Mass execution without trial in Chechnya. The Kremlin "took note" of the media information about the mass execution in Chechnya

For many years " New Newspaper»Regularly published information about the massacres in Chechnya. The motives for the persecution of the inhabitants of the republic were very different. In early April, Novaya Gazeta published facts testifying to the massive persecution, torture and murder of residents of Chechnya on the basis of their homosexual orientation ...

After December 17 last year, mass detentions of people began in Chechnya. In early January, special operations were carried out in the Grozny, Kurchaloy and Shali districts of Chechnya, during which mass arrests took place. The detainees, however, were not formalized in any way, they were not charged, but instead were placed in basements and back rooms of police departments. The detentions continued until the end of January; in total, according to the newspaper, about 200 people were detained.

Novaya Gazeta carefully monitored these events and repeatedly wrote about the fate of the detainees. So, on January 12, we published the names of those detained after a special operation in the Kurchaloyevsky district. Some of the people on this list were “legalized” only on February 20. This means that they were formally arrested only a month and a half after the actual detention. These people were formally charged with illegal arms trafficking (Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), units were added 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (participation in an illegal armed group).

We believe that during a month and a half of illegal detention, confessions were obtained from these people under pressure, which are often the only evidence of guilt in Chechnya. It is easy to be convinced of this by raising criminal cases, which are now being investigated by the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Chechnya ...

In the course of the journalistic investigation, we were able to obtain from a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Chechnya a list of residents detained in January. We were also able to correlate the detainees with the following settlements in Chechnya:

Shawls (28 people),
Kurchaloy (9 people),
Tsotsi-Yurt (11 people),
Mayrtup (6 people),
Germenchuk (3 people),
Komsomolskoe (1 person),
Avtury (2 people),
Staraya Sunzha (4 people),
Serzhen-Yurt (2 persons),
Belgatoy (1 person).

Comparing this document with the list of the alleged killed, transmitted to the TFR by Novaya Gazeta, we found out the fate of 21 more people who were detained and subsequently, according to our information, killed. The largest number of arrests was in Shaly; we managed to establish the addresses of the residents of Shaly from the list. But all attempts to find out something about the fate of these people ran into the incredible fear of our interlocutors. One of them, an employee of the Shalei city administration, panickedly refused to get acquainted with the names of the Shalins who had been identified by us and said:

“Everyone who was detained in Shaly in January is no longer there. Don't look. "

At the moment, we already know about 27 allegedly killed (see the list of Novaya Gazeta at the end of the article), although, according to our information, we are talking about 56 residents of Chechnya. All these people were detained at different times (we managed to establish the dates of the arrest of thirteen detainees - January 9, 10, 21, 24). However, according to our information, all these people have the same date of death. Night from 25 to 26 January.

That night, all the detainees were held in Grozny on the territory of the deployment of the patrol and guard service of the police named after Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, which is headed by Police Colonel Aslan Iraskhanov. At this time, on the territory of the PPSP them. A. Kadyrova, according to the testimony of a relative of one of the victims, an influential Chechen official who managed to find out the circumstances of the disappearance of the detainees, were

First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic Apti Alaudinov,
commander of the SOBR "Terek", head of the personal security of the head of Chechnya Abuzeid Vismuradov (nickname "Patriot"),
commander of the PPSP them. A. Kadyrova Aslan Iraskhanov
and the chiefs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Chechnya of those regions in which the detainees were registered.

According to the information we have, those detained that night were shot and taken to various cemeteries, including Christian ones, and buried in hastily dug graves (some burial places are known to Novaya Gazeta).

A careful study of the lists of detainees leads to the conclusion that the decision to carry out an extrajudicial execution was made centrally and, oddly enough, spontaneously. However, this is how key decisions are made in today's Chechnya ...

Let's emphasize. Despite the fact that our information was confirmed by two sources (in the investigation department of the Investigative Committee for Chechnya and in the administration of the head of Chechnya), we cannot say that on the night of January 25-26, an extrajudicial execution, unprecedented in its scale even for Chechnya, took place in Chechnya.

But we can insist on the initiation of a criminal case, within the framework of which it is not so difficult to verify these facts. First, we gave the Investigative Committee of Russia more than enough facts about the personal data of the victims. Secondly, exhumation and posthumous forensic medical examination of corpses is quite capable of revealing traces of bullet wounds - they remain on the bone remains forever ...

