Cataract of the eye: symptoms and prevention. Causes, signs, treatment and prevention of cataracts How to prevent the development of cataracts in the eye

A cataract causes clouding of the lens of the eye. By the age of 65, more than 90% of people have cataracts, although not all of them have deteriorated enough to require treatment. With a cataract, less light reaches the retina, resulting in a gradual and painless loss of vision. At first, it can be difficult to determine what is happening. Today, cataracts are the most common cause of blindness in the world, so you should see a doctor as soon as possible to prevent or treat cataracts.


Part 1

Eye protection and vision preservation

    Protect your eyes from sunlight. On sunny days, wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat. Opt for polarized sunglasses to reduce eye strain due to glare sensitivity. In addition, glasses must protect against ultraviolet radiation in the long and medium wavelength ranges. Ultraviolet radiation in these ranges can lead to cataracts, and radiation in the medium wave range can also cause macular degeneration (macular degeneration). Try also to go out less often between 11 and 15 hours.

    • Your eyes should also be protected if you are undergoing whole body radiation therapy (for example, for cancer treatment). Wear safety goggles or shields as recommended by your doctor.
  1. Protect your eyes when using electronic screens. Sit at least 30 centimeters from a computer monitor or TV, as electronic screens generate certain radiation. Although there are no studies that have established a link between the use of glowing screens and cataracts, try to keep the necessary distance and limit the time you work with screens. This will save your eyesight.

    Know when to have your eyes checked. Since a cataract is not visible to the naked eye, it is necessary to check your vision periodically. If you are over 40 years old, it is imperative that you visit an optometrist regularly. Between the ages of 18 and 60, get your eyes checked every two years unless you are at risk. If you have an increased risk of developing cataracts, between the ages of 18 and 60, you should visit an ophthalmologist annually.

    Do not smoke or drink alcohol. Smoking leads to the release of free radicals and thus impairs the body's ability to regenerate. The greater the amount of free radicals, the more cells are damaged, which contributes to the development of cataracts. In addition, you should not consume more than one serving of alcoholic beverages per day (one serving corresponds to a glass of beer, a glass of wine or a glass of strong alcoholic beverage). Studies have shown that alcohol reduces the stability of calcium in the lens of the eye.

    Eat dark green leafy vegetables. According to research, these vegetables help prevent cataracts due to their antioxidant content. Natural antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, found in the retina and lens, have been shown to help prevent cataracts. They absorb hard and ultraviolet radiation. If you are taking nutritional supplements, try to keep your daily intake of lutein and zeaxanthin in excess of 6 milligrams. The following foods are good sources of antioxidants:

    • curly cabbage;
    • spinach;
    • kale;
    • turnip;
    • dandelion leaves;
    • leaf mustard;
    • leaf beet;
    • radicchio (Italian chicory);
    • zucchini and pumpkins.
  2. Consume vitamin C. This vitamin promotes eye health and prevents the development of cataracts. According to medical research, it's best to get your vitamin C from natural foods rather than supplements. Although ascorbic acid preparations help prevent cataracts, they must be taken for about 10 years to experience any health benefits. If you decide to take ascorbic acid tablets, stick to the recommended daily allowance (90 milligrams for men, 75 milligrams for women, plus 35 milligrams for those who smoke). However, instead of supplements and artificial vitamins, it is better to eat the following fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C:

    • melons;
    • cauliflower;
    • grape;
    • litchi;
    • pumpkin;
    • broccoli;
    • guava;
    • Bell pepper;
    • oranges;
    • Strawberry.
  3. Consume vitamin E. This vitamin also contains antioxidants that protect the eyes from harsh UV radiation. Try to get your vitamins from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables of various colors. Fruits and vegetables contain healthy phytochemicals. If you are taking vitamin E supplements, follow the recommended daily allowance of 22 IU (international units) for men and 33 IU for women. You can also get vitamin E from the following foods:

    • spinach;
    • almond;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • wheat germ;
    • peanut butter;
    • kale;
    • avocado;
    • mango;
    • hazelnut;
    • leaf beet.
  4. Go in for sports. Regularly, at least 150 minutes a week, exercise. Break up your workouts into convenient time intervals to improve your health without major changes in your usual daily routine. Moderate exercise or brisk walking has been shown to help reduce the risk of cataracts. According to medical research, the more intense the training, the more the risk of developing cataracts is reduced.

    • There is a clear link between cataracts and diabetes. Being overweight and obese increases the risk of diabetes, so maintain a normal body weight.

    Part 2

    Cataract detection
    1. Recognize the symptoms of a cataract. Cataracts are common among older people and can affect one or both eyes. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

      • blurred vision;
      • colors appear dull;
      • difficulty reading and driving;
      • flickering in the eyes (for example, you see halos (halos) around light sources);
      • poor vision at night;
      • double vision;
      • you often have to order new prescription glasses because you can't see well in the old ones.
    2. Check your eyesight. To determine if you have cataracts, the ophthalmologist will perform a standard examination with a few additional tests. For example, a doctor may perform a slit lamp examination. In this examination, the eye is illuminated with intense light, and the ophthalmologist examines the lens and what is behind it under magnification. The doctor will be able to identify possible problems with the passage of light through the lens, which occur with cataracts.

      • It is possible that the ophthalmologist will put drops in your eyes that dilate the pupils. After that, he will be able to better examine the eye and diagnose possible problems.
    3. Find out what type of cataract you have. There are different types of cataracts, and their common symptom is blurry vision. Depending on the location, symptoms and degree of visual impairment, four types of cataracts are distinguished:

      Learn about risk factors for developing cataracts. Certain diseases and factors contribute to the development of cataracts. For example, type 2 diabetes interferes with the metabolism of carbohydrates. Since cataracts are associated with hyperglycemia, diabetes accelerates their development. The likelihood of developing cataracts also depends on race and gender: for example, in the United States, the risk of this disease is increased in African Americans, Hispanics and women. In addition, the following factors increase the risk of developing cataracts:

    4. Start early cataract treatment. A cataract causes a gradual and steady deterioration in vision, and it must be delayed. Cataracts are treated with surgery. Do not delay the operation, as this will lead to further deterioration of vision. To prevent cataracts from progressing, try the following:

      • wear stronger glasses or contact lenses;
      • use a magnifying glass when reading small text;
      • take care of good lighting;
      • undergo therapy with pupil dilating drops.

