Holidays in September: rituals, traditions and signs. Folk calendar for September: signs for every day e Semin day

The first month of autumn is September. It is usually quite warm, but the days are not as sunny as in summer. The rainy season begins, the leaves turn yellow and fall, mushrooms appear in the forests, cold winds blow, and the days become shorter. There are multiple signs of September, according to which the ancestors for the near future.

  1. September 1 - Andrei Stratilat. It is believed that prayer to this saint will relieve pain and ailments. People believe that those born on the first day of autumn are endowed with wisdom and determination.
  2. September 2 - Samuel. You need to ask for good weather for a month. According to signs, if the moon is in a red circle, it will be windy, and mole holes looking to the north predict a cold winter. At this time, winter mushrooms appear in the forests.
  3. Signs say that if it is clear on this day, then it will be so throughout September.
  4. Day of Agathon the gourmand. Fishermen should know that there will be no bite if there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest and there has been a heavy downpour. And a lot of nuts on the trees - for a harsh winter.
  5. Morning rain on September 5 indicates good weather throughout the day. On this day, flax, cranberries and lingonberries are harvested. Usually the first frosts come, but if they are not there, then there will be no whole September. Birds flying south predict early winter.
  6. Eutychius day. According to signs, rainy weather means dry land and a good harvest for the next year. The wind predicts misfortune, and light rain - warm and clear skies for a whole month.
  7. September 7 - Bartholomew. A rich mushroom harvest speaks of cold and frost, and screaming crows call for rain. Popular signs of September say that those born on this date will be happy and lucky in adulthood.
  8. Name day of Natalia. Morning cold and hoarfrost are the harbingers of a long and cold winter with severe frosts. About the same, according to signs, not fallen leaves from birch and oak, as well as a good harvest of mountain ash.
  9. On September 9, in no case should you break rowan branches and collect fruits - you can attract troubles and misfortunes. According to signs, yellow leaves on a tree are a quick end of autumn, red fruits are cold, and unripe ones, on the contrary, are warm.
  10. Day of Anna the Prophetess. The climate for the next season is determined by. Signs say that if they did not fly south, then frosts could not be expected soon. But the opposite is indicated by the absence of mushrooms in the forests and oaks that have not shed their leaves. A red sunset also denotes bad weather.
  11. Ivan the Baptist (Lenten). Birds flying to warmer climes warn of early cold weather. According to signs, it is forbidden to pick apples, as well as cook food in round dishes. Thunder and thunderstorms speak of a warm golden pore. It is important to adhere to a one-day fast, not to swear and not to borrow anything.
  12. September 12 - Alexander Sitnik. It is believed that the appeared cobweb on the grass - to warming. Birds soaring in the sky, a warm evening, and bright twinkling stars speak of the same climate.
  13. Kupriyanov day. It is worth listening to the frogs in the ponds. If they subside, frost is approaching. Auspicious day for digging up potatoes and beets.
  14. September 14 is considered the beginning of Indian summer. A good date for moving and housewarming. This day's weather will last the rest of the month.
  15. September 15 - cloudy and strong wind - signs predict cold and showers. And if the sky is burgundy at sunset, severe frosts are expected. You can’t drive the cattle out of the yard before lunch - you can bring trouble into the house for a whole year.
  16. September 16 - Domna Dobrotnaya. In order to live in abundance and prosperity for a whole year, throw away all unnecessary rubbish from your home and yard on this day.
  17. Luke Day. They collect onions, pray for the preservation of the house from a fire. Most often this day is rainy, and from the quickly dried puddles one can understand that there will be bad weather soon.
  18. Name day of Zechariah and Elizabeth. If the trees have yellow leaves and yellowed mountain ash - signs predict frosts, reddish clouds - there will be showers. This is an auspicious date for visiting healers and fortune tellers. The information received about the future will be true.
  19. Michael's day. The first frosts are expected. Frost speaks of a snowy winter, and green treetops speak of a short and warm one. You should not work hard, especially in the ground - you will bring trouble to your family.
  20. September 20 - Luke. There is a sign about attracting happiness to the house. Cook cabbage soup with onions and pay attention to the amount of husk. If there is a lot of it - wait for frosts.
  21. 21st day of memory of the Virgin, Spasov day. The trees are bare - frosts will come early. Warm and sunny - so it will be throughout the fall.
  22. Day of Anna and Akim. Moulting animals indicate cold and frost soon. Although, if the birds have not yet flown to warmer climes, the autumn warm weather will last for a long time.
  23. September 23 is the autumnal equinox. According to signs, it is believed that a large amount of mountain ash indicates the approach of cold weather, and a small amount - heat.
  24. Suddenly appearing bees mean that the cold will not come soon. But usually - it's time for the beginning of slush and rain. Favorable time for picking mushrooms.
  25. September 25 - animals and insects hide for hibernation. According to signs, a large number of snakes - to the rapidly approaching winter.
  26. Showers speak of a rich harvest for the coming year, and molting chickens speak of a warm winter. By this day, you need to remove all the vegetables from the garden.
  27. Exaltation, the end of the Indian summer and the onset of the real autumn season. Morning frosts indicate the imminent arrival of winter
  28. According to signs on September 28, birds splashing in the water speak of warming, and if they do not climb into the water, it will be cool. A foggy evening denotes a morning or night shower.
  29. September 29 - yellow, but not fallen leaves speak of prolonged heat. You will see mice and moles pulling supplies into holes - winter is coming.
  30. Day of Faith, Hope, Love. Cranes flying south indicate frosts on Pokrov. Warm and sunny weather is a signal for fishermen that the catch will be rich.

Other signs for September

  • Spiders weave a lot of cobwebs - the golden time will be generous on warm days, and winter will be fierce and snowy;
  • Lots of acorns on the oaks - it will be snowy at Christmas;
  • High-flying cranes, according to signs, to prolonged heat;
  • Unfallen cherry leaves are a clear sign of a non-snowy winter season;
  • A large number of nuts predicts that severe frosts are coming.

September wedding

This month is also considered auspicious for weddings. A marriage concluded in September will bring prosperity, wealth, love and mutual understanding to the young family. Rain, and even snow, is considered a good sign on the September wedding day.

According to signs, frosts on the date of the wedding promise the newlyweds the first-born boy. When choosing a date for marriage, it is better not to dwell on the days when major church holidays are celebrated. Auspicious days - 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26 September.

September in the era of Ancient Russia was called differently: “howler” because of the roar of deer, which began the rutting period; "Frown" - for a large number of cloudy days; "falling leaves" or "golden summer" due to the yellowed foliage of the beginning of leaf fall.

