Why dream of graves along. Dream Interpretation: why the grave is dreaming. From Vanga's dream book

A collision with the paraphernalia of death encourages to think about life. These reflections are not unfounded even if you have to see something similar in a dream. In this regard, the place of burial, whatever it may be, is especially noteworthy. What the grave is dreaming of - one's own or someone else's, as well as various phenomena and actions with it - the dream book will tell.

How are such dreams interpreted?

Night visions with a resting place leave few people indifferent. And the fact that different impressions remain after them helps to correctly interpret the dream if the various images in it contradict each other. The fact is that sometimes there are many graves and actions with them in a dream, and each of them has its own meaning.

Because of this, the question arises, for example, why dream of an empty grave, if in the same dream you also have to see your own, - after all, the meanings of such images are different. The answer lies in one's own perception of dream images: the one that attracts a person's attention the most will just require interpretation.

Other people's graves

First of all, you need to know about the appearance and features of the burial places, since any detail of a dream can become decisive. For example, to find out why an empty grave is dreaming of, its location will help. If she is in the cemetery among others, then you will lose motivation and meaning in once important matters and hobbies.

If you just had to see her on the street or even more so in your own yard - you will have to be disappointed in people yourself and become a cause of disappointment to others. If the place with the grave without the deceased is unknown, then it can be empty to the oppressive loneliness that it happens to endure in the misunderstanding of others.

When a person has to see on the tombstone the date of birth and initials that fully correspond to his own, but the photo does not show him - soon, in an attempt to help him, someone will seriously suffer, having received a lot of trouble.

Other grave images and their interpretations include the following:

Your burial

Why dream of your own grave - the identity of the dreamer with her will tell. If a man dreams of her, then shocks await him, the ground for which will be prepared by his own actions in the business sphere. She promises a fiasco to a woman in personal relationships, which can kill her faith in her strength and attractiveness, and also inflame the seditious fire of suicidal thoughts in her.

The meaning of sleep with its resting place may also depend on upcoming events.

If you had to see your grave on the eve of an important family event, for example, the birth of a child, in the circle of loved ones you will have to appear in the role of a person who does not care about anything, having experienced devastating depression. If you get to see her before a long trip- to lose the comfort of home. If the image of such a burial comes before the completion of a long-delayed task, then a lot will have to be sacrificed, including peace and health, for the sake of something insignificant.

Actions and events

Of particular importance are not only static images, but also all kinds of actions and phenomena associated with burial places from dreams.

Among those:

  • Dig a grave in a dream- desperately trying to hide the bitter truth from your entourage or loved one. The discovery of this secret can either humiliate honor, causing irreparable harm to the reputation as a whole, or simply destroy relations with a dear person. If you have to dig it out in company with someone, then you will be able to avoid collapse only by entrusting your secrets to one of the trusted people. Digging a grave with bare hands is a futile attempt to hide something that no one but the dreamer cares about;
  • Digging a grave in a dream in order to extract the remains from it, - to the remembrance of the past, a return to disagreements with former enemies and thoughts that will bring nothing but self-flagellation. In addition, digging up a resting place in a dream means soon going in search of other people's secrets, which someone's actions can give rise to;
  • When in a dream it brings fall into a dug grave- in reality in the near future you should not wait for the help of even true friends. It portends, first of all, deceived hopes and loneliness in overcoming troubles. If at the same time it was dug out with one's own hand, one will have to face problems that will be caused either by one's own suspiciousness, or by a thirst to achieve the goal in a roundabout way and outright meanness;
  • If a guy sees a dream in which he someone forcibly drags and buries in the grave- in his life there are ill-wishers elevated to the ranks of friends. Such can be quite obvious scoundrels, from whom he naively expects something good only because of a blind faith in friendship. For a girl, such a dream event portends a lot of difficulties against the background of romantic relationships with unfamiliar people, as well as her carefree expectations;
  • rapidly deforming, for example, a tombstone growing with cracks right before our eyes is a harbinger of revealed lies, debunked ideals and lost values. All this is to be safely lost. The bitter truth will come to replace it, which can deprive people of old hobbies and companies. But despite the long loneliness, life will become better, and above all due to the acquisition of clear goals and true beliefs;
  • Self-destruction of the tombstone marks the advent of times in which all troubles will be the result of thoughtless, hasty and frankly extravagant decisions. At the same time, hidden motives and provocations can be seen in the actions of others, which in reality will not be. After such a dream, it is better to be guided not only by your own opinion, but also to listen to others;
  • See how the grave is being built,- to the failure to provide assistance to those who will need it. But no one will ask about her, preferring to remain silent about serious personal problems. You need to be attentive to your surroundings;
  • If in a dream other people surround the grave, while the dreamer tries to get through to her, but they don’t let him in - in reality he will have to face the innuendo or outright lies of someone from his environment. At the same time, there can be a lot of people lying or silent about something, and they probably make up almost the entire environment of the dreamer. However, it is likely that what they did not say or their deceit is only a manifestation of care, the purpose of which is to protect them from stress and prolonged depression due to the terrible truth;
  • Thrusting the cross into a fresh grave promises grandiose successes to be achieved by bringing grief to someone;
  • Hand crawling out of the grave, - to troubled times and the rejection of many personal plans. At the same time, anxiety will be unreasonable, since its causes will not be the external circumstances themselves, but the manner in which they are perceived. If a dead person rises from the grave earth, it means that people with whom relations in the past seemed broken will again make themselves felt;
  • Watching in a dream how the grave is being demolished, - to the destruction of the old foundations. If the remains are taken out of it, you will have to face intrigues behind your back, mainly in the business sphere.

An alarming sign is the grave, on which there are plants that cause an allergic reaction in the dreamer.

They indicate that you need to pay attention to your health and in no case should you neglect medical advice, even with a slight deterioration in well-being. If there is a lot of dry vegetation at the resting place, behind which the grave itself is not really visible, and it is torn or weeded, one will have to face problems that once seemed resolved.

Crypt or crypt

Such majestic structures as burial places also have a deep meaning. The main difference between the crypt is that the remains of the deceased are stored inside the building above the ground, and not below it, as is the case with the crypt, which is an entirely underground room.

