Guinea fowl meat recipes.  Guinea fowl meat dishes. Recipe for cooking guinea fowl in a slow cooker

More and more farmers in our country are starting to breed guinea fowl; the carcasses of this bird can be purchased at the market and in many supermarkets. Its meat is tougher, but healthier than chicken. Its taste is reminiscent of pheasant and partridge, but experts say it is unique. If you like to discover the flavors of new dishes, you should cook guinea fowl. It can be boiled, baked, fried, stewed. Guinea fowl dishes will be appropriate even on the holiday table.

Cooking features

Preparing and cooking guinea fowl is not very different from working with chicken, but this process has some specific features:

  • Guinea fowl meat is dark in color; it becomes lighter only as a result of heat treatment. If, under the guise of a guinea fowl, you are offered a bird with light meat, it is advisable to refuse the purchase.
  • Guinea fowl is not very fatty and juicy, so it tastes better if you cook it fresh. A frozen product can be used, but only if it is thawed without a temperature difference. Trying to speed up the process using a microwave or warm water will not lead to anything good.
  • The weight of a guinea fowl carcass depends on its breed and age. Experienced cooks prefer young birds of medium-sized breeds; their carcasses weigh from 1 kg to 2 kg.
  • Gourmets claim that if a guinea fowl carcass is kept for several days at a temperature of 1 to 3 degrees, then its meat will taste like game.
  • To make guinea fowl meat softer and lighter, it is recommended to soak it in water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice before cooking. You need to marinate the bird for at least 2 hours, but if possible, leave it in the marinade overnight.
  • Experienced chefs do not recommend using a large amount of herbs and spices when preparing guinea fowl, so as not to clog or distort the original taste of its meat.
  • The giblets, backbone and other parts remaining from the guinea fowl carcass after cutting it up should not be thrown away: you can cook a delicious broth from them. The technology for preparing it will be the same as for cooking chicken broth.
  • Guinea fowl meat is tougher than chicken and needs to be cooked a little longer. Otherwise, the preparation process for these products is almost identical.

Recipes for guinea fowl dishes are varied, so there is no single algorithm for their preparation. To avoid mistakes and get the expected result, you should follow the instructions accompanying the specific recipe.

Guinea fowl stewed with apples and oranges

  • guinea fowl - 1–1.2 kg;
  • oranges - 0.3 kg;
  • apples - 0.3 kg;
  • raisins - 75 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 2 g;
  • honey - 40 ml;
  • Calvados - 40 ml (can be replaced with wine);
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • broth (vegetable or guinea fowl) - 0.2 l;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the guinea fowl carcass and cut it into portions. Make broth from the giblets and ridge. To do this, fill them with water, add salt, pepper, bay leaf, coarsely chopped carrots and onions, bring to a boil and cook for 1.5 hours, filter.
  • Place remaining poultry pieces in a bowl.
  • Peel the apples and cut out the seed boxes. Cut the apples into slices and add pieces of guinea fowl to them.
  • Squeeze the juice from one orange, mix it with salt, pepper, cinnamon and melted honey until liquid. Pour this mixture over the guinea fowl. Leave to marinate for 2-3 hours (longer possible).
  • Heat the oil in a deep frying pan or roasting pan, place the pieces of poultry in it, and brown them over medium heat.
  • Add steamed raisins, broth, wine. Reduce heat and simmer guinea fowl for 30 minutes.
  • Peel the orange, divide into slices, free the pulp from the films, remove the seeds. Place the peeled orange slices with the rest of the ingredients. Continue cooking for another 15–20 minutes.

Experienced chefs recommend serving the dish prepared according to this recipe with noodles or spaghetti, but this guinea fowl will also make a good pairing with other side dishes.

Guinea fowl baked in bacon

  • guinea fowl - 1.5 kg;
  • bacon - 0.2 kg;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • rosemary - 1 sprig;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;

Cooking method:

  • After washing, gutting and drying the guinea fowl, chop it into portions.
  • Grease a baking dish with oil and place pieces of poultry in it.
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Cover the guinea fowl pieces with the prepared mixture. Place a sprig of rosemary on top.
  • Place the pan in the refrigerator overnight or at least for a couple of hours.
  • After the specified time, cut the bacon into thin slices and cover the pieces of poultry with them.
  • Pour the dish with orange juice squeezed from two fruits.
  • Preheat the oven to 190–200 degrees, place the guinea fowl pan in it.
  • Cook the dish for 45 minutes. 15 minutes before it's ready, cover it with foil to prevent it from burning.