In this thread:

Changes in nature could not go unnoticed, but still the main signs of September are associated with harvesting and preparing for winter.

September in folklore

The main features of this month are reflected in oral folk art. For example, proverbs call it "the blush of autumn." This colorful definition reflects both red maple leaves and purple clusters of mountain ash. This is the last berry that still flaunts in the first month of autumn. The proverb says about the colorfulness of September that at this time "fire is both in the field and in the hut." True, from these words it is clear that not only bright colors come, but also cold.

The folklore did not bypass the harvest, which ended at this particular time. Popular proverbs noted that September has an important feature: it is "cold, but full."

weather notes

Warm autumn is a sign of cold winter

The arrival of autumn meant the onset of a period of rest from work in the field, but at the same time, numerous worries in preparation for winter. Everyone was waiting for winter with great tension, because not only well-being, but sometimes life itself depended on the strength of frost. Signs for September helped to orient in the upcoming weather, to understand what to expect from life. General signs of the weather for September are as follows:

September customs

During the first month of autumn, the harvest continued, and towards its end, weddings began to take place. Therefore, folk beliefs considered signs of weddings for September to be very important, because they could tell the young people what lies ahead for them.

  • A wedding at the end of September is the right way to a happy life together.
  • A web that accidentally appeared on the face of the bride portends a joyful family life.
  • For the groom who stepped into the puddle, superstition prepared the fate of a drunkard.
  • The beginning of the rain - for good luck. But a thunderstorm - to troubles.
  • Frosts on the day of marriage - to the birth of the first-born - a boy.

Notes on the days of the month

The agricultural calendar, combined with the Saints, became the basis of a unique system of life values ​​and rules. This calendar has absorbed all folk traditions, beliefs, painted by day. Each day has its own name associated with the veneration of a certain Saint and the main economic affairs of a person. The calendar also contains indications for any church holiday. Below is a description of each day in September:

  1. Stratilat - Teplyak, Fekla - Beetroot. We started harvesting beets and oats.
  2. Samoilin day. It was believed that on this day the Saint stands up for the peasants. From that day on, they began to look for winter mushrooms.
  3. Thaddeus. Vasilisa. Start harvesting flax. This day showed signs of the weather for September itself. The weather on the 3rd is spread over 4 weeks.
  4. Agathon Ogumennik. They were waiting for the goblin to appear from the forest, so the men, dressed in sheepskin coats with fur outside, went out to the threshing floor and made fires around it, which were supposed to scare away evil spirits. Just in case, they were armed with pokers.
  5. Loop Lingonberry. At this time, the first frosts were expected. They said that "frost beats." The crop of not yet harvested oats was in jeopardy. Folk traditions advised to go for lingonberries.
  6. Eutyches. Pay attention to rainfall. If it started to rain, then October should be dry. If the wind picked up, the flaxseed might fall off. Therefore, windy weather was considered a bad omen.
  7. Bartholomew Zhitosey, Titus Listopadnik. They were sowing winter crops, began threshing. Mushroom season is coming to an end.
  8. Autumn day of Peter and Paul, who was called Fieldfare. They said that "today the mountain ash is the birthday girl." Another name is Natalya Ovsyanitsa. Oatmeal pancakes were made from the fresh harvest of oats.
  9. Anfisa Day. They collected mountain ash, its clusters were hung under the roof. If there was a lot of it, they expected October to be rainy.
  10. Anna Skirdnitsa. In anticipation of the September bad weather, they took out and hid the harvest of bread from the rain. The time of glorification of the harvest, when fairs and fun festivities were organized. Eve of the Beheading of John the Baptist, it is categorically impossible to eat fast food. Fasting protects against poverty and disease.
  11. The Beheading of John the Baptist. You can not eat round-shaped foods that look like a head. Apples, pumpkins, potatoes, cabbage are banned. Therefore, folk customs forbid cooking cabbage soup. It is also forbidden to harvest all the listed crops, as well as to cut poppy heads. Fasting and prohibitions were not easy to observe, because there was an abundance of everything around that could not be touched.
  12. Svytnik, Sytnik. At this time, they were getting used to a well-fed life. Ceremonies were held to increase the harvest for the next year.
  13. Kypriyan - Crane flight. There is an active cleaning of root crops. Carrots, potatoes, beets are harvested. If dandelions began to bloom at this time, they hoped for a warm October.
  14. Osenins. Semenov day. Indian summer began, about which they said that dry weather these days indicates wet October and November. The geese that flew away on Semyon-day foreshadowed that November would be frosty, winter would come early. September traditions considered the Osenins a good time to move to a new home. When moving, they did not forget to take a brownie with them, who, according to legend, moved in a pot of coals. In old houses, a global cleaning was carried out, expelling evil spirits and parasitic insects. The only exception was the days when the 14th fell on a Sunday. Also on this day, it was customary to cut children's hair, put them on horseback for the first time, and go hunting with them.
  15. Mammoth - Sheepdog. On this September morning, the cattle were not allowed out of the barn. It was allowed to do this only at lunchtime. Signs for September, as well as popular superstitions, ascribed rampant dangerous evil spirits to these days.
  16. Vasilisa - "Hurry with flax." Mistresses started working with hemp and flax. Another name - Domna Dobrorodnaya - is associated with the custom to sort through all the things in the house, dry and put them in chests for the whole summer, and get warm clothes suitable for autumn frosts. Everything spoiled was burned along with potato tops. This helped to get rid of not only rubbish, but also unnecessary problems. Potato sacks were washed.
  17. Burning bush. People offered their prayers for protection from fires and from diseases, the name of which mentions fire, for example, "fireman". "Fire" and others. Bow day. They removed the last onion from the beds.
  18. Saint Elizabeth. The memorable event of St. Elizabeth's prediction to the Virgin Mary of the birth of a son is venerated. Therefore, they began to celebrate the feast of predictions, going to the witches for fortune-telling. Kumokha Day. Kumoha was called evil spirits from the forest, which was friends with the goblin.
  19. Michaelmas. On this Orthodox holiday, working in the field was considered a sin, but in the house it was necessary to resolve all disagreements. Therefore, families gathered together with a common table. Mikhailovsky frosts hit, they judged the future weather.
  20. Sausont, Luke. These days are characterized by the end of onion harvesting, which immediately began to trade. And the girls used onion peel for the beauty of their hair. Bunches of onions were hung around the necks of cows and horses so that they could safely survive the winter.
  21. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. This is the twelfth Orthodox holiday that affected the entire population of the country. Women turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary soy prayers for happiness, for the health of children, for conception, for a successful outcome of pregnancy. Future soldiers arranged festivities - farewell to peaceful life. They illuminated spring water to take it into the house and use it to improve health. The newlyweds received guests on this holiday.
  22. Nikola Autumn. Horses were no longer driven at night. Time of the autumn equinox. They honored the parents of the Virgin Mary - Joachim and Anna, who were considered the patrons of women in childbirth. Relatives congratulated women who recently had children. Families cooked worldly porridge, baked pies, and called midwives for refreshments.
  23. Peter and Pavel, who were called Ryabinniki, because after the first frosts, the mountain ash became sweetish.
  24. Fyodor. In the calendar by day, this is the beginning of the autumn thaw, the complete end of the grain harvest. The hosts in the fields evaluated winter seedlings. Usually the first beer was brewed and served to everyone. They hurried with all their might to do good, to help those in need. In the evenings, cabbage parties began to be held, when women gathered, chopped cabbage together, accompanying the monotonous work with jokes and songs.
  25. Automon. Animal day. Hunters went to the forest for the first prey, luck in hunting brought good luck for a year.
  26. Cornelius. The beginning of frosts on the ground, which happened every day, took over October and led to the freezing of the earth when November came. They removed the turnip.
  27. Exaltation. Believers went to the temple for a service dedicated to the holiday. They fasted on the Exaltation, the main dish was cabbage. They did not go to the forest in order to protect themselves from the goblin and from the bear preparing the den for winter.
  28. Nikita Autumn. According to the height of the flight of wild geese, it was determined whether there would be a flood in the spring or not. The watermen were coaxed by sacrificing a bird to them.
  29. Efimiya. They hunted capercaillie and wild ducks. They tried to figure out what kind of winter to expect from their bones. If thunder was heard, they were afraid of the harsh winter months.
  30. Faith, Hope, Love, their mother Sophia. The Ecumenical Indian name day was celebrated. They congratulated all the fair sex, the celebrations lasted 3 days. The main tradition of the day is to cry, lament about your share, about your loved ones. After that, it was possible to spend time doing household chores, preparing pretzels, pies for a festive dinner.

