Interpretation of the name Farid. The meaning of the name farida is sonan. Interests and hobbies

The name Farida has Arabic roots and means “precious”, “rare”, “valuable”. Farida comes from the male name Farid. It is very popular among Muslims.

Farida does not celebrate the day of the angel, since she is not listed in the calendar of Orthodox saints.

  • The patronizing planet of the name is Saturn;
  • The zodiac sign corresponding to the characteristics of the name is Capricorn;
  • The color that attracts luck and happiness is gray;
  • Plant that promotes health – Mandrake;
  • The amulet stone is a pearl.

Farida's childhood and youth - the girl's talents and preferences

Little Farida is a wayward and capricious child. She demands attention, is very touchy and does not tolerate anyone raising their voice at her. A girl easily manipulates her relatives if they try to indulge her in everything, without denying her wishes.

Farida is well built, flexible and dexterous. She is very active among her peers, quickly makes new friends, but can also instantly part with them. This baby is quite emotional and sentimental. This behavior is often confused with the openness, sincerity and warmth of a girl.

At school, Farida is quite mediocre, she does not show interest in studying and is often lazy. This young lady has creative potential, good physical data, if parents spend more time with the child during this period and force her to develop skills, she can succeed in the future.

Farida is very interested in extracurricular activities, sections, and creative clubs. She may become very interested in something, but it will most likely be of a short-term nature. At this age, it is common for her not to finish what she has started.

As for her general erudition, she is a fairly versatile person. She loves to read things that go against the school curriculum, and is interested in music and drawing. In high school, in search of an ideal external image, Farida can start modeling and sewing clothes, changing her hairstyles. In adulthood, these childhood hobbies may well become her profession.

Among her classmates, Farida does not distinguish between friends and strangers, easily communicating with everyone on general topics. As for her personal life, she is quite closed and will never share her problems even with close friends.

Farida's relationship with her parents at an older age may deteriorate due to some contradictions in views. Farida really doesn’t like it when her relatives begin to guide her on the true path, rejecting her own opinions and desires. She was not used to giving in or compromising in order to avoid a quarrel and scandal.

The older Farida gets, the more distant she becomes from her family. The girl prefers to get married early in order to become more independent and independent from her parents. But this will most likely be her mistake, since the marriage will not be long-term.

Farida is not ambitious and does not set a goal to graduate from higher education, preferring to go to college after school. It is quite possible that the chosen specialty will not turn out to be her profession, and she will work in a completely different field.

Professional fulfillment, personal life and health – what will be more important for Farida?

Already in adulthood, Farida's relationship with her parents can remain just as cool. And all because she is too vindictive. Her resentment towards her relatives may go away if they themselves ask her for forgiveness. This shows the girl’s pride and vanity.

Farida's career can develop in different ways. She is not hardworking enough, but when it comes to making good money, the girl is ready to give her all one hundred percent. Farida is practical, knows the value of money and knows how to earn it.

Farida always chooses her path herself, she loves movement, change of scenery, dynamics in everything and everywhere, this is the only way she receives a charge of vivacity and energy to achieve her plans. She is drawn to publicity, she loves attention to her person.

Farida's appearance can greatly help you be successful in your profession. This is a fairly well-groomed, bright and well-built woman. Men will not pass by such an oriental beauty without paying attention to her.

Despite some disappointments in her personal life, Farida is always surrounded by fans. Having decided on a partner, she can quite successfully marry a second time. This will definitely be a non-conflict, self-sufficient young man who knows how to give in to a woman and indulge her whims.

What Farida definitely expects from her partner is love. Realizing that she is idolized, a woman is capable of great deeds, including those that will influence the takeoff of her career.

Farida's professional environment can be associated with journalism, social activities, fashion, and design. In other areas, she is quite capable of becoming a professional, but for this she constantly needs inspiration. A loved one must definitely inspire her with confidence and expand the boundaries of her capabilities.

Family and health

Farida's family relationships will be stable. But a woman reluctantly takes on the role of housewife; housekeeping, cleaning and cooking are alien to her. Although she loves her children very much and will try to take care of them.