Guinea fowl prepared according to this recipe is soft, juicy, and aromatic. This dish is worthy of a holiday table.

Guinea fowl in wine

  • guinea fowl - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • dry red wine - 1 l;
  • bacon - 60 g;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • fresh champignons - 150 g;
  • salt, ground pepper, dried herbs, herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the prepared guinea fowl carcass into pieces.
  • Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  • Wash the champignons, pat dry with a napkin, and cut into slices.
  • Sift the flour.
  • Finely chop the bacon.
  • Place bacon in the bottom of a roasting pan or heavy-bottomed pan. Put it on fire.
  • When the fat has rendered from the bacon, remove the cracklings and add the onions to the duck roast. Lightly brown it, sprinkle with flour, stir.
  • Place pieces of poultry and a bunch of greens on top. Fill with wine. After bringing the wine to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the bunch of greens, add salt and pepper, add the prepared mushrooms and continue to simmer for another 20 minutes.

Guinea fowl prepared according to this recipe goes well with any side dish, but best of all with potato.

Whole baked guinea fowl with mushrooms and potatoes

  • guinea fowl - 1.5 kg;
  • smoked loin - 150 g;
  • fresh champignons - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.6 kg;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • broth - 0.5 l;
  • dry red wine - 100 ml;
  • salt, sugar, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Guinea fowl, gut, wash, remove the spinal bone. Season the carcass on all sides with salt, pepper, and pour melted butter.
  • Spread the carcass in a baking dish. Pour the broth into the mold. Place it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  • Boil the potatoes until half cooked, peel and cut into slices.
  • Wash and dry the mushrooms with a napkin. Cut large specimens into 4 parts.
  • Core the apples and cut the fruit into slices.
  • Cut the loin into 1 cm cubes, place in boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon.
  • Half an hour after baking the guinea fowl, remove the pan from the oven. Place potatoes, apples, loin, and mushrooms around the carcass. Pour over the wine and return to the oven.
  • Continue cooking for 15–30 minutes.

When serving, the guinea fowl should be cut into pieces and served with a side dish of potatoes, mushrooms and apples baked with it. The sauce in which the bird was stewed can be strained through cheesecloth and served separately.

Guinea fowl stewed with tomatoes

  • guinea fowl - 1.5 kg;
  • canned tomatoes - 0.4 kg;
  • oregano greens - 20 g (or 5 g of dried spice);
  • pitted olives - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • salt, pepper, olive oil - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the guinea fowl into large pieces, brown them well in olive oil, and transfer to a plate. If you marinate the bird in acidified water before doing this, there will be no harm.
  • Cut the garlic cloves into slices.
  • Remove the skins from the onion and cut it into small cubes.
  • Fry the onion and garlic in oil until soft (this should be done over low heat).
  • Peel the tomatoes, puree in a blender, add to the onions and garlic. Add oregano and pepper. Pour in water.
  • Bring the sauce to a boil, add pieces of guinea fowl to it, simmer over low heat under the lid for 40 minutes.
  • Cut the olives into halves and add to the main ingredients. Simmer for another 10–15 minutes.

Guinea fowl in the oven with garlic

  • guinea fowl - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • garlic arrows (optional) - 50 g;
  • parsley - 5 sprigs;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the guinea fowl into pieces, wash and pat dry with a towel.
  • Cut the garlic heads in half (it is better to use young garlic).
  • Cut the garlic arrows into 3-4 cm pieces.
  • Cut the lemon into slices.
  • Add lemon slices, garlic head halves, parsley sprigs and garlic arrows to the guinea fowl. Sprinkle with pepper and salt and stir. Leave to marinate for 2-3 hours.
  • Pour oil into the bottom of the baking dish and place the bird in it along with the ingredients with which it was marinated.
  • Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cook for 1.5–2 hours, periodically basting the bird with sauce from the bottom of the pan.

According to this recipe, the guinea fowl turns out tender, tasty, and aromatic. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to refuse such a treat.

Guinea fowl is a healthy and tasty bird. It's not difficult to prepare. With a minimum of effort, you can get an exquisite dish worthy of a festive table. Such dishes will surely appeal to game lovers and supporters of a healthy diet.

Guinea fowl is a relative of pheasant and chicken. Guinea fowl meat tastes like partridge or pheasant, but is somewhat more tender and juicier. Another plus is that guinea fowl carcasses contain 10% more meat, especially white meat, than chicken. 4-5 month old birds are suitable for food. They are stuffed with vegetables or mushrooms, baked whole in the oven, fried in a pan, stewed in wine or broth. Guinea fowl meat is added to salads and pasta. If you don't have guinea fowl, cook chicken.