With our repeated and now public appeals to the Investigative Committee of Russia, we are trying to convey to the country's leadership and the investigation evidence that leaves little doubt about the existence of an active practice of extrajudicial executions in Chechnya. We are sure that it was the long-term connivance of this practice that made possible the massive persecution of gays in Chechnya. And if this practice is finally not harshly stopped, next time we will face an even more defiant crime than killing people just because someone found their sexual orientation unacceptable.

We publish these facts because the state, represented by authorized law enforcement agencies, has left us no choice. For two months we hoped for a cooperation that was effective at the very beginning. Today it is already obvious that the Investigative Committee of Russia is giving up its positions on this situation exactly as it passed them in the case of the murder of Boris Nemtsov. That is why we are publishing a list of those who, according to our information, became victims of the most terrible extrajudicial execution in Grozny. And now the investigation, which refers to the absence of living applicants, will have to deal with special witnesses.

Because only the dead in Chechnya have nothing more to fear.

List of "Novaya Gazeta"

Abdulmezhidov Adam Isaevich, born May 27, 1987
Abumuslimov Apti Khasanovich, born 02/06/1989, Shali, Shkolnaya street, 16.
Abdulkerimov Sayd-Ramzan Ramzanovich, born on March 25, 1990, registered at the village of Kurchaloy, Dokhtukaev Street, 18.
Alimkhanov Islam Alievich, born June 7, 1998
Abubakarov Adam Dzhabrailovich, born 05.05.1995
Bergaev Ismail Shadidovich born on August 19, 1998
Dasaev Adam Ilyasovich, born June 16, 1988, Shali.
Dzhabaev Zelimkhan Khizirovich, born December 18, 1993
Ilyasov Adam Khuseinovich, born September 22, 1997
Lugaev Rizvan Said-Khamzatovich, born September 13, 1987, Shali.
Malikov Rizvan Agdanovich, born on 01.06.1990
Muskiev Mokhma Turpalovich, born on July 19, 1988, registered at the village of Tsotsi-Yurt, Novaya Street, 10.
Muskhanov Temirlan Akhmadovich, born April 28, 1986 Shali, Chicherin street, 2.
Ozdiev Usman Vakhaevich, born on 24.12.1989, registered at the address: Shali, Groznenskaya street, 39.
Rashidov Doku Ibrahimovich, born May 30, 1995
Siriev Magomed Musaevich, born February 23, 1993
Ismail Ezer-Alievich Soltakhmanov, born on March 30, 1994, registered at the address: Mayrtup village, Nuradilov street.
Suleimanov Magomed Arbievich, born on 03.01.1987, Shali, Kavkaz village, house 8, apartment 4.
Tuchaev Akhmed Ramzanovich, born on February 23, 1987, Shali, Shkolnaya street, 30.
Khabuev Khamzat Slaudinovich 14.02. Born in 1993
Khakimov Alvi Aslambekovich, 16.11. Born in 1992
Khamidov Shamil Akhmedovich, born November 14, 1986
Tsikmaev Ayub Sultanovich, born on 02.04.1984, village Germenchuk, Molodezhnaya street.
Shapiev Muslim Isaevich, born on November 28, 1989, registered at the address: Shali, Kutuzov Street, 12.
Eskarbiev Saykhan Vakhamsoltovich, born May 23, 1992
Yusupov Sakhab Isaevich, born January 19, 1990
Yusupov Shamkhan Shaikhovich, born June 17, 1988, registered at the village of Kurchaloy, st. Soviet, 11.

Attention! The material contains images of strictly 18+

Update 18:00

Mass arrests in Chechnya after the state of emergency in the village of Naurskaya

According to the "Caucasian Knot", after the attack on military unit No. 3761, the relatives of the killed Chechens were detained. Detentions also took place in other settlements in Chechnya, in particular in Chernokozovo and Grozny.

A source in the power structures of the North Caucasian Military District did not confirm to Interfax the fact of mass arrests. Literally the source said that not a single person was detained.

However, Isa Minazov contacted Novaya Gazeta and said that around midnight on March 24, his nephew Rizvan Ramzanovich, born in 89, was detained in Grozny. Armed men in the uniform of security forces came to his apartment, where he, his wife and two small children (2.5 years and 11 months) live. There were people in civilian clothes with them. They did not introduce themselves, did not show either an arrest warrant or a search warrant. Rizvan Minazov was detained without explanation, his phone, computer, as well as the phone of his wife were illegally confiscated. To all the questions about what caused the arrival of the security forces, the officer in civilian clothes in the Chechen language said that "they will sort it out on the spot."

