Symptoms of invasion. Incorporation of essence into a person, signs. Astral entities: classification according to L. G. Puchko

There are many types of settlers known, although most often you have to deal with larvae, demons, and dead people. Entities “stick” to everyone, regardless of what their victim does, whether she practices magic, how old she is, etc.

Where do settlers come from?

The settlers are the inhabitants of the subtle plane. They come from the astral plane and cling to a person’s aura. Depending on the reasons why an entity is introduced into the biofield, there are several main types of settlers:

Sometimes the settler is lured into an animal (it’s not for nothing that witches love to keep toads and black cats), a talisman or other object. Entities obey the owner for a fee. Getting out of control, they can begin to “eat” the sorcerer, gradually taking control of his personality for themselves.

A striking example of a deliberate challenge to an entity is the settler “Groom”. The ritual assumes that the woman will receive demonic protection, in which the entity will protect her from magical attacks, problems on the material plane and other troubles. But most often, settlers in the aura do not bring anything good and need to be gotten rid of.

The first stage in this is diagnostics (on maps, on runes, from photos, etc.) You can also recognize the entity by some symptoms.

Larva settlers - who are they and how to recognize them?

Larvae belong to the lower inhabitants of the energy world. Their nature is unsatisfied desires, obsessive thoughts, fixation on something. Often larvae are born during conflicts, hysterics, attacks of jealousy and other emotional outbursts. They have no intelligence. They simply attach themselves to the victim’s biofield and feed on energy.

Larvae have no interest in subjugating humans. They can only be stirred up by the possibility of losing the “feeding trough”: then the entities come to life and try to control their owner. As a rule, the process occurs through fear: people begin to be afraid to change anything and prefer to remain in the existing situation. As soon as the risk for the larva goes away, it again becomes passive and only engages in eating energy. These essences are present in almost all people.

They can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. Uncontrollable passion for something.
  2. Inability to manage your desires and aspirations.
  3. Groundless fears concerning even the simplest situations.
  4. Hypertrophy of fantasies.

In essence, larva is excess desire and excessive passion. And the larger the entity, the more important it becomes for a person to follow the thought or emotion that once gave birth to the inhabitant. At the energy level, the larva is visible as a polyp, clot, leech (most often white). It does not give off a smell.

Who are the demon settlers and by what criteria are they calculated?

Demons and devils belong to the same rank of inhabitants of the subtle plane. They have a mind and a personality of their own that they try to impose on the victim. Unlike larvae, demons do not arise as a result of human emotional and mental activity - they already exist and are simply looking for a suitable “shell” to expand their sphere of influence.

Demon possession is recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Stably elevated body temperature not associated with any disease.
  2. Aggressiveness, quarrelsomeness, desire to hit, offend, harm.
  3. Love of alcohol, craving for smoking, drug addiction.
  4. Memory lapses, in which a person does not remember what he did, while others note his normal behavior at that time.
  5. A characteristic unpleasant odor emanating from the body: sulfuric or reminiscent of the aroma of wet wool.
  6. “Prickly” eyes, abnormal gaze.
  7. Split personality, schizophrenia.
  8. Change in character: from a modest and calm person, a self-confident upstart suddenly “comes out”, clinging to everyone.
  9. Tendency to promiscuity and sexual perversion.
  10. The presence of one or two bumps on the skull, often associated with horns.

It is not difficult to see the demon, since such settlers do not really hide. Traditionally, they appear in an animal-like form (dog-man, cat-man, etc.). Sometimes the demon takes on a purely animal form - it depends on the case. The essence is clearly visible in the photo: its portrait seems to appear through the image of a person. Even the victim herself can see the demon in the mirror.

Residents are clearly visible when their owners are in an altered state of consciousness (under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or simply in a strong anger, etc.) At such moments, a person’s appearance changes, facial features become sharper, eyes become angry, and wrinkles become deep. Alcoholics possessed by a demon often talk about themselves in the third person (“Ivan is good,” “Ivan loves you”). These words belong to a settler talking about his master.

