Why dream of falling off a swing. Why dream of a swing in a dream book. Swing along the Noble Dream Book of N. Grishina

Dream interpretation swing

Every person has been on a swing in his life. As a rule, this happens in childhood. The principle of the swing is that we either take off or fall down.

So in a dream, if you dream that you are skating, it means that you have a period in your life when you will take off with happiness, then languish from the misfortunes that have fallen on your head.

Why dream of a swing

Many dream books see in such dreams a desire to diversify their sex life. Sometimes you can find the following by opening a dream book, a swing is a symbol of increased attention from the opposite sex.

See the swing, according to dream books

If in a dream they rode on a swing

Miller's Interpreter

A swing in a dream is a symbol of variability. As this dream book says, the swing on which you ride with your loved one warns you of a difficult period in your relationship, painful jealousy will overcome you.

Riding so high that you feel fear - you have taken on too many responsibilities. You would be happy to get rid of them, but now it is a difficult task.

It is a dream that you are rolling a child - luck will be on your side.

Interpreter Longo

  • Seeing in a dream rocking chairs that do not swing - to a quarrel with a loved one.
  • In a dream, you are trying to roll them out - obsessive courtship from an unpleasant person. You will have to tell him directly, otherwise you will suffer for a long time.
  • To swing yourself - you don’t want to see obvious things, run away from problems, in the hope that everything will work out. Alas, this will not happen, but you will wallow in the swamp of your unresolved problems.
  • Swinging on broken ones - you think it’s right not to resist the hardships of life at all.

Interpreter of Loff

Other predictions of dream books

Some interpreters of dreams say that such a dream is for those people who are at a crossroads. Depending on which path you choose, your entire future destiny will depend.

Why dream of a swing on which you sit, but do not roll out - obstacles will arise on your life path, due to the fault of your relatives.

Fall from such an attraction - external circumstances will negatively affect you.

Appearance of the swing

For interpretation, it is important what material the swing was made of, how they looked.

  • Seeing rope - a pleasant pastime, positive emotions.
  • She dreams that you are swinging on boats - a grand party, for example, a wedding.
  • Swinging on ordinary ones is an unstable situation in the family. You will rush between "everything is fine" and "how terrible life is."


Certain dream books believe that swinging on a swing for the birth of a child, while not necessarily with you, perhaps with close relatives.

The seer Vanga said that if you are trying to stop the swing, then such a dream warns you against being too hasty in business.

In general, seeing such a dream does not mean that insurmountable obstacles will stand in your way. Dream Interpretations also say that if you take action in time, then you will avoid them altogether.

Swing in a dream- symbolize emotional outbursts. Often such a dream portends a stormy joy from close communication with someone you know or a love adventure. The higher the swing flies, the stronger your feelings promise to be.

Swing alone- a sign of hidden feelings and hidden experiences that may greatly disturb you in the near future. If in reality you are busy with some important things, be careful, because a dream about a swing can warn that you seem to be spending too much time and effort on useless emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Swing You don't have to seek love by any means.

Modern combined dream book

Swing in your dream- mean that soon you will try to answer the question: what is the meaning of your life?

See the swing- your indecision will prevent you from succeeding in one important matter.

Sit on a swing, swing- a sign that you hesitate, choosing which of the two people close and dear to you to give your hand and heart.

Sit in thought on a swing- portends worries about the unpredictable behavior of your child or husband (wife).

Swing on the children's swing- in reality, your heart will rejoice at their success.

Eastern female dream book

If you are swinging with your lover It means that you will be tormented by jealousy.

I dreamed that you swung the swing too much and were afraid- you have taken on an unbearable burden of responsibilities and now you don’t know how to deal with it. In addition, it is possible that soon you will have to make some important decision.

Swing on a child's swing- to good luck.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Swing- to pleasant communication with different, but close in spirit to you people.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

To swing on a swing- to variable success: either you will succeed, or you will bear trials, fate will throw you either up or down.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed of a swing- in reality, a family celebration and a lot of related worries await you.

To swing on a swing- a harbinger of a variety of joyful events.

General dream book

Did you dream of a swing, or did you swing on a swing- there is a move ahead, and the new house will be much worse than the one that was before.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone swing on a swing- one of your friends will move soon.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Do you feel like you're rocking up and down but can't get anywhere? Get off the swing, take a step, even if you are not sure of success. Your strength is in your determination.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing in a dream swing- warning you against rash acts. The difficult tasks before you can not be solved very quickly, so you need to think carefully.

Swing in a dream on a swing- you will be overcome by conflicting feelings that can take precedence over common sense.

