When is the day of xenia. When is Xenia's name day according to the Orthodox Church calendar? Name day of Xenia, Ksyusha, Oksana according to the church calendar: dates by month. Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in February

Every person has two special holidays a year. The first date is the day he was born, the second is the day of remembrance of the patron saint, after whom the child was named at baptism. And Xenia's name day church calendar celebrated several times a year.

When to celebrate

On the day of the angel should be sure remember your protector... For Xenia, the saints offer 6 dates when martyrs for the faith are honored:

So, February 6 is considered a name day for all Ksyusha, because on this day the memory of two great martyrs is honored. To find out when to celebrate Xenia's name day, what date, you need to choose from the given dates the one that is closest to the birthday, follows him. This saint must be honored and prayed to his patroness.

Life history of saints

It is known about the Martyr Xenia that she died because of her sincere faith in Christ. She was burned alive for preaching Orthodoxy.

Ksenia Peterburgskaya - especially revered saint in Russia. She was born at the beginning of the 18th century. The unexpected death of her young husband, who did not have time to confess, struck the woman. She considered it her duty to atone for his sins, left home, distributed her savings to the poor, and named herself after the deceased. She herself began to wander the streets and wastelands in men's clothing, praying and begging for alms.

At first, people did not understand her actions, they considered her a holy fool (crazy). Then they began to notice that she brings success to the one who serves her or treats her with food. The blessed one came to the aid of the poor in difficult situations, did not refuse anyone. She treated children, helped widows find jobs, and settled disputes. Over time, everyone in St. Petersburg knew and respected Ksenia. After her death, she was canonized.

Xenia Milasskaya lived in the 5th century in Rome... Eusebia was the only daughter of a nobleman. FROM early years the girl wanted to devote herself to serving God. When her father was about to marry Eusebius, she fled to the city of Milass. There the girl built the Church of St. Stephen, founded a convent. She helped the poor, supported the sick and the needy, preached Christianity, instructed sinners on the true path.

Oxenia Mikhailovna Radun is a native of the Chernigov region. In the difficult Soviet times, she did not give up her faith. For this she was arrested and sent into exile. New information on the case toughened the sentence - Ksenia was shot in 1942.

Ksenia Petrukhina is from the Moscow province. The young girl lived in a monastery since 1913. After the arrival of Soviet power, she returned home, but was soon arrested for anti-Soviet propaganda. Three years of exile, return, again indictment and a terrible sentence in 1938 - execution.

Reverend Xenia (Irina) was born in the XI century in Hungary. After marriage, the girl adopted her husband's faith - Orthodoxy. Irina adhered to all the canons of Christianity. She lived modestly and piously, helping suffering people, poor families. Together with her husband, Emperor John, Irina built the temple of the Almighty Savior in Constantinople. Shortly before her death, the woman was tonsured a nun, taking the name Xenia.

Ksenia Cherlina-Brailovskaya is a native of Kharkov. Before the revolution and the arrival of the Soviets, she was a nun of Troitsky nunnery... Since 1917 she lived in the village, preached Christianity. For such activities she was arrested twice, and in 1937 she was shot as an enemy of the authorities "for prayers and memorial services for the dead."

The mystery of the origin of the name

Etymologists attribute the name to Greek roots. ξενία (xenia) has two variants of translation from ancient Greek - "hospitality" or "foreign citizenship". Therefore the name means "hospitable", "welcoming" or "foreigner". In the annals of Kievan Rus, mention of girls with this name can be found since 988.

Exists another version of the origin... The ancient Greeks, receiving guests, recited small ironic verses in their honor - "xenia". The couplets were very sharp and sarcastic. Therefore, not everyone liked this tradition, especially people without a sense of humor.

The Slavs use a derivative version of the name Ksenia - Oksana. Although the dispute as to which of them appeared first, and which is a reduction, does not subside today. Another option is used - Axinia. According to one hypothesis, the addition of a vowel sound to a word beginning with two consonants is a characteristic feature of the Russian language.

