Azerbaijani shorgogali recipes with sweet filling. Shor-gogal. How to cook turkey fillet? Turkey with apples

Traditional cheeses of the Caucasus inlakesh_trip wrote in May 29th, 2013

Cheese made on a mountain pasture is one of the vivid memories of almost every trip I took to the Caucasus. Summer is approaching, the time when herds of cows, goats and sheep graze in the high mountain meadows and produce a lot of delicious milk. At this time, shepherds make the main supplies of cheese for the winter. On the eve of summer, I decided to do a study of traditional Caucasian cheeses. Of course, only the most famous species that have survived to this day were included in it.

Adyghe cheese (“matekuae”)
The factory version can be found in almost any store in Moscow. One of the reasons for the popularity of cheese is the simplicity of technology and high profitability. The cheese is extremely popular among the Circassians. Traditionally, in villages, “matekuae” was done like this:The strained milk is placed on the fire. When it starts to boil, fermented milk whey is added to it within 15-30 minutes. The resulting clot is kept for 5 minutes, then half of the whey is removed. The warm cheese mass is placed in special “bzhale” baskets woven from thin willow twigs. They leave a beautiful lace pattern on the sides of the cheese. The squeezed circle is salted with dry salt over the surface.

Smoked Adyghe cheese (“koeplyzh”)

Previously, a Circassian house was warmed by an “ondzhek” hearth, from which a chimney rose upward. A wicker device made of twigs or beams “chyy” was hung over the hearth - meat or cheese was smoked on it. The “matekuae” cheese was left to “chiy” for 18 hours and up to a week. The result was “koeplyzh” - “red cheese”. Small-sized smoked “matekuae” is called “kurt”; it served as food for hunters, shepherds, and warriors. Circassian men collected water from a source, crumbled smoked cheese into it and ate it with bread. This food is very nutritious and high in calories. On distant campaigns, the taste of cheese reminded men of their home and the caring hands that prepared it. Dried cheese has not spoiled for years.

Azerbaijani traditional cheese. In fact, it’s more like salted cottage cheese, but it doesn’t look like cottage cheese, it spreads easily on pita bread. To prepare shor, ayran needs to be heated over low heat until it curdles, then remove the resulting curd and put it in a waterskin (“motal”). Then tie all the holes of the motal and pour the cooled salty brine into it. Then shake well. Add finely chopped dill. Shor matures in 1 to 3 months.


The famous Azerbaijani cheese “Motal Pendir” was prepared in an interesting way. The fermented milk was salted, squeezed out of the whey and placed in a motal - a sheep's wineskin with the sheared wool turned inside out.

And they kept it in a wineskin for at least a month, and ideally 3 months. Under the influence of the enzymes in the skin of the sheep, the cheese was obtained with a pronounced specific smell, very tender, yellowish, not very salty.

Chanakh, Tushino cheese, Ossetian cheese, Kobi cheese...

In the Central Caucasus, there is a tradition of making cheeses like feta cheese almost everywhere. The cooking technology differs only slightly.
The main source material used to be sheep's milk. But nowadays, much fewer sheep are kept, and mostly cows are used for milk. Cows produce more milk and are easier for small farms to keep.
The stages of production of these cheeses are as follows: milk is heated almost to a boil, cooled to a warm state and then fermented with rennet. Once the protein has separated from the whey, it is collected. Then knead. When the cheese grains become dry enough and have formed a little, proceed to the second heating. Moreover, unlike cheeses like Suluguni, the heating temperature is very low: from 33 to 38 degrees. In villages, they often skip the “second heating” stage and simply squeeze the cheese mass by hand in a special basket. As a result of kneading and a second heating (or simply squeezing with your hands), excess moisture is removed, and now the cheese is given a shape (a cone or a cylindrical “head” familiar to a city dweller).

Finally, the cheeses are placed in brine. The best is considered to be a brine made from natural mineral water with gas (such as Narzan); many gorges of the Central Caucasus have such water in abundance.

