If you dream about the devil. Possession of the devil. Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why does the Devil dream:

If you dreamed about the devil, then you have started a very dangerous game.

See also: why do you dream about the devil, why do you dream about the demon, why do you dream about hell.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about the devil?

If you dreamed about the devil, then big problems await you.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream and why do you see the Devil in a dream:

If you dreamed about the devil, then you have started a dangerous game with evil forces.

If you see that you were talking with the devil, then you will commit rash actions that will lead to dire consequences and instantly destroy your calm life.

Symbolic dream book

The personification of world evil, in the pre-Christian tradition and in dualistic ideas, is the creator of evil, the “bad” world principle, opposed on equal grounds to the good. His lot, in the words of Goethe, is “to do good, desiring evil to everyone.”

Kabbalists argued that the devil is an emanation of the “left” side of the deity, from which it followed again that world evil is generated by world good and is located within the divine fullness. along with the “demonic” figures in the works of the romantics, it has the semantics of a hero, while Dante portrays him as the antithesis of all that is good:

The ruler of the tormenting power, His chest made of ice, rose halfway; And the giant is closer to me in height,

Than the hands of Lucifer to the giant; Based on this part, you yourself would have calculated what he is like, his whole body sunk into the ice floe.

Oh, if he raised his eyelids to the Creator and was as wondrous as he is now terrible, He is truly the root cause of evil!

And I became speechless from amazement,

When I saw three faces on it:

One is above the chest; its color was red;

And over one and over the other shoulder

Two adjacent to this side threatened,

Closing at the back of the head under the crest.

The face to the right was white and yellow;

The color on the left was

Like those who came from the Nile Falls.

Under each grew two large wings,

As should a bird so great in the world;

The mast did not carry such sails.

Without feathers, they looked like bats;

He fanned them, moving the ramen,

And three winds drove along the dark expanse,

The streams of Cocytus are freezing to the bottom.

Six eyes were streaming with tears, and bloody saliva was flowing from three mouths.

The three faces of the devil, as well as his three mouths, according to the explanations of researchers of Dante’s work, are a mockery of the Trinity. Black face is ignorance as opposed to divine omniscience.

In other words, big troubles await you, after which people who knew you well will not recognize you as the same person.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why does the Devil dream according to the dream book:

Seeing the devil in a dream is a bad sign, signifying to a person that he will be subject to temptation, and for those who are sinners, it is better to repent and then you will not die in your sins.

Seeing a devil with legs, claws and a tail portends torment and despair.

Defeating him in a dream means complete destruction. Communicating with the devil in a dream promises you rash actions.

Talking calmly and friendly to the devil in a dream signifies betrayal, despair, loss of property or life itself.

Being pursued by the devil in a dream and fleeing from him in horror foreshadows persecution from home and, in general, the enmity of a strong enemy. Beating and overthrowing the devil in a dream foretells triumph over enemies, glory and vengeance on the strong. Seeing many devils together is a bad sign for the patient, and for other people such a dream portends boredom, grief, severe anger and illness.

A peasant who sees the devil in a dream expects the destruction of his crops, livestock diseases and other losses. For athletes, especially those who travel outside the state, this dream is an incentive to be careful.

Such a dream is especially serious for young girls, who after it must be careful in their actions and rely more on friends. If in a dream the devil captures your imagination, then in real life you may fall into some kind of trap. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive gullibility in dealing with strangers. Seeing the devil's servants in a dream means temptation and confusion in your affairs. Being carried away by the devil to hell in a dream is a sign of the greatest misfortunes.

Going to hell in a dream and hearing the terrible cries of martyrs in it is an indication that your actions are making other people suffer. Such a dream suggests that you must change your behavior, repent and turn to God with sincere repentance. If, with the help of the devil, you manage to obtain or achieve something that you consider forbidden, then in reality try not to succumb to temptations, which can subsequently lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about the devil?

If you dreamed about the devil, this is a bad sign; you will soon have dangerous friends.

