Walking osteochondrosis symptoms. Causes, symptoms and prevention of osteochondrosis. NSAIDs for mild pain

Currently, a huge number of people suffer from osteochondrosis. Many of them are not even aware of the problem. Meanwhile, if treatment is not started on time, complications will occur that will make themselves felt for the rest of your life. Osteochondrosis, like many other diseases, "gets younger" and significantly worsens the quality of life, knocking it out of its usual rhythm.

In our article, we will get a little acquainted with the disease itself, and also dwell in detail on the medical method of its treatment.

Osteochondrosis and its types

Osteochondrosis- this is a deformation of the articular cartilage, bone tissue of the spine and intervertebral discs.

Osteochondrosis happens:

  • lumbar (lumbosacral),
  • cervical,
  • chest.

Causes of osteochondrosis:

  • upright posture,
  • rachiocampsis,
  • spinal injury,
  • flat feet,
  • frequent heavy lifting
  • frequent changes in body position
  • long stay in uncomfortable positions,
  • spinal overload,
  • hypodynamia and obesity,
  • malnutrition,
  • stressful conditions.

Stages of development of osteochondrosis

  1. Due to certain changes in the intervertebral disc, instability of the vertebrae appears. The spine is very susceptible to injury.
  2. There is a beginning of destruction of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc. The intervertebral gap is reduced.
  3. There is a rupture of the fibrous ring. The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc protrudes. Due to the formation of an intervertebral hernia, deformation of the spine is provoked.
  4. There is a pronounced pain syndrome. Due to the formation of bone growths and ossification of the ligaments of the spine, movements become limited.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

Lumbar (lumbosacral) department

  • Constant pain in the back of a aching character.
  • Sensation of aches and numbness in the limbs.
  • Decreased motor activity.
  • Increased pain when making sudden movements, lifting weights, physical activity, during sneezing and coughing.


  • Pain in the arms and shoulders, headaches.
  • vertebral artery syndrome(burning throbbing headache, dizziness, noise in the head, colored spots and "flies" before the eyes).


  • Pain in the internal organs, in particular the chest ("prick" in the chest) and the region of the heart.

Definition of the diagnosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis with medicines

To begin with, it should be noted that at the initial stage of the development of osteochondrosis, in certain cases, you can do without drugs. It will be enough to use therapeutic exercises, all kinds of applicators (Lyapko roller, Kuznetsov's applicator), as well as reducing stress and eliminating other causes of the disease. If the symptoms are gaining strength, and studies have shown characteristic changes, drugs should be added to help influence both the cause and the symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with medicines is indicated during its exacerbation and is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process, stopping the pain syndrome and enhancing metabolic processes due to internal intake or administration of drugs using injections.

Due to the fact that osteochondrosis is a systemic disease that negatively affects various organs and systems, its treatment should be comprehensive. Medicines for the treatment of osteochondrosis perform the following tasks:

  • anesthesia,
  • removal of inflammation
  • improvement of blood circulation in the affected tissues,
  • cartilage restoration,
  • return of mobility to the joints,
  • elimination of depression caused by constant pain.

So, what drugs can be prescribed by a neurologist for the treatment of osteochondrosis?

  1. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

Eliminate inflammation and pain. They are applied externally (gel, cream), inside (capsules, tablets), as well as in the form of injections (intramuscularly, intravenously, subcutaneously).

  • diclofenac(voltaren, diclak)
  • ibuprofen(nurofen, longevity)
  • ketoprofen(ketonal, febrofid)
  • nimesulide(nimesil, nise)
  • meloxicam(movalis, movasin)
  1. Vasodilators (vasodilators)

As a result of muscle tension and pain in osteochondrosis, narrowing of blood vessels occurs. In order to avoid against the background of this undesirable consequences, the doctor may prescribe pentoxifylline(trental), which dilates blood vessels and improves tissue nutrition, as well as actovegin And berlition for a better restorative effect.

  1. Muscle relaxants (muscle relaxers)

They have a relaxing and soothing effect on the muscles. The healing process without drugs of this group is slower, because thanks to their properties, blood circulation is normalized, pain sensations are dulled, mobility returns, and the affected tissues recover faster. For these purposes, the doctor may be prescribed sirdalud,mydocalm or baclofen.

  1. Chondroprotectors

Chondroprotectors do not give further destruction, stabilize the condition. Reception of chondroprotectors is long-term, lifelong, the effect occurs after treatment for a period of at least 6 months. Chondroprotectors are used externally, inside and in the form of injections.

  • glucosamine(dona)
  • chondroitin(chondroxide, structum)
  • glucosamine + chondroitin(arthra)
  • glucosamine + chondroitin + vitamins(teraflex)
  • alflutop(concentrate of 4 types of marine fish)
  1. Sedatives (sedatives)

Prolonged pain syndrome can provoke stress and depression. In this case, preparations of valerian, motherwort, combined herbal preparations are prescribed. For more severe disorders, antidepressants are used. (symbalta), and to improve the process of falling asleep and the quality of sleep - sleeping pills (donormil).

  1. Vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes

B vitamins are of greater importance here, as they are able to restore the sensitivity of the affected nerve fibers and reduce pain. They are included in drugs such as milgamma(tablets and solution for injection) and neuromultivit(tablets).

For the purpose of general strengthening of the body, vitamin-mineral complexes can also be prescribed. (complivit, multi-tabs).

Osteochondrosis is a pathology familiar to 40% of the population under the age of 35-40 years and almost 90% in old age. Even adolescents sometimes show signs of osteochondrosis - a decrease in the height of the discs, pain, discomfort in the spine. If you start treating the disease at the first stage, before the destruction of the disc, the chance to stop the progression is very high.

What is osteochondrosis?

With osteochondrosis of the spine, one or more intervertebral discs are damaged. The disease can occur in any department:

  • chest;
  • Shane;
  • Lumbar (lumbosacral).

In severe cases, degeneration of the vertebral discs against the background of osteochondrosis is observed throughout the spinal column, which causes a person's disability. So what kind of disease is osteochondrosis? Pathology is associated with a gradual, steady and progressive malnutrition of the hyaline cartilages located on the intervertebral discs, as a result of which they change position, shape, and crack. A person experiences a strong pain syndrome, the functions of the entire musculoskeletal system are disturbed.

What is osteochondrosis regarding its consequences? If you do not carry out treatment, the vertebrae will shrink, the gaps between them will decrease, and the discs will begin to crush and collapse. This will lead to damage to the nerve roots, damage to the spinal cord and disruption of the internal organs. Bone osteophytes appear along the edges of the discs - growths that cause even more severe pain. The consequences of this disease of the spine are very serious.

