Singing karaoke is a dream. Why dream of singing songs in a dream? The English dream book warns of tears

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Why do you dream of Singing in a dream according to 17 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Sing” symbol from 17 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

If you yourself sing on the street- don’t miss your chance, which means that in reality you will have the opportunity to show your talent.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Sing along to someone in a dream- in reality, also sing along, that is, assent.

To see in a dream how someone or you yourself sing in a bass voice- in the end you will sing with people with whom it will be very difficult for you to fight.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Sing along to someone in a dream- you will assent, grovel, please.

Singing in a bass voice means surprise, unexpectedness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Sing along to someone in a dream- be unanimous with your business partners.

Seeing in a dream how someone sings in a bass voice, or listening to records with Chaliapin’s voice- means that the soul is asking for a holiday, you need to get out to the theater.

Dream Interpreter

Singing yourself portends grief and tears.

Chinese dream book

See people singing and dancing- there will soon be a squabble.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Well, my friends and I were sitting in some big room, there were a lot of people and they chose a special person and they chose me, all the people who were chosen before me knew how to sing, they asked me to sing and I said that I’m bad at it, but then I don’t remember

the stage is not very big, but I sang not on the stage but next to it, and no one expected me to sing, not even myself. I was very beautiful, I had long wavy black hair, a beautiful long dress, very bright makeup, I sang gypsy chants without words, everyone really liked it, everyone applauded and whistled; in short, unexpected fame and success came

I was standing on stage. It can be seen that it is in a large concert hall. There were no spectators. I walked up to the microphone and began to sing. I sang beautifully. Standing behind me was a man about 40 years old. In the dream, I myself was about 20 years old.

Hello! I was a participant in some kind of holiday (official, non-personal), there were a lot of people, they stood in groups in a large room. I heard the discordant singing of a song I knew and liked and picked it up with pleasure. I sang well, they listened to me with pleasure, I felt the reaction of others. When I woke up, the song continued to sound within me. And now, imagine, I don’t remember! But something from Russian folk tunes.

In the dream, I loudly performed some beautiful solo aria on stage, something like famous Italian operas. It might be similar to “O sole, o sole mia...” She was dressed in a beautiful stage costume. I was alone on stage. I didn’t see any people in the stalls, only two of the same singers were mocking me.

I danced in my sleep with two other girls, while singing the song to which we danced “three white horses.” In the dream I had bright red hair, although in life I have light brown hair. I was wearing a sundress similar to the Russian folk one, all multi-colored, red shades predominated.

I was asked to sing some song, I was beautifully dressed in a pink dress, it happened in the school cafeteria, I started singing a military song and everyone sang with me, I sang very tenderly and softly

I dreamed that I was sitting on the window at school and singing and my classmate was filming me on her phone and then showing everyone this video and then all the people at school were following me and asking to take a photo with me.

In a dream, I suddenly began to feel a threat to my life. It's like something wants to kill me. I tried to scream for help, but for some reason I couldn’t utter a word. out of the blue the idea came to me that I needed to sing. I began to sing (although the singing was more like shouting) loudly, very loudly, a song from the cartoon “The Smurfs” lala lalala......and wake me up because... I sang in reality.
Nonsense. I was very scared.

Yes, hello, I had a dream, I’m in some big deserted house, I’m getting really bored there, but then I hear people starting to sing very professionally and beautifully, and they’re all my favorites, some of them, and some I don’t know. Yes, I go there , where they sing, I ask, but the music is louder than the world, I sing, even though I know that I sing well. Some kind of bandits run in here and everyone hides somewhere, I was very worried that they would kill me.

It was evening, I went out into the street, went into the next entrance, climbed the steps, and then suddenly changed my mind. I went down and met my friends. It was already night. We went to the fountain, and my friend asked me to sing, at first I didn’t want to, but it turned out very well for me and I continued with pleasure. I remember the words of the song - “maybe this is love.”

I dreamed that I was singing beautifully and sonorously on stage. So that everyone pays attention to me. Now it’s time for me to enter a theater university, but I don’t believe in my strength and I’m afraid I won’t get anywhere

Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I was singing at school in my school, and the high school students passing by were very surprised by the singing, it was pure and not false, and they praised me for it and just sing again

I dreamed that I was skating in a large shopping center; instead of roads, it had artificial ice, like indoor artificial skating rinks. I skated arm in arm with a young man, he was very handsome, we liked each other, he was definitely a professional figure skater (I wasn’t), and he was blond, apparently with blue eyes, but I could be wrong. While we were riding, music began to play, and the two of us sang a song about love, I often sing this song myself, my late mother loved it very much. I don't remember anything else.