After communicating with a possessed person, you are left with a feeling of dirt, something sticky, and there is a desire to move away and even wash yourself. But such feelings arise only in energetically healthy people. Those who carry a subterranean within themselves, on the contrary, are drawn to the possessed (“fisher of fishermen…”). The same is true for those with a weak aura.

The demon protects his “ward”. A person will survive driving drunk, will not freeze in the snow, will be diverted from aggressive companies... The entity needs its “feeder” to continue to function: the longer the shell lives, the more power the settler will have time to snatch. After the death of the owner, demons try to move into someone else, often choosing relatives of the previous victim for this purpose.

Dead settler in man

Many deceased do not completely leave the material world, and their spirit continues to wander around the earth. Basically, he does not leave the boundaries of his cemetery and the places that were once important to him, but sometimes the deceased clings to the human biofield, becoming a settler. The phenomenon is very reminiscent of a strong necrotic connection, in which living energy is pumped out into the world of the dead.

The dead are much more passive than the demons, but they also give obvious symptoms. Among them:

  1. A feeling of mortal threat or vague but inevitable danger (with a completely new resident).
  2. Depression, apathy, loss of interest in anything, muted emotional background, complete withdrawal and reluctance to communicate.
  3. Resignation, inability to act, resignation to one’s “difficult fate.”
  4. Fatigue, drowsiness, which makes you want to sleep for days.
  5. Suicidal thoughts, lack of fear of death, thoughts about the meaninglessness of life.
  6. Periodically a voice sounds in your head, saying something like: “You and I are dead.”
  7. Dull headache, confused and foggy consciousness.
  8. Cold extremities, chills even in extreme heat, always low body temperature.
  9. Pronounced pallor, general appearance as if “just from the grave.”
  10. Dull look, “drunk” eyes.
  11. The smell of decay and decay from the body.
  12. The desire to visit the cemetery.
  13. Youthfulness, absence of signs of aging (noticeable when the settler spends a long time in the biofield).

Although in some cases, especially when the dead are addicted to corruption, the body wears out much faster than expected. If the possessed attract all kinds of alcoholics and various “cheerful” personalities, then a dead person in the biofield provokes attention from gypsies. They do not pester you with an offer to tell fortunes, but in fear they go as far as possible. This is understandable, since many gypsies actually have magical vision. The dead man is visible as a silhouette behind him. A person can feel the presence of a dead person at night: it will seem to him that they are looking at him.

Some practitioners notice how other entities of the other world flock to the deceased from mirrors (portals) and stand next to him. Sometimes, along with the dead person, so-called cemetery worms can be seen in the aura. They resemble small snakes and indicate that a person was damaged through the graveyard.

Children with roommates

Almost always the presence of a settler indicates a magical attack. Intrauterine corruption is very well known among witches, in which the impact on the mother negatively affects the fetus. As a result, a child is born with a whole set of problems, and often there is a subversive inside the baby. Most often, children turn out to be possessed. You can recognize a baby with a similar “diagnosis” by the following signs:

  1. The presence of various pathologies (cerebral palsy, autism). The energy of the settlers affects the fetus, causing disturbances in its development. If the entity has been influencing the unborn child for a long time, then not much humanity will remain in the newborn. In essence, a woman will have to raise the demon in its physical incarnation.
  2. Inappropriate behavior - cruelty to animals, a tendency to steal, aggressiveness, the desire to do dirty tricks, enjoyment of foul language, etc. We are not talking about ordinary children's pranks and whims, but about a completely obvious distortion of personality.
  3. A piercing and unpleasant gaze, jerky movements, disgust experienced by others when contacting the child.
  4. Unreasonable fears, poor sleep and other symptoms that appear in adult settlers.

If health allows, then a slightly older child rushes into all seriousness. He gets caught with a cigarette at school, he takes part in teenage drinking sessions, and he doesn’t care about conflicts with elders. It is often recommended to show such children to a psychologist, especially if the child was born in a prosperous family and abnormal behavior cannot be attributed to the negative influence of the environment.