If you swing high and get scared- you can expect frequent changes in life and not always for the better.

Fall off the swing- suddenly and fundamentally change your lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

See in a dream a motionless swing- in real life, you can quarrel with a loved one. Try to prevent a quarrel, otherwise it will hang on your friendship like a stone around your neck, you will no longer be able to communicate as before, something important will leave your relationship.

If in a dream you tried to swing a swing- but they didn’t give in, which means that in reality you will be the object of obsessive courtship, you will want to get away from an unsympathetic fan (or fan), but you don’t succeed until you tell him directly that he (or she) is not your type . Do not be afraid to talk about it openly, otherwise you will have to constantly suppress your emotions, being forced to communicate with someone who you absolutely do not need.

Ride in a dream on a swing- in real life, you are trying to escape from solving urgent problems. Every day you put off the search for a way out until tomorrow, but even then you do nothing. Perhaps the whole point is that you simply do not have enough energy or time for this. You run the risk of being in a quagmire of difficulties that will cover you with their insolubility, like mud.

If in a dream you rode a broken swing- it means that in real life you prefer to go with the flow, not caring that sometimes you can try to counteract circumstances. Everything that happens around you, you perceive with humility, but is it right? Isn't it better to try to argue with Fate at least once in your life? You'll see, it's not so hopeless.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Swing in a dream- a sign of change.

If you dream that you are swinging and your betrothed is nearby- then beware of strong zeal.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Swing in a dream- the need to shake up the stagnant internal situation with active external yang actions. In the body there are already not only psychological blocks, but also the stagnation of the movement of qi energy. The desire to swing and shake them favorably, but does not say anything about whether the dreamer has at least some further plans for movement. In addition, the results of shaking are unpredictable: shaking physically captures almost all organs with their possible pathology, especially in terms of emotional changes it is dangerous for the heart-kidneys (joy-fear). A dream can be favorable only with extremely careful behavior in reality after it: perhaps there are no energy blocks anymore, but there is still no correct rhythm and direction of movement.

See broken/stopped and empty swings- unfavorable, this means internal blocks, loss of sense of time and rhythm of movement without attempts by the body to recover. The reason in such cases lies in the distant past - in childhood. There is only one way out: remember what events the swing is associated with. This refers to events that pop up in memory by themselves, there may not be a swing there. Memories free a person from the stagnation of emotions, energy begins to flow freely and correctly.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Seeing in a dream how someone is swinging on a swing, or swinging yourself means you will have an easy life.

Swing empty swing- to hard times.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Swing- to fun, be decisive in your choice, a change in life.

Collection of dream books

Swing- indefinite, suspended position.

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If you dreamed of a swing - in reality you will have a family celebration and a lot of worries associated with it. Swinging on a swing is a harbinger of a variety of joyful events. Just sitting in thought on a swing portends worries about the unpredictable behavior of a child or husband. To swing children on a swing - your heart will rejoice at their success in real life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream about swing

Swing - Swing in a dream is a sign of volatility. If you dream that you are swinging on a swing, and your betrothed is nearby, then beware of strong zeal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Swing

Do you feel like you're rocking up and down but can't get anywhere? Get off the swing, take a step, even if you are not sure of success.

Your strength is in your determination.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

What does Swing mean in a dream

Swinging on a swing - to the joy and well-being in family life.

However, both family people and just lovers are waiting for temporary disagreements and inconstancy that you will overcome.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of sleep Swing

Seeing a stationary swing: in real life, you can quarrel with a loved one.

Try to prevent a quarrel, otherwise it will hang on your friendship like a stone around your neck, you will no longer be able to communicate as before, something important will leave your relationship.

If you tried to swing the swing: but they didn’t give in, it means that in reality you will be the object of obsessive courtship, you will want to get away from an unsympathetic fan (or fan), but you don’t succeed until you tell him directly that he (or she ) is not to your liking.

Do not be afraid to talk about it openly, otherwise you will have to constantly suppress your emotions, being forced to communicate with someone who you absolutely do not need.

Swinging: in real life, you are trying to escape from solving urgent problems.

Every day you put off the search for a way out until tomorrow, but even then you do nothing.

Perhaps the whole point is that you simply do not have enough energy or time for this.

You run the risk of being in a quagmire of difficulties that will cover you with their insolubility, like mud.

If you rode on a broken swing, it means that in real life you prefer to go with the flow, not caring that sometimes you can try to counteract circumstances.

