Devilish symbols and seals of evil. Symbols of Satanism (12 photos). Magic signs and their meaning

The Christian world is divided into two kingdoms: heavenly and underground. In the first, God rules and a retinue of angels obeys him. In the second, the reins of government belong to Satan, who controls demons and devils. these two opposing worlds are fighting for human souls. And if we know a lot about the Lord (from church sermons, the Bible, the stories of pious grandmothers), then we try not to remember again about his antipode. Who is he? And what is the correct name for him: the Devil, Satan, Lucifer? Let's try to lift the curtain on an incomprehensible mystery.

Who is Satan?

Researchers claim that at first he was the majestic angel Dennitsa, the crown of beauty and wisdom. Bearing the stamp of perfection, one fine day he became proud and imagined himself higher than the Lord. This greatly angered the Creator, and he overthrew the obstinate man and his followers into complete darkness.

Who is Satan? Firstly, he is the head of all dark forces, the enemy of God and the main tempter of people. Secondly, he is the embodiment of darkness and chaos, the purpose of which is to seduce true Christians from the righteous path. To do this, he appears to people in different guises and promises untold wealth, fame and success, asking in return, in his words, the least - eternal possession of the soul.

Often the devil himself does not tempt the righteous, but sends his earthly assistants, who during their lifetime became associates of dark forces: witches and black magicians. His main goal is the enslavement of all humanity, the overthrow of God from the throne and the preservation of his own life, which, according to legend, will be taken away after the Second Coming of Christ.

Early mentions in Old Testament texts

First, the concept “Satanail” appeared, meaning a certain dark force. It comes from ancient myths, in which this matter is described as the main opponent of the demiurge god. Subsequently, the image was formed under the influence of Iranian mythology and Zoroastrianism. Added to this were people's ideas about evil forces and demonic darkness: as a result, we received a complete and fairly accurate idea of ​​who Satan is and what he needs from us.

It is interesting that in the Old Testament texts his name is a common noun, denoting an enemy, an apostate, an infidel, a slanderer who opposes God and his commandments. This is exactly how it is described in the books of Job and the prophet Zechariah. Luke points to Satan as the personification of evil, who possessed the traitor Judas.

As we see, in early Christianity the devil was not considered a specific person. Most likely, it was a composite image of all human sins and earthly vices. People considered him a universal evil, capable of enslaving mere mortals and completely subordinating them to his will.

Identification in folklore and everyday life

People often identified the devil with the serpent, based on stories from the Book of Genesis. But in fact, these assumptions have no basis, since on the pages of the mentioned source the reptile is a typical trickster, a mythological archetype endowed with negative human characteristics. Despite this, later Christian literature considers the snake an analogue of Satan or, in extreme cases, his messenger.

In folklore he is also often called Beelzebub. But researchers say this is a mistake. And they cite indisputable facts: in the Bible, Beelzebub is mentioned only in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark - as a “demonic prince.” As for Lucifer, he is not mentioned in either the Old or New Testament. In later literature, this name is given to a certain fallen angel - a demon of the planet.

From the point of view of orthodox Christianity, sincere prayer will be the real salvation from the bonds of the devil. Religion ascribes to Satan the power that he takes from the Almighty and turns to his harm, paradoxically being part of God’s plan. These contradictions often lead Christian philosophy to a dead end.

Later mentions

In the New Testament, Satan appears as a deceiver and pretender, who hides under the guise of a wolf in sheep's clothing - stated in the Acts of the Holy Apostles and in the second letter of Paul. The image received its greatest development in the Apocalypse, where he is described as a specific person - the head of the kingdom of darkness and vices, giving birth to offspring. The son of Satan, Antichrist, is also a fully formed image here, playing a certain role: opposing Christ and enslaving people.

In subsequent mystical, as well as Christian apocryphal literature, Satan acquires specific features and a line of behavior. This is already a person who is the enemy of the human race and the main antagonist of God. Despite censure in all religions of the world, it is an integral part of the doctrine, the starting point for comparing good and evil, a certain criterion of human actions and motives. Without its existence, we would never be able to take the righteous path, since we would not be able to distinguish light from dark, day from night. This is why the existence of the devil is an important part of the supreme divine plan.

