Why dream of a jellyfish. Why does a jellyfish dream: a woman, a girl, a pregnant woman, a man - interpretation from dream books Why do jellyfish dream in an aquarium

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Jellyfish are representatives of the water element. They have a beautiful appearance, but at the same time, they can be extremely dangerous. This creature is of genuine interest to everyone who sees it. But what if such an animal appeared in a dream? Anyone would like to know why dream of a jellyfish. This article is devoted to a detailed consideration of this issue.

Seeing a jellyfish in a dream

It is necessary to take into account all the points that are present in the vision. For example, it is advisable to remember whether the dreamer caught a jellyfish or just looked at her, whether she showed aggression or was in the hands of another person - these nuances are needed for a correct interpretation of what a representative of the marine fauna is dreaming of.

Watch the video. What is the dream of a jellyfish for?

What is it for

According to the dream book, a jellyfish in a dream is a symbol of some kind of duality, deceit, pretense. Perhaps in this way the inner "I" tells the sleeper that the situation is not really what it seems.


If a dream in which a jellyfish appeared was dreamed of by a lady, then soon she will find family happiness, prosperity and peace.


Watching in a vision how a jellyfish splashes in a liquid - to an unexpected acquaintance that awaits the girl in the near future.

At first, these relationships will seem unimportant - there will be a feeling that this is a person who will not stay in the field of attention for a long time, therefore he will disappear as quickly as he appeared. However, in reality, this stranger will play a significant role in the dreamer's life.


For a woman in an interesting position, night dreams in which she looks at jellyfish portend an easy birth and the birth of a healthy baby.


For a representative of the strong half of humanity, watching the grace of a jellyfish floating in the sea is a symbol of the fact that he will soon come to the conclusion that the crazy feelings that he has for the girl do not promise joy for both of them.

70% of dreams are warnings

The sight of this jelly-like creature can warn a man about the presence of an enemy whom the dreamer underestimates. The sleeping person considers this person to be weak, but in reality she is capable of more, and can even suddenly “sting”. Therefore, you should not trust everyone in a row.

dream interpretation

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Watching in a dream how an invertebrate swims is a sudden meeting, which is expected in the near future.

To feel the bite of a jellyfish in a dream means that some gossip and rumors will spread about the sleeper.

Probably, the dreamer himself will give a reason, having publicly spoken out about what he did not need to talk about in the presence of other people.

Modern dream book

If it seemed that while swimming in the ocean it happened to be in a flock of jellyfish, then in reality there is a risk of being in an unpleasant situation that will sadly affect business.

If in a dream it happened to observe the movements of a large and graceful animal, then in reality the sleeping person will not always be able to give a fair assessment of what is happening. Often the dreamer idealizes the events taking place.

Miller's dream book

If you happen to see how a beautiful and large creature moves gracefully in the water column, it means that the sleeping person often has a wrong idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is happening in the world around him. In this case, there is an inadequate assessment of reality.

Modern combined dream book

If you managed to see a huge jellyfish in a dream, this means that you have a delusion regarding the reasons for the behavior of a certain person.

Did you see that many animals washed up on the shore in gigantic waves? For the representative of the stronger sex, the dream book predicts falling in love with a cunning lady, for women - a victory in a romantic confrontation.

Why dream that you had to catch an animal? In a vision, this means that the dreamer is wasting time and vitality, as he has chosen the wrong goal.

Did you dream of a beautiful inhabitant of the water world, calmly moving in the water? There is a person who is able to make a partner happy.

Why does a jellyfish dream in a dream

Medusa is not an exclusively positive symbol. It can mean a competitor, as it carries the stamp of obscurity. A sleeping person can be harmed - resentment, financial ruin, a large number of difficulties.

In addition, this animal can symbolize a person that the dreamer let himself in too close a distance, believing her. And she, like a real jellyfish, is able to “prick” at the most unexpected moment.

In water

Such a dream means that the meeting, to which the dreamer was very inert, assuming that this person should not be considered for the long term, will actually bring many exciting and exciting impressions. It is worth waiting for changes for the better.

It is all the more good if in a vision the jellyfish was in purified water - this means that recently met acquaintances will contribute to solving a long-standing problem.

In aquarium

Watching an animal stay in an aquarium - for some reason you are misjudging the current situation.


Medusa looked unusually large - it is worth taking a closer look at your other half. Perhaps you need to pay attention to another person, more honest and kind.


Small jellyfish are an omen of light flirting and coquetry, which can cause unpleasant consequences.


A giant jellyfish in the water that stings can warn of the emergence of rumors around a sleeping person. A casually thrown phrase can become the basis for them, so it’s worth controlling your own speech so as not to contribute to this.

washed ashore

A representative of the marine fauna thrown ashore is interpreted depending on the sex of the sleeping person.

8 out of 10 dreams promise good luck in love

For representatives of the strong half of humanity - to be bewitched by the love charms of a beautiful lady, for women - to defeat a rival.


A large number of jellyfish dream that in reality a person will have to evade attacks. Fortunately, realizing that the dreamer cannot be easily broken, most ill-wishers will calm down.

