Didactic game “What does it look like? The rainy season is approaching. Let's open the umbrellas! Fun umbrella for little ones

Teachers of kindergarten No. 221 of JSC Russian Railways in Irkutsk held an intra-kindergarten competition to create didactic umbrellas and sent photographs of their new collection to the editor.
Each umbrella comes with “instructions for methodical use.”
Welcome to the umbrella opening day!

Local history umbrella “Hometown”

Model of teachers Irina Larionova and Elena Ilyina

With the help of this umbrella, you can introduce children to the most important attractions of the city, its architectural monuments.

The umbrella is decorated with postcards with views of your hometown. Irkutsk is very old, and many of the city’s beautiful buildings were built a very, very long time ago. The old masters tried to make their buildings look beautiful. And for many years now, people have been making sure that this beauty does not disappear: houses are repaired, painted, updated.

Speech therapy umbrella

Model of teacher Tatyana Konosova

With this umbrella you can play speech therapy games.

Didactic game “Choose by meaning”

Children are offered cards with pictures, to which they need to match paired cards. The images on the paired cards must be meaningfully related to the image on the original cards. For example, the first card shows flowers. A paired card for it can be a card with a picture of a vase. And the pattern with mushrooms corresponds to the pattern of a basket.

The cards depict geometric shapes. The set includes cards with images of objects whose shape resembles these figures - three cards for each figure. Children select cards with objects and place them under cards with shapes.

Didactic game “What is what?”

In the set, cards are selected by topic: milk products; rubber products; plastic products; metal products; linen, cotton products; products from rye, wheat; wood products; wool products. From all the abundance of cards, children must choose those that correspond to one of the topics.

Health umbrella

This umbrella helps to introduce children to the rules of personal hygiene and teaches them to take care of their health.
Pictures can be used for such educational games.
The teacher or other presenter points to a picture and asks the children to say whether it is good or bad from the point of view of human health. You can play without further ado: the presenter shows the picture, the children raise a green card if they agree with the actions of the character in the picture, and a red card if this should not be done.
Children can answer the leader's silent question with movements. For example, jump if they like the picture. If the picture evokes a negative attitude, the children sit on the floor.

Ecological umbrella

Model of teachers Tatyana Shirobokova and Lyudmila Markova

This umbrella opens up in ecology classes. This is a signal: it's time for an environmental quiz.

Matryoshka umbrella

Model of teachers Lyubov Chesakova and Valentina Shabalina

This is an umbrella for the little ones. It helps to reinforce children's understanding of the seasons, seasonal phenomena and seasonal clothing.

The pockets on the umbrella dome contain pictures of paper clothes for a boy and a girl. The umbrella is also decorated with buttons and fasteners to develop fine motor skills and is reminiscent of a sensory mat, only in volume.

Umbrella of the seasons

Model of teachers Oksana Makarova and Svetlana Protasova

This umbrella helps reinforce children's knowledge of the seasons; teach to correlate illustrations, descriptions of nature in poetry and prose with a certain time of year, as well as the ability of children to navigate sports and outdoor games by season. The dome of the umbrella is divided into four colored sectors:

    red - summer,

    green - spring,

    yellow - autumn,

    white - winter.

It comes with an envelope containing pictures depicting various seasonal changes.

Didactic game “Guess what time of year”

One of the children stands with his back to the teacher or another leader. The presenter rotates the umbrella. At a certain moment the child says: “Stop!” The umbrella freezes in the hands of the presenter. The child turns and looks at which colored part of the umbrella “looks” at him. The child lists the signs of this time of year and strings the corresponding illustrations on the umbrella.
Another option is possible: the child recites a poem or composes a story about this time of year.

Umbrella of fairy tale memories

Model of teacher Elena Nikonova

Fairy-tale characters are attached to the dome of the umbrella using thin and strong threads. Children read a poem, say a chant or a rhyme. At this time, the teacher twists the umbrella by the handle. With the last word the umbrella freezes. Children must name the character who appeared in front of them, describe him, and remember an episode from a fairy tale.

