

Mulberry without aging in barrels

6. For mulberry moonshine to become real mulberry, the drink must be aged for 6-12 months in charred mulberry barrels, or infused with this wood. If there is such an opportunity, I advise you to try it.

Products suitable for producing moonshine at home are not limited in range:

  1. Sugar-containing foods – sugar, fruits, berries, sugar beets, molasses, honey, jam, candies, cookies.
  2. Starch-containing crops - cereals, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, starch.
  3. Yeast-free using hops, tomato paste, dairy products, live yeast on the surface of unwashed berries and fruits picked in sunny weather.

Classic recipe

For 10 kg of sugar you need to take 24 liters of water and 700 grams of alcohol yeast. At a suitable temperature of + 20-22°C, the fermentation process lasts 5-7 days. The readiness of the mash is determined by its appearance: the liquid becomes transparent, without the formation of bubbles. You can determine the degree of readiness by taste - the mash acquires bitterness, which replaces the sweet aftertaste.

If the mash is not removed in a timely manner, vinegar may form.

The strength of the mash before should be 10-12°.

Features of adding certain products to mash

Some nuances that it is advisable to remember before setting up the mash:

  • Boiled potatoes in their “uniforms” are used in the “daily” distillation of moonshine. Recipe: you need to add 2.5 kg of boiled potatoes, crushed with skins, for every 3 liters of expected moonshine output.
  • 1 kg of peas added to a 10-liter bucket of mash increases the strength of moonshine and the rate of fermentation of the sourdough. The peas need to be soaked first.
  • Sprouted wheat added to the mash increases the strength of the alcoholic drink and reduces the amount of yeast required. A 2-liter container is enough for 1 bucket of mash.
  • Dairy products - kefir and fresh milk - reduce the amount of foam during excessive fermentation.
  • Adding citrus fruit peels to the brew significantly slows down the fermentation process.
  • Each product added to the solution changes the taste of the alcoholic drink, sometimes in an unpleasant way.
  • By adding 3 pieces of bay leaves to the mash just before distillation, you can remove the unpleasant smell of moonshine.

Unusual recipes for making mash

Moonshine can be made from a wide variety of products:

Boil the sugar beets until tender and grate them on a coarse grater. For 1 bucket (10 liters) of beets, add water, along with the broth, 30 liters, 5 kg of sugar, half a kilo of alcoholic yeast. The readiness of the mash is determined by the beets settling to the bottom. Yield: about 7 liters of moonshine. It is necessary to take into account that the resulting drink is soft, but has a very unpleasant odor, so moonshine requires additional purification or re-distillation.

You can make mash using the classic recipe: add 2.5-liter jars of sprouted wheat to each bucket of liquid. Before brewing, strain the solution, but do not throw away the wheat. The next portion can be made without adding yeast. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

Molasses: mix raw materials with warm water in a ratio of 1:2. For every 10 liters of mash add 100 grams of yeast. Place in a warm place for fermentation. Output 1:3. Moonshine should be distilled twice to remove the extremely unpleasant odor.

Corn mash

Recipe: corn on the cob - 8 kg - finely grind. Add 1 kg wheat flour any grind and 40 liters of water. After mixing thoroughly, let the mixture cook until it turns into a homogeneous mushy mass. Add a kilo of barley malt to the raw material cooled to 60°C, and when it cools to 22°C, add 100 grams of yeast. After fermentation, the solution should be distilled without waiting for it to sour.

Acorn mash recipe

Peel the ripe fruits, chop them and leave them to soak for several days in water, which is recommended to be changed regularly. When the bitterness goes away, grind the raw material through a meat grinder and boil for 2.5 hours. For 4 kg of acorns you will need 12 liters of water and 4 cups of malt. After fermentation is complete, the solution should be distilled 2 times.

Recipes from fruits and berries

Common ways to make mash from fruits unsuitable for home canning:

Moonshine from overripe plums

Recipe: Add a glass of water to 1 bucket of pitted plums. Leave to ferment in a warm place. There is no need to wash the plums. Yield: about 2 liters of moonshine.

Braga on a forest rowan

Collect the berries after the first frost, mash, carefully squeezing out the juice. Place the container in a warm place. The yield from a 10-liter bucket of juice is 1-1.5 liters of an alcoholic drink, which is easy to drink, relieving the owner of debilitating headaches in the morning.

