What awaits the scales in the near future. General characteristics of the balance


Libra is a sign of harmony. And let the scales of your scales are not always in balance; even your indecision is not devoid of charm in the eyes of others, especially since any of your choices turns out to be successful in the end. You are the embodiment of romance, flirting, love and cheerfulness, and you willingly share all this with the people around you. Anyone who is fortunate enough to meet you immediately falls victim to your charm, and falls with great joy! After all, you come to this world to give love and warmth, but in your business you are a real pro. You strive to preserve peace and harmony at any cost, sometimes rejecting your own feelings for the sake of others. You should learn to say “No”, no matter how difficult it may be at first.


Anything, just do not deprive me of sweets! Do you recognize yourself? Despite the fact that Venus itself is behind your forms, do not allow your forms to become immense in the literal sense. Many Libras are allergic, so be sure to pay attention to this aspect, do not allow complications. In general, Libra strives for harmony not only in the outer, but also in the inner world and usually monitors health, but without fanaticism. Your most healthy foods and additives: seafood, carrots, cereals.


Your planet is Venus. Are there any other comments needed here? Already in the love sphere, you can definitely count on her complete patronage! As a rule, you have only one problem in your personal life: how to choose from a huge number of fans and boyfriends who are vying with each other to offer a hand, heart, cars and credit cards. So it’s not long to play and then stay alone! So we advise you, Libra, to be more careful and recognize in time with which of your many partners it is enough to go to the theater, and with whom you can purchase real estate together!

Work and career

Despite the external frivolity, you are very hardworking, executive and clearly feel the line between benevolence and familiarity, and this cannot but please the authorities, who, frankly, will forgive you for some mistakes for just your smile. And they, by the way, are sometimes found in your work.


You feel with all your soul that one in the field is not a warrior. Alone, you start to feel sad and yearning, but in society you open up completely, showing your best qualities. It is difficult to resist your charm, nevertheless, with some signs of the zodiac it is always more difficult for you, with some easier. With air signs - Libra, Aquarius and Gemini, you perfectly understand each other, but with water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) you will hardly be able to find common topics for conversation. With fiery Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, you can make an almost perfect union, and Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo are too mundane for you.


Who, if not Venus, the goddess of love, knows a lot about beautiful clothes? You always intuitively feel the vector of fashion, without becoming a victim of it. You skillfully emphasize the merits and hide the flaws. Victoria Beckham herself will envy your sense of style. And this is another undoubted advantage of yours. Unconditional and undeniable. Astrologers will award you the title "Most Stylish Sign of the Zodiac" forever!

Lucky numbers: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15. Time for success. Days of the week: Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Months: late January - early February, late May - early June, autumn. Years: 2011, 2014, 2018, 2021, 2025, 2028, 2032, 2035, 2039, 2042, 2046, 2049.

Unlucky periods. Days of the week: Tuesday, Sunday. Months: end of December - beginning of January, end of March - beginning of April, month before birthday. Years: 2009, 2010, 2016, 2017, 2023, 2024, 2030, 2031, 2037, 2038, 2044, 2045.

Power Items: images and figures of scales, books (any). Keep them close to where you spend a lot of time. Talisman stones: opal, lapis lazuli, coral.

Astropsychological portrait. Libra - connoisseurs of beauty, aesthetes, striving for the golden mean in everything. They adore people and hate the crowd. They are kind and sociable, and at the same time, they can be depressed for a long time. Smart and naive at the same time. Restless, mobile, but rarely in a hurry anywhere. They cannot stand rudeness, but they themselves can drop a harsh word in their hearts, although such behavior is only a mask that hides self-doubt, their rudeness is feigned, unreal; in fact, these people are good-natured.

The character of Libra is woven from contradictions, they always fluctuate, balance, rush from one extreme to another, from the side it seems that two completely different people are connected in them. Sometimes Libras themselves get confused in their beliefs.

In contacts, they are selective, but they always maintain relationships with the powerful. People with insufficiently high level of intelligence do not attract them.