How to prevent eye cataracts?

Cataract prevention involves many different techniques. With this eye disease, the patient is threatened with irreversible clouding of the lens up to complete loss of vision. Sooner or later, the disease will require the replacement of a defective organ with an implant. But surgical intervention can be avoided if preventive measures are started at the slightest visual disturbance. Special drops, various methods of physiotherapy, massage and exercises, as well as funds from the “green pharmacy”, proven for centuries, will help prevent the disease or extend the initial period to the maximum.

Hide from the sun with glasses

Drug prophylaxis of cataracts includes the use of a variety of pharmacological agents, mainly compresses and drops. Non-drug options, in addition to folk methods and physiotherapy, can also include the use of protective structures, for example, glasses against ultraviolet radiation.
An important risk factor for the development of this disease is considered to be intense light, primarily ultraviolet, effects on the organs of vision.

  • Tinted glasses can get rid of it. It is only important that it is not just a dark color of glass or plastic, but that the glasses really have a protective effect.

  • If you're sunbathing and you forgot your sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat or a long-brimmed baseball cap can help smooth things out a bit.
  • For other vision problems, when you have to wear not just sunglasses, but corrective glasses, you should choose models with photochromic lenses. They are also called "chameleons". They not only filter ultraviolet light, but also protect the eyes from bright light.

When working in hot shops and in other industries that are harmful to the eyes, additional protection of the organs of vision will be required. Designs such as special glasses, masks, light filters will help to carry it out.

All these additions to uniforms must be comfortable and light, without visual distortion and limiting the field of view. It should be comfortable to work in them, and after a hard day it is easy to disinfect all elements.

Apply drops and physiotherapy

Prevention of eye cataracts is especially important for those people who spend a lot of time in front of a TV or computer monitor. From their radiation, flies begin to flicker in the eyes, the surface of the eyes dries up. Such constant tension and fatigue are the first steps to the development of cataracts.

Eye drops with vitamins and other valuable substances will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms. They need to be instilled for quite a long time and periodically changed so that the body does not adapt to the healing properties of the drug.

Most of these drops are well tolerated and do not lead to any complications. But before buying them, you should still consult a doctor. He will select the appropriate option, based on the state of your vision, and suggest the correct application scheme.

The most popular prophylactic drops:

  • Quinax. Protects the lens from clouding.
  • Oftan-Katachrom. Normalizes intraocular pressure, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.
  • Vita-iodurol. Serves as an accelerator of metabolic processes in the tissues of the lens, improves eye pressure and blood circulation, and has antioxidant properties.
  • Taufon. Promotes the restoration of cell membranes, reduces degenerative changes in the retina.

This physiotherapy strengthens vision, reduces eye pressure, improves the functionality of nerve endings, as well as blood supply to the organs of vision.

Prevention of cataracts can be carried out by means of alternative medicine:

It is useful to do exercises for the eyes. There are many such complexes, and your attending physician will select the best one.

Take advantage of folk remedies

In order to improve vision and prevent cataracts, the first step is to change your diet a little.

Slightly inferior are frozen berries, as well as nuts, wheat germ, corn, green peas and carrots. Another important element that saves from clouding of the lens is lutein. There is a lot of it in the same carrots, apricots, zucchini and different varieties of cabbage.

To strengthen vision, in particular the lens, freshly squeezed vegetable juices are used by folk methods. The best cocktail is made from carrots, parsley, endive, and celery rhizomes, (4:1:1:2). It should be drunk 500 ml per day, stretching the pleasure for the whole day.

Milk and butter are also useful, but in reasonable quantities. For salting food, rock salt should be used, not sea salt: the latter contains elements harmful to the eyes. If the necessary substances in the diet are still not enough, consult your doctor. Let him recommend suitable dietary supplements.

Prevention of the disease with folk remedies in most cases is based on the use of medicinal herbs.

Here are some effective recipes for preventing cataracts with folk remedies:

  1. Lotion from celandine. Dilute the juice of this plant with water (1: 2) and rinse the eyes four times a day.
  2. Infusion of calendula. Flowers (a pinch) are brewed in a cup of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, filtered and drunk half a glass three times a day.
  3. Blueberry compresses. Dried berries should be soaked in strongly brewed fresh black tea. Insist half an hour. Then wrap in gauze and apply on the eyes as lotions.
  4. Potato sprouts tincture. Sprouted eyes should be poured with 200 ml of vodka and sent for ripening in a dark place for a week and a half. Then filter. Drink a small spoon three times a day. This drug is useful in various eye ailments. It has the ability to stop inflammation and reduce pain syndromes.

An interesting method of preventing diseases of the organs of vision with folk remedies is eye baths. A decoction of medicinal plants is poured into a small glass. Then we throw back our head and put a container on each eye. Now you need to blink, try to open your eyes and rotate them.

Eye baths can be made on the basis of various herbs:

  • Peppermint. We put two large spoons of chopped raw materials in a container with 500 ml of boiling water, keep it on low heat for ten minutes. Filter the broth and cool.
  • Parsley. Pour a bunch of fresh herbs with boiling water (six glasses). If desired, you can add pink petals, chamomile inflorescences. Brew for four hours, filter. Cool down.

  • Pharmaceutical camomile. Pour dried flowers (large spoon) into a glass of hot water. After a quarter of an hour, strain and let cool.

These infusions and decoctions are additionally useful for washing and compresses.

There are many ways to prevent and treat various diseases with folk remedies such as honey and other bee products. Cataracts are no exception.

Sweet healing water is used to wash the eyes. To make it, dissolve a small spoonful of honey in 400 ml of water and simmer on the stove for five minutes. Allow the liquid to cool and wash the eyes three times a day. Created from honey and homemade eye drops. To do this, honey is also dissolved in distilled or sterile water (in the same proportion).

