
The lollipops according to this recipe are exactly the same as those that were sold on almost every corner in Soviet times.


  • 10 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 10 tbsp. spoons of water
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of apple/wine vinegar or 0.2 teaspoon of citric acid
  • oil for greasing the mold

How to make lollipops:

  1. Before you start preparing sweets, prepare a special mold for pouring. You also need to stock up on lollipop sticks or regular toothpicks, having previously cut off the sharp ends from them.
  2. Combine water, vinegar and sugar in an enamel saucepan and put on fire. When the process of dissolving the sugar begins, reduce the heat and cook the sweet syrup until it acquires a beautiful golden hue. Do not forget to constantly stir the liquid so that the sugar does not burn and the mass does not acquire an unpleasant bitter taste. From time to time, drop 1-2 drops of syrup into cold water. As soon as you notice that the sugar solution has begun to harden, remove the pan from the heat.
  3. Carefully pour the finished syrup for candies into a mold previously greased with vegetable oil. Don't forget to insert the chopsticks. Once the candies have set, remove them from the mold.

Colorful lollipops

Olive magazine


  • 8 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • fruit or berry juice without pulp
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • cooking sugar (if desired)
How to make colorful candies:
  1. Mix all the ingredients (except for the cooking powder) and heat the mixture in a fireproof container with constant stirring. When the sugar has completely dissolved and the syrup has taken on a caramel color, remove the pan from the heat.
  2. If you have added dark berry juice to the syrup, do not rely on the shade, but check the readiness of the syrup by dipping drops of it into cold water.
  3. Once the drops begin to set, remove the syrup from the heat and stir in the sprinkles. Carefully pour the candy mixture into the molds and insert the sticks.

Secrets of the "candy" kingdom

If you have on hand food colorings , you can add them to sweet syrup. However, when adding such substances, it should be noted that powder dyes should be dissolved in cold water at the initial stage of preparation, otherwise the candies will be unevenly colored.

To give the candy more bright and rich taste , before you start cooking, heat the amount of water specified in the recipe and pour lemon or orange zest into it. Cool and strain the infusion, and only then start preparing the delicacy.

If you don't have lollipop molds , you can spread parchment on the table and spread the candy mixture onto it in neat little puddles. Just remember to insert a toothpick or skewer into each puddle. Another option is to use silicone baking molds or so-called “hazel molds”. Some housewives use chocolate packaging with molds to fill the candy mass. The lollipops in it turn out neat and even.

Do you like sweets? Prepare candies according to our recipe!

Today I will reveal the secret of a successful children's party. It's simple - as many treats on a stick as possible: homemade lollipops, meringues or just fruit strung on skewers. Children love these unique desserts! I tested it from personal experience: in a birthday cake, children are interested in blowing out the candles and eating the decorations, but the actual piece of cake is at best half eaten. But lollipops are always in use; children crunch them without being distracted from playing, each time running up to the table and looking for something else... always on a stick.

Let's see how easy it is to give children a sweet and tasty joy - lollipops. And promise that you'll let the kids make their own candy cane! Believe me, this will remain one of the most vivid memories of childhood.


  • Granulated sugar - 400 g.
  • Water - 60 ml.
  • Invert syrup (can be replaced with glucose, corn) - 200 g.
  • Food gel coloring - a few drops

Very easy to do at home. You can follow the link and see the step-by-step cooking recipe.

How to cook:

To prepare candy caramel, measure out the required amount of sugar and pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add invert syrup (200 g)

Add water (60 ml) and stir. Water can be replaced with fruit juice, such as cherry juice.

Place over medium heat and stir until the sugar grains dissolve.

Stir the sugar syrup for 2-3 minutes, trying to “pick it up” with a spatula from the bottom so that nothing burns. If you do not want to get burnt candies, do not leave the stove for a minute.

When the sugar syrup boils, a foamy head will appear. Reduce heat to low and continue stirring. Boil the syrup until thick caramel (8-10 minutes). To ensure that the candy caramel has the correct consistency, it is important to finish cooking the syrup. If you remove the syrup from the heat too soon, the caramel will not thicken properly. It may happen that you pour candy into the molds, they will begin to harden, but will not become hard. They can even come off the baking sheet and stay on a stick, but when you try to eat them, a soft, viscous mass will begin to stick to your teeth. This indicates that the caramel was undercooked.