It is possible that all three names are not the same, but of different origins. This theory is supported by two ancient Greek names for the Black Sea - Axinos (inhospitable) and Yukseinos (hospitable). Etymology traces the characteristic change of the prefix "u" to "o" in the second variant, which formed the name Oksana. The first name is, respectively, Aksinya.

The character of Xenia

In childhood and adolescence, Ksyusha is calm and friendly young ladies. Girls are assiduous, quickly grasp new knowledge and find application for it. They know how to achieve their goals with hard work. Oksana will definitely finish everything she started. And also she is characterized by special sincerity and honesty.

For external stamina often there is a deep vulnerability of the soul... It is important for Oksana that close friends and relatives understand and support her in any situations. She is terrified of quarrels, does not understand why they are satisfied, tries to avoid conflicts by any means.

In family life, Ksenia completely dissolves in her husband, children. It gives her pleasure to equip her life, cook delicious meals, clean up. Oksana is a wonderful hostess.

Astrological symbols

Astrologers call the symbols of the name Xenia:

The name influences Oksanin's character. Xenia is especially attractive in adulthood, when she already knows her worth, is confident in her abilities and has reached certain heights.

How to call

In colloquial speech, there are several derivatives of the full name Ksenia, Oksana. The baptismal name can be Aksinya or Oksinya. For a diminutive shade or to shorten the pronunciation, different variants are used - Ksyusha, Ksyunya, Ksena, Aksya, Ksanka, Asya, Ksyunchik, Sanya, Ksyuta, Oksa, Ksyu, Senya.

This name also sounds in other languages \u200b\u200baround the world:

Today, many parents call their newborn girls Ksyusha. This name is gaining popularity again. Interesting and sonorous, it will adorn its owner and bring a reliable guardian angel.

Celebration xenia's birthday orthodox calendar shouldn't be noisy. This day is filled with special light and quiet joy. It is better to go to church, light a candle to St. Xenia, touch her face, take communion, ask for health for yourself and your loved ones. And you can give Oksana a nice congratulatory verse on her name day.

The meaning of the name Oksana: "Outlander", "wanderer", "guest" (from Greek)

Oksana always stands her ground, proves her innocence, it is difficult to convince her of anything. However, even in childhood, she is quite independent, she will not give herself offense. Oksana is good friends with both girls and boys. Studying at school is easy for her.

Adult Oksana becomes unpredictable, does things that are unexpected for everyone. She's a little greedy, doesn't like to share with anyone. She often marries for convenience. He chooses a profession according to his abilities, often even a man's.

Usually Oksana is truly loved only once in a lifetime. But they don't marry for love. For one reason or another, they part with their beloved men and look for better-off men to be their husbands. Having chosen a husband not for love, but for calculation, Oksana cannot get along with him. She is principled and straightforward, which is not always liked by men, and her husband in particular. However, even an unloved husband is jealous of literally everything that surrounds him. She is constantly trying to remake her husband, to make him for herself. But she does not always succeed.

Other forms of the name Oksana: Aksinya, Oksanochka, Oksanka.

I congratulate you, Oksana!
And I want to wish you
Stay beautiful and sweet
Never be sad, never bored.

I want you to believe in happiness
To make happiness herself
So that she was beautiful and loved
So that spring sings in your soul.

Congratulations for Oksana
I'll put it in one bouquet
To bloom without fading
For you he has been for many years.

I wish you in life
Happiness, joy, love.
So that your loved ones give
Feelings are tender.

I wish to be free
Free bird to fly,
So that you can in this life
See and find out everything.

To conquer the peaks
And I found my dream
Bloomed every year
And she was happy.

Oksana, dear, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I would like to wish you brilliant prospects and good goals, wonderful opportunities and life inspiration, extraordinary happiness in life and bright hopes, cheerful friends and strong love of relatives, well-being in the house and joy in the soul.

Who is softer than a bright rose
And more beautiful than a tulip?
Yes, of course it's you
Our dear Oksana!

Ksyusha, happy holiday to you
Congratulations today.
Happiness, joy, luck
And we wish you love!