There are 56 recipes in the "Guinea fowl dishes" section

Guinea fowl in tagine with chermoula marinade

A wonderful recipe for guinea fowl in tagine for lovers of spicy cuisine and juicy meat. Tagine dishes can be cooked both in the oven and on the stove. This recipe is perfect for the oven. Prepare the chermoula (shermula) marinade in advance so that the guinea fowl is not only juicy...

Guinea fowl in the oven with garlic and white wine

Guinea fowl in the oven with garlic and white wine is suitable for both an ordinary home dinner and a holiday table. Guinea fowl meat resembles good chicken. Well, maybe a little more tender than chicken, and a little different in taste. In general, if not for the price, I would have eaten...

Guinea fowl fricassee

garlic (chopped), paprika, ginger (ground), salt, black pepper (freshly ground), guinea fowl (halved), vegetable oil, onion (coarsely chopped), onions (green), tomatoes (peeled and chopped), chili Scotch Bonnet, bay leaf, chicken broth (if necessary), parsley (chopped fresh herbs).

chapter: Fricassee, Guinea fowl dishes

Guinea fowl are relatives of chicken and pheasant. Birds that are 4-5 months old are usually eaten. Their meat tastes like partridge or pheasant, but it is more tender. And another interesting point: guinea fowl has almost 10% more white meat than chicken. It is stuffed, stewed, fried in a pan and baked in the oven. Now we will tell you several recipes for cooking guinea fowl.

Guinea fowl in the oven - recipe

  • guinea fowl – 1 pc.;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • margarine – 50 g;
  • meat broth – 150 ml;
  • rosemary, salt, pepper - to taste.

The guinea fowl must first be gutted, washed and dried with a napkin. Then we fill it with chopped lemon and orange zest, sew up the hole or fasten it with a toothpick. Rub the guinea fowl with a mixture of salt and pepper, place a few sprigs of rosemary on the carcass and wrap it in foil, previously coated with margarine. Pour the broth into the pan, place the carcass in foil, cover with a lid and place in an oven heated to 180-200 degrees for an hour and a half. Periodically, the guinea fowl needs to be turned over in the oven. After this time, we take out the bird, remove the foil, cut the guinea fowl into pieces and serve.

How to cook stuffed guinea fowl in the oven?

  • guinea fowl – 1 pc.;
  • lard – 100 g;
  • beef – 200 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • parsley – 40 g;
  • wheat bread – 100 g;
  • ham – 200 g;
  • meat broth – 200 g;
  • salt pepper.

Wash the guinea fowl, dry it and rub it with salt and pepper inside and out. Now we prepare the minced meat: soak the bread in the broth and squeeze it out, cut the beef and lard as finely as possible. We also chop the onion and parsley. Mix all ingredients, add salt and pepper. Stuff the guinea fowl with the resulting mixture, seal the hole with a toothpick, place slices of ham on the breast and tie the carcass with thread. Place the bird on a baking sheet and place it in a preheated oven for about 80 minutes. First, cover the carcass with foil, and remove the foil about 20 minutes before the end of cooking so that a golden brown crust appears.

Preparing stuffed guinea fowl

  • guinea fowl – 1 pc.;
  • smoked lard – 200 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • parsley, marjoram, salt - to taste.

We stuff the pre-washed and dried carcass with thin strips of smoked lard. Rub salt and marjoram inside and out. Inside we put chopped parsley and a whole onion. Place the bird on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for about an hour, periodically basting with the resulting juice. If you used a carcass weighing more than 1 kg, the cooking time will increase slightly. Check readiness by piercing the carcass in the thickest place with a knife; if the juice that comes out is clear, then the guinea fowl is ready.

By the way, we can tell you not only about creating a guinea fowl masterpiece, but also how to cook turkey in the oven or how to make lemon chicken in the oven. Articles are already on the site!

Geese, turkeys, quail and even pheasants have long ceased to be a curiosity. People have already learned how to cook them and even improved well-known recipes with their improvements. The guinea fowl is somewhat less known and familiar - this bird is not so well mastered, and sometimes is not even known to the general public. It's time to fill the gaps in our culinary education!