Scientists have come to the conclusion, studying osteochondrosis, that this disease is a consequence of a person's upright posture, so most people are prone to it. Daily high loads on the spinal discs, age-related deterioration of vascular function, malnutrition and aging of the body are the main causes of osteochondrosis. The following factors exacerbate the situation:

Injuries, heavy physical activity greatly aggravate the development of osteochondrosis of the spine. Therefore, in athletes, manual laborers, osteochondrosis of the lower back is a very “popular” problem. Heredity also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the syndrome - if parents had serious back problems at a young age, the child has a high risk of getting a spinal disease.

Psychosomatic causes of pathology - a new direction in the search for prerequisites for its formation. Psychosomatics implies the influence of psychological factors on the development and course of physical illness. The connection between bodily and mental problems is really close, and a seemingly healthy person can suffer from regular pain. With osteochondrosis, some people do not find objective reasons for the pathology, but it continues to progress.

Up to 30% of patients after a visit to the doctor indicate such troubles as:

  • Constant stress;
  • Chronic experiences;
  • Nervous strain;
  • Family problems;
  • conflicts;
  • Moral breakdown.

In this case, the psychosomatics in the appearance of the spinal lesion syndrome is clearly traced - the person "bends" under the weight of problems, from which the spine suffers. If the pathology has similar causes, the treatment of osteochondrosis will be difficult, drugs usually do not help. Exacerbations of pathology occur during a new wave of stress, and there are no physical reasons for them.

Especially often, psychosomatics is reflected in the cervical spine, but the pain syndrome can be wandering throughout the spinal column. Treatment of osteochondrosis should begin with the search and solution of psychological problems under the supervision of a psychotherapist.

The intervertebral disc consists of liquid and solid parts. The first is in the center, representing a core that gives elasticity. From above, the core is surrounded by a strong ring. It is from the liquid structure that all pathological changes in the disc begin, which later spread to its shell.

In medicine, there are four stages in the development of osteochondrosis. This refers to the conditional division of pathology according to the severity of disorders in the spine:

  • The first stage of osteochondrosis. The amount of moisture in the disc drops, it dehydrates. Destruction has not yet occurred, but after severe dehydration of the nucleus, microcracks begin to appear on the fibrous ring. There are usually no symptoms at this stage of the disease.
  • The second stage of osteochondrosis. The height of the disk begins to decrease, which means the gradual addition of symptoms and the progression of pathology. In the spine, the distance between its individual segments decreases, due to which the ligaments sag. At this stage, in a number of patients, the disease causes slippage of the vertebrae - spondylolisthesis. Pain, discomfort occur during exacerbations, aching pain may be present even in remission.
  • Third stage. Osteochondrosis of the spine at this stage gives a strong pain syndrome, because complications begin to form. Most often these are protrusions, disc prolapses, less often - arthrosis (degeneration) of the vertebral joints, subluxations of the vertebrae. Pain is supplemented by limited mobility of the affected segment of the spine.
  • The fourth stage of osteochondrosis. The spinal column begins to adapt to the new conditions of existence, trying to fix the vertebrae in order to protect them from final destruction. For this, osteophytes grow, as if “immuring” the vertebra. The pain can be sharp due to injury to the nerve endings.

The first signs of osteochondrosis usually begin at the initial stage, when there is no pain yet. In the neck, lower back, less often - in the thoracic region, a crunch can be heard when moving (it means a violation of the nutrition of the disk, its dehydration). Further, when overloading, working in an uncomfortable position, a person may notice stiffness of the muscles of the back or neck. They become "stone" on one or both sides, which is uncomfortable, causes burning, irritation.

Subsequently, the symptoms of osteochondrosis become more pronounced. At rest, a person may feel normal, but work, lifting weights, sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow can provoke such phenomena:

  • Aching pains;
  • aches;
  • Numbness of the hands (if the neck is affected);
  • Feeling of stiffness;
  • Forced decrease in movements;
  • Muscle spasm;
  • Shooting;
  • Increasing pressure;
  • Posture disorder.

When the patient's spine is overloaded, osteochondrosis gives more pronounced signs and symptoms. Pain occurs in the shoulders, gives to the arms, elbows, headaches appear. With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, there are tinnitus, dizziness, vertebral artery syndrome develops, vision is impaired. Over time, without treatment of osteochondrosis, muscle atrophy occurs, the skin becomes pale. The course of cardiac pathologies may be aggravated, the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

The consequences of this disease are always unpleasant, they provoke an increase in pain. With osteochondrosis, there are:

  • disc protrusion;
  • Prolapse and herniation of the disc;
  • Attacks of sciatica, sciatica, lumbago;
  • Kyphosis, scoliosis.

The danger to a person largely depends on the type of hernia in osteochondrosis of the spine. They are anterior, posterior, lateral, and the most dangerous are posterior hernias - they can compress the spinal cord. In the lumbar segment of the spine, hernias are most common, mainly between 4-5 vertebrae.

Lumbar osteochondrosis can cause very unpleasant symptoms - backache (lumbago). The pain in lumbago is burning, sharp, unbearable, it is very difficult to endure. The cause is a pinched nerve, because the patient's neurovascular bundle is damaged. Especially dangerous in osteochondrosis is the cauda equina syndrome, when a large bundle of spinal nerves is pinched in a person. As a result, the functions of the intestines, the bladder suffer, and paralysis of the legs may even occur.

Signs of osteochondrosis often come down to severe muscle atrophy. If the muscles do not participate in the work of the body for a long time, the movements of the spine are constrained, then individual fibers weaken. As a result, the patient may become an invalid, bedridden. Cervical osteochondrosis is also very dangerous, because a hernia in this segment can cause a violation of the blood supply to the brain. At this stage, there is a risk of impaired vision, swallowing, speech and other brain functions.

Having independently recognized the signs of osteochondrosis, you need to think about its treatment. Since the damage to the spine can reach different stages, the treatment of osteochondrosis will also be different. It is important to make the correct diagnosis so that the therapy is chosen correctly.

Due to the prevalence of the disease and the presence of characteristic symptoms, the doctor will be able to suggest a diagnosis already at a preliminary examination. But to differentiate osteochondrosis from other diseases of the back and internal organs, the following diagnostics are performed:

  • Radiography of the spine. It will help to identify the height of the discs, the degree of their thinning, as well as the presence of osteophytes.
  • CT, MRI. More preferred in the survey. With this disease, it will be possible to determine the severity of damage to nerves, soft tissues, to find the smallest protrusions.