The prognosis for this disease, if detected in the early stages, is favorable: further clouding of the lens and subsequent surgery can be postponed for years.

But for early diagnosis, it is important to undergo regular examinations with an ophthalmologist, especially for the elderly, those whose relatives suffer from cataracts and diabetics. The latter also need to constantly monitor blood sugar levels.

How to prevent cataract

Prevention of cataract

For many people, the development of cataracts is slow and visual impairment is not observed at an early stage of the disease.

After a certain time, this condition will cause inconvenience in everyday life. In this case, surgery may be required.

However, in order to slow cataracts, there are a number of natural remedies that a person with the above vision problem can resort to.


The main symptoms of cataracts are:

  • sensitivity to light;
  • dim or blurry vision;
  • loss of distance vision and depth perception;
  • double vision in one eye.

If you have these indicators, you should immediately take appropriate measures and start treatment.

Natural Cataract Prevention

One of the main ways to avoid the development of cataracts without medication and the help of a surgeon is to change your lifestyle.

  • good and lighting in the house or workplace;
  • using sunglasses in bright sunlight outdoors;
  • exclusion of frequent driving at night;
  • using a magnifying glass while reading;
  • smokers should minimize the use of tobacco products;
  • diabetic patients need to constantly monitor their condition.

In order to avoid the disease mentioned above, it is necessary to regularly visit an ophthalmologist in order to timely notice problems that have appeared and stop the development of cataracts.

herbal medicine

To prevent cataracts from suddenly overtaking you, it is advisable to include plants rich in antioxidants in your diet. Among them, blueberries can be noted.

Lavender oil is a popular treatment for cataracts due to its antioxidant potential. It can help improve vision by repairing damage caused by oxidative stress in your eyes. It is applied to the eye area for several minutes. Repeating the procedure once or twice a day will help to avoid the disease.

And turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that also help prevent the development of cataracts.

Omega-3 acids

Numerous studies by specialists around the world confirm the beneficial properties of omega-3 fatty acids in the fight against cataracts. This product helps to protect the eyes from this unpleasant disease.

People who use flaxseed, fatty and semi-fat fish (salmon, sardines, tuna) in their diet have a minimal risk of cataracts. Based on this, medicine recommends such products for use in order to avoid the appearance of unpleasant diseases.


The most effective methods for the prevention of age-related cataracts

Unfortunately, to date there are no specific methods for the prevention of congenital cataracts. But to prevent age-related clouding of the lens, a number of drug and non-drug agents are used. Also, experts recommend protecting your eyes from ultraviolet radiation with sunglasses or special contact lenses.

The effectiveness of eye drops for prevention

A variety of drugs are widely used to prevent cataracts in the eyes. Drops improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism in the tissues of the eyeball, thereby preventing damage to the lens. According to the assurances of the manufacturers, the drugs effectively prevent the development of the disease and even remove minor lens opacities.

As you know, cataracts develop mainly in people over 40 years of age. Normally, the lens receives all its nutrients from the aqueous humor circulating in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye. With age, the composition of the intraocular fluid changes, and it becomes unable to provide the lens with all the vitamins and minerals it needs, and the toxins accumulated in it lead to the development of cataracts. You can correct the situation with the help of special preparations.

Most drops for cataract prevention contain vitamins C, A, E, group B, biogenic stimulants, inorganic salts. The composition of many drugs includes riboflavin, nicotinic and glutamic acids, glucose, multivitamin complexes. All these components saturate eye tissues with nutrients, improve lens trophism and prevent its clouding. All these drops should be used only after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Prevention with folk remedies

Many medicinal plants contain vitamins and other biologically active substances that improve metabolism in the tissues of the eye. Therefore, the prevention of cataracts with folk remedies often turns out to be no less effective than the use of modern pharmaceuticals.


For instillation of the eyes, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, aloe juice, honey solutions are used. These products contain a lot of useful substances, thanks to which they perfectly nourish the eye. However, it is better to use them after consulting a specialist.

Popular Recipes:

  • Drops with eyebright. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 40 grams of dry grass and 1 liter of boiling water. Eyebright should be filled with water and insisted throughout the night. In the morning, the medicine should be filtered and put in a cool place. Instill in the eyes 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day. Also, the infusion can be drunk one glass several times a day. It is necessary to be treated in this way for at least 4-5 months a year.
  • Aloe drops. You need to cut a few leaves of a three-year-old aloe and put it in the refrigerator for two weeks. After that, squeeze the juice out of them and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. Instill into the eyes 2-3 times a day (1 drop in each eye). The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator. Before instillation, the pipette with the solution must be slightly heated over a container of hot water.


Many people use decoctions of horsetail, sage, motherwort, chamomile flowers, and hawthorn fruits to prevent cataracts. The best effect is observed when using medicinal fees.

Healing decoctions are taken orally 2-3 times a day. To achieve the desired effect, it should be treated for at least several months.


Various lotions for the eyes are quite effective. For their preparation, clean gauze or a bandage is taken, folded into 6-8 layers and impregnated with a medicinal infusion or decoction. You can also use a cotton swab for this purpose. The lotion should be at room temperature, and it is best to apply it to the eyes in the supine position.

To prepare lotions, celandine juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 is often used. The gauze moistened with the medicine is applied to the eyes all night. Eyebright, calendula, plantain, carrot juice are also effective.

Preventive nutrition

Cataracts most often develop in individuals with hyperglycemia and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, in order to prevent it, foods that increase the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood should be excluded from the diet. These include sweet, starchy, fatty foods.

It is better to include more of these foods in your diet:

  • vegetables and fruits containing a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants;
  • natural butter, cottage cheese, sour cream, processed cheese, fresh milk;
  • sunflower and peanut oils, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts;
  • salmon, squid, oysters and some other seafood;
  • spinach, cabbage, yellow bell pepper, green peas, turnip, sorrel.

