Dark skin color of the nasolabial triangle. Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in an infant and adults, about the causes, symptoms, treatment. What is the "triangle of death"

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here it is interesting to become a pancake in the face, you can find out everything and it is not obligatory to believe all sorts of doctors who are not fully educated to the end, it will become long, but useful. you can bookmark later when you need to read, and so good luck and health to you

All diseases are reflected in the face.

According to Chinese medicine, which is more than 5 thousand years old, the face is a mirror image of health. If you think about it, then this statement really should contain a particle of truth. It is hardly possible to have a blooming appearance if not everything is safe inside you. Even Lope de Vega in “The Dog in the Manger” says through the lips of the hero: “Health and beauty are inseparable!” But the Chinese went even further: according to the state of the five areas of the face, they can make an approximate diagnosis of your state of health.


According to the rules of Chinese medicine, the forehead corresponds to the element of Fire. She is responsible for the work of the heart and small intestine, and, of course, for the state of mind and spirit.

Looking at the forehead, look for any color changes. Redness and an abundance of red blood vessels indicate problems with the heart. The darker shade of the forehead compared to the rest of the face indicates some digestive problems, but most likely minor ones. A change in the color of the forehead can also be the result of strong emotional upheavals. In people prone to stress and strong emotions, a large number of wrinkles appear on the forehead, and, as a rule, a crease between the eyebrows.

A heart attack can sometimes be predicted by the faint green-blue tint of the forehead. You should be wary if the appearance of such a shade is accompanied by other symptoms of heart problems: strong heartbeat, dizziness, difficulty breathing, or pain in the left arm.


The nose corresponds to the element of the Earth, which is responsible for the work of the stomach, spleen and pancreas.

Suddenly jumped a pimple on the tip or on the side of the nose? Not everything is as harmless as it seems! This pimple indicates some kind of disorder in your digestive system. Remember what you ate the day before? Lots of spicy, fried, smoked or fatty foods? Or maybe you ate some chocolate? If the answer to at least one question is yes, then perhaps the problem is only in your choice of food. By the way, the appearance of such a seemingly insignificant pimple may be accompanied by indigestion, diarrhea or constipation.

Red capillaries and red spots on the bridge of the nose may indicate alcohol abuse or stress, which also affects the digestive tract.


The chin area belongs to the element of Water, which is associated with the functioning of the kidneys and the genitourinary system, and is also responsible for the functioning of the hormonal system and glands.

Redness, irritation, peeling, darkening, or vice versa, lightening of the area around the mouth and on the chin may indicate problems with the kidneys or bladder. Periodic acne on the chin indicates a hormonal imbalance. The problem most often lies in the body's excess production of estrogen or testosterone, and can be accompanied by irregular periods in women and prostatitis in men.

Pay attention to the area located from the nose to the upper lip. This small area reflects the condition of the uterus and ovaries in women and the condition of the prostate and genitals in men. Horizontal folds, peeling or discoloration in this area can signal serious problems in the reproductive area, up to endometriosis, uterine fibroids or infertility.

According to Chinese medicine, people with small chins are genetically predisposed to weak kidneys and problems in the genitourinary system. However, this does not mean at all that every person with a small chin will necessarily have diseased kidneys. This is only a warning about the current trend, so that a person will try to make appropriate changes in his lifestyle and prevent the onset of the disease.

Right cheek.

The right cheek corresponds to Metal, which is responsible for the functioning of the lungs and large intestine.

Problems with the lungs or large intestine will show up as discoloration, peeling, and skin problems on the right cheek. Small pimples, redness, or a flaky speck can either herald the imminent onset of a cold or bronchitis, or indicate more serious problems with the lungs.

People who are prone to respiratory allergies and asthma often develop red, flaky or scaly eczema, or an area with a slight green-blue tint, specifically on the right cheek. The appearance of such eczema or a similar shade may indicate the imminent onset of an allergic or asthma attack, which allows you to take preventive measures.

Left cheek.

The left cheek corresponds to the "Wood" element, which is responsible for the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, as well as for the functioning of the nervous system.

Prominent capillaries and redness, especially close to the wings of the nose, indicate possible inflammation or congestion (accumulation of toxins) in the liver. A yellowish tint under the left eye indicates either the presence of gallstones or high levels of cholesterol or triglycerides, which are produced by the liver and gallbladder systems.

Various problematic marks on this part of the face can also signal an unstable emotional state, such as anxiety, anger or depression. Protruding veins, redness, or a rash on the left cheek can signal high pressure or hidden anger.

Remember that there are many ways in which the body warns us of disorders and diseases. And it is not always the occurrence of pain. On the contrary, pain indicates that the disease is already running or has passed into an acute or chronic stage. You don't have to wait for this. Listen to your inner feelings and keep an eye on outer symptoms to prevent minor disturbances before they become serious illnesses. I hope that the proposed method will help you in this a little.



Skin diagnostics

BY THE CONDITION of the skin, one can fairly accurately judge violations of the functions of internal organs and glands. So, pallor of the face usually indicates low blood pressure, anemia, peripheral circulatory disorders,. Extreme pallor of the face indicates not quite healthy lungs and severe digestive disorders.
The yellowish tint of the skin of the face indicates violations of the functions of the liver or gallbladder, and the red color indicates increased pressure, a predisposition to a strong heartbeat, and apoplexy. Periodic can be caused by a rush of blood due to menopause, as well as a malignant formation in the small intestine or a tumor of the adrenal medulla.

Too silky skin is a sign of predisposition to rheumatism, gout, diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Dry, rough skin indicates a predisposition to fever and skin diseases. Cold and damp skin is a signal of predisposition to liver diseases. Wrinkled facial skin in young and middle age indicates a disease of the pancreas.

If the skin of the face has a bronze color, then this is a sign of damage to the adrenal glands. Sudden yellowing of the skin of the face is a signal of a violation of the functions of the spleen. A greenish complexion can appear with cancer. If the cheeks are blue-red in color, then we can talk about heart failure.

Paleness of the skin of the forehead is a sign of low blood pressure. General pallor, accompanied by sweat on the forehead, indicates a perforated stomach ulcer or appendicitis. With excessive intake of protein in the body and the consumption of fried foods, birthmarks, the so-called liver spots, may appear. Long-term digestive disorders lead to the appearance of acne on the skin.

A cobweb of blood vessels on the skin, like brown spots at the roots of the hair, is a sign of increased stress on the liver. White spots on the skin indicate metabolic disorders.

Expansion of blood vessels on the skin near the mouth indicates gastritis, gastrocolitis.


A person's physical appearance can tell an experienced clinician just about everything from physical to mental health.

Here are 25 unconditional, confirmed by medical practice manifestations of various diseases on the face:

  1. Many transverse wrinkles on the forehead (accordion-shaped forehead), the manner of raising eyebrows as if in surprise - is typical for people prone to alcoholism.
  2. A “bitter” fold between the eyebrows (especially in combination with tightly compressed lips) indicates that a person has been suffering from some kind of chronic pain syndrome for a long time.
  3. Slightly protruding, shiny eyes that attract and drive you crazy are a sign of thyroid disease.
  4. The yellowness of the sclera of the eyes indicates a diseased liver.
  5. Long, curved, beautiful, fluffy eyelashes are a sign of a pulmonary patient or a person prone to pulmonary pathologies and asthma.
  6. Bags, dark circles under the eyes - diseased kidneys or bladder.
  7. Increased hair loss is a symptom of a serious decrease in immunity after or against the background of a serious illness.
  8. Amimic, mask-like face, facial expressions do not correspond to ongoing events - a symptom of a severe mental illness, especially schizophrenia.
  9. Wrinkled face even in a young man - endocrine disorders.
  10. Red streaks in the sclera are a signal of nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue.
  11. Elastic facial skin is a sign of health. And flabbiness speaks of premature aging of the skin. This happens in diseases of the metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract.
  12. General puffiness of the face - a sick heart.
  13. An earthy complexion, a “lowered” face is a sign of the development of a tumor disease.
  14. The capillary mesh on the cheeks is a signal of high blood pressure and a tendency to stroke - apoplexy type.
  15. Light spotty pigmentation on a woman's face is a sign of pregnancy.
  16. The appearance of yellowish-brown pigment spots on the face indicates a renal pathology.
  17. Pink, red cheeks and at the same time bluish lips - mitral heart disease.
  18. A bluish pallor of the face is a symptom of anemia or pulmonary pathology. Waxy pallor is a sign of tuberculosis.
  19. Coquettishly ajar mouth is a sign of adenoids, sinusitis.
  20. The lowered corners of the mouth and eyes are an external manifestation of depression.
  21. The lower lip sinks, the volume of the upper lip becomes larger - a sign of oncology.
  22. Dry lips with jams in the corners signal gastritis or a stomach ulcer.
  23. Brittle hair - metabolic insufficiency, beriberi.
  24. Fat, tow hanging hair is a sign of endocrine problems, diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  25. Characteristic brown spots - "bear" skin - in the iris - a sign of a predisposition to oncology.


