Who is an archon in Athens? Who are the archons? What were they doing? What do the archons want to do with the world and its inhabitants?

December 12th, 2013 , 06:12 pm

Arhats and Archons - (Excerpt from the book of New Anastasia - Sensei-IV. Primordial Shambhala)November 6, 2012

... To take this information into account or not is the personal choice of every person who is lucky in the human community to become the owner of that knowledge of Shambhala, which many powerful people dream of. Well, and, accordingly, to resist Evil, having this information, actually doing Good in this world, or to please your pride with this knowledge is also a personal matter for the person himself and people in general. But I emphasize once again that within human society, in opposition to Evil and the same Archons, it is the people themselves who follow the spiritual path. By the way, such people have been called Arhats since ancient times.

— Arhats? - Victor asked.

- Yes. Translated from Sanskrit, “arhat” means worthy. Now Buddhists use this word in their terminology, calling this a person who has come close to the state of Nirvana. But in general, from ancient times, Arhats were those people who were worthy of bringing the spiritual knowledge of Shambhala to the world. These people also include those whom the ancient Slavs called Vezhas, Sokrovenniki, Mezhans.

- Wow, Arhats and Archons! The differences are only a little, in a couple of letters, but what opposite goals! - Stas was surprised.

“Yes, but this “slightly” changes the signs to the exact opposite,” Sensei emphasized. - And the fact that there is such a slight difference in the name is due to word of mouth. For in the beginning there were Arhats who spread spiritual knowledge. And soon those whom the ancient Greek sages began to call Archons appeared, thereby emphasizing the Archons’ favorite method of modifying and distorting what had gained popularity among people thanks to the Arhats. This trail of confrontation stretches across all human civilizations, no matter what people call these two sides.

The Archons work according to the principles of Ahriman. And you yourself had the opportunity to see the principles of Ahriman yesterday. It seems that he tells the same thing about the spiritual as the Bodhisattvas of Shambhala, but he so skillfully distorts the truth in favor of matter that a person behind the particulars does not notice the global substitution, the change in the direction of the path in the opposite direction. But a person who has more spirituality in him will understand and reveal this substitution. Ahriman just plays on human weaknesses, on the thirst for desires of the Animal, no matter what beautiful verbal form it takes on. So the person ends up in complete confusion. The Archons follow these same principles, the principles of their Master.

—What does the word Archons mean? - Yura asked.

— The word “archons” comes from the Greek word “archontes”, which means “elders”, “ancestors”, “chiefs”, “rulers”. Much later, orthodox Christians began to interpret them as “servants of the devil.” The Gnostics, guided by ancient knowledge, personified with the Archons the spirit-rulers of the world, the creators of the material cosmos, whose power can only be overcome by a spiritual person. But in general, they believed, the power of the Archons is, according to God’s plan, in very complex relationships. Considering the confrontations between Arhats and Archons over thousands of years, in this, of course, they are partly right.

The Supreme Archon, or he is also called the “Archon of this world,” which is similar to “the prince of this world,” is Ahriman... But in more ancient times, his name as the Supreme Archon sounded like Abraxas, as it is interpreted now - “the spirit of the cosmic whole, which not being absolutely evil, he remained in ignorance, mistaking himself for the absolute God.” This legend can only be mistaken for a fairy tale by those who are ignorant of the knowledge and structure of the world. For the smart ones, this is a hint, a hint.

How many leaders, emperors, kings, princes, presidents and other rulers in the world have there been in the history of mankind? The answer is - a lot. As history shows, their fate in most cases is typical and sad. As a rule, this is coming to power through conquest, treacherous or forceful seizure. Leaving power also, for the most part, represents premature death at the hands of pretenders to their place, conquerors, or at the hands of their own subjects.

Consequently, in line with our topic, a reasonable question arises: how to achieve absolute power on the planet, if power in human society is so fickle and short-lived. And there is only one answer - this power must be real and not depend on the views and moods of people. How can this be achieved? The answer to this question is clear from the example of the activities of the Archons.

The independence of power from the moods and preferences of people was achieved through the creation of secret societies, in the ranks of which leaders, emperors, party leaders, heads of state, etc. are raised. Through the activities of secret societies, constant continuity of power is ensured.

In this state of affairs, no matter who wins or loses in what events, the organizers always win and retain their power over the secret societies. Since societies are secret and their activities are hidden in every possible way, humanity knows nothing about them, and, therefore, is unable to change the situation, being satisfied with the legend from the Archons about “imperfect human nature,” which supposedly gives rise to tyrants, wars and struggle for power. How secret societies exist, are created and function is most fully revealed in the books of A. Novykh:

“... - I wonder what kind of secret societies these are?” Volodya asked.