With osteochondrosis, laboratory tests do not play a primary role, but the delivery of a general analysis, biochemistry is required to exclude the inflammatory process, rheumatoid lesions of bones and joints. To study the function of the muscles, the doctor conducts a series of physical tests, and to clarify the work of blood vessels and nerves, they do duplex, electromyography.

If the symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis are identified, it is not worth delaying therapy - the disease progresses rapidly. At an early stage, gymnastics, massage to strengthen the muscles are usually recommended - this will be enough. At other stages of osteochondrosis, medication will be needed, and sometimes surgery.

To relieve pain - the most unpleasant symptom of the disease - you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They cannot cure osteochondrosis, but they are always prescribed before exercise therapy to relieve symptoms. In severe cases, drugs are administered in injections, but more often they are recommended in a course of 7-14 days in tablets and topically, in the form of ointments. The most popular NSAIDs for osteochondrosis are:

  • Meloxicam;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Arcoxia;
  • Dexalgin;
  • Diclofenac.

If a person has a strong painful syndrome in the spinal area, he is given injections of glucocorticosteroids directly into the affected area. The drugs of choice are Diprospan, Kenalog. Short-term pain relief is possible with the help of blockades with Novocaine and other anesthetics.

Treatment of osteochondrosis is also carried out using the following means:

  • B vitamins (Milgamma, Neuromultivit). Helps improve nerve conduction in the spine.
  • Chondroprotectors (Artra, Dona, Alflutop). Nourish intervertebral cartilage, strengthen discs.
  • Muscle relaxants (Mydocalm, Sirdalud). Reduce the strength of muscle spasms in osteochondrosis.
  • Vascular preparations (Trental, Actovegin). Optimize blood circulation in the spine.

If osteochondrosis has developed, then only chondroprotectors are given for pain relief and pathogenetic treatment, they are taken in courses of 3-6 months. The rest of the drugs have a symptomatic effect and do not affect the course of osteochondrosis itself.

In the list of measures to treat osteochondrosis, physiotherapy methods are sure to appear. Thanks to physiotherapy, the treatment of osteochondrosis will be more effective, because the action extends directly to the focus of inflammation. Physiotherapy will relieve the painful syndrome, eliminate spasms, improve blood microcirculation, and help remove clamps from the nerves. The most popular methods are:

  • Electrophoresis. Treatment of osteochondrosis in this way will allow you to deliver relaxing, anti-inflammatory substances and anesthetics directly to the zone of the vertebrae, muscles, ligaments.
  • Ultrasound. It relieves unpleasant symptoms, anesthetizes, creates the effect of vibration massage, activates the metabolism at the local level.
  • Magnetotherapy. Variable or constant magnetic fields anesthetize, eliminate the inflammatory process.
  • Detensor therapy. In this disease, a person is placed on a special mattress with “ribs”, where the spine is stretched and massaged. At the same time, muscle tone improves.

All types of physiotherapy should be carried out in courses of 10-15 procedures, while individual contraindications must be taken into account.

Exercise therapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis plays a dominant role. Without exercise therapy, it will not be possible to form a strong muscular corset, and the latter is urgently needed to maintain a sick spine. Also, gymnastics enhances blood circulation in the area of ​​the vertebrae, improves metabolic processes and helps to quickly remove decay products.

How to cure osteochondrosis with the help of gymnastics? The complex is selected only individually, and only at 1-2 stages it can be carried out without the supervision of a doctor. In the later stages, extra, more forceful movements can cause the disc to move and make the problem worse. At stage 3, all exercises are done only in the prone position.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, massage is a must. In the acute stage, it is not done - it will cause a thrill. But a properly performed massage in the chronic stage with osteochondrosis is indispensable. After a course of sessions, muscles relax, clamps are removed, nerves and blood vessels begin to function normally. Massage is carried out only in a gentle mode, without sudden movements. You cannot trust your spine to a non-professional!

The disease is most easily amenable to complex therapy if it is treated using different approaches. It is very important to improve nutrition in case of osteochondrosis - it should include vitamins, minerals, more food with gelatin, jelly, broths (if they are not contraindicated). So the nutrition of the cartilage will be improved, the discs will begin to recover.

Methods for treating osteochondrosis of the spine can be as follows:

  • Manual therapy. The specialist physically affects the vertebrae, "puts" them in place when displaced, after which the result should be fixed by exercise therapy.
  • Extraction, or traction. An effective method of treating osteochondrosis, carried out only with an individually selected load, quickly removes an unpleasant syndrome.
  • Acupuncture. In the treatment of osteochondrosis, this method promotes the activation of blood circulation in the vertebrae, which relieves pain and improves cartilage nutrition.
  • Orthopedic therapy. It involves wearing bandages that relieve pain and correct posture, as well as sleeping on special pillows.

There is also a popular treatment for osteochondrosis. These are the application of ointments, drinking herbal preparations, rubbing and herbal poultices. In complex therapy, such methods can be used, but they will not cope as the only remedy for this disease.

How to treat osteochondrosis if the situation has reached the destruction of the disc? Only surgery will help, because otherwise the person remains disabled. There are not so many indications for intervention, with osteochondrosis it is:

  • Intractable pain (2-3 months or more);
  • Disorders of motor function;
  • Progressive muscle atrophy;
  • Disk destruction;
  • Complications from the nerves, spinal cord.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, microdiscectomy (microsurgical operation) is most often recommended. It is performed by an experienced neurosurgeon to eliminate radicular compression. Part of the disc is removed, and it stops pinching the nerve. The doctor also removes bone osteophytes, which at an advanced stage of the disease can be voluminous. The disc itself remains in place, and the incision is only 1-2 cm.

With osteochondrosis, a more serious operation is the complete removal of the disc and its replacement with a graft. The vertebrae are fixed with iron devices. Unfortunately, in this place the spine will become immobile, but the nerve roots will be released. You can also place elastic silicone discs between the vertebrae - then the spinal column will fully retain its functions, but this intervention for osteochondrosis is quite expensive.

In order not to bring to surgery for osteochondrosis, it is important to carefully consider the preventive measures:

  • Do not allow hypodynamia. This disease can progress with power loads, but swimming, skiing, exercising will only benefit and help strengthen muscles and overall health.
  • Follow your posture. At work and at home, it is important to sit correctly, not to stoop, and from childhood.
  • Sleep on comfortable pillows. There are preventive pillows, with already existing osteochondrosis, several other, therapeutic ones are used.
  • Don't lift weights. If necessary, you should sit down, stand with the object, keeping your back straight.
  • Do exercises regularly to strengthen your muscles. This is important for the muscles of the neck, back, abs, lower back.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. High-quality shoes (if necessary, orthopedic) do not develop flat feet - a risk factor for damage to the vertebrae.

