Travel horoscope for September Aquarius. Love horoscope for the sign of Aquarius for September. Horoscope of work and money

In September 2016, Aquarius will have to work hard to win their place in the sun. At this time, it is important not only to show maximum productivity, but also to control your emotionality. In general, in September, you can listen to your intuition, you can even give your mind some break. You will literally feel who is opposed to you, even if there are no external manifestations.

If you are self-employed, there may be an enemy among your employees. However, even if his search is not crowned with success, your efforts will not be wasted, you will be able to know a lot of new and interesting things about your team. If you are self-employed, it is important to observe the actions of management and do as they do. Take on faith their course of action and competence in many areas.

In love

In personal relationships, you can also trust your intuition to do as it tells you. Think about what you would really like to achieve in your relationship and focus on your desires. Don't be afraid to act as your heart tells you. If you already have a loved one, the horoscope predicts parting and separation. However, whatever is done is for the best. Let your feelings and emotions guide you if they are directed towards creation. Of course, if your heart tells you to do outright stupid things, keep your mind on. In general, the first month of autumn will allow you to achieve the desired results and fulfill all your plans.

Horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius indicates that this month you have to fulfill a number of commitments. You need to show a responsible attitude to the assigned work. To do this, be patient, exercise discipline in order to have time to complete a large amount of work. Pay special attention to the tasks assigned to you by your friends. If you do not complete their task, you will ruin the relationship with them for a long time and may even lose friendship. And since your friendship is most often based on common views and professional interests, in the person of friends you can lose both partners and future customers, or gain them. Horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius indicates that you can be very upset because of the illness or death of a friend. Your appearance and health may not be up to par this month. Since you buy clothes for yourself, driven by a sudden urge, but your taste does not always correspond to the moment, which is why your appearance does not correspond to the situation. Therefore, you should take someone with you when shopping for clothes who can hold back some of your "fashion" impulses. Also, you are not prone to regular visits to the doctor or hairdresser, which affects your appearance... You must remember the well-known expression that they are greeted by their clothes, but escorted by their minds.

Marriage horoscope

In the month of September, you Aquarius need not to lose spiritual closeness with your partner, so as not to increase the distance between the views and desires of each other. Understanding each other will attract you, make life together interesting. Achievement one of you will be honored and admirable, while the other will feel deep love and gratitude. Sexual intimacy at this time is not so important and plays a rather small role, it acts for a short time.

Health horoscope

In September, you Aquarius may experience diseases associated with impaired blood circulation, nervous disorders, spasms. At this time, eyes and heart may ache. The causes of these diseases can be physical and mental stress, overwork. Health disorders can cause sharp fluctuations in metabolism, blood pressure, lymph and blood composition. Weak circulation of lymph and blood can cause various phlebitis, varicose veins, spasms, convulsions. For prevention, you must follow a specific diet rich in vitamins, phosphorus and iron.

Horoscope for Aquarius-woman for September 2016: buried headlong into work, a huge heap of plans and work tenders and planning meetings, a woman of the air element can completely forget about love! However, in the first half of September, be sure to find time to stop, catch your breath and look around: what if someone is nearby who has long been trying to get your favor? Cheer up if in recent times there weren't so many dates, romantic surprises and persistent courtship - now is the hottest time for developing new, happy relationships!

The financial horoscope for the Aquarius woman for September 2016

Our most exact horoscope strongly advises Aquarius to move from dreams to concrete actions. Have you wanted to find additional funds for a long time? Find suitable telecommuting jobs. Have you dreamed of going on vacation somewhere to overseas resorts or mountains? Start procrastinating now. Still hesitant to buy a new plasma TV? It's about time, please! The stars promise you good luck in new endeavors, especially if you get down to business with enthusiasm, but without undue haste and fuss. Just don’t try to miss your lucky time lying on the couch reading a book! Books, of course, are good, but finances can take offense and will not come to you so easily, and dreams will remain beyond the brink of illusions! - says the horoscope for Aquarius-woman for September 2016

If earlier Aquarians felt insecure and lonely, then this month everything will change. However, everything will not be as cloudless as it might seem at first. Representatives of the sign will have to learn to solve problems as they come.

At the beginning of the month, you will have to experience some difficulties in your personal life. Perhaps some Aquarians will sever relationships with their former lovers. However, one should not assume that mental wounds in this case will heal quickly, and everything will go on without clouds in the future. More than once you will have to see this person among your friends and even communicate with him.

Personal happiness, according to astrologers, this month can be found in the most common situations. Often when the new lovers of Aquarius become their old acquaintances, good friends or partners. You should not strain the situation and try to drag out the moment of communication, it is best to sort things out at a quick pace.