The modern name of the month of September comes from the Latin September - "seventh", because initially in ancient Rome the year began with March and this month was the seventh in a row. When the calendar reform of Julius Caesar took place, September became the ninth month, but its name did not change.

In ancient Russia, when the New Year was celebrated in March, September also took seventh place. Since the 15th century, it has become the first, and since 1700 - the ninth.

In the old days, September was called Ryuen, Howler, Ruben. These names are derived from the verb "to roar". They emphasize the weather characteristics of the month (the howling of autumn winds) and the behavior of animals (the roar of animals, especially deer, whose mating season begins at this time).

Another name for the month is frowning. It also indicates the state of nature and the weather characteristic of September: the sky is often covered with gray clouds, and it is raining, the twilight time is stretching, the nights are getting longer. It is not for nothing that people said about this time: the weather begins to “look like September”.

Our ancestors called September the pilot. After all, with its onset, summer is coming to an end and it is getting colder.

Sayings about September

There are many sayings about the September weather, reflecting various changes in nature:

In September, the day is finer, but the mornings are worthless.

Father September does not like to indulge.

September came, breezes blew from midnight (ie from the north).

With the onset of the first autumn month, the appearance of the forest and the animals living in it changes.

In September, the autumn tit asks for a visit.

September hurries birds on the road.

In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.

With the onset of autumn, people have to part with the summer lifestyle. They have other concerns and jobs. In September it gets dark earlier and earlier. Peasants in the field are burning dry grass and the remains of stubble. It is getting colder every day and people are spending more time at home. But the month is rich in harvest:

September is cold, but full.

Siverko, yes satisfying.

September is never fruitless.

August cooks, and September serves at the table.

Indeed, by this time almost the entire crop had been harvested. Housewives bake bread and pies from the new flour, rejoice at the abundance of fruits and vegetables. There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest in September, in the middle lane and in the north of Russia, cranberries ripen and lingonberries ripen. The long-awaited time is coming for hunters too - the autumn shooting of hares and wild birds that have fattened up over the summer.

September weather forecast

The observant peasant's eye noticed a variety of manifestations of autumn, using them to predict the timing of the onset of cold weather, what the next winter would be like, and even the price of bread. Due to the fact that for a long time September served as the beginning of the annual cycle, according to the farmer, this month is the most favorable for all kinds of forecasts, which were recognized as especially reliable:

  1. Thunder in September - to a warm autumn.
  2. If the cranes fly high and slowly, "talking" among themselves, then the coming autumn will please you with good weather.
  3. Until the last leaves fall from the cherry, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will melt it.
  4. The appearance of cobwebs on plants indicates that there are still many warm and clear days ahead.
  5. A lot of cobwebs and starlings did not fly south - autumn will be long and dry.
  6. There are a lot of acorns on the oak - for a fierce winter. This also indicates that there will be a lot of snow before.
  7. Frequent and strong September fogs, especially without wind, bring many diseases to people.

September is glorious with a brief return of summer. Warm sunny days are sure to wedged in bad weather. These days are called Indian summer. Usually, Indian summer starts from ) and lasts until , but it can last longer or break up into several periods. In some years there are three Indian summers - young, middle and old.

Women especially rejoiced at the Indian summer: From the Indian summer - the Indian holiday and the Indian work.

The reduction of daylight hours and the arrival of the first cold weather forced women to spend more time in huts, doing traditional women's needlework. At this time, gatherings, evenings, sittings began - when several women gathered together in one hut and were engaged in knitting, yarn, and sewing. The opening of the gathering time in different areas was timed to coincide with different dates in September. This is due to climatic conditions, the type of economy and the established tradition.

Signs for September for every day

On September 1, the national holiday Fyokla-beetroot falls. It is dedicated to the martyr Thekla of Gaz, who for her faith in 304 was thrown to be torn to pieces by wild beasts.

  1. If there is fog on September 1, then the winter will be snowy.
  2. On this day, oats ripen and it is customary to drip beets.
  3. If the moon is aging, it will be cloudy and rainy.

The patron saint of the day, the biblical prophet Samuel, in Russia was considered the intercessor of male peasants before the Lord. On this day, he prays to God for their health and well-being.

  1. If the moon is in a red circle, then windy weather is coming.
  2. The sun sets in the fog - it will rain.
  3. If the reed stem is sticky from the inside, then expect a cold and long winter.