Oriental diagnostics is a special, very ancient medical art that has been formed over thousands of years. Today, reflexologist, specialist in Chinese and Tibetan medicine, Boris Gezentsvey, tells us about some ways to find out the state of human health.


15 signs of various ailments that can be recognized by the appearance of a person
There is such a thing - a picture of the disease. Many internal ailments are literally drawn on our appearance - sometimes with rough strokes, sometimes with subtle halftones. And the assessment of how a person looks, moves, what kind of gait, posture, manner of sitting and standing he has, in many ways helps the specialist to make the correct diagnosis, and then back it up with various studies.
Well, let's get started?
When walking, the shoulders are bent forward, as if protecting the chest and stomach, the head is slightly retracted (like a ruffled sparrow), the manner of clasping hands in a lock on the stomach is a sign of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers.
When a person is standing or sitting, he often changes his position, fidgets - a sign of a back problem: osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia.
He walks as if on prostheses, trying to bend his knees as little as possible, takes small steps, he has to make efforts to sit down and especially stand up - problems with the joints: arthrosis, arthritis.
A person walks holding his head like a crystal vase, turns not his neck, but the whole body - cervical osteochondrosis. In combination with general pallor - severe headaches, migraines. If at the same time the head is tilted slightly to one side, we can talk about myositis - inflammation of the neck muscles.
A person is held excessively straight, bends over with his whole body, without bending his back - a sign of Bekhterev's disease.
An uncertain gait, as if a constant search for support, is characteristic of those who suffer from dizziness due to problems with pressure, vegetovascular dystonia.
A shuffling gait, along with lowered shoulders and head, is a symptom of deep depression.
Nervous, as if on hinges, gait, excessive gesticulation even during a calm conversation is a sign of neurosis, psychopathy.
Inhibition of movements, low mobility, stiffness of the hands are a sign of a serious mental disorder, up to schizophrenia.
Even a barely noticeable trembling of the head speaks of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels or neurological problems (in young people this is often post-traumatic parkinsonism). Hand trembling speaks more of a vascular pathology.
It is easy to "calculate" a person who has had a microstroke, according to the gait falling on one side and characteristic movements: the arm is pressed to the body, the leg is laid aside.
Cautious gait, fear of hurting something, hands pressed to the body - some kind of chronic pain syndrome.
A trembling gait, as if a person is stepping on hot coals, is a sign of gout or polyarthritis.
A person walks with legs apart, as if on stilts, sits mostly sideways - a sign of hemorrhoids.


How to learn about malfunctions in the spine, stomach, liver by the language and prevent them?
CURVATURE OF THE FOLD AT THE TIP OF THE TONGUE signals cervical osteochondrosis. Most likely, this is the result of a sedentary lifestyle, long work with a computer or at a desk.
BEND OF THE FOLD IN THE MID OF THE LANGUAGE - lumbar osteochondrosis, professional drivers and people who spend a lot of time driving usually suffer from it. To avoid osteochondrosis, you need to regularly do a warm-up: a few squats, head rotation are simple but very useful exercises.
REDdening of the tip of the tongue is a sign of weak heart activity, incipient coronary disease. Diseases of the pulmonary system can be judged by changes at the edges of the tongue, closer to the tip. Smokers most often suffer from diseases of the heart and lungs, so such changes in the tongue are a serious reason to quit smoking.
YELLOW ON THE LANGUAGE AND PALATE speaks of liver diseases, chronic cholecystitis.
BY THE PLAQUE AT THE BASIS OF THE LANGUAGE, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys are judged.
IMPRINTS OF TEETH ON THE LANGUAGE - a sign of dysbacteriosis, slagging of the body. In this case, it is worth changing the diet, eating less fatty and fried foods. To tidy up the body, you can take different infusions of herbs. For example, brew 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort with 1 cup of boiling water, leave warm for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.
Trembling of the tongue - a manifestation of neurasthenic syndrome. Here the advice is this: try to improve the psychological situation at home, at work, change your lifestyle.
CRACKS IN THE LANGUAGE can speak of various diseases of the blood, the endocrine system, and kidney pathology. This is where it needs to be looked into the most seriously. A sign of failures in the body is a decrease in taste sensations. There are zones on the tongue that are responsible for the reaction to sweet, sour, salty, bitter. If a person ceases to feel any of these tastes, then we can talk about diseases of the nervous, endocrine systems.


When something is wrong with our health, we usually run to the doctor and start taking a bunch of all kinds of tests. Or, on the contrary, we bypass the clinic as far as possible, without attaching importance to the malfunctions that appear in the body. Perhaps it will pass! But it turns out that at least a preliminary diagnosis can be made on your own, just by looking at your own reflection in the mirror. True, for this you need some special knowledge.
All this, in general, is not new. The great Aristotle was engaged in physiognomy or the science of the face. Some people have innate skills to quickly determine by the face what we have "behind the soul." We are surprised when a fortune teller on the street quickly and almost accurately determines our emotional state, and sometimes even guesses the diseases that we suffer from. The main "hint" to her in this lesson is our own face. With the emotional state, everything is more or less clear. Representatives of a round, oblong, square, triangular and trapezoidal face have very specific character traits and this has been known since time immemorial. But how can diseases be diagnosed by facial features?
It turns out that diseases leave their indelible imprint on the face of the patient. At one time N.I. Pirogov even compiled an atlas "The face of the patient." He argued that almost every disease leaves its characteristic mark on a person's face. However, the facial diagnostic method has received particular distribution in the countries of the East (especially in China and Korea). No experienced doctor trained in Tibetan medicine will make a diagnosis without a thorough examination of the patient's face. Since then, many followers of physiognomy have appeared.
Let's start with the most common diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Facial features can, for example, predict myocardial infarction. The most reliable diagnostic sign of a possible cardiac "catastrophe" is a violation of sensitivity, up to numbness of the skin area between the chin and lower lip. If you rise higher from this zone, then the presence of a deep wrinkle between the lip and nose indicates a defect in the heart valve. Beginning heart failure is manifested on the face by periodic blue lips. If you notice this in yourself, this is a serious reason for contacting a doctor.
An important sign of increased stress on the heart and circulatory organs is a deep and elongated nasolabial fold on both sides. The narrow back of the nose testifies to the neurosis of the heart.
A red bumpy nose with streaks of blood vessels indicates a high level of blood pressure. Low blood pressure is often manifested by a blue-red color of the nose.
The wings of the nose, which have a blue-red color, are reminiscent of heart disease, and the pallor of the auricles with a characteristic waxy tint is reminiscent of circulatory disorders.
An important diagnostic zone is whiskey. The curved temporal artery protruding under the skin with sharp contours, combined with periodic reddening of the face, indicate a frequent and sharp increase in blood pressure. These people are at high risk of a hypertensive crisis.
Cheeks can be one of the signs of heart problems. With the hollowness of the left cheek, heart disease can be suspected. An indirect sign of early circulatory disorders at a young age is premature graying of the hair.
A short neck indicates a predisposition to heart disease. In addition to heart problems, for the owner of a short neck, the threat of early sclerosis of cerebral vessels is quite real.
Numerous so-called “cosmetic” imperfections on the face can also indicate serious health problems.
So, for example, bags under the eyes, as well as puffiness of the face in general, indicate possible problems with the kidneys or with the thyroid gland.
A whole complex of diseases can be “tell” by suddenly appearing and long-lasting dark circles under the eyes.
The most banal acne is generally a real “map” of diseases located on our face. Depending on their location, it is possible to diagnose both diseases of the reproductive system, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems, as well as many other disorders.
But that's not all! An experienced doctor can assess the patient's health even by the condition of his skin (its shade, degree of dryness, etc.).
But still, the person can most of all "calculate" diseases of the central nervous system. American researchers have recently developed a special program for this, capable of recognizing diseases and genetic syndromes. The computer, by analyzing the facial features of the patient, helps doctors with little experience in making a diagnosis. Using photographs of patients, the computer was trained to recognize such rare pathologies as Cornelia de Lange syndrome, fragile chromosome syndrome, and Williams-Beuren syndrome.
The new program represents the face in the form of a scheme of 48 points. By comparing the position of these points and the distance between them with information from the database, the computer recognizes pathologies.
The first attempts gave the correct diagnosis in 60% of cases. When the adjustments were made, and the program began to pay more attention to the eyes, nose, mouth and chin, the effectiveness increased to 76%. Previous works turned out to be less successful - insufficient attention was paid to assessing the parameters of the face in the aggregate.
It is very important that the new program allows making a preliminary diagnosis long before the appearance of other clinical manifestations of the disease. And this is very important in the case of genetic pathologies. After all, it is possible to carry out medical intervention in a timely manner, which will greatly facilitate the course of the patient's disease in the future.
By the way, German scientists conducted an independent examination of a new computer diagnostic method. “For identification”, the program was offered 55 photographs of people with various pathologies. An accurate diagnosis was made in 76% of cases.
The new program will help scientists find out what ailments the ancient Egyptians suffered from. To do this, several surviving drawings have recently been examined. They studied color portraits found in the oldest mummy burials, which are now kept in the British Museum in London and in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many portraits depict people suffering from progressive facial hemiatrophy, a disease in which facial features are distorted.