Farida can be spontaneous and active beyond her age. Preferring a vacation with her family, she can easily go with her husband and children to the mountains, skiing, or to the ocean, conquer the depths of the sea and enjoy the sun.

Farida does not like to make long-term plans; perhaps this suddenness is what makes her life interesting and varied. But the years make her wiser and more far-sighted. She is ready to pay more attention to self-education and spiritual development, combining a pleasant pastime with a useful activity.

If in her youth the beautiful Farida had too changeable moods, she could fly into a rage and then quickly switch to positive emotions, then in maturity this woman becomes more sedate, adequate and reasonable.

Farida may reproach herself for being excessively touchy, vindictive, or indifferent towards her parents. Mistakes will become obvious to her, and she may oppress herself for this, becoming very withdrawn and detached.

In order for Farida’s emotional state not to lead her to a mental crisis, she definitely needs to reconcile with those she offended. She will become more insightful, sensitive and soulful. That period when her spiritual values ​​will be combined with material wealth, the well-being of children, relatives and the love of a close man.

Farida becomes truly happy at a more mature age, when pride, ambition, and vanity dissolve in her. She will appreciate moments of communication with loved ones, thank heaven for her health and vitality, expressed in unprecedented activity.

This woman's health is consistently good. She is not prone to gastronomic preferences, she monitors her figure and general vitality. In older age, problems with blood pressure and joints may arise. The love of hiking in the fresh air will always help Farida maintain her immunity.

Famous women named Farida

  • Farida Sharipova - Honored Artist of the Soviet era, film actress;
  • Farida Kudasheva - pop singer of the Republic of Tatarstan, People's Artist of the USSR, originally from Bashkiria;
  • Farida Kurbangaleeva – host of the Vesti program on the Russia-1 channel, journalist, TV presenter;
  • Farida Mamedova is a philosopher, professor, historian, public figure, originally from Azerbaijan.

The name Farida (فريدة) is a name of Arabic origin. The name gained wide popularity due to the fact that Arabic is the main language of Islamic culture. Arabic names are popular among Muslims. Translated into Russian The name Farida means "precious" or "most valuable". Depending on local traditions, the emphasis in the name Farida can be on either the first or the second syllable. By the way, the name Farida comes from the male name Farid. Its meaning is similar.

Meaning of the name Farida for a girl

Little Farida has a complex character. She is characterized by whims, and her desire to command everyone around gives rise to many problems. Farida is a difficult child to raise, although she should not be considered hopeless. It is interesting to note that Farida should not be given much attention. Close attention will only confirm her confidence that she is the “navel of the earth.” If you want to have an educational conversation, it is very important to prepare well for it and, if possible, not to delay it. It is also worth noting that Farida easily makes new acquaintances and breaks up with people with the same ease. She treats people quite conscientiously, and from early childhood.

Farida is an average student, but where she is successful is in all kinds of creative activities. Farida has good inclinations, both academically and creatively, but she is usually not interested in studying. The same can be said about the child’s physical training. She usually has very good abilities and with enough effort she can achieve success in sports, but she is not interested in doing it.

The girl's health is quite good. She rarely gets sick, although she is prone to all sorts of depression. For little Farida, it is especially important to maintain a sleep schedule, because it is overwork that has the most negative consequences on her nervous system. It is also worth noting that Farida leads a fairly active lifestyle, and this indirectly strengthens her immunity.

Short name Farida

Faridka, Farah, Farry, Ida.

Diminutive pet names

Faridochka, Faridushka, Faridonka, Farochka, Farushka, Faronka, Idochka.

Farida name in English

The name Farida does not exist in English, which means that transliteration must be used.

Name Farida for international passport- FARIDA.

Characteristics of the name Farida

Adult Farida is an energetic and cheerful person. She is always at the center of events and strives to use any situation for her own purposes. Farida easily gets carried away by something new, although these hobbies rarely last long. She is changeable both in communication and in other areas of life. One can also say about Farida that she is rather a closed person, although this does not immediately become clear. She easily communicates on general topics, but does not like to talk about anything more personal. She allows very few people into her inner world.