Our ancestors harvested flax on Thaddeus and Vasilisa. Also on this day, apples were picked so that the apple trees would not be depleted.

  1. If the day is clear, then the next four weeks the weather will be fine.
  2. If the Pleiades open star cluster disappears that day, snow will fall early.
  3. The abundance of mushrooms in the forest - to a bad bite.
  4. What a day, such and September.
  5. Hens molt - the winter will be warm.
  6. If the rowan harvest is poor, the autumn will be dry; rapidly fruiting tree - rainy.

The day is the memory of the martyr Agathonikos of Nicomedia, who suffered for the faith of Christ in the 4th century. According to popular legend, the goblin comes to Agathon in the threshing floor. He throws the sheaves, unties them and spreads the straw all over the area. To avoid this, the owners went out to guard their supplies. Men gathered at night, put on sheepskin coats inside out (fur up), picked up stumps and wrapped towels around their heads. They drew a circle around the threshing floor with a poker and sat in its center.

  1. Cloudy and damp in the morning - the day will be clear and sunny.
  2. If at sunset the sky is covered with clouds, then expect windy weather in the coming days.
  3. If on this day a baby puts a coin in the stroller before going outside, then he will live a long and happy life.

On this day, they honor the memory of the martyr Lupp, a faithful servant of the Christian Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, who was stabbed with spears at the behest of Emperor Diocletian. Lupp, after the death of the owner, smeared his clothes with his blood and took his ring for himself. With the help of clothes and a ring, the saint performed many miracles in Thessalonica (the second largest city in Greece). Lupp voluntarily surrendered to the hands of his tormentors and was brutally murdered on the orders of the Roman emperor Galerius.

  1. According to tradition, the first frosts occur on this day, after which lingonberries and cranberries can be harvested.
  2. If lingonberries are ripe, then oats can be harvested.
  3. If the cranes stretched south, then the winter will be early, if the birds fly low - warm, and if high - cold. If the cranes fly fast and low, and at the same time make almost no sounds, then expect bad weather.
  4. Have oats bloomed in the beds? Autumn will be warm and long.
  5. The appearance of morning fog promises good weather for the whole day.

Memorial Day of the Martyr Eutychius. In the folk calendar, the date was called "Eutikhiy - Quiet Dawns." It is believed that on September 6 one should be extremely careful, as all evil spirits are activated. The restless souls of suicides and people who died from an accident or alcoholism push people to sinful deeds and lure them into the thicket of the forest or into the pool of the river in order to destroy them there.

Peasants on this day tried not to leave the yard. Beware of red flowers, lights in cemeteries and swamps, echoes in the forest. It was believed that whoever heard the forest echo would soon die and his death would be terrible. You can’t look at the sunrise on this day, as you will invite misfortune on yourself.

  1. There are black clouds in the sky and the sun is not visible - expect a cold snap.
  2. A lot of lingonberries - you need to hurry with the harvest.
  3. If the weather is windy, there will be misfortune.
  4. If you have a lot of work to do on this day, then put on linen clothes in calm colors. Such an outfit will allow you to work productively and quickly restore strength.
  5. You can’t look out the window at dawn, otherwise you will die soon.
  6. If a seriously ill person dreams of a deceased relative that day, then he himself will die soon.
  7. Burning or cutting yourself on this day is bad.

It was argued that Titus is the best helper in picking mushrooms, and the day of his memory is the last day when you can pick them. Knowledgeable people argued that the mushrooms collected later were not suitable for salting, they could only be fried, so our ancestors took baskets on Titus and went to the forest.

Kombucha was also held in high esteem on September 7. Do you want your cherished wish to come true? Then whisper it early in the morning on a jar of kombucha, and it will surely come true.

The peasant people on this day sowed winter crops and threshed grain. Falling leaves began in the forest. According to him, people judged the upcoming weather:

  • if the leaves fall "face" up, then expect a cold snap and a harsh winter;
  • "Face" down - the weather will be warm and the winter is not particularly cold.
  1. If you get up early on this day, then you can pick a lot of mushrooms in the forest.
  2. It turned out to thresh a lot of grain - wait for a harsh winter.
  3. A good harvest of mushrooms - the winter will be protracted.
  4. If it rains, it is better to refuse to conduct magical rituals. Rain will wash everything away and there will be no effect.
  5. In order to be healthy all next year, you need to take a steam bath and wash yourself with silver water (dip a silver object into the water at night).
  6. On this day, it’s good to shop and go on trips, but it’s better not to start building a house. The building won't last long.
  7. When going to the forest for mushrooms, you can not take small children. According to belief, the goblin can pick them up.
  8. Crush fly agaric - unfortunately.
  9. Those born on September 7 will be especially happy and successful in the second half of their lives. In order for the birthday people to be lucky in their younger years, they need to wear amber as a talisman.

On the day of memory of St. Natalia, our ancestors mowed and harvested oats, cooked oat dishes, prayed for love and peace in the family, and also asked the Most Holy Theotokos to protect them from attacks by enemies. The last oat sheaf was placed in the corner of the house and stored until the next harvest. They believed that he protects the dwelling from evil spirits, and the owners from all evil.

  1. It's cold in the morning - the winter will be early.
  2. We managed to collect a lot of mountain ash - it will get colder soon.
  3. A big harvest is coming - there will be no "Indian summer".
  4. A lot of mushrooms - to a good bite of pike perch.
  5. If a girl born on this day is called Natalya, then she will live a good and comfortable life.

Rites for Natalya the Fescue

Do you want to improve your personal life? Pray to Saint Natalia. This can be done both in church and at home. On Natalya-fescue, they make a charm of mountain ash. A twig with fruits is carried into the house and placed in water. It is believed that such a talisman will protect family relationships from all evil.

If on this day you make a cross out of mountain ash and always carry it with you, you will not be afraid of any trouble, and in order not to get sick in winter, you need to drink mountain ash wine on Natalya-fescue.

On this day, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers paid much attention to mountain ash. Many legends and beliefs are associated with this beautiful tree. It was believed that if you drink juice from its fruits every day in autumn, at least in small portions, then you will not get sick in winter.

If the bride and groom a few days before the wedding, on the wedding day and for three days after the painting will feast on the fruits of mountain ash, they will give birth to beautiful and happy offspring.

Various rituals were performed on this day. One of the most popular to this day remains a ritual to raise funds. If you want to get rich quick, then buy a wallet on this day. Tear off a leaf from a mountain ash and read a plot on it:

« As a mountain ash stands, all strewn with fruits, so there will be enough money in my wallet. As birds eat up the fruits of mountain ash, so I will always be full. How many fruits are on the tree, so much money will I have. Amen".