How to check if sugar syrup is boiling enough? I usually do this: I place a small container of cold water next to the saucepan and, to check the readiness of the caramel, drop a small amount into the water. If the caramel is ready, the ball will immediately become hard; when you try to break it, it does not bend, but breaks. If you have achieved such a state, great. Remove from heat!

But don't forget to add a few drops of dye before finishing the process. I like Americolor and Wilton gel dyes, they have excellent consistency and saturation - just a couple of drops are enough to get a beautiful rich color. The convenient dosage of the bottle helps you avoid pouring too much (they are not too thick, but not runny like water).

I used Super Red Americolor in this recipe.

Immediately after the stove, the sugar caramel may bubble for one minute, but gradually the foam disappears and you can speed up the process by stirring.

It is better to place lollipops on silicone mats or thick baking paper. You can grease the surface with vegetable oil to be on the safe side (I don’t grease it, it comes off perfectly).

Using a teaspoon, pour a small amount onto a horizontal surface.

A drop of caramel turns out to be quite thick, so it is easy to give it a round, even shape. You can trim with a spoon if the syrup does not want to spread.

Now we insert the stick, carefully plunging it into the candy “puddle”. We turn it around so that it is completely covered with syrup and does not fly off after hardening. This motion is similar to a screwing motion.

The caramel will take several hours to harden. The process takes place at room temperature; there is no need to take the candies out onto the balcony or put them in the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, the caramel will begin to harden unevenly.

The saucepan in which the syrup was boiled can be easily washed by heating a small amount of water in it. The remaining caramel will easily dissolve and come off on its own.

Ready-made sweets can be easily removed from the baking sheet and mat without breaking.

Sugar candies in molds

You can form lollipops on a silicone surface or pour caramel into molds to get sweets in a specific shape.

We also grease the mold with vegetable oil. To prevent questions, I want to say that the taste of butter is not felt at all in the finished caramels.

In deep molds, caramel may take longer to harden than on a flat surface, this directly depends on the thickness of the sugar layer.

Today you can buy kits for making lollipops, which include molds and sticks. For example, like the one in the photo:

Molds for lollipops can be very diverse: from the familiar cockerels on a stick to modern lollipops.

The basic recipe for candies can be modified at your discretion by adding various fruit juices instead of water, covering them with confectionery toppings, making two-color caramels, etc. In addition, if you don’t have invert syrup and don’t want to cook it, you can use a simpler recipe :

Classic lollipop recipe at home

Based on 6 pieces:

  • Granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Fruit juice or water - 1.5 tbsp. spoons

The cooking technology is the same: over medium heat, boil sugar, water, and lemon juice until thick. Check readiness by dipping a drop of candy caramel into cold water. If it hardens instantly, it means you can remove the syrup from the heat and pour it into molds.

I suggest you admire the photographs of the finished candies from the Internet. Look how lovely it is!

What kind of lollipops did you make? Show it in the photo and attach it in the comments. I wish you to enjoy the process and make the most delicious lollipops. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the recipe. Please don't hesitate to ask!

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Which kid doesn't love delicious lollipops? During our childhood, such lollipops could be bought in the form of cockerels, squirrels, and bunnies. Well, our children have to be content with all kinds of lollipops and other candies that contain many harmful additives, but the health of the child is above all else for the mother. Therefore, I would like to invite you to try making lollipops.

You can be confident in these lollipops because you know their composition. Once upon a time, special molds for making lollipops were sold, but it’s unlikely that anyone still has them; silicone molds are not suitable for these purposes, since they can melt under the influence of hot syrup. But don’t despair, because foil can make wonderful molds.

I offer you a basic recipe for lollipops. Ingredients of homemade sweets:
. Sugar - 4 tablespoons
. Water - 2 tablespoons (water can be replaced with fruit juice)
. Vinegar - 1 teaspoon
. Food coloring - on the tip of a knife (but you can do it without coloring)

Recipe for making homemade candy.

If you have silicone ice molds, you can use them for lollipops. But, unfortunately, I don’t have those, so I came up with foil molds. For this we need foil. We make a strip out of it. Homemade lollipops.

We cut this strip into several parts.

Take a regular stack and wrap the bottom in foil.

This is how the mold turns out.

I trimmed off the extra pieces of foil, and these are the shapes I got.

Now carefully insert a toothpick into each mold.