Traditional Georgian cheese, which has become very popular in Russia. Popular etymology of its name is derived from “suli” (meaning “soul”) and “guli” (“heart”). Academician Vaso Abaev, however, finds the roots of the name Suluguni in the Digor dialect of the Ossetian language. “Sulu” means serum, and the formant -gun, in particular, indicates the root of the word, as the material from which the object called by such a complex word is made. Thus, the literal translation of the word is “containing whey”

Suluguni differs from cheeses such as feta cheese by the high temperature of the second heating. Perhaps only a mountain housewife can collect a lump of suluguni in an almost boiling cauldron with her bare hands! When traveling, I don’t decide to put my hands into such pots.

Smoked suluguni is excellent as mountain hiking food. During the smoking process, the cheese becomes drier than its “white” counterpart, and is also covered with a bactericidal crust, which makes the cheese very stable; it does not spoil in transit.

This is the same suluguni, only tied up in pigtails. This cheese is given both in a smoked version over a fireplace, and in a “white” - unsmoked version.

Khorats paneer
Traditional Armenian “buried cheese”. Proper “khorats paneer” is made from mature sheep cheese. It is ground with a strictly selected bouquet of dried mountain herbs, tightly packed into clay pots and buried in the ground. The cheese ripens for several months and comes out thick-smelling, incredibly strong and very tasty. Some housewives, in order to knock down the mind-blowing aroma of the cheese, mixed it in half with homemade cottage cheese or butter, as well as with ordinary lightly salted feta cheese.

About the shor gogal recipe

Nowruz is approaching... It's time for holiday baking. Azerbaijani baking is very painstaking - it takes a lot of time, but after trying it once, few will remain indifferent. This time I bring to your attention shor gogal. Salty pastries, just perfect for breakfast or lunch with sweet tea!


instant yeast 1 PC
chicken eggs 1 tbsp. l.
milk 1.5 stack.
flour 1 kg
butter 200 g
salt 1 tsp.
sour cream 200 g
granulated sugar 1 tsp.
fennel seeds 2 tbsp. l.
For filling
cumin seeds 2 tbsp. l.
For filling
white flour 400 g
For filling
butter 100 g
For filling
turmeric 2 tbsp. l.
For filling
salt 2 tbsp. l.
For filling
ground black pepper 1 tbsp. l.
For filling
saffron taste
butter 400 g
for lubrication

Cooking shor gogal

For the dough, heat 1.5 cups of milk and stir it with sour cream. Melt the butter and stir it in. Add the egg, yeast and knead the dough. I don’t worry about the dough and put it in the bread machine for 1.5 hours.

Once the dough has risen, knead it 2-3 times.

Add salt, pepper, sarykyok (turmeric), raziyana and jirya (fennel and cumin) to the flour. Melt the butter and add to the butter mixture. And brewed saffron. You should get a dense mass that crumbles, but if you press well, it should stick together.

This is what the filling should look like.

Your dough should come up something like this

To roll out the dough, we take an Azerbaijani rolling pin - it is very convenient to roll out thin dough...

Place the dough on a floured surface. The dough turns out soft and gently buttery.

In gogal, it doesn’t matter how many layers, the most important thing is that there are at least 8. I always roll out an odd amount of dough. My grandmother taught me this way - I don’t know why, but I don’t depart from the tradition... I divided it into 9 parts. I put 8 balls under a towel, and begin to roll one into a very thin dough.

Roll out the circle and place it on a special board.

The dough should be sooooo thin - literally transparent... less than 1 mm.

Melt the butter for greasing and generously brush the dough. For each layer I use exactly 50 grams of oil. We do the same with all subsequent layers...

We do not grease the last layer. He will glue our gogal.

Take a rolling pin and cut our finished dough into ribbons 2 fingers wide.

Here is the ribbon on the side... It turns out to be less than 1 cm wide... And the layers should be visible.

We do not cut the first tape on the sides, divide 2 and 3 from the edges in half, and cut the middle tapes into 3 parts. Now we begin to sculpt the gogals directly. We twist the ribbon into a barrel, as indicated in the photo.