Closer to mid-September, we should expect some pleasant surprises, perhaps gifts, maybe interesting proposals. During this period, Aquarius is not recommended to arrange joint trips with their soul mate. It is best to arrange a small vacation in your city or relax in the country.

The end of September will change the life of the representatives of the sign beyond recognition. Often it will seem to them that everything around them is a fairy tale. However, you should be careful even at such moments, because often the naivete and good nature of Aquarius can be used by ill-wishers and try to spoil their mood or spoil the relationship with a loved one.

Aquarius Woman September 2020 Love Horoscope

If the representatives of the sign have long wanted to break off relations with their husband or lover, then you should not do this in the first half of the month. Astrologers advise not to be hot-tempered and not to show your vulnerability. The second half of the month will bring new news to the life of an Aquarius woman and, possibly, affect their further behavior.

You should not expect fateful meetings at this time, because often the representatives of the sign can make mistakes in their choice and despair. However, do not be upset, because everything is in the hands of Aquarius, you only have to make a little effort.

Aquarius Man September 2020 Love Horoscope

This is a month of new sympathy and love for the Aquarius man. Often he will meet with his chosen one, not only in life, but also in dreams. One should be wary of mercantile people who are staring at their financial condition.

There is no need to ask too much of a loved one. More than once you will have to listen to him, give advice and even help in certain matters. You do not need to spare time for this, because very soon the fair sex will repay Aquarius with their warmth and care.

Towards the end of the month, a fleeting meeting with a stranger is possible. However, one should not always assume that it was accidental. Perhaps there is something else lurking in the heart of this person, and he has long wanted to tell about it.

Family Aquarius men should show their love and attention. You should not stay at work until nightfall every day, perhaps they will have some surprises in their house. In any case, you should not make decisions that you will soon have to regret.

In September 2016, Aquarius will have to act independently and, although he can count on support if he falls, nevertheless, he should show attention so as not to turn somewhere wrong. Because Aquarius will receive help only as a last resort, and even then, probably partial.

Horoscope for 2016 Aquarius says that the opportunities that appeared in September will not be new, although they may seem so at first. Simply, in due time, Aquarius did not use them for some reason, maybe they seemed uninteresting to him. In September 2016, Aquarius can do whatever he considers necessary, he will have enough time to complete.

Aquarius can change their tastes or preferences. And what previously delighted him may suddenly get bored. In September 2016, Aquarius will be attracted to novelty, and he may even go for something that he did not previously trust. At the same time, Aquarius can get seriously carried away, sometimes reaching fanaticism.

Favorable numbers of September - 3, 10, 12, 18, 20, 30.

Unfavorable days of September - 4, 7, 17, 19, 24, 29.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius

In September 2016, Aquarius will make a new acquaintance, which will develop into a serious relationship. Although at first Aquarius can only perceive this as a light flirtation. In September 2016, it is better for Aquarius not to make any loud statements, otherwise they will be ashamed of them later. Horoscope for 2016 Aquarius says that it will not be love at first sight, moreover, at first Aquarius may not like the future partner at all. Or he will not remember that he has already communicated with him and talked to him.

For an Aquarius in a long-term relationship, this month may not be easy. In September 2016, Aquarius will be able to keep their relationship in them only because of their rich experience. He will be able to predict in advance the reaction and actions of his second half.

In September 2016, Aquarius will need to take care of preserving his authority with the child. And if Aquarius does not immediately be able to find the necessary words, he can return a little later and do everything right. By the way, this is a good lesson for the kid.

Finance and Career Horoscope September 2016 Aquarius

In September 2016, Aquarius will show good organizational skills and will be able to rally people around him. These qualities will be very useful in various business endeavors. It's even better if Aquarius does it in the first two weeks of September. The horoscope for 2016 Aquarius says that in September you can count on career growth, getting a more significant position. Aquarius can be assigned to the newly created seat, although promotion could have been discussed earlier. This will create certain difficulties in terms of reorganization and will take some time to debug the process.

In September 2016, Aquarius will be ready for criticism. She can make him angry, and Aquarius will be able to solve the most difficult problems. At the same time, compliments can be counterproductive, as Aquarius will simply calm down and relax.

If in September 2016 Aquarius needs to sign some kind of agreement, then it is better for him to first enlist the authoritative support of a person who has influence on his interlocutor.

Health horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius

In September 2016, Aquarius may face some unexpected diseases, so they should not be treated with disdain. If you do not start adequate treatment, then Aquarius simply will not have time to recover in time.

Horoscope for 2016 Aquarius advises to pay attention to the eyes now. In September, they may become inflamed or some kind of imperceptible infection will appear.

Aquarius with a predisposition to heart disease should undergo a routine examination in the first two weeks of September.