Reptiles and insects as aliens in humans

All kinds of small animals often act as entities planted in the biofield. Of course, “little animals” appear in a person’s aura not in their physical incarnation, but simply astral settlers take their form. Even experienced practitioners do not fully understand the nature of these entities, although several generations ago they were regularly used in magical rituals.

Today, the most common types of settlers are:

  1. Snake. Changes a person's appearance by giving them narrow eyes due to swelling above and below the eyes. The victim may also develop the habit of sticking out the tip of his tongue and lightly biting it. The essence is used to cause damage. It is almost impossible to remove it from the facility, and in 2-3 years it completely eats up a person.
  2. Toad. As in the case of a snake, it provokes changes in appearance. The victim becomes like a toad: puffiness appears, a characteristic gait develops, warts appear, etc. Usually such a colonizer makes a person very greedy (“the toad strangles”).
  3. Mantis. Seers speak of this entity as a huge insect peering through the physical shell. The settler is firmly held inside the biofield, clinging to the joints with its paws: if you suddenly pull it out of the body, you can get real injury. The essence is strong and helps to achieve all kinds of heights in life. But, as a rule, she has her own interest, and the owner’s personality is completely suppressed.

Some practitioners believe that the praying mantis and other insect-like “guests” are alien settlers, others consider them man-made within the framework of some esoteric tradition.

Another entity of a not fully established nature may also appear in the aura. At the slightest suspicion of this, it is better to immediately seek help from a magician to cleanse yourself. One cannot expect good things from energy animals.

Settlers in man: getting rid of them on your own

Of course, it is recommended to work under the supervision of a professional. But if this is not possible, you should try to get rid of the settler yourself. Wax castings are considered the most effective way to achieve success. They do them whenever.

You will need:

  • natural wax;
  • container with cold water;
  • saucepan.

It is advisable that someone else perform the ritual for the person. It is necessary to melt the wax in a water bath, sit the object in front of you and recite the spell three times:

“Whether living or dead, whatever was not born in this body, whatever was not conceived in this fetus, whatever was received from without, come down - from the head and from the shoulders, from the back and from the ridge, do not sit with a hump, do not break your loins, do not gnaw your heels.”

Then, over the person’s head, you need to carefully pour the melted wax into a container with cold water. When the casting hardens, you can see the image of a settler (especially a demon) in it. Larvae and dead bodies sometimes show up poorly, simply producing bubbles and all sorts of distortions in the wax. The ritual should be repeated until the casting is leveled. At the end, the wax is buried in the ground, and the water is poured away from the house.

You can also try to lure out the uninvited “resident”. It is best to do this on the waning moon. You will need to speak to the bowl of milk thirteen times:

“Sweet milk, begun by no one, taken from the earth, filled with strength - for you, what gnaws at your soul, it’s poured, come out and help yourself, enjoy the sweetness.”

A person should spit into this milk and then pour it under a dry tree. If the energy of an object is weakened, then the entity will easily leave it for new “food”. After the ceremony, you need to surround yourself with salt as much as possible (in bags, in vases), and also burn church or just wax candles as often as possible.

Some homesteaders clean up well with a fresh chicken egg that has not been in the refrigerator. You just need to roll it over the object’s body, while whispering a conspiracy:

“From the meat and bones, from the veins of all kinds, from the head and from the neck, from the ridge and from the knee, get away, uninvited stranger!”

The egg is buried in a remote place. At the same time, you can use other methods of magical cleansing.

Energy settlers (spirits of the dead, larvae and other entities) cannot become real “friends” to a person. These are not guardian angels, whose job is to ensure the safety of their charges. The settlers pursue their own goals. Entities can sometimes be used for personal interests, but ordinary people are better off not getting involved in such relationships. As soon as the “guest” is removed, people look at life in a new way: it really begins to play with new colors when it is no longer necessary to share it with someone.

An unexpected change in a person’s behavior and character is often a consequence of the influence of an alien entity on his astral body. Any person can notice this undergrowth and see its signs and symptoms, even if he is far from esotericism and mystical practices. The problem of coexistence with spirits has existed since time immemorial. It makes sense to consider this phenomenon in more detail and detail.