Apple recipe

To 10 kg of chopped apples, you can add 1.5 kg of sugar and leave to ferment for 1 week. Then strain the liquid and add another 1.5 kg of sugar, leaving it to ferment for 2 weeks, after which the mash should be distilled twice. Do not wash the apples. Autumn and winter varieties are best, as they are juicier and more aromatic. Winter apples must be aged for at least 2 weeks to achieve peak flavor and aroma.

Mulberry moonshine

Recipe: 10 kg of unwashed berries, mash thoroughly, adding 2 kg of sugar and 100 grams of yeast. After fermentation is complete, it should be distilled 1-2 times.

Some people involved in moonshine brewing have turned their hobby into an art, achieving an unusual but pleasant taste in the drink, which in quality can compete with state or corporate production.

The best taste and aroma is obtained from fruit and berry moonshine, but if you don’t have your own garden, the method remains inaccessible due to the high cost of raw materials.

The easiest way to prepare is traditional sugar moonshine, but it cannot surprise guests. Beetroot, potato, and cereal alcoholic drinks are soft and easy to drink, but it takes a lot of time and effort to get rid of the too specific smell.

To make high-quality mash at home, you must strictly follow the recipe for an alcoholic drink: it is important not only the correct ratio of ingredients, but also compliance with the temperature regime. After all, the entire fermentation process depends on this.

One type of classic mash recipe is presented in the video:

Many people have probably heard about mulberry, the national drink of Karabakh. This original mulberry with an unusually refined taste, as many testify, has truly unique medicinal characteristics. Almost everyone who has already tried it puts mulberry vodka on the same level as the best Armenian cognacs, and sometimes even higher.

"Liquid Karabakh silk"

This is what “Artsakh” is called today - vodka made from delicious mulberry, which grows mainly in the Transcaucasus. In general, the “silk” brand is firmly attached to the Greek drink “Metaxa”. However, today many experts find that the Armenian vodka “Artsakh”, which, in fact, is more of a fruit distillate - brandy, is more worthy of this title. It is made only from mulberry berries, without adding sugar or water, only with wild yeast.

Armenian traditions

Mulberry vodka is made in some Caucasian regions, but it was the residents of Karabakh who managed to secure its status as a truly folk drink. Here this mulberry brandy is obtained in almost every yard.

The industrial production of mulberries is also well established in Armenia. The most famous “Artsakh” is vodka, which is produced in two versions: regular and aged in mulberry wood barrels.

History of the creation of mulberry

When and by whom mulberry brandy was invented is not known for certain. The history of the drink, which today is sold as “Artsakh” - vodka made from mulberry fruits, goes back more than one century. Residents of Karabakh still adhere to simple ancient technologies: when the mulberry berries are finally ripe, after shaving them on a laying cloth, they are poured into a special clay container - karas, then crushed, leaving to ferment naturally, without adding water and sugar.


In general, “Artsakh” is not just traditional vodka, but judging by the reviews, even mystical. In Armenia, mulberry is used not so much for entertainment as for medicinal purposes. Here they drink it against colds, make compresses and rubs with it, and use it for disinfection. But the most important thing is that this vodka has long been considered a powerful remedy for treating stomach diseases.

Many Armenians sincerely believe that it is this drink that is responsible for the long life span for which the residents of Karabakh are famous. They say that in the old days the usual breakfast of an Artsakh resident consisted of fifty grams of homemade mulberries and one boiled egg. Allegedly, after this, people could work until lunchtime without feeling the least bit tired. However, many here believe that alcohol in small doses is not only not harmful, but even beneficial.

"Artsakh" - vodka with a special recipe

The traditional ingredients of mulberries are quite small, and the technology is simple, but the quality of vodka primarily depends on the variety of berries and their degree of ripeness. The ideal mulberry from which Artsakh vodka is made should be pink. This sweet and aromatic variety does not grow everywhere. Manufacturers use pink mulberries to make the Artsakh drink. Vodka, the price of which is quite high, is essentially produced from a certain variety and using ancient technology.

The mash is tasted at all stages and its taste is adjusted. In fact, the very process of producing this Armenian mash is similar to the cooking process. It is fermented only with wild yeast.


Vodka "Artsakh" is one of the most original alcoholic drinks on the modern market. Being an integral attribute of the Armenian national culture, this brand combines several varieties of fruit vodka. It belongs to the famous alcoholic beverage company of the same name, which has been on the market since 1998.

Today the company produces and supplies its vodka both to the domestic market of Armenia and exports abroad. This brand, immediately after its famous Artsakh product came off the assembly line, received a gold medal at the ProdExpo competition in Moscow. Vodka today is sold not only in Armenia and Russia, but also in Ukraine and Latvia, Germany and Belarus, Lithuania and other countries.