Now the sheet needs to be hidden in a new wallet and always carried with you.

  1. Thunder - to the onset of cold weather.
  2. If on this day you attach a bunch of mountain ash to shoes, then you can get rid of damage.
  3. If you had a chance to bury a loved one on September 9, then after the funeral, hang a sprig of mountain ash over the threshold so that the deceased does not disturb you.
  4. Break a mountain ash - to grief.
  5. Do not lift anything at the crossroads on Anfisa-Rowan, otherwise damage will be brought to you.
  6. If someone asks for a loan, then don't give, it will take a long time to return the money.
  7. You can’t stand on the threshold - you’ll bring misfortune.
  8. Those born on this day will become a kind and just person.
  9. Onyx is the talisman of this day. The healing properties of the stone will help get rid of problems in the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, the stone must be worn on the body, preferably in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus.

On this day, the memory of three saints is venerated: the Monk Savva and Moses Murin, as well as the righteous Anna. Moses Murin suffered from alcoholism and was a robber, but then he took the true path and lived in a monastery. It is customary to pray for this saint to get rid of addictions.

On September 10, the peasants had no time for holidays, they were busy with agricultural work, and also watched natural phenomena in order to predict the weather for the coming days and predict what the coming autumn would be like.

  1. A lot of yellow leaves appeared - autumn will be early.
  2. If the summer was rainy and the autumn was warm, then the winter would be long.
  3. If weeds grow high, then there will be a lot of snow.
  4. There are a lot of acorns on the oak - for a mild winter and a fertile summer.
  5. If the entrance to the mole hole is dug from the north side, then the winter will be warm, to the south - harsh, to the west - rainy, to the east - dry.
  6. If deceased relatives dreamed on this day, then family life will be happy.
  7. September 10 people are proud and independent people.
  8. It is better not to go into the forest on this day, as you can get lost.

On September 11, a great church holiday is celebrated - the Beheading of John the Baptist. What can not be done on this day is written. The holy martyr died through the fault of evil and treacherous people. It is customary for John the Baptist to read a prayer for a headache.

  1. If thunder rumbles, then it will be warm for a long time.
  2. Cranes fly away to warm lands - to a cold snap soon.
  3. The starlings did not fly south - "Indian summer" will come soon.
  4. Many rooks - autumn will be sunny.
  5. Have you seen flying swans? Wait for the first snow.
  6. Geese fly overhead - there will be bad weather.
  7. If your head hurts, then pray to John the Baptist and soon the pain will pass.
  8. You can not pick up knives, axes, shovels, scythe.
  9. A cabbage head cut on this day may bleed.
  10. Don't want to bring trouble on yourself? Then do not cut round objects on September 11th.
  11. You can not drink, dance, knit and sew.
  12. Do not wear red clothes, otherwise you will not pass grief.
  13. Those born on this day are hardworking and patient people.
  14. A lonely person who wants to meet his fate needs to go to church on September 11 and defend the entire service.

According to the folk calendar, this day is: Alexander the Sytnik, Sytnik, Svytnik, Alexander's Day. The patron saint of the day is Prince Alexander Nevsky. He not only took part in the battle on the ice, but was also a talented politician and diplomat. Thanks to him, relations with the Golden Horde stabilized, new cities and temples were built. Shortly before his death, Nevsky cut his hair as a monk and accepted the schema. In 1574 he was canonized as a saint.

On this day, the housewives cooked delicious barley porridge, baked muffins. Healers collected healing roots and spoke them, and ordinary people cut and harvested cranberries for the winter.

  1. Hedgehogs dug a mink at the edge of the forest - for a warm winter. If the animals dig minks in the thicket, then the winter months will be frosty and windy.
  2. Starry night - next year there will be a good harvest.
  3. Warm in the evening - for the winter harvest.
  4. Seeing starfall on September 12 is a bad sign. There will be crop failure, famine, war or epidemic.
  5. They do not greet the first guest - to bad luck.
  6. Washing bedding is a nightmare.
  7. It is impossible to install a fence on this day - you will be robbed.
  8. You don’t need to count a trifle before dinner - you will live in poverty.
  9. Do not start cats on this day - troubles are calling.
  10. If the salt is over - lack of money awaits you.

Peasants harvested vegetables on Kupriyan - all root crops, except for turnips. In some localities this day was called "crane veche". And all because people believed that cranes hold advice when they fly south. The favorite delicacy of these birds is the cranberry growing in the swampy area. It was strictly forbidden to go to the swamp on this day to collect it, as you can drown or go crazy.

A conspiracy from marsh passion

If you are going to go for cranberries, it is advisable to read a special conspiracy that will save you from everything bad.

  1. The cranes are chirping loudly - it will rain.
  2. Poultry ruffled - wait for bad weather.
  3. If cranes fly low, then the winter will be warm, high - cold.
  4. People born on September 13, lapis lazuli is suitable as a talisman

In the evening, on the eve of Semenov's Day, the fire was extinguished throughout the house, leaving only a burning lamp. In the morning, healers were invited, who gave the owners a new fire, obtained by friction, during which the conspiracy was read.

In Russia, from that day on, the time for weddings began, lasting until. On September 14, they organized a move to a new house and celebrated a housewarming party.

Conspiracy for gardeners

On this day, a conspiracy is read for people engaged in agriculture or working on the land. When reading, they bow on four sides.

  1. Wild geese have flown away - soon it will be very cold.
  2. Bread cannot be sown on Semyonov's day.
  3. If the weather is warm and dry, then the winter will be rainy.
  4. Windy weather - to rainy autumn.
  5. If you saddle a horse on this day, then the whole year it will be obedient and meek.
  6. Flies bite painfully - to bad weather.
  7. In order for the next year to be fruitful from the oven, you need to take a smoldering firebrand and fumigate a field or garden with it.

Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Mammoth, as well as his parents - mother Rufina and father Fedot. In the old days, Mammoth was considered the patron saint of goats and sheep. On September 15, special attention was paid to cattle:

  • change bedding;
  • they cleaned the barn;
  • insulated the roof and walls;
  • caulked the cracks.
  1. Clouds float low - to the cold and rain.
  2. A lot of dew in the morning and evening and windless weather - to heat.
  3. A clear day portends a warm autumn

They put things in order in Domna in the huts: the floors were washed with heather water and covered with rugs, old shoes and potato sacks were rinsed in the river, potato tops and all kinds of junk were burned in the garden. Although in some places, on the contrary, they brought old bast shoes to the house to protect themselves from the evil eye.

