Why do you dream about a tombstone? Interpretation of the dream of a tombstone in dream books Why do you dream of a gravestone?

Our dreams - are they prophetic? Dreamed visions and events are extremely rarely repeated exactly in reality, but the symbols that we see are always important.

Any object, thing, phenomenon - everything has an interpretation in the dream book, everything is important and significant, and if you pay attention to this, you can learn many secrets about your future. Isn't this tempting? Moreover, there are special symbols that cannot be skipped, since their meaning is most important. This includes the monument.

If you are wondering why you dream about a monument, it’s easy to find out - the dream book knows the answers to the questions. But don’t rush to look for an interpretation until you remember all the details of your dream, because they are the ones that are important! Depending on the details, the type of monument, its condition, your actions and other details, the interpretation of the dream will change.

The dream book describes the following options:

  • See the monument from the side;
  • Admire the beautiful monument;
  • Wait near him, make a date;
  • I dream about how a monument to a person comes to life;
  • I dreamed of the opening of a new monument;
  • Tombstone - to himself;
  • Seeing a grave monument for someone else in a cemetery;
  • Sit at its foot;
  • Erect it in a dream;
  • See your own monument.

Some of these dreams are creepy, some do not evoke any emotions, but this does not matter at all. The main thing is not to confuse anything, take into account all the details and correctly interpret what you dreamed.


What do you associate this symbol with? It is quite poetic in itself, you will agree, and evokes conflicting feelings. These works of art always exude coldness, unshakable eternity, and mystery. Well, in dreams they are completely mysterious, and it is not easy to understand why a monument is dreamed of, based only on intuition. So let's turn to the interpreter!

1. The dream book says that this dream is about dreams and inaction. Are you spending too much time on empty dreams, is life passing you by? It’s nice to be in sad or romantic dreams and forget about reality, but in the meantime you do nothing for your own happiness. Dreams need to be fulfilled, and with your own hands and active actions!

2. The dream book interprets a dream in which you admired a beautiful monument as unexpected joy and profit. Soon your affairs will improve, and completely unexpectedly for you, so get ready - a pleasant surprise from fate awaits you, and more than one!

3. If in a dream you made an appointment or a date near a monument, were waiting for something or someone, you should hope for the best in reality. The interpreter hints that if you expect only the bad, then fate will not favor you too much, and faith in the best will bring everything you dream about much closer to you.

4. If you dreamed of a monument that suddenly came to life, began to move, walk or talk - do not be alarmed. The dream is strange, but its meaning is very simple: you are too cold towards others, or maybe towards one person who is trying to gain your favor. It’s worth being softer and opening up to people!

5. The opening of a new monument in a dream is a good sign. A big, significant event awaits you, something long-awaited. This event will change your life, and exclusively for the better. Just don't be afraid of change!

9. Erecting a monument in a dream is a good sign. You dream about such things to show that you are close to great success. Perhaps you have already achieved something, or maybe you are just at the beginning of your journey, but success is already close. The main thing, the interpreter advises, is not to be overly vain - then everything will work out.

10. Dreaming of your own monument symbolizes peace and a harmonious, pleasant life. A very good streak awaits you, relaxation, pleasant activities and good company. You deserve it and you will get it soon!

Be careful and thoughtful when reading the interpreter. Draw the right conclusions and remember that your happiness and the destiny you dream of are only in your hands! Author: Vasilina Serova

Dream interpretation tombstone

It would not hurt any dreamer to decide what a tombstone represents in a dream. As practice shows, such unpleasant images come at night quite often and a feeling of panic is a natural consequence.

Is it really that bad?

According to the dream book, a tombstone is a symbol that rarely predicts negative events. If we talk about its deep root causes, then it foreshadows the dreamer’s deliverance from far-fetched experiences and anxieties.

I dreamed about a tombstone

If you happen to see the tombstone of your loved one, then he is in danger of trouble, and you should warn him about this.

Own burial

A gravestone is unlikely to make your morning pleasant, and therefore your task is to remember every detail of your dreams, and only then turn to the appropriate sources. Why did you dream about your own burial? Various dream interpreters will help answer this question.

At the initial stage, you will have to remember the appearance of the tombstone:

  • abandoned grave - loneliness and hopelessness have settled in your soul, and therefore the time has come for decisive action;
  • cross without a name - to excessive attachment to a person or the past;
  • well-groomed - an unexpected gift awaits you from a loved one.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The presented dream interpreter considers a tombstone an unfavorable symbol that should be correctly interpreted in accordance with one’s life picture. Longo describes the coming shame and complete collapse.