You also run the risk of jail or drug addiction.

See also: why do you dream about hell, why do you dream about the devil, why do you dream about horns.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why does the Devil dream according to the dream book:

Dreamed of the devil - this portends dubious pleasure and bitter repentance.

Having an argument with the devil in a dream means you will be caught concealing income by tax authorities.

If the devil takes you to hell in a dream, then this means a sharp turn of events for the worse.

Why dream of seeing devils surrounding you in a wild dance and not allowing passage - this is a harbinger of favorable changes in business, but difficulties in family life.

If a peasant sees the devil in a dream, he needs to be prepared for the worst: crop failure, loss of livestock, losses. For athletes, especially those who travel far from home, this dream encourages caution and prudence.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Seeing the Devil in a dream:

Note. Having seen a dream in which devils appear in one way or another, try to wake up as soon as possible: there are cases when a dreamer who met representatives of evil spirits in the “night reality” suffered death.

A dream about the devil can be both a symbol of troubles that threaten you, and a true representative of evil spirits.

Only for women: To see that a well-dressed man inviting you into his house is the devil in disguise - be prepared for the fact that your enemies and rivals will try to harm you, not disdaining any methods. Be afraid of meeting strangers who seem respectable at first glance - they may deceive you.

Dream Book of G. Miller

If you dream about the Devil, why is it:

If you dreamed about devils, then this is a warning.

Your indiscriminateness in the search for pleasure will lead to major troubles.

Seeing something in the guise of the devil means that your own stupidity and secret vices will soon make you beggars.

Everyday dream book

Why does the devil dream according to the dream book:

If you dreamed about the devil, then this dream foreshadows all sorts of dangers for you. For people who love risk - injuries, for women - deception on the part of men, for peasants - crop failure, and so on. The devil's spell is dangerous even in a dream.

Seeing the devil can also mean that in reality you will have to experience fear, as well as that defeat awaits you. If you see that the devil has deceived you, then in reality you risk finding yourself far from home and loved ones.

If you dream that you are at enmity, fighting with the devil, this dream predicts your quick victory over your enemies.

If in a dream the devil appears to you in the form of an impressive man and invites you into his home, then in reality your enemies are trying to harm you by any means, including the most base and dirty.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does the Devil mean:

If you dreamed of demons, this is a bad omen that foretells meeting a vicious person and envy. For athletes, the demon is a warning about possible failures.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream and why do you see the devil in a dream:

I dreamed of a terrible image of the devil - this means a dubious acquaintance, temptation, envy if he turns to the sleeping person. If you see that you are suffering from the demon, you are experiencing fear, then failure at work awaits you.

To see that you have won a victory over the demon means you will earn glory. If a sick person dreams of a demon, this is a sign of imminent death.

If you dreamed of agreement with a demon, upcoming acquisitions await you.

Getting rid of demons in a dream means you will change your way of life.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about the devil:

Dangerous friends. Danger of prison or drug addiction. Mars in the 12th house. Black Moon in Aquarius.

Many people ask why I dreamed about the devil yesterday? Why do I have bad dreams? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Every person has a dark and a light side. They say that an angel sits behind the right shoulder, instructing on the true path, and behind the left is a demon, inspiring negative thoughts.

When people come to you in a dream (saints, angels, demons, mythical beasts or monsters), regardless of your emotions, write down your vision. Then you will understand that this is a mystical message or a reflection of your dark and light sides. Very often, such dreams are reproduced by our intuitive, which comes at the moment when a person is scheduled to make some kind of life choice.


Many people do not know why they recently dreamed of the devil. Have you heard about the dreams of prophets and saints, to whom angels and the Almighty himself came? Many of them are written about in the Bible. The Old Testament talks about 40 dreams, and the New Testament talks about nine. Christianity believed that dark dreams, which cannot be ignored, come from the devil, and light ones - from God.