It’s as if I came to a casting and started singing, when I suddenly realized that singing is not mine and I tell the jury that I have neither a voice nor hearing. telling me that everything can be fixed, we take you, and then I suddenly wake up.

Hello, I dreamed that I was sitting by the river and singing folk songs, I sat alone and looked at the river, nature, and I ended up there because I was waiting for my dad (I grew up without him, and I don’t know anything about him)
And earlier, as if I wrote to him on social networks, but he didn’t answer, he just read, then I felt the urge to go to the river, knowing that he would come there

I was singing on stage in front of a lot of people and in this dream my boyfriend was there. At first I was supposed to sing one song, but in the end I sang a lot of different songs. And then they asked me to sing for an encore

Now it’s almost winter, and I dreamed that on a summer night I was sitting on the corner of my country house - with my back to the house, facing the flower garden, and suddenly behind the fence, that is, behind my back, I heard the singing of an unfamiliar company. 2 men and 2 women sing, they sing loudly, perhaps drunk, but not vulgarly and the song is not a drinking song. And suddenly I decide to sing too, but not what they sing, but for some reason I begin to sing a song that I heard in childhood and since then not only have never been sung, but have never heard anywhere, which you may not even know... It seems to be called “a song about a friend” and begins with the words: “if there is one joy for everyone, there is one sadness for everyone.” And so I start singing it. The company falls silent (probably they don’t know this song), and I sing alone, in silence and darkness, and I’m terribly afraid of being out of tune or letting a rooster fly... and that’s how I woke up. It's sad, isn't it? Are even greater trials awaiting me than those I have already gone through?!

I dreamed that I was singing at school. Teachers, children, people all looked at my voice, it was not beautiful, but the song turned out well. Somehow, from the beginning of the song it didn’t turn out beautifully, but from the second verse everything was fine. Song by Ani Lorak - set your heart on fire.

I sang a very beautiful song in a trio with two men on the price, on a hill. The audience admired me, I was filled with joyful emotions. She had very tender feelings for one of the men. Men in black tailcoats sang, I was in a long white dress, with a microphone.

Some kind of competition or performance. I sang in a duet with a girl (an acquaintance). At first, there were difficulties in finding our song, which we did before Success, fry the flowers. She raised the hall, they had to sing, they put on other songs. I said that you don’t have to put anything at all. Why is it difficult to find such a popular song? But in the end we performed very well! There was a lot of applause, success. I was glad. We received flowers, gifts, and they approached me and offered me something (some place in a group or a song to record, I don’t remember the details)

Me and the guy I like, but he lives in another city, were standing in the second room of my apartment. I can’t remember exactly, but one of us played a melody on the piano, and I say that I can do better and start singing vocals. But I break down because I’m sick, in reality I’m really sick. I make excuses, saying I was sick and all that, but he said that it turned out well and we left the room.

I have never sung, I have no hearing in my life... but then in a dream I sang in a duet with a cool singing girl, I didn’t know the words to the song, it was English, but I managed to hit the notes by singing along with her, we were on stage and there were a lot of people in hall who applauded us.

We dated the guy for almost 4 years, but he talked to the girl, and now, in general, he’s with her, I still have feelings for him. Today I had a dream that she hit me, and after that I started beating her, and he didn’t do anything, but just looked at it all, and it all seemed to be in my apartment (but I kind of came to his house), and then they disappeared, and his grandmother called me (Lilichka, let me feed you, and we’ll talk)
I don't want them to be together

My dream began with the fact that I somehow ended up with my classmates in the music room. There were three of us. Me, classmate and classmate. We were dressed in formal school uniform. The atmosphere in the office was subdued and dark. We stood and rehearsed a military song, and constantly started again, every time we started singing, we straightened our collars. And so the whole dream.