It is also important to eat well, do not smoke, enrich the diet with vitamins, consume more fluids - this will reduce the likelihood of pathology.

A sedentary lifestyle is the everyday life of a modern person. The child spends most of the time at the desk in the classroom. An adult man sits in a car, at an office desk. At home, a lot of time is spent in front of a computer or TV. As a result of this lifestyle, back pain begins to bother, posture becomes stooped. This is how signs of osteochondrosis appear, significantly reducing the flexibility of the spine. Unfortunately, many do not pay attention to the development of pathology. After a certain time, they face severe pain and loss of mobility.

Causes of the disease

Pathology causes ossification of cartilage. As a result of the deposition of calcium salts and the growth of connective tissue, there is a violation of the supply of nutrients to the body. The musculoskeletal system (ODA) begins to collapse. This pathology in medicine is called "osteochondrosis".

The causes of the development of the disease are hidden in numerous predisposing factors. The main ones are:

  • spinal injuries (dislocations, fractures, bruises);
  • obesity, overweight;
  • foot pathology (clubfoot, flat feet, hallux valgus);
  • age-related changes;
  • wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes;
  • hypodynamia;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • a sharp refusal of athletes from training;
  • curved spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis);
  • professional features (jerks, weight lifting, uncomfortable posture);
  • stress;
  • prolonged and frequent hypothermia;
  • specific climate (high humidity, low temperature).

It should be understood that pathology is not an age-related disease. Indeed, even in childhood, osteochondrosis is diagnosed.

The reasons for the development of the disease in babies, in addition to sitting for hours at a desk and computer, can be hidden in:

  • hormonal problems;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathologies of the vascular system;
  • various inflammations.

Classification of pathology

Depending on which department the signs of osteochondrosis are diagnosed, the disease can be:

  1. Cervical. This pathology often develops in people older than 40 years. However, there are cases of diagnosing the disease in patients aged 16 years. Among all musculoskeletal diseases, pathology occupies approximately 9%. Patients experience neck, headaches with osteochondrosis.
  2. thoracic. This type of pathology is more common in women. According to statistics, thoracic osteochondrosis is detected in almost 17% of all patients suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The disease is characterized by the occurrence of pain discomfort in the region of the heart.
  3. Lumbar. This is the most common ailment. Its share among ODA diseases is about 55%. Most often, lumbar osteochondrosis occurs in men. The symptoms of pathology are numerous. A characteristic manifestation of the disease is aching pain in the lower back.
  4. Sacral. This pathology is not common. Among ODA diseases, it occupies up to 7%. In women, a similar problem is diagnosed 2-3 times more often than in men. The disease develops in people over 60 years of age.

Stages of the disease

In medicine, another classification is common that allows you to determine the degree of osteochondrosis:

Symptoms of cervical pathology

The sensations experienced by the patient are completely dependent on the department in which osteochondrosis of the spine has developed.

Symptoms that indicate a lesion of the cervical region are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • loss of visual acuity;
  • hearing loss, ringing in the ears;
  • the appearance before the eyes of colored spots, "flies";
  • loss of consciousness;
  • headache, localized in the parietal, temporal part or the back of the head, significantly aggravated when moving the neck;
  • weakening or hoarseness of the voice, snoring;
  • tooth decay;
  • loss and numbness of the sensitivity of the hands, neck, face;
  • pressure surges.

Signs of pathology in the thoracic region

This osteochondrosis of the spine manifests itself somewhat differently. The symptoms that characterize lesions of the thoracic region are as follows:

  1. Pain in the region of the heart. They can last a long time. Often they are oppressive, aching in nature. But sometimes there are sharp, stabbing, sharp. The patient is easily able to show the specific location of the pain.
  2. Numbness of the skin surface in the abdomen, chest, back.
  3. Severe pain in the region of the spine. Such signs of osteochondrosis are especially noticeable between the shoulder blades.
  4. Raising your arms causes severe pain.
  5. During a deep breath, there may be a sharp discomfort. Over time, it appears during exhalation.
  6. Leaning in any direction is difficult. The patient feels pain during such movements.

Symptoms of disorders in the lumbar region

Such a pathology, as noted above, is very common, which is not surprising. A sedentary lifestyle, weight lifting often provoke lumbar osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of this pathology:

  1. Pain is localized in the lumbar region. They are whining. Sudden movements, changes in body position or a long stay in one position significantly increase discomfort. The pain is reduced during the horizontal position.
  2. Stitching discomfort extends to the buttocks. As a rule, it is localized on one side. Sharp movement, sneezing, coughing increase the pain. Discomfort is reduced during the adoption of the “on all fours” position, when lying on the healthy side.
  3. Pathology often begins with a backache in the lumbar region. Such symptoms appear suddenly, with a sharp inclination, lifting of weight or extension of the body. An unpleasant state can last for several days. The discomfort is so intense that the person is unable to move.
  4. Atrophic changes in the hips and buttocks are observed.
  5. The skin is cold to the touch. The patient is faced with numbness in the buttocks, lower back.
  6. Sweating is disturbed.
  7. There is peeling, dryness, blue integument of the skin.
  8. Urination may be disturbed.
  9. Erectile dysfunction develops.

Symptoms of the pathology of the sacral region

In this case, the following signs of osteochondrosis are observed:

  1. Aching pulling pains cover the lower limbs. They are localized in the region of the lower leg, thighs. When moving, walking or staying in one position for a long time, the discomfort increases.
  2. The legs undergo atrophic changes. There is weakness in the lower extremities.
  3. There is numbness in the legs, coldness. The integuments of the skin acquire a bluish tint.
  4. Sweating in the legs is disturbed. They start to peel off. Dryness of the skin is noted.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment is prescribed during an exacerbation. Drugs can reduce unpleasant symptoms and affect some factors in the development of pathology.