So that you live like in a fairy tale,
Very kind and wonderful.
And so that your life is
Positive, interesting!

Health, happiness, beauty, good luck
We wish you, Oksana, on this day.
May your eyes never cry
And may lilac always bloom in your soul.

May wishes always come true
And sorrows pass by.
Well, we also wish to stay
Always beloved by mother and wife.

Happy birthday, Oksana!
Smile, don't be sad
This holiday is long-awaited
Spend with your friends

Wishes, congratulations
Let the funny sound
On this glorious birthday
Let your eyes shine with happiness!

I wish you with all my heart
Success, happiness and victories.
And happy birthday!
So that there are fewer troubles in life!

You woke up early today
To accept congratulations.
And everyone wants you, Oksana,
Hug tight today.

Giving luxurious bouquets
You are such a beauty.
Let only the best carriages
You will get one!

Let your desires
They will not get tired of exercising.
I wish you love
And happiness, dear Oksana.

Patience, joy and success
Let them accompany you
I wish you joy in life -
Let them inspire to work.

So that your affairs go uphill,
So that all good things happen
Successful to be in love
And I enjoyed my life!

Smell like a flower!
Never lose heart
Never know troubles.
Many, many years of life!

Do not lose beauty
Only become more beautiful
And always be loved
Without losing your zeal.

Be fun and active
Bold, clear, positive.
Congratulations zealously
Our dear Oksana!

Happy birthday, Oksana,
We congratulate you!
Darling, be welcome
And beautiful and smart!

Let the bird of happiness fly
Very often over you.
And smile more
And bolder - for the dream.

Remember all dreams are real
Just guess them!
All good things come
Believe it and take off.
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Oksana always stands her ground, proves her innocence, it is difficult to convince her of anything. However, even in childhood, she is quite independent, she will not give herself offense. Oksana is good friends with both girls and boys. Studying at school is easy for her.

Adult Oksana becomes unpredictable, does things that are unexpected for everyone. She's a little greedy, doesn't like to share with anyone. She often marries for convenience. He chooses a profession according to his abilities, often even a man's.

Usually Oksana is truly loved only once in a lifetime. But they don't marry for love. For one reason or another, they part with their beloved men and look for better-off men to be their husbands. Having chosen a husband not for love, but for calculation, Oksana cannot get along with him. She is principled and straightforward, which is not always liked by men, and her husband in particular. However, even an unloved husband is jealous of literally everything that surrounds him. She is constantly trying to remake her husband, to make him for herself. But she does not always succeed.

Fate: Oksana likes to "walk on her own." Independent, persistent in satisfying desires. She's not very easy, but always interesting.

Oksana Angel Day

Translated from Greek, the meaning of the name Oksana is "wanderer", "foreigner". Moreover, it is often interpreted as “hospitable”. In addition, it is known that Oksana is the colloquial form of the name Ksenia and is widely used in Ukraine. But many argue that Ksenia, Oksana and Aksinya are different names. As for Xenia, then, according to the assurances of historians, the name comes from the word "xenos" - "foreigner". But Oksana and Aksinia have special prefixes. At the same time, they say that the prefix "O" to Oksana's name is a modified prefix of the Greek version of the Black Sea spelling. It is interesting that from the point of view of writing, the meaning of the name Oksana is interpreted, mentioning Xenia, but the interpretation and education is associated with the name of Aksinya.

Oksana Named after the Church Calendar

  • January 31 - Ksenia, mts.
  • February 6 - Xenia (in the world of Eusebius) Milasskaya, deaconess; Ksenia Petersburgskaya.
  • March 20 - Ksenia (Petrukhina), prmts. / newcomer /
  • June 6 - Ksenia Peterburgskaya (Petrova)
  • August 26 - Xenia, Venerable, Queen. [in the world Irina]
  • September 15 - Ksenia (Cherlina-Brailovskaya), prmts., Nun / novomu./

Xenia's birthday is celebrated several times a year. The article contains all the information you need.

The name Xenia is one of those most names that have ancient Greek origins. It means "foreigner", "foreigner", "guest". This was the name of the girls in antiquity, who arrived on ships from distant countries. Previously, girls from noble families were given this name.