- Well, at different times they were called differently. For example, one of the first influential circles of the Archons has been known since ancient times under the name “Freemasons”. From this trunk many branches grow. There are also the so-called “Brotherhood of the Snake”, “Brotherhood of the Dragon”, “Illuminati”, “Masons” and other secret societies.

Historians are still trying to figure out which of them came from which. But they only get more confused. Why? Because the goal of the Archons is to shuffle and confuse everything so that few people would guess and get to the bottom of the true essence of all these secret societies. And the point is simple. The overwhelming majority of secret societies are pawns in the hands of the Archons for the manipulations of Ahriman. Ahriman just plays on the weaknesses of people.

And one of these weaknesses is people’s subconscious attraction to secrets. And here not only the spiritual impulse of a person is touched upon, his desire to break out of the chain of reincarnation with the help of secret knowledge, but most often it is banal selfish ambitions to possess this knowledge for the sake of power over his own kind.

That is why the vast majority of secret societies flourish under the Archons. And given the fact that people not only want to master secret knowledge, but also create their own “empire” around themselves, we have the fact that today almost the entire world is controlled by a secret world government - the Archons."

"... What do people know about the same Ahriman? By and large, thanks to the efforts of the Archons, they are given information on this matter at the level of development of a six-year-old child, something like “Satan is a bad, scary woman, with horns and hooves , who will drag you into his kingdom of darkness and boil you in a cauldron of tar if you do not listen to us and do what we say.”

By the way, not only in religion, but also in politics, the Archons use the same technique of presenting information to the majority of people, all over the world. And this happens because the majority of people do not perceive serious information, especially of political significance. It turns out to be a paradox: it seems that every individual considers himself smart, intelligent, but the majority perceives serious information in no other way than in a primitive explanation at the level of a young child. And this was both in ancient times and now.

Therefore, the Archons took advantage of this and still use it, nominating their people as interpreters.

Perhaps, so that you can better understand what’s what, I will tell you in more detail about the structure of today’s pyramid of Archons. So, under the control of Ahriman (who in very narrow circles is referred to only as “ All-seeing eye ”, and in wider circles he is perceived more abstractly as a “guiding spirit”, “the eye of Lucifer”) there are twelve Archons.

This closed “priestly circle” forms together “ Tip 13 “, six members of which are also endowed with the position of priestly “Judges” under the leadership of Ahriman. This, in fact, is the main Archon shelter. Further, under the control of the Archons is “ Tip 33", which presents the highest rank " Free masons", having extensive spheres of influence in world politics, economics and the church. These "Freemasons", in turn, constitute the elite " Committee of 300 ».

I note that at first this committee, founded in 1729 by an organization called the British East India Trading Company, was created for various commercial enterprises to support the opium trade and conduct transactions with international banks. It was governed by the British Crown.

But when the Freemasons took over, the situation changed significantly. Today, the Committee of 300 includes more than three hundred members, including the most influential representatives of Western countries. It includes the bulk of the world's banking system.

Then there are many other secret organizations that fit into each other like the feathers of an onion. In fact, these “feathers” come from a certain group of people, who create several different branches at once, which they themselves enter.

This is convenient for the Archons because one and the same influential person, in addition to owning some large international companies or corporations or holding an influential world-class position, is included in several secret societies at once, where he exercises secret control over its members and at the same time is a connecting link with the other branches of this unified system."


And now we have come, one might say, to the end of our article and to the main question that has interested people at all times - what to do? And the first answer to this question is not to panic, because there are no hopeless situations.

The first and very important thing in any matter is to know the real state of affairs and understand what is happening around. As they say in medicine: “Making a correct diagnosis is half of successful treatment,” because the power of the Archons is in secret action, and we already know and understand that how it happens. All that remains, to put it again in medical language, is to take the correct treatment, and that is available. And given the accuracy of the diagnosis made to modern humanity in the books of A. Novykh, there is no longer any need to doubt these methods of “treatment”:

"... The Slavic mentality is what is most terrible for them. Is it a joke if the Slavic generosity of the soul touches the minds of other peoples, truly awakens their souls, lulled by the sweet tales and promises of the Archons? After all, the world of the Archons is built on egoism and the Animal nature. They use money hold the whole world.

It turns out that the empire of Ego, created by the Archons, where the main god of man is money, will begin to collapse! This means that their personal power over those countries and peoples who will turn to their spiritual sources not in words, but in deeds will begin to crumble. Is it then that the story with Imhotep will repeat itself, only now on the scale of more than one country? For the Archons, this state of affairs is worse than death!”

