Average height of a man in Russia, average height of a woman in Russia. What is the reason for the growth of a person, what affects him? What is the average height of a man in Belarus

It is difficult to compare the average height, weight, color of eyes, hair and skin of the first inhabitants of Belarus with modern ones. Scientists-anthropologists say that the data about the inhabitants of Belarus is fragmentary, that "a person is a piece unit", that the nation was formed in a mosaic way ... And, preferring not to generalize, they talk about trends. We listened to experts, analyzed what and how influenced our appearance, and dared to "average" a diverse and unique Belarusian.

Our ancestors were shorter, but ... larger

The remains of the first person found on the territory of Belarus are approximately 4500 years old. He was a Bronze Age man, presumably under 30 years old, 171-175 cm tall, with an oblong skull. His skeleton was dug up in the Volkovysk region in the Krasnoselsky mines. There is a theory that the man was a miner, as a ceramic vessel was found with him. It is impossible to determine the color of the eyes, hair and skin of the "find", because the Belarusian soil does not contribute to the preservation of such material.

However, this fact does not mean how the first inhabitants of Belarus looked in general. And only asserts about the particular.

Until the 9th century, the dead on the territory of Belarus were most often burned. Therefore, it is difficult to draw at least indirect conclusions about the parameters of people of that time.

"But we can assume that in the XI-XII centuries, the average height of men was about 160-162 cm, weight 60-65 kg, the average height of women - 150-155 cm, weight about 50 kg", - says Alexander Kushnir, senior lecturer at the Department of Ethnology, Museology and History, Faculty of History, BSU. Although scientists have met during excavations in the Rogachevsky district of the Gomel region the remains of men about 180 cm tall.According to the historian, this case of tall growth is rather a rarity for that time and the region. However, according to Alexey Dermant, a Belarusian historian and ethnoculturologist, not so long ago archaeologists managed to unearth a medieval burial mound of the XI-XII centuries near Drutsk. There they found the remains of supposedly warriors under two meters. "Such a high growth can be explained by the fact that local heroes were probably selected for the squad," he says.

During the XIV-XVIII centuries, the inhabitants of Belarus were most likely of short stature. The dimensions of the armor that we find in museums can serve as indirect information. “Today, a young man will not be able to wear this armor. This means that men of that time were 12-15 cm behind in height,” notes Alexander Kushnir. The historian thinks about it Yuri Bokhan... He says that presumably the average height of a woman during the ON period is 155-160 cm. However, there were also exceptional cases. For example, Barbara Radziwill was 165 cm tall and was considered tall for that time. "She had olive skin and golden hair. She was a very graceful and slender woman. Every day Barbara washed in the bath. She preferred pearl jewelry," Yuri notes.

The historian does not hide the fact that foreign travelers of the 15th century considered the inhabitants of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to be well-fed. “They noted that the Litvinians have large and saggy bellies. Because they ate simple and not very healthy food. For example, another representative of the Radziwill family, Pane Kohanku, was fat. This can be seen from the portraits of that time,” the expert clarifies.

However, not only the height and weight changed, but also the skull of the inhabitants of Belarus. In the XI-XIV centuries, it was oval and elongated - dolichocrane, as scientists call it. Around the XV-XVI centuries, scientists began to record the rounding of the skull - brachycephalization. "There are several hypotheses explaining this phenomenon. Some researchers believe that the change in the shape of the skull was influenced by the mixing of different populations, while others that diet and social dynamics," says Alexander Kushnir.

In the middle and late 19th century, the average height of a man, most likely, fluctuated in the range of 163-168 cm. This conclusion can be drawn on the basis of the army list of recruits in Borisov district. "At the same time, their weight presumably did not exceed 60-63 kg, based on the possible diet of the peasants of that time," says Alexander. Women of that time were probably 152-158 cm tall and weighed 50 kg.

In the south of Belarus - more often brown-eyed and low, in the north - light-eyed and tall

It differs depending on the region and appearance Belarusians. According to Inessa Salivon, candidate of historical sciences, doctor of biological sciences, leading researcher of the department of anthropology and ecology of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, in the Gomel and Brest regions to this day people of short stature with brown or green eyes and dark brown and black hair are more common. "These are Poleshuk, which until the XX century lived relatively isolated. There were no high-profile military conflicts between the local and newcomers on this territory. Therefore, the inhabitants managed to preserve typical Slavic features," the expert says.