Shapes of Satan

Despite undeniable points of view, disputes and judgments, the devil is called differently. In a number of teachings, his name changes depending on the image in which he appears before humanity:

  • Lucifer. knowing, bringing freedom. Appears in the guise of an intellectual philosopher. Sows doubts and encourages debate.
  • Belial. The beast in man. Inspires the desire to live, to be yourself, awakens primitive instincts.
  • Leviathan. Keeper of secrets and psychologist. Encourages people to practice magic and worship idols.

This theory, which also deserves to exist, allows us to better understand who Satan is. According to her, this is a certain vice that a person struggles with. He can also appear before us in the female image of Astarte, pushing us into adultery. Satan is also Dagon, who promises wealth, Behemoth, who inclines to gluttony, drunkenness and idleness, Abbadon, who calls to destroy and kill, Loki is a symbol of deceit and lies. All these persons can be either the devil himself or his faithful servants.

Devil's signs

The most sacred is the snake. The hood can be seen in many Egyptian paintings and frescoes. This is a symbol of the expansion of consciousness, and the snake assuming an attacking pose indicates the soaring of the spirit. Other symbols say the following:

  • Pentagram pointing downwards. Symbolizes Satan himself.
  • Simple pentagram. More used by sorcerers and witches to perform rituals.
  • Emblem of Baphomest. The mark of Satan inscribed on his bible. This is an inverted pictogram in the form of a goat's head.
  • Cross of Disorder. An ancient Roman symbol signifying the renunciation of Christian values ​​of the divine essence of Christ.
  • Hexagram. It is also the “Star of David” or the “Seal of Solomon”. The most powerful sign of Satan, which is used to summon evil spirits.
  • Marks of the beast. Firstly, this is the number of the Antichrist - 666. Secondly, they can also include three Latin letters F - it is the sixth in the alphabet, and three intertwined rings forming sixes.

In fact, there are many symbols of Satan. They also include a goat's head, a skull and crossbones, a swastika and other ancient signs.


The wives of the devil are considered to be the so-called demonesses, each of which has its own sphere of influence and is irreplaceable in hell:

  • Lilith. The main wife of Satan, the first wife of Adam. Appears to lonely travelers in the form of a beautiful brunette, after which she mercilessly kills them.
  • Mahallat. Second wife. Leads legions of evil spirits.
  • Agrat. Third in a row. Field of activity - prostitution.
  • Barbelo. One of the most beautiful. Patronizes treachery and deceit.
  • Elizadra. The devil's main HR advisor. Characterized by bloodthirstiness and vindictiveness.
  • Nega. Demon of epidemics.
  • Naama. The temptress whom all mortal men desire.
  • Proserpine. Patronizes destruction, natural disasters and catastrophes,

The devil has other wives, but the demonesses listed above are the most powerful, and therefore are familiar to many peoples of the world. From which of them the son of Satan will be born is unknown. Most researchers claim that the mother of the Antichrist will be a simple earthly woman, but very sinful and vicious.

Devil's Book

The handwritten Bible of Satan was created at the turn of the 12th-13th centuries. According to sources, it was written by a monk under the dictation of the devil himself. The manuscript contains 624 pages. It is truly huge: the dimensions of the wooden covers are 50 by 90 centimeters, the weight of the Bible is 75 kilograms. The production of the manuscript took 160 skins skinned from donkeys.

The so-called Bible of Satan contains the Old Testament and various edifying stories for preachers, various forms of conspiracies. On page 290 the devil himself is drawn. And if the legend about the monk is a fiction, then the “satanic image” is a fact. Several pages before this graffiti are covered in ink, the next eight have been completely removed. Who did this is unknown. The most interesting thing is that the “demonic manuscript,” although condemned by the church, was never banned. Several generations of novices even studied the texts of Holy Scripture from its pages.

From its historical homeland - Czech Prague - the manuscript was taken with them to Stockholm as a trophy in 1649. Now only employees of the local Royal Library, wearing protective gloves on their hands, have the right to leaf through the pages of the sensational manuscript.