A bluish shadow in the inner corner of the eyes: the weak point of the body is the kidneys.
"Bags" under the eyes: maybe the urinary system is out of order.
The lower part of the face (with lips) signals the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
The way the cheekbones and nose look depends on the gastrointestinal tract.
The area around the eyes signals diseases of the genitourinary system.
Dark circles under the eyes: it is quite possible that the liver is overloaded. But sometimes this can be the result of very thin skin through which capillaries shine through.
Peeling, especially near the nose, can have several causes
1. Sunburn is coming off.
2. In summer, skin type often changes and normal skin becomes dry and flaky.
3. In men - perhaps a prerequisite for psoriasis.
Early second chin, loose skin: problems with the endocrine system are likely.
Puffiness above the cheekbones: possible malfunctions in the lymphatic system of the gastrointestinal tract. In men, this can sometimes be a sign of frequent "libation". Eruptions on the temples: there is a possibility of problems with the gallbladder.
Brown spots. Pigmentation often occurs due to ultraviolet radiation and will not go away on its own. Spots can only be removed by a dermatologist. In men, they can also talk about the presence of hormonal problems.
Small white dots. Metabolic disorders are possible, but more often they arise from poor cleansing of the skin and blockage of the sebaceous glands.
Red shapeless spots. Allergic reaction to food, cosmetics or clothing; sometimes occur against the background of prolonged stress or after prolonged colds.
Yellowing. Almost always talks about problems with the liver and gallbladder - you need to urgently see a doctor.
Red vascular network. Most often this is a consequence of a sharp temperature drop, but sometimes it indicates a poor condition of the vessels throughout the body; watch your blood pressure!
Acne. At a young age, acne occurs due to the immaturity of the endocrine system, and at a more mature age (after 25 - 28 years) - due to poor skin cleansing. Men can get the infection while shaving.
White spots. Usually they do not appear on the face, but on the neck, chest, shoulders and are called vitiligo. Where this disease comes from and how it is treated, doctors do not yet know for sure, but most doctors consider vitiligo to be a manifestation of nervous strain.


Is your nose far from perfect? Do not despair. If you believe Eastern medicine, then the owners of a neat little nose are not at all lucky, since this organ of theirs indicates possible problems with the heart.
Veins of blood vessels on the nose appear not only with heart disease, but also with high blood pressure.
The blue-red color of the nose often indicates low blood pressure.
If a network of blood vessels has appeared around the nose, blood circulation may deteriorate and the veins may become inflamed.
Thickening or blanching of the wings of the nose characterizes lung diseases.
The white tip of the nose signals a violation of blood circulation or a peptic ulcer.
Periodic or persistent redness of the nose can warn of chronic stomach disease.
Bursting blood vessels on the skin near the nose indicate congestion in the body.
A transverse wrinkle on the bridge of the nose indicates a hypofunction of the thyroid gland, and a thickening of the tip of the nose indicates an expansion of the stomach.
Even a slight swelling in the bridge of the nose can indicate an inflammatory process in the nose, including the presence of polyps.


If you carefully look into our "mirror of the soul", you can accurately recognize not only the mood and true intentions, but also signs of various problems in the body.
Yellowish sclera (whites) of the eyes "beep" about problems with the liver. If it occurs suddenly, combined with general icterus of the skin, fever and brown urine, it is almost 100% hepatitis A (jaundice). Urgently to the hospital!
If the eyes are yellow all the time, then the liver can not cope with the load. This happens with chronic inflammation of the liver and gallbladder, cirrhosis. It is necessary to pass blood tests - general and biochemistry, as well as liver tests.
Watery eyes with inflammatory diseases of the eyelids (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), with infections of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis). Tearing from one eye and swelling of the area around it may be a sign of advanced pulpitis (inflammation of the soft tissues of the tooth).
Tight bags on the lower eyelids are a sign of heart failure or kidney problems.
Large and flabby bags with bluish streaks give out an avid drinker.
Swollen upper eyelids can be one of the external symptoms of cerebral vascular sclerosis.
Bulging eyes (bilateral exophthalmos) are a clear sign of problems with the thyroid gland, including the manifestation of Graves' disease.
If the eyeball protrudes on one side, it may be a sinus cyst or tumor formation.
Narrow pupils in normal light signal that a person is suffering from some kind of severe pain.
Constricted pupils are also characteristic of drug addicts who use opium derivatives.
Multi-colored eyes (for example, one blue, the other brown) is a congenital pigmentation disorder. This is just a piquant feature that does not affect vision.
Both pupils are evenly wide in some forms of myopia. Such a reaction is possible with a hypertensive crisis.
Very wide pupils, almost unresponsive to light, are typical of atropine-based drugs.
Eye twitching - a nervous tic - a sign of a developing neurosis.
It can also talk about neuralgia of the facial nerves.
Unilateral tics are common in migraines.
Eyelashes can tell something about health. For example, very long and fluffy ones speak of an innate tendency to bronchopulmonary diseases, including tuberculosis and bronchial asthma.
Eyelash loss signals a general decrease in immunity and a lack of B vitamins.
If the eyes turn red and tears begin to flow into three streams, as soon as a person smells a flower or strokes a cat, then we can safely talk about an allergic reaction.
The lowered corners of the eyes are a sign of prolonged depression.
Frequent blinking is a symptom of neurosis (this is especially common in children).
An unblinking gaze, as if directed through the interlocutor, is a hallmark of a serious neuropsychiatric disorder associated with apathy and "withdrawal into oneself."
Redness of the eyeballs, coupled with inflamed eyelids, betray a person suffering from chronic insomnia.
Vessels in the eyes burst with overstrain of the eye muscles, as well as with drops in intracranial pressure

Therefore, today we will talk specifically about the cyanosis of the nose and upper lip, which is conspicuous precisely by its pallor, if not a distinct blue.

The most common is the so-called cyanosis (blue) of the skin of the nasolabial triangle, usually caused by hypoxia. Most often, this condition occurs in children, but often cyanosis can also be present in adults, which is an extremely unfavorable diagnostic sign.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in children

Physiological causes of blue nasolabial triangle

The causes of this condition in children can be both physiological features of the structure of the child's body, and pathological changes. We will analyze the conditions when cyanosis cannot be a cause for concern, since it is not the result of any serious illness.

The respiratory system of a newborn baby is not fully formed, therefore, during crying, the degree of blood oxygen saturation may decrease.

Normally, the level of oxygenation of human blood is at least 95%. If it falls below this value, then hypoxia occurs, which is evidenced by the development of cyanosis.

It is this condition that occurs in many infants during crying. There is no reason for concern in this case, since with age the respiratory system of the child will be completely formed, and cyanosis will pass.

  • Features of the structure of the skin.

In some children, the skin of the nasolabial triangle is very thin, and given the fact that this area is characterized by the presence of a large number of blood vessels that can be seen through the skin, cyanosis in this case is a physiological norm.

In the case of prolonged, difficult labor, the child may experience hypoxia, characterized by cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle. This condition is also not critical and resolves on its own after a few days.

Summing up the above, it should be especially noted that physiological cyanosis - a blue nasolabial triangle is more characteristic of newborns and is a transient condition.

In the case when the blueness under the nose does not go away for a long time, and also when it suddenly appeared in a child older than six months, this may indicate a possible serious pathology.

Why does the nasolabial triangle in the baby still turn blue?