Causes of the phenomenon

You need to know how to identify the essences in a person, because they are divided into two types. Some of them have high vibrations. These are our friends, as they enter into symbiosis, help a person, give him strength and ensure success.

The creature prefers to cling to its victim at those moments when it is most vulnerable to otherworldly forces. This happens when a person is asleep or under the influence of:

  • anesthesia;
  • trance;
  • alcohol or drugs;
  • tranquilizers and strong sleeping pills.

There is a special case that is the reason for the sharing. A black magician provokes him, casting a spell. The summoned spirit drains its victim, resulting in its death. This is an extremely powerful tool in the magical arsenal, and it is very difficult to get rid of such a curse.

Signs of settlement

Once in the body of its victim, the alien remains inactive for several years. The longer he hibernates, the more strength he accumulates. It appears abruptly and unexpectedly. Even the nicest person becomes rude, unpleasant, develops bad habits, and is difficult to recognize. All this catches the eye of others, even if they were not too familiar with the “vessel”. Basic signs of an entity entering a person:

In particularly severe cases of soul implantation in a person, symptoms may manifest themselves through vocal and visual hallucinations. The person becomes obsessed with ideas of harming himself or others. As a result, he becomes a permanent patient at a psychiatric clinic.

The longer he is sick, the worse he begins to look. The skin turns pale, the eyes become dull. Hair loses its shine and begins to fall out. Teeth deteriorate, body weight decreases or increases pathologically. Very soon no one will want to be around him. He becomes an outcast from society.

Further consequences

Having familiarized yourself with the symptoms, you can clearly understand that the consequences of sharing are very dire. Entities specifically look for already weakened people, since they are easier to subject to harmful influences, their astral body is already full of cracks.

The Bible states that one of the deadly sins is despondency. At first glance, this may seem strange, because a person is not always strong and cheerful, he is characterized by weaknesses. But the reason for such a strict definition is that people who are depressed are very susceptible to external influence. Therefore, they often acquire a neighbor in the form of a low-vibration creature, and then they can no longer live normally, becoming a problem for themselves and everyone else.

Situations are possible when several entities appear in one body at once. This phenomenon is commonly called obsession. A person loses control over his own body and even his tongue. He no longer belongs to himself. Settlement leads to:

  • decreased immunity;
  • development of serious diseases;
  • schizophrenia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • of death;
  • destruction of the soul and further seizure of the body.

Ways to get rid of essence

There are two options for disposal. The first is how to get rid of entities yourself, and the second is contacting a specialist.

Particularly severe cases are corrected using exorcism ritual. It is carried out by priests who have undergone special training. The ritual is performed only with the official permission of the church.

An exorcist must be a person with an unbending will and a pure soul, an excellent birth characteristic. All others will not withstand the pressure and will break.

It’s not enough to simply drive the creature out. After that we need to help the victim recover, otherwise she will quickly become a vessel for another settler. Even if this does not happen, she inevitably becomes depressed, looking at the ruins of her old life.

Considering how to get rid of entities in a person on your own, we can say that this is possible in the early stages of a mystical phenomenon. Having noticed changes in himself, a person must begin to carefully monitor his thoughts and actions and control them. He will have to weigh his every action, give up bad habits and refrain from many temptations. Then the expulsion will be successful.

Adding an essence to a person living nearby in the same house or apartment with you is a reason to think about. Since the “badness” that exists in a person is aimed not only at significantly ruining the life of the donor, but also of the people living next to him. Often, in the house where an essential person lives, astral corridors, holes and windows are open, which makes it possible for all sorts of energy creatures to penetrate from the unmanifested world into the real one.

Of course, simply cleaning the apartment without cleansing the biofield of the essential person will bring only a short-term effect, since the living creatures in it strive to re-establish contact with the subtle world. After 3-6 months everything will return to normal, it will also be difficult to stay in the room, you will also feel a feeling of depression, heaviness and fatigue.

Cleansing the biofield of an essential person should also be accompanied by cleaning the living space so that the astral living creatures in the house do not have a detrimental effect on his biofield.