Church of the Devil

It was created on April 30, 1966 by the American Anton Sandor LaVey. Founded on Walpurgis Night, the Church of Satan proclaimed itself the antipode of Christianity and the bearer of evil. The Seal of Baphomet is a symbol of the community. By the way, it became the first officially registered organization that worshiped the cult of the devil and considered Satanism its ideology. LaVey was the so-called High Priest until his death. By the way, he also wrote another modern version of the Satanic Bible.

The Church of Satan accepts into its ranks everyone who has reached the age of majority. The exception is the children of active participants already involved, since they understand satanic practices and teachings from a young age. The priests hold black masses - a parody of church services, and also practice sexual orgies and sacrifice. The main holidays of the community are Halloween and Walpurgis Night. The initiation of new members into the secrets of the devilish cult is also celebrated on a grand scale.

How to protect yourself from the influence of Satan and his servants

The Church gives two practical pieces of advice that will help save the soul from the devil’s wiles. First, temptations must be resisted, and prayer will help with this. It is difficult for Satan to fight the pure intentions, the sincerity that we put into the basis of turning to the Lord. There is no need to ask for anything except strength and at the same time thanks for another day lived and those little things that made it unique and colorful.

Secondly, you need to get as close to God as possible. Priests advise attending Sunday and holiday services, fasting, learning to be friendly and honest towards other people, not breaking the commandments, fighting vices, and rejecting temptations. After all, every step taken towards the Lord simultaneously removes us from Satan. The ministers of the Church are confident: following their recommendations, every person is able to cope with the demons living inside, thereby preserving their soul and finding a well-deserved place in the Gardens of Eden.

The five-pointed star in a circle uses both white and black magic. Women of "Freemasonry" also belong to the organization: "Eastern Star". Their Eastern star is a pentagram. Verz means spirit. The other points represent the earth elements: wind, fire, earth, and water. This pentacle is believed to have the power to cast spells to raise spirits and protect against evil.


An upside down pentagram representing the head of a goat or the "Mendez Goat". Satanists, Black Witches and "Freemasons" also use this symbol.

The Ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol of life and fertility. The upper part represents the woman, the lower part represents the man. This symbol has the magical meaning of helping to summon spirits and protection from enemies.

Cross - confusion

The "Cross of Confusion" is an old Roman symbol that questions the validity of Christianity. It is used on albums by the 70s rock band, Blue Oyster Cult.

Cross Nero

This sign is called: "Cross of Nero", it shows an upside down cross broken down at the intersection of an anchor. This sign means the defeat of Christianity. The world is against Christians.

The gesture has many meanings. a) An alternative gesture forming the head of a goat, a common symbol of Satanism. If you point down with two fingers, it means that Satan is imprisoned in hell and will not be able to bring harm to people. But if two fingers are raised up, this is a symbol of the triumph of the devil, the victory of evil over good. b) During World War II, Winston Churchill popularized this sign to indicate victory, but to do so, the hand is turned back to the speaker. If during this gesture the hand is turned with the palm towards the speaker, then the gesture takes on an offensive meaning - “shut up.” c) During the Hundred Years' War, the French cut off two fingers of captured archers, with which they pulled the bow string. And the lucky owners of a full set of fingers teased their enemies by showing a “V” with their hand, palm turned towards themselves. The French considered this gesture offensive to themselves. So this sign is still considered indecent in England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand...

Mystical and occult symbols are what arouse interest among many with a mixture of fear. Occult, mystical, magical and similar symbols (signs) can be found on notebooks, decorations, walls, clothing and other objects. It is important for anyone interested in magic to know magical signs and symbols and their meaning.

The attitude towards occult symbols in different religious denominations is ambiguous. In many religions, occult symbols are considered something negative and forbidden. Thus, Christianity presupposes the exclusion of these signs, since a true Christian must honor God, praising and exalting him.

Occultism is the name of teachings that recognize the existence of so-called hidden forces in man. Translated from Latin, this term means “secret”, “intimate”. This doctrine about the hidden connections of phenomena, man and space had a certain influence on experimental methods in science. The familiar term “esotericism” has a similar meaning; these two concepts are interrelated.

The occult is usually understood as the study of everything hidden and implicit. This is magic, extrasensory perception, astrology, numerology, spiritualism, dreams.