General information

To be honest, this bird is not a fully domesticated game bird. It is not for nothing that those who breed her are afraid that she will fly away, and persistently teach her to lay eggs in a designated place, and not to hide her eggs in dark corners. Accordingly, guinea fowl meat is somewhat dry - like pheasant. Therefore, most recipes recommend cutting it into portions and only then cooking it. However, you can bake the whole carcass. Only in this case, before cooking the guinea fowl, it is recommended to soak it in hot water for at least half an hour. Another option: simmer the bird in a sleeve for a long time, 2-3 hours, and then fry it until the desired crust is achieved. In any case, the carcass must be placed in the oven with its back facing up.

Guinea fowl with garnish

This is one of the ways to bake a bird in the oven, and even in such a form that only vegetables are useful in addition. For the dish you will need a large, at least one and a half kilogram, guinea fowl. The cooking recipe involves placing the processed carcass on a baking sheet greased with butter, adding half a liter of broth to it, and placing it in a preheated oven. When the bird is half-cooked, add a diced loin (150 grams), quarters of 4 apples, sliced ​​champignons or other fresh mushrooms (500 g) and half-cooked potatoes - a little more than half a kilogram. Plus, add half a glass of red wine and sprinkle the carcass with spices, salt and sugar. When the bird is completely cooked, it is cut into portions, placed on plates along with vegetables, and the sauce is filtered and poured into a gravy boat.

Stewed poultry

For this dish you need marinated guinea fowl. Recipe for preparing the marinade: mix two crushed cloves of garlic, a teaspoon each of ginger and paprika, pepper and salt and rub the carcass divided into pieces with these spices. It should be placed in a resealable container and placed in the refrigerator overnight. The juice that has been released is poured into a cup, and the meat is dried, fried until crusty, transferred to a saucepan, and a coarsely chopped onion is simmered in a frying pan until soft. The frying is poured into the bird, green onions, three peeled and diced tomatoes, chili (whole if you don’t want it spicy, chopped if you like it spicy), bay leaf and the marinade poured into a cup are added. The bird will be stewed under the lid for about forty minutes; The liquid released by the components should be enough, but if necessary, add a little broth. Chili and laurel are removed from the finished dish, and the dish itself is sprinkled with parsley.

Christmas guinea fowl

Everyone wants to put something tasty and unusual on the table on the main holiday! Let the guinea fowl be the decoration of the table this time. The cooking recipe is quite complicated, but the effort pays off with an indescribable taste. All other ingredients are not a problem, but look in advance - they are not sold in every supermarket.

The whole carcass is rubbed with salt and set aside for a while. Chestnuts (700 grams) are washed, cut crosswise, boiled for five minutes and doused with ice water to easily remove the peel. A kilogram of unpeeled pumpkin is cut into medium slices, sprinkled with lemon, sprinkled with sugar - and into the oven for an hour. Rosemary sprigs and a tangerine cut into quarters are placed in the guinea fowl's belly. The carcass is placed on a baking sheet among toasted pieces of pumpkin, covered with halves of four more tangerines, the whole composition is sprinkled with spices, covered with foil and placed in the oven for another hour. While baking, the glaze is made: the juice of three tangerines is combined with two large spoons of honey, salted and boiled down a little. Chestnuts and sesame seeds are fried in a frying pan in a small amount of lemon juice and four tablespoons of sugar - as many as you think you need. Guinea fowl and pumpkin slices are coated with glaze, chestnuts and sesame seeds are added to the dish - and back into the oven for another hour. You have never eaten such a delicacy before!

Fragrant guinea fowl

We continue to prepare guinea fowl dishes! Recipes allow you to create culinary masterpieces from it. For example, a carcass is taken, washed, dried and stuffed with orange and lemon zest. The cut is pierced with a toothpick, and the outside of the bird is carefully rubbed with a mixture of pepper and salt. A sheet of foil is greased with margarine, a guinea fowl is placed on it, a few sprigs of fresh rosemary are placed around it, and the sheet is rolled up tightly. Broth is poured into the duckling pot and the wrapped bird is placed in it; The liquid should barely cover the foil. The vessel is covered with a lid and placed in the oven for an hour and a half. You will need to turn it over a couple of times. Before calling to the table, do not forget to remove the foil.

Stuffed guinea fowl

One of the guaranteed successful ways to cook guinea fowl is to stuff it with all sorts of goodies. For example, soak a piece of bread in broth and squeeze it out, mix it with finely chopped beef (200 g is enough) and half the amount of lard, and chop parsley and one onion into this minced meat. All ingredients are kneaded and placed in the belly of the guinea fowl with pre-grated salt and pepper. The hole is stitched or chipped, petals of ham (200 g, for the juiciness of this part of the carcass) are placed on the breast, the bird is tied with a harsh thread and put in the oven for an hour and a half. Occasionally it is worth watering it with leaked juice.