Among the interpretations associated with such structures are the following:

These buildings may be dreamed of surrounded by graves. Such a visual composition suggests that you should not wait for the rapid onset of the foreshadowed events - the course of life will bring you to their shores very smoothly. On the one hand, this is good, since the events will not be something completely sudden, but will organically fit into the context of the surrounding reality. On the other hand, such an image from a dream also has a drawback - events that are excessively extended in time can develop so sluggishly and imperceptibly that the overall picture of the consequences that have occurred can only be seen after the fact.

After interpretation

Having become acquainted with the interpretation of dreams, the question remains of what to do next. For dreams with graves, this is especially true, since many of the events that they portend do not at all inspire optimism.

Whether it is necessary to accept what is prepared by the interpretation or whether it is worth trying to improve the situation depends on the degree of limitation in actions. For example, if a dream portends problems in important matters, but it will not be possible to postpone them without consequences - you need to change your approach in order to be able to discern all the tricks of competitors and ill-wishers.

The signs of dreams are based on the givenness that existed before awakening and after them, which means that the future can be influenced.

Attention, only TODAY!


I had a dream that in the parking lot near the place where we park our car, two fresh graves appeared. when I asked what is it? I was told that there is one grave of a friend who puts his car here .... the grave was instead of his car...

and the second, also instead of the car of another owner ....

but I’m still indignant, and I say that I won’t park the car next to the graves, and they offer me another place not far away, but they say that it still needs to be cleared and paved ..

What does it mean?


Dear Mr. Filatov! I appeal to you with a request to explain the dream that haunts my husband for a month. He dreams of an inscription on a tombstone with his full name, date of birth and death. Date of death - 2008. My husband is a completely healthy, young and active person, but this dream "knocked him out of the rut." Is there an explanation for this? I would be grateful for an answer.


Apparently, this dream has not so much an external meaning (death in the real world), as an internal one. The ego (consciousness) in a dream identifies itself with the physical body, therefore, everything that is considered threatening to it (Eg’u) appears in the form of frightening objects or damage or even death (see Dreams with the dreamer’s death, sleep I die in a dream). Perhaps the explanation of the dream is quite prosaic. Your husband, as a young and active person, unconsciously planned that by 2008 he would achieve complete prosperity. Apparently, this is what he is striving for (“I will do all the work and I will only reap the fruits”). And the basic psyche warns: if employment is taken away from you and placed on everything ready, then you can "waste in inaction." In terms of sleep, this may be the very pictures that he describes to you.


Funny! I am 25 years old, and about three months ago I had the same dream. The room where I currently live. Tombstone in the corner. I go and read. There seem to be a lot of surnames. I search and find mine. On the contrary, the date of death is July 7, 2001. (date of birth 1.07) There is very little left to wait, so we'll check it out. I promise to come in and console your husband in the event that I remain alive (as if not to forget). By the way, there were two more dreams hinting at my imminent death. Between the second and third, she buried a close relative. I think the last fact is more of a coincidence.


Most likely, the author of the 1st dream did not see my remark. But I think my case will be of interest to everyone who had such dreams. As you probably already guessed, I survived. July 7th was a day of rest for me. A trip to the village, to the river, fishing, fish soup and other delights of a rural idyll. So my wish to you - do not escalate emotions from scratch. I can also offer my version of the interpretation of the date. It was my date of birth. July is the 7th month, hence 7, July. Does your husband have an 8 in his date of birth? In any case, I wish you good luck.


I often have lucid dreams. in such dreams I steal cars (they usually start up by themselves, I just have to think about it, without a key) !! and also in such dreams I can’t make a phone call (the numbers change, they connect in the wrong place ...) who knows why? to whom Have you had similar dreams?...


On a beautiful sunny day, my girlfriend and I get into the car and drive down a very straight highway. We have a great mood, problems, family, life - aside. There is an easy adventure ahead. (She asked me to go with her to the cemetery to find some grave she needed. She called me with her because the cemetery seems to be not far from my summer house and I have been there. Although I don’t have a summer house and no cemetery either). The highway is very straight and rests on the fence of the Church and the cemetery. Then we already wander around the cemetery and look for some kind of grave she needs. It seems to be considered old, but the crosses are all made of new black marble, although rickety. Around only graves, black crosses and no trees and bushes at all, only grass. We walk among the graves, but there is not a single inscription on them and we do not find anything. I propose to go to the church, which is located in the same fence with the cemetery and ask the priest, because he must know who is buried where. We return back to the churchyard past some buildings. I go into the church and see that the priest is talking to some women and we have to wait for him. The aisle where they talk is located slightly below the entrance level and several steps lead there. The whole church is permeated with sunlight, my friend is standing at the door and does not dare to enter, I call her and say that the priest will be released now and we will find out everything. This is where the dream ends.


Sleep has the meaning of searching for something lost. This is possible in the sense that the psyche, which is constantly in the process of individuation, eventually reconsiders its attitude towards something. So earlier the idea was “buried”, then you need to look for it in the cemetery, among the graves. It is likely that we are talking about the search for some shadow quality of personality [indicated by the figure of a friend]. It is for her, your shadow, that the time has come to find something, and without the help of your Ego [indicated by you], this cannot be done. Obviously, the fact of "the old cemetery, on which the crosses are all of new black marble, albeit rickety" is an interesting allusion to a slightly misunderstood understanding that your Ego's are subject to oblivion. You should think about this contradiction: why in the old cemetery (the image of the border of the unconscious) of your memory there are new crosses instead of the old ones. Well, the further development of the dream is very diplomatic, very much from the point of view of how the basic psyche makes Eg understand his failure in terms of resolving conceptual issues. The ego "does not find" a way to return the lost memory and the correct thought "arises" in it: the answer is not with the Eg, but with the regulating psychic center, which is always displayed in a dream by the Church (see 108. Note that all the attributes of the regulating the centers are clear: the father is sedate (Intuition, he is a guide), the light is bright (see awareness). in disgrace.


I used to often have a dream that I just can’t get out of my head, I can’t understand what it means.
I dreamed that I was coming to my dacha, and there everything was the same as before, only instead of neat beds there were graves, dark gravestones and I reacted quite calmly to this - I walked between them.
But I always woke up with an unpleasant feeling. This dream has nothing to do with me.
What does it mean?


The more I read, the more I am convinced that people have much more in common in dreams than they seem. I recently had something similar. I dreamed of a cemetery where for some reason I was going to live, I arranged some beds, made beds and all this was so calm, without unpleasant emotions. I don't know how to explain this dream. As far as I understand, graves are associated with something "buried", maybe some ideas or relationships. Attitude towards them - acc. attitude to the "burial" of these ideas and relationships. Although this kind of explanation is somehow not enough for me. But hardly anyone can say much more. Let's wait for Dr. Filatov's statements.


