Positive pregnancy test dream book meaning. Why do you dream about a pregnancy test and is it worth expecting this in reality? Interpretation of a dream about pregnancy in an eastern dream book for women

Dreams are characterized by inexplicable events and do not come into our lives by chance. They contain a secret meaning. Representatives of the fair sex have a particularly reverent attitude towards dreams. They are more inclined than men to delve into the depths of their souls.

It has been known since ancient times that a dream carries a certain meaning, information, or simply reflects a person’s inner experiences.

Two lines on a pregnancy test: what do they predict?

Pregnancy is the most responsible and important period in the life of every woman. As a rule, such a dream causes a sea of ​​worries and thoughts. Why do you dream positive test for pregnancy? What does it mean to see two desired stripes?

For a girl who really wants to give birth to a baby, this is not a surprising dream. Its interpretation can be explained by the girl’s extraordinary desire to give birth to a child. It is worth saying that it was this ardent desire that caused such a dream. In addition, such a dream is a signal for changes in the personal life of a young girl. If a woman saw the process of her own pregnancy testing from start to finish, then this can symbolize tremendous changes in the lady’s life. A woman can experience new events, positive or negative. Everyone knows that people can perceive the same events and behave differently.

A test with two stripes is an excellent sign in itself, which promises a lot of good news, the embodiment of wishes and dreams into reality. In addition, it can mean a sharp rise up the career ladder. Also, a dream in which a positive pregnancy test appears may indicate the dreamer’s mental anxiety and experiences. Depression is also possible. If a young girl had a vision, then this means an unsuccessful marriage. A pregnancy test dreamed of by a virgin suggests that she will soon be disgraced and unjustifiably slandered.

If a pregnancy test was taken by someone else, then this foreshadows events that are associated with your loved ones, relatives, and acquaintances. In this case, they will need urgent help from you and you will need to help.

Pregnancy test for an elderly person: what does it promise?

If an older woman dreams that she is taking a pregnancy test and sees a positive result, then this is a warning about a possible illness.

If in reality you are pregnant and you dreamed of a positive test, then this is simply a reflection of your psycho-emotional state. Perhaps you regularly think about how the birth will go and how you will take care of your cheerful little one in the future.

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Despite the rapid development of innovative technologies, many modern people continue to believe in omens and dreams. This article provides details about why you dream about a pregnancy test.

What does it mean when you dream about a pregnancy test?

Contrary to popular belief, a pregnancy test in a dream does not always mean a new addition to the family in reality. Firstly, interpretations of the same dream can be different, depending on which dream book a person uses. Secondly, the situation in which the sleeper saw the test is important. And, of course, the final result of the test in a dream is important. Below - more details about all of the above.

Why do you dream of a negative pregnancy test?

A negative test, according to almost all interpretations, means large losses, both monetary and other. Unless, of course, a woman who is afraid of an unexpected pregnancy dreams about him. If such a woman dreams of a negative test, then the dream only expresses her hopes. The opposite situation occurs with those who dream of becoming pregnant. In this case, the dream reflects fear. Also, a negative test can represent a negative result of any of a person’s endeavors. In this case, you need to think about insurance.

Why do you dream about taking a pregnancy test?

If you go by Miller’s dream book, then such a dream suggests that in family life women will soon begin to discord. The result of this discord may well be separation from your loved one. For an innocent girl, such a dream means imminent shame and major troubles. Vanga interprets such a dream for an unmarried girl as evidence of obscene thoughts of her young man, as well as imminent betrayal or betrayal on his part.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a pregnancy test with two lines, then she will have a successful birth. In this case, the baby will be born healthy and strong, and mommy will regain her strength very quickly. So in this case, such a dream is a happy omen and news of a healthy heir. If a married but not yet pregnant girl dreams of the test, then the dream foreshadows the imminent birth of twins. Freud believes that if a girl dreams of a positive test, then the event that happened in the dream will soon come true. So the father of psychoanalysis in this case agrees with the predictors.

If a man dreams of a pregnancy test in one form or another (no need to be surprised, this also happens), this means that the person has finally passed the stage of moral preparation for possible fatherhood. Accordingly, now he is quite ready to become a dad. So girls whose husband reported such a dream can rejoice and plan their own pregnancy. If, of course, they themselves desire it. For a single man without a relationship, such a dream is a harbinger of an unsuccessful romance or life difficulties.

