Meaning of status quo. Status quo: what is it Quo definition

status quo ante bellum - “the situation that existed before the war”, abbreviation - status quo) - “return to the original state.” This is a legal provision whose designation is widely used in jurisprudence. Maintaining the status quo means leaving everything as it is.

In international law, the status quo means any factual or legal situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, the restoration or preservation of which is in question.

Also, the term "status quo" is often used in debate games. The status quo is one of the main elements of a debate case. Often used in American parliamentary format. In debate, status quo refers to the position a society, country, etc. finds itself in under a given resolution. Statistics are usually presented as status quo.

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    ✪ Status Quo: You are now in the army


Political use

Original phrase in statu quo res erant ante bellum came into modern use from diplomatic Latin of the 14th century. In international legal practice, this term was used to refer to the situation that existed before the start of the war. Subsequently, the phrase received a shorter equivalent - “a state in which (something was) before the war” (indicating the withdrawal of enemy troops and the restoration of the power of the pre-war leader).

Often there is a so-called “policy of deliberate uncertainty”, when it is easier to refer to the status quo, instead of giving official status. One example is the uncertainty of Taiwan's political status.

Clark Kerr is reported to have said, “The status quo is the only decision that cannot be vetoed,” meaning that the status quo cannot be overturned by a simple decision; To cancel it, you need to take certain actions.

The status quo may also refer to something that people find mutually undesirable, but the outcome of any change in it may be too risky; at the same time, they recognize that change may eventually occur, entailing the possibility of achieving a better solution, but over time. "Status quo" can also mean "to see what happens next."

status quo

STATUS QUO (lat. status quo, lit. - a state in which) a political, legal or other situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, the preservation or restoration of which is in question.

Large legal dictionary

status quo

(lat. status quo) - in international law, a situation in some area of ​​international relations or in the relations of states that currently exists or existed at some time in the past. Maintain or restore S.-k. - maintain the existing situation or return to what existed previously. S.-k. ante bellum (lat. ante bellum) - the situation that existed before the start of the war.

Status quo

(Latin status quo, literally ≈ the situation in which), in international law, a term used to designate any factual or legal situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, the restoration or preservation of which is in question. In international legal practice, the term “status quo ante bellum” is also used - the situation that existed before the start of the war.


Status quo

Status quo- “the current or existing state of affairs.” This is a legal provision whose designation is widely used in jurisprudence.

In international law, the status quo means any factual or legal situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, the restoration or preservation of which is in question.

Also, the term "status quo" is often used in debate games. The status quo is one of the main elements of a debate case. Often used in American parliamentary format. In debate, status quo refers to the position a society, country, etc. finds itself in under a given resolution. Statistics are usually presented as status quo.

Examples of the use of the word status quo in literature.

When we appeared before the ship's commander, Corvette-Captain Marion Goldsmith, a charming and unbridled middle-aged black woman, she had already been informed by Evert Waldo about the situation. status quo via intercom.

The Pareto principle, reformulated and strengthened, explained that most of nature works only to maintain status quo, suppressing all changes.

The campaign of the next year, 1738, was fruitless, but in 1739 ours took Iasi, cleared all of Moldavia, restored status quo, lost by Peter in the Prut campaign.

But mainly this is ideological propaganda and demagoguery aimed at preserving status quo.

Hence the aggressive rejection of everything that this status quo could shake, shake, blur.

By following this path we will preserve for a long time status quo: survival through stagnation and strictly controlled redistribution of resources.

Considering this maneuver in his own way, engineer Protasov, after Nina’s care, still restores among the portraits status quo.

However, one cannot help but see and appreciate the high responsibility that the president, the government, the army, law enforcement agencies, the people of Russia have assumed before civilization and the world community for the preservation status quo, stability on the planet, the elimination of international terrorism, gangster groups, a major center of extremism, transnational organized crime, drug trafficking.

The ideology of consumerism, consumerism, works in a system that has been strengthened and stabilized at a high level: everything is fine, the rights of a well-fed individual, support status quo, otherwise you will be poor and sick.