The philosopher and theologian Synesius is one of the few priests who encouraged the study of dreams. He was opposed to the use of dream books and recommended keeping a “night book” (dream diary). This bishop recognized that the meanings of various images depended on the individual skills of the person. Synesius created a treatise “On Dreams”, in which he wrote that dreams can raise the human spirit to the highest worlds so that it gains a true understanding of the secrets of the Universe.


You don’t know why the devil was in your dream the other day? Scenes of the underworld can convey the situation in which a person finds himself in life. Often they reflect a hidden state of doom, a situation that the unfortunate person wants to improve, a deep psychological crisis, when, according to the dreamer, life is hopeless and there is no end to torment. Doctor Faustus argued that hell has no boundaries and no image, it is in us. If you dreamed of fire, it means a person is suffering from fiery feelings (rage, jealousy or passion). Any negative character is not only the realization of daring, but also a feeling of guilt.

You need to figure out what you are reproaching yourself for. After all, people end up in Gehenna not for no reason, but because of their sins.


Sometimes people are scared because they don’t know why they dreamed about the devil at night. Behind such an event are children's punishments and complexes. Such a dream indicates that you need to sort out your feelings and, perhaps, consult a psychologist. Sometimes nightmares warn of an onset of illness. Demons, devils, demons want to act differently from what is accepted in society, they provoke and tempt. When you meet such anti-heroes in a dream, think: what do they represent in you? You've probably taken the wrong path and may make a mistake.

So why do you dream about demons? Sometimes this is a symbol of the fact that in life you are like an angel (trying to please everyone), but you are tired, you want to lower your wings, send them to the dry cleaner and rest a little. And then the evil angel appears - your views that if you are not fluffy and white, then you are ugly and dark. This is how the shadow side of an individual is revealed. The twilight that exists in everyone.

In dreams it appears in a wide variety of terrible images: sorcerers and witches, black figures, pursuers, people in hoods. A person must become aware of his shadow in order to get rid of some restrictions and complexes. Then the energy that the scary character is endowed with will come under your control. Therefore, you don’t need to run away, but look your demons and fears in the face.


Did you have a scary dream? It happens that another person is hiding behind a guest from the underworld: he vampirizes your powers and has a destructive influence on you. Look around, analyze your relationships with people, take a critical look at the connections you have recently created.

Sometimes a woman may dream of the man with whom she has linked her fate in the form of a demon. Such a union is sometimes very difficult to break; it attracts you like a magnet, but for the sake of personal health and well-being, this must be done.

Dream Interpretation

Let's look into the dream book? What does the devil look like there? In the realm of dreams, encounters with the supernatural are quite common. A person can dream of any kind of evil spirit - an evil spirit, a witch and even the devil. Dream books fully explain the details of such dreams. You just need to remember how you saw the demon: did you see the face of some person, or did he look like an esoteric creature? You need to consider especially carefully dreams where an evil spirit has settled in your body or that of a friend.

The real devil

Did you dream about the devil himself? Despite the incidental situation, the dream book sometimes gives very down-to-earth interpretations. If you drink too much, then it is possible that in reality you will begin to imagine devils.

Sometimes the mystical characters in a dream may not be miraculous creatures. For example, in Tasmania there lives such an animal - the Tasmanian devil. The dream book predicts that the person who dreamed about it attaches too much meaning to the sea of ​​life and reacts heavily to various incidents.

Miller's dream book can help you interpret. It says that the devil trying to surprise you with his talents is a harbinger of sad events in your private life. Paying attention to your appearance, you often forget about your soul, and with such a position in life, you will not see happiness in love.

If in a dream you saw the eyes of the devil, which play in the night with reflections of scarlet flame, this is a bad sign. Regarding this, the dream books say that someone’s evil will can lead you to a huge misfortune that will happen either to you or to your loved ones.


In human form? This kind of napping content is not good for innocent young girls. If the devil is trying to lure you into his house, and you are unable to resist him, then it is quite possible that a mentally ill person has his eye on you - you may become a victim of violence.

