The rebellious age. XVII century in the history of Russia What happened at the beginning of the 17th century

The more a person is able to respond to the historical and universal, the broader his nature, the richer his life and the more capable such a person is for progress and development.

F. M. Dostoevsky

The rebellious century is the name of the 17th century in russian history... Most often it is said that the name of the century is associated with a large number of uprisings and riots at that time. But this is only one side of the coin. The other side lies in the rebellious display of the church and social estates.


The reasons why the Age of Rebellion became possible:

  1. Increase in taxes. After the Troubles, the state tried by all means to attract money to the treasury.
  2. Strengthening serfdom and completing the process of enslaving the peasants.
  3. Wars. At this time there were wars within the country (Smoot), as well as confrontation mainly with Poland and Sweden. The people are tired of wars, which, as you know, drain society (demographically, financially).
  4. Church schism. Almost everything changed in the church order, so naturally ordinary people did not like it. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the authorities persecuted the Old Believers.

Popular uprisings

The 17th century is called "Rebellious" largely because of the popular movements (riots and uprisings), which arose with great regularity and differed in scope. In the Age of Rebellion, there were 6 major uprisings (one is called a peasant war) and a huge number of small uprisings that are impossible to count. The main popular movements of that era are shown in the table below.

Table: Popular movements in Buntashny, 17th century
Event and date Regions covered Effects
Salt riot. 1648 year. Moscow, Voronezh, Kursk, Kozlov The Cathedral Code of 1649 was adopted.
The rebels killed many boyars.
Urban uprisings of 1650 Novgorod and Pskov The uprising was suppressed by the tsarist army. Order has been restored.
Copper riot. 1662 year. Moscow The state stopped minting copper money.
Revolt of V.R.Us. 1666 year. Don The shooting of the rebels.
Razin's uprising. 1667-1671 Don, Volga region The uprising was suppressed by the tsarist army. Razin was executed.
Solovetsky uprising. 1667-1671 Solovetsky monastery Aggravation of contradictions between the church and the Old Believers. Persecution of Old Believers.

Please note - a regular army was used to suppress most of the uprisings. And not small units, but the most, that neither is, combat. It is believed that if there are 2-3 major riots per century, then there is a problem in the country. In the 17th century, there was 6 major unrest and more than a dozen minor ones, and they all happened in a little over 20 years (1648-1671), which speaks of the critical point of the people's patience, which was overcome at this time. Do not forget also that by the beginning of all these movements Russia had just overcome the Time of Troubles, which are also superimposed on the 17th century.

The popular demonstrations of the 17th century clearly show that the country needed changes. The old order had outlived itself, and something new was needed. As a result, at the beginning of the 18th century, the mood of Russian society and the desire of Peter 1 coincided - large-scale reforms began in Russia.

Rebellions Map

Map of popular uprisings in Russia in the 17th century.

International conflicts

One of the reasons for popular dissatisfaction with the government and the situation in the country was wars. Russia in the 17th century waged the following international wars:

  1. Russian-Swedish War (1656-1661)
  2. Russian-Turkish war (1677-1681)

Church in the 17th century

Separately, it should be noted that the Rebellious Age refers not only to folk performances, but also to church life... There, too, a serious crisis was brewing, culminating in a schism in the Church. It is also called Nikon's reform.

In fairness, it should be noted that the need for church reforms in Russia in the 17th century is objectively overdue. But the methods of their implementation left much to be desired. In a sense, Nikon was very similar to Peter 1. Nikon remade the Orthodox Church in the Greek way, and Peter remade Russia itself in the Dutch way. But the main thing that these people have in common is that they very easily broke with the past. And these breaks went with such an inflection that Russia recovered spiritually and physically for a very long time after Nikon and after Peter 1.

The rebellious century almost completely changed the Russian Church: customs, rituals, icons, books, and so on changed. Imagine how much it affected people. Even today, if the church decides to completely change its rituals, it will lead to popular unrest. In the 17th century, when people were more devout, this caused an inevitable and inevitable reaction from the population.

2nd millennium BC e. XIX century BC e. XVIII century BC e. XVII century BC e. XVI century BC e. XV century BC e. 1709 1708 1707 1706 ... Wikipedia

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Onuphrius, saint (17th century) see article Onuphrius (name of saints orthodox Church) … Biographical Dictionary

- ... Wikipedia

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- "The Age of Women" (XVIII century) by the Marquis de Pompadour. This term is often used in historical literature to characterize the 18th century. Despite the fact that the world was still ruled by men, women began to play a prominent role in the life of society ... Wikipedia


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The most complete reference table for key dates and events in the history of Russia in the 17th century. This table it is convenient to use for schoolchildren and applicants for self-study, in preparation for tests, exams and USE in history.

Main events of Russia 17th century

Hunger in Russia

The uprising of peasants and slaves led by Cotton

Foundation of Tomsk

The entry of the troops of False Dmitry I into the territory of Russia

Board of False Dmitry I

Patriarchate of Ignatius

The uprising in Moscow against the Poles. Murder of False Dmitry I

Peasant uprising led by I.I.Bolotnikov

Patriarchate of Hermogenes

oct. - Dec.