Seeing vandals at a looting site is the first sign that your nervous system is in critical condition. To solve this problem, you will have to put aside your work and take rest.

Find out your name on a gravestone in a dream

Universal dream book

Why do you dream of a tombstone with your own name? The dream book says that the dreamer must become a fearless person. In real life, he will be expected to meet a distant relative and receive good news. Seeing your gravestone, noticing a mysterious glow - you will be able to hear facts that will allow you to solve your current problem.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist suggested that the tombstone seen is a reflection of the fact that disturbing thoughts will turn out to be unfounded. Decoding allows you to dispel fears about your health, because the dreamer is fine.

What's happened?

The correct interpretation can be obtained by considering the key action.

If you dreamed about kissing a photograph on a monument, there are many negative experiences in your soul that do not allow you to live normally. Miller's dream book says that only the bravest will be generously rewarded for passing the tests.

Kissing a grave monument in a dream

According to another interpretation, kissing is seen as an auspicious symbol that precedes the end of a dark streak. There will not just be more money in your life, all dubious matters will disappear by themselves.


To see how someone erects a monument to a living person means that after waking up, he must be warned about possible troubles. If the dreamer dreams of such images, then unprecedented success in his professional field awaits him.


Why do you dream of a tombstone with written dates? Many difficult situations will appear in your life, the solution of which will require the involvement of other people. According to Miller's dream book, if you put dates and the name of a person you know, your relationship will end abruptly.

additional information

If in a night dream you happened to see a mass grave, and your own initials were found among the dead, then, according to one popular dream book, slanderers and intriguers will appear in your life. The main thing is not to react to such antics and continue to do your work.

Reading the Wanderer’s dream book, you can understand that the dreamed gravestone is a reflection of your bitter experiences associated with unrealized possibilities. In addition, the dreamer did not care about people dear to his heart, spoiling his relationship with them. To solve such a problem, we need to get together more often and share news with each other.

The dreamer also understands that he is taking on an extra burden, but simply does not dare to do anything specific. The spirit of healthy adventurism will allow you to get out of your current situation.

Reading the inscriptions on the tombstone means making new friends. If in a dream you wanted to enjoy the silence and tranquility of a cemetery, then in reality you will be able to do this.

Your own tombstone in a dream is a fairly common occurrence. And yet the dreamer can’t wait to find out why this ominous symbol is being dreamed about. The dream book is encouraging that such a frightening image does not always mean negative. Often it foreshadows deliverance from unnecessary worries. The tombstone of a familiar person who is actually alive warns that he is in trouble.

Own burial

When you happen to see your tombstone in a dream, pay attention to its appearance. An abandoned grave represents a feeling of loneliness and hopelessness. Well-groomed portends that the one who cares about you will give you an unexpected holiday.

Interpreter Longo considers devastated graves, destroyed crosses and obelisks to be an extremely unfavorable sign. These are harbingers of shame and complete collapse. If you managed to catch the vandals at the crime scene, the dream suggests that the sleeping person’s nervous system is in critical condition.

It’s interesting to know why you dream of a tombstone with your name on it. The universal dream book reassures that the sleeper is not in danger of anything bad. Most likely, an equally unexpected meeting or an amazing event awaits him in reality.

If you happen to see your tombstone in a dream, illuminated by a radiance, in the near future you will hear news that will bring considerable comfort.

Miller's dream book believes that if you happen to see your tombstone in a dream, in reality it will soon become clear that your alarming premonitions turned out to be groundless. In particular, the interpretation of dreams concerns concerns about health.

Activities in the cemetery

Miller's dream book also explains why one dreams of kissing a tombstone. What you see in a dream means that negative premonitions, unfortunately, are destined to come true. At the same time, a reward awaits the dreamer who passes the test with honor and dignity.

There is another explanation for why you dream of kissing an obelisk. The French dream book sees in this gesture a favorable symbol of the end of a bad streak, a harbinger of prosperity and advancement in business.

If you dreamed of installing a memorial sign on the grave of a really living person, he is in danger of trouble. The sleeper, on the contrary, expects success, most likely in the field of professional achievements.

This is by no means the only interpretation of dreams, which means dreaming of a tombstone with the name of a living person. In reality, your friend is in danger or in an extremely difficult situation. It is possible that your help will be needed.

