Dream interpretation anorexia. The magic of numbers. If you had a bad dream

Why do you dream about Anorexia:
interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

Universal dream book

It doesn’t matter who suffers from anorexia in your dream - figure out what heavy burden you need to get rid of.

Seeing a person who suffers from anorexia in a dream is a sign of a careless attitude towards one’s health. If the dream reflects your physical illness (or is somehow related to a real life situation), please seek professional advice or help.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Anorexia in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I often dream of anorexia, first I dreamed of a bony back, then later. the day that I can grab my thigh with only one hand

I dreamed that I had anorexia, not the initial stage, but the middle stage, I walked very skinny, but I was cheerful and cheerful.

I dreamed of a man who asked me if I was accidentally anorexic. I answered no. What does it mean

Good afternoon, Tatyana! Yesterday I dreamed that I was lying on the bed, I could barely get up, I was so tired... I realized that I was sick with something... I touched my shoulder, forearm and couldn’t feel the bone, it was simply not there. one skin... as if the bone had corroded in a certain place... and a terrible feeling of incomprehensibility and fear in a dream! What does it mean? thank you in advance!

Good day!
I dreamed of a girl suffering from anorexia. She and her father came to visit me. The apartment is not mine and very dark. She wanted to eat. I saw her off, said something to her, she didn’t like it and she hid in a corner and cried. I lay down next to her, hugged her, kissed her, felt all her bones when I touched her. I persuaded her to eat. There were a lot of sweets on the table. It’s as if her father is coming out of the shower. And he comes to me. I run up to the closet with my things, start turning everything over in search of my pants, and he gets closer and closer, and in front of my eyes he becomes more and more scary, he also turns out to be an anorectic patient and is all in pain, trying to kiss me. I scream to my father and wake up.
Please interpret this dream.

A guy unknown to me stands there and suddenly rushes towards me, and I suddenly grow up to 18-20 years old and become anorexic! There is nothing around, everything is washed away! Only me alone!

I lay on the bed and took off my pants. I saw that my knee was sticking out a lot. Then a friend comes into the room and I tell her: Look Angelina, I just have to lose a little weight.

There I realized that I was suffering from anorexia and it seemed like someone was with me... and I was in the store. I kind of wanted to show that I was thin and suddenly I saw how I became anorexic

I look in the mirror, and I have anorexia, long gray hair. I ask my husband, am I sick? And he says no.

I dreamed that I was sitting in my class and my friend said that we will all die, she means why and when. She told me that I would not live to see 9th grade and would die in the summer from anorexia. I was scared and thought that this was true, and I urgently needed to get fat so as not to die.

I was exhausted and had a rash on my arms and felt very unwell, I was at school (I skipped class with my classmates), I sat and couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me, then I decided to call my mom to go home and woke up

I dreamed that I looked at myself in the mirror, lifted my robe to see the results of my weight loss workouts, and realized that I had anorexia

Lately I have started dreaming too often about how I became anorexic, how good and easy I feel

I was lying on the beach and filming a live broadcast on the Internet. I photographed myself accordingly. In the dream I was very thin, bones and skin, although in real life I am quite normal, why is this?

I dreamed that I had anorexia. In a dream, I went to the mirror and saw that I was very skinny. Then I started looking at myself and realized that it was anorexia.

I dreamed that I walked up to the mirror and my bones were sticking out, especially my spine and hip bones were very sticking out, and in the dream I also cried and asked to be fed

My boyfriend has a twin brother, they are now in the army and I had a dream that my brother comes out of the door looking normal and my boyfriend comes up and he is very thin, why can I dream of this?

Perhaps I’m screwing myself over. I gave up the idea of ​​losing weight not long ago (I was striving for anorexia). Today I dreamed that something strange was happening in the apartment, and a thin girl in black (For some reason I immediately decided that it was Ana-Anorexia) was standing behind the curtains There were terribly disturbing feelings, they still torment me. Only legs and lowered arms were visible, everything else was behind the curtains

I dreamed of a village, I was standing in the doorway of the room that leads to my parents’ bedroom and I looked at the door at the exit. Suddenly, a bony hand crawls out from around the corner of the closet and grabs someone’s shoes, and immediately disappears behind the closet. Someone pushes me and I wake up.
and today I dreamed of a girl, she was sitting next to me (very beautiful and so pale). She whispered something in my ear, but I can’t remember anything.
But I know for sure that they scolded me, that I was strong, I had to hold on, just a little longer...
It felt like we had known each other all our lives.