Often these teachings have a religious connotation. Many who study the occult associate themselves with Christianity, Buddhism, Islam or Hinduism. As a rule, the term “occult” is applied to those phenomena and methods that religion cannot explain and does not assume. Thus, the famous Kabbalah is considered an occult teaching.

Occultism involves the study of the internal nature of things, phenomena, when compared with science, which studies external characteristics. Arthur Schopenhauer called this movement the word “will”. Because science is not able to look deeper into the relationships between several objects and things, explaining the internal nature.

Alchemy, considered the forerunner of traditional chemistry, is also an occult practice. And such famous scientists as Isaac Newton and Roger Bacon devoted their works to this practice.

Some religious movements and systems define the occult as everything paranormal and supernatural. This is something that cannot be achieved by turning to God, but only with the help of Satan.

For many, the term “occultism” evokes negative thoughts. However, not many people understand that individual practices and rituals of various religions can be called nothing other than occult. Although in nature this term is used quite rarely.

Occult symbols and signs

Kabbalistic Tetragram

The Kabbalistic Tetragram symbol consists of two equilateral triangles superimposed on each other.

Is the great seal of Freemasonry, revealing the meaning of the number 666.

The Heartgram symbol is a regular triangle. Its apex is directed upward and is the beginning of the second triangle. The bottom of the triangle represents the two roundnesses of the heart, and the bottom corner represents its completion.

It is a mixture of love and hate, life and death.

Church of Satan

The Church of Satan sign is depicted as a six-pointed cross, at the foot of which is an inverted figure eight, a symbol of infinity.

This sign almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

The Cross of Disorder symbol is depicted as a four-pointed cross, the vertical line of which ends in a quarter-open circle.

This sign was first used by the Romans, who wanted to challenge the truth of the Christian faith.

The familiar Swastika symbol dates back to ancient times, when it symbolized the god of fire. The priests of this deity greeted the sunrise by raising their right hands, thereby expressing reverence and respect.

In China, this symbol is a sign of virtue.

The pentagram in the form of a five-pointed star is considered one of the most powerful images in magic and is used by sorcerers for various rituals.

It is also used by Kabbalists, for whom this sign symbolizes power.

Lightning Sign

The Lightning symbol is depicted as the letter "S" it resembles, which is considered to represent Satan.

Sometimes this symbol is depicted on a five-pointed star.

This four-pointed cross in an inverted position denotes hatred of Christ.

The magical number 23 is considered occult and represents the secret society of the Illuminati.
666 or FFF.

The connection between these numbers and letters is that this letter of the English alphabet comes under the sixth number. It is considered to indicate the number of the Antichrist.

This ancient Chinese symbol is considered the definition of unity and polarity.

Tao refers to eternal action or the principle of creation in Chinese philosophy.

The Neuron Cross symbol is also called the symbol of peace. It represents an inverted and broken cross of Christ, enclosed in a circle.

Denotes contempt for Christianity.

This symbol symbolizes the negation of all laws. Depicted as the letter “A” surrounded by a circle.

This symbol is also a sign of sacrifice and observer.

The magical symbol Ankh is a four-pointed cross, the top of which is presented in the form of an elongated oval.

The Ankh symbolizes fertility, lust, and the union of man and woman.

It is depicted as a circle with a dot in the center.

A circle with a dot in the center is used in Buddhism and Hinduism to represent masculine power.

The index finger and little finger, raised up and separated from the other fingers, are considered the victory of the devil over good.

Magic signs and their meaning

As you can see, occult symbols are represented by a wide variety of signs. Each of them has its own meaning and definition. If you choose a symbol for yourself, you must first find out about its meaning.

After all, it often happens that a person uses jewelry with occult signs, the designation of which he does not know. This can cause individual problems and contradictions in life.

Often, when depicting and using any symbols, many do not think about where they came from or what meaning they carry. Below is a decoding of some symbols and signs related to the sphere of Satanism. We advise you to familiarize yourself with this, since wearing and depicting such things can be very dangerous...