Pathological causes of blueing

  • The most common causes of cyanosis can be various congenital malformations of the heart muscle and large main arteries.
  • Other reasons for the blueness of the nasolabial triangle are pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, and so on.
  • In addition, the blue nasolabial triangle in the baby appears when foreign objects enter the respiratory tract.
  • Separately, it should be said about such a myocardial defect as an open oval window. This condition is caused by the presence of a hole in the interatrial septum. As a rule, this pathology is not dangerous for the child and disappears by itself by the beginning of the second year of life, as well as the accompanying cyanosis.

Treatment of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle

In view of the fact that cyanosis of the skin of the nasolabial triangle in children is not, in fact, a disease, but only indicates the presence of a particular disease in the anamnesis, then the treatment is entirely aimed at eliminating the pathology that caused it, for which you should refer to the appropriate specialist (cardiologist, neuropathologist or pulmonologist) and follow all prescribed recommendations.

  • In particular, with heart defects, the child should be provided with a special lifestyle, which consists in observing the regime of work and rest, good nutrition, regular walks and the exclusion of psycho-emotional stress. In severe situations, abdominal surgery is necessary.
  • In inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, antibiotic therapy is indicated.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in adults

Causes of blue nose area in adults

As in children, a similar condition in adults can also have physiological and pathological causes.

Physiological reasons include:

  • hypothermia;
  • long stay at altitude.

However, nevertheless, cyanosis of the skin of the nasolabial triangle in an adult in most cases is characterized by the presence of one or another ailment.

Pathological causes of cyanosis

  • Diseases and related disorders of the functionality of the cardiovascular system (heart failure, arrhythmias, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, etc.).
  • Pathological conditions of the bronchopulmonary system (pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, oncological processes, foreign bodies in the respiratory tract).
  • Shock conditions (anaphylactic shock, which is a sudden allergic reaction and is characterized, among other things, by acute oxygen starvation of all organs and systems of the body).
  • Poisoning.


It is worth noting that the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in an adult is almost always a symptom of a particular disease, therefore, before choosing a treatment tactic, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause that caused it.

Most cases of sudden onset of cyanosis in an adult require immediate medical attention, especially if it is accompanied by one or more of the following conditions:

Do not forget that diseases in which the above pathological condition occurs are easier to prevent than to treat.

Such preventive measures as giving up bad habits, moderate exercise, proper and balanced nutrition, regular medical examinations can save you from many ailments and problems.

Why does the nasolabial triangle turn blue in an adult?

Good evening. A girl has been suffering from stabbing pains in the region of her heart for several years. Attacks are almost daily in the evening. There is a green-black rim around the mouth. Examinations of cardio and neurological pathologies do not reveal, only prolapse 1 stage, hormones, sugar are normal. Hemoglobin. Please tell me what is it? In the hospital they instill glucose, vitamins and that's it. Treatment is not prescribed, as there is no pathology. The child is tired of the pain.

Answered Konev Alexander therapist

Maria, hello. The bluish, greenish-gray color of the nasolabial triangle is a really important marker. This skin tone can manifest itself with congenital heart defects, coronary brain disease, lung problems, etc. In your case, this is most likely due to the diagnosed mitral valve prolapse. Cardiac pain, a feeling of interruption in the work of the heart muscle, palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath are also symptoms of prolapse. A teenager may manifest panic attacks and vegetovascular dystonia. With this pathology, treatment should be selected exclusively by the attending physician (sometimes specialists limit themselves to prescribing vitamin complexes and exercise therapy, sometimes they supplement the course with sedatives, adaptogens).

Why is the nasolabial triangle blue?

The nasolabial triangle (blue) may indicate the presence of completely different diseases. After all, it is in this part of the face that there are many blood vessels (both venous and arterial). In addition, there are no valves on the veins in this area, and therefore all infections that penetrate the wounds can easily even enter the brain. It is also worth noting that it is highly undesirable to squeeze out various pimples or boils in this part of the face, as this can lead to the development of sepsis.

This phenomenon often helps doctors diagnose a particular disease in children. This is due to the fact that the changed skin tone in this part of the face almost always indicates an existing pathology in the body. In order to understand why the nasolabial triangle is blue, consider the most common diseases that are characterized by a similar symptom:

1. Often in children there is cyanosis near the mouth with various heart diseases. If this deviation is observed in a small child, then most likely he has a congenital defect, which is eliminated only with the help of an operation. But if the blue nasolabial triangle first appeared in a rather adult person, then he should consult a cardiologist as soon as possible. Typically, the diagnosis of heart disease is confirmed by an ECG or by listening.

2. The cyanosis of this part of the face can also be a symptom of ischemic brain disease. Such a pathology requires the consultation of a neurologist. The final diagnosis in this regard can only be made after an ultrasound examination.

3. If a person, along with the nasolabial triangle, has blue lips, then most likely this is due to hypoxia or oxygen starvation. Such a deviation may occur due to poisoning with toxic gases or as a result of excessive smoking.

4. In rare cases, a change in the color of the skin in the nasolabial triangle may be accompanied by such a phenomenon as a blue tongue. According to experts, this pathology indicates serious disorders in the cardiopulmonary or renal systems. In this case, you should consult a doctor, since it will be very difficult for a person who is not savvy in medicine to figure out why such cardinal changes occur in the body on their own.

5. Another common cause of a change in the shade of the lips, tongue and nasolabial triangle can be banal anemia. In this case, it is impossible to do without a medical examination, or rather a blood test for hemoglobin. If iron deficiency in the body really takes place, then it needs to be urgently replenished. To do this, most people use ordinary products that include such an important element for life. These include beef liver, veal, beef, pomegranates, apples, buckwheat porridge, etc.

Cyanosis: what is it, causes, symptoms and forms, treatment

Cyanosis is a clinical sign of a number of pathologies in which the skin of patients acquire a blue color. The reason for such changes is the accumulation in the blood of deoxyhemoglobin - hemoglobin, which gave oxygen to the tissues. Blood depleted of oxygen becomes dark, translucent through the skin and makes it cyanotic. This is most clearly seen in places with thinned skin - on the face and ears.

Cyanosis occurs in individuals with circulatory disorders leading to generalized or local hypoxemia.

With insufficient blood filling of the capillaries, acrocyanosis develops, which is manifested by cyanosis of the skin of the fingers and toes, the tip of the nose. This term, translated from ancient Greek, means "dark blue limb."

The severity of cyanosis varies from a barely noticeable cyanosis to a purple color of the skin. Temporary cyanosis occurs with excessive physical exertion, persistent cyanosis - with long-term ongoing heart or lung diseases.


Central cyanosis is diffuse in nature and the maximum severity. It develops with weak blood arterialization, leading to hypoxia. In the lungs, gas exchange is disturbed, an excess of carbon dioxide accumulates in the arterial blood, which is clinically manifested by blue conjunctiva of the eyes, palate, tongue, mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks, and facial skin. Qualitative and quantitative changes in hemoglobin in the blood lead to a violation of its transport function and hypoxia.

manifestations of cyanosis in adults and children

Acrocyanosis is localized on the feet, hands, nose, ears, lips. Peripheral cyanosis is considered a normal variant in the first days of a newborn's life. Its origin is easily explained by the incompletely eliminated germinal type of blood circulation, especially in premature babies. The cyanosis of the skin is aggravated by swaddling, feeding, crying, and anxiety. When the baby is fully adapted to the outside world, cyanosis will disappear.

  • Permanent and transient, occurring with low blood glucose or inflammation of the meninges,
  • Total or general
  • Regional or local: perioral, distal,
  • isolated.

Local cyanosis develops in places with the largest number of blood vessels, perioral - around the mouth, periorbital - around the eyes. Cyanosis of any part of the human body can appear with pulmonary and cardiac pathologies.

There are several types of cyanosis by origin:

  1. The respiratory type is caused by an insufficient volume of oxygen in the lungs and a violation of the transport chain of its supply to cells and tissues. It develops when there is a complete or partial violation of the movement of air through the respiratory tract.
  2. Cardiac type - insufficient blood supply to organs and tissues leads to oxygen deficiency and blue skin.
  3. The cerebral type develops when the blood loses its ability to attach oxygen to hemoglobin and deliver it to the brain cells.
  4. The metabolic type develops when there is a violation of the absorption of oxygen by tissues.

Respiratory cyanosis disappears 10 minutes after oxygen therapy, all other types persist for a long time. Massage of the earlobe helps to get rid of acrocyanosis.


With dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, the blood cannot fully deliver oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body, which leads to the development of hypoxia. At the same time, cyanosis appears against the background of fatigue, fatigue, headache, insomnia, chest pain, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and disorientation.