If you dreamed of a devil man, and at the same time he was superbly dressed, handsome, and beckoned you to follow him, then the dream book predicts that you will begin to commit immoral acts. The hypocritical guy pretending to be a friend will be to blame for this, and not your predisposition to debauchery.

If you exposed the male devil and resisted his actions as much as possible, this is an ambiguous sign. The dream book writes that evil discovered in time in the face of a handsome guy can be reflected in reality as convicting a lover of treason.

Struggle and exile

Read the dream book. The devil is described in as much detail as possible. If a loved one, possessed by Satan, appeared to you in a dream, and you cast out the devil in a dream, then the dream book predicts that you will be able to save a relative or friend from death.

What if you dreamed of exorcising the devil from a stranger? What does it mean? If the ritual of expulsion is carried out according to all the rules, then in reality you will encounter mysterious phenomena that will change your worldview.

A married woman who fought the devil in a dream should be wary of suspicious strangers. In dream books they write that a daring boyfriend may appear who will take you away from your family and then abandon you.

If the devil is with you, this is a bad sign, but only when you could not overcome him. You will fail, even where everything seemed like a win-win. If you were able to defeat the devil in a dream, then the dream book foretells a successful outcome to a hopeless situation. A sign will be sent from above to you, indicating the right path.


So, you already know what it means if you dream of a devil man. How do you interpret the situation in which this evil spirit takes possession of you? The dream book says that in reality you will be able to achieve fame and honor.

Why does another devil dream? From the point of view of psychoanalysts, you are mistaken about the people who surround you. You like to evaluate qualities without taking into account objective reality. And it scares your friends away from you. If you are from the devil, it means that in reality you are indulging in persecution.


Next, we will find out why the devil dreams of a woman. Now let’s look at close relationships with evil spirits and otherworldly creatures in a dream. These actions have always been considered a bad omen. Therefore, if you kissed the devil in a dream, then the person closest to you at the moment will betray you. This is exactly what the dream book predicts.

If you had sex with the devil in a dream, then in reality you will have a crowd of fans who will not care about your inner qualities. They will turn you into a cold idol.

Unearthly dialogues

How are conversations with the other world interpreted? If you heard the voice of the devil in a dream and began to obey him, then the dream book warns you against frivolous actions. Any action done in the heat of strong feelings can lead to fatal, unforeseen consequences.

If in a dream you exchange opinions with Satan, are rude, or show your fearlessness, then fate will be favorable to you in life. You may become rich by receiving an inheritance or winnings.

If in a dream a business man made a deal with the devil, this is a bad sign. The dream books write that in this case you don’t need to trust even trusted business partners. Soon, all circumstances will develop in such a way that your failure will turn into happiness for others.

If in a dream you sold your soul to Lucifer and signed a contract with your blood, then a dishonest life awaits you, full of base desires and lust, but you will not be satisfied with it.

Horned evil spirits

A devil in a dream can symbolize a very dangerous situation, a dark force that radiates evil, a very “low” person in a person’s actions and thoughts, a spiritual “fall” in actions and views.

All the words that the devil uttered in a dream almost always pursue one goal - to mislead a person, push him to reckless actions that can bring trouble. Making a person do something stupid is his dream, and he will try to make it come true by any means necessary.

If a person strokes the devil in a dream, greets him and kisses him, this means that he welcomes and approves of any of the signs described above. This is a bad dream, think carefully about your situation after such a vision.

It’s not very good if you dreamed of a devil calling a person who eventually followed him. This vision may mean that the individual is about to follow a dangerous path, conceived intentions that do not bring good, erroneous thoughts.

A devil appearing in a dream can sometimes mean an unreliable person. If this horned evil spirit was near you, then soon such a person will appear near you in reality. If in a dream you chased the devil to kill or beat him, this means that you will have a dangerous situation in which you will have to deal with deception. If you were unable to defeat the devil in a dream, then the danger may become real. Be careful.