An inverted pictogram forming a goat's head. This emblem can be found on the cover of The Satanic Bible. Present in the symbols of such metal bands as Slayer, Venom, etc. This is a very serious sign, which almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

The word "Pentagram" comes from two Greek words - "five" and "line". And in fact, it is a regular pentagon, on each side of which isosceles triangles are built, equal in height. The pentagram is one of the oldest religious symbols known to mankind. The first images were found on objects belonging to the Sumerian civilization. It was used by the ancient Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Babylonians, Chinese and Celts. For all nations, the image of the pentagram was associated with magic. According to basic theories, the pentagram is a graphic image or a formula for the correct interaction of the magician and the elements.
The pentagram as a graphic figure has a rather large set of properties - it has five-ray symmetry and is constructed according to the rules of the golden section. And, of course, the fact that the pentagram is the simplest form of a star, which can be depicted without ever lifting the pen from the paper and without ever drawing a line twice. There are 10 different ways to depict a pentagram. In the practice of magic, the way the pentagram is drawn is very important and affects the type of magical effect. If the lines began to be drawn clockwise, then this is creative magic, if against it, then this is destructive.
Along with the direction of the lines, the direction of the ray, symbolizing the “spirit,” is also important. If the beam is directed upward, then this implies the subordination of the spirit to the elements and participation in the life of the surrounding world. Directing the beam down is an attempt to direct all the elements towards the “spirit”, as if to gather them into a fist in order to change the current world.
Initially, the inverted pentagram was not a symbol of evil. In the ancient works of Kabbalah, the inverted pentagram is the so-called “Small Face” of the Lord. And the Roman Emperor Constantine has an inverted pentagram on his seal.
But over time, this powerful occult symbol began to acquire a negative connotation and was more often used in the practice of black magic. From the Pythagorean tradition came the image of the head of a goat or ram inscribed in a pentagram. This was a reference to the Goat of Mendes, the symbol of the Egyptian god Neter Amun (Set). Set was described as a hidden force that permeates all nature and the essence of its phenomena.
The famous occultist Eliphas Levi assigned the meaning of the symbol of Satan to the inverted pentagram. In his book The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic he wrote: “The pentagram with two ascending ends represents Satan as a goat at the Sabbath.”
And it was possible to finally formulate the image of the symbol of Satanism relatively recently. In 1966, Anton LaVey registered the Church of Satan. And the Sigil of Baphomet was chosen as the main symbol. Currently, this symbol is already a registered trademark denoting Satanism. It is used in black magic rituals in order to enhance the ritual and/or obtain benefits from higher demons. Strong black magic is impossible without the use of the inverted pentagram symbol in its original form,

It denotes mockery and hatred of the cross of Jesus Christ. Many Satanists wear this symbol. Featured on the covers of Danzid Ozzy and Osborne albums. It is also a serious symbol denoting belief in Satan.

The Cross of Saint Peter (also known as the inverted cross) is a regular Latin cross (depicted in accordance with Roman Catholic tradition) inverted 180 degrees. Since the 4th century, the cross of St. Peter has been one of the symbols of St. Peter, who, according to church tradition, was crucified head down in 67 AD. during the reign of Emperor Nero in Rome. The origin of this symbol is associated with the church tradition that the Apostle Peter was crucified on the cross upside down at his own request, because he considered himself unworthy to die the same death as Jesus Christ died. Due to the fact that Peter is considered the founder of the Catholic Church, this symbol is depicted on the throne of the Pope. For example, during his visit to Israel, Pope John Paul II sat on a throne with a cross carved into the back
An upside-down Christian cross can be understood as an anti-Christian symbol. Because of this, the inverted cross has become widespread in modern popular culture as a symbol of Satanism. In popular culture, including films such as The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Omen, and Supernatural, the inverted cross is often shown as a symbol of Satan. Along with the inverted pentagram, the inverted cross is sometimes used by black metal musicians.

In any case, in Roman Catholicism, the cross of St. Peter is not considered a satanic symbol. However, an inverted crucifix conveys a sense of extreme disrespect for the Christian religion and can be used to represent the forces of Satan. The differences between St. Peter's cross and an inverted crucifix are sometimes obscured, leading to confusion about the acceptability of each symbol. Similar confusion arose after the aforementioned papal visit to Israel. A photo of the pope sitting on a throne with the cross of St. Peter has been circulating on the Internet and has been used in attempts to "prove" that the Catholic Church is associated with Satanism

The number of the beast is a special number mentioned in the Bible, under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is hidden; the numerological embodiment of Satan's protege. The number of the beast is 666. The number 666 is a very often used element of satanic paraphernalia, along with an inverted cross and an inverted pentagram.