But in the Vitebsk region and in the north of the Minsk region, tall, light-eyed and fair-haired are more common. Inessa Ivanovna believes that the appearance of the population of this region was influenced by the Balts, who preceded the Slavs. According to Aleksey Dermant, up to 60% of the region's population has light eye tones and up to 40% have blonde hair.

"In Grodno region, people most often dark color hair and light eyes. The Yatvyags lived on this territory. Perhaps they brought in dark-pigmented hair, and the South Slavs brought dark skin, "Inessa Salivon believes.

Modern Belarusians are 15 centimeters taller than their predecessors

According to the Department of Anthropology and Ecology of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, in 1997 "average working men in Minsk" 30-35 years old were 174 cm tall and weighing about 73 kg, "average" women - 163 cm, weighed 62 kg.

In 2008, men 18 years and older had an average height of 177 cm and a weight of 69 kg, while girls of the same age had an average height of 165 cm and a weight of 56 kg.

Studies of schoolchildren since 1925 have shown interesting fact: Since that time, the nation has grown by about 15 centimeters. This process of accelerating growth is called acceleration. And if we talk about modern children and adolescents, then they are often thinner and taller than their predecessors.

The average height and weight of boys and girls 15 years old since 1925 has changed as follows:



At the same time, the process of accelerating growth has already stopped in the city, while in rural areas it is still continuing. "The rural population has always been less tall. This can be explained by the fact that the city has a more mixed population and more varied food. At the same time, until the 17th century, the villagers tried to marry within reach, no further than 50 km from the settlement. The parents of the spouses wanted to know their friend. a friend in advance in order to avoid developmental defects and a flawed generation, "says Inessa Ivanovna.

The physical development of Belarusians depends on the mother

According to Inessa Ivanovna, the level of education of the mother indirectly affects the physical development of a person. "She organizes food, daily routine and pastime for the child. Even if a woman works hard, she can always give the children the right advice on how to behave. And not feed the child, but reasonably organize his diet," Inessa Ivanovna believes.

Over the millennia, the physical type of the inhabitants of Belarus, of course, has changed. But the genetic origins have survived. We have become taller, stronger, our skull has acquired a round shape, and our facial features have become more refined. But, as before, so now in Polesie, dark-haired and dark-eyed people prevail, and in the north of the country - tall, fair-haired and light-eyed.

Growth in humans can vary significantly. Judge for yourself: the height of the tallest man is currently 251 cm, and the smallest is less than 60 cm.By the way, our compatriot Fyodor Makhnov, a native of Vitebsk province, was the biggest man in history - his height was 285 cm, and his weight was 192 kg ... And although official measurements of the growth of Fyodor Makhnov were not carried out at that time, photographs have survived in which he is captured next to other people.

Tall stature most often develops with pituitary adenomas and the associated excess production of growth hormone. A possible cause could be chromosomal genetic disorders - as an example, Klinefelter's syndrome, which is characterized by the presence of extra sex chromosomes in boys (usually an extra female X chromosome). This pathology is not so rare - out of a thousand male newborns, two have this “breakdown”, although it is not always diagnosed.

Small growth is usually determined by insufficient production of somatotropin by the pituitary gland (growth hormone). Some congenital and hereditary diseases also affect. An example is osteochondrodysplasia - a violation of the development of the bones of the extremities. With this pathology, the arms and legs are disproportionately short in comparison with the normal body size.

In our country, the average height for men is 178 cm, for women - 166 cm. At the same time, Belarusians ranked 9th in height among the inhabitants of our planet. By the way, for recent times our people have become taller by an average of 10 cm.

Acceleration was first noticed in the mid-19th century when measuring the height of recruits. In the middle of the last century, numerous studies of this phenomenon were carried out, but there is no consensus on the reasons for its occurrence to this day. The main hypothesis links the acceleration process with the improvement of human nutrition. However, there are also paradoxical theories that find a relationship between the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the growth of the planet's inhabitants. In accordance with modern concepts, men are considered low to be less than 160 cm tall, and in women - less than 150 cm.Giants are considered men with a height of more than 2 m, and women - more than 1 m 90 cm.