Farida will most likely work in a creative direction. Often her work is completely unrelated to her education, but rather grows out of a teenage hobby. She is quite successful in her work life, but she definitely will not become a workaholic. Farida loves fun and relaxation, and therefore clearly distinguishes between work and the rest of her life.

If we talk about Farida’s family, then this is not a particularly joyful picture. Her fickleness and amorousness introduce many difficulties into creating a strong union and family. In addition, Farida is not a particularly good housewife, which creates additional problems when choosing a spouse. She should work hard on her habits and lifestyle, or let everything take its course, but with unenviable consequences.

The secret of the name Farida

Farida's secret can be called her vindictiveness. She is not at all predisposed to asking offenders, but she knows how not to show it. Farida will certainly take revenge for the insult, if of course it is in her power. She knows how to wait a long time for the right moment. She should be reminded that touchiness is a sign of vanity, which in turn is a mortal sin.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Ant.

Name color- Grey.

Plant- Mandrake.

Stone- Pearls.

Full name: Farida

Church name: -

Meaning: pearl, most valuable, unusual

Meaning of the name Farida - interpretation

Farida is a name popular in the East. It is interpreted differently depending on the country. Meanings: “pearl”, “diamond”, “most valuable”, “most beautiful”. Linguists believe that this is a derivative of the masculine Farid. Shortened versions of a beautiful female name are Ida, Farry. The girl is affectionately called Faridushka or Idochka.

Astrology of the name Farida

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

The baby has a very complex character, which manifests itself from birth. The girl is capricious and demanding, skillfully manipulating adults who fulfill all her desires and whims. He starts talking early and loves to help his mother around the house. Shows creativity and ingenuity. On any issue, Farida has an opinion, which the owner of this name considers to be the only correct one. Therefore, in some cases she seeks to impose her own point of view on her interlocutor and is somewhat categorical in her own judgments.

Little Farida is not a childishly serious child; the girl learns to cook and sew quite early, and is constantly making something. She is not very exemplary in her studies, she has difficulty in school disciplines, apparently because Farida terribly does not like to read. Farila prefers the company of older family members to playing with peers and noisy fun; their authority, opinion and point of view will be decisive in shaping the girl’s character. If you show excessive severity at this moment, Farida will grow up to be tough and even severe, but she does not need excessive care either; strong and strong-willed by nature, Farida will simply use those close to her.

The girl is capricious and touchy. She is characterized by stubbornness, Ida always does only what she wants. She is sociable, but very impulsive, so she has few friends. Farida likes to constantly be in the spotlight; the girl loves compliments and is partial to open flattery. Doesn't show much success in school, doesn't like to read, but has an excellent memory. Recognizes the authority of teachers, never argues with them, preferring to resolve conflicts peacefully. Relationships with peers are difficult.

The energy of the name Farid contains a powerful inner core and enormous life potential; this woman is completely devoid of the tendency to dream and dramatize, she looks at life seriously and thoroughly. Farida gives the impression of a strict, calculating and cold woman, but at heart she is kind and knows how to make friends, although in company she most often keeps herself somewhat aloof. And yet, the negative traits of her character, such as willfulness, quick temper and taciturnity, often become the main reason why Farida does not develop trusting relationships with loved ones.

The woman is distinguished by phenomenal insight, which allows her to confidently move towards her goal. Farida enjoys the attention of the opposite sex, but her ability to see through people significantly reduces her circle of fans. He behaves impudently with men and likes to make fun of them. But if she likes a person, then she is ready to change. Farida should always feel care and love, but she very carefully hides this under the guise of rebellion.

Farida is calm and does not like to openly conflict without a good reason. But her character directly depends on the time of year when the girl was born. If in winter, he will be distinguished by his audacity, perseverance and try to go against everyone. “Summer” women are more sentimental, soft and compliant, you can always come to an agreement with them, and throughout their lives they fantasize about something unrealistic.