Cooking in Italian

Guinea fowl is very easy to prepare; the recipe does not require any complicated steps or rare ingredients. All you need for the bird is a glass of red wine, a pomegranate, an onion and spices. The carcass is cut into convenient pieces and fried in olive oil along with chopped onion. The only difficulty is to properly clean the pomegranate seeds. They are laid to the guinea fowl and filled with wine. The dish is seasoned with a teaspoon of paprika and salted to taste. Half an hour of stewing - and Italian food is on your table. Guinea fowl is very tasty; the recipe recommends long rice or pasta for it.

"Sleeve" baking

Foil and sleeve are our best friends when cooking a bird! Including guinea fowl: recipes for cooking in the oven, of course, promise softness and juiciness, but only the sleeve can guarantee it. The carcass is first rubbed with pepper and salt, and then coated with orange juice mixed with a couple of crushed garlic cloves and two tablespoons of olive oil. The bird is carefully placed in the sleeve, and the dressing is poured there, if there is any left. If you want the guinea fowl to soak in all the flavors, you can leave it right in the sleeve for an hour in the refrigerator. However, there is no particular need for this - and it will be saturated in the oven. The edge of the sleeve is tied, and the guinea fowl is baked for an hour and a half. Then it opens, the bird is poured with its own juice - and for another half an hour it acquires a crust. As you can see, the recipe for guinea fowl in the oven is not at all complicated - but what is the result! By the way, if you wish, you can add fresh herbs to the sleeve: mint, parsley, rosemary - and a cinnamon stick. Then your bird will not only be juicy and tasty, but also fragrant.


Guinea fowl is one of the varieties of poultry that has long been raised as an ornamental bird, but later began to be bred for serving. Its meat is considered a delicacy, and even less fatty than chicken. Every housewife should know how to cook guinea fowl in the oven in a sleeve.

The main problem with guinea fowl meat is its low moisture content - if you make the slightest mistake, it will simply dry out in the oven. For this reason, baking guinea fowl requires the mandatory use of a sleeve or foil, otherwise the bird will have to be constantly watered with its own juice. In addition, a little water is poured into the baking dish (as well as into the sleeve or foil), which will create increased humidity inside and also prevent the product from drying out.


  • guinea fowl – 1 pc.;
  • coarse salt - 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • ground basil – 1/2 tsp. spoons;
  • ground thyme – 1/2 tsp. spoons;
  • apples – 2 pcs.;
  • cranberries – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the bird under running water and pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Rub with salt, grease with soft butter, sprinkle with ground herbs. Place in the refrigerator (cover the bowl or wrap the bird in cling film) for 3-4 hours.
  3. Remove the skin from the apples and cut them into cubes. Mix with cranberries.
  4. Fill the guinea fowl soaked with herbs with them (if necessary, make an incision at the bottom of the abdomen, but then sew it up), and prick the hole with toothpicks.
  5. Place in a baking bag and add half a glass of cold water. Close the sleeve very tightly.
  6. Place in a deep baking tray and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 1.5-2 hours - the exact time is determined by the weight of the bird. After 1.5 hours, open the sleeve and make a puncture: if the juice comes out clear, brown the guinea fowl without the sleeve at 200 degrees and remove.

Any meat sounds very interesting in the company of sweet and sour fruits: for this reason, it is often baked with pineapples or citrus fruits. Oranges are an excellent choice for poultry, especially if you are preparing it for the holiday table. Just add a little honey, olive oil and dried herbs and you have a great aromatic sauce that will make your guinea fowl extra impressive.


  • guinea fowl – 1 pc.;
  • oranges – 3 pcs.;
  • honey – 2 table. spoons;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground basil – 1 tsp. spoon;
  • garlic clove;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon. spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. After rinsing the guinea fowl and removing the water, rub the surface with salt.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the orange, add olive oil, basil, honey. Squeeze the garlic through a press and insert it there.
  3. Lubricate the bird well with the resulting sauce, let it lie in the cold for an hour to soak it.
  4. Peel the remaining oranges, divide into slices, and place inside the guinea fowl.
  5. Put it in your sleeve, add half a glass of water and close it securely.
  6. Bake guinea fowl stuffed with oranges at 170 degrees for 1.5 hours.
  7. After opening the sleeve, let the bird brown. The oven temperature should be increased to 200 degrees, and the guinea fowl itself should be watered with the juice that comes out of it and collects nearby every 5 minutes.