It was often believed that the Antichrist was depicted in the Bible under the guise of an apocalyptic beast. Since the Revelation of St. John says: “He who has understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man,” therefore, in the name or appearance of every person in whom the Antichrist was seen, they tried to find the number 666. This search actively continues to this day.

In studies related to the “number of the beast,” a mistake is often made: the number is decomposed into decimal places and presented as three digits 6, with which it is identified. However, at the time the Apocalypse was written, there was no decimal positional number system, which arose in India only in the 6th century AD. e. The original Greek notation consists of three words "six hundred", "sixty" and "six" and does not allow for the decomposition described. Another common consequence of mistakenly identifying a number with its decimal positional notation is the association of the digits “666” with the infinite decimal fraction 0.6666..., equal to two thirds. The number “666” is used four times in the Bible. Of these, one is mentioned once in the New Testament as a number under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is hidden:

Here is wisdom. He who has intelligence, count the number of the beast, for it is a human number; its number is six hundred and sixty-six.
Original text (ancient Greek) [show]

John the Evangelist, Rev. 13:18, 15:2

In addition to the fact that the numbers: 666 and 13 - fall into the 13th chapter of the Revelation of the Bible (John the Theologian), where the number 666 (= 18) is described in verse 18, which will surprise the uninitiated, these numbers have a letter relationship. We always pronounce numbers in sounds, symbolized by the letters that form the Word.
So in Numerology the number of Words is: THIRTEEN = 144 and SIX HUNDRED (156) + SIXTY (184) + SIX (101) = 441.
These are the numbers: 18 and 45, i.e. 9.

We have a special relationship with these numbers that we have heard from many people who are tuned in to expect something bad from these numbers.
Can numbers 1 to 9 be good or bad? Can the letters from “A” to “Z” be better than each other? We may just like a certain number or letter, or we may not like it... But this does not mean at all that what we don’t like is bad, and what we like is good. Each symbol simply has its own personal meaning.
Someone didn’t like the number made up of two digits - 13, someone from three - 666. Let’s try to understand these numbers in order to have at least some certainty and our attitude towards them.

The number 13 = 4, and the number 666 (18) = 9. Two “root” numbers are obtained: 4 and 9, which in total is still the number 13, because the number 9 = 0 and does not change any number. Nine can hide in any number. The number 6 (similar to the number 9) taken three times also gives the sum - 9.
The resulting two numbers stand out from all numbers in that when one digit is increased to two, all numbers from 1 to 9, substituting Zero (0), only these two numbers do not remain the same when pronounced: 4, as “Forty” and 9, as “ Ninety".
After pronouncing single-digit numbers, we pronounce: “Ten”, keeping this number at the end of the pronunciation of numbers in sound, like “Ten” (10) and “Twenty” - “Twenty-Twenty” (20), “Three-Twenty” (30 ), "..." (40), "Five-Ten" (50), "Six-Ten" (60), "Seven-Ten" (70), "Eight-Ten" (80) and "..." (90 ).
“...” - the sounds of numbers in the words: “Forty” and “Ninety” fall under the omission. Where did “Twenty” or “Ten” go?

The numerology of the word Ninety in the name itself hides this number - NINETY (DE I ST) - TEN, and the remaining letters (in but o) - “new”, indicate something new.
This means that the Old One is over, to which the End has come, the END - DEADLINE, FORTY.
These numbers mean the end of a period, which means changes are coming. People are afraid of these numbers because... Changes are not always welcome - it’s better to let it be as it is, it’s calmer. What if these people are esotericists...? How do they feel about these numbers if, according to the laws of the Cosmos, they are ready to leave the Cycle of births and deaths, which is why this change is needed. They will be happy with these numbers, they will attract them, and not shun and fear them, like ordinary people.