STATUS QUO (Latin status quo - lit.: the position in which...)

the state of the international situation, the actual or legal situation that has developed at any moment regarding the delimitation of territorial possessions, the balance of power between states and their groups, the existence of various international (intergovernmental) organizations and their role in foreign policy life, etc. The most frequently used variants of S.-k.: status quo ad praesens - the situation that exists today; status quo nunc - the situation in which things are now; status quo ante bellum - the situation that existed before the start of the war that caused any changes; status quo post bellum - the situation that emerged after the end of the war.

Restore S.-k. - means to return to the state of affairs that existed before the occurrence of a certain event. performance of certain actions by their participants. Thus, the Vienna Convention on the Law of International Treaties of 1969 determines that, in the event of establishing the invalidity of an international treaty and recognizing it as having no legal force, each participant has the right to demand from any other participant the creation, to the extent possible perhaps in their relationship. S.-k.: the contracting parties are obliged to eliminate, as far as possible, the consequences of any action. made under a treaty that is contrary to a peremptory norm of general international law.

The peace treaties concluded in Paris by the states of the anti-Hitler coalition with the former satellites of Nazi Germany in the Second World War in 1947 resolved territorial issues mainly in accordance with the status quo ante bellum formula: with only a few exceptions, Bulgaria and Finland retained their existing state borders on January 1, 1941, and Hungary’s possessions were recognized within the 1938 borders.

Volosov M.E.

Encyclopedia of Lawyer. 2005 .


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    - [lat. status quo] legal in international law: a situation that exists in which country. certain moment. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. status quo (lat. status quo) in international law, the situation that exists in which year. definite… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    STATUS, a, m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from lat. status quo a certain state, position) English. status quo; German Status quo. A situation that exists or existed at a specific time. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

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Representatives of an educated society know at least approximately what the status quo is. Graduates of philological universities or simply departments of foreign languages ​​can guess the meaning of this phrase, since they study Latin. From Latin, “status quo” is literally translated as “the situation in which (the matter was).” The conclusions suggest themselves - if there is a position, it means something generally accepted or approved by the majority.

Based on context

The concept of “status quo” itself needs to be considered from several points of view and preferably based on the context.

If lawyers give this expression a certain meaning that cannot be interpreted in any other way, then philologists and others can use it both figuratively and ironically. You can clearly explain what the status quo is using completely understandable words, so that anyone can understand it. This expression belongs to the category from which people who are not very understanding like to use words in order to show off their knowledge. However, every smart person knows: you can’t talk about something you don’t know, so as not to be branded a fool.

Status quo for lawyers

In jurisprudence? Firstly, this expression is very widely used in this area of ​​​​human activity.

Status quo refers to a certain legal situation that currently exists in the case or case under consideration. We can talk about preserving it or restoring it. The expression “status quo” can also be translated from Latin as “in the same position”, “in the same state as before”. If a lawyer talks about preservation, he means that the legal situation will not be subject to any changes. In jurisprudence, Latin words are used quite widely, so a self-respecting lawyer must know at least the basics of the Latin language. Among these concepts one can also find such as “de jure”, “de facto”; they are used not only in jurisprudence, but also in everyday communication of representatives of other professions, since their frequent use has already made them popular.

Educated debaters

Any self-respecting debater can also tell you what the status quo is. To do this, we should look a little more closely at the very concept of debate. Of course, their format can be different, and debates between students have a completely different format than political debates in parliament. However, their essence is approximately the same. Representatives of the government put forward their ideas and proposals, and representatives of the opposition try to smash these ideas to smithereens and leave no living space behind them, while rarely offering anything in return. Status quo in debate means “a concept that cannot be challenged,” that is, something that you don’t even have to talk about - everyone still knows what it’s about. That is why the opposition can proclaim some government statements as “status quo,” thus almost instantly neutralizing their contribution and stepping on the throat of their song. For example, in a debate, such status quo statements might include statements such as “people of other races should not be humiliated” or “declining purchasing power has a negative impact on GDP.”

Status quo in English

Many music lovers also know well what this expression means, but their perception is slightly different from the generally accepted one.

"Status Quo" is a group of musicians from Great Britain who became famous throughout the world thanks to their immortal hit about the army. “You’re in the army now” is the name of their most famous song. The vast majority of modern youth are unlikely to name at least one more song from this group, although “Status Quo” used to be very popular. Now this hit of theirs can be heard at many vocal competitions. The expression “status quo”, the meaning of which is far from the content of the texts of this group, “wandered” into their name by pure chance. This name became the fourth and the only one that finally stuck.