Rock salt should be added to food, but not sea salt. The latter contains many compounds that have a negative effect on the visual organ. It is also necessary to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy and salty foods.

Preparations for prevention

Treatment and prevention of cataracts is usually carried out with the help of drugs specially designed for this purpose. Unfortunately, medications do not always have the desired effect. In most cases, they help only slightly slow down the progression of an already existing cataract, however, they in no way replace surgical treatment.


Available as a solution in 10 ml vials. The drug contains cysteine, sodium salt of ATP, glutamic, nicotinic acids, glycocol, various minerals. It is used for senile, traumatic, radiation, myopic cataracts. Vicein is recommended for use only in people with visual acuity of more than 0.5.

The disadvantage of the drug is a short period of operation. Upon contact with air, the solution precipitates very quickly (in 8-10 days). Therefore, with each use of the drops, it is necessary to close the bottle very quickly and tightly.


An effective drug for the prevention of cataracts. Contains nicotinamide, sodium succinate, cytochrome C and adenosine, which is a precursor of ATP. Vitafacol accelerates metabolic processes in the lens, thus preventing its clouding. Available in 10 ml dropper bottles.


One of the most popular and effective drugs for the prevention and treatment of primary cataracts. Quinax contains azapentacene, a substance that can stimulate proteolytic enzymes of intracameral moisture. This, in turn, contributes to the rapid resorption of opacities and an increase in the transparency of the lens.

Manufacturers state that initial cataracts may regress with this drug. Quinask is intended for long-term use. Unauthorized interruption of treatment ahead of time is categorically contraindicated, since this will lead to re-clouding of the lens.


An inexpensive drug containing the amino acid taurine. It has a pronounced reparative and regenerative effect. Normalizes metabolic processes not only in the lens, but also in other tissues of the eyeball. It is widely used for dystrophic lesions of the retina and cornea, traumatic injuries of the cornea, various types of cataracts.


It is an analogue of the previous drug, is available in bottles of 5 and 10 ml. The medicine can be bought at most pharmacies at an affordable price. A patient who may develop or has already developed a cataract should take Taurine for 3 months. After a monthly break, the course of treatment should be repeated.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures help reduce the likelihood of developing cataracts:

  • Thorough washing after coming from the street. During walks in the fresh air, dust and small specks can settle on the conjunctiva, which is harmful to the visual organ. Therefore, after returning home, it is necessary to wash your eyes well with running water.
  • Eye protection from bright light and sunlight. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can provoke the development of cataracts. Therefore, on hot summer days, you should wear sunglasses before going out.
  • Limiting TV viewing and computer work. A bright screen can cause visual fatigue and adversely affect the eyes in general.
  • Exclusion from the diet of junk food. Food products should not contain dyes, preservatives and other harmful substances. Salty, spicy and fatty foods are very harmful.

Prevention by non-drug methods

In addition to drugs and folk remedies, a number of non-drug methods are used to prevent cataracts. They have a beneficial effect on the visual organ and reduce the risk of developing many eye diseases.


For the eyes, regular gentle massage of the eyelids is very useful. Massaging the lower eyelid should be from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, the upper - above the eyebrows. Acupressure of the eyes and light massaging of the ear lobes are considered effective. Active points are located in the earlobes, the irritation of which has a positive effect on the visual organ.

Massage of the cervical-collar zone also helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism in the eyeball and appendages of the eye. It is at the level of the cervical spine that the nerves associated with the visual analyzer and responsible for its condition are located. It should be noted that the prevention of cataracts with the help of such a massage reduces the risk of developing a number of other ophthalmic diseases.


Electrophoresis of the eye area is a method of administering drugs using a direct electric current. They are often and quite successfully replaced by subconjunctival injections. Through electrophoresis, a variety of vitamins, amino acids and other active substances can be introduced into the eye tissues. This technique can also be used for the prevention of cataracts.


It is one of the methods of alternative medicine. It provides for the impact on the so-called acupuncture points located around the eyes and in the cervical-collar zone. May be used to prevent the development of cataracts in individuals at risk. Also, this technique is used in the initial stages of the disease.


Special exercises for the eyes often avoid the development of asthenopia, myopia, glaucoma, cataracts and some other diseases. Gymnastics helps to improve blood flow and speed up metabolism in the tissues of the eye, relieve tension and fatigue. Effective eye movements up-down-right-left, frequent blinking, circular movements of the eyeballs.

In order to achieve good results, exercises should be done daily, several times a day. During a break in work, it is very useful to sit quietly with your eyes closed for several minutes.

color therapy

During the procedure, a person through special glasses looks at the colored dots flashing on the monitor. The color of the dots, the duration and frequency of sessions are determined by the attending physician. Color therapy perfectly relaxes and relieves fatigue, thanks to which it serves as a good prevention of many ophthalmic diseases.

Studies have shown that ultraviolet radiation contributes to the development of cataracts. Regular wearing of high-quality sunglasses significantly reduces the risk of diseases of the retina, lens, cornea.

When choosing glasses, preference should be given to glass rather than plastic lenses. It is advisable to purchase products marked ANSI, since they definitely have the ability to block the action of ultraviolet radiation. To protect your eyes from the blinding rays reflected from the snow in the mountains, you should use special glasses with mirrored or polarized lenses.

Cataract is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases affecting mainly people older than 40-50 years. Age-related clouding of the lens leads to a rapid decrease in visual acuity. For many people, it drops to tenths or hundredths in just a few years. Certain medications and non-pharmacological prophylaxis significantly reduce the risk of developing cataracts and help maintain good vision even into adulthood. For this purpose, Quinax, Vita-Yodurol, Oftan Katahrom, Taurine, Vicein, Vitafacol and some other pharmacy products are used.

Regular use of high-quality sunglasses, instillation and rinsing of the eyes with herbal infusions and decoctions, and limiting TV viewing are effective. Unfortunately, all these measures (as well as drugs) are ineffective in the treatment of initial and, especially, immature cataracts. They help only slow the progression of the disease, but in no way replace surgical treatment. As a rule, after a few years, patients undergo phacoemulsification with implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL).