Number 666 = 9. The nines in the number 666 repeat the number 74 nine times, and this is the word TIME. This means that the FUTURE 88 = 16 = 7 has already taken place and must go into the PAST 112, which is the number 13 = 4. Therefore, very SOON (Forty, Term) we must wait for what will be the END 73 after the lived LIFE 72, when everything has already been measured out – TIME 74. The end is not necessarily of human life, but also of events: either bad or good. And if we want to free ourselves from a boring disease, then the number 666 will be beneficial for us. It leads, after TIME 74, to CROSS 75 (the next number after 74), so that one can “disown” some event. Then EXIT 76 appears so that you can find the SOURCE 77 of another, new event (for example, recovery if there was a disease).
So, it turns out: 70 or 79 – BASIS or ROOT.
71 – BEGINNING (of life).
72 – LIFE.
73 – END (of life).
74 – TIME (that’s it, the deadline has been measured).
75 – CROSS.
76 – EXIT.
77 – SOURCE.
= 666.

7 (sevens) – quantity 9, sum (7 x 9) = 63 = 9.
Numbers from 1 to 8 (9 = 0) total = 36 = 9.
Numbers 63 and 36 –––> 6336 = 666.
Three 3 sixes 6 –––> 666. Words with the number 36: MIND 63, MOVEMENT 63, FACE 63, INSIDE 63, EVOLUTION 162 (LIFE 72) = 36, HISTORY 126, CELEBRATION 126 = 36.

With the numbers: 77 and 78 – the SOURCE of a new FATE begins.
You can read something about the number 666 on the website in article No. 13 “NAME” (catalog of articles).

One story.

Two people got married without their parents (or one of the parties) knowing about it. They carefully hid their passports so that the stamp would not be visible, and lived separately, meeting at one or the other in the apartment (apparently, the parents were against this union). In the summer we spent weekends at his dacha. She was not against revealing everything, but He insisted on this, whose wish She did not violate. So some time passed, and in the third year of their secret marriage, and seven years of communication, the secret was revealed.
Suddenly, He, being with her at the dacha, remembers that he left his passport at home...
Getting ready to go home, they hit the road. Along the way, they were constantly overtaken by cars with different license plates, but three times they came across license plates with three sixes - 666. Having heard about this number, they understood that something was about to happen, especially since they had forgotten their passport. Maybe they would not have encountered this number or not paid attention if they had not been afraid of exposing the secret?!
And, indeed, His mother found a marriage stamp in his passport...
Further developments of events are no longer so important, the main thing is that they received a Sign of the events already taking place. There was an END to the concealment of the secret and a new BEGINNING was “born” - reality.
Anything can end, because... different people live with different concerns and fears. And someone, on the contrary, wants to start something...
It can be assumed that the mother, before discovering the passport, could have had a sign in the number 13, because this is a sign of CHANGE (DEATH is the 13th Major Arcana in Tarot cards). She might not have noticed him due to her lack of observation. The Secret was revealed to her, becoming Reality.

This is a symbol of the Satanic Church in San Francisco. It is also found in The Satanic Bible in The Ninth Satanic Commandment. This sign has been found on several rock and metal albums, such as Duran Duran's "Seven and the Ragged Tigen". This emblem always speaks of being considered one of Satan.

The Church of Satan is a countercultural group founded in the USA by Anton LaVey and which “proclaims itself a conscious bearer of evil and the antipode of Christianity.” The first officially registered organization to declare Satanism as its ideology. The Great Terra Encyclopedia notes that the Church of Satan is “chronologically the first of the satanic sects.” At the same time, the current leader of the organization, Peter Gilmore, says that “atheism is primary, and Satanism is secondary”
The official symbol of the Church of Satan is the seal of Baphomet.
The Church of Satan was founded on Walpurgis Night (April 30), 1966, in San Francisco by Anton Sandor LaVey, later author of The Satanic Bible (1969). He called 1966 the first year of the Satanic era. LaVey was the high priest of the Church of Satan until his death (1966-1997).
Anton Sandor LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan.

From the background: in the 1950s, Anton LaVey organized the Order of Trapezoid community, which later became the governing body of the Church of Satan. Among those who participated in LaVey's activities were "Baroness" Karin de Plessen, who grew up in a royal palace in Denmark, Dr. Cecil Nixon, an eccentric magician and inventor, Kenneth Anger, an underground film maker, Russell Walden, the city's legal adviser, Donald Werby, one of San Francisco's most influential private property owners, anthropologist Michael Harner, writer Shana Alexander and others. LaVey's fellow sci-fi and horror writers during this period included Anthony Butcher, August Derleth, Robert Barbour Johnson, Reginald Bretnor, Emile Petaia, Stuart Palmer, Clark Ashton Smith, Forrest J. Ackerman, and Fritz Leiber.