The growth of a healthy person is mainly determined by heredity, the nature of nutrition in childhood. How the pregnancy proceeded also matters. But even under the same conditions of development, in the absence of pathology in sisters or brothers, growth can differ significantly. It is necessary to monitor the growth of the child regularly - most of them do this, leaving notes on the doorframe indicating the age of their child. This process is also monitored by pediatricians, measuring the height of the child. And if the growth does not fit into the age norms, they are referred to a pediatric endocrinologist to identify possible pathology. But it is not always worth worrying if a daughter or son lags behind their classmates in growth. Stunted growth and the onset of puberty during adolescence (more often in boys) are common. But such children can eventually catch up and overtake their peers.

Yuri Kuzmenkov, doctor of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology"

The doctor's sphere of interests is therapy, cardiology, endocrinology. Fdem your questions, friends!

British scientists from Imperial College London have studied how the growth of various nations of the world has changed over the century. According to their research, women of Belarus entered the top ten tallest in the world, and men ranked 22nd.

The results of the study, which combine data from about 1.5 thousand other works to measure the height of 18.6 million people, are published in the journal eLife. Scientists calculated the changes in the average height of 18-year-olds from 200 countries born between 1896 and 1996, that is, between 1914 and 2014.

It turned out that among men, the Dutch are the tallest in the world with an average height of 182.5 cm. In a hundred years, they managed to rise to 1st from 12th position, displacing the Swedes. The Swedes ranked fifteenth, closing the group of countries in which the average height of men is equal to or taller than 180 centimeters. The smallest men (average height up to 160 cm) live in East Timor.

Belarusian men took 22nd place, having risen four positions over the century. From countries that originated in the territory Russian Empire, above them are the inhabitants of all the Baltic states, as well as Ukraine. Russian men are in 42nd place, a hundred years ago they were in 35th.

For a hundred years, Belarusians have outstripped US residents (they were 3rd in the world in average height, became 37th) and Canadians (5th and 27th, respectively).

1.Netherlands (ranked in 1914 - 12)

2.Belgium (33)

3.Estonia (4)

4.Latvia (13)

5. Denmark (9)

6.Bosnia and Herzegovina U19

7.Croatia (22)

8.Serbia (30)

9.Iceland (6)

10.Czech Republic (24)

11.Germany (34)

12. Slovenia (31)

13.Norway (2)

14.France (42)

15. Sweden (1)

16.Finland (25)

17 Slovakia (20)

18.Australia (15)

19.Lithuania (16)

20. Ireland (43)

21.Ukraine (27)

22. BELARUS (26)

23 Switzerland (28)

24. Macedonia (39)

25. Montenegro (41)

In a hundred years, Belarusian women moved from 42nd to 9th. In terms of average height, they are second only to residents of the three Baltic countries, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Serbia and Denmark. The tallest in the world are Latvians (average height - 170 cm), who have pushed the Swedes over a century, the smallest are Guatemalans (about 140 cm).

Countries with tallest women:

1.Latvia (ranked 28th in 1914)

2.Netherlands (38)

Belarusian men, in terms of statistics, remain a mystery. They love to sleep and do what they love, and their sex life is shrouded in darkness.

Belarusian men, even in the context of harsh statistics, remain a mystery. There are, of course, fewer of them than women, they do not live so long, run away from doctors, do not often look into beauty salons, although they take care of themselves, sometimes they are in no hurry to leave the provinces and study at universities, they like to sleep and do what they love, and their sex life is shrouded in darkness.

Men of Belarus in numbers.

106 boys are born for every 100 girls. (2008)

In 2008, the average age of married men was 26 years, women - 23.9 years (National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus).

22.1% of Belarusian men admitted that they were subjected to physical violence by their wives or partners.

12.5% \u200b\u200bof the stronger sex experienced physical violence, and 5.7% experienced sexual violence.

Maksim Nikolaevich Mirny is a Belarusian tennis player, the former first racket of the world in doubles.
Photo: zbobz

80% of Belarusian women are subjected to psychological violence by men. 22.4% of women experience economic violence, and 13.1% of women have experienced sexual violence at least once by their husband or regular partner (poll by the Center for Sociological and Political Research of the Belarusian State University).