The forms are ready. Now let's make caramel. Pour sugar into a saucepan or frying pan, add water and vinegar.

Place on low heat. When the caramel boils, add coloring.

The caramel should boil a little. If a drop of caramel immediately cools in the water, then the caramel is ready. We literally add a drop of sunflower oil to each mold so that the caramels do not stick to the molds.

Pour caramel into molds.

If you want, you can decorate the caramels a little with different confectionery decorations.

After 10 minutes, the fireplaces are ready and can be removed from the molds. Homemade lollipops are ready. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making candy.




Lollipop cockerel

The simplest recipe for classic lollipops:
4 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 tbsp. l. water
Boil sugar and water over low heat until transparent (a drop of syrup should instantly solidify in cold water), then add a little vinegar (apple vinegar is fine) or a grain of citric acid (it is important not to overdo it with acid) and, for flavoring, a drop of essence.
Pour into greased molds, insert pre-prepared sticks - frozen - ready.
Instead of water, you can try adding some kind of juice - here you have flavoring and natural coloring.

Burnt sugar candies:

Add 250 g of granulated sugar to the pan, add 1 tablespoon of powder or vanilla sugar and 50 g of cognac. Place it all on the stove, hold for no more than 1 minute, while stirring thoroughly.

Now remove from the stove and add a few drops of lemon juice and peppermint oil.
Pour the syrup into small molds and let it cool. Place the stick in the mold so that it sticks when the candy has completely hardened.

Chocolate caramel

125 g sugar
125 g honey
125 g chocolate

Cook sugar, honey and chocolate over low heat. If a drop of boiled chocolate mass immediately thickens in cold water, the caramel is ready. It can be poured into molds or poured onto a greased or water-moistened plate, and then cut into squares.

To make the lollipops you will need the following:
Ingredients for making candy
Quarter glass of water
Glass of sugar
Lollipop mold

First you need to pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar into it. Place it over medium heat and let it simmer for 5-9 minutes, stirring occasionally. Without turning off the heat, add one and a half tablespoons of vinegar to the pan and mix thoroughly. Wait a little, add another one and a half tablespoons of vinegar and mix again.

When the future caramel acquires a golden hue, turn off the heat. If you have molds for lollipops, grease them with sunflower oil and pour caramel into them. We insert toothpicks into the molds - they will be sticks for lollipops. Once the candies have cooled, they are ready to eat.

Lollipops "Childhood"

All my childhood I crunched on these candies. With big eyes, I sat and watched carefully, trying not to miss anything, as my mother prepared these delicious candies for us: and then it seemed to me that nothing else could be tastier than these candies. Time has flown by... and now my girls are crunching with such candies!!! The recipe is quite simple:


Sugar - 6 tbsp.

Water - 6 tbsp.

Vinegar (9% take 1 tbsp) - 0.5 tbsp.

Vegetable oil (for greasing the mold)


Cook over medium heat for 15-18 minutes. Stirring constantly.

You won't find one like this anymore...

OK it's all over Now! Help yourself!!!
granulated sugar - 8 large spoons;
  • juice without pulp - 7 large spoons;
  • squeezed lemon juice - 1 dessert spoon.
  • The process of making lollipops at home Step 1: Mix the juice with sand and freshly squeezed lemon.

    Step 2: Heat the ingredients in an enamel bowl until completely dissolved, stirring constantly with a spoon.

    Step 3: Check our caramel for readiness. To do this, drop a little caramel into cold water. If the drop dissolves, continue cooking; if the drop solidifies, the caramel is ready.

    Step 4: Grease the molds with vegetable oil so that the lollipops easily come off the silicone.

    Step 5: Pour the resulting syrup into molds and place in the refrigerator.

    In half an hour the lollipops will be ready and the children will be ready to taste them!

    My granddaughter is growing up, and, as usual, she has begun to show interest in sweets, chocolates and other children’s delights. I was recently visiting and asked my grandfather: “Will you buy me Chupa Chups?”

    I immediately saw before my eyes a little boy at a party with a huge candy cane and a blue-red tongue and lips... I don’t want such sweets for my granddaughter!

    It’s difficult to refuse a child, but you can still regulate the process, and make the lollipops, beloved by all children for many centuries, yourself.

    After rummaging in the far corners of the closet, I pulled out the mold that I bought back in the 80s of the last century and said that we would make it better than any Chupa Chups.