The fact that this is a truly high-quality product is also evidenced by its price. For example, a fifty-gram bottle of Artsakh vodka with 45 proof is sold for an average of two hundred and thirty rubles. Another option is “Golden”, with a large volume (035 l), costs about a thousand.

Vodka "Artsakh" from dogwood - features

The company deservedly boasts of its rich assortment of fruit alcoholic drinks. Its catalog includes not only mulberry, but also apricot, peach, pear and other varieties of strong brandy. Armenian vodka “Artsakh” dogwood has also gained considerable popularity among Russians. It is distinguished not only by its amazing taste, but also by its consistently high quality characteristics.

Artsakh vodka, made from dogwood, like its mulberry counterpart, is considered not only a tasty drink, but also a most valuable natural gift, which, as the Armenians themselves testify, has the ability to “restore health to the sick and youth to the old.” She heals wounds and strengthens the spirit, but most importantly, she cheers the hearts.

This fruit vodka contains only purified spring water from the mountains. Made from wild dogwood berries, fermented and double distilled, it rests for about two or three months in special barrels before bottling. It is thanks to this that vodka has a soft and harmonious taste. “Artsakh Dogwood” is distinguished by a pleasant aroma, which combines not only bright fruity tones, but also light floral nuances. Vodka has a clear composition and a slightly oily texture. It is better to serve it with a rich and satisfying meal, as it tends to stimulate digestion.

All parts of this tree are used to treat various diseases. But the berries from which mulberry tincture is prepared are beyond competition from a medical point of view. We'll talk about the latter now.

Mulberry is a guest who was brought to us from the countries of the Middle East by Peter the Great. It is not a very tall tree with black, red or white fruits. It has taken root well in our climate and today you can find it in almost every yard. Starting in mid-summer, the plant begins to bear fruit with small berries, the shape and structure of which are similar to blackberries. They have a strong pleasant sweetish smell and taste sweet.

Mulberries are often used to make jam, which is considered a national Ukrainian dish. They are also widely consumed in Middle Eastern countries. They make excellent desserts and wonderful sweet wines. But here's how to use them correctly: medicinal purposes and most importantly, not everyone knows why they will be useful. And the most common method of treatment is preparing a tincture of berries, which can be prepared with either vodka or water.


Recipe No. 1


  • black mulberries - approximately 200 g (1 cup);
  • water – 100 ml;
  • vodka – 200 ml;
  • sugar – no more than 200 ml.


  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly before cooking.
  2. Then pour them into a bowl and grind well.
  3. Pour into a jar in which the infusion will be prepared.
  4. We prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  5. Take a jar of mashed berries and pour syrup and vodka into it.
  6. Mix well.
  7. Let it steep in a dark place for about 2 weeks.
  8. Next, you should strain the contents of the jar through cheesecloth.

The final stage is pouring the tincture into bottles, which we then put in a cool place for storage.

Recipe No. 2


  • ripe mulberries – 0.5 kg;
  • cooled down boiled water– 1 l;
  • vodka – 1 l;
  • sugar – approximately 300 g.


  1. First you need to rinse the berries well.
  2. Then pour them into a three-liter jar.
  3. Fill the berries in a jar with vodka and water.
  4. Mix the contents of the jar well with a spoon.
  5. Close the container tightly and leave in a warm place to steep for 3 weeks.
  6. Next, filter and bottle.

Well that's it, one more medicinal infusion ready to eat.

Recipe No. 3


  • ripe black mulberry - no more than 2 tbsp. spoon;
  • boiling water – 200 ml.


  1. We wash the berries and chop them.
  2. Then pour the berries into a container and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Let it sit for about 4 hours.

This option is used for rinsing the mouth.


The unique medicinal properties of mulberry tincture are due no less unique properties fruits of this tree. So, its berries contain vitamins such as: B1-B6, A, B9, C, K and E. It is also a real storehouse of microelements, including: iron, manganese, copper, zinc and selenium. It also contains many macroelements, which include: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Thanks to such a complex structure medicinal properties There are more than enough mulberries, and accordingly, a tincture made from it will be no less healthy and no less tasty.


This drug is recommended for people who have impaired heart function, as well as for impaired kidney function. It is also useful to take as a diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic agent. In addition to everything, this infusion has an anti-inflammatory effect. It will also be useful for people who have metabolic problems.