Cyanosis is a clinical sign of various diseases of internal organs:

  • Heart and blood vessels - heart defects, ischemic heart disease, pulmonary embolism, varicose veins and atherosclerosis,
  • Blood - polycythemia and anemia,
  • Respiratory system - pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleurisy, pulmonary edema, bronchiolitis, respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, infection, COPD, pulmonary emphysema, breath holding, croup, foreign bodies, inflammation of the epiglottis,
  • Poisoning with poisons or medicines - nitrites, phenacetin, nitrobenzene-containing drugs, sulfonamides, aniline, sedatives, alcohol,
  • drug overdose,
  • Convulsions that last a long time
  • epilepsy,
  • Anaphylactic shock, angioedema,
  • food poisoning,
  • Especially dangerous infections - cholera, plague,
  • Small intestine carcinoid.

There are congenital familial forms of methemoglobinemia with autosomal recessive inheritance.

In healthy people, cyanosis can occur during hypothermia, in high altitude conditions, in a stuffy unventilated room, during a flight without oxygen equipment.


characteristic areas of cyanosis

Cyanosis is a symptom of life-threatening diseases. With central cyanosis, the skin of the periorbital and perioral region first turns blue, then it spreads to areas of the body with the thinnest skin. Peripheral cyanosis is most pronounced in areas remote from the heart. It is often associated with swelling and swelling of the neck veins.

Depending on the time of occurrence, cyanosis is acute, subacute and chronic.

Cyanosis does not adversely affect the general well-being of patients, but in combination with other signs of the underlying pathology, it becomes a reason to consult a doctor. If cyanosis occurs suddenly, grows rapidly and has a significant degree of severity, then it requires emergency care.

Cyanosis, depending on the etiology of the disease, is accompanied by various symptoms: severe cough, shortness of breath, tachycardia, weakness, fever, and other signs of intoxication.

  • Cyanosis in bronchopulmonary diseases is manifested by a purple tint of the skin and mucous membranes and is combined with shortness of breath, wet cough, fever, sweating, wet rales. These symptoms are typical for an attack of bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, pneumonia. With PE, intense cyanosis develops against the background of chest pain and shortness of breath, and with pulmonary infarction, it is combined with hemoptysis. Sharp cyanosis and severe shortness of breath are signs of tuberculosis and lung carcinomatosis. Patients with similar symptoms require urgent hospitalization and respiratory resuscitation.
  • In heart disease, cyanosis is one of the main symptoms. It is combined with shortness of breath, characteristic auscultatory data, wet rales, hemoptysis. Cyanosis in heart defects is accompanied by secondary erythrocytosis, an increase in hematocrit, and the development of capillary stasis. In patients, there is a deformation of the fingers, like drumsticks and nails, like watch glasses.

cyanosis in a newborn with a heart defect and the characteristic structure of the fingers of an adult with an untreated defect

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in a child occurs both in the norm and in pathology. In newborns, the skin is so thin that blood vessels can be seen through it. Severe, persistent cyanosis requires an urgent referral to a pediatrician.

Cyanosis is not subject to special treatment. When it appears, oxygen therapy is carried out and the main treatment is enhanced. Therapy is considered effective in reducing the severity of cyanosis and its disappearance.

In the absence of timely and effective treatment of diseases manifested by cyanosis, patients develop a disorder of the nervous system, the overall resistance of the body decreases, sleep and appetite are disturbed, in severe cases a person may fall into a coma. This condition requires the provision of emergency medical care in the intensive care unit.


Diagnosis of diseases manifested by cyanosis begins with listening to complaints and taking an anamnesis. The patient is found out when the cyanosis of the skin appeared, under what circumstances cyanosis arose, whether it is permanent or paroxysmal. Then determine the localization of cyanosis and specify how its shade changes during the day.

After a conversation with the patient, a general examination begins, the severity of his condition and the presence of concomitant diseases are established. The doctor performs auscultation of the heart and lungs.

Then they move on to laboratory and instrumental research methods:

  1. General blood test,
  2. Analysis of the gas composition of arterial blood,
  3. Pulse oximetry - a pulse oximeter is put on the patient's finger, which determines blood oxygen saturation in a few seconds,
  4. Determination of blood flow velocity
  5. Examination of the functions of the heart and lungs,
  6. The study of gases of exhaled air - capnography,
  7. electrocardiography,
  8. X-ray of the chest,
  9. Computed tomography of the chest,
  10. Cardiac catheterization.

Features of treatment

Treatment of cyanosis is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that provoked blue skin. If the patient becomes difficult to breathe, the respiratory rate exceeds 60 breaths per minute, he sits hunched over, loses his appetite, becomes irritable and does not sleep well, you should consult a doctor.

If cyanosis of the lips, palpitations, fever, cough, blue nails and difficulty breathing appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy can reduce the blueness of the skin. Blood oxygen saturation is achieved by using an oxygen mask or tent.

The complex treatment of respiratory and heart failure, accompanied by hypoxia, necessarily includes oxygen therapy. Inhalation of oxygen through a mask helps to improve the general condition and well-being of patients. Cyanotic seizures that occur during physical work or against a background of fever disappear after a short inhalation of oxygen.

The closed oxygen tent is the most expedient method of oxygen therapy, allowing you to adjust the gas mixture and the pressure of the injected oxygen. Oxygen can also be administered through an oxygen tank, mask, pillow, or tube. Centralized oxygen supply is carried out with the use of artificial lung ventilation.

An oxygen cocktail eliminates cyanosis and other consequences of hypoxia. It improves the quality of life for many patients, restores strength, saturates cells with oxygen, improves metabolism, attention and reaction speed. An oxygen cocktail is a thick foam filled with oxygen molecules. With the help of a special oxygen cartridge, juices, fruit drinks and syrups are enriched with oxygen not only in medical institutions, but also at home.

Currently, oxygen concentrates produced in Europe, America and Asia are very popular. They are highly reliable, stable in operation, almost silent, and have a long service life. Portable oxygen concentrates, which provide patients with the comfort of moving and maintaining a mobile lifestyle, deserve special attention.

Medical treatment

Drug therapy is aimed at improving the supply of oxygen to the body and its delivery to the tissues. To do this, patients are prescribed drugs that enhance pulmonary and cardiac activity, normalize blood flow through the vessels, improve the rheological properties of blood, and enhance erythropoiesis.

To reduce the cyanosis of the skin, patients are prescribed:

  • Bronchodilators - Salbutamol, Clenbuterol, Berodual,
  • Antihypoxants - "Actovegin", "Preductal", "Trimetazidine",
  • Respiratory analeptics - "Etimizol", "Cititon",
  • Cardiac glycosides - "Strophanthin", "Korglikon",
  • Anticoagulants - "Warfarin", "Fragmin",
  • Neuroprotectors - Piracetam, Phezam, Cerebrolysin,
  • Vitamins.

If the cause of cyanosis is heart disease, it is often possible to get rid of it only with the help of surgery.

Oxygen cocktails are also taken to prevent hypoxia in people at risk and with chronic heart and lung diseases. To improve the quality of life and prevent the onset of old age, you should follow the basic rules and recommendations: treat chronic diseases in time, lead a healthy lifestyle, walk a lot in the fresh air, maintain your health and love yourself.

Alarming symptom: the appearance of cyanosis in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle

The skin color of a healthy person has a slightly pinkish tint, and the appearance of an unpleasant cyanosis on it should alert the patient. Blue skin in the region of the nasolabial triangle is considered a common disease and occurs in both adults and young children. Why cyanosis appears, and what diseases it may indicate - all this will be discussed in this article.

Main features

The deterioration of human health is very often accompanied by certain manifestations of the skin, which react to the failures of the functioning of internal organs that have appeared. Very often, in the early stages of the development of dangerous diseases, these symptoms are hidden.

Medical practice shows that in some patients, cyanosis in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial part of the face or cyanosis appears gradually. At first, the color change is barely visible, but over time it becomes more pronounced. There are cases when a change in the normal color of the skin in this area occurs quite abruptly.

At the location of the nasolabial triangle, many venous and arterial blood vessels are concentrated. That is why the appearance of cyanosis in this area is a sign of serious pathologies of the cardiac system or malfunctions of the respiratory system.

In young children, cyanosis in the nasolabial region is most often caused by hypoxia and other pathologies that have arisen during the bearing of a baby or during childbirth.

Features of the manifestation of the disease in adults and children

According to pediatric practice, a slight discoloration in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial part of a newborn is very often considered the norm. A slight bluish tint can be caused by the baby's intense crying that continues for a long time. This skin color appears due to the peculiarities of the baby's lungs.