Willingly. If you read the meaning of sleep freshly plowed land, you will see that the dacha / vegetable garden / cultivated_land is a symbol of sexual life. Thus, to have graves at the dacha site is to receive a message that you have problems in the sexual sphere. Why in a dream, and not in reality? In fact, in reality you have such thoughts, but with your developed Ego’s you are very good at displacing them into the unconscious - that’s why they come at night in a symbolic form.


Had a terrible dream. I'm digging my mother's grave in the cemetery. I see coming to me
an employee and asks: “Who are you digging a grave for?” I answer: "Mom", and tomorrow
I will dig myself, because die"
I finished digging and went to the cemetery. But then I decided to go back to dig a grave
yourself next to your mother. But she couldn't find it. The priest comes up to me and
says: “Leave the cemetery, it’s already 12 at night. It's too late." I reply: "Not yet.
If I find it, I won’t leave.” And she went to look again. And then she woke up in horror.


You would like to get rid of some thought [I am digging a grave], but this can lead to psychotrauma [tomorrow I will dig for myself, because die] (read other dreams with death). The regulatory psychic center [priest, see dreams about churches] is trying to reason with you (intuition) [leave the cemetery, it’s already 12 at night - Late], but his voice is too weak and the Ego ignores him [I answer: “Until I find it, I won’t leave” ]. There is a conflict in your life, but if there is a priest (representative of self-regulation resources) in your dreams, then you can hope for a good outcome.


spring is still cold all around clay, graves are being dug on hearses there are coffins - very strange ones made of blue-gray metal and near any edge of the rivet, the dead are not visible in them when they are lowered into the grave, and the grave is very sick and they also throw the corpse of a strets in a white shroud there


In dreams, graves store thoughts or memories that have ceased to be in demand, have died. As well as psycho-traumatic events, separated from consciousness (ego-image) by a protective layer of the earth. Therefore, tearing up graves is a symbol of attempts to deal with what once happened again, and caring for / cleaning (like your mother’s) is a symbol of respect for what was strong, but gone. Sleep is good.


I want to tell my husband's dream. Let me briefly explain: in August, a friend of ours died. Today I dreamed of his grave, located in a completely deserted, abandoned place, on some kind of rock. There is a half-rotted wreath, no signs, but I know for sure that this is his grave. I attribute this to the fact that his mother reacted rather strangely to his death, as if she had turned the page. And this is what my husband dreamed about: he is sitting at a table with friends, including a deceased friend. Everyone is talking, joking, everything is as usual, except for one (further in the first person). I know that Roma is dead and I think: what if I tell him about it? Will he disappear or not? Then I think, now I will give him a hand, and for sure his hand will turn out to be incorporeal, as if I will shake the air. I extend my hand to him, he gives me his, and suddenly I feel that his hand is alive! Hot and completely human, then I realize that this is a dream, and I wake up with the thought of finding out what I shook in a dream. It turned out that I was lying on my back, and my hand was on my stomach over the blanket. But in the dream there was a complete illusion of shaking a living human hand.


The presence of a deceased friend in a dream is positive only if your friend was a mature person who fully realized himself in life. Based on the canvas of the dream, we can say that the husband managed to integrate with consciousness [I extend my hand to him, he gives me his, and suddenly I feel that his hand is alive! hot and completely human] those spiritual values ​​that before that were more associated with ideas about Romka. In other words, Romka was reborn that night.
In your psyche, Romka did not leave a noticeable trace [his grave, located in a completely deserted, abandoned place, on some rock, there is a half-rotten wreath, no signs, but I know for sure that this is his grave], hence the characteristic dream.


Thank you for the prompt decryption, Yaroslav! But I have questions about this. But what if Romka (by the way, what exactly did you call him, that's what everyone called him!) Was not a realized person? Despite his 29 years, he did not achieve anything serious in his life, but died from an “overdose”? In addition, his relationship with her husband was not easy (the husband condemned his lifestyle, and even himself). What do you mean he was reborn? THOSE. for her husband he was reborn? Or was it the husband who was reborn? P.S. Will my previous dreams be deciphered? (with hope)))


Then the husband’s dream can be supplemented with such a decoding. The question arises, what could attract him (the husband) to the person whose lifestyle he condemns? And even more so himself? Relations with whom were difficult? Psychoanalysis (in my person, of course) gives the answer: not the person himself, but the projection of his personal characteristics onto a suitable candidate and an attempt to change himself through changing this external person (condemnation, persuasion). Then this attempt is directed to the future and, of course, will not depend much on the death / life of the real object - that's why he shakes hands with him in a dream. This shows the need to continue contact with what Romka symbolizes. Rebirth, again, in the categories of the husband's psyche - the dream shows that Romkin's concept has not gone away in his soul and will continue to develop.
I won’t promise anything about the transcripts of previous dreams, but I’ll make a note to myself.


I noticed that hugging in a dream with a character that does not exist in reality always integrates into consciousness some psychic forces from the unconscious.

It seems to me that your husband’s psyche may simply lack spiritual contact with a deceased friend, and it is compensated by communication in a dream (perhaps the strength of the handshake, physical touch somehow indicates your husband’s need for friendly support).



Real WTO! This happens. You just need to realize that you are in a dream. Not that you are sleeping, but exactly that you are in a dream and can control it. Try it

I am sure that this is not a complete dream, most likely there was a rather unusual beginning, a feeling, but most likely you simply do not remember it. If you remember, write to me.