The main groups of medicines used for osteochondrosis are:

  1. NSAIDs. They have an analgesic anti-inflammatory effect. Reduce the temperature in damaged tissues. Able to eliminate headaches in osteochondrosis. The most effective drugs are Dicloberl, Baralgin, Movalis, Nimid, Pentalgin, Nurofen. Along with injections and tablets, creams and ointments are used. Demanded means are "Nurofen", "Diclofenac", "Nimulid".
  2. Muscle relaxants. They perfectly relieve increased muscle tone. The following drugs are most often prescribed: Mydocalm, Baclofen, Sirdalud.
  3. Chondroprotectors. Medicines help reduce the destructive processes in cartilage. Their effect is aimed at restoring damaged tissues. The most popular are the medicines "Mukosat", "Arteparon", "Chondroxide", "Struktum".

Physiotherapy treatment

The doctor, explaining how to cure osteochondrosis, will definitely prescribe certain procedures to the patient. Physiotherapy treatment in combination with medications will significantly speed up recovery. In addition, it can prolong the period of remission.

There are many physiotherapeutic methods, and many of them cause a favorable effect in osteochondrosis:

  • electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • spinal traction;
  • mud treatment;
  • thermotherapy.

The patient may be prescribed one physiotherapy procedure or a set of measures. This is determined by the doctor based on the severity of the pathology and concomitant diseases.

Charging for the cervical region

The main reasons for the development of pathology lie in low mobility. Therefore, to combat the disease, the patient must be prescribed gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis.

It allows you to normalize the mobility of the vertebrae, train muscle tissue, shoulder ligaments. The exercise therapy complex is selected for the patient, taking into account his pathology.

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis is based on the following exercises:

  1. Tilts and turns of the head.
  2. Emphasis exercise. The head should be tilted forward. The open palm of the hand rests on the forehead. There is opposition. The head tends to go down, the hand tries to return it to its normal position. In this state, you should linger for 5-10 seconds, maintaining the tension of the neck muscles. Then relax. The same inclinations are made to the sides.
  3. Lying on the stomach, head lifts are carried out. Look up and forward. This exercise is repeated on the back.
  4. Try to reach the navel area with your chin. At the same time, move it along the sternum down. Pull the back of your head back in the same way.

Complex for the chest area

Charging for osteochondrosis includes the following exercises:

  1. Shoulder lifts, rotation.
  2. Waves with hands, circular movements. Crossing the upper limbs in front of you. Shaking hands.
  3. Lying on your stomach (back), lift your torso. Only the chest and shoulders should be lifted off the floor. The abdomen and legs are motionless.
  4. Pushups.

Gymnastics for the lumbosacral region

Charging with osteochondrosis is aimed at unloading the affected area by stretching. Such gymnastics trains the muscles of the press, back.

The exercise therapy complex contains the following exercises:

  1. Tilts in different directions.
  2. Pelvic rotation. There are circular movements. The pelvis extends in different directions.
  3. Body twists. It is necessary to strive to look back as deeply as possible.
  4. Lying on your stomach, you should bend as much as possible. Arms and legs rise above the floor for 15-20 seconds.
  5. Lying on your back, make straight leg lifts 45 degrees above the floor.
  6. Exercise "mill". The body leans parallel to the floor. Hands spread out to the sides should alternately reach the toes. The body rotates.
  7. Download the press. Lying on your back, raise and lower your torso. During the exercise, the legs should be bent at the knees.
  8. Sit on the floor. Place your hands on the surface. Raise your pelvis and try to hold it for a while.
  9. Lying on your stomach, lift your body. Feet must be fixed on the floor. Raising and lowering the torso, clasp your hands behind your head.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

Is it possible to protect your body from the development of an unpleasant pathology? Doctors say that it is quite real. For such purposes, they developed special rules to ensure the prevention of osteochondrosis.

  1. Sit correctly. When sitting, you should change position frequently. Staying in one position for more than 25 minutes is undesirable. If you are forced to sit all day, then from time to time you should get up and walk around the room.
  2. Stand right. This is true for many people who, by the nature of their activities, are forced to spend a long time on their feet. To protect your spine from the development of osteochondrosis, doctors recommend that you change your position every 20 minutes. If this is acceptable, it is better to change the type of activity. For example, after washing dishes, move on to ironing clothes.
  3. Lie down correctly. In this case, you need to choose the right mattress. Doctors do not recommend sleeping on bare hard boards or soft featherbeds. The best option is a special orthopedic mattress. It will significantly improve posture and protect against the development of osteochondrosis. Orthopedic mattresses allow you to completely relax and straighten your spine.

It is very important not to forget about the correct weight lifting. Sharp jerks often lead to an exacerbation of the pathology. Be sure to pay attention to exercise. In this case, no osteochondrosis will be terrible for you.

Osteochondrosis should be taken seriously. Only the uninitiated think that this is a simple disease that is easy to deal with without the help of a specialist. For effective treatment, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively. Eliminate heavy loads, lead a measured lifestyle, eat right and perform special exercises. In the acute phase, medication support and constant medical supervision will be required.

Osteochondrosis - what is it?

Dystrophic processes leading to a partial or complete change in the intervertebral discs. The vertebrae, shrinking, crush the discs, which, under the influence of stress, infection, and malnutrition, lose their elasticity. Shrinking, the discs begin to put pressure on the nerve endings, which causes unbearable pain. The disease at an early stage does not cause serious problems, but the sooner the patient turns to a specialist, the more effective the treatment will be.
At the onset of the disease, minor changes occur in the spine. Osteochondrosis approaches imperceptibly. There are small pains in different parts of the spine, signaling degenerative-dystrophic processes in the discs.

If treatment is not started immediately, the process may become irreversible and will be transferred to the tissues of the vertebrae. Disc dystrophy leads to a gradual weakening of the outer fibrous rings. Patients with osteochondrosis often face complications such as protrusion and vertebral hernia.

Regularly conducted studies in this area provide disappointing statistics. People over thirty years of age often face a disease of the spine, 70% of patients suffer from various forms of osteochondrosis. This is a neurological disease that affects the ligaments of the intervertebral joints. It is accompanied by sharp pains, pressure surges and other symptoms, often preventing people from leading a normal life and working normally.

Osteochondrosis does not occur without reason, abruptly, with acute pain. The first symptoms are minor and imperceptible. With an unexpected deterioration in well-being, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the spine, which quickly pass, do not neglect the signals of the body. It is required to immediately consult a doctor for advice and undergo a complete examination. Timely treatment will help to avoid serious complications.

Important. Neglecting the treatment and advice of doctors, you may encounter protrusion or bulging of part of the disc - a hernia, in which part of the nucleus pulposus hangs down into the spinal canal and can cause paralysis, infringement of nerve endings, resulting in unbearable pain.

There are several types of osteochondrosis, named after the location and position of pain in the spine.