You can play riddles: the leader (or children) riddles an “umbrella” character and offers the driver a description of it. The driver must determine from the description who is intended.

Doll Fashion Umbrella

Model of defectologist Olga Vdovenko and teachers Nina Balashova and Marina Cherepina

Doll dresses are hung under the umbrella dome. The umbrella can be used for role-playing games, as well as educational games. In this case, it is necessary to display seasonal clothes, clothes for boys or girls, in the studio.

Fun umbrella for little ones

Model of teachers Svetlana Pryadkina and Svetlana Moskvina

With its help, you can teach kids to recognize familiar objects and name their characteristics, learn to distinguish geometric shapes, name types of transport, names of animals; develop tactile sensations, fine motor skills, visual attention.

The umbrella comes with:

    a set of geometric shapes (volumetric pendants);

    a set of subject pictures (insects, animals, birds, transport);

    set “Fruits - berries” (clasps);

    natural phenomena (pendants: sun, cloud, cloud, rain, month, star, snowflake).

Astronomical umbrella

Model of defectologist Inna Bagoderova and teachers Natalia Utyugova and Galina Zinovieva

The umbrella helps introduce children to stars, planets, and other celestial bodies.

Umbrella flower

Model of teachers Ekaterina Azarenka and Ekaterina Malashkina

Flower umbrella is a modification of the sensory mat for kids.

Its dome is covered with padding polyester and decorated with various kinds of lacing, fasteners, Velcro, buttons, clasps, ties, etc.

The facilitator asks each participant to imagine their mood. The mood must be described: what color it is and what it looks like, etc. The exercise is performed in a circle. Then participants are asked to draw their mood (done in the “Training Diary, Lesson 1”). Each participant then passes their drawing to their neighbor. The neighbor's task is to guess what mood is shown in the picture.

For further successful progress, participants need to expand the concepts of “feelings” and “emotions”, give them names and describe the features of their impact on a person.

End of the lesson. Reflection.


  • What problems of other participants were close to you?
  • What new ways to solve a problem did you learn today?
  • What features of the mood image surprised you?

5. Farewell. Ritual. D/task. Complete step 1 to Harmony – “I am successful and professional”

Lesson 2. The world of feelings and emotions

Preparation. Warm up. Say yes, uncle.

The group is divided into three or four subgroups. Each subgroup receives the same set of questions from the coach. Assignment: answer all the questions on the list as quickly and accurately as possible and give the answers to the coach. The team itself determines the tactics of the game: everything is done together, answers are sought in parallel in several directions, each is responsible for one of the questions. The coach should not suggest options for working on the task; it is enough to just note that the players are free to choose tactics for playing the game.

As a rule, the sheet handed over to the teams should contain the number of questions based on: a question - one minute of play. Giving 10 min. To find all the answers, the trainer must therefore prepare a list of 10 questions.

Sample questions:

1. How many training participants’ names begin with the letter “K” and contain the letter “k” in their full name?

2. How many windows are there in the corridor of the first floor of our building?

3. What is written on the front door of the room where the training is taking place? How many chairs are there in this room?

4. Find out from Anna what city she was born in.

5. How many fluorescent lamps are there in the secretary’s office?

6. Find out what Dmitry Bilan’s favorite dish is? (you can name the name of any other singer, artist, a TV show about which was possible this week).

7. What is the name of the member of the training group who lives on Taezhnaya Street?

8. How many pockets are there in the jacket that Elena wears?

9. What is (any participant's name)'s favorite joke?

10. How many rowan trees grow on the alley in front of the hotel?

Discussion. How did you feel when you received the assignment? Have your emotions and feelings changed by the end of the task? Yes? No? Why?

Introduction to the topic. K. Faupel's game "Rainbow".

During the game, participants are invited to use the colors of the rainbow so that their spirit becomes fresh and unclouded, free from everything unpleasant: from all worries, worries and unhappy thoughts. To do this, they need to get up and start moving around the room. At the beginning of the movement, participants should imagine that the entire room is filled with red air.