Due to loud crying, the normal supply of oxygen to the blood is disrupted, which contributes to the appearance of blue. With age, this symptom disappears on its own. If, when the baby is 1 year old, the cyanosis of the integument after crying can still be observed, it is advised to consult an experienced pediatrician on this issue.

Also, non-anxious cyanosis in an infant may occur due to such a natural feature as too light or thin skin in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle. Small veins are clearly visible through a thin skin layer, and the crease above the lip seems slightly blue. As they grow older, this symptom disappears without a trace.

According to medical practice, very often cyanosis in an infant appears as a result of a protracted process of childbirth. According to experienced pediatricians, this condition is not considered life-threatening for the baby, it goes away on its own after a few days.

Among the physiological causes that can cause cyanosis in both an adult and a small child, there are:

  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • being at a height for a long time;
  • lack of oxygen in the body.

The cyanosis of the skin caused by these causes is usually not dangerous. After the normalization of the organs and systems of the body, it passes by itself.

Pathological causes of the appearance

Among the pathological causes of the appearance of cyanosis of the nasolabial part of the face in a newborn, it is worth noting:

  • Congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Acquired diseases of the bronchi and lungs, such as: pneumonia, bronchitis, pneumonia or laryngitis. Sometimes special oxygen masks are used to correct the functioning of the respiratory system.
  • A separate point worth noting is such a pathology of the cardiac system of a newborn as an open oval window. With an open oval window in a child, pediatricians recommend providing the baby with good care. A long stay in the fresh air will alleviate the condition of a small patient.
  • Most often, this pathology disappears on its own after the first year of the baby's life. Together with it, cyanosis disappears.
  • A severe allergic reaction that contributes to the disruption of the functioning of the respiratory system.
  • Insufficient level of iron in the blood.
  • When diagnosing one of the listed reasons, it is important to regularly monitor the health of the baby by visiting the attending physician.
  • Swallowing small objects by a baby can cause breathing difficulties. As a result, often there is a blue nasolabial part. If this problem is detected, it is necessary to immediately take the child to a medical facility where he will be assisted.

In case of sudden blueness of the nasolabial part of the face in an adult, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most often, cyanosis indicates the presence of serious diseases in the body, which are often life-threatening. It should be noted that cyanosis of the nasolabial region in an adult is often accompanied by the appearance of blue skin and mucous membranes in other parts of the body.

According to practitioners, the appearance of cyanosis in the region of the nasolabial triangle cannot be perceived as an independent pathology.

A change in the color of the skin is only a symptom of a certain disease. To combat blueing, it is important to correctly diagnose the diseases due to which it appeared.

While watching the video, you will learn about the nasolabial triangle

When alarming symptoms appear, it is important to remember that a person often cannot cope on his own with pathologies that cause blueness in the nasolabial triangle. Therefore, he should immediately seek help from a good specialist.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in adults and children

Cyanosis is a pathology in which there is a pronounced cyanosis of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. A similar deviation is more often observed in the face, in most cases the skin around the mouth turns blue in newborn babies.

Cyanosis in children

So, in most cases, the disease occurs in infants. Natural cyanosis in a newborn baby can occur with strong crying, it has a pulmonary nature. During a cry, breathing is disturbed, and the supply of oxygen to the blood decreases. A similar symptom disappears on its own as the baby grows up.

Mandatory medical intervention

If cyanosis is still observed by the age of one, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. Such a symptom can signal heart disease and acute heart failure. Even if the local pediatrician assures that there is no reason to panic, you should consult a pediatric neurologist, a cardiologist and do an ultrasound of the heart.

Blueness around the mouth in adults

In the adult population, this pathology is observed less frequently, and is almost always accompanied by concomitant symptoms: blue discoloration of other areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Manifestations of a single character may be associated with oxygen starvation that occurs against the background of a long stay under water or at a height, as well as with severe allergic reactions, in which smooth muscle spasm occurs.

alarm signal

If the nasolabial triangle turns blue regularly or constantly, then you should think about the presence of serious diseases. Such as tumors of a different nature, disorders in the work of the heart, blood vessels or the respiratory system, poor microcirculation.

Cyanosis - what to do if the child's nasolabial triangle turns blue

Cyanosis is manifested by blue skin as a result of darkening of capillary blood. Most often, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle turns blue, especially in an infant. In order to prevent complications, it is necessary to recognize the disease in time, to know the causes of its development in adults and children. How is this pathology treated?

Blueing caused by a network of capillaries can occur gradually, or it can develop quite abruptly. Impairment caused by health problems is often accompanied by other symptoms. Blue skin mainly indicates improper gas exchange in the lungs, pathologies of the cardiovascular system or other disorders in the patient's body.

The place on the face bounded by the nose, mouth, and nasolabial folds is defined as the nasolabial triangle. In a healthy person, skin color in this place does not stand out.

Most often, signs of the disease are observed on the protruding parts of the body: lips, tip of the nose, phalanges of the fingers. Usually they are combined with other symptoms and appear at a severe stage of the disease.

Causes of the disease

With a change in the composition of the blood, namely with an increase in the amount of deoxyhemoglobin (hemoglobin deprived of oxygen), skin color changes. The blood, almost devoid of oxygen, becomes darker and translucent through the skin. The normal concentration of hemoglobin is 3 g/l. If it becomes more than 30 or 50 g / l, this disease occurs.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in a child indicates that the baby may suffer from neuralgia, heart or lung disease. In an adult, such a triangle appears as a result of diseases of the respiratory system or due to cardiovascular insufficiency.

The severity of cyanosis depends on the density of the subcutaneous capillary network and the thickness of the skin, so in children it is much more noticeable.

Note. Not always the bluish color of the skin around the mouth and nose of a small child indicates the presence of serious reasons, since children's skin is very thin, venous plexuses are very noticeable.

What else causes the development of cyanosis

Cyanosis can develop anywhere on the body, but most of all it is observed in the region of the nasolabial triangle. Some patients suffer from this disease only in the cold season. It happens that the appearance of symptoms begins in a person who has been at high altitude for a long time. The lack of oxygen in the air affects the body in this way.

The nasolabial triangle is more noticeable in young children. In adults, the symptom appears in case of a serious condition. In some patients, it manifests itself as a result of poisoning, diphtheria, asthma, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis.

cyanosis in a newborn

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is very common in an infant. The weakest cyanosis, which manifests itself when the baby is crying, is of a respiratory origin (the child inhales little oxygen, but exhales a lot). Blueness in this area during stress or screaming is considered the norm.

Cyanosis that occurs in a child with prolonged crying does not cause serious concern if it disappears after the baby calms down

Other causes of blue skin in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, which is considered the norm:

  • Superficial vessels in a child expand, becoming more visible during breastfeeding.
  • With hypothermia, which can occur during dressing or bathing. But after warming the baby, the color of his skin above the upper lip returns to the previous one.

A serious threat to the life and health of the child is any violation of the function of the cardiovascular activity and respiratory organs, which are manifested by the same symptom.

Attention. If, after the nasolabial triangle turns blue, its color does not return to normal after some time, and blue fingers and the tip of the tongue are also observed, it is necessary to seek help from a medical institution.

Types of disease

Variants of the algorithm for the development of cyanosis of the lips divide it into 3 pathological groups:

  1. The constant type has a central origin. In addition to the cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, it is characterized by a sluggish sucking reflex. Pathology occurs as a result of abnormal development of any parts of the brain, increased intracranial pressure, or trauma during childbirth.
  2. Respiratory nature of the disease. Additional symptoms of this group:
  • pale skin color;
  • blue in the eye area;
  • when inhaling, small intercostal muscles are drawn in.

This type includes pulmonary diseases (pneumonia, runny nose, bronchial asthma).

  1. Cardiovascular type of pathology. The child has been suffering since birth. The cause is congenital heart disease.

To avoid the consequences of dangerous complications, you should not miss scheduled examinations, since this diagnosis is difficult to make from the first days of a child’s life.

Baby health analysis

To recognize pathology, parents should observe their child. What excludes pathology:

  • during the onset of cyanosis, there is no cough, breathing is not difficult;
  • development and growth of the child correspond to age;
  • the color of the skin around the mouth and on other parts of the body does not differ and has a normal appearance;
  • the baby is active, not lethargic;
  • no heart murmurs.

Important. You should not hesitate in the event of a rapid blue nasolabial triangle. An urgent consultation with a doctor is required.

Actions for the appearance of cyanosis in a child

Procedures that are usually prescribed by a doctor:

  • Ultrasound of the heart muscle;
  • chest x-ray;
  • electrocardiogram.