Prevention and prevention of cataracts

Prevention of cataracts should be carried out through an integrated approach to caring for your health. With the development of cataracts, clouding of the lens occurs, which progresses until the person completely loses sight. Treatment of this disease is possible only by surgery. It can only be avoided if preventive measures are taken in a timely manner. For this purpose, special drops, massage, physiotherapy, traditional medicine recipes or exercises can be used.

Application of drops

Eye drops are medicines that have their own indications and contraindications, so it is best to consult a doctor about their use.

The ophthalmologist, after diagnosing the patient's condition, will be able to give recommendations on choosing the most effective remedy that will prevent cataracts. We list the most popular eye drops that doctors use to prevent the disease:

  • vicein - a vitamin preparation that is prescribed for visual impairment and the development of cataracts at the initial stage, it has been used for a long time;
  • quinax is a vitamin medicine that can dissolve protein compounds on the lens and have an antioxidant effect;
  • taurine - stimulates regenerating processes in the presence of various forms of cataracts;
  • taufon - the composition of the drug allows you to start energy and metabolic processes in the eye apparatus, as well as accelerate healing in the presence of injuries.

All of these drugs are created primarily in order to protect the eyes from negative factors. The use of drops largely depends on the patient's condition and what symptoms of cataracts are present. An ophthalmologist will be able to determine the dosage and treatment regimen for drugs after a diagnostic examination.


Physiotherapy can also be used to prevent cataracts. They improve blood circulation, regulate intraocular pressure and increase visual acuity. There are many alternative medicine ways to prevent the development of cataracts, but we will list only the most popular of them:

  1. Eye massage. It is performed in order to prevent overstrain and relax the muscles. Massage is performed with the middle and index fingers. Massage movements are performed on the upper and lower eyelids. In addition, you can pat your eyelids with your fingers when they are closed.
  2. Su-jok. For such therapy, you will need buckwheat and black pepper seeds, they are applied to activator points. With the help of adhesive plaster they are attached to the phalanx of the thumb. So you can walk for several days and repeat up to 4 times a month.
  3. Color therapy. Through special glasses, the patient looks at the flashing dots on the monitor. The ophthalmologist will recommend the time of color therapy and the type of drawing.
  4. Ear massage. There are special points on the ears that affect visual acuity. If you massage them for a minute a day, then you can achieve an increase in visual acuity.
  5. Acupuncture. To prevent the development of cataracts, specialists act with special needles on active points. Only an acupuncturist can perform this procedure, he will act on the neck and head area.

Nutrition and folk recipes

Prevention of cataracts is to change the diet. It should include foods high in vitamins A, E, B, anthocions and zinc. In the warm season, it is recommended to eat fresh berries as often as possible. In winter, you can replace them with frozen foods, although they do not help the body as much. Lutein is good for clouding the lens, it is found in cabbage, apricots, carrots and vegetables.

For eye health, you need to drink vegetable juices regularly.

In reasonable quantities, milk and butter will be useful for the body. Instead of sea salt, it is best to use rock salt, it will bring more benefits to the body. In some cases, cataracts occur due to a lack of certain substances in the body. Their completion will help to solve a number of problems. Only a doctor can identify such a pathology after diagnosing and obtaining test results.

Prevention of cataracts with folk remedies is also possible, it is based on the use of various medicinal herbs. For this purpose, you can use eye baths:

  • peppermint is mixed with boiling water in a ratio of 2: 5 and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • dried chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat;
  • a bunch of parsley with a small amount of chamomile is poured into six glasses of water and brewed for an hour.

The listed recipes can be used for daily washing or make compresses with their help. Honey is often used to treat cataracts and other eye conditions. It contains a lot of useful trace elements, so it helps quickly enough. Using honey, you can prepare water for washing. For 400 ml of water, a teaspoon of honey is used. The ingredients are mixed and simmered on the stove for 5 minutes. After the liquid has completely cooled, the eyes are washed with it 3 times a day.


Properly selected exercises for the eyes are the key to successful prevention of cataracts. Their regular implementation will bring the muscles of the eye apparatus into tone and help the tissues renew themselves faster. Such exercises will be especially useful for older people who have an initial stage of cataract development or a predisposition to it.

Depending on the degree of cataract progression, different sets of exercises can be selected. We will talk about the most popular therapeutic exercises, which are used to prevent the occurrence or development of cataracts:

  1. Standing in front of a mirror, lift your eyelids up. Then try to lift each eyelid in turn. To make it easier for yourself, you can help with eyebrows.
  2. Focus on an object that is close to you, then move your gaze to something that is far away. It is recommended to repeat the manipulations no more than 7 times.
  3. Look with your eyes to the right and left, repeat the movements for 5 minutes.
  4. Close your eyes, and then open and try to relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  5. Place your fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and gently stretch the skin. In this position, blink.

If you take care of the prevention of cataracts before the moment when its first symptoms are detected, then you can prevent the development of this pathology.

Regular examinations by an ophthalmologist allow timely detection and treatment of many eye diseases. Including cataracts. Every year, millions of people resort to surgical intervention for this problem, and, according to doctors, there is no tendency to reduce the number of cases. Cataract of the eye: what is it and how to avoid it? About this - in our article.

Cataract (from Gr. kataraktes - "waterfall")- an ophthalmic disease in which the natural transparency of the lens gradually decreases. Depending on the degree of clouding, vision also deteriorates, falling in the last stages of the disease to complete blindness.

risk group. Who is prone to cataracts?

Depending on the cause, cataracts can be congenital or acquired.

More than 50% of congenital visual defects are due to this disease. Cataracts in newborns may be due to:

  • the presence of a pathological gene received by the child from the parents;
  • infectious (measles, herpes, poliomyelitis, syphilis, rubella, etc.) or inflammatory diseases of the mother during pregnancy;
  • metabolic disorders (eg, diabetes) in a woman;
  • the use of pregnant antibiotics;
  • abuse of alcoholic and narcotic substances, taking corticosteroid hormones.