The trainer conducts the exercise according to the following instructions:

Look at this shining red air surrounding us and breathe in its freshness. If you want, you can even touch this wonderful red or smell its wonderful aroma. (15 seconds)

Continue moving around the room and now imagine that the entire room is filled with orange air. You can inhale this color, touch it... Don't you think that the orange air smells like oranges? (15 seconds)

Look, now the air around us has turned yellow! Enjoy the glowing yellow air. It's like you're bathing in the sun! Inhale this yellow glow, touch it. (15 seconds)

The color of the air around us has changed. It now emits green light. This is the color of spring leaves. It was as if we had plunged into spring. Feel its wonderful freshness and aroma... (15 seconds)

Miracles are coming! The air suddenly began to sparkle with all shades of blue. Touch the color of the bottomless morning sky! Enjoy the sparkling blue! Spread your arms like wings and slowly soar in the blue space... (15 seconds)

Look, the air around us is gradually condensing, and its color gradually turns from blue to blue. This is the color of the sea. It is impossible to take your eyes off him!

The blue air seems denser, you want to push it apart with your hands, like water. (15 seconds)

And finally, the air in our room turned purple. Touch it with your hands and feel its depth. Inhale the color of the evening coolness.,. (15 seconds)

Now imagine how you come out of the last color of the rainbow and see the light that now fills our room. Shake off all the remaining colors and feel how you feel them.

Now walk slowly and calmly to your seat.

Question: what color was nice? What color caused unpleasant emotions and why?

Main part.

Participants in the game take turns saying what time of year, natural phenomenon, or weather their current mood is similar to. It’s better for an adult to start making comparisons: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky, what about yours?” The exercise is carried out in a circle. The adult generalizes: what is the mood of the whole group today: sad, cheerful, funny, angry, etc. When interpreting the children’s answers, it should be taken into account that bad weather, cold, rain, gloomy skies, and aggressive elements indicate emotional distress.

Stage. Reflective.

Exercise “Compliments”.

Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands, then, looking into the eyes of their neighbor, they say a few kind words to him, you can praise him for something. The recipient of the compliment nods his head and says: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!” Then he gives a compliment to his neighbor, the exercise is carried out in a circle. The psychologist draws the children's attention to the fact that eye contact is important in this game.

This concludes our lesson, goodbye!

Lesson 26. Tails.


  1. Development of the emotional sphere of children,
  2. Development of visual attention, logical thinking, visual memory,
  3. Development of verbal and non-verbal communication skills,
  4. Development of small muscles of the arm,

5. Development of arbitrariness of mental processes.


A screen for a fairy tale, fairy tale characters, colored pencils, forms with tasks for children, S.Ya. Marshak’s poem “About Boys and Girls,” a ring.

Stage. Organizational.

Greetings. Exercise “Our Helpers”

Psychologist: “Let’s say hello, to do this, let’s rub our palm against the palm of the neighbor on the left. Then we’ll greet each other with our knees, shoulders, backs, feet, foreheads...”

Stage. Motivational.

Introductory conversation

Today in class we will get to know each other better and see that each of us is special. Come on, let me look at you. Everyone has eyes, do they all have two eyes? Everyone has a nose, everyone has a mouth, teeth, two hands, no one has three? Ah-ah-ah, children, you are all the same.

The psychologist takes an expressive pause on the word “identical,” giving the children the opportunity to come to their senses and be indignant. When they were indignant: “We are different,” the psychologist said: “Where are you different? Here are the legs, here are the arms, here are the ears, etc. Oh, the hair is different? Is the character different? Okay, you’ve convinced me, let’s figure out how you differ from each other.” Children, together with a psychologist, list how they differ from each other: character, appearance, habits, thoughts, inner world.

After the children shared their impressions that each of them is special, the preschool children end up in a forest school. They remember what fairy tale they listened to in the last lesson.

Stage. Practical.

Fairy tale "Tails".

Psychologist: “At the beginning of the lesson, I will tell and show you the continuation of our fairy tale...”