I dreamed that I was singing on the street of my small town and playing the ukulele. At first my friends were with me, but they seemed not interested in listening to me. My friend constantly passed by me, who taught me to play the guitar and sing, he kept looking at me and smiling. The dream ended with me singing a very difficult song, although in life I would not be able to sing it, in the dream I did it very beautifully, I was delighted with myself

He was very unclear. Sometimes living people turned into anime, and then back into people, people sometimes turned into other people I knew or didn’t know. We had to pass the tests:
I just remember that I had to climb onto a rock and sing a melody from an anime, without hiding my scream. Me and some anime guy were being tested. I somehow missed singing the melody. We climbed some green ropes to the top, and when we stood on certain places, they simply fell through, and we had to climb there from the very beginning. Well, we walked over and sat down on some kind of... Well, like a hammock, only smaller and thinner. Well, we sat down on the grass that was under this hammock, and I heard a girl singing a melody from an anime from my left side, and she didn’t succeed, but I started singing after her. And very good! I also sing well in real life, but in my dreams it’s just much better! But then something went wrong with me, and they supposedly started giving me pills 😂😂😂, well, then some doctor brought me a leaf. And on this piece of paper there was... Nothing is clear. Well, this is real, there is no such thing, this is a dream. Well, in short, I sort of started pretending that I understood. I saw a cry there and something else, but I don’t remember. Well, then the dream ended.
The area was kind of forested everywhere, but at the same time there was such a sea and sort of jungle... Then when we went down to the grass, it was normal, but not much yellowish. Well, dry. And then when the girl started singing the melody, the area where I was was the same, only in front of me there was not a river, but doors like a doctor’s 😂😂😂 According to the dream scenario, I needed to sing a song to free myself from the spell.

It was something like a casting call, and in the meantime there were spectators and it was like a holiday, everyone was getting ready and I stood with my friend, then at some point they kicked me out of there, they said that I couldn’t sing, I cried, my friend stood not far away, there was some guy standing, he came up, calmed him down, said go sing, everything will be fine, well, we went back, I was the first to perform, I sang the song without knowing the words, sometimes singing along or being completely silent, but in the song I heard the words, many laughed , then I quickly went out and this guy was with a friend, and I was with a friend, and in the end we became friends.

There was some event like a casting, there were a lot of spectators, about 100 people, I was kicked out because of something, as if I couldn’t sing, I started crying, there was a guy standing there, he hugged me and led me into the hall, he said go sing, I was performing to a song to which I don’t know the words, I sang along in places, I heard many people laughing, after the song ended I went outside, after which my friend and I went home, we walked playing with that guy and his friend (we didn’t know each other)

I dreamed that I was sitting with my friend, with whom I live in a dorm, sitting on a bench and singing songs, at that moment, when we were sitting and singing in the park, I saw a guy. I had never seen the guy before in reality; he was thin, black, not my type. The main thing is that I don’t know how to sing in reality, but I woke up to how beautifully I sang and it was a wonderful day.

Hello. I dreamed that I was singing the Hallelujah song from the stage, reading the lyrics from paper, but I constantly got confused in the words and therefore improvised some lines. My children's vocal and dance teacher sent me to sing. Moreover, at the rehearsals there was one sheet of text with the text, I remembered this, and at the time of the performance there was another, so I was very worried, my voice was shaking, I’m not a singer in life, and even in a dream I knew it, this was my first performance. The teacher looked at me and smiled, saying that everything was fine. I was wearing a wedding dress. Or rather, the dress that I sewed in my youth according to the book We Sew Wedding and Evening Dresses. I then tried to sew something similar from simple white fabric. It looked like a wedding. It was precisely in the one I sewed in my youth that I sang. And in my dream my hair was still long, like in my youth, and not cut short, as it is now in life.

I came to the wedding. I didn’t have a dress. My sister gave me the outfit. The dress was purple, beautiful, not long. A song appeared in my head and I hummed it the whole dream. and woke up with this song. And I still can’t get it out of my thoughts.

Why dream of singing musical compositions in a dream? If you are not a professional musician, this dream speaks of harmony with the outside world. However, interpreters also determine other interpretations of this plot, depending on the state of the dreamer himself and some features of the dream plot.

In song and music, people express their attitude to life and current events. A song helps to build and live - that’s what the old Soviet song taught us. What does your soul talk about in a dream, what tune does it sing? The interpretation of what you see will depend on this. So, in a dream you can:

  • sing a happy/sad/romantic song;
  • listen to a song performed by another person;
  • sing solo or in a duet/with a choir/backing up;
  • sing in different places - at home, on stage, in the city.

Hearing beautiful music and a beautiful performance of a song in a dream- to happy changes in fate. A pleasant surprise, good news or event awaits you. Life will change for the better, the long-awaited white streak will come. However, it refers to a fun musical composition.