We press this barrel with the finger of our thumb to make a bag for the filling.

Fill the bag with filling. It can be so crumbly. Pinch it (the seam will be at the bottom).

And we press the barrel on both sides so that it becomes such a flat cake. Place on a greased baking sheet.

Brush the gogals with egg on top and sprinkle with poppy seeds or bread seeds if desired. Place in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 20 minutes, then raise to 180 degrees and bake until golden brown.

This is how gogals turn out in finished form. From the indicated ingredients I got 35 gogals.

And this is how they turn out in the middle - a crispy crust and a flaky middle with a salty filling.

Insanely delicious with sweet tea with lemon.

Bon appetit!

This dish is classified as Caucasian cuisine, and, as many people know, it is very diverse. This cuisine is very famous for its variety of sweets. These include halva, kurabye, tarakh, guymag, nan, firni, mutakke, Turkish delight. All these and many other dishes are the pride of every housewife. According to existing customs, shor gogal is prepared in Azerbaijan for the Novruz holiday.

What is shor gogal?

There are several recipes for preparing it in Azerbaijani style: from the most ancient ones, which were used by our ancestors, to simple ones that can be easily prepared in our time. Initially, this dish was not considered a sweet at all, since its filling was salty. However, nowadays many people prepare it with a sweet filling.

So, this is nothing more than a pastry, or rather, a puff pastry with a salty filling. It will take a lot of time and painstaking work to prepare, but true housewives know that it is worth it.

Shor gogal with aromatic spices

You need to prepare all the ingredients in advance. For the dough you will need an egg, a pack of dry yeast (it is better to take quick-acting), one and a half glasses of milk, one kilogram of flour, a pack of butter, one teaspoon of salt, a glass of sour cream, a teaspoon of granulated sugar, two tablespoons of fennel seeds.

To prepare the filling you will need: fifty grams of cumin seeds, two glasses of flour, half a stick of butter, a couple of tablespoons of turmeric (it is what gives the filling such a bright yellow color), two tablespoons of salt, ground black pepper, a little saffron, oil for greasing each layer of dough.

It should be noted that the dish is quite expensive, so such pastries are usually prepared for major holidays.

Preparing the dough

When all the components are prepared in the required quantities, you can begin the process itself. First, prepare the dough, because it contains yeast, which needs time to rise. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat. Then add sour cream to the warm milk and mix everything thoroughly. The butter must be preheated in a separate container and added to the milk-sour cream mixture. After this, add the egg, add dry yeast and mix everything thoroughly. If you have a bread machine, you can put the dough into it. It's better to leave it there for an hour and a half. Once the dough has risen, knead it several times. To understand that the dough has risen, you need to place it in a deep container; when it is half full or even more and reaches the edges, then everything is ready.

Preparing the filling

In the meantime, you can start preparing the filling for the buns. To do this, mix flour with salt, turmeric, fennel, cumin. Separately, melt the butter, which is intended for the filling, and pour it into the dry mixture of flour and spices. You will need to brew the saffron in a separate bowl and then add it to the filling. The resulting mass should crumble, but when you press it, it sticks together. Then the filling turns out perfect.

Remove the finished dough from the container and place it on a table surface sprinkled with flour. It should be very soft and buttery. The whole value of the dish lies in the fact that it is flaky. The number of layers should not be less than eight, but more is possible.

So, the entire mass should be divided into several equal parts and placed under film. One ball needs to be rolled out with a special conical rolling pin into a very thin layer. If you don’t have one, then you can use an ordinary rolling pin, the main thing is to get a very thin layer, almost transparent. Lay it out on a circle or board. The thickness of an ideal layer should be no more than one millimeter.

Next, melt the remaining butter and generously brush the layer of rolled out dough. It takes about fifty grams. Similar actions should be done with all other layers. However, the last layer that will cover our pie does not need to be greased with oil. After this, cut the puff pastry into strips no more than two fingers wide. If you look at such a ribbon from the side, it should be no more than one centimeter wide and the layers should be clearly visible in the cut.