  • Cervical
  • thoracic

Upon examination, the specialist will determine the degree of damage, the site of exposure and choose the method of complex treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment of osteochondrosis largely depends on the exact observance of all the prescriptions of the attending physician.


After numerous in-depth studies, specialists came to the conclusion that the main reason for the appearance of osteochondrosis is the uneven distribution of loads on different parts of the spinal column. The root cause may be intensive work in unusual conditions, long sitting in one position, heavy loads during sports training, shock. The result of an unexpected or prolonged load on a certain area of ​​the spine is a gradual change in the structure of the intervertebral discs.

Among the main reasons for the appearance and gradual development of the disease, there are several main ones:

  • Hereditary changes in the development of the body, leading to the appearance of osteochondrosis.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, failure of metabolic processes.
  • Improper development of the musculoskeletal system, leading to pathological changes in the body.
  • Any injuries of the back, lower back, neck during a fall, training, sudden loads, impacts.
  • Inactive lifestyle, burdened by malnutrition.
  • Osteochondrosis is a constant companion of overweight people suffering from obesity.
  • The abuse of alcohol and nicotine necessarily leads to the destruction of the intervertebral discs.
  • Constant psychological and physical stress, stress and overwork become the root cause of intervertebral cartilage dystrophy.
  • Women at different stages of pregnancy often experience manifestations of osteochondrosis.

People of certain professions are most susceptible to osteochondrosis, since the monotonous performance of their duties gradually leads to degenerative changes in the structure of the intervertebral cartilage. The main risk groups include:

  • Accounting workers.
  • Cashiers and managers.
  • Drivers of any vehicles.
  • People professionally involved in sports.

It should be borne in mind that women are most often affected by the disease due to a poorly developed muscular system.

The corset of the dorsal muscles that support the spine is more durable in the representatives of the strong half of humanity. Women with magnificent large breasts and little exercise will definitely encounter and.

Development of osteochondrosis

No disease occurs without a cause and does not begin immediately. The body always goes through changes step by step. The disease has four main stages, which you need to know about in order to promptly consult a doctor for help.

  1. Gradually beginning dystrophic changes in the pulpous nuclei of the intervertebral cartilages usually go unnoticed. Dehydration of the disc becomes the root cause of the occurrence of microcracks, loss of elasticity and thinning of the cartilage. Often people at this stage feel a little discomfort when sitting in one position for a long time or unexpected backache during intense exercise.
  2. The second stage is already hard to miss. Degenerative tissue change leads to the appearance of protrusion. The fibrous capsule is destroyed, and the intervertebral space is reduced. The result will be a pinched nerve endings, the appearance of a sharp pain in certain parts of the back. The pain syndrome is actively expressed with any inclinations, sharp turns and running. Osteochondrosis is accompanied by a sharp loss of working capacity and the appearance of weakness in the body.
  3. Complete or partial abrasion of the intervertebral cartilage lining due to osteochondrosis. The thinning of the tissue is clearly visible when X-rays are taken. Symptoms of the disease are pronounced and can lead to partial paralysis. It is impossible to relieve the pain, and one has to resort to injections and other medical effects on the focus of the disease. Only potent drugs and complete rest help.
  4. This is the last stage, characterized by the complete destruction of the intervertebral cartilage. A complex violation of the neurological system, leading to the appearance of bone growths in place of cartilage tissue. Joint mobility is completely impaired. Osteophytes can injure the nerve endings of the vertebrae and bone segments. At this stage, the help of a surgeon may be needed for treatment.

The petrified appearance of the spine can lead to partial or complete immobilization of the patient. In this case, the pain may disappear.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a pathological change in the cartilaginous tissues of the connective discs of the spine. Degenerative-dystrophic changes occur for various reasons and lead to the formation of diseases of the ligamentous intervertebral discs. During osteochondrosis, soft tissues and nerve endings are infringed. Vessels and nerve endings in the vicinity of the focus experience serious changes, which causes severe pain and disruption of the supply of nutrients.

The main symptoms indicating the development of osteochondrosis

You should be attentive to any, even minor changes in the body. The sooner you begin preventive measures to influence the emerging focus of the disease, the more effective the treatment will be.

  • There are pains in the neck, chest, lower back and ribs.
  • There is stiffness of movements when turning, tilting and fast walking, running. When lifting weights, short-term pain appears.
  • Hands and feet lose sensitivity, become numb and swell.
  • Chills appear even at high temperatures outside. Aches in the lower and upper limbs.
  • Sudden and very painful spasms of the muscles of the legs and arms.
  • There is a pronounced dysfunction in the work of the genital organs, which can cause serious psychological trauma.
  • The appearance of dizziness and severe headaches.
  • Sharp pains in the chest, strongly reminiscent of a pre-infarction condition.
  • The sensitivity of the fingers is partially or completely lost.
  • Unsystematic muscular hypotension.
  • A sharp decrease in efficiency, high fatigue, loss of visual acuity.

Symptoms may appear unexpectedly, for no apparent reason. Most often, exacerbation is preceded by prolonged and unexpected physical exertion, overwork at work or in training, sudden hypothermia and prolonged exposure to vibration. Any injuries, even those that have passed without visible consequences, blows, bruises, can become a trigger for the development of osteochondrosis.

Symptoms characteristic of the development of the disease in different parts of the spine

Cervical. The disease can be signaled by sharp, quickly starting pains in the shoulders and arms, the appearance of nausea, dizziness and sudden migraine attacks. Unexplained pressure surges that are not related to the work of the cardiovascular system.

The appearance of constant noise in the ears, stars before the eyes speaks of problems of the cervical spine. Elderly people may suddenly lose consciousness while walking.

Thoracic. The appearance of sharp pains in the front of the chest, abdomen, between the ribs. Breathing becomes more frequent and difficult. Pressive heaviness in chest. Sharp pain in the region of the shoulder blades when turning, moving and bending. Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Attacks of pancreatitis, bloating, diarrhea. The limbs become suddenly numb and people may lose their balance when walking. Sharp bouts of weakness, there is a feeling of trembling under the skin.

Lumbar. The appearance of a dull growing pain in the lumbar region. It can give to the leg, leading to loss of balance when moving. Sharp backaches lead to partial or complete immobilization of the body. There are unpleasant tingling in the lower extremities, even when resting. When tilted, it becomes difficult to straighten up without assistance. Violation of the genitourinary system.