You also need to remember about the unique effect of the tincture on the gastrointestinal tract. Namely, its use as a laxative. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it in large portions. Treatment of prostatitis will also be effective. The dosage for medicinal purposes is approximately 1 teaspoon no more than 3 times a day.


Vodka tinctures are contraindicated for pregnant women and women during lactation. It is also not recommended to overdose on drinks made from ripe berries, as they are a strong laxative. It is also contraindicated for people who are sick. diabetes mellitus, hypertension or suffer from frequent pressure changes. In addition, we must not forget about individual intolerance, in the event of which the consumption of the drink is strictly prohibited.


The culture of making mulberry vodka belongs to the peoples of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Karabakh, where it is made from mash according to the recipe below, and then certainly aged in special barrels made of mulberry wood.

The transparent, straw-colored drink has such high taste that residents of Transcaucasia nicknamed this gastronomic masterpiece “liquid silk.” Please yourself and your loved ones with this unsurpassed berry distillate, especially since, according to reviews from gardeners, making mash for it is not at all difficult.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

In order for “tutovka”, as it is popularly called, to turn out a high-quality drink with a pleasant aroma and taste, several conditions must be met. First of all, you need to have a fairly large number of ripe, fleshy berries. It is not so much the variety of mulberry that is important, but its ripeness. The riper and sweeter the berry, the richer the taste of the drink will be, the more refined its aroma will be.

It is believed that white mulberry varieties have more sugar content than red and black ones. Although true connoisseurs of “silk” vodka consider red mulberry to be the most suitable for making “mulberry”. Black mulberry, in their opinion, has too much sourness, and white mulberry is too sweet. Red mulberry is the perfect compromise of taste, harmony of sweetness and acidity.

It is necessary to wait until the level of maturity of black, red or white mulberry varieties when the berries themselves fall from the tree, covering the entire ground around it with a fragrant carpet. Cover the surface of the ground under the fruit tree with plastic film, approximately equal to the diameter of the crown, and thus harvest for mulberry mash in dry, hot weather. Let the berries ripen, and then the mash will turn out to be of the highest quality. The only drawback to harvesting mulberries is the fact that this berry has a very delicate skin, therefore, the fruits quickly deteriorate.

Did you know? Wild yeast found on the surface of the mulberries ferments the mixture. And although fermentation with wild yeast will take a little longer (about 30 days) than with conventional yeast, the resulting mash and mulberry vodka will have a pleasant berry-herbal smell and delicate taste.

Recipe No. 1

Mulberry mash recipe

2 l 15–45 days


3 ingredients

    drinking water

    12 l

    Ripe mulberries

    10 kg

    Granulated sugar

    3 kg (optional)

Nutritional value per 100 g:



Braga is ready for distillation. The suggested amount of sugar-free ingredients is designed to prepare 2 liters of 40% homemade mulberry vodka. The amount of moonshine at the exit can be increased by adding sugar at the first stage of preparing the mash, i.e. when you mix the mulberry pulp with water. On average, 1 kg of sugar increases the yield of moonshine by 1 liter. But the more sugar you add, the worse it will be. taste qualities drink, and you also risk losing the unique herbal aroma of mulberry vodka.


The main and, perhaps, the only use of mulberry mash is to obtain environmentally friendly, high-quality homemade vodka. When the mash is prepared correctly, without sugar and additional yeast, the distillate produces such an exquisite taste and aroma that it can compete with cognacs from the world's leading manufacturers.

Important! You need to be able to correctly determine the degree of readiness of the mash for distillation. If the mash has become light and the fermentation process is not visually visible (no foam or hissing, sediment has formed), then it’s time to distill.

The main advantage of mulberry vodka in comparison with other types is its exceptional softness. By making this excellent homemade vodka yourself, you will be confident in its naturalness, the absence of chemical elements and the purity of the product.

Mulberry vodka is not only a suitable drink for festive table, she has a huge amount useful properties and, when used correctly, has a healing effect on the human body:

  1. Mulberry distillate is successfully used for colds and to strengthen the immune system. It increases metabolism and overall tone human body, treats stomach diseases, and is also an ideal base for making tinctures.
  2. Due to its high antiseptic and wound-healing properties, vodka is used as compresses and rubs, as well as for treating wounds to disinfect them.
  3. The unique composition of mulberry moonshine successfully treats rheumatism and arthritis of the extremities.

The peoples of Transcaucasia believe that their longevity and physical endurance arose precisely thanks to the regular consumption of small doses of vitamin-rich mulberry vodka. Try making this healing drink at home using the recipe above.