Libra only blooms in an atmosphere of benevolence and approval. Disharmonious, stressful situations depress them and lead to illness. These people avoid conflicts, try to divert negative energy from themselves. During heated discussions, in most cases they take the side of the winner. The highest level of Libra is talented diplomats. There are also many politicians among them who can sit on two chairs at the same time or provoke two sides in order to benefit from this hostility. Despite their dislike of conflict, Libra loves to argue, and for any reason. In disputes, they feel like a fish in water, and the last word always remains with them.

Libras are often faced with conflicting situations. Life confronts them with choices that are very difficult for them to make. Libra's indecision sometimes goes beyond all boundaries. In choosing the right solution, they hesitate for a very long time, preferring to wait for the moment when the situation is resolved by itself. Libras can be seriously harmed by their coldness and detachment. Lack of positive emotions, stiffness can negatively affect their fate. The cosmic task of these people is to be sensitive and keep balance. Disharmony, imbalance, has the most negative effect on Libra. They need to know the essence of phenomena, to realize the cause-and-effect relationship. Chaos deprives Libra of this ability, and they cannot find harmony.

Their most serious drawback is their tendency to stereotypical thinking and adherence to principles from which they cannot retreat a single step.

Line of fate. Libra always fluctuates, tilts in one direction or another, so periods of happiness and well-being are replaced by periods of recession or disappointment. Well-being is achieved most often in the second half of life. By and large, fortune is favorable to Libra. They just need to realize this and learn to accept her gifts.

Health. Libra, as a rule, are physically and mentally healthy, but they need to be attentive to the kidneys, lumbar spine, not overeat or abuse alcohol. It is advisable to avoid stress, not to take on other people's problems that they are not able to solve. Recommended diet: rice, fish, eggs, herbs, mushrooms, milk, figs, citrus fruits. The best delicacy and medicine is watermelons. Food containing sugar and starch should not be consumed in large quantities - it disrupts the kidneys. It is undesirable for Libra to drink beer, it is better to drink elite wines.

Love, sex, marriage. Libra lacks depth of emotions, strength of feelings. They are not supporters of serious and long-term relationships. This sign, loving the beauty of relationships and at the same time rational. Libras are never in love with a particular person, they are in love with love itself. Therefore, they often prefer a beautiful face, figure or advantageous position of a partner to his inner depth and psychological compatibility. For Libra, external attributes are of great importance - a harmonious appearance, stylishly selected clothes, etc.

The first impression of the opposite sex is very important for Libra. Depending on the nature of this experience, Libra is divided into two types: the first chooses a partner and goes hand in hand with him throughout his life; the second is constantly changing partners, is in constant search for the ideal. Libra often hesitates between two partners, not knowing which one to choose. These people, especially men, prefer to sit on two chairs. Libra can have several romances at the same time at different stages of development, and they have time everywhere. Because of their softness, indecision, unwillingness to hurt another, they cannot say no, but will continue the relationship until the partner finally realizes that they do not love, and he himself breaks them up. However, the word "yes" is not easier for them.

Best partners for Libra are women from the signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Sagittarius. Compatibility with Aries, Taurus, Libra and Leo is average. With Scorpio and Cancer, the union is based on sex. There is no compatibility with Pisces, Capricorn and Virgo.

Best partners for Libra - men from the signs of Leo, Gemini and Aquarius. With Virgo, Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Libra, compatibility is average. With Aries and Sagittarius, the union is based on sex. There is no compatibility with Pisces and Capricorn.



The urge to be in time everywhere and everywhere this week can be a major cause of stress. Libras do not need to try to bring all their affairs to a perfect conclusion. The Libra weekly horoscope sign warns that he should try to avoid fuss and unnecessary worries. When the constellation begins to treat its duties without being too scrupulous, then everything will turn out much easier. Lengthy negotiations this week will yield long-awaited results. At the end of the month, Libra will receive the expected profit and will be able to spend finances on the purchase, which they have long dreamed of.