Farida's character

Farida's parents say that they do not experience any difficulties in raising their daughter, since the girl is balanced and you can almost always come to an agreement with her. It is conversation that will have the most effective impact on the name Farida, while screaming or physical force will provoke a backlash, and the girl may simply go against her parents.

As an adult, Farida also retains the ability to compromise. True, in a conversation he can sometimes flare up and say too much. After this, Farida repents and most often asks for forgiveness from her interlocutor if she understands that she was wrong. In general, Farida has her own principles in life that she tries to follow. And it is precisely these that she is ready to ardently defend.

Farida needs to constantly see attention to her personality. If she does not notice this, she may stop all communication with the person. It will be very difficult to get her into contact. You can restore her favor only with surprises and gifts. This quality is characteristic of Farida at any age. Farida likes spending time together, combined with benefits.

For example, learning something new in good company. She does not tend to pay attention to trifles and insignificant problems. The inner world of the owner of this name is extremely contradictory. The girl doesn’t let almost anyone into her inner world. For her, this is something hidden. The girl likes to be in constant motion. She has a constant need for action. It is important for her to be useful and constantly in action. Farida's feeling of need is unlikely to be replaced by anything else.

Farida's fate

Farida is sentimental and sensitive, but her character can hardly be called flexible. The woman neglects advice and prefers to build her own life on her own. Her mood can change in a matter of seconds, which often causes problems. It is difficult to find a common language with Farida; if she does not like the person at first sight, he will never join her circle of friends.

Women to whom their parents gave this beautiful and unusual name rarely become housewives; everyday life frightens them. Farida can excel as a leader, but it is very difficult for her to earn the respect of others; the lady demands more - unconditional worship and constant compliments. The lady loves gifts and surprises, and this is what can conquer her.

A woman is constantly learning something new, but prefers to do it comfortably and will have minimal contact with teachers. Since childhood, he has not liked to read, so he draws knowledge from the stories of people whose intelligence and education he does not doubt. Farida is difficult to communicate with, but she has a charm that attracts men and women.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Farida builds her life following certain principles that she came up with herself. She always has her own opinion, which she is ready to defend, so it is difficult for her to work in a large team. A woman will constantly conflict with her superiors and colleagues.

Farida can achieve success in journalism; she often becomes a tour guide or manager of a travel company. She does not strive to lead people, she does not care about the financial side of the issue, although she loves money and spends it with pleasure.

Marriage and family

If necessary, he can devote himself entirely to his family. In general, she doesn’t like to change her place of work. She maintains cleanliness and order at home, which pleases her husband, with whom she lives in perfect harmony. She is popular among men.

Farida is never indifferent to men. In relationships, she is daring and willful. Her graceful and rebellious appearance always evokes a lot of emotions. In love, she often experiences failures. For the sake of a loved one, she is ready to do anything, even if she does not feel the same attitude from him.

Sex and love

Farida has fans, but not very many of them. Men are scared off by a woman’s power and inaccessibility; they simply cannot discern her sensuality and sexuality under this mask. A girl’s partners most often become soft and sentimental people; in intimacy, she prefers to receive rather than give. Constantly waiting for the “one and only”, who will be lenient towards all her shortcomings.

Almost never marries for love. A practical woman becomes the wife of a man over whom she will rule. He does not strive to create coziness in the house, does not really like to cook, does everything solely out of necessity, but very diligently. The appearance of children changes a woman’s character for the better; she becomes tender, sentimental and soft.


In childhood, he rarely gets sick, but with age there is a predisposition to depression. It is important for a woman to follow a certain regime and rest more often, because it is overwork that negatively affects her nervous system. Tries to lead an active lifestyle and strengthens the immune system. This significantly reduces the risk of typical age-related diseases.

Interestingly, depending on the time of year of birth, the meaning of the name Farida may also differ. For example, a girl born in winter is too self-confident and sometimes even overestimates her own capabilities. But such a name as Farida is not used to giving up in the face of difficulties, and where others stop, she will continue to fight in the name of her goal, which is very commendable. Strives for independence and rarely asks for help. He never misses a profitable opportunity and always takes advantage of the chances he receives. He has an excellent memory - he remembers both good and evil. She will not be afraid to remind a person of when he offended her. The “winter” Farida herself is sociable, and people are drawn to her - she has quite a lot of friends and friends, she is never lonely.