“…— Are the Archons doing things?” Sensei grinned. “I explain once again, those Archons are a pitiful bunch compared to all of humanity! Yes, if people spit on them, the Archons will simply drown in that spit. The Archons only plan, and we, people, choose, agree with their choice or defend your own, since the overall choice depends solely on the personal choice of each person, on his internal preponderance of either spiritual desires or animal deception.

Why do the Archons push us into war, into revolution, into ethnic strife, and we go in herds like sheep and kill our own kind, without even thinking about the consequences? Because the Archons are interested in forming people who are incapable of independent thinking, searching for patterns and action.

They are interested in slaves who can be manipulated through the media, imposing on them standards from the Archons: how they should look, act and think, what political and life guidelines to adhere to. They keep people in constant fear of poverty, hunger, material deprivation, and fear for their own lives and health. A person begins to believe that this is what life really is, that this is his destiny.

Nothing like that! A person is always free in his personal choice! All fears are born from the Animal nature, from its total fear of death. But any matter is mortal - this is the law. However, what makes a person so beautiful is that he is not just a piece of matter and not a slave at all, he has enormous spiritual power that is capable of turning him into a Real Man, that essence that is much higher than the material world. Freeing oneself from lies, one frees oneself from stupidity.

By learning the Truth, a person becomes stronger and smarter. The more smart, spiritually free people there are in the world, the more difficult it will become for the Archons to realize their plans, the weaker their influence on people will be. And if everyone knows the Truth and people make their right choice, then the Archons will simply have no one to dictate their terms.

After all, in reality they are nobody. Those archons are a pathetic bunch. The decision is in the hands of people: to succumb to the provocation of the Archons and bring the world to a global war, or to overthrow the power of the Archons and create a golden age for this civilization. The future of the world is in the hands of people. Everything is very simple. You have to be the one whom the Archons fear. You have to be Human!"

"... People must not only understand this, but also, to the best of their ability, actively resist the outbreak of any war, especially at the stage of preparing public opinion on the Internet and the media. Otherwise, the Archons will continue to use the effect of “infecting” the crowd through an army of its politicians and priests, performing public performances, intimidating billions of television viewers and enslaving their minds in fear and obedience to the material system.

If we awaken the activity of world society in matters of self-government, and make the management process itself and any of its information open, and even eliminate this instrument of the Archons - politics and priesthood as world systems, through which they exert their influence on the masses, then much in the life of society can change qualitatively. The Archons are a pitiful bunch compared to all of humanity, and they live by one deception, which cannot exist forever, like everything dead. For someone who once betrayed himself, his spiritual nature, the Truth seems stinking.
He lives by deceiving others, essentially deceiving himself. The reason for lying is not in the word, but in the desire to deceive one’s nature.”

“... If earlier a person, being in a physical crowd, understanding the absurdity of the actions it was committing, could do practically little to change the situation, now every active person is given such an opportunity.

In other words, thanks to Internet technologies and one Man is already in the field Warrior , for he alone conveys spiritual Truth to many people. Each person gets the opportunity to reproduce information, quickly transmit it and replicate it. Everyone who receives this information is given the right to make their conscious choice: to continue to serve the destructive Will of the Animal mind or to embody the creative Will of the Spiritual world."

"... Now such unique conditions have formed under which humanity can use its chance to turn the monad towards the spiritual development of civilization. It can create a completely new social world order, using the tools of informational influence of the Animal mind on people, but in completely opposite purposes and directions - development of humanity in a spiritual and creative direction.

The personal contribution of each person to the common cause of spiritual and moral transformation of society is very important. We can say that every, even the most seemingly simple and “insignificant” deed, done with the goal of disseminating the Truth, ultimately, in one way or another, affects the global situation in society and shapes its future.

Just as the sea is formed from many streams and rivers, so the global creative information field is formed from the thoughts and actions of many people who have accepted the Truth and become its active guides.

If a person, having all this information, wants to disseminate it, then he needs to:

1) provide people with the entire volume of Knowledge contained in these books, while striving to distribute them to the maximum number of people throughout the planet;

2) facilitate the processes of uniting people on the basis of this information, which will invariably entail a change in behavior, attitudes, the formation of new values, and the spiritual self-education of the community.

Subject to the implementation of these tasks, a self-sufficient world society will inevitably be formed, which will be able to self-organize, solve important issues, and implement decisions made. Active communication of each participant will only strengthen, support and expand the impact of this information, transmit a certain emotional and psychological tone to other people, infect them with an example of behavior, a general idea and actions.

In general, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to convey information to people in its purest form, to be an active participant in the process of establishing a new society and to constantly work on oneself.”