Dreamed of a jellyfish

Some dream books suggest that jellyfish are dreaming as a symbol of a certain lack of will of a sleeping person. Just like this jelly-like creature, the dreamer is on the waves of fate, missing a large number of chances.

By following these tips, you can achieve everything you want.

Dries out in the sun

The interpretation of the vision, where the animal quickly melts under the bright sun, means the possibility of family quarrels and disagreements. It is necessary to wait a little, and calmness will be restored.

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Dream Interpretation - Water

Seeing clean water in a dream - to well-being and pleasure.

If the water is cloudy, danger awaits you.

They saw that water flooded your house - you will fight, resist evil.

I dreamed that the water was decreasing - succumb to the dangerous influence.

If in a dream you are splashed with water, then passionate love will awaken in your soul, which will bring you happiness.

Nostradamus attached great importance to the image of water in dreams. He believed that drinking warm water in a dream is a sign of danger from a strong enemy.

Cold water means peace of mind and the presence of devoted friends.

Holy water dreams of health, sinlessness.

Walking on water - to success.

To see that the water evaporates is to improve the weather.

To scoop up water - to long classes and big troubles.

Spilling water in your room is a chore and labor.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered water a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, development, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion. This is how she interpreted dreams about water.

If in a dream you drank clean cold water, then in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection.

I dreamed that water was pouring on you from above - a wave of cosmic influence is coming on you, which is useless to resist.

If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world.

Muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Vanga urged to show kindness and patience, so as not to defile the soul with unworthy impressions.

If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news. One of them will significantly change your self-esteem and relationships with people.

Drowned in a dream - in reality you will resist the natural course of events. You don’t need to do this, otherwise you will undermine your health and shorten your life.

I dreamed of circles or ripples on the water - ahead of change. Having hardly stood in the stormy stream of events, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

And now let's see what D. Loff wrote about water. He believed that whether it was a deep freshwater lake, a life-bearing river, or an ocean that swallowed people, water was both friend and foe. That is why it is so important to understand the role of this strongest symbol that appeared to you in a dream.

Very often, the appearance of water in a dream coincides with the highest point of feelings. Her image can enhance both the feeling of peace and bliss, as well as anxiety and anxiety. Water either provides life or poses a danger.

Water is a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Managed water is the key to problem solving. Try to remember your dream: if you dreamed of a lake, did you see the entire coastline, and if it is a river or a stream, did they overflow their banks? These are all examples of managed water.

Unmanaged water creates anxiety. Boundless lakes and raging rivers reflect the uncontrollability of circumstances. Still, deep water can also give rise to feelings of anxiety if its depth is fraught with danger and the unknown.

Taps are an exception to this theory. Remember what you dreamed: was the crane controlled by you or someone else? If in a dream you tried to control the tap, but you didn’t succeed (or there was no water in the tap), then in reality you clearly feel your inability to cope with simple circumstances.

If someone else was running the crane, then in real life you feel that your position, whether it is good or bad, is determined by other people. This circumstance can make you feel both comfortable and uncomfortable, depending on where the guidance comes from.

Interpretation of dreams from

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Dream Interpretation - Water

Seeing clean water in a dream - to well-being and pleasure.

If the water is cloudy, danger awaits you.

They saw that water flooded your house - you will fight, resist evil.

I dreamed that the water was decreasing - succumb to the dangerous influence.

If in a dream you are splashed with water, then passionate love will awaken in your soul, which will bring you happiness.

Nostradamus attached great importance to the image of water in dreams. He believed that drinking warm water in a dream is a sign of danger from a strong enemy.

Cold water means peace of mind and the presence of devoted friends.

Holy water dreams of health, sinlessness.

Walking on water - to success.

To see that the water evaporates is to improve the weather.

To scoop up water - to long classes and big troubles.

Spilling water in your room is a chore and labor.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered water a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, development, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion. This is how she interpreted dreams about water.

If in a dream you drank clean cold water, then in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection.

I dreamed that water was pouring on you from above - a wave of cosmic influence is coming on you, which is useless to resist.

If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world.

Muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Vanga urged to show kindness and patience, so as not to defile the soul with unworthy impressions.

If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news. One of them will significantly change your self-esteem and relationships with people.

Drowned in a dream - in reality you will resist the natural course of events. You don’t need to do this, otherwise you will undermine your health and shorten your life.

I dreamed of circles or ripples on the water - ahead of change. Having hardly stood in the stormy stream of events, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

And now let's see what D. Loff wrote about water. He believed that whether it was a deep freshwater lake, a life-bearing river, or an ocean that swallowed people, water was both friend and foe. That is why it is so important to understand the role of this strongest symbol that appeared to you in a dream.

Very often, the appearance of water in a dream coincides with the highest point of feelings. Her image can enhance both the feeling of peace and bliss, as well as anxiety and anxiety. Water either provides life or poses a danger.

Water is a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Managed water is the key to problem solving. Try to remember your dream: if you dreamed of a lake, did you see the entire coastline, and if it is a river or a stream, did they overflow their banks? These are all examples of managed water.