Possible Complications

Many do not pay much attention to the first manifestations of degenerative-dysfunctional processes in the connective tissues of the spine. Such an attitude towards one's own body can have a sharply negative impact on the work of all internal organs. The imbalance of functions will grow like an avalanche, and a person may suddenly end up in a hospital bed. A decrease in the mobility of the spine, a violation of the speed of the passage of signals and the difficulty in the supply of nutrients to certain parts of the body lead to the development of dysfunctions in the musculoskeletal system, the work of the joints and ligaments.

Partial or complete destruction of intervertebral connections leads to the development of numerous chronic diseases. Even a slight pain in the spine, which suddenly appeared and disappeared just as quickly, should force a person to undergo a full examination. This will help to identify the foci of the onset of the disease and, with the help of preventive measures, to avoid the further development of the disease.

Ignoring the first signals, you may encounter more serious problems:

  • The appearance of sharp, prolonged pain in the head, migraines and dizziness.
  • Problems in the cervical spine can lead to sudden loss of vision.
  • Hearing loss is often the result of a malfunction of the upper spine.
  • The development of osteochondrosis can cause autonomic dysfunction.
  • Problems in the lower back lead to a sharp exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Lack of proper treatment of osteochondrosis leads to chronic radiculitis and sciatica.
  • Large loads and lack of systemic treatment cause intervertebral hernia.
  • People stack up with such diseases as lumbago, spondylarthrosis, lumbalgia.
  • Prolonged development of osteochondrosis without qualified treatment leads to stenosis of the spinal canals, spondylosis, osteophytosis.

It must be clearly understood that any violations in the functioning of the spine will necessarily lead to the development of more complex chronic diseases of the internal organs. Damage to the neurovascular bundles makes it difficult for the rhythm of the organs to work, disrupts the supply of the required amount of nutrition and the removal of toxins and toxins.

This negatively affects the entire body. Damaged cells and slags accumulating inside the tissues stimulate the development of malignant tumors. You may suddenly find out that excellent health has suffered serious damage from a small pain in the lower back, back or neck.

The phase of exacerbation of osteochondrosis

People face a sharp deterioration in well-being in the spring in the lower spine. This may be due to the lack of the required amount of minerals and vitamins. Sudden physical exertion and temperature changes in the street. In winter, the thoracic region suffers the most. Due to infectious diseases, hypothermia and poor nutrition. The cervical spine is most affected by a sedentary lifestyle or work in one sitting position. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to use warming ointments, try to get rid of spasms and swelling as soon as possible. Immediate contact with a specialist will help to effectively cope with osteochondrosis. When severe swelling occurs, using diuretics, do not forget to take preparations containing potassium and calcium.


The doctor to whom the patient addresses with sharp pains in the spine must perform several steps in sequence.

  1. Collection of anamnesis. Conducting a detailed conversation with the patient. The goal is to find out the root causes of the disease. At what time do the most striking attacks occur, which led to the onset of pain. Individual features of the course of the disease "Osteochondrosis".
  2. Thorough personal examination by a specialist. The skin is examined for the presence of a rash and swelling. The flexibility of the joints and the sharpness of the reflexes are checked. Palpation of the painful area will help to localize pain points and find places of exacerbation. Percussion with fingers or special instruments helps to determine the irradiation of pain. With the help of tingling with needles, the degree of sensitivity in different parts of the body is determined.

To obtain the most complete picture of the state of the body and identify hidden foci, a hardware examination should be used, which necessarily includes:

  • Diagnosis by X-ray. A snapshot of the affected area allows you to immediately notice the narrowing of the allowable gap between the spinous vertebrae. Drying of the intervertebral discs is clearly visible on the x-ray.
  • MRI is a state-of-the-art technology that guarantees accurate diagnosis of spinal diseases. The use of magnetic resonance imaging helps to determine and localize the site of the formation of an intervertebral hernia.
  • Computed tomography in its value and effectiveness is not much different from MRI. The only drawback is the increased radiation exposure, so CT is not recommended for children.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

No qualified specialist uses the same methods of treatment for all patients. If the doctor claims that everyone can be cured by one method, it is best to turn to another. The method of treatment is always based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the dynamics of the development of the disease and the body's response to medications.

A comprehensive path to healing includes:

  1. Passive or active physiotherapy, which is always prescribed individually, taking into account the age, weight and condition of the patient.
  2. The use of various massage techniques and special exercises for the affected parts of the spine.
  3. A well-trained, experienced chiropractor can provide invaluable assistance.
  4. The use of medical support in the acute phases of the development of osteochondrosis.
  5. The use of hardware treatment with electrophoresis, heating, exposure to reflex zones.
  6. The use of special stretching and relaxation techniques.

How can you help at home with osteochondrosis?

People who work a lot and do not have free time neglect going to the doctor. However, a progressive disease can be a serious cause for disability. To prevent negative consequences and reduce the risk of serious complications, treatment can be carried out at home.

For this you need:

  1. Gradually give up bad habits. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption often cause the development of the disease.
  2. Compliance with the correct diet. You will need to avoid fatty, spicy and salty foods. It is best to consume more natural juices and fresh vegetables.
  3. For those who can't work without a few cups of coffee a day, consider switching to green tea. There is no less caffeine in the drink, but more benefits.
  4. Take care of the correct equipment of the bed. Orthopedic pillows and a mattress will help the body to fully relax and relieve pain.
  5. Restoration of good blood flow. The ideal option is to use the services of a professional massage therapist. If there are no funds for this, learn the technique of self-massage.
  6. Daily special gymnastics. At first, this may require some effort, but over time, a person gets used to it and can no longer do without it.

Preparations for the medical treatment of osteochondrosis

Do not rely on the opinion of friends and close relatives in this matter. It must be remembered that each person is individual. A drug that was able to help your brother or friend may have a completely different effect on you and cause serious health problems. Doctors prescribe medications that relieve swelling, reduce pain, stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues and restore the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Only a qualified doctor can choose the right complex for the treatment of osteochondrosis. The effectiveness of treatment will depend on the collected history, visual examination and the use of hardware diagnostics.

Prescribed medications can be divided into several groups:

  • NSAIDs. They act on areas of pain, localizing and eliminating the unpleasant consequences of the occurrence. These include diclofinac, ibuprofen, piroxicam. The dosage and method of application is always prescribed by the attending physician, based on the study of the patient's body.
  • Antispasmodic. A group of drugs that helps to quickly relieve muscle spasm and relieve the patient from unbearable pain in the damaged area of ​​the body. Sirdalud, dratoverin, myolastan and other medicines on the pharmaceutical market with the same focus.
  • Antioxidant. Mandatory preparation necessary for the rapid removal of accumulated toxins from the internal tissues. Vitamins of groups B and C. Mexidol and other drugs of this group.
  • Restoration of microcirculation in the circulatory system. Trental, theonicol. Nicotinic acid, actovegin and other drugs offered in the pharmacy of this direction.
  • Chondroprotector. It has a narrowly targeted action, designed for the rapid restoration of cartilage tissue. Stimulates metabolism and detoxification. Teraflex, chondroxide, structum.