Loff says that the appearance of a test in a person's dreams signifies his spiritual growing up or physical maturation. It all depends on the age of the dreamer.

Why do you dream about buying a pregnancy test?

Such a dream most often means dramatic changes in a person’s life and his readiness for them. These changes most often have positive character, because the dreamer consciously or unconsciously expects them. But if a woman dreams of buying a test and passionately wants to get pregnant, then, most likely, within a year there will indeed be a long-awaited addition to her family.

It is noteworthy that for pregnant women and those wishing to become pregnant, a dream about a test has a mostly positive meaning. But for unmarried people, it invariably means losses.


Dream Interpretation Pregnancy test

Dream Interpretations say - A pregnancy test, seen in a dream, is important not only for women, but also for men. However, Dream Interpretations immediately make a clarification - the dream will have different meaning for people of different genders. A pregnancy test in a dream is not a prediction of pregnancy in a dream. real life. But his appearance reminds you that this issue is most pressing for you...

Seeing a pregnancy test for a woman in a dream- desire to have a child; real pregnancy.

The more time in reality you think and worry about the onset (or, conversely, a delay in the onset) of a long-awaited pregnancy, the higher your chances of seeing such a dream. The subconscious is currently working in one direction - it is deciding the question of the desire (not desire) to have children. You may be visited by a variety of images that in one way or another reflect this aspect (children's things, toys, your own pregnancy). But all of them are just a manifestation of your daily thoughts and feelings. But in more rare cases (but still occurring), the dream in which you saw a Pregnancy Test may symbolize the onset of a real pregnancy. The female subconscious is incredibly sensitive, capable of capturing the slightest changes that have occurred in your body. That is why, having seen such a dream and realizing that such a situation could very well happen, Take a Test and refute (or confirm) your doubts for sure.

Seeing a pregnancy test for a man in a dream- desire to have children; less often - the real pregnancy of the beloved (wife).

In men's dreams, a pregnancy test may appear, First of all, if the man in reality Lately paid great attention to the issue of procreation. Moreover, these can be both creative endeavors (making a firm and joint decision with your partner to have children), and those denying reality (your partner’s pregnancy has not yet been confirmed, but you no longer firmly accept this fact; you firmly do not want to have children). The point is that, in any case, in real life you often think about and discuss issues related to pregnancy and procreation.

However, in quite rare cases (with great emotional closeness of partners), such a dream can actually mean pregnancy. A man receives a signal before his pregnant wife (girlfriend) that a child will appear soon. Having seen such a dream and felt that pregnancy can really occur, inform your significant other - perhaps your suspicions are not in vain.


Dream book pregnancy test

Why do you dream about a pregnancy test in a dream according to a dream book?

A pregnancy test is a big urge to give birth to a baby. If a man sees such a dream, his dream of children will not come true as soon as he would like.


Why do you dream of a pregnancy test with 2 stripes?


! Rinkatekitoka!

The dream book of the unique medium Miss Hasse was compiled on the basis of ancient sources. When using this dream book, it should be taken into account that not all dreams have the same probability of fulfillment, which is determined depending on the number of the month when the dream took place, counting from the new moon.
In the list of calendar numbers below you can find the corresponding day on which the dream occurred, and right there next to it is the probability of its fulfillment.
1st: Dreams on this day come true exactly and portend good things.
2nd: Dreams are empty and meaningless.
3rd: Dreams are quickly fulfilled.
4th: Dreams do not come true soon.
5th: Dreams of good meaning.
6th: Dreams come true, but not soon.
7th: Dreams are happy, but you should not tell anyone about them.
8th: Dreams lead to the fulfillment of desires.
9th: Dreams come true and soon promise success.
10th: Dreams come true, but lead to trouble.
11th: Dreams come true within 11 days and lead to joy.
12th: Dreams come true quickly and favorably.
13th: Dreams lead to trouble.
14th: Dreams are bad.
15th: Dreams will come true soon and very favorably.
16th: Dreams do not come true and have no meaning.
17th: Dreams promise success and come true within twenty days.
18th: Dreams lead to profit and new things.
19th: Dreams lead to family troubles.
20th: Dreams will soon come true.
21st: Dreams come true within 11 days and lead to joy.
22nd: Dreams warn of troubles.
23rd: Dreams will soon come true.
24th: Dreams are joyful and will soon come true.
25th: Dreams of lies and deception.
26th: Dreams of pleasure and fun.
27th: Dreams are meaningless, colorless and have no meaning.
28th: ​​Dreams promise some difficulties and come true within 30 days.
29th: Dreams do not come true.
30th: Dreams are fantastic and do not always and do not come true soon.
31st: Dreams of love victories and pleasures come true within 15 days.