Everything that happens around you, you perceive with humility, but is it right? Isn't it better to try to argue with fate at least once in your life? You'll see, it's not so hopeless.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

What does it mean to see a Swing in a dream

Warning you against reckless actions.

The difficult tasks before you will not be solved very quickly, so you need to think everything over carefully.

Swinging on a swing - you will be overcome by conflicting feelings that can take precedence over common sense.

Swing high and at the same time get scared - you can expect frequent changes in life and not always for the better.

Fall off the swing - suddenly and fundamentally change your lifestyle.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What predicts a dream Swing

Seeing someone swinging on a swing, or swinging yourself means that you will have an easy life.

To swing an empty swing - to hard times.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

The meaning of the dream Swing

A dream about them is a sign of fun, inconstancy and frivolity. For businessmen, such a dream indicates that they are dealing with people who talk a lot but do little.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

In a dream to see a swing

A symbol of love adventures and erotic feelings.

Swing yourself on a swing - to have strong feelings for someone.

Falling off the swing means losing control of yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream in which you had a chance to ride a swing means that soon your life will begin to change rapidly, unexpected events will begin to occur. Remember what emotions you experienced in a dream. If it was a feeling of delight, then changes will fill your life with happiness, and if fear, then this period will be associated with anxieties and worries.

Swing according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Swing in a dream - symbolizes emotional outbursts. Often such a dream portends a stormy joy from close communication with someone you know or a love adventure. The higher the swing flies, the stronger your feelings promise to be.

Swinging on a swing alone is a sign of hidden feelings and hidden experiences that can greatly disturb you in the near future. If in reality you are busy with some important things, be careful, because a dream about a swing can warn that you seem to be spending too much time and effort on useless emotions.

Swing according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Swing - to a pleasant conversation with different, but congenial people.

Swing on the Spring Dream Book

Swinging on a swing - to variable success: either you will succeed, or you will bear trials, fate will throw you up or down.

Swing according to the Summer dream book

Swinging on a swing - to variable success in your business.

Swing according to the Autumn dream book

To dream about how you swing on a swing - taking off high and falling again, so breathtaking - to experience unthinkable happiness in reality.

Dream book swing from A to Z

If you dreamed of a swing - in reality you will have a family celebration and a lot of worries associated with it.

Swinging on a swing is a harbinger of a variety of joyful events.

Just sitting thoughtfully on a swing portends worries about the unpredictable behavior of a child or husband.

To swing children on a swing - your heart will rejoice at their success in real life.

Swing according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

Swing - family life.

Swing according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

You dreamed of a swing, or you were swinging on a swing - there is a move ahead, and the new house will be much worse than what it was before.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone swing on a swing - one of your friends will move soon.

The swing in your dream means that soon you will try to answer the question: what is the meaning of your life?

Seeing a swing - your indecision will prevent you from succeeding in one important matter.

Sitting on a swing, swinging is a sign that you hesitate, choosing which of the two people close and dear to you to give your hand and heart.

Sitting thoughtfully on a swing portends worries about the unpredictable behavior of your child or husband (wife).

To swing children on a swing - in reality your heart will rejoice at their success.

Swing according to the Eastern dream book

If you swing on a swing with your lover, it means that you will be tormented by jealousy.

I dreamed that you swung the swing too much and were afraid - you took on an unbearable burden of responsibilities and now you don’t know how to deal with it. In addition, it is possible that soon you will have to make some important decision.

Rocking a child on a children's swing is good luck.

Swing according to the dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

family joy.

Swing according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Swing - you dream of a swing, you fly high on them - you will have a lot of fun in your leisure time; weekends - in a great company; a healthy sense of humor is a sign by which your friends will match one to one.

Swing according to the Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Swinging on a swing in a dream - you will be overcome by conflicting feelings.

Swing high and get scared - constant changes in life, change of connections, loss of control over your love adventures.

In a woman's dream: a man is rocking you - a thirst for a romantic victory over a certain person.

A friend is rocking - to be dependent on her, to want to beat her secretly.

To swing a woman in a dream for a man - a new and strong love interest is on the threshold.

Falling off the swing is a decisive change in the order of life.

Swing according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Swing - your success will be short. Imagine that you move away from the swing as quickly as possible and drive away in a convertible (see Convertible). Focus on a pleasant ride on a smooth, beautiful road.

Swing on the Love Dream Book

A swing in a dream is a sign of volatility.

If you dream that you are swinging on a swing, and your betrothed is nearby, then beware of strong zeal.

Swing according to the Modern Dream Book

Swing - Joy in the family

Swing according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

Swing - A symbol of love adventures and erotic feelings. Swing yourself on a swing - have strong feelings for someone. Falling off the swing - losing control over yourself.

