English lesson with Jennifer and Natasha. The best video lessons in English. English at the Jobs School

Have you ever tried learning on YouTube?

No, seriously, YouTube is not only about videos about cats and tumbling raccoons, Nicki Minaj clips and American teenage bloggers.

These are thousands of hours of free educational videos, including those in English.

Wait a minute - why is it even worth looking at YouTube if you’re learning English?

Of course, if you take learning the language as seriously as possible, you already have a lot of manuals, textbooks, tutorials with audio accompaniment, you can study English in a group or. But in order to maintain concentration and good spirits in the difficult task of comprehending a language, you need a variety of sources of information. And YouTube as an educational tool has many advantages: You can pause a video, watch it again, or repeat it ad infinitum. In most videos, the speaker is in the frame, and you can observe his articulation, trying to repeat it. On some channels you can ask a question in the comments directly to the author of the video.

Regardless of how old you are and what your current level is - Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced, you are in danger of getting into the “youtube loop” - that same state when you decide to watch just one video, and come to your senses three hours later, skipping from one suggested video to another.

To avoid earning “youtubelotitis” - a painful addiction to watching meaningless videos, subscribe to the top 9 best YouTube channels for English language learners.

This is one of the most popular channels for English learners from all over the world. The charismatic Briton Misterduncan created his channel in 2006, at the dawn of video blogging, and in 8 years gained more than 55 million views. Almost 300 thousand subscribers come to his channel for new videos about colloquial phrases, expressions of feelings, British slang, fashion, shopping, world news and the everyday life of an ordinary Englishman. If you came to YouTube to get acquainted with colloquial British English (and at the same time with the legendary English humor), then Misterduncan is the best option.

One of the best channels for beginners to learn English, the main difference of which (as you might guess from the name) is real, live spoken English. Each video is a mini-interview or mini-survey of ordinary passers-by, so you can get acquainted with different accents, different ways of speaking, monitor the peculiarities of the manifestation of emotions, and remember phrases for a natural reaction to questions. The videos are accompanied by subtitles, and under each video there is a link to tasks for practicing the material.

The British media corporation's channel includes several invaluable sections:

The English We Speak are three-minute videos that reveal the meaning of colloquial expressions, idioms, the “freshest” slang, in a word, everything that distinguishes a true native speaker from the most diligent student of English.

Words in the News – video reviews of events in the world, each of which is filled with modern vocabulary.

6 Minute English – discussion (using impeccable Received Pronunciation) of current problems of society, culture, science.

Pronunciation is the most comprehensive guide to achieving clear, clear British pronunciation.

Children around the world are beginning to learn English by singing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” and memorizing nursery rhymes. On this channel, everything is thought out to the smallest detail: funny animated videos, catchy melodies, switchable subtitles. In addition to songs and rhymes, the channel has short cartoons based on the most beloved fairy tales - “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”, “Jack and the Beanstalk” and “Little Red Riding Hood”. Another wonderful section is “Word of the week,” in which children from different countries pronounce a new English word.

You know English, right? Addressing a stranger on the street, ordering a dish in a restaurant, telling what time it is - there are definitely no problems with this. But what to do if you urgently need to attend (or even worse, speak) at a business conference or meeting held in English? First of all, don’t panic. The authors of the Business English Pod channel have already prepared everything: You will find videos that discuss phrases for successful negotiations and interviews; video with detailed explanations of the grammatical intricacies of written business communication. A distinctive feature of the channel is highly specialized sections for lawyers, SEO specialists, economists, managers in various fields, and stock analysts.

VOA is the Voice of America, a radio station headquartered in Washington, DC, broadcasting in English and 45 other languages. The main content of this channel is news programs in which the announcer deliberately speaks somewhat slowly and extremely clearly. Everyone knows the annoying feeling when you are feverishly trying to understand at least something, trying to keep up with fast-paced English speech, but in pursuit of every word you completely miss the meaning of what was said. On this channel, you can forget about the fuss and nervousness and concentrate on the pronunciation and meaning of each word. Just in case, there are subtitles for moral support. Pay attention to the English in a Minute section: in exactly 60 seconds, VOA announcers manage to talk about a new English idiom.

All videos on the channel of the American Jennifer, who has more than 250 thousand subscribers, are grouped into convenient thematic playlists: Oral Reading Fluency in English, Lessons for Beginners, Verb Tenses in English, Learn English Prepositions, Punctuation.

The authors of this channel decided to move away from the standard scheme of YouTube lessons. They devote their video dictionaries to interesting phenomena and objects of the surrounding world, for example, airport services, insects or types of musical instruments. Each animated video is accompanied by a link to interactive thematic tasks and games.