In your heart you want to get pregnant. Good luck!


Test (Check)

If in a dream you pass some kind of test, then in reality you will face difficulties, the overcoming of which depends only on your hard work and willpower. A dream in which you check someone, then in real life you are too demanding of people. Receiving test results means a tempting offer that makes sense to accept. If the test results do not satisfy you, then you are overly critical of yourself. Pregnancy

If a young girl dreams that she is pregnant, then this can predict trouble and dishonor. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, then this is a sign that the birth will be easy. However, if a woman dreams of pregnancy and does not expect a new addition to her family in the near future, then such a dream may mean an unsuccessful marriage. Pregnant

For a girl, a dream in which she sees herself pregnant means that she faces dishonor. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, then this is a sign that the birth will be easy. However, if a woman dreams of pregnancy and does not expect a new addition to her family in the near future, then such a dream may mean an unsuccessful marriage. If you date a pregnant woman who amazes you with her thinness, this promises you prosperity, which will be achieved with little effort in the shortest possible time.


you will wake up in a cold sweat)))


Yesterday I dreamed the same thing)) this definitely doesn’t mean pregnancy)) subconsciously we just want it))

Why do you dream about a positive pregnancy test?



you just think about it, so you dream. but we keep our fingers crossed for you.

vadik kapustin

Got knocked up!!!

Alexey Onorin

Does the dream book say anything?

Zhu Zha

I dreamed of a positive test two years ago, and today my period came (((

yevgeniya k

take a test and you'll see what happens


Cool dreams you have :))))))))))


It seems to me that this is sitting in your subconscious. You've probably thought about this. So you dreamed it.


I'm just pregnant, and I'm already dreaming that I gave birth to a son :)


I also dreamed about it today)))) Probably because we think about it and really want it!!


I actually had a funny dream, as if the whole test was in stripes, so I was happy! But then, unfortunately, month. came ((



I, my husband and son were walking at the edge of the forest and I saw several bison coming out of the forest and heading in our direction. We somehow climbed higher and watched as they ran past. Already from above I saw that there was a whole herd of bison and they were scared by something.


I had a dream that I hid it from the guy but the hospital went and what they did to me was that I got pregnant and then I told the guy


I dreamed that I was doing 3 tests in the toilet and they all showed two thick red stripes. I was very happy about this


I bought a pregnancy test, put it off to wait for menstruation, but since I had a feeling that I was pregnant, I checked it and it was positive


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was buying a pregnancy test at the pharmacy. Then I was going to check it, but didn’t have time because the dream was interrupted and I woke up. Why such a dream? Thank you


I come to the apartment, and there, from the doorway, my long-dead grandmother asks who took the pregnancy test (allegedly I forgot it in the bathroom). I admit what I did, and grandma throws him out into the stairwell. test negative


Hello, I dreamed that my husband and I were walking and I wanted to go in and buy a pregnancy test, there was a pharmacy nearby, but for some reason we went into the store, my husband didn’t say what I was looking for, there were no tests on the shelves, and already approaching at the checkout without any purchases, the cashier tugs at me from behind and hands me a pregnancy test, I say that’s exactly what I was looking for, this test was on sale, as I understand it was distributed to all the girls... that’s it, I don’t remember anything else.


in a dream my daughter gave me her pregnancy test. At first it was negative, and then it became positive.


I have to have an abortion, and I tell them to do it so that I can have children later, but at the last moment I change my mind and find myself in a room where a lot of pregnancy tests are scattered on the floor.


in a dream I saw my aunt telling me. that I’m pregnant, but I say in response that I’m not. She tells me to take a pregnancy test. I wrote in blood and the test came out positive. what is this dream for? dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday. I also saw that same night that I wanted to buy flowers for the director’s birthday, but I couldn’t find them. was in search


I dreamed that I asked a friend for 20 UAH, went to the pharmacy, bought a test and then whispered in the pharmacist’s ear, she gave me a test that costs 4 small change, I was surprised why it was so cheap.. I walked away from the pharmacy with the pharmacist, she walked with me, said something I don’t remember ,We walked along the bows from the pharmacy and we saw a dead fish
But for some reason I didn’t do a test on the soles of the toilet, I don’t remember why


I dreamed that I came to buy a pregnancy test, and then my beloved man carried me home in his arms


I dreamed of a storm and it seemed scary, but the water was clear and so warm. A couple of days ago I dreamed of fresh cucumbers, sweet and crunchy. What is this for?