If in your dreams you got rid of the devil in any way, then this vision is good, since you will be able to correct a dangerous situation. After such nightmares, analyze all your thoughts and actions, carefully consider your plans so as not to be mistaken further.


Freud’s dream book says that if a woman saw a demon in a dream, this means that she regards her man as a black force that suppresses her will. She always humbly does what he demands, but often does not internally perceive what he asks.

If a man dreams of a demon, this indicates that he wants to possess the power and strength of the unclean, since in real life the opposite sex does not notice him. Therefore, he is oppressed by unfulfilled desires. The reason for this is that he pays attention to women with whom union is unrealistic, and at the same time builds mythical plans that he cannot put into practice.


What to do to prevent a bad dream or nightmare from coming true? Popular wisdom recommends repeating the phrase “Where night goes, sleep comes” three times, spitting three times over your left shoulder. You can turn the bed linen inside out that you were sleeping on when you had a bad dream.

Some advise putting your nightmare on paper, describing all your negative feelings about it, fears, and burning the leaf. The dream will dissipate along with the ashes. You can also get up after a bad dream and start making the bed. With this action you will close your inner world and prevent uninvited guests from entering it.

The devil is an interesting image in dreams. Regardless of how you perceive it - as a psychological image or an ominous reflection of reality - the very appearance of this creepy character in a dream is already a significant event. The subtext it brings to dreams is interpreted through the prism of its influence on the other participants in your dreams.

The devil evokes feelings of temptation and fear of violence in a person, forcing him to violate socio-cultural and ethical TABOOs. It can be a symbol of retribution or complicity in some matter, and then we see how SUPERNATURAL FORCES hinder or help us in our moral or personal quests and conquests.

If the devil helps you complete something, then this reflects the perception of the event by your Superego. The devil who prevents you from achieving something is the personification of the evil that stands in your way in real life. If the devil threatens people dear to you, then this is a reflection of your struggle aimed at protecting and protecting loved ones in this hostile world.

If, with the help of the devil, you manage to obtain or achieve something that you consider forbidden, try to reveal the motives that prompted you to do this: are they tempting or, rather, disgusting?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Devil

Seeing the devil in a dream means in reality playing a risky game with the forces of evil. Talking to him means committing rash actions that can lead to terrifying consequences, completely destroying your well-being overnight.

If the devil appeared to you in a dream in a terrible unearthly guise, then in reality a metamorphosis that is inexplicable to you may happen to you; people who know you well will not recognize you as the former person who would never have acted as you will act in life after such a dream.

If the devil appears in your dream in the guise of a completely respectable gentleman, elegantly dressed and fragrant with the aroma of expensive cigars and perfumes, then in reality you should beware of meeting people who look at you with the gaze of unblinking eyes, for they are messengers of darkness.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Miller's dream book

A peasant who sees the devil in a dream expects the destruction of his crops, livestock diseases and other losses. For athletes, especially those who travel outside the state, this dream is an incentive to be careful. If the devil appears in your dream in the guise of a beautifully dressed gentleman who calls you to his home, then in reality you should be wary of traps set by hypocritical people. Such a dream is especially serious for young girls, who after it must be careful in their actions and rely more on friends. If in a dream the devil captures your imagination, then in real life you may fall into some kind of trap. Communicating with the devil in a dream promises you rash actions. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive gullibility in dealing with strangers.

Why does the devil dream

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

death in the family (one of the meanings).

Seeing the devil in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The devil is an interesting image in dreams. Regardless of how you perceive it - as a psychological image or an ominous reflection of reality - the very appearance of this creepy character in a dream is already a significant event. The subtext it brings to dreams is interpreted through the prism of its influence on the other participants in your dreams. The devil evokes feelings of temptation and fear of violence in a person, forcing him to violate socio-cultural and ethical taboos. It can be a symbol of retribution or complicity in some matter, and then we see how supernatural forces hinder or help us in our moral or personal quests and conquests. If the devil helps you complete something, then this reflects the perception of the event by your Superego. The devil who prevents you from achieving something is the personification of the evil that stands in your way in real life. If the devil threatens people dear to you, then this is a reflection of your struggle aimed at protecting and protecting loved ones in this hostile world. If, with the help of the devil, you manage to obtain or achieve something that you consider forbidden, try to reveal the motives that prompted you to do this: are they tempting or, rather, disgusting?