    In general, lollipops are very simple!

    Minimal ingredients: 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of any fruit or berry juice without pulp (you can freshly squeezed) or, if there is no juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of water and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, sugar for culinary products (optional). All!

    Put it on gas and, stirring constantly, let the mixture boil, reduce the heat to moderate and continue stirring.

    As soon as the sugar mass acquires a caramel color with a reddish tint, you can pour the mass into the mold. The degree of color change is very important, if the color is straw, then the mass may stick to the mold, if it is red-brown, it will taste bitter, it is the reddish-caramel color that is important to us, it will darken a little more when poured.

    Our mold is pre-lubricated with a thin layer of oil and assembled. Pour the candy mixture into the holes and insert the sticks. As chopsticks, you can use toothpicks with sharp ends cut off, or you can also split a bamboo Chinese stick (they split well with a smooth cut without burrs).

    When the mold has cooled (you can even hold it under cold water to speed it up), open it and take out the lollipops.

    You can wrap the lollipops in plastic wrap and give them to the child whenever the parents deem it possible.

    What to do if there is no form? Show creativity! We take a silicone mold or a frying pan with a non-stick coating and lightly grease it with oil. For beauty, you can sprinkle sugar decorations for cakes in the mold.

    We make the candy mass in the same way. When it’s ready, pour a free-form puddle, put a stick in the “puddle,” submerge it, sprinkle some fine sugar on top and wait for the candy to harden. They are easily removed from the silicone mold.

    Homemade candies are natural, and although sugar, of course, is not such a healthy product, at least you can protect your child from all sorts of harmful dyes and flavor enhancers.

    When the candies were ready, the adults couldn't resist either, resulting in the whole family sitting around licking the lollipops.

    Now the granddaughter no longer remembers Chupa Chups; she likes to watch the preparation of squirrels, fish and holiday trees, which she saw in puddles of candy.

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    Who among us did not love lollipops in the shape of a cockerel, a squirrel, a star, and so on as a child? Many of us tried to cook them ourselves as children; in fact, everything is very simple.

    It's safe to say that these are real childhood sweets for many. And one more thing can be said with confidence that those lollipops cannot compare with modern lollipops and the like that are produced now, with various chemicals, dyes and additives.

    Now I’ll quickly tell you and remind you of a couple of very simple recipes that you can use to make delicious candies at home.


    To prepare we will need:

    Water – 8-9 tablespoons.
    Granulated sugar – 9 tablespoons.
    A pinch of citric acid or one tablespoon of wine vinegar.
    Toothpicks, skewers or wooden sticks of suitable size.
    Form for hardening (if not, at the end I’ll tell you how you can do without it).

    Cooking process:

    In fact, I repeat, everything is very simple: take a small saucepan, pour water into it, add sugar, a pinch of citric acid or wine vinegar, put it on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally (the cooking process takes 15-20 minutes).

    Boil our mixture to a caramel color (the main thing is not to overcook it). We check readiness with a drop of water, drop a cold drop of water into the mixture, if it has hardened, our caramel is ready.

    Then pour the caramel into the molds, let it cool a little and thicken, insert the sticks and put the caramel in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.

    1. Before hardening, the molds should be slightly greased with vegetable oil.
    2. If you don’t have molds, we used tablespoons when we were kids, see photo below.
    3. Instead of molds, you can use any other suitable molds, for example, molds in which chocolates are stored in a box, or silicone baking molds (the main thing is that they can withstand the temperature of hot syrup).
    4. You can also use lemon juice instead of vinegar.
    5. After boiling, stir well for a few more minutes, and very slowly pour the caramel into the molds so that fewer voids and pores form.

    Recipe 2.

    Six tablespoons of sugar.
    Four tablespoons of cream, or homemade full-fat sour cream.

    Recipe 3.

    Five tablespoons of sugar.
    Three tablespoons of milk.
    One teaspoon of cocoa.
    One teaspoon of butter.

    The cooking process is identical to that described above. Maybe you have your own recipes for lollipops, share them in the comments, I think readers will be interested.

    Of course, in childhood we did not have as many sweets as our children and grandchildren now have. But we will forever remember them for their taste and we are unlikely to forget them. For example, sherbet, or everyone’s favorite toffee candy, but we have recipes for these childhood desserts on the blog and you can read them below.