I dreamed of a storm, and it seemed scary, but the water was clear and so warm. I was in a storm, like on some kind of ship, and it was sinking, and I climbed into the cabin for candy. I fell into the water, and it was like the sea in summer... A couple of days ago I dreamed of fresh cucumbers, sweet and crunchy. It seems like I left them in a bag in a safe at the police station. And then I came back for them. And I unwrapped the bag. And I was already drooling. What is this for?


I dreamed of the test being negative at first, but I didn’t see how it was done, only the test itself, after a while I dreamed of relying, in the dream I was perplexed as to how it could be positive if I wasn’t planning a child and at first it was negative, in the dream I was in excitement. In real life I don’t plan to have a child, I have a boyfriend for about two years, I’m 20 years old, and I didn’t feel well the night before. Thanks for the answer!


I dreamed that I took a pregnancy test and it showed a positive result, and the dream seemed to be in reality, on the Internet accurate interpretation no, I’m not married myself, but my boyfriend and I live together and we really want a second one


I took a pregnancy test 2 times and both were positive, I had emotions, I considered myself the happiest, I thought about how to tell my husband


I dreamed that I thought I was pregnant for a month, and I went to the pharmacy for a test, bought it through the window from the street.


Hello. I had a dream that I walked into my sister’s kitchen and my friend was sitting, I took a pregnancy test and it seemed like I wasn’t pregnant, but when I showed it to my sister, 2 stripes appeared and I said I’m pregnant and I woke up.

The great dream of many women is to see a positive pregnancy test result. Why might you dream of two cherished stripes? If you happen to see something like this in a dream, when you wake up, do not rush to run to the pharmacy or make an appointment with a doctor. Such a vision does not always mean that you are in a position, dream books explain.

First of all, you need to remember every detail of the dream, and, most importantly, who dreamed it? After all, the interpretations will be different for a man and a woman. The meaning will also change if the woman is already expecting a child. The test can be with one or two stripes, and also - your own or someone else's.

As you can see, there are a great many interpretations. That is why it is so important to remember what exactly you dreamed about, without missing the slightest detail. Do you remember? Then open the dream book.

Various interpretations

Not every woman manages to get pregnant, and when interpreting a dream in which you saw two lines, you should take into account the intentions of the sleeping woman. If she passionately wants to become a mother, then she needs to pay attention to what day she had her cherished dream.

A dream from Thursday to Friday is considered prophetic. Did you have a positive result on this day? It is very possible that the test will be repeated in reality, the dream book promises.

What could it mean when you dream about something like this on any other day of the week? If getting pregnant is yours cherished dream, most likely, these are echoes of the subconscious. But it makes sense to look into moon calendar. Did the dream occur on an even day? There is a possibility of getting pregnant in reality.

Dreams do not come into a person’s life by chance. Almost all of them carry a secret meaning. Sometimes a dream can speak about a person’s emotions or experiences. Women are especially sensitive to their dreams. They are more inclined to delve into the depths of their subconscious. Pregnancy is an important event in life for every woman. Both in reality and in a dream, everything connected with this causes a lot of worries. The first excitement comes when the second line appears on the test. Why do you dream about positive tests?

Two cherished stripes on a test seen in a dream - what to expect?

For a young girl dreaming of a baby, this is a completely predictable dream, since her entire subconscious is permeated with this desire. We can say that it was this that created this dream. But it can also be a signal warning of changes in the young woman’s personal life. Why do you dream about positive pregnancy tests? To the fact that new events can happen in life - something unknown, but very pleasant. If a woman fully sees the process of pregnancy testing, then this promises her great changes in life. Whether they are positive or negative - it all depends on how you feel about it. After all, people can react differently to the same event or news.