How to determine that there is an infusion of an essence into a person?

The presence of a demon in a person’s field is quite easy to identify, since the demon itself strives to show itself. Many people probably have an idea from movies of what a possessed person is and what an exorcism session is. So, the signs of the presence of an entity have little in common with this. Only esotericists can tell you one hundred percent accurately whether there is an essence connection on a particular person. But there are points by which you can establish the presence of an energy entity yourself.

How to determine the presence of essence in a particular person

You can definitely say that in front of you is an essential person if

  • If you are very tired of communicating with this person, you constantly yawn in his presence if you are overcome by internal tremors.
  • If you avoid communicating with him in every possible way, his presence depresses you or causes irritation.
  • If after communicating with him you have a feeling of heaviness, fatigue, weakness, a feeling of “squeezed lemon”.
  • If, after interacting with it, your digestion worsens, various disorders and poisoning occur.
  • If you feel discomfort in a place where the essence person often stays, sits, lies or does something.

How to determine the presence of an entity in oneself?

A look from the outside makes it easy to identify people who have connections to energy entities. It is much more difficult to diagnose yourself for their presence. Below are signs and symptoms for determining the presence of otherworldly influence.

If you find that you answer yes to at least three of them, then you are influenced by one or another entity, then you do not always act as you really want. So, what does the presence of energy essence in your biofield indicate:

  • If you have drug or alcohol addiction.
  • If you have a quarrelsome character, you like to provoke a negative response from people around you.
  • If you like to complain about life, fate, like to gossip, constantly express dissatisfaction with life, often stir up the past, especially its negative aspects.
  • If provoking scandals is one of your favorite pastimes, if you are always looking for excuses for a quarrel, you like to blame, humiliate human dignity and consider yourself to be right in everything.
  • If you like to talk too much, to the point that your interlocutors tend to leave you quickly, yawn in your presence and sometimes even fall asleep.
  • If you like to use flattery, play mask shows, and weave cunning intrigues.
  • If you like to play dumb in order to stimulate your interlocutor into lengthy explanations, transfer the conversation to an abstract topic with verbal diarrhea on your part.
  • If you have any phobias.
  • If you hear some voices and commands of a destructive nature that clog your inner voice and are too intrusive.
  • If you have suicidal thoughts, are passionate about gambling, are prone to promiscuous relationships, a wandering lifestyle.

It is important to identify the sick biofield in yourself and people close to you in time in order to turn to specialists and help yourself live a life free from negativity. Getting rid of influence on your own is possible, but quite difficult. The help of a specialist consists not only in diagnosing the presence of a sub-population, but also in freeing your biofield from this influence and installing protection. But it should be remembered that not everything is within the power of a specialist. If you do not strive to improve, understand and control your emotional states, thoughts and actions, then even the most powerful esotericist will not be able to rid your biofield of the essence forever. Sooner or later she may return.

By moving in is called the negative impact that anyone from the astral world can receive. More often they act as settlers energy essence, energy vampires. People live with some entities all their lives, successfully cope with them and influence them.

Usually these are unkind thoughts, bad deeds or actions. But there are entities that are deliberately introduced with the help of sorcerers and magicians. These manifestations do not have a physical body, but have a unique smell.

An entity can become a creature not from the physical world. It settles in the body of the wearer and controls his thoughts and actions, and influences relationships with people around him. This could be the spirit of someone who has passed away, who for some reason could not leave the earth, or a demon who takes away strength and health.

The settler can guide the individual, give him instructions and punish him in case of disobedience. Most of them receive energy recharge when the carrier is angry, experiences jealousy and envy, and commits bad deeds.

Inhabited creatures can be of two types: low- and high-vibrational.

Beings that help and protect a person and give him the right advice have a high vibration. This occurs as a result of a magical ritual or ancestral appointment, when a person realizes that such a manifestation is within himself.

Creatures that take energy from their owner have a low vibration. This leads to the development of serious illnesses.

Where do settlers come from?