Various animals studied at the Forest School: Squirrel, Little Hare, Little Wolf, Little Fox, Little Bear, Little Mouse, Raccoon, Little Cat and other animals and birds. The animals helped each other, because each did something better than the other: Little Bear was the strongest, so when it was necessary to lift or move something, they called him for help. Little Fox was the best at logic problems, and he helped others cope with mathematics. Squirrel was the best at wiping the board. All the animals were friendly, and although they had arguments, a truce quickly came. Each student tried to understand and accept the other as he is. By winter, some animals changed their coats. The squirrel also changed and couldn’t stop admiring her new outfit, especially her fluffy tail. During recess, the animals were playing leapfrog, and the Little Hare accidentally stepped on the Squirrel’s tail. There was a loud scream. Squirrel cried, and Little Hare apologized in a trembling voice:

I did it by accident, please forgive me.

No, I won’t forgive you! - Squirrel answered with offense.

But why? - the Little Bunny was scared.

Because you did it on purpose! Yes Yes. You... are jealous of me. After all, you don’t have such a beautiful fluffy tail!

This is not true - the Little Bunny shouted. - I'm not jealous, and I really like my ponytail.

But Squirrel and I have a better tail than you, Little Bunny. Admit it! - Little Fox intervened.

The hare doesn’t need a long tail,” Little Bear tried to convince everyone.

And you. Little bear, the tail didn’t work out either,” Squirrel and Little Fox shouted in one voice.

A real argument began.

All animals protected only their tails. They shouted, trying to convince each other. But the bell rang for class... And the Hedgehog Teacher entered. Looking at the students, the Hedgehog noticed that some kind of conflict had occurred.

What's happened? - asked the Teacher. - Why are you angry and why did you move to someone else’s place?

“I won’t sit with the Hare, because his tail is small,” said Squirrel.

And I won’t sit with the Little Wolf, because he offends my little tail,” said the Little Bear.

So your tails quarreled? - Hedgehog was surprised.

We are not friends with tailless creatures! - Little Fox shouted.

Oh, so, from today on, “tailed” and “tailless” are studying in the class? - the Hedgehog continued slowly. - But you shared it incorrectly.

Why? - the animals were indignant.

You had to divide into big and small, predators and herbivores, don’t forget about the color of fur, eyes and other differences. - The hedgehog looked carefully into each student’s eyes. He saw shame, resentment, and sadness there. - And will you have many friends left after such a division? You will be alone. All the animals were silent.

The school day continued. There were lessons, changes. But Squirrel no longer played with the Little Hare, and Little Bear no longer helped the “tailed ones.”

There were ridicule and offensive nicknames. The tailed and tailless students went home different ways.

The little wolf left school after everyone else. He walked slowly, enjoying the sun, the warm wind, the smell of plants, flowers...

Halfway through the road, he heard a strange sound. Sounds like dogs barking. The sound was approaching very quickly, and the Wolf Cub saw angry dogs. He ran with all his might. The dogs were rapidly approaching him. You could already feel their hot breath and hear the clanging of teeth. But the house is very close! The wolf cub made the last push. He's saved! The wolf cub was still sitting with his eyes closed and heard the uninvited guests moving away from his house. “Am I really alive?!” - thought the Wolf Cub. - The head and paws are intact. And the tail? Where's the tail? How can I be tailless? Sobbing, Little Wolf imagined with horror how his friends would laugh at him at school. "How to be? Who should I be friends with now? Who will I sit at the desk with tomorrow?” - with these thoughts the little wolf fell asleep...

At this point you need to interrupt the fairy tale and give the children the opportunity to guess how it might end. No comments or ratings. And after the students express their opinions, the tale can be continued.

Morning has come. The wolf cub slowly approached the school.

Come to us! - Little Fox called his friend. Lowering my eyes. The wolf cub sat down with the “tailless” animals. There was silence in the class. “What’s wrong with Little Wolf? Why is he acting so strange? - the students thought. “Did something really happen to him?”