If a girl in a dream sees two lines on a test passed by someone else, then this indicates events related to close people or friends. For example, you will need to buy something or help someone from your inner circle. We must always remember that all the good deeds that people do for each other return to them with triple force. Why does an elderly woman dream? Unfortunately, this is the first warning about the disease. It is better to immediately take care of your health and even get examined by a doctor. Although not every dream book (pregnancy test) talks about this. If a pregnant woman tests positive, which is most often the case, it is simply a reflection of her emotional state. She constantly thinks about how the upcoming birth will go, how she will take care of the baby. All thoughts, experiences and emotions are reflected in her dreams.

Why do you dream about a positive pregnancy test? Various dream books give their interpretation. Sometimes they are so different that it is difficult to understand what the true meaning is. Which option to choose is a personal matter for everyone.

Miller's Dream Book

If a woman dreams that she is taking a pregnancy test, then this does not bode well. Married ladies have quarrels with their husbands and discord in the family. Virgins aren't very lucky either. Such a dream is a harbinger of major troubles. The girl may be publicly disgraced or slandered. And only for pregnant women such a dream promises well-being. A test that predicts pregnancy indicates the ease of the upcoming birth, a healthy and strong baby, and the quickly restored health of the mother. Soon the lost strength will return to her.

Loff's Dream Interpretation - the best interpretation

One of the most truthful dream books will tell you why you dream of positive pregnancy tests. According to him, if a young girl had a dream in which she saw a test with two lines, then this is evidence that her childhood is over and adulthood is beginning for her. But not only women can have such visions. If a man dreamed of such a strange event for him, then this only indicates a huge number of things he has to do at work. Most often, this foreshadows a positive resolution of all accumulated work problems and even promises good luck and material well-being. For an elderly woman, such a dream could mean a new addition to the family. Most likely, she will become a grandmother. A lady holding a leadership position can count on positive changes associated with career growth.

Dream Interpretations of Vanga and Freud

These are the most truthful dream books on this topic (pregnancy test). Many can find the answer for themselves in Vanga’s speeches. For a woman who has a beloved husband, this dream foretells that she may soon become pregnant with twins. And for a young girl who is not yet married, but is in a relationship, such a vision warns of betrayal on the part of her chosen one, as well as of his indecent behavior.

According to Freud's dream book, a young girl who sees a positive result in her dreams will soon actually become pregnant. For a man, this dream has a double meaning. If he is married, then this indicates his full readiness to become a father. This means that he has matured both morally and financially. If a man is single, then he will have to overcome great difficulties in personal relationships. Such a dream may portend

Dream Interpretation of Seraphim

This dream book (pregnancy test) tells us a little about this. The meaning of the dream may seem implausible to some. And yet it happens. A positive pregnancy test seen in a dream may foreshadow a long journey or a cruise. It may also indicate a storm of emotions or health problems, in particular with digestion. A person may lose Money through your own carelessness and then reproach yourself for it.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dreaming of a pregnancy test? The dream book of Nostradamus will come to the rescue. A girl or woman who took a test in a dream and it turned out to be positive will soon suffer losses or financial losses. If someone else takes a test and it is positive, then this foretells the appearance of friends or acquaintances who will ask to borrow money.

The secret of sleep according to the signs of the Zodiac

Some seers claim that the meaning of certain dreams is also characteristic of certain signs of the Zodiac.

Why does Aries dream about positive pregnancy tests? Definitely - to quick wealth. Taurus will also be lucky financially. Gemini should prepare to receive guests. But for Leos, such a dream predicts losses and damage. Virgo will suffer from unemployment. Libra is predicted imminent marriage. Sagittarius will soon gain material wealth. For Capricorns, the dream foretells overcoming great obstacles. Aquarians can count on the respect of their family. Pisces should not pay attention to the news they are told.

These are the most common answers to the question of why positive pregnancy tests are dreamed of.

Dreams do not come into a person’s life by chance. Almost all of them carry a secret meaning. Sometimes a dream can speak about a person’s emotions or experiences. Women are especially sensitive to their dreams. They are more inclined to delve into the depths of their subconscious. Pregnancy is an important event in life for every woman. Both in reality and in a dream, everything connected with this causes a lot of worries. The first excitement comes when the second line appears on the test. Why do you dream about positive tests?