On February 1, 1967, Anton LaVey performed an open Satanic wedding ceremony between radical journalist John Raymond and Judith Case, bringing significant media attention to the Church of Satan. The photographer for the ceremony was San Francisco Chronicle's Joe Rosenthal, who took the now iconic photograph of the flag-raising of American troops on Mount Suribachi during World War II. Photos of the satanic wedding were published in several reputable publications.

In May of the same year, a “satanic baptism” ceremony took place for LaVey’s three-year-old daughter Zina Galatea. Journalists who arrived long before the ceremony began were fascinated by the angelic smile of the girl who was to be dedicated to the devil. Satan's Baptism was designed to please a child.

Another important event (December 1967) was the holding of an open Satanic funeral for a member of the Church of Satan, naval officer Edward Olson, at the request of his wife, and Satanism was soon included in the register of officially recognized religions in the United States.

In June 1967, Jayne Mansfield, who, according to LaVey, had a close relationship with LaVey and was a priestess of the Church of Satan, died in a car accident. Although these allegations were false, the tabloid press declared the actress's death a collateral consequence of a curse that LaVey allegedly cast on Mansfield's partner Sam Brody.

The Church of Satan was mentioned in many books, magazines and newspapers in the 1960s and 1970s. Also in 1970, the full-length documentary film “Satanis” was released. Anton LaVey starred in Kenneth Anger's Invocation of my Demon Brother and was a technical consultant on The Devil's Rain, which starred Ernest Borgnine, William Shatner and (for the first time) John Travolta. It was also claimed that LaVey unofficially played the role of the Devil in the film Rosemary's Baby, but this claim was later refuted. The Church of Satan was also featured in Luigi Scatini's film Angeli Blanca, Angeli Negra (known in American release as Witchcraft '70).

In 1975, LaVey began to modify the Church of Satan's grotto system, getting rid of people who he believed were seeking to succeed in the organization only to compensate for their failures in the outside world. Subsequently, real success in life became one of the criteria for advancement within the Church of Satan. During the same period, Anton LaVey became more selective when giving interviews. This transition to “closed” activities gave rise to rumors about the collapse of the organization and even the death of LaVey.

The 1980s saw a new wave of mass hysteria, conspiracy theories, and fear of Satanism, sparked by Protestant fundamentalists, some medical professionals, and the media. During this period, members of the Church of Satan such as Peter Gilmore, Peggy Nadramia, Boyd Rice, Adam Parfrey, Diabolos Rex and rock musician King Diamond actively appeared in the media to rebut false accusations of criminal activity by the Church of Satan made by Christian evangelists. The FBI subsequently published an official report refuting all conspiracy theories from that period. This social phenomenon is called the “Satanic Panic”.

During the 1980s and 1990s, the Church of Satan and its members were very active in producing films, music and magazines dedicated to Satanism. The most significant ones include the publishing house of Adam Parfrey “Feral House”, the music of Boyd Rice, the films of Nick Bugas (including the documentary “Speak of the Devil: The Canon of Anton LaVey”). The Church of Satan and Anton LaVey were featured in many magazines and news articles of the time.

In 1997, after the death of Anton Sandor LaVey, Blanche Barton, his common-law wife, became the head of the Church of Satan. Although Barton is still involved in the Church of Satan to this day, in 2001 she lost her position to Peter Gilmore and Peggy Nadramia, who today serve as the organization's high priest and priestess and publish The Black Flame, the official magazine of the Church of Satan. The Church of Satan's headquarters also moved from San Francisco to New York City, where they reside.

In the fall of 2004, the British Armed Forces officially registered the first Satanist - technical sergeant Chris Cranmer, serving on the frigate Cumberland. Admiral John "Sandy" Woodward said on this occasion that

My first words when I heard about this incident were: “God, what the hell is going on here? When I served in the navy, some of my colleagues were Anglicans, others were Catholics, and I had never heard of any Satanists. I think this is extremely strange."