On the morning of March 25, Rizvan Minazov's wife turned to the local police officer, but the police officer did not know which security officials had detained Minazov and why and where he was.

Through contacts with law enforcement agencies, Minazov's relatives managed to find out that Rizvan was taken to the village of Naurskaya and that his detention could be related to an emergency that happened on the night of March 23-24 in military unit No. 3761.

Relatives of Rizvan Minazov plan to make official statements to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, Chairman of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin and to hotline Department of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a statement about the abduction and illegal detention of his relatives by unidentified Chechen security officials.

According to the official version, confirmed by the press service of the National Guard, on the night of March 23-24, six residents of the village of Naurskaya (identified) attacked military unit 3761. During the "shootout" the attackers were liquidated, six National Guard servicemen were killed, three were injured. However, the official version of the attack on the National Guard unit stationed in the village of Naurskaya raises serious doubts. Novaya Gazeta obtained unretouched photographs of Chechens allegedly killed in the course of the "clash". These photographs were taken at the scene by one of the members of the investigative-operational group. The photographs clearly show that all the "attackers" were killed in almost the same way - by a shot in the head.

Novaya Gazeta showed these pictures to forensic experts, criminologists and ballists. The interviewed specialists did not have any contradictions in their judgments about the nature and method of injury. Experts confirmed that the people in the photographs were shot almost point-blank; all of the killed had an entrance bullet hole located in the area of ​​the auricle.

Killed attacker

"Typical" Chinese execution ". So both sides fighting in the Chechen campaigns called the execution of prisoners of war

(by analogy with the public shootings in China, which are characterized by two signs: massiveness and the method of murder - the victim is on his knees, and the executioner shoots in the head, most often in the back of the head).

There are no other bullet wounds, apart from wounds to the head, on the bodies of the Chechens who allegedly "attacked" military unit 3761. These photographs practically disavow the reports of the armed clash that took place on the night of March 23-24 and at least indicate that all the "attackers" were detained alive.

Of particular interest is a photograph of a murdered Chechen with a fake improvised explosive device (IED). (The fact that the IEDs were not real was officially confirmed by the National Anti-Terrorism Committee.)

One of the attackers on the military unit. Operational shooting

On the left hand of the murdered, an even fresh bruise is clearly visible, resembling in its appearance a strangulation groove from handcuffs. It is also clearly visible that the IED is tied to the body of the deceased - with yellow tape OVER fresh stains from earth, grass and blood on the "attacker's" jacket.

In fact, this means that someone has already strapped the IED to the body of the "militant".

If there was no clash (and the photographs of the killed Chechens are objective confirmation of this), then the question arises: under what circumstances were nine servicemen of military unit 3761 killed and wounded?

Novaya Gazeta has information on the nature of the injuries of the four guardsmen. Major S. (all surnames are in the editorial office) was diagnosed with open craniocerebral trauma and lacerated wounds to the head and face. Senior Lieutenant S. received a gunshot wound to his right thigh, and Private I. received a tangential gunshot wound to the knee joint.

It is also known that at least one of the six victims - Senior Lieutenant Ermolaev - died from gunshot wounds in the region chest and in the stomach.

However, according to a prosecutor who was directly involved in the inspection of the scene, the Chechens who "attacked" military unit 3761 were armed only with sticks and knives.

This fact is confirmed by the official reports of the National Guard (see photo). That is, the Chechens did not have firearms with them.

The attackers had no firearms

According to the official version of the National Guard, the "attackers" failed to penetrate the territory of the military unit and take possession of the soldiers' weapons. Thus, it is not clear under what circumstances the soldiers of the National Guard received gunshot wounds and who actually shot them.

According to Novaya Gazeta, military unit 3761 is served mainly by servicemen sent from other regions. According to information from residents of the village of Naurskaya, there may have been a conflict on ethnic grounds between local Chechens and servicemen of military unit 3761. This could become the reason for a showdown, during which the Chechens could be detained. However, this version still does not clarify the circumstances of the injury and death of nine guardsmen.

Information on the killed from the databases of the professional account

At least 27 detainees were executed in Chechnya on the night of January 26, the decision on the extrajudicial execution was made "centrally and spontaneously," writes journalist Yelena Milashina in an article published today in Novaya Gazeta.