Swing according to the Russian dream book

What does Swing mean in a dream - family joys. Swinging on a swing is false, meaningless actions, the illusion of movement.

Swing according to E. Erickson's dream book

What does Swing mean in a dream - a dual position. Fall off the swing - official troubles, reprimand from superiors. Trying to stop the swing is making a hasty wrong decision. Swing rhythmically on a swing - thinking about the proposed move.

Swing according to the Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a Swing - Swinging on a swing means that you will meet a person who knows a lot of interesting and varied news.

Swing on the housewife's dream book

Swing - joy; release from anxiety. Riding and being afraid are conflicting feelings.

Swing according to Meneghetti's Italian dream book

Despite the apparent external charm of this action, the image symbolizes the swing of the pendulum as a repetitive action of the reflective matrix. Indicates an obsessive latent fixation of the mother complex or deviation monitor complex.

Swing according to the Idiomatic dream book

Swing (on a swing) - have fun.

Swing - develop masculature.

Swing - decide on something (action, deed).

Swing according to the online dream book

According to the dream book, a swing portends you a rich personal life and intimate pleasures.

She throws you high up, and you experience a feeling of trepidation - you have taken on too much, at your initiative you have so many worries that you have no idea how to deal with them.

I dreamed that you fell from it - you won’t be able to control your feelings.

If you just sit on a swing, thinking about something, one of your close relatives will not behave quite adequately.

Ride your children on it - incredible success awaits you.

To ride it yourself in a dream - an innocent flirtation or an affair can end very badly, foresight will not hurt you now.

Someone else is riding it - a person from your inner circle will soon change their place of residence.

We saw that the swing is out of order - you are used to being a passive observer, and not the creator of your own destiny, but if you show a little determination, the problems will become much less.

Swing according to Solomon's dream book

Swings are family joy.

Swing according to the Russian dream book

Swing - undefined, suspended position.

Swing according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

A swing in a dream is the need to shake up a stagnant internal situation with active external yang actions. In the body there are already not only psychological blocks, but also the stagnation of the movement of qi energy. The desire to swing and shake them favorably, but does not say anything about whether the dreamer has at least some further plans for movement. In addition, the results of shaking are unpredictable: shaking physically captures almost all organs with their possible pathology, especially in terms of emotional changes it is dangerous for the heart-kidneys (joy-fear). A dream can be favorable only with extremely careful behavior in reality after it: perhaps there are no blocks of energy, but there is still no correct rhythm and direction of movement.

Seeing a broken / stopped and empty swing is unfavorable, it means internal blocks, loss of a sense of time and rhythm of movement without the body trying to recover. The reason in such cases lies in the distant past - in childhood. There is only one way out: remember what events the swing is associated with. This refers to events that pop up in memory by themselves, there may not be a swing there. Memories free a person from the stagnation of emotions, energy begins to flow freely and correctly.

Dream book swing for a bitch

Swing - you should not seek love in any way.

Swing according to the dream book of the XXI century

A swing that you dreamed of in a dream is a warning against rash acts. The difficult tasks before you can not be solved very quickly, so you need to think carefully.

Swinging on a swing in a dream - you will be overcome by conflicting feelings that can take precedence over common sense.

If you swing high and get scared at the same time, you may expect frequent changes in life and not always for the better.

Fall off the swing - suddenly and fundamentally change your lifestyle.

Swing according to the Slavic dream book

Swing - mental and nervous strain. Tense environment. Chiron. Aries.

Swing according to Longo's dream book

Seeing a motionless swing in a dream - in real life, you can quarrel with a loved one. Try to prevent a quarrel, otherwise it will hang on your friendship like a stone around your neck, you will no longer be able to communicate as before, something important will leave your relationship.

If in a dream you tried to swing the swing - but they didn’t give in, it means that in reality you will be the object of obsessive courtship, you will want to get away from an unsympathetic fan (or fan), but you don’t succeed until you tell him directly that he ( or she) is not your type. Do not be afraid to talk about it openly, otherwise you will have to constantly suppress your emotions, being forced to communicate with someone who you absolutely do not need.

Swinging in a dream - in real life, you are trying to escape from solving pressing problems. Every day you put off the search for a way out until tomorrow, but even then you do nothing. Perhaps the whole point is that you simply do not have enough energy or time for this. You run the risk of being in a quagmire of difficulties that will cover you with their insolubility, like mud.