Why do you dream about the underworld?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

feast; funny incident; descended and returned from hell - (for the rich) poverty, (for the poor) happiness, joy; a sign of fate and forces, influences around.

Why do you dream about a demon?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

bad acquaintance; temptation; envy if the demon turns to a sleeping person; being afraid of a demon or a demon tormenting a sleeping person is a punishment for service; defeating a demon in a dream means glory; for the sick - to death; however, seeing yourself and the demon together means gain; see Devil.

The meaning of a dream about a demon

according to Freud's dream book

For a woman to see a demon in a dream - your dream means that you perceive your man as some kind of dark force that suppresses you and your will. It’s not that you don’t like obeying him, but you experience an incomprehensible fear of him. There is also a touch of fear and enslavement in your intimate relationships. You always meekly do what he asks you to do, but you do not always internally accept what he demands from you. If a man dreams of a demon, this indicates that he wanted would have the strength and power of a demon, because in real life he is a person too invisible for the opposite sex, and therefore is often oppressed by unfulfilled desires.The reason for this is that he always stares at women, a union with which is too unrealistic, and builds These are fantastic plans that he cannot put into practice.

Why do you have a dream about the devil?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a devil in a dream is a prediction of strong luck, as a result of which your prestige will increase significantly. But, having become proud of your position and success in business, you will turn into an angry, vain and arrogant person. If you dreamed that you were talking to the devil, then in real life you are in mortal danger. Your life can end tragically if you are not extremely attentive and careful. Twirling the devil while holding him by the tail is evidence that your evil and sarcastic character is contributing to the disappointment in you of people who were previously sincerely devoted to you. Do not tempt the Lord, for you will remain alone.

Find out from the online dream book what the Devil is dreaming about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why does the devil appear in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Devil in a dream?

A farmer who sees the devil in a dream expects loss of crops, livestock illnesses and other losses.

For athletes, especially those traveling outside the state, this dream is an incentive to be careful. For a priest, this dream is a sign that he is too zealous and should serve God by stopping slandering his neighbor.

If the devil appears in your dream as a beautifully dressed gentleman, whose body and hands are covered with jewelry, and calls you to his house, in reality you should be wary of the traps set by hypocritical people. Such a dream is especially serious for young girls, who after it must be careful in their actions and rely more on friends, as well as avoid the attention of strangers, especially married ones.

Don't mess with the devil even in your dreams. It always portends despair. If you are amazed by its power, then in real life you may fall into some kind of trap. For a lover, this dream means that he will become dissolute.

Mythological dream book

Interpretation of the Devil

Satan, an analogue of the described demon, but of a higher rank, often takes the form of an elderly powerful, domineering man, an old man in strict dark robes, medieval or modern - indicating a spiritual trap, sectological influences or a dead end in life; self-destruction; death of the soul or great temptation.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing the Devil, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

Devil - A devil seen in a dream foreshadows the machinations of flatterers; Perhaps a person close to you is playing a double game behind your back. If you are going to travel abroad, delay your trip; the dream foretells failure and collapse of your hopes.

Why do you dream about the devil - Communicating with the devil in a dream - in reality they will try to fool you. Beware of sycophants and don't take anyone's word for it. If in your dream the devil fights with an angel and defeats him, try to be more careful in discussions with management. They will not bring you success; you will not be able to prove your business qualities.

Why do you dream about the devil - If in a dream you see yourself in the guise of the devil, your deception will be exposed, and the machinations on which you had high hopes will fail.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Symbolizes – Death in the family (one of the meanings).