In complete silence, the Little Wolf told everything that happened to him, shared his experiences and thoughts. The tailed and tailless animals imagined these events with horror, and then rushed to hug their friend.

Are you alive! Alive! And you are with us! And nothing else matters.

Is it really only such a misfortune that can prove to you what is more important than anything else? - the Teacher asked the students.

“We want all the students at the Forest School to start playing together again, studying together, helping each other and supporting each other in difficult times,” answered the Little Fox, and all the guys completely agreed with him.

I think that it is within your power to fulfill this desire! - the Teacher smiled and solemnly said:

So be it!

“It’s good that we are all so different, that there is something to learn from each other,” the animals thought, playing together and accepting everyone as they are.

2. Finger gymnastics(See Appendix 2)

Complex 2. Exercise “Massage of the ears”, “Cross movements”, “Swinging the head”, “Horizontal figure eight”, “Symmetrical patterns”, “Bear rocking”, “Twisting pose”.

3. Exercise "Boys and Girls".(See Appendix 1)

Didactic material: S. Marshak’s poem “About Boys and Girls”, colored pencils, assignment form.

A psychologist reads a poem to children:

What are boys made of?

From snails, shells

And green frogs.

This is what boys are made of!

What are girls made of?

From sweets and cakes

And all kinds of sweets.

This is what girls are made of!

The psychologist invites children to fantasize and draw girls and boys in the form of candies, various toys, and all kinds of objects.

After the drawings are completed, the psychologist examines them together with the children, notes the best of them and the merits of each work.

Boys and girls give each other their works.

4. Exercise “Finish it!”(See Appendix 1)

Complete the missing details for Forest School students.

Game "Five Names"

Two players, a boy and a girl (representatives of two teams), stand in front of two lines. At the signal, they must walk forward (first one, then the other), taking five steps, and for each step, without the slightest mistake or hesitation (without breaking the rhythm), say a name (boys - the names of girls, girls - the names of boys). This is a seemingly simple task, but in reality it is not so easy to complete. The winner is the one who copes with this task or is able to name more names.

You can name five other words (by topic: animals, plants, household items, etc.). There are many such words, but not everyone can pick up 5 words and pronounce them one after another without delay in the rhythm of a step.

6. Exercise “Houses”.(See Appendix 1)

Remember all the animals and who hid in which house. Then cover the left side of the leaf with your palm and on the right side connect each animal with its own house.

7. Exercise “Graphic dictation”.(See Appendix 1)

Complete the pattern in the cells.

Stage. Reflective.

Imagination is a way of understanding the world. It helps you imagine something you have never seen, thus expanding the boundaries of your own knowledge. The richer the imagination, the better the ability to create visual, auditory and other images.

Have you watched the cartoon “What Is It Like”?

Its main character is a thoughtful puppy exploring the world. He started a game, the point of which was to fantasize what the objects he encountered along the way looked like.

Watch this cartoon with your child and ask him to join this game and come up with what else a leaf, dandelion, bell, etc. look like. If a child readily gives answers, offers several options, and they are original, then the child has a good imagination. And this will be very useful to him in life. “Where exactly?” you might think. After all, it is a common opinion that imagination and fantasy are abilities that have no practical value. A child telling wildly tall tales is, at the most, cute.

Why do we need imagination

And yet, a high level of imagination development is a very important quality for both a child and an adult.

  • Imagination helps to plan and imagine actions and future actions that have not yet been completed, evaluate their consequences, and correct them. It is this ability that helps us achieve the fulfillment of our desires by designing a way to achieve them. Therefore, this quality is necessary for a person’s success.
  • Imagination allows us to adapt to the ever-changing environment in which we live.
  • It promotes the development of abilities in music, visual arts and writing.
  • All those everyday objects that surround us and seem familiar to us once did not exist. What makes our life easier now was created first in the imagination, and then in reality. All this is a product of creative, out-of-the-box thinking, the ability to step over familiar patterns, and the ability to see unusual techniques and approaches.