The siege of Moscow by the army of Bolotnikov. The defeat of Bolotnikov's troops in the Kolomenskoye area near Moscow

"Code" of Tsar Vasily IV Shuisky. Establishing a 15-year term for the search for runaway peasants

The capture of Tula by the troops of Vasily Shuisky. Bolotnikov's arrest (exiled to Kargopol, drowned)

The beginning of the campaign of False Dmitry II to Moscow. Creation of the "Tushino camp"

Siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by Polish troops

Siege of Smolensk by Polish troops

Polish-Swedish invasion of Russia

Flight of False Dmitry II to Kaluga

The overthrow of Tsar Vasily IV Shuisky

Treaty "Tushintsy" with the king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Sigismund III on the call to the Russian throne of the prince Vladislav

1617, 27 Feb.

Stolbovsky "eternal peace" with Sweden

Deulinskoe truce with the Commonwealth

Return from Polish captivity of Mikhail Fedorovich's father, Filaret. His elevation to the rank of Patriarch of Moscow (until 1633)

Foundation of Krasnoyarsk

Military reform. Formation of regular regiments and foreign regiments

Russian-Polish war

Foundation of Irkutsk

Kardis peace with Sweden

"Copper riot" in Moscow

Uprising in Siberia and Bashkiria

Post office in Russia

Church Cathedral. Condemnation of Patriarch Nikon, deprivation of his patriarchal dignity

Patriarchate of Josaph II

Andrusov truce with the Commonwealth. Return of Smolensk and Chernigov lands to Russia

Uprising in the Solovetsky Monastery ("Solovetsky sitting")

Peasant-Cossack uprising led by S. T. Razin (executed on April 26, 1671)

Patriarchate of Pitirim

Patriarchate of Joachim

War of Russia with Turkey and the Crimean Khanate

The reign of Fyodor Alekseevich

Introduction of household taxation (instead of taxation)

Bakhchisarai truce with Turkey and the Crimean Khanate

Abolition of parochialism (a system of feudal hierarchy that existed since the 15th century)

The burning in Pustozersk of the leaders of the church schism Avvakum, Epiphany and others.

The struggle for power between the Naryshkins and Miloslavsky boyar groups after the death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. Shooting riot.

Joint reign of brothers Ivan V and Peter I

The reign of Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna - regent under the young sovereigns

Creation of "amusing troops" by Peter I

"Eternal Peace" with the Commonwealth

Founding of the Hellenic-Greek (since 1701 Slavic-Greek-Latin) Academy in Moscow

Crimean campaigns of Russian troops under the command of Prince V.V. Golitsyn

Treaty of Nerchinsk with China. Establishment of the Russian-Chinese border along the Argun and Gorbitsa rivers

Patriarchate of Hadrian

The sole reign of Peter I (after the death of Tsar Ivan V)

"Great Embassy" of Peter I to Europe

Riot of the rifle regiments. Mass executions archers

Decree of Peter I on the prohibition of wearing a beard and the introduction of European clothing

Urban governance reform. Creation of the Burgmister Chamber

Disbandment of the streltsy army

Introduction of a new chronology (Julian calendar)

Peace Treaty of Constantinople with Turkey

Northern war between Russia and Sweden

The end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries was a turning point in the history of the Russian state. The restoration of the country after the Time of Troubles proceeded slowly and not always successfully, but by the end of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Russia had become a state of a completely new type. Changes in the economy, politics, and the situation of the peasants prepared society for the sharp and controversial reforms of Peter I. The entry of the Russian Empire into the world foreign policy arena was due to successful wars and the improvement of the industrial sphere. At the same time, there were large-scale changes in culture, spiritual and religious spheres.