For a young girl dreaming of a baby, this is a completely predictable dream, since her entire subconscious is permeated with this desire. We can say that it was this that created this dream. But it can also be a signal warning of changes in the young woman’s personal life. Why do you dream about positive pregnancy tests? To the fact that new events can happen in life - something unknown, but very pleasant. If a woman fully sees the process of pregnancy testing, then this promises her great changes in life. Whether they are positive or negative - it all depends on how you feel about it. After all, people can react differently to the same event or news.

If a girl in a dream sees two lines on a test passed by someone else, then this indicates events related to close people or friends. For example, you will need to buy something or help someone from your inner circle. We must always remember that all the good deeds that people do for each other return to them with triple force. Why does an elderly woman dream of a positive pregnancy test? Unfortunately, this is the first warning about the disease. It is better to immediately take care of your health and even get examined by a doctor. Although not every dream book (pregnancy test) talks about this. Why do you dream about a test? If a pregnant woman sees a positive result in her dream, which is most often the case, it is simply a reflection of her emotional state. She constantly thinks about how the upcoming birth will go, how she will take care of the baby. All thoughts, experiences and emotions are reflected in her dreams.

Why do you dream about a positive pregnancy test? Various dream books give their own interpretation. Sometimes they are so different that it is difficult to understand what the true meaning is. Which option to choose is a personal matter for everyone.

Miller's Dream Book

If a woman dreams that she is taking a pregnancy test, then this does not bode well. For married ladies, this promises quarrels with their husbands and discord in the family. Virgins aren't very lucky either. Such a dream is a harbinger of major troubles. The girl may be publicly disgraced or slandered. And only for pregnant women such a dream promises well-being. A test that predicts pregnancy indicates the ease of the upcoming birth, a healthy and strong baby, and the quickly restored health of the mother. Soon the lost strength will return to her.

Loff's Dream Interpretation - the best interpretation

One of the most truthful dream books will tell you why you dream of positive pregnancy tests. According to him, if a young girl had a dream in which she saw a test with two lines, then this is evidence that her childhood is over and adulthood is beginning for her. But not only women can have such visions. If a man dreamed of such a strange event for him, then this only indicates a huge number of things he has to do at work. Most often, this foreshadows a positive resolution of all accumulated work problems and even promises good luck and material well-being. For an elderly woman, such a dream could mean a new addition to the family. Most likely, she will become a grandmother. A lady holding a leadership position can count on positive changes associated with career growth.

Dream Interpretations of Vanga and Freud

These are the most truthful dream books on this topic (pregnancy test). Why do you dream about a test? Many can find the answer for themselves in Vanga’s speeches. For a woman who has a beloved husband, this dream foretells that she may soon become pregnant with twins. And for a young girl who is not yet married, but is in a relationship, such a vision warns of betrayal on the part of her chosen one, as well as of his indecent behavior.

According to Freud's dream book, a young girl who sees a positive result in her dreams will soon actually become pregnant. For a man, this dream has a double meaning. If he is married, then this indicates his full readiness to become a father. This means that he has matured both morally and financially. If a man is single, then he will have to overcome great difficulties in personal relationships. Such a dream may foreshadow a frivolous relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Seraphim

This dream book (pregnancy test) tells us a little about this. The meaning of the dream may seem implausible to some. And yet it happens. A positive pregnancy test seen in a dream may foreshadow a long journey or a cruise. It may also indicate a storm of emotions or health problems, in particular with digestion. A person can lose money due to his own carelessness and then reproach himself for it.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dreaming of a pregnancy test? The dream book of Nostradamus will come to the rescue. A girl or woman who took a test in a dream and it turned out to be positive will soon suffer losses or financial losses. If someone else takes a test and it is positive, then this foretells the appearance of friends or acquaintances who will ask to borrow money.

The secret of sleep according to the signs of the Zodiac

Some seers claim that the meaning of certain dreams is also characteristic of certain signs of the Zodiac.

Why does Aries dream about positive pregnancy tests? Definitely - to quick wealth. Taurus will also be lucky financially. Gemini should prepare to receive guests. But for Leos, such a dream predicts losses and damage. Virgo will suffer from unemployment. Libra is predicted to get married soon. Sagittarius will soon gain material wealth. For Capricorns, the dream foretells overcoming great obstacles. Aquarians can count on the respect of their family. Pisces should not pay attention to the news they are told.

These are the most common answers to the question of why positive pregnancy tests are dreamed of.