I often have dreams as if in continuation of the day's reflections and experiences. And there are those who dream as if for no reason at all and are very surprised by the appearance of forgotten characters, memories and strange details. This is one of those dreams. I leave the children in some kind of kindergarten, similar to the old Soviet one, in which I had the misfortune to spend almost three whole years of my life. I have to go to work and I myself am not very happy that I have to leave them there (more like my mother and me in childhood, everything is completely different with my children now and I don’t experience such sensations). This is repeated day after day (in a dream). One morning, the children run up to me and tell me that there is a ghost in this kindergarten, as the teachers explained to them. And it comes from a strange grave, which is located behind one of the windows of the garden. I am outraged that the teacher intimidates the children with horror stories and goes to the window. Outside the window is a view of a small courtyard, a closed space in which there is nothing but a single grave without any tombstone, cross or any other designation of who is buried there. Just a characteristic mound of earth, similar to those abandoned, ownerless graves that are often found in post-Soviet cemeteries. I'm going to go to the teacher and tell her everything I think about this. But I think that you shouldn’t frighten children with ghosts, but you need to find out in some way who is buried in this grave and decorate it accordingly with respect for the deceased person, so that everything is clear, understandable and does not drive gloomy thoughts. How this part ended, I do not remember. Next is the next episode. I'm in some kind of room, like an apartment, where someone shows me a plant in a tub. This is the so-called. poinsette (I have one in real life), a beautiful plant with bright red leaves like flowers, only grown to the size of a small tree. Some wonderful bird like a hummingbird lives on this tree, and they show me how this bird should be caught and fed with nectar. The impression of this procedure remains strange and twofold. They hold it with their wings clenched by hand, somehow unnaturally. Her beak does not open, its halves seem to have grown together. They show me that it must be lubricated with vegetable oil and immersed in a cup of nectar, then the nectar will somehow get into the bird through the lubricated beak, and otherwise it cannot eat. The nectar in the cup is similar in color to red wine, only thick and very fragrant, with such a heady sweet smell. Then another episode. I find myself on an indoor skating rink with my aunt. It is with great pleasure that I rush on the ice, like a real skater, getting some kind of physiological pleasure from sliding on steel runners on a shiny ice surface and even hear the characteristic sound with which the skates cut the ice, I feel a pleasant coolness. My aunt is sitting next to me on a bench and keeps calling me to her with a clear desire to gossip about something. I don’t want to leave the ice, but every now and then, out of politeness, I drive up to her and sit down on a bench. She keeps trying to complain to me about my parents, in particular about my dad (he's her brother, after all). Among other things, for some reason, she shows me a whole bunch of faxes that she sent to her daughter, in which she tearfully complains that she has to sell some of her things in order to pay for some needs of my dad that he does not have. money (nothing to do with reality, rather the opposite, the financial situation of my parents makes my aunt very obvious acute attacks of envy). I understand that this is nonsense and a lie, but for some reason I don’t tell her this directly, but I try to ask leading questions that, in theory, should expose this. Then I return to the ice and continue to skate. I notice that the ice is melting a little. Then the rink worker appears and announces that now they will let in the cold, because. the ice rink is defrosted. Everyone leaves the rink, and I decide to stay. Some kind of machine is turned on from which icy air is blown onto the skating rink, which is approaching like a transparent fog. The ice hardens and freezes right under my feet, I feel the touch of icy breath, which almost shackle my thoughts, but I continue to ride stubbornly, even faster and more intensely and feel how the muscles warm up and the body adapts to the cold, the blood runs faster and I ride again with pleasure. End of sleep. Having written all this down, I already understand what aspect of my life it refers to. It seems to me that some very deep layers of my early childhood and our family history emerge in it, connected with conflicts between my mother and father's family, the remnants of which are still smoldering today under the ashes of decent, pseudo-friendly relationships. All this made a depressing impression on me in childhood, and relations with relatives remain strange today. Outwardly, everything is friendly and calm, but behind the eyes, as it seems to me, the parties still hate each other. I have always noticed that many people who are completely unrelated to me by blood are actually more related than any relatives. Moreover, during my early childhood, against the background of all these conflicts, there were also two suicides, which I later learned from my mother, and which my father confirms, but which my father’s side of the family still hides (because they were members of that family). However, now only my aunt and my parents know about them, there is no one else left who knows. It is also curious that the next morning the parents called and casually uttered a story that that day an aunt called them and, as usual, complained about the lack of attention from her brother, they say, they did not congratulate her on some professional holiday (the day of someone which no one remembers). I pay attention to such coincidences.


Just before waking up, I remembered in a dream that

I really have such a poinsetta plant and I thought that

it, too, can probably be grown to such a size as the one that I saw in

dream, and for some reason this thought made me very happy.


Of course, a cemetery in a kindergarten indicates the zombifying context of such institutions, but although such things are dreamed of as if for no reason, one should still usually exclude some rhyming aspect of current reality. Children can be carriers of negative information from third parties. The poinsette and hummingbird are most likely related to your professional hobbies. Ballet sometimes seems to be something very far from human needs. Birds generally symbolize the consumer attitude to the social sphere. Ice skating represents superficial eroticism. Then some kind of machine turns on, and then a clear fog approaches, it blows cold. At the same time, the aunt says unpleasant things about her father (about men). The unconscious, most likely, wanted to draw your attention to the passive attitude to the facts of psychic vampirism in the erotic sphere.


Those. I, of course, bent a little.

But this is me from the fact that I generally have this definition - "vampirism"

I do not like. Is this taken from Meneghetti? I understand correctly. It's a pity,

not translated at all. But from what I managed to learn about his theory, I made for myself

the conclusion is that there are grains of truth in it, but not all truth, as in many other theories.

With all due respect to a professional, I cannot accept what is not digested. Yes, I agree that

people have harmful tendencies in relationships, there are destructive addictions and their elements.

But why is it vampirism? Vampirism involves some vampire villain and an unfortunate victim. In reality though

there are usually no right and wrong, there is no black and white, everyone contributes their share, everyone plays their role in these games

and suffer from this and those who depend and those on whom they depend. Of course, I felt everything in a relationship, but it never, never happened that

someone was "stealing my energy" or something remotely like that. And in the erotic sphere, in my opinion, there is more often an exchange than an unrequited return.

Even if a person gives something, in return he receives pleasure from bestowal, and this is already something, not nothing. And during that dream I

in general, no erotic relationship with anyone was close. Therefore, I wrote such a phrase in the previous remark. The truth was later, a few weeks later.

But if there was vampirism, then I honestly don't know who is the vampire and who is the victim.


It seems to me that a wonderful bird is your soul. Something is preventing your soul from eating and possibly flying. Sleep is trying to do just that—nourish your soul, perhaps thirsting for divine nectar. The very similarity of nectar with red wine - a symbol of the spirit, the divine - confirms my version. However, even in a dream there are obstacles - a fused beak. Those. in your life there is spiritual food that your soul needs, only you yourself are closed from it. What prevents it? Since the dreams that occurred on the same night are united by one theme, perhaps your first dream shows what is in the way. It seems to me that the ghost that comes to you is from that same past life when you yourself attended kindergarten. Those. unpleasant memories that could already be buried rise from the grave and again "catch up with gloomy thoughts." The ownerlessness of the grave (it is difficult for you to recognize yourself and that period of your life as your own, to accept it), the absence of a cross and a tombstone tell you that those experiences are not completed in you, they require completion, “registration with respect”. Why did I link the first and second parts of your dream, because they reflect very opposite elements. Those. the ghost rises from the ground, keeping you tied to the ground, not letting you fly, and the bird (its divinity suggests itself and its curiosity is a hummingbird) cannot eat so as to be strong. Your spiritual take-off is hindered by ghosts from the past rising from the earth. I recommend that you quickly forgive your past with its characters and forgive yourself in the past. I wish you all the best!