Xenia's birthday

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in January

  • 31.01 - day of veneration of the Martyr Xenia

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in February

  • 6.02 - the church celebrates the day of Xenia of Petersburg, Christ for the sake of the holy fool. On the same day, the day of memory of Xenia Milasskaya (in the world of Eusebia), deaconess, is honored.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in March

  • 20.03 - day of honoring the memory of the Monk Martyr Ksenia Petrukhina.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in April

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in April the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Xenia.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in May

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in May the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Xenia.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in June

  • 6.06 - the day of veneration of Xenia of Petersburg, Christ for the sake of the holy fool.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in July

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in July the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Xenia.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in August

  • 26.08 - the day of honoring the memory of the Monk Xenia, the queen who was Irina in the world.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in September

  • 15.09 - day of honoring the memory of the Monk Martyr Ksenia Cherlina-Brailovskaya, nun.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in October

This month no Saints with this name were born, and in October the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Xenia.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in November

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in November the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Xenia.

Name days of Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana in December

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in December the church does not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or monks with the name Xenia.

Xenia's birthday on the day of veneration of the Saints

The owners of this beautiful name often become famous people. This name has several forms, and all of them are independent names - Oksana, Ksenia, Ksyusha, Aksinya. But the most common among these names is Ksenia.

Career, business and money

Oksana rarely changes her place of work if she is satisfied with the conditions. She works hard, because the employer does not have any complaints. He constantly improves his qualifications, achieves high skills in his specialty. He is moving up the career ladder, but more often he becomes a responsible performer than a leader, ready to lead a direction where he will have to generate new ideas.

Achieves success in business where risk is excluded, since impulsiveness interferes with making the right decisions. Stable prosperity is obtained more often by hard work than by successful risky deals. Developed intuition helps to choose the right direction for achieving financial success, so Xana always finds a way to make enough money.

Marriage and family

Oksana chooses a kind, gentle, strong, but not despotic, but rather an agreeable man as her husband. She can make attempts to re-educate him, but she succeeds only to the extent that her husband allows - Xana knows how to stop in time, protects family relationships from destruction.

He does not make friends with his mother-in-law, although he often has a rather trusting relationship with his own mother. He can live happily only separately from his parents (his own and her husband), independently building a family.

With some dislike of housekeeping, Oksana knows how to keep the house in perfect order. Often he takes over the role of the head of the family, but he leads so delicately and correctly that he does not offend the feelings of the husband. She loves children very much, but she is a strict mother who always finds time to control homework and participate in school activities.

Oksana is a faithful wife, but she also demands decency and devotion to the interests of the family from her husband. The betrayal of her husband hurts Xana very much, infidelity offends her high spirituality and sincerity, so she is unlikely to forgive treason.

Sex and love

Oksana will not disappoint her beloved man - she has sex with pleasure. She is always active, expands her knowledge, reads literature, is ready to test her favorite theory in practice in her own bedroom. She does not accept promiscuous sexual relations; only those whom she can trust unconditionally are allowed to go to bed.

On the first date with this girl, you don't have to count on an easy victory or a swift erotic adventure. To satisfy her in love, one must try very hard. Oksana needs affection, understanding and acceptance of her fantasies. Monogamous, jealous, does not forgive betrayal.


Oksana is not naturally gifted with good health; a healthy lifestyle and inborn optimism help to keep in good shape.

They suppress any ailments at the initial stage, consult a doctor on time, carefully follow medical prescriptions. Colds haunt them all their lives.

Hobbies and hobbies

Oksana is very fond of reading and watching new films, her interests extend to almost all genres, but with special pleasure she chooses films with a fascinating plot, where there is intrigue. Often he prefers science fiction to his favorite female melodramatic series.

She is indifferent to needlework, but if she needs to help her daughter or son to complete any creative task, she will be able to cope with any hand-made technique. Seizes every opportunity to do fitness or at least make time for a morning run. She loves to dance very much, and she is great at it.