The average age at the onset of sexual activity for Belarusian boys is 16.5, plus or minus 1.8 years.

Men in Belarus are paid 10-15% more than women.

For the time being, no more than 3% of fathers take parental leave.

The average age at remarriage is about 40, women at 37 (United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)).

Least of all men live in Grodno, women - in Mogilev.

Belarusian men are more often patients of psychiatrists. For every 100 thousand people there are 181 men with mental disorders and 112 women.

Belarusian hammerman Yuri Shayunov. Won a gold medal in hammer throw at the 2009 Universiade.

Men are 5 times more likely to consult narcologists: there are 567 alcoholic men per 100 thousand people. For women, the picture is 118 per 100 thousand people.

4 times more often men suffer from gonorrhea and almost 3 times more often from tuberculosis.

Men kill 9 times more often than women ("Komsomolskaya Pravda").

On a hobby for men on weekdays it takes 1 hour 17 minutes a day, for women - 52 minutes. On weekends, Belarusian men spend more than 2 hours on it, women - about an hour.

Men spend 38 minutes on grooming on weekdays, women - 45 minutes. For a similar procedure on Saturday and Sunday, men and women spend the same amount of time - about 1 hour.

On weekdays, an average Belarusian man spends 7 hours and 36 minutes on sleep, a woman - 1 minute less. On weekends, men sleep 8 hours 49 minutes, women - 8 hours 35 minutes.

Men spend 39 minutes on lessons with children on weekdays, women - 1 hour 31 minutes.

On weekdays, Belarusian men who are of an economically active age have an average of 2 hours and 3 minutes of rest per day, women - an hour less.

Nikolay Paramonov. The absolute winner of the Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship of the Republic of Belarus.
Photo: voolchitza

Belarusian men spend 31 minutes on sports on weekends, women - 7 minutes. (Interfax).

The difference in life expectancy for men and women was 11.9 years in 2006 (men - 63.6 years, women - 75.5 years), while the world average was 4.5 years.

The total number of workers is dominated by men (57%), in the total number of employees - women (67%).

Among working men, 37% have higher and secondary specialized education, among women - 54% (in 2000, respectively, 33% and 49%).

In vocational schools, men make up about 77% of students. Among students of higher educational institutions men - 40%.

Among the officially registered unemployed in Belarus, 44% are men.

There are 1143 women per 1,000 men in the republic, 1148 women in cities, and 1128 in rural areas.

Among young people (20 and 25) in rural areas there are 805 and 845 women per 1,000 men, respectively. In urban areas, the number of women of this age prevails. (2008, BelaPAN).

Among the total number of HIV-infected 64.8% are men and 35.2% are women.

Globally, it is believed that one in 10 men suffers from a sexual disorder. There are approximately 200 thousand people in Belarus, of this number for medical care about 3-4 thousand men apply. Probably, men do not lend themselves to statistics and all-Belarusians are sexual giants, or they do not care about poor-quality Belarusian sex (sex therapist Dr. Dmitry Kapustin).

Andrey Anatolyevich Mezin is a Belarusian hockey player. Honored Master of Sports of Belarus.
Photo: Saruwine

According to statistics, 70% of young men in Belarus at the age of 20-55 suffer from prostatitis. But only every third goes to the doctor on time and every third of those who come will fulfill the recommendations of a specialist (Associate Professor of the Department of Urology of the Belarusian Academy of Postgraduate Education, Chairman of the Belarusian Association of Urologists, Corresponding Member of the Belarusian medical academy, Member of the European Association of Urology Nikolay Dosta).

Most often, suicides are committed by men aged 45 and over. In about 60% of cases, suicide is committed against the background of alcoholic intoxication (Deputy Chief Physician for Border Psychotherapy of the City Psychoneurological Dispensary Sergey Davidovsky).

Belarusian men visit beauty salons. These are mainly wealthy people. More and more men are starting to take care of themselves with young age... Popular treatments include facial cleansing, masks, massages, manicure, pedicure and hair coloring. (Beauty salon owner Irina Iteira).

The medical centers are mainly visited by men over the age of 40. The most popular procedures are anti-aging. (Cosmetologist of the medical center Olga Kramareva).