Congenital cataracts can be diagnosed immediately after birth or appear during the first year of a child's life.

Causes acquired cataract also differ. There are the following types of cataracts:

  1. Senile. Age-related destruction of the lens proteins over time leads to its clouding. This is a gradual process that can stretch from 4 to 15 years, and at first affects only the outer edges of the lens: therefore, often the first "bells" go unheard. Over time, the affected area expands, the first obvious symptoms appear.
  2. Traumatic. Cataracts can appear as a result of injuries and contusions of the eye, head.
  3. Beam. In this case, the cause of cataracts is radiation, ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Secondary. Such a cataract appears as a result of human diseases - endocrinological, ophthalmic, immune.

The high-risk group includes people who abuse alcohol and smoke, are obese, as well as owners of dark eyes and swarthy skin.

Eye cataract symptoms

The first and main symptom of a cataract is decreased vision. In addition, patients may experience:

  • blurred vision;
  • doubling of objects, distortion of their contours;
  • violation of color perception;
  • deterioration of night vision;
  • the appearance of halos or glare around light sources;
  • rapid deterioration of vision and other progressive symptoms, in connection with which the patient often needs to pick up a new pair of glasses or lenses.

In the later stages, the pupil, previously transparent, becomes whitish or yellowish. You can even see the affected area with the naked eye.

Stages of cataract development

Specialists distinguish four stages of cataract.

cataract stage Stage Description
Initial At the beginning of the pathological process, the lesion is localized in the peripheral areas of the lens and does not affect the optical zone. Sometimes the patient notes the appearance of spots, dots, loss of visual brightness, in other cases even an imaginary improvement in vision. However, most often the initial stage of cataract is almost asymptomatic.
Immature The haze area increases, affecting the optical zone. Violations become more pronounced: a feeling of veil appears, objective vision decreases.
mature The entire area of ​​the lens becomes cloudy, vision drops down to light perception.
overripe The stage is characterized by the disintegration of the fibers of the lens, the final change in its color to milky white.

Treatment Methods

Depending on the cause, stage, and characteristics of the disease, specialists may suggest conservative or surgical options for treating cataracts. With a conservative approach, the patient is prescribed solutions that improve metabolism, which must be instilled into the conjunctival sac. For those who are shown surgery, the affected lens is replaced with an artificial one.

Misconceptions about the causes and treatment of cataracts

Cataract is a disease that develops for a long time. Some myths about his frivolity and ways to get rid of him are associated with this.

    So, they say that: good eye drops can dissolve cataracts.

It is not true. Solutions for instillation can relieve some ophthalmic symptoms, cure eye infections, and in the case of cataracts, slow down its development. However, they cannot completely cope with the disease.

    Diet, sports - and cataracts are gone!

Unfortunately no. A healthy lifestyle - quitting smoking, limiting sweets - does eliminate some of the factors that can lead to cataracts. However, exercise and proper nutrition will not be able to cure her.

    Cataract is not a serious disease.

This is true - but only for those who are not afraid to lose their sight forever. For everyone else, the right decision would be to see a doctor at the first sign of a cataract.

    Visual loads accelerate the development of the disease.

Oddly enough, no. The intensity of the loads in this case does not affect the appearance or rate of development of the disease.

    Folk remedies - a panacea for the treatment of cataracts.

    The patient is waiting for a complex operation, with a long recovery period and hospital stay.

Modern technologies make it possible to replace the affected lens under local anesthesia in just 15 minutes. According to statistics, 95% of interventions are considered successful, so cataract removal is one of the safest operations to date.

    Well, and the main thing that patients worry about is whether the cataract will “grow” again.

Sometimes clouding of the lens bag occurs - the so-called secondary cataract. However, laser correction successfully copes with this problem.

Consequences of a neglected cataract

Secondary glaucoma and complete and irreversible loss of vision are the most formidable complications of cataracts that are not treated on time. A swollen, damaged lens causes a violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid, and, as a result, increased intraocular pressure. If left untreated, vision loss becomes irreversible.

Diagnostics and prevention

Cataract diagnosis is carried out in medical centers based on research:

  • acuity and visual fields;
  • fundus;
  • intraocular pressure.

However, further diagnostics require special devices. The slit lamp is the main diagnostic tool. It allows using a binocular microscope and narrowly focused light to perform a biomicroscopic examination of the lens and other parts of the eye.

Diagnostics of the eye cataract

Prevention of cataracts is simple: proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, protection of the eyes from mechanical influences and intense sunlight, and, of course, regular examinations in the ophthalmological office: at least once a year after reaching 50 years of age.

If you notice any of these symptoms, we recommend that you immediately consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help you maintain your vision for many years. Be healthy!

Cataract is a complete or partial darkening of the lens of the eye, which in most cases occurs with age-related changes. The disease is difficult to treat and threatens with loss of vision. Prevention of eye cataracts is a set of measures aimed at preventing, timely detection and treatment of pathology.

The basis for the prevention of medical eye cataracts is the elimination of the causes of the occurrence and timely treatment of the pathology. The causes of the disease are related to genetic, age factors. Prevention is carried out with the help of professional preparations, traditional medicine, physiotherapy. If the cataract has already begun to appear, preventive measures will slow down the development of the pathology, but will not completely eliminate it.

Prevention of cataracts and glaucoma of the eyes is as follows:

  1. Visits to the ophthalmologist at least once a year. Especially recommended are examinations of a person who suffers from endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus), has pathologies of the cardiovascular system (hypertension), works with a computer, small details and is subject to eye strain.
  2. Treat diabetes mellitus, control blood sugar levels and take special medications.
  3. Control blood pressure.
  4. Eliminate excess weight.
  5. Timely and high-quality treatment of ophthalmic diseases, as they can provoke the development of cataracts and glaucoma.
  6. Balanced proper nutrition prevents a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of various disorders in the body.
  7. Eye protection from harmful radiation. It is recommended to use sunglasses with a UV filter, as well as special glasses when working with electric welding.
  8. Adhere to safety measures when working with toxic, chemical or other hazardous substances.
  9. Sports and physical activity reduce intraocular pressure, slow down the clouding of the lens by improving blood circulation and metabolism.
  10. Heavy lifting and heavy physical labor should be avoided.
  11. It is recommended to get rid of bad habits.
  12. Follow the rules of personal hygiene that prevent infection from entering the body (washing hands, face).