I came to the show like let them talk. There was a doctor there and said that I had anerexia. Then I look and see my shoulders, bony, emaciated

I stand near the mirror and lift up my T-shirt, I look at myself and I have anorexia, but it’s as if my body is glowing, it was morning and nothing else happened, I don’t remember anything

I am standing in the kitchen and drinking a glass of water (in my dream this happened late at night). When I finished drinking the water, I put the glass down and look at my hands, then at my legs and waist.

Hello, I had a dream that because of eternal problems with my boyfriend I was starting to go crazy, I stopped eating, I didn’t drink much, then my boyfriend came to me and wanted to take me to his friend’s apartment, after which I fell already there in the apartment I faint and wake up

Hello! I dreamed that in a conversation on the social network VK my friend (Andrey) threw photographs of his girlfriend (And my friend Svetlana), where she was all thin. In general, she was anorexic.. There were scars and wounds on her body. What does it mean? Help me please?

I was in the hospital to see a doctor, there were cold colors. I undressed and showed my body, it was thin and bones were visible. The doctor asked why this happened, I said I just don’t eat, I don’t want to

I dreamed that I came to visit my friend, and she showed me a photo in which I was anorexic, and I had very thin and therefore scary legs

I dreamed that I had anorexia and came to another city to visit a friend in the hospital, where I myself had recently been hospitalized to visit her. She had the same diagnosis, but she was in the children's department, and I was in the gynecological department. The hospital looked completely different. I met my doctor, we said hello and I went to look for a way out into the street, then I went out and we sat talking with a friend

Anorexics were chasing me. The dream repeated itself 2 times during the night. I ran away from them. There were people I knew who were anorexic. At first they were healthy, and then they became anorexic and ran after me.

I dreamed that I had anorexia, and I lost a lot of weight in this dream, now one day, I didn’t even notice that I had lost weight, and then I saw it and I don’t remember anymore

I was sitting with my friends and suddenly my legs and arms became the size of bones, I was very scared, but at the end of the dream my body became the same as before

I dreamed that I was admitted to the hospital and the doctor came to me and said that I was diagnosed with anorexia.

I was sitting in a crowded place, a boy of about 15-17 years old came up to me and asked if I had cured my disease, I asked which one, he smiled and began to leave, I asked again and his answer was “anorexia”

I dreamed that I was standing on a bus, there were two girls behind me, they were saying behind my back how thin I was. I pretended not to hear them. Then in their whispers I heard them call me anorexic.

“Dream book Anorexia dreamed of why Anorexia dreams in a dream”

Dream Interpretation Anorexia

Why do you dream about Anorexia in a dream according to the dream book?

If in a dream someone has anorexia, the dream most likely indicates that you should be more attentive to your body, because it does not receive many vitamins.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream about Anorexia, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

I am trying to achieve anorexic thinness, and now I dreamed that I had lost weight to the extent I needed, what does this mean?

In a dream, I dreamed of a woman, very thin, she was anorexic, but she did not seem sick, her facial expression rather expressed fatigue and at the same time calm. I sat and looked at her and her body.

Hello! I dreamed that my boyfriend fell ill with anorixia, in real life he is very thin, maybe it’s just subconscious?

I dreamed that I met a friend with whom we rarely communicate and her mother and they who told me that her daughter had anorexia and the friend stood and cried

Well, I stood near the mirror and looked at my body, as sometimes in reality. And I understand that I had become too thin, the skin was covering all my bones, and it looked terrible, I panicked and called my mother. She started giving me a massage and said that if something jumps out on my back, then everything is fine. And nothing happened. Mom said that I needed to go to the hospital. I got ready and went to the hospital. There I wandered along the corridors. Because everyone knows me there, everyone just looked, they said that I looked bad. And no one could really help. I entered some office and lay down on the couch. Everyone there was wearing masks. Then the surgical lamp suddenly turned on and I saw in detail how I was being cut, while it really hurt me ...And I wanted to get up, but some woman said that I was already better and blindfolded my eyes with some kind of napkin. And I woke up. What could this mean? Is the roof going down? or what.