There are a lot of kind and honest people, moreover, all people are like that in their inner, spiritual nature. And changing the situation in the world is entirely in our hands. It is important for everyone to know and understand what is happening, to consciously make choices in their lives, and not allow themselves to be manipulated. Be interested in the life of the entire world community, strive and do what everyone can do for friendship and unity based on moral values.

Do not allow the selfish ambitions of a handful of people to divide us, to pit us in unnecessary disputes and conflicts from which only the Archons benefit. Live according to conscience, because our thoughts, actions and our choices shape the reality around us. Peace and prosperity on the planet is everyone’s business and you need to start, first of all, with yourself. Let's remember the good words of monk Vitaly, written in 1905, on Mount Athos:

“...this deadline is not far away:
and this is the road to eternity...
remember that wise lesson:
“Know yourself, know God”...

Now this word is used in a meaning that is only vaguely reminiscent of the one that was originally given to it. Moreover, due to its spread in popular culture and consciousness, the concept of “archon” has completely lost part of its semantic meaning.

In this article we will try to figure out what is correct to understand in the meaning of the word “archon” and whether it is appropriate to use it in the way that modern culture teaches us. The fact is that for most, the concept of “archon” is associated with a representative of the clergy, while the original meaning of this word was completely addressed to secular life.

Game version: how close to reality it is

Perhaps many have heard the word “archon”, but have not thought about what it means and what archons really are. This word has many meanings related to religion and history. Thus, religious texts sometimes say that these are evil spirits who rule the world. Even in the Star Craft series of games, the alien race, the Protoss, has a special warrior who is a combination of the souls of two Templars and is called an archon. His appearance on the battlefield inspires awe and awe. At the same time, the Archon can be found in the XCOM series, where he is presented as a creation of aliens, an overseer of people.

Naturally, this option can only conditionally be considered a synonym for the original concept, which was designated by the word “archon.” Here the synonymy is so conditional that a person who does not know the original source may begin to misinterpret this concept.

What are archons from the perspective of history

From ancient Greek this word is translated as “chief”, “ruler”, “head”. This is what the rulers of Athens were called. It is noteworthy that it was after the death of King Kodra that the ancient Greek polis bestowed this title on its leaders. It was a kind of analogue of the word “king”. That is, the laws of Archon Codra were of such importance for the prosperity of the state that the subjects decided to retain this title as a tribute of respect and memory to their ruler.

At first, the title of archon was held by three persons - the eponym (he held executive power in his hands), the basileus (he was in charge of the cult of the Greek gods and was more of a religious figure) and the polemarch (the military leader of the Athenian troops, who was in charge of all military issues of the city-state).

However, later the ancient Greek polis introduced six more archontic positions, which were called “thesmothetes” or “thesmothetes”.

Their responsibilities included the annual revision of laws, the identification of contradictions in legislation, some judicial and also all other functions that did not fall under the jurisdiction of the first three archons.

The first archons of royal blood

Initially, only the Codrids, relatives and descendants of King Codrus, could become archons; later, the Attian aristocracy, the Eupatids, were allowed to take office. allowed not only the aristocracy, but also all other segments of the population, except the poor, to become archons.

The first archon was the son of King Kodra - Medont. Starting with him, the title was passed from father to son and was for life.

Over time, the freedom-loving and democratic Athenians reduced the power and terms of rule of the archons. So, after some time, the period of reign was limited to ten years, and after another hundred years the archon could rule only for a year. After the Roman conquest of Greece, archons were provincial officials appointed by Rome.

Continuation of the history of the archons after Hellas

But what are archons from a temporal and historical perspective? As mentioned above, in ancient Athens this was the position of the ruler and the highest officials of the polis, at first hereditary, but later became elective. However, we should not forget that the heiress of Rome and Hellas also had archons, although the meaning of this word was slightly different from the original one.

Byzantine archons

In the history of Byzantium, this concept meant the highest strata of society: both laity and, in the late Byzantine period, clergy. However, it is known that the emperor was not one of them, which was a rather unusual occurrence. Archons were sometimes opposed to the people and served as a synonym for the ruling class. It is interesting that their rights and responsibilities, as well as their position in the social hierarchy of society, were not completely unambiguous and regulated by the state. As a consequence of such a fragile and ambiguous position, in relation to the archonotes it was used

Guilty or not?

According to some historians, the history of Byzantium shows that the fall of the empire was partly due to the activities of the archons. According to their judgments, although this elite was distinguished by its community and a single direction of action, it was still non-monolithic, fragmented and had internal strife. Squabbles and squabbles were most clearly manifested in those moments that concerned relations with Western neighbors. The source of the contradictions was a radically different attitude towards the union. The apotheosis of such contradictions was the clash at the Ferrara-Florence Cathedral.