Championship of the Republic of Belarus in bodybuilding and fitness 2009 Bodybuilding, over 100 kg. 1st place - Nikolay Paramonov. 2nd place - Yan Gubenko. 3rd place - Vyacheslav Kuprash.
Photo: voolchitza

Belarusian men are rarely clients of plastic surgeons, usually teenagers and young people under 25 years old. Men resort to the services of specialists when they need to correct their nose after an injury (rhinoplasty) or remove lop-earedness (Head of the Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery at the Clinical Center for Plastic Surgery and Medical Cosmetology in Minsk Sergey Serbenkov).

Men prevail among Belarusian bloggers. They made up 75% of the total number of respondents.

Belarusian men rarely resort to sterilization as a means of contraception. Only a few male sterilization operations are carried out in the country per year (chief obstetrician-gynecologist of the Ministry of Health Alexander Barsukov).

This year, the death of Fyodor Makhnov, the tallest man in the world, a native of the Vitebsk region, will mark a hundred years. For many years there has been a museum of the giant in the school of the village of Staroye Selo, where, among other things, the skeleton of his bed is kept. And in the summer, a monument to the giant should appear at the Staroye Selo railway station. Real size!

A businessman from Moscow volunteered to pay all the expenses for the production and installation of the monument, - says local historian Margarita Yushkevich, museum curator and author of a book about Fyodor Makhnov. - The sculpture will be sculpted according to one of the surviving photographs of Makhnov, where he is depicted in a hat. The sponsor insists on absolute accuracy, so now we are working to determine - what was the actual height of the giant?

There is still no certainty about the growth of the giant. Even on the monument that is installed on the grave of Makhnov, his height is indicated with an error, many researchers believe. 3 arshins 9 vershoks - it is written on the tombstone. Translated into the usual centimeters, this is "only" 253. But according to other sources, Makhnov's height was 285 centimeters! True, a document with a seal, where this figure would have been recorded, has not been preserved. The height of 253 centimeters was recorded in the first contract that Makhnov concluded with a German circus impresario. When the guy signed the contract, he was only 16 years old, and he was still growing. So the information that by the age of 25 Fyodor Makhnov had grown to 285 cm looks quite reliable, although skeptics argue that the owner of the impresario with whom Makhnov worked could throw him a couple of centimeters for advertising purposes.

In the Vitebsk region, of course, they prefer the number 285. Since you can be proud of your giant fellow countryman, then to the fullest! Recently, Fyodor Makhnov has been remembered not only by the inhabitants of his small homeland and local historians. In 2010, a competition of giants was held in Vitebsk for the first time, in which anyone could measure their height with Makhnov. His life-size image was taken out to the square. Two-meter guys and 190-centimeter ladies did not even reach the giant's armpit with their tops. But they do not often remember a unique person in the Vitebsk region. And the giant could become a chic tourist brand not only in the Vitebsk region, but throughout Belarus. After all, it's not the tallest guy on the scale of the village, but on the world scale!

Makhnov was born in 1878 in the village of Kostyuki. His mother died in childbirth - the baby turned out to be too large. He began to grow rapidly after eight years. He was not just a giant, but a strong man. In the village, the boy was in great demand - he was constantly asked to either help lift the logs, or drag a loaded cart up the hill when the horse could not do it itself. At the age of 14, the boy caught the eye of the owner of the German circus, and he persuaded his father to let the young giant go with the circus. Otto Bilinder hired teachers for the peasant boy, who graduated from only three classes. Fyodor Makhnov received a good education for his time, and when he returned to his homeland, he became known as one of the foremost masters who enjoyed using technical innovations.

The women of the giant were afraid, but still he managed to find a wife. Spouse Euphrosyne was "only" a meter shorter than her husband. She gave birth to five children to Makhnov. He died shortly after the birth of the younger twin boys. All the children of the Makhnovs were tall, but no one grew above two meters. Now the descendants of Makhnov live in the Vitebsk region, the Gomel region, in Russia.

Fyodor Makhnov is buried in his homeland, but his grave is empty - in the thirties, the widow was persuaded to sell her husband's skeleton, the remains were exhumed, transported to Minsk. During the war, Makhnov's skeleton disappeared without a trace.

Interesting that ...