Thank you for your attention, Evgenia! Indeed I

in a similar way I myself perceive this bird and nectar, only

I find it difficult to determine what the obstacles and limitations themselves are

Everything is very intertwined, I don’t know what is a part of me and what is not. Specific grievances

I don’t have anyone or anything, I don’t know whom and for what to forgive.

Seeking. Thanks! And all the best to you too!


The dream was in color. I dreamed that I saw the grave of my own husband, a mound, sandy soil, inserted a lot of flowers (gladiolus) red, then began to doubt that my husband had died, in a dream she said that this could not be, could not believe, because she did not see him dead and the process of the funeral itself, then woke up from the doubts and bitterness of loss that overcame me in a dream. Age: 39 years old, female I don’t see the connection in this dream, I want to interpret it.


We ride on a bright motorcycle. Behind the wheel is my former boss. The purpose of the trip is the cemetery where my younger sister is buried (she died on May 1, 2001). We're moving at a wild pace. When cornering, the bike literally lays down. At the next turn, we don’t fit in and drive right into the grave. (It seemed strange to me that she was buried near the road, in fact it is not). The motorcycle crashes and the last thing I remember before I die is I scream MOMMY (perhaps only in my mind). Then - darkness. Some time passes and I hear some strange conversations. The bottom line is that I need to dress up in a wedding dress in which my sister was buried. I see my headstone. On the monument - me.


After the death of my father (I was 15 years old, and my father loved me very much), for 27 years I periodically dream of a church, a cemetery with living inhabitants of graves in varying degrees of decomposition, which only I see (but in reality I never saw), and the rest of the visitors cemeteries do not see them. The dead live in their graves, they are drawn to me, they suffer, and I experience wild horror, but I have to go further through the cemetery. This is the main plot of my dreams. Once I dreamed that someone made me dig up my grandmother’s grave, take out the decayed coffin, open it and said: “Make cutlets!” I started making them from my grandmother's decomposed body, and she just looked at me with a kind smile. I did this and cried in horror ... Once I dreamed that my friend’s mother was being buried, she was crying a lot, the coffin was in the church, there were a lot of people at the funeral, and I still saw transparent shadows of dead people under the dome and along the walls of the church and I said to my friend: "Don't cry, your mother is not dead, I see her, she is here, she just became different, transparent." I wake up in shock after these dreams and I can’t get out of them, that is, I woke up, I walk around the house, and the horror I feel lets go after 15 minutes and then, over the course of life, the brightness of the dream does not erase, and he himself is not forgotten ... I I am 42 years old, I am a business woman who is not registered with a neuropathologist or a psychiatrist, but I cannot influence my dreams ... though lately I have begun to have such terrible dreams less often. What's this?


the husband of his wife on the grave of the husband’s mother, instead of a monument, they saw a ribbon and coins. The husband wanted to take the coins for himself, but the wife did not allow him to put them on another grave. The husband did not agree at first, but then he did so. The age of the husband and wife is 40 years.


I had this dream before my divorce from my husband. I was on a train and I dreamed that I was standing near a grave in a cemetery, I saw a church, there were crosses on all sides of the grave, and I had crosses in my hands. After this dream, I divorced my husband, moved to another city, our 2 close friends died .. But I still worry, what does this mean?


I dream that we are a group of 6-7 people going to lie down in someone's grave. And there is nothing terrible and strange in this. Among all of them is my school friend, who often began to dream of me and whom I had not seen for a long time (??) As if before this massive burying in graves, I went into some vast hall (gym?), and there they wash the floors and this girlfriend is standing in the distance with someone, but I don’t say hello and start doing pirouettes (I graduated from the choreographic), which I turn out to be very virtuoso. After, we meet in a room where everyone takes off their coats, she asks me why I didn’t say hello to her? I say I didn't say hello because my boss (who I liked for a while) was there. But I waved my hand at you, she says, and I feel terribly embarrassed and even humiliated. After we get ready to pack, and the graves are located opposite each other. I'm starting to clear the top of the grave, and graves with a slab on top, not earth. I make some kind of elevation for the head, something like a pillow. Nearby is another grave, where an unfamiliar guy went to bed and we cheerfully exchange remarks, saying that it’s good that it’s not evening, you don’t have to spend the night on them. After that, I go to wash my hands and find a column (remember those with ice water). A guy comes towards me (unpleasant to me) and asks how to get somewhere. I am giving the wrong path, because faithful through "our" graves, and I left my cell phone in a conspicuous place there (cinema and the Germans !! I write, but I laugh myself :)))), I'm afraid I might steal it. They sell watermelons right there, one cut watermelon, bright red, but I know that it is unsweetened. Here the seller of watermelons begins to somehow strangely cut, as if chopping another watermelon with a blunt knife, and he is unripe, all white and small ... Hmm, such a strange dream. The most amazing thing is that after sleep there are no unpleasant emotions. As if laying down on someone's graves - a common thing. I remember the dream clearly .. The friend who began to dream of me was the first beauty at school, from a wealthy family, now her life is very well arranged. Children, a successful businessman husband, an apartment in an elite area, etc. etc. In my youth, I always wanted to be as beautiful, as successful, in a word I envied her and was in our relationship, to put it mildly, a non-leader. Now we do not see her, because. I left the country a long time ago. And about myself. I’m 30, I don’t have children (this is my sore subject, for 2 reasons: I have never gotten pregnant and my beloved is married: ((() Dreams with a friend are most likely dreams of regret about an unsettled life (she has children, I don’t) and about unfulfilled opportunities. How to interpret this dream???


I dreamed that I and a few other women should water the grave of my friend’s mother, pour four buckets of water on it, because the buried one wants to drink, the grave is very strange white and there are black granite stones on it. Then I went with one of these women (she had a cross around her neck) and asked her to tell me fortune. She told me that I recently lost or will lose someone. In a dream, I dreamed that I had lost my ex-mother-in-law. She is alive and well in real life.