For a complete examination of the baby, you need to visit a neurologist. It is very important to maintain comfortable conditions in the apartment, because this is a mandatory requirement for proper development. Temperature and humidity must comply with the standards. It is necessary to regularly walk with him in the fresh air.

Already from the second week of a child's life, you can start 15-minute walks in the fresh air, gradually increasing their duration.

Daily massage stimulates the activity of the nervous system and normalizes the work of the respiratory department.

Treatment of cyanosis

To determine the exact cause of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a professional examination. Each patient has his own individual characteristics, in view of which a certain type of examination is prescribed. These can be various studies of the heart, lungs or blood flow.

The most common type of treatment is oxygen inhalation, which allows enriching the blood with oxygen. A special massage gives a good result, but in case of a chronic disease, this treatment will not solve the underlying problem.

Oxygen inhalation saturates the body with oxygen. Such therapy can be carried out at home.

Traditional medicine methods

The treatment process should proceed from the origins of the disease. In the fight against cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle during intoxication, it is necessary to use substances that can remove toxins. For this, a decoction of viburnum is suitable. A liter of water must be poured over the leaves or fruits of the plant and boiled for one hour. Strained drink should be taken in between meals in small portions.

Alternative methods should be used only after the appointment of the main treatment. If the development of cyanosis is accompanied by difficulty breathing and chest pain, you should immediately call a doctor.

Cyanosis does not cause pain, but is a symptom of some disease. For treatment, it is necessary to establish its cause. Often cyanosis occurs as a manifestation of serious illness, so the patient may need to be hospitalized. In order to prevent, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Causes of cyanosis and treatment

Many people often experience such a phenomenon as cyanosis of the skin. This pathological condition is called cyanosis. However, not everyone knows exactly what it is, as a result of which it is formed, what symptoms it manifests and how it is treated.

Description of the disease

Cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes is a disease characterized by a bluish discoloration of the skin on certain areas of the body and extremities. Pathology can be diagnosed both in a child and in an adult.

As a result of medical research, it was revealed that the development of the disease is due to an increased content of pathological hemoglobin, as a result of which the skin acquires a blue tint. At the same time, experts note that oxygen saturation of the blood does not occur in full.

Against this background, certain parts of the body do not receive enough blood, which is a provoking factor in the development of cyanosis.

In certain situations, the course of the disease is complicated by suffocation. With untimely medical care, the risk of death increases.

Classification and locations

Based on the rate of development, the pathological process is divided into the following forms:

According to the nature of the occurrence, the disease is classified into the following types:

  • respiratory, which occurs as a result of circulatory disorders, as well as a lack of oxygen in the lungs;
  • hematological, which develops with blood diseases;
  • cardiac, which is also characterized by oxygen starvation and circulatory dysfunction;
  • metabolic, it is provoked by improper absorption of oxygen by tissue cells;
  • cerebral, the cause of which is the inability to combine oxygen with hemoglobin, which provokes coronary disease of brain cells.

When studying the nature of the spread of the pathological condition, experts identified the following varieties of it:

  1. Diffuse cyanosis (central). The place of localization is the entire surface of the body. Both a violation of the respiratory system and improper general blood circulation can provoke a disease.
  2. Acrocyanosis. The blue shade of the skin is diagnosed only in places of extreme points (lips, ears, tip of the nose). The cause of its development is venous congestion, chronic heart failure.
  3. Peripheral. Among the provoking factors for the appearance of this type of pathology, there are violations in the work of the heart or arteries. In addition, ischemia of the face, legs or arms can contribute to the disease.
  4. Local. It is determined as a result of examination of the genital organs, pharynx or nasopharynx. Here we can talk about cyanosis of the vagina and cyanosis of the face.

In addition, there are such types of pathological conditions as:

  • general, or total;
  • isolated;
  • perioral and distal;
  • cyanosis of the extremities;
  • transitory and permanent.

In any case, in order to accurately determine the type of disease, you need to contact a specialist and undergo an examination.

Causes in adults

Among the most common factors are diseases of the cardiovascular system, when tissues and organs do not receive the required amount of oxygen. The process of circulatory disorders also provokes hypoxic damage to the skin.

The disease is usually accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • frequent pulse;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • shortness of breath, etc.

Pathology appears as a result of the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • ischemia and heart disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis;
  • pulmonary embolism.

Other contributing reasons include:

  • anemia, polycythemia;
  • pleurisy;
  • respiratory failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumothorax;
  • angioedema;
  • drug poisoning;
  • epileptic and convulsive seizures;
  • cholera;
  • plague;
  • tissue injury;
  • prolonged presence in an unventilated room;
  • hypothermia of the body.

As a rule, the peripheral form of cyanosis is diagnosed much more often than the central one.

Cyanosis in children

The development of a pathological condition in newborns can be due to several provoking factors. These include:

  • congenital heart defects (central cyanosis, manifesting immediately after birth);
  • aspiration asphyxia, stenosing croup, atelectasis and other lung diseases (respiratory form of the disease);
  • cerebral edema, intracranial bleeding (cerebral cyanosis);
  • methemoglobinemia (metabolic type characterized by a concentration in the blood of potassium not exceeding 2 mmol / l).

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in most cases occurs in infants, which is a sign of neuralgia, lung or heart disease.

In certain situations, cyanosis in infants is considered the norm. The cause of this condition is incomplete fetal bleeding. The symptom disappears on its own within a couple of days.


The diffuse form is characterized by a blue tint to the skin of the perioral and periorbital regions. After that, it spreads to areas with thin skin. The severity of the peripheral form is observed in places far from the heart muscle. In most cases, it is combined with swelling of the cervical veins.

Depending on the nature of the occurrence, the disease is accompanied by multiple symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • feverish state;
  • cough;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • other signs of intoxication.

For cyanosis, the development of which is due to bronchopulmonary pathologies, in addition to the main signs, are characterized by:

  • purple tint of mucous membranes and epidermis;
  • sweating;
  • moist cough;
  • soreness in the chest;
  • hemoptysis.

With cardiovascular disorders, symptoms such as:

  • increased hematocrit;
  • capillary stasis;
  • erythrocytosis of the secondary type;
  • fingernail deformity.

At the first suspicion of the development of a pathological process, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help. Lack of proper treatment can provoke various complications, including coma.


In order to make a correct diagnosis and identify the cause that provoked the development of cyanosis, the doctor first of all interviews the patient and collects anamnesis.

The specialist finds out when the first signs of cyanosis appeared and how often they appear, reveals the circumstances that contributed to this condition. After that, the area of ​​localization of the pathology is determined and the change in shade throughout the day is specified.

  • general blood analysis;
  • determination of the speed of movement of the blood fluid;
  • study of cardiac and pulmonary performance;
  • electrocardiography;
  • capnography - the study of gases contained in the exhaled air;
  • analysis of the gas composition of arterial blood fluid;
  • radiography of the chest area;
  • CT scan;
  • cardiac catheterization.

Only on the basis of the results of all examinations, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary therapy.

If there are difficulties in determining the type of disease, one must take into account the fact that the disappearance of pulmonary cyanosis, in contrast to acrocyanosis, occurs a few minutes after the supply of pure oxygen.

Features of the treatment of children and adults

The main task of carrying out therapeutic measures is to eliminate the underlying disease, against which cyanosis began to develop. To restore the amount of oxygen consumed by tissues, specialists prescribe medication and oxygen therapy.

Medical measures

Patients can be prescribed drugs that help normalize blood flow, increase erythropoiesis, and restore the functioning of the lungs and heart.

To reduce the manifestations of symptoms of pathology, drugs of the following groups are used:

  • neuroprotectors - Salmbutamol;
  • anticoagulants - Warfarin;
  • analeptics - Etimizol or Cititon;
  • cardiac glycosides - Strofantin;
  • vitamin complexes.

In the chronic form of the disease, the patient is under the supervision of the attending physician. Constant monitoring of the course of the process makes it possible to adjust therapy and prevent the development of complications.

Oxygen therapy

Treatment with oxygen therapy helps to reduce the blueness of the skin. To saturate the blood with oxygen, special tents and masks are used.

When oxygen is inhaled, the health of the patient improves. The disappearance of cyanotic attacks is noted after a few inhalations.

The use of a special tent is considered the most appropriate method of oxygen therapy. This method allows you to control the flow of the gas mixture. If artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out, then a centralized supply is performed.

Treatment of pathology in children

If cyanosis is diagnosed in an infant, then in no case should therapeutic actions be performed at home. This can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the child.