In the early history of Byzantium, rulers of states (archontii), who had varying degrees of dependence on the empire, were called archons. It is noteworthy that their wives were called archontissas, that is, they also became representatives of a separate social class.

Introduction of new positions

Later emperors adopted the practice of Athens and created a system of positions. Among them, the following stood out: Archon of Allagia (commander of the Byzantine army), Archon of Vlattia (head of the sovereign workshop, which produced and processed the most valuable fabrics), Archon of Salt (chief of the imperial saltworks, whose duties included control over the extraction and sale of salt). Also, in relation to some rulers of neighboring states, the title “archon of archons”, or “king of kings” was used, which was used to exalt them above the rest. From historical sources that have reached us, it is known that three kings of Armenia had this title, which showed their primacy among the powers of Transcaucasia.

After the destruction of the empire, archons began to be called representatives of the Orthodox clergy who led the Greek communities not only in spiritual, but also in secular society under the rule of the Turks.


Let's look at what archons are, based on the data that we already have and which was presented in the article. Taking into account all of the above, it can be said with certainty that this is a Greek position of the highest official with specific functions under the Athenian state. The archons of Athens formed the government of the ancient Greek polis until the Roman conquest. In the beginning, this term served as a name for local rulers who recognized the emperor as their overlord to one degree or another. Subsequently, under the name of archons, the highest stratum of Byzantine subjects was formed. Among them there were many not only laymen, but also clergy.

At the same time, the position of archon was used directly at the imperial court, as well as in the foreign policy of Byzantium in relation to neighboring states. The position of archon was received by Ashot I, Smbat I and Ashot II as recognition of their states as dominant in the Transcaucasian region. Later, after the destruction of Byzantium, the title of archon began to designate church nobility.

At different times they were called differently. For example, one of the first influential circles of the Archons has been known since ancient times under the name “Freemasons”. From this trunk many branches grow. There are also the so-called “Brotherhood of the Snake”, “Brotherhood of the Dragon”, “Illuminati”, “Masons” and other secret societies. Historians are still trying to figure out which of them came from which. But they only get more confused. Why? Because the goal of the Archons is to shuffle and confuse everything so that few people would guess and get to the bottom of the true essence of all these secret societies. And the point is simple. The vast majority of secret societies are pawns in the hands of the Archons for the manipulation of Ahriman.

Ahriman is just playing on people's weaknesses. And one of these weaknesses is people’s subconscious attraction to secrets. And here not only the spiritual impulse of a person is touched upon, his desire to break out of the chain of reincarnation with the help of secret knowledge, but most often the banal selfish ambitions of possessing this knowledge for the sake of power over his own kind. That is why the vast majority of secret societies flourish under the Archons. And given the fact that people not only want to master secret knowledge, but also create their own “empire” around themselves, we have the fact that today almost the entire world is controlled by a secret world government - the Archons.

In the East, since ancient times it was believed that the main center of confrontation with Evil and dark forces on Earth is Shambhala, acting as the primary source of knowledge and enormous spiritual power. However, within human society, in opposition to Evil and the same Archons, it is the people themselves who follow the spiritual path - such people have been called Arhats since ancient times. The differences are only a little, in a couple of letters, but what opposite goals!

The fact that there is such a slight difference in the name is due to word of mouth. For in the beginning there were Arhats who spread spiritual knowledge. And soon those whom the ancient Greek sages began to call Archons appeared, thereby emphasizing the Archons’ favorite method of modifying and distorting what had gained popularity among people thanks to the Arhats. This trail of confrontation stretches across all human civilizations, no matter what people call these two sides.

The Archons work according to the principles of Ahriman. And the principles of Ahriman consist in the substitution and reorientation of spiritual knowledge for material goals, for achieving wealth and prosperity in this temporary material world. But this is just a deception, an illusion of good. It seems that he tells the same thing about the spiritual as the Bodhisattvas of Shambhala, but he so skillfully distorts the truth in favor of matter that a person behind the particulars does not notice the global substitution, the change in the direction of the path in the opposite direction. But a person who has more spirituality in him will understand and reveal this substitution. Ahriman just plays on human weaknesses, on the thirst for desires of the Animal, no matter what beautiful verbal form it takes.