At the beginning of the week, women will need emotional companionship. Talking about important things in the company of friends or a loved one is what you need. A Libra woman should not try to keep secrets about painful issues with work colleagues whom they know little. Love horoscope believes that on Wednesday and Thursday, the second half will especially need a constellation society. If airy women decide to spend these days with their lover, they will not regret it. Love meetings will be filled with tenderness and care.

The horoscope recommends this week to devote time to arranging your home. Buying new wallpaper or decor details will transform your home. If Libra women are engaged in the arrangement of an apartment with a loved one, they will be able to spend time with the benefit of their love couple. The horoscope for today suggests that it is important for the constellation on Friday to try not to enter into conflict stories. When airy women try to maintain a friendly atmosphere at work and at home, they will feel better.

At the end of the week it is important for Women to pay attention to their parents. It is in the circle of loved ones that the constellation will be able to find the desired harmony and satisfaction. General cleaning at the weekend will allow the representatives of the element Air to put things in order in the house and their thoughts. Going to a psychologist on the weekend is an effective measure for those who are confused in their personal life and thoughts.


The stronger sex at the beginning of the week, according to the love horoscope, will have to take care of the family. The other half will be completely absorbed in work these days. A Libra man will have to make purchases on his own and cook dinner. Chatting with friends in the middle of the week will make Libra feel better. If the men agree to go fishing or watch football for the weekend, they will have a great time.

"Attention! In the middle of the week, according to the horoscope for the week, Libra men will have to find a person who is unfriendly to them. A person will appear among friends or colleagues who will try to substitute the zodiac sign, so you need to be prepared for anything. The horoscope believes that the analytical mind and ingenuity of men will allow them to cope with troubles. If men do not trust intimate secrets while at work, then they will be able to protect themselves. The stars advise men to remember that the tongue will be their main weapon these days. "

If the Libra thinks out for 2 weeks in advance what their leisure time will be for the weekend, then they will only benefit from this. The horoscope recommends that you try to spend this time with your family. A family visit to a restaurant or the decision to go camping is just what you need. Single men are encouraged to stay at home less as this month favors dating.


The other half needs Libra's attention. Throughout the week, it is important for the constellation to pamper a loved one with delicacies or pleasant emotions. The Libra love horoscope will be a good opportunity to sort out your personal life. Lonely signs are encouraged to think less about problems on the love front. The celestial bodies warn that an unobtrusive acquaintance with the opposite sex can occur in the most unpredictable place. A visit to a pharmacy or a store will end with a pleasant flirtation and a further date.

Feeling confident for the next week in the love sphere is not difficult if you first read the advice from the horoscope. Heavenly bodies recommend remembering:

Only those Libra who will be ready to show individual results will be able to make money these days. The horoscope advises the constellation not to criticize others and to keep their opinions to themselves. On Tuesday, you should prepare more carefully for business negotiations. According to the stars, it is on this day that Libra can count on concluding a lucrative contract and further profit. On Wednesday it will be useful, according to Pavel Globa, to spend finances on yourself. According to the astrologer, the representatives of the element Air have not pleased themselves with pleasant little things for a long time, so it's time to fix it.

If the Libra weekly horoscope is studied carefully, then they will learn how to properly manage their money. On Friday, it's important to devote time to your health. Going for a massage or going to the pool will make you feel better. It will be good for your health to arrange yourself fasting days... The horoscope believes that Libra is in recent times oily and sweet foods are abused. One day on kefir and cottage cheese will bring the body back to normal.

The financial horoscope for Libra will be a great opportunity to learn how to spend your funds correctly. If the constellation dreams of a trip, then you need to start saving money now. On Saturday, it is important to go with friends for a barbecue. Spending time in the fresh air will especially charge airy women with positive energy.

The next

According to the horoscope, for the next week Libra needs to prepare for the implementation of their plans. Already on Monday, it is important to draw up a list of things to do and plans for the coming days. The determination of aerial men and women will amaze those around them. Next Wednesday, the charisma of the zodiac sign will come in handy. All problem situations can be solved thanks to your charm. The horoscope for the next week warns lonely signs of a possible promising acquaintance. Communication will start on social networks or on a dating site.