According to Miller’s dream book, if you dreamed that you were putting the name of a living person on a tombstone with your own hands, your relationship with the person mentioned will soon end.

What do the tombstones tell you?

If you dreamed about how you found a mass grave with your name on the tombstone in the list of those buried, the dream book warns that in real life you may be treated inappropriately or bad rumors may be spread.

The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that the one who dreamed of a tombstone, in reality, bitterly regrets unrealized plans and lost opportunities, and also repents that he did not always treat those dear to him well.

The nameless cross indicates excessive attachment to the past, which has long become a burden for the dreamer, however, he does not want to break it.

If you dreamed of reading the inscriptions on a tombstone, the prophecy of Nostradamus promises that you will make new friends.

If you happen to while away the time on a cemetery bench, enjoying peace, solitude and silence, in reality you will find a way to find peace.

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Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    I dreamed about my uncle taking me to the cemetery during the day to see my dad, although I know where he is buried, and this is not the same cemetery, my uncle holds a beaver and says: he protects us and lets him into a clean lake, we approach the cemetery, my uncle shows the grave, there is a surname ours, but I didn’t see the name, but I cried that this was my father’s grave, although it was not his. I don't understand.

    I dreamed from Friday to Saturday. I’m sitting on a bench by the grave, reading the inscription, but it’s from someone I don’t know. But I know it myself, as if it were some kind of grandmother. I put my foot on the tombstone and she grabs my foot.

    I had such a strange dream. I’m standing in the cemetery and I realize that they placed the wrong tombstone. I ordered a tombstone for myself, but they installed something else. I read the name, it’s so tricky. And I started arguing there about why it wasn’t my tombstone, but some woman’s.

    I dreamed that I seemed to be near a bright building, for some reason it seemed to me that this was a school. And one couple, husband and wife, came up to me; they are my friends and they both work as physical education teachers at school. And yes, in front of them there is a girl, she says that this is my grave and points to a small nailed plaque with a cross and a name, well, as usual, but my name is not written on it, it is not written in Russian at all, the name is definitely not mine. The most interesting thing was that as soon as I said that this was not my grave, she immediately took on a confused look, as if she realized her mistake. By the way, I noticed that they all had a cross on their neck.

    I dreamed about the place of a small fishing line, located at a distance from the honey. The school where I just started studying has many, many graves, tombstones, fresh artificial flowers around, on almost every tree, and my friend and I walk home through this little forest. What is noteworthy is that the dream was seen in very bright colors and it was either late spring or summer, since the foliage on the trees was green. Why would you dream of such a thing? Somebody knows? 🙂

    I dreamed that my friends and I were walking through a cemetery and we were looking for some name and there were a lot of church candles everywhere, and we lit them to see everyone’s names on the tombstones, in the end we found my name, but my name was just written there, As if for the future or something, please describe to me what this is for? Thank you!

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The meaning of a dream about a Tombstone, a plate with inscriptions

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Date. Fame, recognition, success.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

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Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Tombstone?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Tombstone?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a tombstone means lack of news or bad news. If you can face this with dignity, then you will find the strength to move on in life. Don’t allow yourself to become limp and think that “life is over.” Seeing a cracked tombstone means you are in danger...

Tombstone - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It is a symbol of transformation, death and resurrection. For example, the Celtic tradition viewed the burial mound as the womb of mother earth. Thus, the grave was considered a kind of womb - a place of preparation for rebirth.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Tombstone?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Anxiety, anxiety, “adrenaline tickles.”

Interpretation of the dream Tombstone

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Tombstones - a quiet life.

What does the dream portend: Tombstone

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream hint - visit the temple and order the appropriate service for the repose of your relatives by name.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Tombstone?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It symbolizes some event from the past or an entire stage in your life, under which you have already drawn a line. Making or installing a tombstone is a sign that you must say goodbye to past problems that once had serious meaning to you. Otherwise …

Seeing a Monument in a dream

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Seeing a Cemetery in a dream

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Seeing a Tomb in a dream

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A tomb in a dream foreshadows news of the resolution of some issue. Monument, tombstone.

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Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Tombstone?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a tombstone means a date with a friend, a significant event in your life, destiny. To erect a tombstone means a promotion, a danger to the life of some person. Reading your name on a tombstone means concerns about health, a premonition of death that will not come true.

Author of the article: website Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

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Author of the article: website