The word "archons" comes from the Greek word "archontes", which means "elders", "ancestors", "chiefs", "rulers". Much later, orthodox Christians began to interpret them as “servants of the devil.” The Gnostics, guided by ancient knowledge, personified with the Archons the spirit-rulers of the world, the creators of the material cosmos, whose power can only be overcome by a spiritual person. But in general, they believed, the power of the Archons is, according to God’s plan, in very complex relationships. Considering the confrontations between Arhats and Archons over thousands of years, in this, of course, they are partly right.

The Supreme Archon, or he is also called the “Archon of this world,” which is similar to “the prince of this world,” is Ahriman... But in more ancient times, his name as the Supreme Archon sounded like Abraxas, as it is interpreted now - “the spirit of the cosmic whole, which not being absolutely evil, he remained in ignorance, mistaking himself for the absolute God.” This legend can only be mistaken for a fairy tale by those who are ignorant of the knowledge and structure of the world. For the smart ones, this is a hint, a hint.

Principles of activity of the Archons

This material world belongs to Ahriman, Satan. Therefore, from ancient times, Arhats were forced to gather in secret societies, trying to bring maximum benefit to people. Not because they wanted it so much, but in order to preserve the purity of the acquired knowledge, so that with their help people could resist the Archons. But for the Arhats, unlike the Archons, such secrecy was a double-edged sword. Because sometimes the help of the Arhats became so significant and spiritually significant for many people that the glory and respect for such secret organizations was cemented in the memory of ordinary people. But with this rumor, people, without realizing it, harmed the Arhats. As soon as their secret organization became very popular and famous among people, simply put, too many people learned about it, the Archons immediately concentrated their forces not just on destroying this organization, but, what is much worse, on replacing the internal ideology of this organization by introducing their own people into it. people and the destruction of the Arhats leading it. That is, outwardly for ordinary people who were not aware of the internal affairs of the secret society, the organization remained active, but in its spiritual essence it was already empty. Playing on its popularity and even sometimes using the names of the Arhats they destroyed, the Archons have already manipulated the consciousness of people in their own way.
History has a classic example of how in Ancient Egypt the powerful organization of “Free Masons” Arhats, created by Imhotep, turned over time into a secret society of “Free Masons” Archons.

Instilling fear and, with its help, keeping people in obedience is one of the main and effective weapons of the Archons, for according to their principles, “only that slave is acceptable in business who fears his master more than death.”

The minions of the Archons often, speaking about one or another of their organizations, emphasize the phrase about the huge number of their followers. For what? In order, firstly, to psychologically influence a specific person with this phrase about mass participation, they say, since many are with them, it means they are doing better. At the same time, of course, the mechanisms are hushed up, how these people are recruited and “zombified” and what the real goals of this organization are. But as for these billions of believers themselves, many of them come to world religions precisely because they are looking for God, looking for ways of spiritual improvement. And such grains of spiritual knowledge that were preserved in the legends of the same Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, and other peoples, and which ended up, for example, in the same Bible - they attract people. Thanks to them, a person of spiritual search adheres to one or another religion. But this does not mean that he entirely belongs to the top of this religion. A person seeking God, in the process of learning, also has many questions for his “shepherds,” to which they either do not know what to answer or cannot answer fairly honestly within the framework of the policies of a particular religious organization. The fact that the minions of the Archons declare that billions of believers stand behind them does not mean that these billions are the same as these minions.

One of the favorite techniques of the Archons is to replace what people want with illusion. And behind the beautiful phrases of the Archons, in fact, there is a change in the direction of movement of the person himself in the exact opposite direction, towards matter. A person may not notice this due to lack of knowledge and think that he is walking on a spiritual path, just like many people, for example, who praise this “hermetic science.” After all, he has no idea who the organizers of this process are, what archontic organizations they belong to (and what the true goals of those organizations are), and also why they need this massive dissemination of exactly this point of view among people.

External circumstances flow from the inner world of a person. The more a person becomes a Human, the more he controls his thoughts and desires, the more he will gain freedom of the soul and the less his consciousness will fall into the whirlpool of the politics of the Archons, understanding the true reality of this world. And the more such spiritually free people there are in the world, the more the power of the Archons over people will weaken and the faster humanity will create a “golden millennium” for itself. So all good things begin with purity, first of all, of your own thoughts!

The Archons are very wary of the activities of a spiritually strong, free Personality, because they know how unpredictable for them it is capable of influencing the consciousness of entire nations.