Hello Tatiana.
My sleep worries me very much!
In general, the gist is this...
Last night I was with my friend, she is pregnant... I haven’t visited her for a long time, I haven’t had time... In general, I didn’t sit with her for long.
Before he left, I looked and touched her tummy, it was already quite large but neat.
I touched it and left.
I fell asleep and dreamed of something that had been tormenting me for the whole morning.
She (my friend) said more than once that she wants to lose weight, and as soon as she gives birth and finishes breastfeeding, she will begin to lose weight!
I know her desire for everything, especially for her figure.
In general, I dreamed about the same thing that happened when I was at my friend’s house.
I clearly remember the last moment, this is when she again stands in the corridor and sees me and another girl off, but for some reason she is standing very thin, but at the same time pregnant, what she was like, it looked like anorexia, when she lifted her sweater what to show me her body, I became very scared from what I saw, all her organs could be said to be shaking, all the bones could be counted, but there was a child, that’s the catch...
I felt very scared after this dream, I want to find out why I dreamed about this and what it even means.
Please answer me!
Thank you very much!

I dreamed that I was a little younger than my age and was walking around the store with my parents, and my little brother was nearby. We begged to buy something, but then everything began to take on darker colors and everyone suddenly became confused in different places. While searching for my mother, I felt discomfort in my mouth and first two teeth fell out and after a few seconds two more, but there was no blood. But she didn’t stop searching, she held her teeth in her hands and ran around the place. Sitting down near the meat counter, I asked for a bag because for no apparent reason I had fresh meat in my bag. Raising my head, I saw my mother, or rather her back, and as she was looking for something, at that moment the seller pulled out a small amount of money from her bag. This made me feel so unpleasant, I dropped everything and went to argue with her. The girl was anorexic, I felt sorry for her, but I never stopped advocating that she give her mother’s money. And I woke up in wet sweat.

I dreamed that I was standing in front of a mirror. I started to undress and saw myself so thin, just skin and bones.

I saw all this in pictures, for no more than 10 seconds, in my dream my best friend died, there were 7 pictures in total, 1 at first we walked, 2 laughed, 3 played, 4 then she began to experience a sharp weight loss, 5 She went to the doctor, 6 She went to the hospital, 7 all friends, relatives, all relatives gathered for the funeral

I dreamed that a friend had anorexia and she found out that this was their family curse. (everything happens in my presence)

Hello, I had a dream about an anorexic woman. Valeria Livitina, do you know this one? The thinnest woman in the whole world seems to be... She's already dead. So I dreamed about the New Year and that this anorexic girl was our neighbor. At first she went either to my apartment or to hers. Then I ate and she stopped walking. Previously, well, 2-3 weeks ago, all sorts of bones were removed there, the ribs of the collarbone. And the strangest thing is that when I lose weight to 50 kg (the smallest weight I have ever lost), then these dreams about bones and all that begin. Help me please)

In the dream I was anorexic, very thin and looking in the mirror.

I dreamed that I became very thin, one might say that I was even anorexic..... I looked at myself and cried

the girl wanted to lose weight and every week she went into the forest and measured herself with a skeleton and became anorexic

In life I'm pretty full. I've been trying to lose weight for several weeks now. At first in the dream I was a slender and pretty girl. A little later I was already very thin, literally skin and bones. It seemed to me. that I liked it. Everyone around said that stop losing weight. everyone is from the show I watched before.

My friend came from her grandfather, I haven’t seen her for a month, here she comes up thin, skinny, her bones are sticking out, she doesn’t look like herself.

there was an anorexic girl with peeling skin and white eyes. She constantly said something (I don’t remember what) and when I turned off the phone, she appeared in the same place and said the same thing. When I tried to call, there was no connection, to which she replied, “That’s the beauty of the mountains,” i.e. This happened in a room on the mountain. Then the beeps started, she screamed and I woke up.

I came from another city and the doctor told me that I had anorexia. I was very thin, everyone was worried. I went to my dad and we went to a psychic and he said that in a year everything would be fine

I dreamed of anorexia, in the dream there were bones, fortune tellers, matches and fire were also present, but the anorexia was not mine, but other people who seemed to be strangers to me

I dreamed of anorexia. I stand in front of the mirror and see that I am only skin and bones, and my legs seem to be more normal. Then my friend comes, looks at me, then starts laughing and says that I’m anorexic.