Everything happened during the day, I was at the cemetery and chose my own grave. The graves for adults were small, like children's in real life, and children's in a dream were even smaller, like for kittens. I chose a grave for a long time, I was alone on the corner of the cemetery, and there was a store nearby, and I refused this grave so that people would not throw garbage on it, drunkards leaving the store would not urinate, etc. Then I still found something for myself, but that grave was in some darkened corner, I didn’t like it either. but I didn't seem to have a choice. And then we left the cemetery, and it was as if I no longer needed any grave ... I don’t know who I was with, but at that moment they were some acquaintances whom I don’t know in life ... Then I woke up I will not hide, I was seized with horror. But in a dream I was not afraid, it was just unpleasant and somehow sorry that I would have to die and lie in the grave. That is, there was a great regret and reluctance to do all this.


a huge field with tall wheat, very ripe and yellow, very hot, but the sun is not visible, the sky is pierced with white light, for some reason I am very warmly dressed in a skirt and a red sweater with long sleeves and tights. I am standing near the road, narrow and I would be rustic and look closely and see small gravestones made of white material and in a dream I understand that they are for children. I see my deceased friend, how he is standing near one just near the road and I understand. that this is the grave of my child and in a dream I want to go up to the grave, hug a friend sitting next to it with flowers from behind, hug and finally talk about us, I start moving, and he leaves, soaring into the sky. I'm 27, had a friend, died,


a huge field with tall wheat, very ripe and yellow, very hot, but the sun is not visible, the sky is pierced with white light, for some reason I am very warmly dressed in a skirt and a red sweater with long sleeves and tights. I am standing near the road, narrow and I would be rustic and look closely and see small gravestones made of white material and in a dream I understand that they are for children. I see my deceased friend, how he is standing near one just near the road and I understand. that this is the grave of my child and in a dream I want to go up to the grave, hug a friend sitting next to it with flowers from behind, hug and finally talk about us, I start moving, and he leaves, soaring into the sky. I was 27. I had a friend who died.


To begin with, the dream is colored, with sounds and smells. So it all begins that I am a puddle in a grave, get out of it and find myself on a piece of land with a sob house (I really know where this place is, I have been more than once) Shine the yellow moon, the night is deep. I start wandering and walk towards the house when I turn right (there should be a door to enter the house) There is a Zombie around the corner. Half decayed, in half-decomposed clothes, the colors of the clothes are bitingly green, brown. The zombie reaches out to me. I start to kill him, run into the depths of the site, there I again fall for him. The zombie reaches out to grab my neck. A bone is visible on the right leg, on the hands the long nails are all dirty. I get angry and run into the house, jump onto the veranda, open it in order to run inside the house, there he is again. The glass is covered with a thick layer of dust, one is broken. I try to turn on the light, it won't turn on. I run out of the house again I run to the site. The tropics are lined with fresh sawdust, I can clearly smell the aroma of fresh sawdust. I run to the site there again he is. I run away for a while and then find myself at the place where I got out of the pit. I go down into it, lie down and wake up. This dream was repeated for several years.


The house in which I lived is completely destroyed. I’m standing near the house. 3 graves are one of them. .When they drove a stake into the second grave, a bat mouse flew out from there and flew to the first entrance of the house. I caught it. She grabbed my face and bit it. my grave. When the grave opened, a stake struck my face and it rose along with this stake. I immediately woke up and could not understand where I was and what had happened at all.


I’m in a position now ... I got a little sick with a cold .. and now I have a dream that I’m walking, I’m walking and I came to a fenced area on which five graves stand evenly ... without signs, but I clearly understand whose they are ... among them there were 2 graves of already dead people, one I don’t remember whose then one is mine and one of my baby, why this nightmare?


In the morning I had a strange dream, although I think it was natural ... I have long been going to go to the cemetery to the graves of my grandmother and great-grandmother. I go every Saturday and Sunday. The third year already ... But, in general, I haven’t been for ten years already ... Today I dream that I did go. I came, I see that the grandmother’s grave has collapsed and from there the grandmother’s coffin is sticking out. New, which is typical. Upholstered in red fabric. Below, in the failure, the coffin of the great-grandmother is dimly seen. In reality, although the graves are nearby, they are not alone. I, trying to put things in order, gently push the coffin down and think that I need to bury the hole. There is a shovel, but there is no earth: there are other people's graves all around. If you dig your own, you will definitely dig up someone else's. I decide to remove a little bit of earth from a nearby grave. There, for some reason, is the grave of grandmother's neighbors. Moreover, in reality, the neighbor - Aleksan Palych had already died a long time ago, I was still a teenager; and the neighbor, his wife, Marya Vasilievna, was alive at least three years ago, when I last saw her. I begin to remove the earth: bury my grandmother's grave, and, of course, completely dig out the neighbor's. Aleksan Palych comes out of there, moreover, although he is dead, he is completely alive. And locks himself in the old apartment in the bathroom. The action, for some reason, continues to develop simultaneously in two places: in the cemetery and in the old apartment. I'm trying to persuade Aleksan Palych to return to the grave: they say, it's a mess; died - you need to lie in the grave, etc. He carries something unintelligible, similar to the cry of a drunkard, does not listen to me .. I say that he brings me a lot; that I didn’t want to do anything reprehensible: just to fix my grandmother’s grave, but I didn’t have such intentions to disturb him ... I feel deeply guilty at the same time ... At this time, it seems, I understand that now my great-grandmother will rise from the grave. Although I don’t see her yet.. I’m trying to somehow bury the dug graves… Suddenly I realize that my actions have launched an avalanche-like process: the dead are rising from the graves all over the northern part of the cemetery. On my PDA I see a map where the entire northern part of the cemetery is already in the power of the dead. And while I'm digging around, there's an island around me where they still can't penetrate. At this time, the southern part of the cemetery is poured with holy water by the forces of fire aviation so that the process does not spread there. However, these actions, it seems, are meaningless: anyway, the last days have come, and the process cannot be stopped ... More precisely, I have to do something, but I don’t know what and continue to dig ... After which I wake up ... I can’t call it a nightmare, so like panic, there was no horror. Rather, it clearly looks like a message from the subconscious ... Waking up, I googled and found out that the grave is dreaming when: “you are trying to deal with old grievances / psychotraumas. In dreams, they tend to be encapsulated in coffins, barrels, to be on islands, underground. Digging a grave means that you would like to get rid of some thought, but this can lead to psychological trauma. In principle, everything is so. And what to do, I still don’t know ... In general, I continue to dig ....