Interests and hobbies

A girl named Farida, who was born in one of the summer months, may be too confident in herself. She is immersed in her inner world and often lives in fantasies. In numerology, the meaning of the name Farida is determined by the number 3, which characterizes a talented person who is able to almost instantly absorb knowledge and acquire certain skills. The name Farida can be successful in the field of science, art, sports - in all cases where a hobby is used.

It is this that helps Farida abstract from the realities of modern life, which do not always suit her. It is very important that Farida herself chooses her life path correctly, despite the fact that she does not care about the future. Still, the owner of this name should plan her existence a little, and not strive for easy, uncomplicated activities.

The male name Farid is a name of Arabic origin. Translated into Russian, Farid means “unsurpassed”, “incomparable”, “single”, “special”. Sometimes this name is translated as “pearl.”

The name Farid is popular among Muslim peoples. For example, it is very often used among the Tatars and Bashkirs. It can also be heard in Turkey, Iran, India, Azerbaijan and other Asian and African countries.

In English the name Farid is written as Farid, in Turkish the variant is "Ferit". In the Volga region, in Tatar and Bashkir families, two forms of this name are used - “Farid” and “Farit”. Moreover, the name “Farit” is one of the most popular names among the Tatars.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Farid

Farid is a very honest, fair and straightforward person. He can say whatever he thinks to his face. Farid always tells the truth and never hides anything. This is a serious and responsible man who is used to doing everything thoroughly. He is sociable, knows how to talk and listen to others. Friendliness and attention to the interlocutor attracts people to him. Farid has many good friends.

As a child, Farid is a capable, independent boy with enormous development potential. He loves to argue, defending his point of view. He has a strong and stubborn character. Farid cannot stand instructions and orders. He is very self-confident and capable of impulsive, rash actions. Parents should direct Farid's energy in the right direction and ensure that the boy is constantly busy with useful work that he likes. Farid loves reading and mind games.

Farid may have such negative character traits as selfishness, stubbornness, lust for power, excessive pride, and arrogance. Farid can argue even if he knows he is wrong. He can be distrustful, secretive and rude. Farid can be undisciplined at times. He sometimes lacks perseverance and patience and can leave things unfinished.

Farid usually successfully conquers career heights and can achieve a high social position. This is a purposeful and persistent person. Farid achieves success only due to his hard work and intelligence; he will never resort to betrayal or deception. Farid has developed leadership qualities. He can become a good leader or entrepreneur. Farid could become a famous athlete. He can also choose the profession of a psychologist, teacher or lawyer.

Farid is a sensual and gentle man. He is caring and tries to predict all the girl’s desires. Sometimes his concern may seem intrusive. Farid's wife must be able to sincerely admire him, then their union will be strong and durable. Farid loves his family and they play a big role in his life. He is serious and strict with children. Farid takes care of children, participates in their upbringing, monitors their development and success, and tries to help children get a good education.

If you decide to name your little princess Farida, then this article is especially for you. You will find out what the name Farida means, what secrets it keeps, and what character traits it will endow its bearer with.

It was among Muslims that the name Farida gained immense popularity because it is of Arabic origin. Moreover, The stress in the name can be placed on any syllable. If we translate it into Russian, we get the meaning “precious”, “most valuable”. Also in Arab countries, the male name Farid, which has the same meaning, is quite popular.

Farida does not create problems in her upbringing and is a fairly balanced child

Little Farida is quite active and enterprising. She loves to put on various shows for her family and requires adult attention. She depends a lot on your mood, which can change in a matter of seconds. You can only regain the affection of an offended child with the help of a gift. In adulthood, this trait of her character remains.

She does not create huge problems in her upbringing and is a fairly balanced child. To establish contact with her or resolve a serious issue, it is enough to talk to the baby and explain everything, find a compromise. This will produce a greater effect than after shouting and scandals.