  1. If it starts to rain after lunch, it will last for a long time.
  2. Fog - to a good harvest.
  3. Fog under the old or new moon portends a fine day.

The Orthodox Church on this day remembers the holy martyr Babyla of Antioch, who died under the emperor Decius. This saint in Russia was considered the patron of the household. Men with pitchforks went to check haystacks and haylofts. They believed that if you move the pitchfork around, then all the evil spirits will scatter, and if you go out into the yard with a pitchfork in your hands, then all the demons will scatter and leave the person alone.

  1. If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, then the winter will be snowy and cold.
  2. Large ant heaps - for a harsh winter.
  3. If the Indian summer is rainy, the autumn will be dry.

On this day, kumoha, a fever, was driven out of the hut with a birch broom. Our ancestors believed that kumokha lives in the forest and is friends with the goblin. A person born on this day, folk rumor endowed with extraordinary qualities. They believed that kumokha could not harm him, because from birth he had magical power.

  1. Winter was judged on Zacharias and Elizabeth: if the leaves turned yellow early on the mountain ash, then there will be an early autumn and an early frosty winter.
  2. A large harvest of mountain ash - by a rainy autumn. If there are few mountain ash, then the autumn will be dry.
  3. On the bulbs of flowers and vegetables, a thin peel - for a warm winter.
  4. If on this day you take a steam bath with a birch broom, then you can expel any ailment from yourself.
  5. The day is good for divination.

On this day, it was considered a great sin to work. The peasants arranged secular brotherhoods, at which quarrels and disputes between relatives were sorted out. At these meetings, the warring relatives were supposed to reconcile, and the reconciliation was supposed to be celebrated.

On Michaelmas Day, the first morning frosts often occur. According to legend, it is the Archangel Michael who descends to earth and freezes out evil spirits.

  1. If, after Mikhailovsky frosts, frost appears on the trees, then the winter will be snowy.
  2. If aspen leaves lie on the ground inside out - to a warm winter, face up - to a cold one, and if this and that - the winter will be moderate.
  3. In the morning fog - to heat.
  4. On Michaelmas Day, you can’t go to the forest for blueberries, because you can meet the devil himself.

On this day, they finished harvesting onions and began to trade them. Housewives baked pies with onions and cooked onion porridge (salted crushed onions were mixed with kvass and sour cream). Girls wove onions into braids so that they were silk and tight. They believed that before September 20, you can’t eat onions of a new crop, otherwise they will dry out or rot.

  1. A lot of husks on onions - for a cold winter.
  2. If on this day a man enters the house last, then all family members will be healthy all year.
  3. On Bow Day, you can’t: borrow money, bread and water, commemorate the names of the dead, woo, brag, count money or stocks in the pantry, buy dolls for girls, otherwise they will be fruitless.

The Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of the Virgin on this day. In Russia, the veneration of the Mother of God was very developed, and special attention has always been paid to this holiday. The Harvest Festival fell on Malaya Prechistaya, they saw off the summer and greeted Mother Autumn with oatmeal bread, relatives came to the newlyweds, beekeepers removed bees for the winter.

  1. Cobwebs on plants - to heat.
  2. Red sky - to the wind and rain.
  3. Aspen leaves fall to the ground "face" up - to the cold winter.
  4. Frosty frost on the grass - to rain.
  5. Good weather on this day promises a good autumn.

This day is named in honor of the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos, the righteous Joachim and Anna, who are considered benefactors and helpers of women in childbirth and childless couples. On September 22, midwives were honored and young mothers were congratulated, ritual porridge was cooked “with the whole world”. The newlyweds baked a round cake, which they brought to the matchmakers and relatives.

  1. A lot of cobwebs - for a fine autumn and a cold winter.
  2. If snow fell on this day, then next year there will be a poor harvest.
  3. If you prepare firewood on September 22, then in winter it will be much warmer in the house.

September 23 is the autumnal equinox. According to legend, the sun goes to bed until spring. In Russia, the autumn equinox was celebrated as a great holiday. The peasants arranged a party, laid tables, which always included pies with different fillings: cabbage, meat, mushroom, lingonberry. Our ancestors turned to Peter and Paul with a request to help them survive the winter and live until the next spring.

  1. From this day on, you can tear the mountain ash, which becomes sweet on your name day.
  2. If there is a lot of mountain ash, the autumn will be rainy, and the winter will be frosty, if there are few, it will be dry.
  3. Windows were decorated with rowan clusters for the winter to protect themselves from all evil spirits.

It was noted that from this day rains and sleet begin. Hence the name of the day - Fedora - soak your tails. The peasants summed up the autumn labors, harvested the last bread and onions left on the vine, prepared the bees for winter, warmed the hives.

  1. All warmth ends with Fedora.
  2. Fedora autumn mud begins.
  3. Indian summer will not last until Fedorin's day.

Autumn comes into its own, the life of animals in the forest freezes, and snakes from the fields move to the forests. Knowledgeable people said that they crawl in a row through the groves in search of a place to winter. According to legend, they go to the underworld for the winter after the sleeping sun.

  1. Artamon sets the snake free for the last time, and then locks it up in the depths of the earth.
  2. To see a lot of snakes - to a harsh winter.
  3. Short twilight - to good weather, long - to bad weather.

Root crops were harvested on Cornelius. Cleaning tried to finish in the next few days. They turned to Saint Corinilius for help in this difficult matter. The main crop of this day was radish - an obligatory attribute of fasting days.

  1. Kornilov day in the yard - every root in its hole.
  2. With Cornelius, the root in the ground does not grow, but chills
  3. Whoever eats horseradish and radish rarely gets sick.

It is believed that on Vozdvizhenie, bears lie in dens, and also fall asleep all insects and animals falling into hibernation. On this day, you can not start important and significant things, otherwise everything will go to dust. In Russia, on Stavrov, they cut cabbage for a day, the season of girls' parties (kapustnikov) began, which lasted about two weeks.

  1. Whoever fasts on Exaltation, seven sins will be forgiven.
  2. On Exaltation Day, a good peasant has a cabbage pie.
  3. From the Exaltation, autumn is moving faster and faster towards winter.
  4. If on this day a snake bites a person, then she will not crawl away: she will remain frozen in the winter cold.
  5. On September 27, the goblin drives all the animals to a review, so you can’t go into the forest.

On Nikitin Day, poultry fattened over the summer was slaughtered for sale and for their own table, goose fights were held, and the last turnip was dug up in the gardens. By this time, wild geese are gathering in flocks to go to warmer climes. By their cry they judged the coming winter.