A popular, effective and simple way to prevent eye cataracts is to use drops.

Oftan takahorm

Oftan takahorm - a drug that normalizes the metabolism in the eyes, activates the regenerative and oxidative processes. Contains biologically active substances: nicotinamide, adenosine, citrom C and others. The agent is not absorbed into the bloodstream, acts quickly and has antioxidant properties. Drops are used as prescribed by a doctor, can be used during pregnancy, but are contraindicated up to 16-20 years.


An effective agent for the resorption of proteins that cause clouding of the lens. Drops activate enzymes in the anterior chamber of the organ. Due to low adsorption, the drug practically does not cause side effects, does not interact with other drugs, and can be used in pregnant women and children as prescribed by a doctor. You can use the remedy for any type of cataract. To achieve a good effect, it is necessary to apply drops for a long period of time.


Taufon drops for the treatment and prevention of cataracts, which activate regenerative processes, contribute to the normalization of metabolism. The course of treatment is carried out for at least 3 months. The tool is used in children, in the postoperative period, with traumatic, senile and radiation cataracts.


Visomitin - a remedy used in the postoperative period to prevent dry eyes. It activates the production of its own tears, moisturizes the mucous membrane, improves the tear film. May be used with other medicines. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Drops 999

Drops 999 from cataracts and glaucoma is a preventive and therapeutic drug that eliminates eye strain, reduces pressure inside the eye, and eliminates cataracts. Do not use if you have eye pain or an allergic reaction.


Vita-iodurol - drops to speed up metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, normalize eye pressure.

Prevention of eye cataracts can be carried out by means of traditional medicine:

  • grind coriander root, pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Cool the resulting broth and rub into the eyelids 2 times a day.
  • mix almond and white pepper 1:1, chop, grind through a sieve and add a little sugar. Take the medicine 2 times a day for a teaspoon.
  • Coriander and fennel seeds mix 1:1, add some sugar. Use the remedy 10 grams 2 times a day.
  • fresh onion mix with honey 1:1, add camphor. Mix well the resulting mass and rub into the eyelids daily before going to bed;
  • Daily use fresh carrot juice, spinach and Indian gooseberries.
  • cook peppermint infusion, cool and carry out therapeutic compresses on the eyes.
  • Brew fresh parsley, let it brew for 3 hours, strain and use as a medicine.
  • cook infusion of calendula flowers and wash eyes 2-3 times a day. It is also recommended to use the remedy inside: 100 ml 3 times a day.
  • spoon germinated potato sprouts pour a glass of vodka and insist for 10 days. Use a teaspoon 2 times a day.
  • It is recommended to use more green tea and decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  • Prevention with the help of honey consists in instillation of eyes with a solution of honey and water 1: 3. After getting used to it, you can use pure honey.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are an effective way to prevent the disease. The goal of physiotherapy is to improve the metabolic processes in the lens, stop the progression of the disease, and provoke protein resorption. The procedure brightens the lens and prevents further clouding. Manipulations should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after examination of the organs of vision. The procedures can be carried out both at home and in an outpatient setting. The most popular methods are:

  • Electrophoresis - the introduction of medicinal substances (iodine, cysteine, vitamin C) using electric current pulses.
  • Electrophoresis through a bath of ascorbic acid, riboflavin mononucleotide.
  • Diadynamophoresis - the introduction of drugs using direct current with pulses of a half-sinusoidal shape. The procedure stimulates tissue trophism and promotes the resorption of opacities.
  • Electrical stimulation is an effect on the sensory and neuromuscular apparatus of the eye with the help of weak impulses of electric current of a special structure and sequence. There is an active regeneration of tissues, the efficiency of cells is restored.
  • Magnetotherapy is the use of alternating or intermittent low-frequency permanent magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes. The procedure has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, resolving properties. Improves tissue trophism, accelerates regeneration and microcirculation.
  • Eyelid massage.

Treatment of eye cataracts is carried out with the help of medications in the form of drops that improve metabolic processes in the lens. Increased metabolism slows down cloudiness and progression of pathology. Therapy should be carried out constantly and only as directed by a doctor.

A popular treatment is surgery. The operation does not require general anesthesia and hospitalization of the patient, it can be performed in an outpatient setting. Previously, the operation was performed by the method of intracapsular extraction of the focus of turbidity.

An effective method of treatment is extracapsular cataract extraction. During the operation, the cloudy part of the organ is completely removed, the lens capsule is preserved and replaced with an intraocular lens. The most modern way is to remove the focus of turbidity using ultrasound. The operation is called phacoemulsification and is performed within 10 minutes. After the procedure, the ophthalmologist prescribes medication.

Prevention of complications after eye cataract surgery is as follows:

  • Physical activity is not recommended.
  • Drafts, hypothermia, baths and saunas should be avoided.
  • You can not often and intensively bend over.
  • You should not lift weights.
  • It is recommended to avoid dusty rooms.
  • Use a humidifier.

It is necessary to periodically visit an ophthalmologist for preventive examinations. You should follow the recommendations of a specialist and use eye drops:

  • Antibacterial - Torbeks, Floksal, Oftaviks;
  • Anti-inflammatory - Indikollir, Diklof;
  • Artificial replaced tears to prevent dry eyes - Sistein, Oksial;
  • Hormone-containing drugs - Oftan-dexamethasone, Maxidex.

It is often heard from all sides about how junk food affects the gastrointestinal tract, how a lack of water adversely affects the condition of the skin, but not enough is said about how often a person’s eyes are negatively affected from the outside. The world of modern technologies constantly “keeps in suspense” the organ of vision, and if earlier cataracts occurred mainly in the elderly, now they learn about it much earlier.