If you pay attention to what the name Farida (precious) means, you can understand why she is an almost ideal child who does not create any special problems in her upbringing.

She will never reveal her spiritual secrets and experiences to anyone. She prefers to hide all her spiritual secrets from others, and this quality is of great importance in her future destiny.

Many believe and prove that women named Farida have magical powers.

She could study well, but she doesn't show much interest in it. She is more inspired by any creativity. For example, it is easier for her to write a wall newspaper or participate in competitions and any social events than to sit at home reading a textbook.

She is in excellent physical shape and could excel in some sports, but she is not interested. Parents need to attach importance to this, discuss this issue with the child, find a compromise and still get her interested in sports activities, which will have a positive effect on her health.

She has a very unusual character and inner charm. She belongs to the eastern rebellious beauties, which fascinates connoisseurs of such beauty. The attention of men is of particular importance to her, and she easily reciprocates.

She will be able to make compromises and easily solve any problems as an adult. But sometimes he can break down and scream. After the girl calms down, she can ask for forgiveness from her interlocutor if she sees her guilt.

In life, she is faithful to her principles and is ready to defend her point of view. It is on this basis that conflicts with people can arise. Overall, she has quite easy-going and cheerful character, she wins people over, but tries to benefit from any life situation.

She belongs to the eastern rebellious beauties, which fascinates connoisseurs of such beauty

The secret of the name Farid is vindictiveness. She can keep grievances within herself for a long time, while carefully hiding them from others. If such an opportunity arises, Farida will definitely take revenge on the offender.

The meaning of the name Farida is the number 3, which endows a person with creative inclinations. A girl can easily develop any skills and achieve success in many areas of life. Although Farida is characterized by a certain lightness and irresponsibility, she needs to learn self-control, plan her life and achieve her goals, and not let everything take its course.


Meaning of the name Farida will reward its bearer with good health. But she is prone to deep depression, which will negatively affect her immunity as a whole.

It is very important for her to get enough sleep, because due to overexertion and fatigue, poor sleep can negatively affect women's health.

Sleep is very important for Farida's psychological and physical health

The girl is quite active, and this helps strengthen her body. Playing sports is of great importance for her health, so it’s better for parents to entice the girl in this direction.

Marriage and family

In terms of meaning, the name Farida will add amorousness to the girl’s character. She able to change partners frequently, fall in love, break up and suffer at the same time. For the sake of her chosen one, she is ready to make enormous sacrifices.

She can be a good wife, but at the same time, a bad housewife. Her innate laziness will not make her a homemaker, and she will definitely shift all household chores onto the shoulders of others.

Career and hobbies

Farida is not a career woman, and will definitely separate work and rest. Often girls with this name do not work in their specialty, but begin to develop in the direction that they have dreamed of since childhood. She will not become a leader and a workaholic, because relaxation and fun occupy a special place in her life.

TV presenter Farida Kurbangaleeva

There are quite a few famous women in the world with that name.

  • Well established as an actress Farida Sharipova, Muminova and Kudashev.
  • There is a TV presenter in Russia F. Kurbangaleeva.
  • F. Mamedova became an Azerbaijani historian.

Historian Farida Mamedova

Due to the fact that the name is of Muslim origin, it is not included in the list of Orthodox names.

Variants of Muslim names

On this site you will find a number of beautiful Muslim names that may suit your child and influence his destiny.

  • I present it to your attention. Such a girl will become very sociable, make many friends and become a faithful wife. I don’t recommend offending Fatima, because she reacts very hard to strong insults and can remember them for a long time, and at the right moment take harsh revenge.
  • The girl will become very cheerful and sociable. She loves communication and cannot stand loneliness. Often sets goals and achieves them. At the same time, she looks at life with ease and the inherent feminine naivety.
  • She is very active and inquisitive. Such a child loves to explore the world, will always become the soul of society and will win the trust of others. She will make a good entrepreneur and a loving wife.

Dear readers, which character traits suit you best? What strong traits do you want to impart to your child? In any case, those qualities that are so valuable in a person need to be developed from childhood, and the child’s main assistant in this matter will be his parents.