Fyodor Makhnov was a good-natured person, but he loved to joke in his own way, like a giant. Already a celebrity, at receptions with dignitaries he liked to light cigarettes from the candles of the upper tier, from which the candles were extinguished. But when they made fun of his height, he was offended. In adolescence, he tore off the hats from the offenders and hung them on the ridge of the roofs or thrust them under the eaves of a bath or shed and did not give it up until the offenders asked for forgiveness. At a reception at the Chancellor of Germany, Makhnov was given a huge tea set. This giant also regarded as a mockery and asked to remove the "bucket" and give him an ordinary human mug.

When Fyodor was still a teenager, his father had to raise the roof of the house, because his son simply did not fit in the hut. Then the local blacksmith ordered a huge bed for Fedya. The order came in the summer, a hot season for the peasants. Therefore, the blacksmith was busy ordering in fits and starts. And when he finished the bed by the measurements taken, it turned out that Fedor had already outgrown them!

While on tour in France, Makhnov had a row with several local residents. They even wanted to put him in a cell, but ... not a single police station in Paris simply found a camera where the giant could fit! Therefore, the law enforcement officers confined themselves to what is now called a "preventive conversation" and let the giant go to the door.

Fyodor Makhnov could break a brick with the edge of his palm, raise a platform with three musicians, unbend a horseshoe and coil a thick metal cord. He tried to fight, but did not achieve much success on the mat - professional wrestlers often defeated him due to their dexterity and refined technique.

Makhnov's figure was disproportionate - the legs compared to the body are much longer than those of an ordinary person. A 12-year-old teenager could hide in his boot. To take measurements from the giant, tailors stood on a table and chair. The giant's ears were 15 cm long, his lips 10 cm wide, and a silver ruble passed freely through the ring that the giant wore on his finger. When Makhnov had problems with his legs, which he chilled in a cold river as a child, his first impresario Otto Bilinder sent a heavy draft horse from Germany. But Makhnov could not ride a horse - no matter how he sat down, his legs still dragged along the ground.

For breakfast, Makhnov ate 20 eggs, 8 round loaves of bread and butter, and drank a couple of liters of tea. The giant's dinner is 2.5 kilograms of meat, a kilogram of potatoes, three liters of beer. Dinner - a bowl of fruit, another 2.5 kilograms of meat, three loaves of bread, 2 liters of tea. Before going to bed, he could still have a snack - eat a dozen eggs, drink a liter of milk.

Fyodor Makhnov died at the age of 34. To bury him, the coffin had to be urgently altered - the undertaker did not know that the famous giant had died and, thinking that his grief-stricken relatives simply wrote down the dimensions incorrectly, he made a coffin for a man of average height.


Where is the skeleton of the largest man in the world? - Before the war, the skeleton was at the Department of Anatomy of the Medical Institute in Minsk. During the war, he was lost and was not found. Before the war, anatomists examined the skeleton and found out that the man had acromegaly, a disease caused by a hormonal disorder that enhances the growth of the body, ”Lydia Tegako, head of the anthropology and ecology department of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences, told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The average height of a Belarusian is 170 cm

The peak of our nation's acceleration was in the 1980s. Over the post-war period, Belarusians have become 12 (!) Cm taller. And over the past 10 years we have grown a little more. The Belarusian ethnos is medium-sized. But if you count all the tall people in our country, it turns out that there are a little more of them than people of average height. If you compare the skull of a Belarusian with other peoples, then it differs only in racial terms. Unlike Africans, our face is flatter and straighter, our jaws do not protrude forward, and unlike Latvians, we have a narrower face.


How the growth of Belarusians has changed over 10 years

1. Father and coach Nikolay Mirny - 196.5 cm

2. Tennis player Maxim Mirny - 195 cm

3. Actor Ruslan Chernetsky - 195 cm

4. Singer and TV presenter Herman - 195 cm

5. Wrestler Alexander Medved - 192 cm

6. Leading Georgy Koldun - 192 cm

7. Former head of the Tut.by portal Yuri Zisser - 192 cm

8. Minister of Culture Pavel Latushko - 190 cm

9. Director of the National Art Museum Vladimir Prokoptsov - 190 cm

10. Host Yuri Zhigamont - 190 cm

11. Solit of the group "Light Sound" Dmitry Karjakin - 190 cm

12. Host of "Kalykhanki" Malyavanych (Alexander Zhdanovich) - 188 cm