If in a dream you heard a sad song, one cannot dream of happy changes in fate. Disappointment and failure will soon await you, especially if you heard a sad female voice. Sad melodies do not foretell joy.

What did you perform?

The interpretation of the dream depends on the nature of the song you sang in the dream:

  • classical;
  • church hymn;
  • modern rap;
  • gypsy romance;
  • funny ditties;
  • the song of my childhood.

Opera promises to receive news from afar, perhaps from abroad. Performing rap foreshadows thoughtful, painstaking work. Church hymns speak of your elevated soul and good connection with God and the angels.

Romances portend romantic meetings and passion of feelings. Funny ditties, especially obscene ones, speak of a reckless nature: you can make a mess. Children's songs - nostalgia for the past, the need for someone's support.

Humming an unfamiliar tune in a dream— learn a lot of new information that will be useful to you in life to achieve your goals.

How did you sing the songs?

The interpretation of the plot depends on how you performed the songs:

  • solo;
  • duet;
  • choral singing.

Solo loud performance musical compositions speaks of wasted time on achieving goals: you will not achieve them. Perform solo compositions beautifully - your talents will be noticed.

Choral singing- you will be able to establish relationships in a team and easily adapt to any circumstances. Singing in a pair (duet) speaks of a good, reliable friend/comrade-in-arms who you can rely on.

The quality of execution also has its own characteristics in interpretation:

  • sing in a clear, even voice- to good events in life;
  • fake- to conflict with the environment;
  • performance on the street— to the implementation of the intended goals;
  • sing along to a person- become dependent on someone;
  • whistle a song- to be frivolous.

Lonely solo singing in your room- your closed nature does not encourage communication. Singing at a party means you are a sociable person, you easily make contact with strangers.

Performing a solo composition in front of a mirror- to overcome complexes and psychological pressures. Singing while bathing in the shower - know how to combine work with relaxation. Singing in bed - you need variety in your intimate life.

Interpretation of dream books

Newest dream book believes: singing ditties predicts a funny situation, singing a song predicts sad news from a loved one, singing church psalms predicts sadness and spiritual renewal.

Dream Book of the Wanderer believes: solo performance in a dream portends illness, and harmonious performance together with a choir - to happy events.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation considers solo singing as a harbinger of troubles, the performance of a song by another person - for news, beautiful singing - for good news, a false performance - for a quarrel, a familiar tune - for news from friends, singing along with others - for vanity.

Modern dream book considers off-key singing a harbinger of a quarrel. If you sing without a voice, this is a groundless accusation. Attempts to sing out of place or deliberately change the rhythm/tempo of a musical composition - you are driven by the spirit of confrontation, which will not lead to good.

Only if singing is not your favorite pastime or means of earning money, you should pay attention to the dream in which you happened to sing a song. Why such a plot is dreamed of is not a difficult question; any dream book can solve it. But in order to get the most accurate interpretations, you should take into account all the details seen in the dream, even the smallest ones.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you were singing a song, know that happiness awaits you, but you will have to defend and prove its truth for a very long time. Church hymns in your performance have a different meaning. Such plots mean your repentance for something.

But this is why you dream of a vision in which you write sad lines with feeling: according to the interpreter, this means failure and bad luck.

What were you singing?

The interpretation of the dream in which you sing a song may change depending on the genre of the song you performed. Let's compare:

  • a cheerful song is a sign of luck;
  • a sad melody - to melancholy;
  • frivolous chanting is a signal of waste;
  • singing psalms - to peace;
  • the patriotic anthem is a symbol of inflated needs;
  • performing a lullaby - to improve family relationships;
  • an epic ballad about mom or dad is a sign of family celebration;
  • perky ditties about mom or dad - to a funny situation with a parent.

The big stage as the personification of high needs

Anyone who dreamed that he was singing a song while standing on stage in the Concert Hall should be aware that efforts must be made to achieve one’s goals - desires by themselves are rarely fulfilled, Longo’s dream book assures.

Did you dream that you were flying over the stage? You will be able to achieve what you want very quickly. Love helps you fly - your loved one will turn your dream into reality. But if you flew on your own, a lucky chance awaits you.

A cheerful feast is a harbinger of joy

Singing a song at a drunken party is a symbol that a good mood and good luck await you, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book. If you dream that you are dancing to your own singing, you will achieve much more than you expect.