The settlers come from the astral world and attach themselves to the host’s aura. Magicians distinguish several types of entities:

The settler may end up in the body of an animal, a talisman, or another object. They will obey its owner for a fee. If they get out of control, the owner will definitely suffer.

Among the main types of settled entities, the following should be highlighted:

Reasons for moving in

Most often, people become victims of low-level entities. The reasons for settlement may be:

  • a conscious desire to add an essence to oneself;
  • illiterate conduct of a magical ritual;
  • anger, hatred, desire for harm or death to another, envy;
  • bad habits, drug use, promiscuity;
  • crimes committed.

Very often, the host himself, without suspecting it, lets an alien into his body.

Changes in personality are not immediately noticeable to others. Only after some time, close people begin to notice that he is developing unusual habits: drinking alcohol, rudeness, inattentive attitude towards family members.

The carrier may abandon his family, quit his job, become aggressive and rude.

After moving in, mental illness may appear. People begin to see vampires and hear voices. Manifestations can force the commission of crimes or cruel acts, which people subsequently begin to regret. If this continues for a long time, then there is a possibility that the possessed person may commit suicide.

In this case, you should seek help from professionals. The magician is able to perform a cleansing ritual, as well as strengthen protection and energy.

Adding a soul to a person: symptoms

The entity enters the body through a gap in the energy field and does not perform active actions for some time. This may continue for several months. During this time, the settler gains strength. The longer this period lasts, the more difficult it will be to expel it from the host.

The manifestation occurs very abruptly. The signs of an entity entering a person are as follows:

  • fatigue, apathy, weakness;
  • laziness, lack of desire to perform daily duties and communicate with others, even by phone;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • division in deeds and thoughts;
  • fear and panic;
  • intrusive voices, thoughts;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • inappropriate behavior, obscene language, aggression, outbursts of anger.

Entities want the host to feel bad, suffer, cry, and withdraw into himself.

A human settler also shows external signs. The look of such people becomes lifeless and dull. Hair and skin lose their shine, bags and dark circles appear under the eyes. The wearer quickly loses weight.

Consequences of settlement

Such a neighborhood cannot bring anything good. Entities cannot inhabit any body. They are interested in people with weak energetic protection or those suffering from a serious illness. A person can become a victim in moments of bad mood, during a loss of strength or grief from the loss of a loved one. Entities prefer people who are often depressed, irritated, or emotionally unstable.

Sometimes several aliens can move into a body at once. Such cases are called obsession. As a result of overcrowding, some people experience weakened immunity. They often begin to get colds. In some cases, mental disorder occurs. People experience constant loss of strength, apathy, and long-term depression.

How to get rid

An entity that has taken up residence in the body can sometimes be very difficult to expel. You can perform the ritual yourself or seek help from a sorcerer. It depends on the severity of the case and the condition of the carrier.

The most accessible way to get rid of an unwanted guest is prayer. Prayer will be effective if the manifestations are minor.

If the entity is in the body for a long time, it is necessary to perform an expulsion ritual. The ritual is performed on the waning moon.

Entities do not tolerate high temperatures well, so a sauna or hot bath would be an ideal place. For the ceremony you will need a regular wax candle. The ritual should be carried out during the daytime in complete solitude so that the entity does not have the opportunity to find another carrier.

If the ritual is successful, the wearer experiences tingling in the palms or slight chills.

The ritual may take several days if no signs appear after the first ritual. Typically, entities leave the human body after three days.

After cleansing, the wearer experiences incredible relief, a surge of strength and vitality. To protect yourself from being re-addicted, you should use a talisman or talisman.

Attention, TODAY only!

You can’t help but notice how much suffering, disorder, and misfortune there are in everyday life. New, sophisticated diseases and viruses are emerging. Aggression between people and alienation of parents and children are becoming the norm. People have increasing problems in their family life; The flow of sick children and people with mental illness and mental disorders is increasing. More and more people are driven into a dead end by problems and complexes. Society has lost the guidelines for understanding good and evil and compassion. For many years now I have been trying to help people find and eliminate the causes of their dissatisfaction with their health and life circumstances, and gain knowledge that allows them to protect their soul and body from invasions.