The doctor may prescribe injections to relieve pain and speed up the healing process. In this case, it is necessary to visit a day hospital for daily injections. Dosages and drugs are always prescribed individually. If negative factors appear, you should immediately tell your doctor about them and change the drug or reduce the dose of the drug.

Ointments and gels are usually used for small local problems. They can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, after consulting with the seller. However, they allow only temporary relief from severe pain. After relief, you should immediately contact a specialist for a more detailed and complete treatment.

The choice of drugs and treatment method affects the development of osteochondrosis. Carefully monitor your well-being after starting treatment and talk to your doctor immediately about any changes. A specialist who observes you for a long time and is well aware of the various chronic diseases of the patient is able to cope with the disease as quickly as possible. Remember that osteochondrosis is an insidious disease and can manifest itself at the most unexpected moment under the influence of external factors. Be treated by a doctor who is trustworthy and has long confirmed his qualifications. Only the complex use of all existing means will help to quickly rid the patient of osteochondrosis.

Non-drug treatments

  • Regular massage perfectly stimulates blood flow and helps keep muscles, cartilage and tendons in perfect condition.
  • Manual therapy helps to quickly relieve pain, localize the focus of the disease and stimulate the restoration of cartilage tissues.
  • Physiotherapy. A properly selected individual set of exercises guarantees the harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

Taking care of your body will help you avoid serious problems in the future. Simple precautions will relieve the insidious disease:

  1. Try not to carry heavy weights above 10 kg.
  2. When carrying heavy bags, distribute the load evenly in both hands.
  3. Proper nutrition will relieve obesity and relieve stress from the spine.
  4. Regular visits to the pool and daily gymnastics are the key to health.
  5. When working in one position, try to find time for a little warm-up.

Is it possible to cure osteochondrosis completely?

Turning to a specialist for help and having completed a full course of treatment of osteochondrosis in a hospital, you can guarantee a good result. Be sure to consult with your doctor after discharge from the hospital and learn an individual course of exercises to maintain the muscular system. At least once every three months it is required to visit a masseur or chiropractor. Adhere to an active lifestyle and proper nutrition so that the muscles are always in perfect condition. Preventive measures will help you stay in great physical shape.

Osteochondrosis is a difficult disease and only the uninitiated think that it is easy to deal with it. The support of a qualified doctor, compliance with milestones of prescriptions, patience and perseverance will help restore health.

According to statistics, pathology occurs in 9 out of 10 people aged 50 years and older. Previously, osteochondrosis was associated with older age. Today, the disease is “getting younger”, people aged 20-30 years and even younger can suffer from it.

The human spine consists of an average of 33 vertebrae: 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 3 - 5 coccygeal. All vertebrae, except for the sacral and coccygeal, are separated by intervertebral discs. They provide spring function - depreciation while walking, running, jumping. In the center of each disc is an elastic nucleus pulposus, and on the periphery it is surrounded by a denser fibrous ring.

Causes of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is the result of a combination of several causes. The main factors that lead to the development of the disease:

  • Age-related changes in the spine.
  • Spinal injury.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Excessive stress on the spine.
  • Overweight.
  • Violation of blood flow in the vertebrae.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Posture disorders, scoliosis.
  • Prolonged work in a monotonous uncomfortable position.

With osteochondrosis, the intervertebral disc is gradually destroyed, and its height decreases. The distance between the vertebrae is reduced, as a result of which the roots of the spinal cord are compressed. As a result of compression and circulatory disorders, an inflammatory process develops. Later, changes begin to occur in the vertebrae. They are deformed, bone outgrowths - osteophytes are formed on them.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

Manifestations of osteochondrosis depend on which part of the spinal column is affected. Cervical osteochondrosis manifests itself in the form of pain that can occur in the neck, in the suboccipital region, in the shoulder, chest. Neck muscles become tense. The head takes a certain position in which the pain is not so strong. The range of motion in the neck is limited.

With cervical osteochondrosis, humeroscapular periarteritis can develop: inflammation of the tissues surrounding the shoulder joint. This causes aching pain in the shoulder. Vertebral artery syndrome is a violation of blood circulation in the arteries that pass in the neck and carry blood to the brain. There is pain in the back of the head, which usually begins in the morning, spreads to the back of the head, crown.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine manifests itself in the form of pain between the shoulder blades. The patient feels that his chest is as if squeezed from the outside. Sometimes the pain is girdle in nature, occurs as if in a circle around the entire chest. Often occurs, in the region of the heart, under the ribs.

The main symptom of lumbar osteochondrosis is lower back pain that radiates to the leg. Sometimes pain can occur only in the lower back or only in the leg. The muscles of the leg on the affected leg become weaker, the patient notes that he "drags his leg." Gradually, the muscles decrease in size, its atrophy occurs. The sensitivity of the skin is impaired. She becomes pale and dry. The patient takes a forced posture: his lower back bends in a position in which pain is less disturbing.

What can you do?

Usually, the first sign of osteochondrosis occurs after hypothermia, intense physical exertion, prolonged work in an uncomfortable position, sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow. If there is no treatment, then the signs of osteochondrosis increase over time, the condition worsens, and performance decreases. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and start therapy.

With osteochondrosis, it is impossible to achieve a complete recovery. But you can slow down the process and significantly improve the condition.

What can a doctor do?

The treatment of osteochondrosis is carried out by a neurologist, a neurosurgeon. During exacerbations, treatment is carried out in a hospital. Assign bed rest, anti-inflammatory and painkillers, drugs to improve blood flow in small vessels. Dry heat is applied to the area of ​​the affected spine.

Between exacerbations, treatment is carried out, including massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy.

Sometimes traction is carried out: the patient is placed on a bed with a raised head end. With cervical osteochondrosis, a special cap is put on the head, to which weights of a certain weight are hung. In thoracic osteochondrosis, weights are used, suspended on rings by the armpits.

If the disease is accompanied by severe compression of the spinal roots and dysfunction, the doctor decides on surgical treatment. During the operation, pathologically altered intervertebral discs are removed, the vertebrae are fixed using various structures.