Substitution of spiritual values ​​in Ancient Egypt

What was the point? In the traditional religion of the ancient Egyptian state (and under Imhotep its center was located in Memphis), ethical values ​​prevailed. That is, the simplest person knew in a form accessible to his thinking that this life is temporary, that the body is mortal, that there is a soul and its energetic environment (the same Ka shells and so on). Even in a sense, he was aware, in modern terms, of the processes of reincarnation. Only for the ancient Egyptian this understanding was either in the form of a transition to the fields of paradise, or in the form of his soul traveling through different hour divisions of the Duat and returning over time to the first hour division, from where it entered its other life. People were not afraid of death, they died with faith and said in their prayers: “Osiris, I will die and be reborn,” “I will live like Osiris. He didn’t disappear when he died, and I won’t disappear after I die either.”

That is, a person, living here in this world, sought with his good, righteous life (and, in fact, by taming his Animal nature and developing the Spiritual nature) to earn himself better conditions of existence in the next life. In fact, this is exactly what happened, only the processes of reincarnation take place in a slightly different form than people imagine. But this is not the point. The main thing is how a person becomes a Human during his lifetime! Under Imhotep and his disciples, such spiritual aspiration was popularized to the maximum.

What did the priests do from the Archons? When they first created their secret religious teaching, they, in fact, very skillfully turned everything inside out, tying a person’s life aspirations not to the Spiritual, but to his Animal nature. Since the new religion in Egypt was formed mainly by immigrants from Asia (where at that time there were fortified centers of Archons in Mesopotamia), its basis for the most part began to be magic, rather than ethical beliefs. That is, they made it so that now a person’s afterlife future depended not on his righteous behavior during life, but on his knowledge of magical formulas, the thoroughness of execution and compliance with the religious rituals complicated by them. These magical formulas, naturally, were known only to the “chosen” priests. A person still had to serve them faithfully and for a long time before they would reveal to him any of these “dummies.” Subsequently, when such a concept was introduced en masse, the priests completely turned this religion into a very profitable enterprise that enriched them, selling supposedly magical formulas. To make it more attractive to “buyers,” the priests embellished their concept of an afterlife paradise with popular rumors about the spiritual achievements of Imhotep’s disciples that circulated among the people.

For example, there were rumors that some spiritually strong disciples of Imhotep did not die like ordinary mortals, but after death they turned into shining spirits, as they would say now, “replenishing the army of God,” and according to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, they accompanied their God on his journey through dangers nights. That they became one with God, but at the same time did not lose their individuality. That they deserved with their temporary life eternal life in the kingdom of Light. In principle, this is how it was, but not in such a fabulous form as people’s rumors presented it.

So, what did the priests of the Archons do? They wrote in their concept that if a person believes and professes their religion, and not some other religious concept of Egypt, then any believer after his death will become the chosen one among the dead. After his death, he will transform into a shining spirit and will accompany the god Ra on his journey through the Duat. But his happy existence in the afterlife depends solely on what formula this person acquires from the priests during his life, which will allow him to reach one or another division in the afterlife.

Well, as always, the traditional political formula of the Archons was attributed, they say, whoever is not with us is against us. Everyone who did not worship him on earth was declared the human enemies of Ra. These people were doomed by the priests to suffer in the “lakes of eternal fire”!

Anti-Archon Society

The Archons only plan, and we, people, choose to agree with their choice or defend ours. After all, the overall choice depends solely on the personal choice of each person, on his internal preponderance of either spiritual desires or animal deception. Why do the Archons push us into war, into revolution, into ethnic strife, and we go in herds like sheep and kill our own kind, without even thinking about the consequences? Because the Archons are interested in forming people who are incapable of independent thinking, searching for patterns and action. They are interested in slaves who can be manipulated through the media, imposing on them standards from the Archons: how they should look, act and think, what political and life guidelines to adhere to. They keep people in constant fear of poverty, hunger, material deprivation, and fear for their own lives and health. A person begins to believe that this is what life really is, that this is his destiny. Nothing like that! A person is always free in his personal choice! All fears are born from the Animal nature, from its total fear of death. But any matter is mortal - this is the law. However, what makes a person so beautiful is that he is not just a piece of matter, and not a slave at all, he has enormous spiritual power that is capable of turning him into a Real Man, that essence that is much higher than the material world. Freeing oneself from lies, one frees oneself from stupidity. By learning the Truth, a person becomes stronger and smarter. The more smart, spiritually free people there are in the world, the more difficult it will become for the Archons to realize their plans, the weaker their influence on people will be. And if everyone knows the Truth and people make their right choice, then the Archons will simply have no one to dictate their terms. After all, in reality they are nobody. Those archons are a pathetic bunch. The decision is in the hands of people: to succumb to the provocation of the Archons and bring the world to a global war, or to overthrow the power of the Archons and create a golden age for this civilization. The future of the world is in the hands of people. Everything is very simple. You have to be the one whom the Archons fear. You have to be Human!