Even if your child does not become an inventor, he will be able to easily resolve problematic situations that will come his way in life. This is why it is so important to support and develop a child's imagination.

Let's move on to practice

Learning to associatively see images of others in some objects is one of the ways to stimulate the development of imagination. Shall we continue playing the game the puppy started?

What do clouds look like?

You yourself probably sometimes like to look at clouds and guess what they look like. You can take pictures of them on a walk, and then at home, after turning the printed pictures this way and that, you can draw them together with your baby into some kind of animal or object. Another option is to draw directly on the tablet with a stylus (mobile pen for touch screens) or with your finger, loading the picture into Paint, as the kids and I did. Look for as many different options as possible.

Ask your child to draw clouds over the good wizard's castle and over the evil sorcerer's castle so that it is clear who lives where. Perhaps the clouds of the good wizard will resemble flowers, butterflies, and the evil one will resemble spiders, sharks, crocodiles, and so on.

Other natural sources of inspiration

It's interesting to look at the puddles after the rain. Many stones have an unusual shape and resemble specific objects. And on their surface you can often see beautiful “landscapes”. If you live in a mountainous area, I recommend looking at the rocks.

What or who do you see in these rocks? Ask the baby too (covering the right half of the images)

In winter, “transform” snowdrifts.

In autumn and spring, when the trees become bare, you can see many images in the intricate interweaving of branches.

Collect autumn leaves and get creative. Here is a maple leaf. He could turn into a bat, a butterfly or a crown, a snowflake, a star or a glove. Oak leaves ㅡ in lanterns. Willow leaves ㅡ in boats, fish...

Imagine what relationships the colors on autumn leaves might have? For example, green here can represent the queen, and yellow-orange colors represent her surrounding subjects, of whom there are many and who are always nearby and always ready to fulfill any of her demands.

And here the red-brown color could be an army trying to take over another country. It is advancing, some of the soldiers have already broken through into the interior of the country (individual points).

Here are a few more “similarities”, sometimes cute and funny. Review them with your baby.

Similarities that save lives

Here we see random similarities. And in the world of plants and animals, there are similarities created by nature intentionally. They are called mimicry - an acquisition that helps animals in the struggle for survival. Review the examples of mimicry below with your child.

Invite your child to come up with similar survival methods for animals that do not have them. And, perhaps, the bunny will acquire colored fur on its back, reminiscent of a bear's face, in order to scare away foxes and wolves.

Nature inspires to create something new

Tell your child that inventors and designers often look for interesting technical solutions from nature. Thus, dandelion seeds helped them create a parachute, a caterpillar - a tractor, and fish - a submarine.

Invite your child to think and draw an aircraft that looks like a dragonfly, a construction machine that looks like a giraffe. Now let him invent any objects that did not exist before that resemble any living beings.

See the world from a different angle

Sometimes we hear the reproachful “Well, you’re turning everything upside down.” But sometimes, when it comes to imagination and creativity, this is exactly what you need to do. And if you can’t put something upside down, stand upside down yourself. This will allow you to see unusual angles of ordinary objects and phenomena, awaken your imagination, which in real life will help you realize what you could only dream of.

Imagination develops most intensively in preschool age. And if it is not actively developed during this period, it begins to fade away. That’s why it’s so important to devote time to this right now. we will fantasize without leaving home. Because the apartment and household items are no less interesting sources for developing imagination.

Oksana Yaremchuk, additional education teacher, psychologist

Lesson outline outline

Subject: “What does it look like.”

Age of pupils: 6-8 years.

Type of activity: learning new material.

Purpose of the lesson: development of verbal functions of divergent (creative) thinking

Lesson objectives-

Educational (training, mastery of various types of subject activities):

    To promote the development of the skill of involvement in the process of finding solutions to problems of unconscious layers of experience

Developmental (formation of abilities To independent construction of new ways of action (self-development) :

    improve associative mechanisms of thinking

    help relieve reciprocity in the work of the cerebral hemispheres

    promote the development of imaginative thinking and imagination

Educational (development of personal qualities) :

    Promote the development of communication skills and the ability to listen to your interlocutor

Equipment and technical means of training

Dictionary : imagination, creativity.