  1. Before Nikita, the goose is fat, after Nikita it is truant.
  2. Wild geese fly high - to a friendly flood, low - to low water.
  3. If migratory geese often land on the ground, and starlings are not in a hurry to fly away, then wait for a warm and dry autumn.

For a long time, this day has been associated with birds: according to tradition, on September 29, they caught tits, goldfinches and other birds so that they would spend the winter in a hut, brightening up the long winter evenings with their chirping. A bird was always served on the table, and after eating, they guessed from a bird's bone:

  • thin bones portend a warm winter and early spring;
  • thick and covered with fat - a harsh and protracted winter.
  1. Thunder on Lyudmila - to an evil, snowless winter.
  2. The warmer and drier the day, the later winter will come.
  3. The leaves on the trees turned yellow, but do not fall off - by the long autumn.

On September 30, the Orthodox Church remembers the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. These saints were especially revered in Russia. All women on this day were congratulated on the holiday and released from work. Women's name days were usually celebrated for three days. Special pretzels were baked for birthday girls. Women on this day cried for themselves and for their relatives and friends. Everyone was supposed to cry - both those who had something to grieve about, and those for whom everything in life turned out well.

Autumn creeps up slowly. Embraces nature with gentle embraces, envelops with deceptive warmth. And as a skilled artist, taking brushes with paints, he begins to paint the vegetation tired of the hot summer in unimaginably colorful colors. Nature in September will have to prepare for a long sleep. But there is still time to rise from the sweltering heat, delighting with light gilding and a late harvest. Summer does not want to give up its rights to the rainy season. And a temporary cold snap turns into summer warm days - Indian summer. And every day in September tells about the weather in winter, about the upcoming spring and even future harvests. It is not surprising that the people noticed signs of the weather for September by day.

Folk omens for September 1

In the folk calendar, the 1st day of September was called Andrey-teplyak or Fekla-beetroot. Teplyak is southern, which means a warm wind. It was this wind that carried heat and contributed to the early ripening of oats.

Father teplyak all covered in oats

Send the oats hastily - father south let the wind blow on the oats

The day was usually warm, which made it possible to carry out cleaning work.

The pre-autumn day is hotter than July

Teplyak holds on, bows after the departed summer

And Fyokla ordered the beets to be harvested, as it would rain very soon.

Dig beets on Thekla

Signs for the first of September are associated with weather and rains.

Lots of fog in autumn - lots of snow in winter

The moon hangs down in the sky with its horns - it will be cloudy and rainy for a long time

Folk signs and traditions on September 2

In the folk calendar, 2 September day bears the name of Samuel, Samoylin's day, and also beetroot.

For the peasants, the weather at the beginning of September was important, since the harvest was not over yet. Yes, and winter crops need to have time to get stronger before the cold weather. And they asked Samuel about the weather, who could help in this matter.

Since Samoylin's day, a fur coat stretches behind a caftan

To make it easier for the peasant to work in the field, rich tables were laid by the hostesses on September 2. Meanwhile, the girls were harvesting beets.

Beetroot girl - slave to all girls

It was the girls who had to do this hard work. And the lower they bowed, the more, according to signs, they preserved health and beauty.

If you like the beetroot, you will keep your beauty and ruddy face

Wormholes look north - to a warm winter

Mice from the fields run to the houses - to the fierce winter

Moles drag straw and spikelets into holes - be cold in winter

The mountain ash is strewn with berries - the rains in the autumn will be lingering and plentiful

Folk signs and traditions on September 3

Yasny Fadey promises another month of warmth

Flax is a blue-eyed and fair-haired girl who gave signs that it was time to harvest flax. But only good owners could see such signs. It was from this day that the harvesting of flax began.

Choose flax in the spit - the seed in the sheaves will still ripen

Mice built nests on flax - to the big snows

Nests of mice on the tops of bread for a cold winter and heavy rains

A lot of mountain ash has ripened - it will be rainy autumn

The birch turns yellow from the very top - autumn will be early, the foliage below turned yellow - by late autumn.

Chickens began to molt in early September - it will be a warm winter

Folk traditions and signs on September 4

In the folk calendar, September 4 is called Afanasyev's day, and also Agathon the beggar. The goblin raged against Agathon: he dragged and scattered straw, sheaves. Moreover, the goblin appeared in the most unpredictable and eccentric images. It was fashionable to recognize him by his clothes in the form of a woolen green sheepskin coat and a red sash.

They asked Saint Agathon for protection from the goblin. But the peasants themselves tried to protect their supplies. To do this, they went out into the night, putting on a sheepskin coat on the back side, tying a towel around their heads. They took a poker in their hands, with which they outlined a circle around the protected object. It was dangerous to go beyond such a circle.

A sunny day promised a few more weeks of warmth

An abundance of acorns - for a snowy winter

A lot of nuts in the absence of mushrooms - a fierce winter

Folk signs and traditions on September 5

The name of September 5 in the calendar is Loop-cowberry. By this day, not only oats and flax ripen, but also lingonberries with cranberries.

Luppa will hit the woman on the back - she bows to the ground with berries, the peasant will slap - he is in a hurry in the field

On Luppu you can expect the first morning frosts.

Did not collect oats before Luppa - you will swallow more tears

On St. Lupp frost peels oats

However, if this day was without frost, then there will be no frost until the end of September.

Frosts begin to hit on Luppa

Flax began to “peel”, that is, the seeds began to fly. Began harvesting lingonberries.

Lupe frosts sweeten lingonberries

Lingonberries are ripe - oats have reached

Cranes fly silently and low - to be bad weather

Cranes fly high - to a cold winter, low - to a warm one

Cranes flew in early September - wait for early winter

Folk traditions and signs on September 6

In the folk calendar, September 6 is called Eutychius the Quiet. The weather on this day is calm and quiet.

Eutychius is quiet - you will hold back the flaxseed

Daylight hours are noticeably shorter.

The dawn sits on the gatherings of heaven

Dawn in summer with sun and flowers, in autumn with spindle, spinning wheel and bottom

But such weather was deceptive, as it beckoned into the forest, into the very thicket. Leaving home is simply dangerous.

According to signs, it is fashionable to meet a magical red flower or fire.

They, rolling on the ground, lure a person into dangerous places.

Rain on Eutychius for a dry autumn and a good harvest

Folk traditions and signs for September 7

Many hurried to the forest for mushrooms, as the mushroom season was ending.

Titus dragging the last mushroom

But they were afraid to offend the old man Borovichka. According to legend, such a fairy tale hero lived under mushrooms and kept order in the forest so that mushroom pickers would not pick mushrooms inedible for humans in vain, so that branches would not be broken and garbage would not be thrown.