Each five-minute video on this channel includes three stages - Watch, learn and try, so any new word or expression is guaranteed to be remembered. The choice of thematic videos is inexhaustible - from describing the weather and calling a doctor to discussing climate change and the financial crisis.

The biggest advantages of YouTube are mobility and high concentration of information. Almost all training videos last no more than 5 minutes, many channels purposefully reduce the duration of the video to 1-2 minutes or even 30 seconds - even with the lowest Internet speed, such a video will load, and you will be on your way to work, after a workout, during your lunch break, or During the break you will be able to learn a new idiom, repeat a phrasal verb and walk through the streets of London.

Of course, there are more great YouTube channels for English learners than those listed above. If you have become a real “youtube junkie”, in other words, “hooked” on learning English online on YouTube, we advise you to look at other channels:

Holmwood's Online Learning – the videos are devoted, first of all, to all the subtleties of English grammar, from articles and pronouns to the subjunctive mood in indirect speech.

CCProse Audiobooks – not even a channel, but rather a video library in English. Well-read texts of the most popular books and classic British and American poetry by professional English-speaking speakers. The videos are structured into convenient playlists by authors and genres.

Learn American English – on this channel they explain in detail what new happened in the English language when it emigrated overseas. If you have long wanted to understand the difference between British and American English, learn to use American slang without embarrassment and acquire a characteristic American “pronouncement” - this is definitely the place for you.

EnglishLessons4U – a rich archive of video lessons on completely different topics: pronunciation of individual sounds, collections of vocabulary, idioms and colloquial expressions, instructions on behavior in various communication situations. The popularity of this channel is largely supported by the incredible charisma of its sparkling speakers. If you watch at least one video from the “Learn English with Ronnie” playlist, you will understand what I mean :-)

With Jennifer you can learn English on your own, even from scratch. What opportunities does the Internet provide these days? We can study with a teacher without leaving home. For beginners, learning English is an amazing opportunity to learn the basics, and you can choose the best English-speaking teachers.
I would like to advise you to study English with Jennifer . A competent professional in teaching students, she is always positive, cheerful, and energetic. She creates her own teaching aids and participates in collaborations.

English with Jennifer includes a large collection of free video lessons.

This is grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary for both students and English teachers who are happy to use these materials for their students.

In her video lessons, Jennifer provides a variety of explanations of the topic, builds parallels and comparisons so that students can better understand the meaning of words, expressions, phrases and use them correctly.

For Russian students, her video lessons for beginners are doubly valuable, since Jennifer conducts them with a real Russian student. She pays special attention to mistakes characteristic of Russian people: pronunciation of sounds, placement of stress, intonation.

Watch this video to see how easily and clearly Jennifer explains everything!

When talking about her work online, Jennifer mentions that it is both constrained and liberating. She sometimes misses traditional classroom teaching, but is mostly grateful for the opportunity to work outside the classroom.

Jennifer creates videos and blogs to help English teachers by providing materials and ideas. She even helps develop lesson plans. Jennifer: “In terms of professional networking and support, I have to say that I have never felt more connected to my field than I do now.

As an independent English teacher, you can choose who you collaborate with. This leads to an exciting amount of contacts. Various projects bring me into new circles, and through each of them I grow in some way.”

At first, Jennifer recorded her video lessons herself, and now a whole team of professionals works with her: it includes linguists, videographers and other necessary people.

You can learn more about Jennifer, as well as get acquainted with her English courses and her video lessons, on her website (www.englishwithjennifer.com), she willingly shares all the information. As an example, I present here the Russian translation of one of her articles.

Fun facts about me (Jennifer about herself)

Love for dancing

At school I performed with a Filipino dance group. In college, my friend and I started a group where the members taught each other a lot of Asian dances. During my summer and winter breaks from college, I danced in a Polynesian show. I don't dance too much these days, but I love watching TV programs like Dancing with the Stars.

Love for music

My skills are mediocre at best, but I love playing the piano and accordion. As for what songs I listen to, I admit that I am stuck in the 1980s. I like movie soundtracks, songs from Broadway shows. Thanks to my father, I fell in love with some of the old singers, such as Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby.

Love of adventure

I traveled a little, but not as much as I would have liked. The southernmost point I've been to is Mexico, the northernmost is the Arctic Circle, the eastern is the Philippines, and the western is Colorado. Before graduate school, I spent some time in the cruise industry, working on an ocean liner in the Bahamas as a youth counselor and costume designer.

I also worked on a Mississippi River steamship as a gift shop manager (and danced in the ballroom in the evenings with the crew and other employees). My husband prefers warm climates, so we've been spending our most recent family vacations in Jamaica and the Bahamas. Luckily, he's also up for trips north, and in June 2013 we took our kids to Montreal, Canada.