The side ribbons can be divided into two parts, and the rest into three parts. Each puff piece needs to be rolled into a barrel shape and then pressed into a hole for the filling with your finger. Fill this hole with the crumbly yellow mixture and pinch. The seam should be located at the bottom. Now you need to squeeze it on both sides so that it looks like a cake, and transfer it to a baking sheet, which you have greased in advance or covered with parchment paper.

Do this with all the buns. Brush them with egg on top and sprinkle with poppy seeds, cumin, and seeds. You need to bake for twenty minutes at a temperature of no more than one hundred and seventy degrees. After this, you should raise the temperature to one hundred and eighty degrees and bake until crust is obtained.

The whole process can be watched on video.

Buns can be eaten with sweet tea for breakfast and as a snack. They will be a great decoration for any table.

Video on the topic of the article

The Azerbaijani dish shor-gogal is a unique national pastry. In the Caucasus, salty, savory buns are always baked on Novruz Bayram. But what’s stopping you from just taking these pies and making them? Usually buns with aromatic and original filling are served with sweet tea. But shor-gogal is incredibly tasty with a rich broth. The spice filling, where turmeric is a special component, makes this baking option very juicy and bright. These pies resemble miniature suns and are a real personification of warmth, spring, and light.

Cooking time – 3 hours 30 minutes.

Number of servings – 25


The classic recipe for shor-gogal in Azerbaijani involves the use of a fairly wide list of components. So, to prepare these pies, prepare:

  • milk – 1.5 cups;
  • sour cream – 210 g;
  • white flour – 1.4 kg;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 3 tsp;
  • butter – 270-300 g;
  • instant yeast – 1 pc.;
  • turmeric – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • cumin seeds – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fennel seeds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • saffron - to taste.

How to cook shor-gogal in Azerbaijani style

Based on the step-by-step recipe with photos, you don’t have to worry - the baked goods will definitely turn out exactly as they should.

  1. To bake Azerbaijani-style shor-gogal, first you need to prepare all the components necessary for the dough and filling.

  1. You need to start testing right away. Milk must be heated (1.5 cups) and mixed with sour cream. Butter (200 g) is melted and poured into the milk. Yeast and egg go there too. Next, kneading is done.

  1. When the mass comes up, you need to knead it a couple of times.

  1. Now flour (1 kg) is mixed with fennel, turmeric, cumin, ground pepper and salt. The remaining amount of butter must be melted again and poured into the resulting mixture. You also need to put brewed saffron here. The result should be a thick and very dense mixture. It will crumble and crumble. That is why it needs to be pressed so that it “sticks together.” All that remains is to roll out the dough.

  1. The dough should be transferred to a table lightly dusted with flour.

  1. The mass is divided into 8-9 equal pieces, which are best formed into balls.

  1. Each lump must be rolled out into a very thin layer and placed on a special board.

  1. Melt a small piece of butter and generously cover the resulting workpiece with the resulting liquid. All this needs to be done with other layers and folded in layers.

  1. The last layer is not oiled.

  1. Use a rolling pin to lightly pass the workpiece, after which it is cut into ribbons. The width of each of them should be 2-2.5 cm.

  1. Next, the second and third tapes are cut in two from the edges, the middle ones into 3 fragments. There is no need to touch the outer tapes. Shor-gogals should be molded from the resulting blanks.

  1. The resulting barrel must be pressed in the center to form a “hole” for the filling.

  1. The resulting depression is filled with filling; the top must be pinched.

  1. The workpiece must be pressed down on both sides so that the pie begins to resemble a flat cake in appearance. The preparations are laid out on a baking sheet greased with oil or fat.

  1. The top of the pies is brushed with beaten egg. You can sprinkle them with seeds or poppy seeds. You need to bake the dish for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 degrees. Then the heat increases. Shor-gogala should be baked until golden brown.

Video recipe for making shor-gogal