As he wrote "Caucasian Knot" On December 17, 2016, police officers were attacked in Grozny, after which a large-scale special operation was launched, in which, according to the law enforcement agencies,seven suspected militants were killed and four more detained .

A source of the "Caucasian Knot" in the Chechen Ministry of Health after those events reported that three of the detainees were hospitalized with wounds, but the armed people took them out of the hospital and killed... According to the source, among those killed was Madina Shakhbieva, born in 1998, whom law enforcement officers called the friend of Islam Altemirov, who was killed in a special operation. In January 2017, information about Shakhbieva's death was confirmed by a source Human Rights Center "Memorial"... The head of Chechnya called the information about the murder of the hospitalized detainees a fiction.

In Chechnya, on the night of January 26, a mass extrajudicial execution of 27 residents of the republic took place. Before the execution, people were on the territory of the deployment of the regiment of the patrol service, according to the journalist Elena Milashina's article "It was an execution. On the night of January 26, dozens of people were shot in Grozny," published today in Novaya Gazeta.

The publication lists the names of the victims and writes that the decision on their extrajudicial execution was made "centrally and spontaneously." The material says that a source in the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs gave the list of the detainees to the newspaper's journalists.

“At the moment, we already know about 27 alleged killed, although, according to our information, we are talking about 56 residents of Chechnya. All these people were detained at different times (we managed to establish the dates of detention of thirteen detainees - 9, 10, 21 , January 24). However, according to our information, all these people have the same date of death. The night is from January 25 to 26, "the material says.

The author of the article noted that the editorial board of Novaya Gazeta cannot say for sure whether "an extrajudicial execution, unprecedented in its scale," actually took place on the night of January 26. " But we can insist on the initiation of a criminal case, within the framework of which it is not so difficult to verify these facts, "the journalist emphasizes.

“Through our repeated and now public appeals to the Investigative Committee of Russia, we are trying to convey to the country's leadership and the investigation evidence that leaves little doubt about the existence of an active practice of extrajudicial executions in Chechnya.massive persecution of gays in Chechnya ... And if this practice is finally not harshly stopped, next time we will face an even more defiant crime than killing people just because someone considered their sexual orientation unacceptable, "- emphasizes in the material of Elena Milashina.

Novaya Gazeta reported on the alleged mass execution in Chechnya. The newspaper published a list of 27 people who, according to the newspaper, were killed on the night of January 26, 2017 in Grozny after being detained as a result of a series of special operations.

The data were collected on the basis of information from two sources - the administration of Chechnya and the Investigative Committee of the republic. The newspaper indicates that the total number of those killed may exceed 50 people.
Two surnames from the Novaya's list are similar to the surnames of those detained after the attack on police officers in Grozny on December 17, 2016. Human rights activists claimed that three of the detainees were killed. It was after this date that mass raids began in Chechnya, during which, according to NG, they were executed on the night of January 26.
“These people were detained during several special operations carried out in Chechnya after December 17, 2016. No formal charges were brought against them. In relation to these people, as, in fact, in the case of gays, most likely, a decision was made to liquidate. And the order was carried out, ”says NG. Because of the executions without investigation, it is difficult to establish the exact motives, the publication believes that those killed were suspected of extremism.
Information about those executed was transferred to the Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova, as well as to the Investigative Committee.
Novaya argues that the investigation at the request of the media after the initial effective work was entrusted to another investigator, who took a passive position, and therefore the newspaper decided to publish the data of its investigation.
Moskalkova at the beginning of June reported on the reaction of the TFR to her request: “I received a response that says that they have not established facts confirming violent actions, due to the fact that they do not have specific data on these citizens.”