  • - Peasant war within the Russian state led by the Cossack Stepan Razin. Description of hostilities, prerequisites, causes, goals, consequences, historical significance.
  • - During the Smolensk War, Russia tried to change the conditions of the Deulinsky truce, but it did not have enough strength to implement the plan. There was also a positive moment: Poland from now on abandoned plans to seize the Russian throne.
  • - Russia's failures in the Smolensk War, which was an attempt to regain the territories lost in the Time of Troubles, turned into an exaltation of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne and legalized Russia's right to independence.
  • - The article covers the problems of the Bakhchisarai Peace Treaty, concluded in 1681, following the results of the next Russian-Turkish war. At the same time, the issues raised concern not only the conditions of peace, but also its consequences.
  • - War with Sweden 1610-1617 became one of the most unsuccessful military campaigns in the history of pre-Petrine Russia, its result was the loss of access to the Baltic Sea.
  • - Under the terms of the armistice, the Rzeczpospolita received huge territories, Vladislav retained the title of "Russian Tsar", but the expansion to Russian lands was stopped.
  • - Historical events that were the prerequisites for the beginning of peace negotiations between the Russian kingdom and Sweden. Description of the meeting of representatives of the powers in the village of Stolbovo and the signing of a peace agreement. Terms of the contract and its meaning for both parties.
  • - "Time of Troubles" and the policy of the first Romanovs in personalities. Outstanding political, spiritual and military figures of the 17th century and their role in building the new Russian state.
  • - The 17th century was the time of the formation of estates in the Russian state. A hierarchical system was formed, including the clergy. The role of the influence of the church on the state is growing. The first attempts to limit spiritual power and subjugate secular power took shape.
  • - Characteristics of all classes of Russian society, which were formed by the beginning of the seventeenth century. What responsibilities and rights did each category have? The degree of responsibility of the boyars as the highest nobility of society.
  • - Stratification of Russian society in the 17th century. was typical for the feudal state: the burden of paying taxes lay on the peasant class and partly on the posad, and all power was concentrated with the feudal lords.
  • - The Siberian raid of Yermak and the subsequent events became the beginning of an important stage in the formation of a huge world empire. The brilliant victories of Yermak's squad and her tragic fate opened new page history of the Fatherland.
  • - In the "rebellious age" the government new Russia tried to prevent the emergence of another "Time of Troubles" by organizing new taxes and increased control over the population.
  • - Russia has long needed serious changes. In part, the country was ready for the emergence of a young, proactive and active leader. With the coming of Peter I to power, reforms were carried out that affected almost all spheres of life. The monarchy was replaced by absolutism.
  • - Culture and art in the 17th century are becoming more secular, moving away from religion and the church, the clergy to the last try to resist this trend.
  • - Truce of the end of the XVII-XVIII centuries, concluded by Russia with the countries participating in the conflicts: Turkey, Sweden, Persia and Prussia. Names and dates of signing official peace documents, terms of agreements, territorial changes of the Russian Empire.
  • - The Time of Troubles greatly affected the development of the state's economy. The primitive technique did not allow much land to be developed. The relationship with the outside world remained undeveloped. There was a process of accumulating resources, both monetary and natural.
  • - The social division of society into estates in the 17th century is displayed. This is the time when they tried to inculcate the foundations of the Western European estate system into Russian life. The main task of dividing Russian society into estates was undoubtedly the strengthening of feudal - serf relations.
  • - Russia on the world stage in the period 1630-1690s. Military conflicts, their causes and results, signed documents on the armistice. Schematic representation of Peter's reforms, their characteristics, goals and consequences. State Collegia established by Peter and their competences.
  • - Description of the reasons for the discontent of the people in the middle of the 17th century. Information about the major uprisings that took place in the period from 1648 to 1676. An indication of the place of action, the course of events and their final result.
  • - The development of Western Europe in relation to the evolution of Russia in the 17th century gave rise to the latter consciousness of the need for great changes. The introduction of European achievements in Russia preceded the dashing "Peter's era".
  • - In the middle of the 17th century, there was a split in the church. The reason was the opposition of different points of view on old things. Nikon and Avvakum acted in different ways, but this was equally harmful to the state. What became the cornerstone and how did it affect Russia?
  • - Patriarchal relations in families before the Christian and Christian eras, the main features, pros and cons of patriarchal families, patriarchy of the 21st century and its difference from the families of the ancient Russian state of the 9th-13th centuries.
  • - The basis of the economy of the monasteries was land ownership. Orthodoxy in the 17th century remained the main religious and spiritual basis of the life of society, and the church was the most important institution of feudal society. She determined different aspects of life, ranging from state ideology and ending with family life.
  • - Supporters of Patriarch Nikon believed that church services should be conducted according to the Greek originals, while the other side, led by Archpriest Avvakum, supported the ancient Russian church books. The reforms of Patriarch Nikon led to a split in the church. The fight against the Old Believers still did not lead to large-scale religious wars.
  • - In the middle of the 17th century, Russia entered a protracted war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for the annexation of Ukraine. At this time on ukrainian lands Polish magnates and gentry began to settle. Taxes and duties grew, civilians and the Cossacks were oppressed. As a result, the Cossacks submitted a letter to the Russian sovereign asking to transfer to Russian citizenship.
  • - The main task of the 1649 cathedral code was the structuring and amendment, and sometimes the replacement of previously existing legislative acts. We are talking about the status of the peasants, who occupied the lowest rung of the legal ladder, and the townspeople - one might say the new class, which was consolidated on a feudal basis.
  • - In the second half of the 17th century, the principle of estate-representative monarchy became obsolete in Russia, and absolutism developed. This led to the loss of the influence of the Zemsky Sobors and the Boyar Duma, as well as the subordination of the church to the state.
  • - In the 17th century, traders became travelers, service people who explored Siberia and the Far East in search of new economic opportunities, ambassadors going on diplomatic missions to other countries.
  • - Orders played the role of a connecting basis of statehood in difficult periods of Russian history. The system of command management of the 17th century created the preconditions for the successful development of the country in subsequent centuries.
  • - One of the most important events of the 17th century was the war waged by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with the Commonwealth. Its result was a peace treaty, according to which the original Russian lands, including the entire Left Bank, were transferred to Russia. This happened on the basis of the Andrusovo truce. What other agreements marked that era?
  • - The era of the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov is associated with the strengthening of the power of the Zemsky Sobors and the introduction of a voivodship method of government. Began its inception russian army... There was also an external enemy, which became the Rzeczpospolita. Information about the personality and role in the history of Tsar Filaret.