Family dream book

What is the dream of the Grave in modern times:

Grave - I dreamed of a grave that was just dug - then your loved one will make you suffer.

To see that you wandered near the graves - then you will be unhappy in marriage.

If you saw your own grave in a dream, then you and your family are in danger.

See also: why dream of relatives' funerals, why dream of an oak coffin, why dream of a cold dead man.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

What is the dream of the Grave for:

Grave - To see that they were digging a grave - then you will lose something due to your stupidity.

Why dream of seeing a grave that has been opened - then bad news awaits you.

Why dream of seeing a grave that was looked after - then you will conclude a profitable contract.

If in a dream you fell into the grave, then your life will change a lot.

If in a dream flowers grew over a fresh grave, then you will be happy.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

Why dream of a grave?

Grave - Dreamed of a grave - then all your hopes will collapse.

Also, after such a dream, there is a possibility of sudden death.

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

To see a grave in a dream:

Grave - I dreamed of an old grave - then you will outlive all your relatives and friends.

Why dream of seeing a fresh grave - then your relatives will make you suffer.

Why dream of seeing some kind of inscriptions on the graves - then problems await you that cannot be bypassed.

Worldly dream book

Why dream of a grave in a dream book:

Grave - Seeing a grave is a very unfavorable sign, especially when it comes to your own grave. So, to see your own grave in a dream means that soon fate will send you difficult trials, shocks that will change your future life not for the better.

To see that you saw several graves, then in real life you can expect a large number of troubles that will fall on your head, just like from a cornucopia, in general, a black streak has begun in your life. Alternatively, you can go to church - this will give you a chance to gain confidence and strength to deal with troubles.

I dreamed of a grave that was neglected or abandoned, then in real life you are in a difficult situation, experiencing confusion, longing and despair.

However, soon a person will appear in your life who can disperse the darkness and fear around you, and you will regain the meaning of life. You had a dream in which you are digging someone's grave, then in reality you are threatened with the loss of a person close to you.

A grave dug in a dream promises to receive unexpected bad news that will affect your life in the most dramatic way.

Dream interpretation of A. Pushkin

What is the dream of the Grave for? Dream interpretation:

Grave - A fresh grave was dreamed of, which means that someone's dishonorable act will cause you terrible suffering, or this dream portends danger threatening you. A dream about a grave most often promises trouble and illness. To see that you are walking among the graves, then such a dream leads to an unsuccessful marriage. And if you look into an empty grave, then this is the loss of loved ones. If you see a person in the grave, then this portends that in real life you are in danger. If you see your grave, then this dream is a harbinger of intrigues being prepared against you. The dream in which you are digging a grave is a sign that your opponents are ready to crush you, but if you manage to finish your work in a dream, then in reality you will defeat them.

If you see that the corpse for which the grave was dug has disappeared, then this is an unfavorable dream that promises bad news. Why dream of seeing that you are spending the night in a grave, this means the loss of friends, cooling in love relationships. An old, dilapidated grave means a dangerous illness and death. Seeing that you are reading the inscriptions on the graves means that you will have unpleasant chores.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Grave in a dream book:

Grave - Seeing a grave is a sign of guilt, news from afar. An empty grave in a dream portends loneliness or separation from a loved one. Looking into an empty grave means that you will suffer severe disappointment and loss. If you dreamed of a fresh grave, then you run the risk of suffering from the mistakes of others. If you come to this fresh grave, clouds are gathering over your head. Wandering among the graves can mean someone's approaching death, and for a young woman - an unsuccessful marriage.

Standing in a dream at your own grave portends the danger associated with the fact that your enemies intend to deal with you. Digging a grave in a dream is an indication that you yourself will be to blame for your troubles. But if you dug up the grave, then you have every reason to believe that you will be able to cope with the enemy. If at the same time the scene of action is illuminated by the sun, then evil will turn into good.

An old, abandoned grave in a dream indicates to you that you have forgotten your past, your ancestors and are not drawing proper conclusions from past mistakes. Seeing an open grave - a dream portends bad news. To be buried alive in a dream and not being able to get out of it - a dream portends disappointment, removal from business.

Seeing yourself dead in the grave - to wealth, depending on the thickness of the earth above you, i.e. the thicker the layer, the richer you will be.

A dream in which you see a familiar person in a grave, covered up to the neck with earth, predicts trouble for this person, and you lose property. For a woman, a dream in which the night overtook her in a cemetery and she was forced to go to bed in an open grave means that she will suffer deep disappointment associated with the death or betrayal of a loved one. She will be unhappy in love, and failure will haunt her.

Seeing old abandoned graves in a dream is a sign of deep sadness, despair and despondency. However, if you steadfastly endure life's trials, then fate will generously reward you. A dream in which you see yourself in a well-groomed cemetery promises good news from the one whose health you were worried about. It is possible that you will be given back something that was taken from you.

Dreaming about the Grave? See the next interpreter.

Lewis' dream book

Why is the Grave dreaming, for what reason:

A grave usually means the end of a deed, the end or "death" of something, rather than a literal death. The grave also means a matter that requires deep thought and reasoning before making any decision. Since the image of the grave is associated with the other world, it can be a symbol of the unconscious.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see the Grave in a dream?

Grave - Brief interpretation: ending; seriousness; go down underground.

Popular expression: dig your own grave; roll over in the grave; forgotten and abandoned; difficult situation.

Yes, the grave is definitely a place where you can be at peace: no phone calls, no faxes, no letters. The dream in which you saw yourself in the grave is frightening and confusing, but consider the grave as a symbol of rest. Who in your dream needs a long rest, and what does this person need to rest from?

The dream may also indicate that you should leave the situation or problem behind and move on; those. the problem must be buried.

Pay attention to what happens at the grave. Perhaps the dream indicates that a very difficult situation will soon arise in your life?

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is the Grave dreaming, what does it mean:

Grave - Digging a grave - to the intrigues of opponents, to losses through one's own fault; to see a fresh grave - to danger or suffering, news from afar; look into an empty grave - to the loss of loved ones; to see an open grave - to bad news; to be in a grave underground - to wealth. Walking among the graves - to an unsuccessful marriage; read the inscriptions - to unpleasant chores. Fall into the grave - to help someone in trouble. An old, dilapidated grave - to illness; well-groomed - to the benefit. If trees and flowers grow around the grave, light streams from it and a coffin appears - this promises happiness. Coming to a soldier's grave - to memories of someone's glorious past.