But, according to the Eastern Dream Book, dancing in a dream to your own chant is a sign of the breadth of the dreamer’s soul: you do not know the feeling of envy. Dancing in a dream with a partner - be prepared to work in tandem, which will lead to success.

Repertoire “from the other world”, or Say goodbye to the past!

When figuring out why you dream of singing a song, pay attention to one fact. If you dreamed that you were performing songs from the repertoire of a deceased singer, this is a sign of undying hopes. Was the dead star's repertoire a love affair? You yearn for your past relationship.

But why dream of singing a song by a deceased artist who performed in a humorous genre: don’t be sad, everything will get better very soon, Tsvetkov’s dream book promises.

Singing with the dead: From isolation to revealing secrets

If you dream that you are going to sing together with a deceased performer, you are too withdrawn into yourself, says the Lunar Dream Book. In a dream, you were unable to get to a rehearsal with the late singer? Don't be upset - this is a sign of breaking out of a streak of failure.

If you sing in a dream, then this indicates good comrades, a pleasant pastime and fun in reality. You can go visit or hear from a good old friend. If you sing in front of a group of people, in real life you will need to challenge your happy life in the eyes of others. Sad motives for singing indicate possible unpleasant or sad events in reality. Rude singing is a thoughtless financial waste that can lead to bad consequences.

sing in your sleep

This dream foreshadows the singing person’s troubles to come in the near future in reality. A beautiful song is good news; if you are out of tune while singing, a quarrel will happen with someone. A familiar tune – news from an old friend. If someone else sings and you sing along with him, society will recognize you, but this may lead to vanity on your part.

sing in your sleep

Singing unpleasant songs in front of people in a dream means false and useless conversations in reality, as well as losses and misfortune. If the singing is pleasant - to profit. If in a dream you sing for yourself, and there are no people around, this means the machinations of deceitful envious people.

what does it mean if you sing in a dream

If you sing in a dream, then this foreshadows tears and sorrow in reality.

what does it mean if you sing in a dream

If you sing in a dream, and everything around you breathes happiness and grace, in real life your joy will be darkened by someone’s envy and insincerity. Sad notes of the songs - you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of real events.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

yourself - to trouble; someone sings - news; harmonious singing - good news; false - to a quarrel; seeing and hearing a singer on stage is a culmination, a crisis in personal or business; a familiar tune - news from a friend; join in singing - recognition, approval of others; the temptation of vanity; repeating the motive - (exactly) - an unpleasant decision; (false) - they will blame you for the quarrel.

Why do you dream about bass?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

sing in a bass voice - for a trip to the water; troubles at work.

I dreamed about a song

according to Miller's dream book

Hearing comic songs in a dream foretells that you will neglect the opportunity to advance your business and enjoy fun entertainment in a pleasant company. Singing a humorous song yourself means that after great pleasure there will come difficulties that you have to overcome.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Such a dream foreshadows tears, grief and suffering.

I dreamed of singing

according to Miller's dream book

Singing heard in a dream promises you joy and happy companionship. It is possible that you will soon receive the promised letter from a distant friend. You have a dream: you sing, and meanwhile everything that surrounds you beckons with the expectation of happiness. As a result of this dream, you will jealously dispute the truth of your happiness. If sad notes sound in the singing, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs. Rough, rollicking singing in a dream means terrible and wasteful expenses.

The meaning of a dream about a choir

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see a choir performing - you consider your sex life to be good, wonderful, harmonious. However, are you convinced that your partner shares your confidence? Try to find out his opinion, because the dream suggests that not everything is as good as it seems. Singing in a choir yourself means you are so concerned about public opinion that you forget about that person who should be much more important to you than everyone else. We are talking about your sexual partner, whose proposals you so often reject, citing their refusal as “indecent.” Aren't you afraid that your partner will simply leave for someone who can see more than weirdness in his sexual fantasies? For a woman to conduct a choir in a dream - in real life you are trying to escape from brute force that has been pursuing you for a long time. A certain person is trying to subjugate your will, but you have not yet found a decent way to protect yourself from this brutal onslaught. Meanwhile, everything is not so difficult - just do something that the person in question would obviously not like. If a man conducted a choir in a dream, it means that he suppresses the sexual desires of his partner, believing that he himself is capable of understanding everything that a woman might want. In fact, this is far from the case and for a long time she has been forced to “eat” only what is offered on your “menu,” hiding her own desires.