Word archon, comes from the ancient Greek “arkai”, which means “source, the beginning of existence, which appeared before the beginning of time”
In the classical Mediterranean era, the word archon meant the title of the highest official in the province - governor, in modern parlance, and was also quite widely used to designate any representative of state or religious authority. In the Gnostic texts there is a definition for the plural Archons - “Authorities” (approx. translation - here means authorities, rulers).

In my usual way of trying to do the impossible, I propose three definitions, or three levels of definitions:
Level one - Cosmological
In Gnostic cosmology, "" is a species of inorganic beings that appeared in our solar system before the formation of the Earth. They are cyborgs inhabiting a planetary system (with the exception of the Earth, Sun and Moon), which is described as a virtual world (stereoma (approx. translation - “stereoma” is a biological term meaning “system of mechanical tissues”)), they construct it imitating geometric forms emitted from the Pleroma, the reality of the Creators, the Gods of the Cosmos.
Archons are real beings with their own habitat, they can even be considered similar to gods, but they completely lack the emotionality and passion inherent in our species, and they have a disgusting tendency to leave their reality and invade the human one. The Archons are very jealous of people, since we have a huge palette of feelings and emotions that they do not have.
The Gaian Myths describe how the Archons were created by the fractal collision of a mass of dense elemental fields of galactic spirals as the Aeon Sophia unfolded from the galactic core.
Level two – Spiritual-Psychological
In Gnostic Psychology, the spiritual science of the Mystery Schools, the Archons are an alien force that infiltrates the human subconscious and causes deviations in our minds from true and healthy beliefs. They do not force us to behave inhumanely, since each of us has the ability to go against our innate humanity by perverting the truth in our own hearts, but they incite us to carry inhumane actions to fantastic cruelty.

They exist as a presence in our consciousness, or rather as a series of programs operating in our mental environment;
The threat of their intrusion into our mental software is much more dangerous than their intermittent physical breaches into the biosphere. Working through telepathy and suggestion, the Archons are trying to lead us astray from the correct path of evolution. Their most effective technique is to use religious ideology to instill their type of thinking, or rather their own mindset.

According to the Gnostics, the Judeo-Christian doctrine of salvation is the first trick of the Archons, which is an alien implant.

Our ability to recognize the workings of alien forces in our minds is vital to our own survival and co-evolution with Gaia, who, as Sophia, accidentally created the Archons first.

By recognizing and resisting the Archons, we claim our power, define our place in the cosmic structure, and establish a direct connection with Gaia, the inner consciousness of the planet.
Level three - Sociological
In the Gnostic view of human society, Archons are alien forces operating through authoritarian systems, including belief systems, that drive human beings against their innate potential and sever symbiosis with nature.

The word LIFE, read backwards, becomes the word EVIL (approx. translation - here is an untranslatable play on the words Live (Life) and Evil (Evil)), but in essence the Archons are not evil, although they have their own destructive power, directed directly against humanity.

They are a manifestation of error rather than evil - however, it is human error when we allow it to continue uncorrected and beyond the zone of correction, which then becomes truly evil and works against the universal plan of life. The Gnostics taught that the Archons actively exploit our tendency to not correct our mistakes.

Since the Archons need our complicity in order to gain power over humanity, anyone who helps the Archons can be considered their accomplice. How do people support the Archons?

One way is to accept the mental program of the Archons - which replaces human consciousness with an alien one, as if there were no replacement - and then implants these programs in society. Another way is to actively or passively agree with their plans, both proposed and imposed.
Jacques Lacarrière suggests that the Gnostics discovered Archons under the human mask in all authoritarian structures and systems that suppress self-determination and individuality.
He gives evidence that the Gnostics were able to discover:
“...the entire system of human organizations and institutions is completely distorted: leisure, history, authorities, states, religions, nations, races...”
("Gnostics", p. 24)

Decline occurs not because we make mistakes, but because we allow them to continue to happen without subsequent correction. Lacarrière says that the Gnostics derived this conclusion "from rational observation of the natural world and human behavior."
And in the end they say
“... we affirm that any power - no matter what it is, is a source of alien forces... All institutions, laws, religions, temples and authorities are just a fiction and a trap, the perpetuation of old lies.”
(“Gnostics” pp. 28-29)
Of course, all this can be considered a dark and superstitious view of the processes taking place in human society, however, as undoubted historical evidence (not taking into account modern events), it would be wrong to believe that this is fiction and exaggeration.

For a deeper acquaintance with the Gnostic teaching about the Archons, including advice on how to behave in a direct collision, you can look at the excerpt from the Book of the Apocalypse in the Bible from King James - the Gnostic Catechism.

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