I love to cook

My husband shares my passion for good food and he jokes with me when I try new recipes, no matter how strange they are. I like to learn from the American TV channel Food Network. I'm grateful that I learned how to make cabbage rolls from my Polish grandmother, Pancit (noodle dish) from my Filipino father, good potato salad from my Russian husband.

In recent years, I have also had the good fortune to learn how to make Brazilian rice. Although I grew up eating steamed white rice, my friend in Sao Paulo taught me to love rice cooked with butter, onion, salt, garlic!

Love for children

From nannying to volunteering at an orphanage, I was always looking for ways to work with children. Now I am proud to be the mother of two children, a boy and a girl. And now I am constantly busy and very happy. During the school year I would like to volunteer at their elementary school.

Love for skating

Children gave me the opportunity to roller skate again. We take lessons with two other families at the local roller skating rink and it's a lot of fun.

Do I love wrestling?

Not really! I don't like wrestling at all, whether in real life or in movies, but I decided to take taekwondo lessons with my kids to stay in good shape. Before this class, I had never hit or kicked anyone in my life. Even now I can’t say that I love sparring, but I love being active, having more energy and knowing a few self-defense techniques.

The uniform takes me back to my high school cheerleading days (the only difference is we don't smile and all we yell is HIYAH!) I've also recently started learning how to use Korean nunchucks. Knowing how to use Maori balls from my dancing days gives me a bit of a head start, so bad boys pay attention!

"English with Jennifer"

It's time for holidays and vacations ahead, so we'll just share with you useful YouTube channels in case you have a couple of free minutes and want to practice a little English.

// "Enjoy the Content" - from author with Love

English for beginners and those who have forgotten

  • English like clockwork

    Pros: The author has a good sense of humor and teaches concisely and clearly. Learn English with music, movies and games.
    Minuses: The number of videos on the channel is very small and the author, for some reason, does not add new ones.
  • English at Jobs School

    Pros: convenient and interesting channel. There is English for beginners, analysis of your favorite films. Analysis of metaphors, idioms and comparisons in the English language, and in order to make it easier to assimilate the material, the author uses songs as examples.
    Minuses: Grammar lessons for beginners are presented in a random video and, apparently, no more will be added.
  • English Galaxy

    Pros: very useful channel. Detailed and at the same time very simple lessons. And for beginners, and for beginners, and for advanced ones - this channel will be useful for everyone. Users claim that the author has a pedagogical gift :)
    Minuses: the same type of lessons and the absence of video or audio inserts from films or songs.
  • EnglishDom.YouTube

    Pros: a channel that contains fragments of TV series and films, funny videos, webinars on various topics - from preparing for exams to passing an interview in English. In addition, you can find mini-lessons on grammar and introductory videos from teachers.
    Minuses: You need to look for new and cool videos on the website, where there are tasks for the videos.

English with native speakers for advanced

  • EngVid

    Pros: Perhaps the coolest channel we know, on which a whole team of native-speaking teachers works. The manner of presenting the material is especially interesting - everything is very fun, accessible, relaxed, there is a video on the topic of grammar, features of English vocabulary, common mistakes and much more.
    Minuses: I would like more videos on grammar topics.
  • BBC Learning English

    Pros: The channel has a lesson schedule for every day - on Monday we learn words, on Tuesday we learn grammar, and on Thursday we learn to speak. In addition, on Wednesday the BBC teaches how to perceive news information, and on Friday it is drama day.
    Minuses: new videos are released only on weekdays and tasks for beginners may seem difficult to those who are just taking their first steps in English.
  • EF podEnglish – LearnEnglish

    Pros: on this channel everything is presented in the form of analysis of situations. Remember Dasha the Explorer for children? Here is the same channel for adults. And at the end of each video you will be very sincerely praised.
    Minuses: New videos are released only on Tuesdays and many of the videos from the channel are already a little outdated.
  • Fluency MC

    Pros: a specific and interesting form of training. Small video lessons are presented in the form of rap texts with a visual picture. The funny author literally hammers verbs into your head with his little rap.
    Minuses: The style of presentation may not suit everyone.
  • Learn English with Let's Talk

    Pros: The trick of this channel is the analysis of the most common mistakes, comparison of words, prepositions and expressions that are often confused and used incorrectly.
    Minuses: The voice acting of some videos was done using bots, so sometimes there is not enough liveliness and intonation in the video.

As you can see, there are a lot of interesting resources, thanks to which you can learn English in a fun and relaxing way, allocating at least 5-10 minutes a day. And if you also create your own and add new words or grammatical structures from the video there, and then repeat them from time to time, you will be able to make the most of your vacation and return home not only tanned, but also improved in English!

We wish you good luck in your studies and look forward to your comments!

Bonuses for Habr readers

Online courses

We are giving you access for a year to the English course for self-study “Online Course”.
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