The depth of understanding of life on Earth inevitably leads to the awareness of the Divine principle in everything and the presence of sacraments that do not require immediate explanation, but require humble recognition of their existence and importance. Not everything a person needs to know today, everything has its time and place, but what is revealed must be accepted as life. By rejecting something due to the lack of a strictly scientific explanation, humanity impoverishes itself in knowledge.

In addition to the forms of life on Earth familiar to us since childhood, there are many different worlds and civilizations, regardless of whether we want to know about it or not. These worlds are next to us, these worlds are in us. We may not notice them, just as we do not notice viruses, microbes, bacteria... until they attract our attention.

However, it is necessary to note the clear progress in the perception of these new, invisible forms of life. In recent years, scientists' views on the structure of the World have changed greatly. Today, the concepts of the structure of matter and man they propose allow us to speak confidently and partially explain the possibility of the emergence and life of “uninvited guests” in the human body. But the role and consequences of their activities are clearly underestimated, and more often than not, simply not considered. My practice of working with patients shows that the reason for the origin of many diseases of the physical body, mental disorders, family and work troubles, in everyday language, lies in the conditions imposed by the invading “entities” on the human body.

Our Planet is the intersection of positive and negative worlds (energies), which we consider as good and evil. “Entities” are woven from negative energies of black-gray and dirty-colored tones. They have intelligence, possess multifaceted extrasensory and psychoenergetic capabilities and can easily manifest them through the human body, gradually merging with it at the cellular level. With the energies given to me, I manifest them, come into contact with them and determine what they are made of, what power they have, where they come from and who they serve, what their goals are and the timing of impact programs. When the “essence” manifests itself in a person, as a rule, sudden changes in appearance, gaze, voice and behavior occur. At times, facial features are distorted beyond recognition. During the dialogue with the “entity,” I build ways to expel it. The practice of expulsion and the experience of negotiations allow us to draw the following conclusions.

Energy “entities” can inhabit and connect to a person at the moment of birth (when the parents did not create a protective field of Love from the very moment the child was conceived); illness; stress; strong fear; causing damage; curses; meditation; through the sleep channel; during alcohol and drug relaxation; unflagging attachment to people who have already died; negative emotions, passion; when a person creates a field of pride, envy, evil, resentment, hatred, slander, jealousy, etc. within himself; at the moment of foul language; through sex without Love between a man and a woman; during sexual fantasies, at the moment of lustful thoughts and desires.

The infusion of “entities” is possible in all cases where the Divine commandments are violated. Also, any deep-rooted sin or vice can become the basis for the attraction of the corresponding “entity” or even several. Invading a person (or any of his organs), energy “entities” connect to energy channels and draw in positive energy (they feed on a person’s energy, often sending it for study to the space from which they came), influence the course of his thoughts, actions and actions , fate and health. The human body is gradually destroyed, and the person himself turns into a subordinate being, sick and suffering, both physically and mentally.

There are other symptoms. The person cannot look the other person in the eye; the eyes express strong evil; a chaotically moving lump of various sizes is felt inside the body; suddenly there is a feeling of causeless irritation, anger, fear; in a calm environment, obscene language is heard inside the head, as if someone is swearing; there is a feeling of the presence of a stranger; at night, during sleep, as if in reality, sexual contact occurs with someone unknown or with a far-fetched image; a state of depression and a feeling of pain moving in the body; incomprehensible pulsation anywhere in the body or in internal organs.

In general, the variety of manifestations is amazing. Each individual case may sometimes have little to do with the underlying factors. Many are now actively mastering magic, using the services of “specialists” in casting spells on death, eliminating rivals, performing love spells, satisfying fleeting needs, or they themselves, out of curiosity, perform magical rituals. But none of them thinks about the fact that at such a moment a person inevitably becomes a conductor or servant of evil.

It is necessary to clearly understand that “entities,” being highly organized beings, are unusually cunning and resourceful and always masterfully play on human weaknesses and passions, rooting them deeper and deeper. The images they can take on are varied and very convincing. They are able to take on the appearance of saints, beloved children, and deceased relatives. Not one admits that they came with evil. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to get them to talk about their real goal. They create the illusion of what we crave within ourselves.