The grave also dreams of a variety of troubles. After such a dream, some danger should be expected. It is possible that a dishonest act of one of your relatives or friends will cause you suffering.

A dream about a grave can portend a serious illness.

Seeing your own grave in a dream is a harbinger of a shock, an unusual event that will change your fate, but not for the better.

If you dreamed of several graves, then this means that several adverse events await you ahead, with each of which you will lose confidence in yourself, and only God will restore your hope. An old steppe mound, possibly containing archaeological secrets, is dreamed of as an omen of new hopes. Gradually, these hopes will be firmly established in your heart and mind, and much will depend on their realization.

Lunar dream book

Seeing the Grave in a dream:

The grave is the collapse of everything. Danger of sudden death. Pluto.

When an image of one's grave appears in a dream, in most cases a person becomes curious about what his own grave is dreaming of. It is worth noting that the graves most often dream of illness and trouble, some kind of obstacles to achieving the goal.

What if you dream of your own grave?

If a person saw his own grave in a dream, then in real life he will experience some kind of shock or an extraordinary event will happen that will radically and negatively change his fate. If a person dreamed that he was buried alive, then this is a good dream that can symbolize well-being and prosperity. A person’s own grave seen in a dream is an omen that in reality attempts will be made to spoil all his plans. If a person dreams that he is digging his own grave, then this indicates that he will be in cramped circumstances.

In a dream, a person throws himself into the grave - a very bad sign. In fact, there is a high probability of ending up in jail. Extremely negative is a dream in which a person sees himself in a grave and realizes that he is dead. This is a sign that if he is put behind bars, then he has little chance of being released, and he will die in prison.

If in a dream a person stands near his own grave, then this is evidence of an approaching serious danger. This situation will arise due to enemies who crave revenge and reprisals. If a person sees himself in the grave, then this is a favorable sign. Such a dream portends the imminent acquisition of wealth. Moreover, its size depends on the amount of earth poured on top: the thicker, the more. Also, such a dream can be a symbol of gaining an inheritance in the near future or any other luck associated with money.

What portends?

But falling into a freshly dug grave symbolizes an interesting meeting with an unfamiliar person. From the meeting, you can learn some new and unexpected circumstances, due to which the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bordinary everyday things will change. If a person in a dream sees that his own grave is untidy, unkempt and abandoned, then this is a hint of inner emptiness, some confusion, blues and despair. However, an early and successful meeting with a good-natured and noble person will relieve this decadent state.

Sometimes a vision of oneself in one's grave is characterized by some unusual, extraordinary event in life, which, as a result, will negatively affect the course and decision of affairs. You should be more careful and attentive in your actions.

Thus, dreams in which a person sees his own grave have an ambiguous meaning. For a more accurate interpretation of such dreams, it is necessary to take a closer look at the details of the situation in which the action of the dream unfolds.

Why dream of a grave? It is believed that with such a dream, deceased relatives remind us of the need to visit their last shelter in the cemetery and commemorate. But many compilers of dream books do not agree with this interpretation and offer their own:

Explanatory dream book

Digging up someone else's grave - to death. To see a graveyard where loved ones are buried - to a lawsuit.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If the dream concerns the burial of a loved one, for example, the grave of a deceased mother or grandmother dreamed, then you are developing a chronic disease. They saw the grave of a loved one suffering from ailments - a bad sign. Such a dream can even hint at a fatal outcome.


To be buried alive in a dream - to wealth and abundance.

Small Velesov

According to this dream book, a grave in a dream portends news from distant places. It is in it - a good sign, it predicts sudden enrichment. Dig a hole yourself - incur financial damage through your own fault. The plundered last shelter dreams of bad news. To visit the grave of a friend - to the wedding.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Longo

If you dreamed that you were working as a gravedigger, this is a great sign. Seize the moment of good luck. Walking through the cemetery and falling into a recently dug hole - to learn something new and very important about neighbors and friends. The old crumbling churchyard dreams of reconciliation with the enemy. A mass grave dreams of rumors and deceit.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

This interpreter explains what the grave is dreaming of. If she is well-groomed, in flowers - to success with the opposite sex. Only a plundered, empty pit dreams of illness and failure. Even to see yourself buried is a profit, and it will be the greater, the higher the mound is poured. And the graves on the war memorial - to unfading glory.

Miller's dream book

You find in a dream a half-filled grave, and in it a familiar person. This dream portends danger to your friend. To look at your monument is to reveal a conspiracy that is being prepared against you. Digging a pit for burial in a dream means that in reality you have a tough opponent. But if you manage to complete your work without waking up, defeat your competitor.

A loved one will turn away from you if you see in a dream an empty grave with a corpse that has disappeared from it. It is a very bad sign to see a wedding in a cemetery near the graves in the slumber of the night. This means that one of the newlyweds will die as a result of the disaster.


Usually dreams about graves speak of possible misfortunes and illnesses. A girl walking around a cemetery is an unhappy marriage. Do you read in dreams the names and surnames of the buried, epitaphs? Trouble awaits you.

In a dream, to see your grave is a fatal change in fate. Dream warning: someone has just been buried. This portends danger, speaks of possible suffering. Overgrown graveyard - to search for the direction of the life path. A wise new acquaintance will help to discover it.


This dream book tells what the grave of a deceased relative or friend is dreaming of. A visit to such burial places is for marriage. Being in a hole yourself is a problem in business, at work.


If you bury someone, then you bury your abilities in the ground. Located in the pit itself - to the inheritance.


If a dream took you to a cemetery, it warns of possible financial troubles. Not a very good sign to dig yourself a burial hole or throw yourself into it. This is usually a sign of possible jail time.


Graves in a dream portend the imminent death of a loved one. This is a particularly bad symbol for the patient.

Muslim dream book

Is your dream about preparing a burial site? Soon you will start building a new house.

Interpreter Vanga

If night visions showed you your own grave, this dream is unfavorable. He talks about changes in life for the worse. Several burials - to a whole chain of unfortunate accidents.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Digging a burial hole in a cemetery means that you will soon find a soul mate. And to bury a coffin is to get rid of a chronic illness forever. Walking between the graves, the dream book interprets, to a break in relations, divorce.