You can take any mushroom in your hands, but not everyone puts it in a box

It is necessary to keep an eye on the children, since Borovichok took the children away from negligent parents into the thicket.

Mushrooms collected after September 7 were not suitable for salting. The hostesses prepared various dishes with mushrooms: soups, hodgepodges, pies. But they hurried not only to the forest, but also to the field, as the threshing began.

Mushrooms are mushrooms, and threshing is behind the furnaces

Titus went to thresh

A lot of mushrooms have been born - there will be long frosts

The trees are cracking to the dry weather

After lunch it started to rain - it will continue for a long time

Crows often and abruptly croak - soon it will rain

Folk signs and traditions on September 8

If you don’t mow the oats, then you wind yourself up to tears

The first sheaf, according to tradition and signs for September 8, was brought into the house with songs and placed in a red corner. The guests were treated to oatmeal and pancakes.

Natalya brings an oatmeal pancake to the barn, and Adrian brings oatmeal in a pot

They also made porridge, oatmeal jelly and other dishes from fresh grain.

Oats on the table - full in the stomach

Fescue will succeed if the oats are crushed to a sour smell

The day was three hours shorter than the summer solstice.

Peter and Paul reduced the day for an hour, Elijah the Prophet dragged two, and Adrian and Natalia took three

Frosts on Adrianna - winter will be cold

A lot of mountain ash - there will be early frosts

Oak and birch hold a leaf - winter will be harsh

Folk traditions and signs on September 9

In the folk calendar, the name Anfisa, Kuksha-field ash, is found. By this day, the mountain ash ripened, and its collection began. A lot of folk rites and rituals are associated with the tree itself and berries, branches.

The berry itself was harvested by preparing jams, tinctures, or simply dried. It was then used to treat colds and other diseases.

In September, it is the only berry, and even that one is bitter mountain ash.

The leaves on the mountain ash turned yellow early - by early autumn and winter

Rowan blossomed in September - autumn will be warm and long

Rowan was born in the forest - it will be rainy autumn

The birds did not peck all the mountain ash - the winter will be warm

Folk traditions and signs on September 10

Day of Anna the Prophetess, the stacker, Savva and Moses.

On Anna, they tried to remove all the stacks from the fields before the onset of autumn bad weather.

A similar day to Anna - do not wait for winter soon

In the fields, work was completed, and preparations for folk fairs began. In the villages, holidays were held to mark the end of the harvest.

But it’s better not to plan matchmaking for September 10 - such an undertaking did not bode well. The day was associated with the drunkard Moses. He was asked to rid people of addictions. Signs for September 10 are also related to the weather and harvest.

The foliage turned yellow at the birch - hurry for mushrooms

Leaves flew clean from aspen and birch - the coming year to be fruitful and light

Thunder rumbles in September to a warm spring

Video: calendars - signs of September

Observant ancestors left us many signs for every day of September. From them, everyone will be able to find out what the weather will be like in the autumn-winter period, as well as bring good luck and prosperity to life.

The first month of autumn seems to be a period of withering for many, but in September there will be little reason to be sad. Gardeners and gardeners will have to actively work on the plots and harvest, beekeepers will prepare bees for wintering. City dwellers should not be discouraged either, because colorful September is a time for change and renewal. Site site experts offer to get acquainted with interesting signs for every day in order to be aware of upcoming weather changes. In addition, in September there will be many folk holidaysduring which you can attract prosperity and get rid of trouble.

September 1. Good weather the next day promises a pink sunset. A warm south wind blew - expect a good harvest of oats. In the sky, the clouds thinned and became transparent - the weather will be clear, but cold.

2 September. Around the moon, a red circle - to be a strong wind. On Samoilov's day, the men of God pray to give strength to complete the sowing and harvest. Fog in the evening promises a rainy day.

September 3rd. Good weather that day - it will be warm for another four weeks. Cranes are in no hurry to fly away - autumn will be warm. According to the sign, on this day you need to speak the harvested flax crop, so that later you can sew good-quality clothes.

4 September. On this day, according to popular belief, the goblin indulges on the threshing floor, so compressed bread must be guarded. In the old days, men went out on patrol at night, putting on outerwear inside out so that the evil spirits would not beguile. Leshy was given a treat so that he would give up his bad fun. The fish does not bite - to be strong and cold rain. There are many mushrooms in the forest - the fish will not fall for the bait for a long time.

September 5th. On this day, the weather is monitored in the morning: the absence of frosts suggests that September will be warm. According to the legend, on the day of the national holiday of Lupa Brusnichny, flax must be collected, otherwise it will cover it with frost and the owners will shed tears for the lost harvest. The early departure of the cranes that day foreshadowed a cold autumn and a harsh winter.

6 September. A quiet day on Eutychius promises good weather for the first month of autumn. The rain that passed that day in the morning promises clear weather and a rich grain harvest for the next year.

September 7th. Mushrooms were collected on Titus in order to have time to stock up for the winter. According to the sign, one who goes late into the forest will be left with nothing and will spend the winter in fasting. The abundance of mushrooms in the forests indicates severe frosts and late spring.

8 September. Freezes in the morning - it will be frosty autumn, and cold winter. Severe winter and autumn slush promises an abundance of mountain ash on the trees. On this day, berries were picked, and rowan twigs were hung over the entrance to the house to protect themselves from evil spirits. Branches were also hung under roofs to protect homes from fires and thieves.

9th of September. On this day, they looked at the harvest of acorns: if there are a lot of nuts, then the winter will be harsh. A snorting cat hiding in the house indicates an imminent lingering rain. Willows, from which all the foliage has flown off, can warn of imminent cold weather.

10 September. On this day, grooms did not go to the bride at home, so as not to invite trouble, and drunkards prayed and read conspiracies in order to get rid of a bad habit. The abundance of nuts indicates a snowy winter with frequent frosts.

September 26th. Harvest on Cornelius, do not be lazy, otherwise everything will be lost, the winter will be hungry. Hens drop their feathers and grow new ones - for a warm winter, and molting has gone from their heads - do not expect a mild winter.

September 27. On the Feast of the Exaltation, it is customary to fast and atone for sins. Whoever does not read the prayer, the devil will confuse him all winter. They prepare pies with cabbage and treat guests. The more people that enter the house that day, the greater the luck of the owners awaits. Cabbage pie will turn out sweet - and such a family life will go. If the hostess salts the cabbage, she will shed tears and scold her husband.