If the disease is detected immediately after birth, the baby is under the strict supervision of specialists for several days. In the event that the symptoms of the disease do not go away, treatment begins with oxygen inhalations, due to which oxyhemoglobin increases in the composition of the blood fluid.

In some situations, additional therapy is required. It is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the provoking factors.

Cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes is a sign of many pathologies, in particular, problems of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. At the first signs of its appearance, it is necessary to visit a specialist who will determine the true cause of the development of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Good evening. A girl has been suffering from stabbing pains in the region of her heart for several years. Attacks are almost daily in the evening. There is a green-black rim around the mouth. Examinations of cardio and neurological pathologies do not reveal, only prolapse 1 stage, hormones, sugar are normal. Hemoglobin 130-140. Please tell me what is it? In the hospital they instill glucose, vitamins and that's it. Treatment is not prescribed, as there is no pathology. The child is tired of the pain.


There's an answer

Responsible Konev Alexander therapist

Maria, hello. The bluish, greenish-gray color of the nasolabial triangle is a really important marker. This skin tone can manifest itself with congenital heart defects, coronary brain disease, lung problems, etc. In your case, this is most likely due to the diagnosed mitral valve prolapse. Cardiac pain, a feeling of interruption in the work of the heart muscle, palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath are also symptoms of prolapse. A teenager may manifest panic attacks and vegetovascular dystonia. With this pathology, treatment should be selected exclusively by the attending physician (sometimes specialists limit themselves to prescribing vitamin complexes and exercise therapy, sometimes they supplement the course with sedatives, adaptogens).

It can indicate a number of diseases. Any manipulations in this area of ​​​​the face are fraught with serious consequences.

Nasolabial triangle - a place on the face, limited by the mouth, nasolabial folds and nose of a person. It is necessary to take a more careful attitude to this place than to other parts of the face. This is due to the presence in this part of the face of a large number of blood vessels (arterial and venous). Moreover, there are no valves on the veins in this place, so all infections penetrating the wounds located on the nasolabial triangle can even enter the brain. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out pimples and boils located in this area. Teenagers often squeeze out their acne. Such a procedure, especially performed with dirty hands, can also lead to sepsis, which ends in death. You also need to be extremely careful when shaving your face. Doctors do not recommend, without special need, to carry out any other manipulations in this area of ​​​​the face. Carrying out cosmetic procedures in beauty salons, you should refrain from influencing this area by any means. Even the slightest damage there can lead to serious complications and even death.

Common in medicine and diagnosis by skin tone in this area of ​​the face. So, often the child has a cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle. This condition may indicate various heart diseases. in a child, it is characteristic of congenital which is eliminated with the help of surgery. But if such a sign appeared for the first time and not in the very first months of life, you should immediately contact a cardiologist. The diagnosis of heart disease is confirmed with an ECG and auscultation of the heart. The cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is often a sign of ischemic brain disease. This condition requires the consultation of a neuropathologist. The final diagnosis can only be made with the help of ultrasound.

The blue nasolabial triangle is most often caused by hypoxia. It can be caused by a number of diseases. These include various diseases of the heart and respiratory organs. Anemia can also cause it. In this case, you can not do without a blood test for hemoglobin. It is best to consult a pediatrician when observing the first symptoms of cyanosis (blueness) in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face of a child. Only he will be able to refute or confirm your fears and make an accurate diagnosis.

Another sign of a serious illness is a very pale nasolabial triangle. Particular attention in this case should be paid to accompanying symptoms. These include the following conditions of the child:

A sharp increase in temperature;

Severe redness of the throat;

Bright, punctate pink rash;

Excessive redness of the cheeks;

Nausea and vomiting;

Severe headaches.

This condition may indicate a disease of scarlet fever. Its incubation period can last from 2 to 7 days. If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe the right treatment and help to avoid complications.

If symptoms such as cyanosis or pallor of the nasolabial triangle are observed in adults, they should also consult a doctor in a timely manner. The correct diagnosis can be made by the appropriate specialists after a series of tests. The most important thing is not to forget that a change in the natural color of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face always indicates the presence of a serious disease in the body.

There is a special area on the face called nasolabial triangle- this is the area above the upper lip, which reaches the root of the nose, and is limited on the sides by the nasolabial folds. People also call it " death triangle«.

What is the "triangle of death"

Acne on the face is not the most pleasant phenomenon that we encounter almost every day. Young people do not favor them either, but they cause especially a lot of inconvenience to the fairer sex, striving for external perfection at any cost. Girls are ready to pay fabulous sums for miraculous cosmetics that promise to save them from a terrible scourge in the form of numerous rashes on their forehead, nose and chin. However, lotions and creams are not always effective from the very first days of use. And then the desperate ladies go the other way: they simply squeeze out the hated abscess that appeared so inopportunely. Of course, we have all heard more than once that it is impossible to do this in any case - if not from doctors, then at least from mothers and grandmothers. But they didn't give a reasonable explanation for it. Unless: “If you spread the infection all over your face, new ones will appear.” There is some truth in this, because every pimple is a focus of inflammation. But believe me, this is not the most dangerous outcome that you should be afraid of. Sometimes, getting rid of such an education, we directly risk our lives, even if we ourselves are not aware of it. Pop a pimple and die? Yes, it is more than real, no matter how surprising it may sound.

Nasolabial triangle (triangle of death)

Historically, it has another name - "triangle of death" . And all because it is an extremely dangerous place for squeezing boils. If a pimple forms in this area, then it should not be touched in any case, it is subject to inpatient treatment. The consequences of self-activity can be very diverse and fraught with complications from thrombosis to meningitis. And it can also lead to death. It would seem, how? It's just an ordinary pimple! Actually, the answer is simple. It lies in the anatomical structure of a person. In any inflamed area of ​​the skin, the vessels automatically expand - this is necessary so that leukocytes, special blood cells, aimed at destroying particles alien to the body, quickly arrive at the “injury site”. When we squeeze out a boil, we act on it mechanically - we squeeze it. And thus we can simultaneously damage the walls of adjacent vessels. That is, we independently give the green light to the penetration of the infection - in the absence of any barriers, it spreads very quickly, goes straight to the venous sinuses (they are often called sinuses) and the meninges. As a result, the latter can become inflamed (long live meningitis), and blood clots often appear in the venous sinuses. This happens if the blood coagulates around a particle from the focus of inflammation, and the formation greatly increases - to such an extent that it clogs the vessel. This is extremely dangerous, since the venous sinuses provide blood supply to the brain. In the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, there is generally a very dense blood supply, due to which rapid healing of the soft tissues of the face is achieved; there are many arteries and veins, and the arteries have numerous anastomoses (connections to each other), and the veins form two networks - superficial and deep, which are also connected. One of the most important superficial veins - the facial one - is connected to the so-called deep pterygoid venous plexus, and itself flows into the internal jugular vein, which emerges from the cranial cavity and descends lower to the neck. Well, the fact that the last vein is one of the key ones in the whole body, I think, is not worth mentioning, because this is a widely known fact. It is the facial vein that is most often involved in the inflammatory process with suppuration on the upper lip, wings of the nose. Under normal conditions, the outflow of venous blood goes from top to bottom, to the jugular vein. However, if the facial vein or its tributaries are thrombosed, then there is a reverse blood flow, retrograde. This is how inflammation of the sinuses, meningitis and other unpleasant things occur. They are not always easy to diagnose right away, and the more time passes, the less likely it is that a person can be saved.

Photo source: HeadInsider

It should be noted that even great people died due to ignorance in this matter. Many striking historical examples can be cited. One of them is Alexander Scriabin, a Russian composer who died due to blood poisoning. It appeared as a complication after squeezing a pimple. A similar death befell the granddaughter of Catherine II, Catherine Pavlovna, Queen of Württemberg. The royal lady, without the knowledge of the court physicians, squeezed out a small pimple in the corner of her mouth before going to bed, taking care of her own appearance, hoping to wake up irresistible in the morning. The very next evening she complained of a small swelling in this area, and then she began to suffer from pain. The temperature also rose. Not a single healing agent helped - the queen died out very quickly, it was not possible to save her. Therefore, summing up, I want to say: you should be attentive to your own health, avoid the desire to mechanically get rid of all the rashes on your face. Isn't it easier, in the end, to normalize the diet so that there are fewer acne (everyone has long known: we are what we eat)? Or, to begin with, consult with a competent specialist in order to identify the cause of their occurrence more accurately and choose the best method of treatment? However, these are just recommendations. If you prefer to deal with pimples by squeezing, then at least remember the “triangle of death”. And if the boil in this area was nevertheless squeezed out due to negligence or ignorance, then it is best to immediately go to the hospital.