Hello, the dream was that I was fading before my eyes: I was becoming anorexic, and very quickly, as if they were rewinding a tape, it was incredibly scary

I dreamed that I was in a tall building where there was an anorexic girl and I tried to persuade her to stop
in the dream I paid attention to her legs
the legs were very thin, just bones

I dreamed that I was standing in front of a mirror, but for some reason I was looking down. Looking at my hands, I noticed that they looked as if the skin on the fingers was stuck to the bones, even the tendons were very prominent. I can't forget this dream.

I dreamed that I had lost a lot of weight, it scared me, I looked in the mirror and saw that I had anorexia


I dreamed that I became anorexic. I stood at the mirror and looked at myself. She was very thin.

At first, in a dream, I started eating without stopping, after a while I began to notice in the mirror how fat was growing before my eyes. I called my mother so that she would come to me quickly. After a while, I met her on the doorstep with her friend and they started a little I was horrified, but my mother didn’t show it. I knew that they were scared of this fat. We decided to call an ambulance, before they arrived I decided to have a little snack of something not significant at all and talked with my mother about my fat. After a while I came to my senses and began to see the real picture. I didn’t have a single bit of fat on me, my legs were as thin as my arms. I realized that I was just suffering from anorexia, so I saw only fat on myself in the mirror. Then the ambulance arrived, they saw me and said, “ another fool starving.” I began to assure them all that I eat very well and I don’t know how this happened

Hello, I had a very strange dream in which I first saw myself overweight and after some pill I was already anorexic and my boyfriend’s relatives came to visit me. They were shocked by what they saw. And my boyfriend’s stepfather told me that with such weight I I need to take care of my heart, otherwise I won’t live long. At the same time, I saw completely strangers, very fat people I didn’t know, and they scared me, they were so disgusting that I tried to run away from them, but it didn’t work and I lost consciousness, and when When I came to my senses, I was in some kind of large glass barrel with water or something else in it, and it was hard to get out of it, but it worked out, and thank God.

I watched the program “Let Them Talk” at night, they showed it about anorexia.
In a dream I dreamed that I was very ill with anorexia!
I was so thin and immobile that I couldn’t even walk (move around). I was told (I don’t remember exactly who said it) that I would soon die, I was very worried about this!
But on the one hand, I liked my thinness...
So I don’t know what this dream is for.

I dreamed that I was standing in front of a mirror and seemed to be trying to take a picture of my figure. But I looked like a person suffering from anorexia.

I immediately wanted to lose weight, and today I dreamed that the next day after the first training session I lost so much weight that I was diagnosed with anorexia!

My brother died of anorexia, I suffered a lot: I cried... my relatives told me about the death

I went to see my friend at night, after our meeting with her, I was getting ready to leave and no one saw me off
on the street I saw a gray-haired man about 50-60 years old, he was rubbing his mouth and looking at me then from side to side
I became very scared and I quickened my pace, he was catching up with me and I began to scream, but it didn’t work, the scream was almost silent
there was no scene of violence itself, but in fact it definitely happened
later, in a dream, I was very worried about this and stopped eating
and then I got anorexia
everything turned gray and it seemed to me that I felt the presence of death
I was very thin, my skin was thin and decrepit, people turned to look at me and this only made me feel worse
This is the second time I have had such a dream
in the last dream, the details about the rape were similar, I mean, there was no scene of violence itself, but I absolutely knew that I was raped
and in that first dream I was raped at some registration office, although I was not there, and I was filmed there doing this act and distributed on the Internet
and after this incident I began to disappear before my eyes
after such dreams I feel very bad
help me please
what could this mean?

I dreamed that I was standing in the hall next to my mother, looking at the thighs, just bones, asking my mother - mom, what is this? She is silent in shock.

Hello. Today I had a dream that my friend was anorexic. I didn’t recognize her at first, but then, based on her trademark phrases, I realized that it was her. We talked for quite a long time. I don't remember anything else.

Before going to bed, I watched the movie “To the Bone”, it’s about anorexics. Yes, and yesterday I was thinking about losing weight all day, but I’m already thin enough. And then I had a dream that I became anorexic...

I had a dream from November 17th to 18th, I was Friday to Saturday.
I dreamed that I was sick with anorexia, my body was very thin, grayish in color, my ribs and bones were protruding. I remember going into the Bossein, it was a contrasting blue color, and seemed to be covered. I dreamed that I was being filmed, and then I know that the night passed and in the morning I found a clip about myself on YouTube and there were a lot of views there, I don’t remember what they said in the video, but it was a clear female voice describing everything as some kind of sensation, yet in the dream there were other girls with the same disease, but I don’t remember the exact details.
I'm very curious what this means

I dreamed that I was standing in front of a mirror, very thin, my legs and arms were bleeding. It was in my room. My room is white and pink, but in my dream it was somehow blue and cold.