Materials and equipment used by the teacher: ball, 2 sets of pictures

Planned results:


gain knowledge about the concept of association;

mastering the logical actions of analysis, generalization, classification, reasoning and attribution to known concepts

application of acquired knowledge in changed conditions.


Work in a group, in pairs, listen to your interlocutor, master the dialogical form of speech, negotiate and come to a common decision.


Choose actions in accordance with the task, develop independence.


Developing goodwill and respect for each other.


Criteria for evaluation



Study situation:entry, actualization of cognitive and analytical activities based on the personal experience of students through dialogue

    willingness to listen to the interlocutor and engage in dialogue;

    the ability to express one’s opinion and argue one’s point of view;

Actively participates in the dialogue, listens to the teacher with interest, supports the dialogue, putting forward his own versions and giving arguments


Study situation:gaining new knowledge

    application of personal experience in determining the basic concept (association)

    voluntary conscious oral utterance

    mastering the logical actions of analysis, generalization, classification, reasoning and attribution to known concepts;


Study situation:

    formation of skills to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the task;

    developing the skills to act constructively even in situations of failure;

Adequately evaluates his actions and, in case of failure, makes an attempt to understand the reason for the failure.

Study situation:reflection

    mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

Adequately evaluates his achievements, accurately positioning himself on the “mountain of knowledge”; the task arouses interest


meaning making

Study situation:reflective-evaluative nature

    presence of motivation at work on the result;

Regularly shows interest in tasks in which a certain outcome is predicted


Study situation:gaining new knowledge

    acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student;

    development of goodwill, respect for each other.

Actively involved in educational and cognitive activities, adequately evaluates his educational results, understands the importance of personal contribution to achieve them


Study situation:gaining new knowledge

    formation of a holistic view of the world in its diversity

Perceives the surrounding world as an integral system. Can conduct micro- and macro-analysis of objects (consider it as a separate system and show its role in a system of a higher level of hierarchy)

Stages of work

Contents of the stage

(teacher activity)

Children's activities



Topic introduction


Planning, goal setting

Goals for students:

Get ready to work within the framework of the lesson (organizationally and emotionally)

Goals and objectives for the teacher:

Create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom;

Include all students in work

Establishing interaction between all subjects in the lesson;

Methods of organizing work:

Contact game.

Problematic issues

Association game

Form of work organization: frontal, individual.

Greeting, creating an emotional mood for work, strong motivation

Greets the students. Offers a greeting ritual.

"Greeting" method

Participants will have to greet each other, but not just like that, but while imagining it.

To begin with, they imagine that they are meeting a close friend whom they have not seen for a long time.

The next thing the teacher asks is for the participants to imagine that they are aliens. How do you think they might greet each other?

Asks participants to imagine that they are in a foreign country - perhaps India or Japan.

Asks participants to imagine that they are penguins

Now the participants imagine that they have met their very good, close friend or girlfriend, whom they have not seen for several months.

Now tell me, what did you do besides greeting each other? What quality or property of yours did you have to use here?

And what do you think is the topic of today’s lesson?

Do you want to learn to think outside the box, in an unusual way? Find unexpected solutions to problems?

Why do you think this is necessary?

Participants walk around the room - silently, without talking to anyone. Participants greet each other this way if they are very good friends. (30 seconds)

Participants say hello to everyone they know. (30 seconds)

greet each other in a prescribed manner, showing intelligence and imagination.

Participants answer the question

Focus on the concepts of imagination and fantasy


Students answer questions and listen to each other’s answers.


Assessment of student knowledge

Message of new information (input)

Formation and development of skills

Goal for students:

Improve associative thinking, verbal abilities,

Develop imaginative thinking and imagination

Goal for the teacher:

Introduce students to the concepts of association;

Improve associative mechanisms of thinking

Help relieve reciprocity in the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres

Promote the development of imaginative thinking and imagination

Work organization methods: use of problematic questions and tasks, training exercises.