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about the devil, interpretation:

Devil - Seeing a devil in a dream with horns, claws, a tail, and a pitchfork is a harbinger of torment and despair. If in a dream you fight the devil, it means. Danger awaits you. If in a dream you fearlessly and easily chat with him, you will soon get rich.

Why do you dream about the devil - If you dream that you were dragged away by the devil, then this dream is an omen of supreme happiness. If the devil possessed you in a dream, a long and happy life awaits you and, possibly, royal favors.

Why do you dream about the devil - If you dream that you are being pursued by the devil, and you are running away from him in horror, then this foreshadows persecution by the powers that be or legal persecution. If you dream of many devils with whips, then this is a sad omen for the sick, but for young people - such a dream promises love.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

The Devil dreams, what does this mean?

Symbolizes the suppression of natural biological feelings. The dark principle and evil in man himself. Seeing the devil means seduction and temptation. Sometimes it foreshadows (for women) intercourse with a man or pregnancy.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about Evil Spirits?

The devil is an interesting image in dreams. Regardless of how you perceive it - as a psychological image or an ominous reflection of reality - the very appearance of this creepy character in a dream is already a significant event. The subtext it brings to dreams is interpreted through the prism of its influence on the other participants in your dreams. The devil evokes feelings of temptation and fear of violence in a person, forcing him to violate socio-cultural and ethical TABOOs. It can be a symbol of retribution or complicity in some matter, and then we see how SUPERNATURAL FORCES hinder or help us in our moral or personal quests and conquests. If the devil helps you complete something, then this reflects the perception of the event by your Superego. The devil who prevents you from achieving something is the personification of the evil that stands in your way in real life. If the devil threatens people dear to you, then this is a reflection of your struggle aimed at protecting and protecting loved ones in this hostile world. If, with the help of the devil, you manage to obtain or achieve something that you consider forbidden, try to reveal the motives that prompted you to do this: are they tempting or, rather, disgusting?

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Interpretation of the Devil

Why does the Devil dream - This dream is extremely unfavorable, because it announces that you are cursed by the Lord! However, if in your dream you try to resist the devil, fight him and even inflict sensitive injury, a blessing will be sent down to you. A dream in which you kill the devil promises that you will never stray from the path of virtue.

Why do you dream about the devil - If you give in and give in to him, you are destined to wallow in depravity and be damned. Some dream interpreters especially note that the manifestation in a dream of your submission to the devil and your readiness to serve him is an undoubted indication that in reality you harbor a criminal passion for a certain person.

Why do you dream about the devil - If you give something to the devil, your property was acquired dishonestly and it will soon be revealed! When you accept a gift from the devil, your faith in the Lord will come to naught.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Seeing the Devil - being tempted - talking to him - fake people will deceive you.

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

The meaning of a dream about Satan

This dream indicates that the time has come when you should engage in self-improvement. Do good deeds and do not give in to evil.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed about the Devil

Devil - Seeing in a dream is a bad sign, signaling to a person that he should repent and not die in his sins; seeing the devil with legs, claws and a tail foreshadows torment and despair; defeating him means complete destruction; Why do you dream about the devil - talking amicably with the devil signifies betrayal, despair, loss of property or life itself; Why do you dream about the devil - being carried away by the devil is a sign of the greatest misfortunes; to be pursued by the devil and to flee from him in horror foreshadows persecution from a noble person, a call to trial and, in general, the hostility of a strong enemy; Why do you dream about the devil - beating and overthrowing the devil in a dream foreshadows triumph over enemies, glory and revenge on the strong; seeing many devils together is a bad sign for the sick person, and for other people it portends boredom, grief, severe anger and illness.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Devil - See - you will be tempted; talk to him - fake people will deceive you.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Little devil - To danger for your child.

Why do you dream of the Devil - To be tempted by the enemy.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Devil - Seeing the devil in a dream means you’ve drunk yourself to the point where you see devils.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Devil (Satan) - You have already sinned so much that it will be very difficult for you to atone for your sins.