I was walking down the street (in shorts), a woman comes up to me, takes me by the scruff of the neck and drags me to the mirror. She looked at me like an ordinary woman, except her legs were just bony. Only bones and a thin layer of skin, and the rest of the body was normal. Then I thought it was too much and went to eat. But I couldn’t, it was a pity to spoil such a beauty

I wake up, get out of bed, go to the mirror, I wanted to upload a story to Instagram, I look, and my legs are like those of an anorexic, only bones, and my face is very thin and pale.

I was at school during classes and during recess I went to the mirror and saw that I was very thin
Then I learned from friends that I could return my normal weight by exchanging for a healthy body

I stand near the mirror, looking at my body. My bones were ripped out from everywhere. The skin was in terrible condition. I thought I was fat, and my mother looked at me and cried.

I dreamed that some girl asked me why I was so thin and whether I had anorexia. It was in the evening, at that time I was walking with some guy (apparently it was my boyfriend)

At first the dream was very bright and pleasant, it was fun and playful, but then I ended up in prison where my brother was, he was very thin, I got scared and told him to take care of himself.. he answered that everything was fine, and when I I lifted his T-shirt and saw his thin body and was horrified. All colors became cold and dull. I woke up terrified and with tears in my eyes.

I dreamed that for some reason I wanted to die. I lay down on the floor, and a bunch of bugs began to eat me. I felt like I was dying, but I couldn't die. At some point I passed out, but then I woke up. There were no beetles, I was lying alone. I got up and realized that it was difficult for me to walk, etc. Allegedly the bugs ate some part of my body and I became anorexic. Something happened next, but I don’t remember.

I dreamed that I was standing in front of a mirror and was terribly thin. I was very scared and my friend asked when I managed to become like this, and I answered that I don’t know. Maybe my brain imagined this dream and it doesn’t mean anything?)

I dreamed that I became anorexic and with a height of 163, I weighed 35 kg. I really want to lose weight and weigh 40 kg, so that everyone would want to stuff me with food and in a dream they gave me a lot of food for free. Maybe it was a prophetic dream?

I dreamed that I was so thin that I could touch/feel my ribs. The dream was very short and I only remember the moment I looked at myself in the mirror and touched my ribs and bones.

I dreamed that I became anorexic. I stood near the mirror and was terribly thin. I was in some kind of center for the same people who also suffer from eating disorders

In the mirror I saw my reflection, I had very thin legs and the dream was black and white, then it continued, allegedly I was sitting at my desk and suddenly decided to look at my stomach and there was a
damn fat, I was fat (
At the moment I really want to lose weight

I dreamed that we went to the doctor, and he diagnosed anorexia. Then I started eating soup. And I wanted to measure myself on the scales, but the first scales always showed 40. I measured myself on others and it showed 15 kg.

I stand and look in the mirror. I don't really understand who I'm seeing. It's me. I always considered myself fat. Although I am severely underweight, it seems to me that this is not the case. I have problems with eating (Bulimia). I'm constantly trying to lose weight.
In the dream I looked at myself. My whole body was really thin. There were bones everywhere. And I stand, looking at myself. And I'm scared.
“How so? When did it all go wrong? Can this be stopped? Please help me."
No more fat
Just bones
And it's scary.
Very scary.

Modern universal dream book

It doesn't matter who is anorexic in your dream- figure out what heavy load you need to get rid of.

Dreaming of a person who suffers from anorexia- a sign of a careless attitude towards your health. If the dream reflects your physical illness (or is somehow related to a real life situation), please seek professional advice or help.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why do you dream about anorexia?

Universal dream book

It doesn’t matter who suffers from anorexia in your dream - figure out what heavy burden you need to get rid of.

Seeing a person who suffers from anorexia in a dream is a sign of a careless attitude towards one’s health. If the dream reflects your physical illness (or is somehow related to a real life situation), please seek professional advice or help.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

29 lunar day

A dream may contain terrible and frightening images. There is no point in interpreting them: they are empty.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

November 25

A dream may hide an ambiguous context. It’s better to forget it and don’t rack your brains over its interpretation: there’s a high probability that you won’t be able to do it correctly.