Forms of work organization: individual, frontal.

They can quite easily reproduce their associations when performing exercises;

Use original images.

Criteria for determining the level of attention and cognitive activity of students, their interest in the material being studied:

Interest in work;

Methods of motivating students' educational activity:

changing types of activities, using various pedagogical technologies, creating conditions for personal self-realization of students through the opportunity to express their own opinions on the issues discussed.

The concept of “association” is introduced as an image-word that arose from the original

Exercise “Running associations”

Now we will throw a ball to each other, while naming any noun. For example, I throw the ball to Nikolai, calling the word “carousel”. Nikolay quickly names any word that comes to his mind about the “carousel” and sends the ball back. The next one will say his association in response to the word thrown at him. We will try to do it quickly, without thinking for a long time.”

Despite its apparent simplicity, the exercise often causes difficulties for participants. This can be expressed in messages that nothing comes to mind, in long pauses, even irritation. Some participants try to overcome the tension that arises by reacting with pre-prepared words. The teacher does not focus on this during the exercise. The main thing the presenter strives for is to create an atmosphere conducive to the spontaneous generation of associations.

When the exercise is completed, you can ask the participants what difficulties they encountered during its implementation, what they paid attention to while working.

Exercise “Unusual Inventions”

The teacher shows pictures of unusual objects (Appendix 1), the participants’ task is to answer the question based on the picture:

What is this?

What is it for?

Exercise “Incredible stories”.

This exercise is adapted from Norma Leben's technique of writing stories with playing cards.

The teacher places a set of pictures face down in front of the group and says that each of the participants, when it is his turn, can open two pictures. It is explained that the group will have to create a story using the image in the pictures.

The teacher begins the story and sets the tone for the development of the plot. As the plot develops, the pictures are arranged in a spiral, unwinding from the center clockwise. The teacher needs to ensure that destructive, inhumane ideas are not involved in the plot.

Intermediate reflection

Did you like the resulting story? What worked and what didn’t?


Participants perform an exercise

They complete the exercise and can help each other in case of difficulties, offering their own answers.

Do the exercise and make up a story

Answer questions, analyze the result and their contribution to the common cause

Reinforcing educational material.

Goal for students:

Determine the primary level of mastering the skill;

Learn to express your thoughts and feelings verbally

Goal for the teacher:

Using techniques to help increase students’ motivation to consolidate new material.

Work organization methods:

Communication training exercise.

Forms of work organization: steam room.

Criteria for achieving the goals and objectives of this stage of the lesson:

Successful completion of the exercise;

Satisfaction from the work done.

Methods of motivating students' learning activity:

changing types of activities, creating conditions for personal self-realization of students through the opportunity to express their own opinions on the issues discussed.

Exercise “My Associations” “Focus on your neighbor to your right (left). Remember all his good manifestations during our work, everything he said, he did. Now decide which of the descriptions of nature, weather, time of year that you have come across in literature or that you have come up with corresponds to your impressions of this person. When everyone is ready, each of us, in turn, will tell his neighbor the description that has arisen in his mind.”

This exercise allows each participant to receive personally oriented feedback, while at the same time the nature of the task is aimed at developing associative mechanisms.

Split into pairs randomly

Doing the exercise

Summing up the lessons. Reflection. Discussion of remote sensing.

Goal for students:

During reflection, determine

the level of your own achievements and difficulties on the topic being studied, build your individual development trajectory on the topic being studied.

Goal for the teacher:

- summarize the lesson by building a trajectory for further work on mastering a new topic for each student;

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team

Reflection using the Schering method

How did you feel during the class?

Did you like the lesson? Was it useful and why?

Farewell ritual.

The teacher asks you to stand in a circle and hold hands. He says that everyone did a great job and suggests thanking each other.

Participants take turns speaking about the activity and their well-being.

Participants stand in a circle, hold hands, and take turns saying thank you to others.

Annex 1