December arrests and - presumably - January execution

On December 17, 2016, a group of young people attacked and killed a police officer they knew. The attackers stole a police car. During the chase, they shot down a traffic police officer in this car. All the attackers, according to their relatives, disappeared. In fact, they were destroyed according to NG. The "Caucasian Knot" reported that they were shot in a hospital in Grozny. On the last day of last year, Ramzan Kadyrov called the information about the murder of the detainees a "vile lie". However, reliable evidence that they were alive was never presented to the public.
After December 17, mass detentions began throughout Chechnya, and preventive-demonstration counter-terrorist operations were also carried out: in Grozny, Kurchaloyevsky and Shali districts of Chechnya. These detentions were not formalized. The detainees were placed in basements and back rooms of police departments. The detentions continued until the end of January; in total, according to the newspaper, about 200 people were detained.
A source in the Chechen Interior Ministry gave NG a list of residents detained in January. The newspaper further writes: “Comparing this document with the list of the alleged killed, transmitted to the TFR by Novaya Gazeta, we found out the fate of another 21 people who were detained and subsequently, according to our information, killed. The largest number of arrests was in Shaly; we managed to establish the addresses of residents from the list. But all attempts to find out something about the fate of these people ran into the incredible fear of our interlocutors. One of them, an employee of the Shali city administration, panickedly refused to get acquainted with the names of the Shalins who had been identified by us and said: “Everyone who was detained in Shaly in January — they are no longer there. Don't look for “.
The newspaper reports on 27 “allegedly killed”, and it may be about the murder of 56 residents of the republic, detained in the period from 9 to 24 January. “According to our information, all these people have the same date of death. The night is from 25 to 26 January ", - points out NG.
That night, all the detainees were held in Grozny on the territory of the deployment of the patrol and guard service of the police named after Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, which is headed by Police Colonel Aslan Iraskhanov.
The newspaper claims that the detainees that night were shot and taken to various cemeteries, including Christian ones, and buried in hastily dug graves.
The newspaper demands to initiate a criminal case and investigate the facts presented in the article.

Novaya Gazeta publishes the list of those killed.

The list contains the surnames, names and patronymics of those killed, dates of birth, and in some cases, registration addresses. The information of the publication was confirmed by two sources - in the department of the Investigative Committee for Chechnya and in the administration of the head of the republic.

It is emphasized that the list was handed over to the Investigative Committee. The killed were detained since the end of December 2016, according to Novaya Gazeta, no charges were brought against them. “Most likely, a decision was made to liquidate. And the order was carried out, ”the newspaper writes.

The killed were detained as part of special operations after the December attack on police officers. Then four law enforcement officers were killed, four people were detained. According to the human rights center "Memorial", three of them were killed in the hospital, the Chechen authorities are.

The total number of those killed, Novaya Gazeta notes, may reach 56 people. In January, when there were mass arrests, the security forces drew up photo tables. In the images, people are chained to batteries or wall bars, in some cases there are marks opposite them.

All those killed were kept on the night of January 26 in Grozny on the territory where the regiment of the patrol service named after Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, headed by Police Colonel Aslan Iraskhanov, is stationed. The detainees were shot and taken to several cemeteries. The publication emphasizes that it has information about some burial places.

As the publication suggests, if there are no marks, the person was released, if the articles of the Criminal Code are indicated, or "+" - he was brought to criminal responsibility, and "-" means murder. During the murder, according to the testimony of "a relative of one of the victims, an influential Chechen official who managed to find out the circumstances of the disappearance," Apti Alaudinov, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Chechnya, Abuzeid Vismuradov, head of the Chechen leader's bodyguard, and Aslan Iraskhanov, commander of the regiment, as well as chiefs departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of three districts.

Nevertheless, the newspaper notes that it cannot claim that that night "an extrajudicial execution, unprecedented in its scale even for Chechnya, took place in Chechnya," but insists on initiating a criminal case. Novaya Gazeta emphasizes that the facts provided to the Investigative Committee are sufficient, and the examination of the exhumed corpses can reveal traces of bullet wounds.

“Unlike the situation with the persecution of gays, when the families of the victims, albeit under pressure, but took an active part in the repression, in this case, the relatives of those detained on suspicion of extremism will assist the investigation,” the newspaper suggests.

Novaya Gazeta explained the publication of these data by the fact that “the state, represented by the authorized law enforcement agencies, did not leave us a choice. For two months we hoped for a cooperation that was effective at the very beginning. Today it is already obvious that the Investigative Committee of Russia is giving up its positions on this situation exactly the way it passed them in the case of the murder of Boris Nemtsov. "

Novaya Gazeta emphasizes that all data about the killed, as well as information about, was passed on to the investigation. At the same time, it was clarified: who was killed, presumably, for homosexuality, and who - for another motive. According to the newspaper, the investigation was able to establish the identity of the survivors, who were detained as gay, although human rights ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova, that the UK has not yet identified their identity.

The Chechen authorities consistently deny all data on extrajudicial persecution in the republic, persecution and murder of gays or suspects of involvement in any crimes.