For example, they give those obsessed with pride a feeling of unusualness, exclusivity, while the weak - the illusion of strength and power. The antidote to their cunning and ingenuity is to live in reality, not in imaginary situations.

Over the years, in the spaces manifested through people, many different laboratories have been discovered for growing robotic “entities”, as well as shells in the form of human bodies for their existence on Earth; viruses of various diseases; computer viruses for planting and further destruction of human consciousness; programs for blocking Love and destroying families, destroying the spirituality of each individual; programs for the production of “black souls”, which were supposed to replace the Divine ones. And so on. And all this is being done by the forces of evil to capture our Earth (according to them, they are delighted with such a beautiful and living planet), enslaving people. Their program is more evil and discord on Earth. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of people.

Taking advantage of their capabilities, representatives of worlds invisible to us are fighting for the Earth, using the physical shell of people as a spacesuit, allowing them to be comfortably present on our planet. They are absolutely not shy about first displacing and then completely trampling the human essence and taking full control of the physical shell. The line of transition between a person and the “essence” that has captured him is so thin that the person himself is no longer able to figure out where its manifestations are, so often any wildness in thoughts and actions is perceived by the consciousness as something normal. This is how “entities” merge with human bodies and take over consciousness. In fact, all of humanity is enslaved and robotized. There are only a few left that are capable of passing human energies through themselves, devoid of various impurities.

All this is all the more scary, given the increasing activity of representatives of the invisible worlds in the struggle for the Earth, people and our carelessness in relation to our souls, bodies, energies, and health. Open my previous books, read this one carefully, and you will see how much the invaders of our spacesuit bodies hold on to their worlds, cherish them, and try to prevent the leakage of any information about their habitat. At our expense, at the expense of the energies of our planet, they fill their worlds with energies, protect and protect them, and constantly develop their capabilities.

Is this still not clear to you? Wake up and look around! Throw away empty skepticism! Humanity is sick not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually. The number of diseases has increased, and physical diseases are the result of spiritual defects, the state of human energy and are closely interrelated. Viruses have permeated us so much that no one can be surprised by their constant mutations and the emergence of new species. Look how the number of people with mental disorders of varying severity has increased. And how many moral monsters have begun to appear... While people are still indignant when they hear about blatant cases of inhuman cruelty, malice, etc., but these are already manifested cases. How do you know what is in people’s minds, in their thoughts, and how adequately a person will behave in a simple situation? Do not know...

So the time has come for us to learn and thoroughly engage in the protection of our physical shell. Please note that “entities” are developing programs to maintain our physical bodies in a condition suitable for them. And if you rarely get sick, are very energetic, unusually insightful and intelligent, this is not an indicator of your mental, physical and mental health and a guarantee of the absence of “entities” in your body! Each specific situation requires verification. Yes, it’s good that many people have turned to faith, go to church, and read prayers. But this is no longer enough; there must be a person’s inner work and self-control.

Therefore, I urge you to monitor the control of your bioinformational computer, to feel what can be passed through it and what is absolutely forbidden. Avoid introducing viruses and unbalancing your computer. You understand well that for your computer to work correctly, you need to configure it. Light healers are such adjusters for human bioinformational computers. However, there are few light healers, so people need to get involved in this attunement process themselves.

I believe that a lot has been done for this, and most importantly, the consciousness has been prepared, so read, be aware and, in addition to the well-known 10 commandments and truths described in the Bible, try to adhere to the rules of conduct in everyday life that you can learn from this book. We all need to think seriously. It is necessary to cleanse yourself of internal evil, pride, envy and other passions that are destructive not only for yourself, but also for others, and help people cleanse themselves of vices and sins.

Do not forget to pray, do not forget to enrich your soul, filling it with Light, Love, only then will we protect ourselves and our beloved mother - the Earth.

based on materials from the book: Aleksanova I.N. - "Entities are among us." Secrets of the invisible world.