In the case when the zodiac sign has had no luck in a specific matter for a long time, it is important for him to ask for help. Some Libra will decide to make the alignment on the Tarot cards, while others will go to a session with a psychologist. After the representatives of the element Air understand in which direction they need to act, it will become much easier for them.

Playing sports will help get rid of negativity and have a good time. The next weekend is worth some time for art. A visit to a museum or gallery will allow you to feel the peace of mind and enjoyment of what is happening. Listening to classical music is another option for relaxation.

Today, the independence of others can have a significant impact on the representatives of the sign. This is what will push Libra to non-standard behavior. Do not give in to your impulses, to predict the course of your actions and events in advance. Difficulties in communicating with people can arise, due to the originality and fairness of Libra.


Someone today will think that you have no opinion. This delusion, of course, it is. It's just that on this day, it will change as often as ever. Perhaps you will be satisfied with several proposed options at the same time. You should not make trips and travels, they can be remembered as frustration and disappointment.


It will be more useful for you to rest today. Only the rest should be the way you are used to seeing it. But even if you have to work, it is better to do something that will bring pleasure. Then work will not be work, it will just become a pleasant hobby, a hobby. Work done with desire yields excellent results.

On Monday, Libra's lot is to help others, especially those close to you. Libra may wake up with a desire to be aware of even the smallest events in the life of a person, to take care of him and take care of him. If this person has problems, Libra is able to patiently listen to him, play the role of a psychoanalyst and help with practical advice. The main thing is that the concern does not develop into an obsession - for this Libra on Monday needs to restrain his altruistic impulse a little.

On Tuesday, Libra will wear magnifying lenses in front of their eyes: they will tend to exaggerate everything - both good and bad! As a result, people and events in Libra will be divided according to the black and white principle: they can idealize something, and look for flaws in something. The latter also applies to those close to Libra, who have a chance to hear a lot of nagging from them. However, thanks to such "glasses" Libra on Tuesday is able to notice what is usually hidden from them. This will help them in any matters that require attention.

On Wednesday, Libra's thoughts are able to easily jump from one to another - their head will be crowded with ideas! This does not mean at all that all their thoughts will be valuable, but the Libra mind will be open and free from templates, which means that the probability of producing some very successful idea in their environment is great. The main thing is to be able to distinguish really worthwhile thoughts from the general mass. But just with this, as the stars of the horoscope promise, Libra may have problems.

On Thursday, the stars of the horoscope advise Libra not to set themselves any grandiose tasks. This is the day when they don't need to prove anything - neither to themselves nor to others. Some things have already been done, while others will wait. On Thursday, the stars advise Libra to take a temporary break, relax and unwind. And if they can't sit still, instead of big things, they should take on those that will take away a minimum of mental strength - for example, homework. Or at least break one big project into several easy steps.

It is possible that on Friday Libra will want to compete with someone! Healthy excitement in them can kindle anything, the main thing is that those around them understand: Libra is not worse than others. Do not resist this impulse - on Friday it can bring zest and element of play into your life. The main thing is that everything is in moderation, and the competition does not turn into Libra's proof of their superiority.

On Saturday, getting out of bed in the morning, Libra cannot even imagine what changes will occur in their life! This day may turn out to be a turning point: events promise to develop not as they expected, forcing Libra to make important decisions on the go. Unexpected news, business, new acquaintances - any event on Saturday has a chance to affect the fate of Libra, leaving a significant mark in their life. They should keep this in mind, no matter what they take on Saturday and whatever decisions they make.

On Sunday, Libra in business has every chance to feel like the master of the situation! They will control the situation, keeping all the strings in their hands. This will help them achieve their goals, but there is a catch in the Libra horoscope - the rigidity and intolerance to which their stars incline on this day. Libra on Sunday will not be inclined to listen to someone else's opinion, and in case of a threat to their plans, without hesitation, they will go to conflict. In order not to spoil relations with others, they should be flexible, remembering that in achieving a goal, not all means are good.