Unmanaged water creates anxiety. Boundless lakes and raging rivers reflect the uncontrollability of circumstances. Still, deep water can also give rise to feelings of anxiety if its depth is fraught with danger and the unknown.

Taps are an exception to this theory. Remember what you dreamed: was the crane controlled by you or someone else? If in a dream you tried to control the tap, but you didn’t succeed (or there was no water in the tap), then in reality you clearly feel your inability to cope with simple circumstances.

If someone else was running the crane, then in real life you feel that your position, whether it is good or bad, is determined by other people. This circumstance can make you feel both comfortable and uncomfortable, depending on where the guidance comes from.

Interpretation of dreams from

It is quite difficult to find a person who is delighted with jellyfish. But for some, watching them is comforting. You can look at the "flight" of jellyfish for a long time, but not everyone dares to approach because of the risk of getting a serious burn. Beauty, lightness and danger - this is what this creature is associated with. Why dream of jellyfish in the sea? Dream Interpretations give different interpretations.

sea ​​jellyfish

If you dreamed of a jellyfish, then:

  • Consider that you have acquired a reliable friend. But he is unusual, sometimes he will be stubborn, but at the same time very honest with you.
  • If the size of the jellyfish is quite large, then most likely you do not see everything that is happening around you and are not aware of impending events.
  • Also, a large jellyfish suggests that a woman who is close to you is much more secretive than you can imagine, no one knows about her real motives.
  • If the jellyfish is in graceful movement, it swims, and you are a spectator of its journey, then this can promise one thing - the love that is inherent in a young man in relation to his companion will soon pass. He will understand that he does not value this relationship so much and will most likely go to parting.

    Sleep warnings

    Some believe that the jellyfish is not an exceptionally good sign, budding. It can represent your competitor because it symbolizes mystery. Damage may be caused to you - resentment, material loss, or a lot of trouble. In addition, it can characterize a person whom you let too close to yourself, trusting him. And like a real jellyfish, he can sting you at the most crucial moment, inflict a "stab in the back."

    Very rarely, but still, a flock of jellyfish can be dreamed of, each of which will be ready to attack. This is the worst sign, and consciousness wants to warn you. It is based on the frivolity and carelessness of a person, most likely, this will become an unpleasant moment that will entail.

    Jellyfish are amazing creatures. Mysterious, not like other marine life and seemingly completely harmless, but in fact capable of causing a lot of trouble to a person.

    As the dream book says, the jellyfish in the world of dreams also hints at a kind of double bottom, deceit, illusoryness. It is possible that in this way the subconscious mind tells you that the situation is actually not unfolding quite (or maybe not at all) as it seems. Interestingly, the discrepancy between expectations and reality can be a very pleasant surprise!

    For example, you will surely be pleased with how the dream book interprets such a dream: a jellyfish swims in. It means that the acquaintance, to which you reacted very coolly, considering that this person will not linger for a long time in your life and will not mean anything, in fact, it will bring many exciting impressions. Expect change for the better. It is especially good if in a dream a jellyfish swam in clear water: recently acquired acquaintances will help solve haunting problems.

    In general, many dream books assure that these creatures dream of some interesting meetings, acquaintances, dates. You will have a good time, even if you did not count on it at all.

    What to look out for

    But, as is the case with any other objects and phenomena, in order to accurately determine what the jellyfish is dreaming of, you need to analyze the details of the dream.

    Let's say you dreamed of a jellyfish washed ashore. It is curious that such a dream will have a different meaning for a man and for a woman. If a woman dreams of an animal outside its natural habitat, then it is seen as a harbinger of triumph over a rival. But for men, according to the interpretations, it will serve as a warning that they will soon have to get entangled in the networks of an insidious seductress.

    Were there many or few jellyfish in a dream, large or small? The answers to these questions can also provide food for thought.

    • Medusa seemed unusually large - take a closer look at your lover. Do his words match his deeds? Perhaps you should not notice another fan, more honest and open.
    • Small jellyfish - easy flirting and non-binding coquetry can lead to not very pleasant consequences.
    • A lot of jellyfish - it is possible that, just like from these creatures in a dream, in reality you will have to defend yourself from attacks. Fortunately, sensing that you will not be broken so easily, most of the accusers will moderate their ardor. Are you swimming in, and are there a lot of jellyfish nearby? Beware of getting into bad company.

    And if in a dream you didn’t just watch these outlandish creations of nature, but held one or more in your hands? You may also dream that you got burned by touching a wayward marine inhabitant.

    The dream in which you held the jellyfish is interpreted as predicting the onset of the situation that you feared. But whoever is warned is armed: perhaps, having caught the signal that the subconscious sends in time, you will get out of the water unscathed.

    Jellyfish stung - try not to give reasons for gossip: although they will not bring significant harm, they can really ruin your mood.

    Trying to catch jelly-like creatures in a dream - try to critically evaluate the plan of action you have chosen in reality. Perhaps another strategy would be more effective? Or get ready to receive good news from a friend - there is such an interpretation. If jellyfish were nevertheless caught in a dream, unexpected information about a close friend will be revealed to you in reality. Author: Evgenia Bessonova