If in a dream you rode a broken swing, it means that in real life you prefer to go with the flow, not caring that sometimes you can try to counteract circumstances. Everything that happens around you, you perceive with humility, but is it right? Isn't it better to try to argue with Fate at least once in your life? You'll see, it's not so hopeless.

Swing according to a short dream book by Denise Lynn

Up and down, but everything is in place.

Swing according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream book

Do you feel like you're rocking up and down but can't get anywhere? Get off the swing, take a step, even if you are not sure of success. Your strength is in determination.

Swing according to the dream book Veles

Swing - for fun, be decisive in your choice, a change in life.

Swing according to the Gypsy dream book

Seeing in a dream how someone is swinging on a swing, or swinging yourself - means that you will have an easy life.

To swing an empty swing - to hard times.

Dream Swing 2012

Swing - the need to get out of the influence of some kind of egregor. Reflection of the "swinging of the pendulum". You need to be determined.

Swing according to the ABC of dream interpretation

The swing is a symbol of love adventures and erotic feelings.

Swinging on a swing - a love adventure can be dangerous. Be on your guard.

Swing yourself on a swing - have strong feelings for someone.

Falling off the swing - losing control over yourself.

To understand why the swing is dreaming, look into the dream book. Such a dream is important, regardless of whether you had to ride them, ride someone else, or just see from the side without even getting close.

Another thing is that the nature of your actions (or inaction) will noticeably change the meaning of what you see. The dream book describes the following options:

  • Just see the swing from the side.
  • Try to shake them, but in vain.
  • Watch someone swing.
  • Rocking a child in a dream.
  • Ride on them yourself.
  • Fall from them in a dream.

These are the scenarios of dreams offered by interpreters - by contacting them, we can find out in detail and reliably what the swing is dreaming of. The main thing is to choose the most suitable option and take into account all the details.

Also, do not forget to remember what emotions you experienced in a dream. This will be important additional information that will help you more accurately interpret what you see.

Fly, fly, fly...

1. As the dream book suggests, a swing seen from the side, simply as an image or symbol, means standing in one place. In life, you have reached a difficult moment: you need to choose the direction of the future path and not doubt.

Any decision will be right for you, and even mistakes will bring valuable experience. But if you continue to stand on one point, then simply degradation will begin. Determine the vector of your development, start moving forward!

2. But why dream about this - a swing completely motionless, as if frozen in time? This is a hint of the dreamer's uncertainty in reality, his indecision, fear of taking a step.

But you have to do it, so be brave! Doubt and indecision are your enemies, they take a lot of energy, but there is still no result. Better a wrong step than standing still!

3. If you tried to swing a swing in a dream, but they didn’t move at all, were excessively heavy or hopelessly rusty - this is an interesting symbol. In real life, persistent, even obsessive courtship of an ardent boyfriend awaits you.

4. The swing that someone else was riding in your dream is a wonderful symbol: an easy, pleasant life awaits you, devoid of excessive worries and problems. Difficulties will be temporary and will not overshadow the joyful everyday life, luck is on your side, the people around are only good and reliable.

5. And swinging in dreams with your lover (or spouse) is a symbol of jealousy! The interpreter warns and strongly advises to be wiser. Female jealousy is often unfounded, but relationships can be completely destroyed. Take care of your union, do not ruin it with this poisonous feeling!

6. A dream in which the swing was for children, and you also rocked a child on them (it doesn’t matter at all whether your own or an unfamiliar baby) is a good symbol. It promises great luck in the near future, you will be lucky in everything.

7. Swinging in a dream is a hint of conflicting feelings. It is unpleasant and difficult, but be prepared: your soul will become a battlefield. And only you yourself can cope with this situation, with your strong will.

8. Riding very high and strong is a symbol of constant change, changeable life. Remember what feelings you experienced in your dreams.

If the delight was already breathtaking, it means that in life you will have the same sensations. But if in a dream there was fear, fear - changes will not be easy for you. Try to treat them wisely and positively - they are always for the best.

9. As the dream book says, a swing can be a symbol of love and romance, especially if a man swung you on it. Wait for the new novel, it's just around the corner!

10. Did you rock, or did you ride with her? Beware of envy. This pernicious feeling can creep into your soul - drive it away if you do not want to lose your friendship!

11. Falling off a swing is a symbol that does not promise any harm. He talks about big changes, about changing the usual way of life. Perhaps this will come as a surprise and a shake-up for you, but do not “wind up” yourself - take the changes positively. After all, they always open up new opportunities!

12. Sitting motionless on a swing in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in everyday life you make a long and painful decision, but still remain in one place. Take at least some step, don't be a "lying stone"! Author: Vasilina Serova