Causes of cataracts

The main reason for the development of cataracts is still considered age-related changes associated with the natural aging of the body. However, other additional factors leading to the occurrence of pathology have been identified:

  • diseases of the endocrine system - glaucoma and cataracts are often complications of diabetic retinopathy;
  • other eye pathologies - untimely treatment of ophthalmic diseases can lead to serious consequences, including cataracts;
  • alcoholism - ethanol leads to impaired blood circulation in the eyes, atrophy of the optic nerve, cataracts, blindness;
  • smoking - substances contained in cigarettes adversely affect not only the respiratory system, but also lead to loss of visual functions;
  • prolonged and uncontrolled use of drugs, especially antibiotics.

Also, the visual system and the body as a whole are affected by: food consumed, ecology, heredity, UV radiation, injuries, prolonged work with various equipment (gadgets), work in adverse conditions. Therefore, it is very important to protect your eyesight and visit an ophthalmologist periodically.

Prevention of cataract

Prevention includes many different actions that reduce the risk of developing the disease at times, so it is important for everyone to remember them.

Effective drops

Eye drops are an effective and commonly used way to prevent the development of cataracts. They are often prescribed in the postoperative period for patients who are at risk of developing this disease. The most famous and effective are Taufon and Quinax.

The use of Taufon eye drops helps to normalize the function of cell membranes, improve energy metabolism, stimulate reparative processes and improve metabolism. The drug has contraindications and side effects, so they can only be used as directed by an ophthalmologist.

The drug "Quinax" is especially in demand for cataracts of any etiology. Drops act on the organ of vision as follows:

  • regulate metabolic processes;
  • improve the transparency of the lens;
  • help protect certain groups of lens proteins from oxidation.

It has been proven that cataracts are much easier to prevent than to treat. To slow down development in ophthalmology, eye drops are used today, which improve metabolic processes in the lens of the eye, remove oxidation products from cells, and promote regeneration. For example, Oftan Katahrom can be prescribed - Finnish eye drops, which include the energy source adenosine, cytochrome C, which has antioxidant properties, and the vitamin nicotinamide. The drug is well tolerated, does not cause the development of keratitis and blepharitis, can be combined with other eye drops.

The selection of drugs, the appointment of dosages and the number of daily applications of medicinal drops for the prevention of cataracts should be carried out exclusively by a specialist.

Folk remedies

The effectiveness of folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of cataracts is controversial. Most ophthalmologists believe that turning to alternative medicine in such cases only leads to loss of time and vision. Therefore, it is considered possible to use folk remedies only in addition to traditional treatment.

List of known methods:

  • aloe and mumiyo (freeze a leaf of aloe for several days, then squeeze the juice out of it and add a “pea” of mumiyo);
  • green tea (make compresses from strong brewed tea);
  • onion juice (use in the form of drops).

Alternative methods are not so harmless and can cause unforeseen reactions, so all therapeutic actions must be agreed with the doctor.


Massage is often prescribed to prevent cataracts. It will not help to cure an existing disease, but its beneficial effect on the eyes is undeniable. With the help of this procedure, tension is relieved, the formation of congestion is prevented, and blood circulation improves. Massage is compatible with drug therapy, as it helps to evenly distribute the drug over the organ of vision. Methods of implementation: stroking, kneading, vibration and light pressure.

Hardware procedures are also widely used to prevent this pathology. Training and improvement of vision occurs with the help of a computer monitor, on which objects of different colors and shapes periodically appear.

Drug-based electrophoresis is prescribed in the early stages of cataracts. Which drug to choose - the doctor decides. The average course of treatment is half a month (about 15 procedures).

Lifestyle and nutrition

Bad habits, improper and unbalanced nutrition, the lack of the minimum necessary load on the body in the form of physical education or exercise, prolonged severe stress is a direct path to the development of all diseases.

According to ongoing studies, the risk of developing cataracts is reduced in people who practically do not eat meat (reduced by 15%) and fish (by 30%) dishes. Vegetarians whose diet includes a large amount of fruits and vegetables (rich in nutrients) have a low risk of developing cataracts.

The basis of nutrition for a patient with a cataract or a person who wants to prevent its development should be:

  • fruits and vegetables (green, red, orange);
  • whole grains;
  • a small amount of fish and meat dishes (low-fat);
  • natural dairy products (in limited quantities).

Salty and fatty foods impair vision and adversely affect the body. It is also advisable to give up sweets and white bread. An ophthalmologist will be able to paint the diet in more detail at the reception.

Rest for the eyes and gymnastics

Daily walks and various physical exercises help not only prevent the development of cataracts, but also have a beneficial effect on the eyes in general, as they help reduce intraocular pressure, slow down the aging process, and improve blood circulation.

Various exercises for the eyes have proven themselves well, as they help strengthen the ciliary muscles that regulate the lens. The result is noticeable only after long, regular and individually selected sessions.

Exercises that can help:

  • Squint your eyes and then open them wide.
  • Stand up straight, look up and down, left and right, then clockwise, then against.
  • Fix your gaze on any object (about 40 seconds).
  • Blink for a short time (about 30 seconds).

Certain recommendations will help your eyes: you should stop reading in poor lighting or in transport, it is important to take breaks from working with a computer, watch TV less often and take a break from gadgets. Palming has proven itself well (exercises that help relieve fatigue). This method is often used for preventive purposes.

Working conditions and sun protection

The risk group includes people working in production (welders, chemical industry workers, miners) and in poorly lit rooms, office workers who spend a long time in front of a computer monitor.

In addition to following standard safety precautions, it is important for people working in these environments to be aware of dry eye syndrome. The main preventive measure is moisturizing the mucous membrane of the organ with the help of drugs. Lotions from tea leaves (bags) are also effective, which can be easily done at lunchtime or after work.

Too bright light (as well as its lack) is an additional burden on the eyes. Therefore, sunglasses are a necessary means of protection in the summer for everyone.

It is possible to fully perceive information from the outside world only when a person is healthy. Protecting your body is not difficult, you need not be afraid of doctors and trust their recommendations.