How to make cherry compote. How long and how should you cook cherry compote? Ingredients for the drink with seeds

Cherry and cherry season is in full swing. When the whole family has eaten its fill of juicy, aromatic berries, it’s time to think about storing cherries for the winter. If your family loves compotes, and you have a pantry, reliable mezzanines or, best of all, a spacious cellar in which you can store jars of compotes without any problems, now is the hottest time. And it doesn’t matter whether you harvest from your plot or buy berries at the market, cherry compote will always come in handy in winter.

Cherry is one of the earliest berries. It is she who opens the fruit season. Cherry berries contain carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin C and other beneficial substances, including iodine. Cherries are credited with aphrodisiac properties. By the way, cherry compotes are considered the best of the stone fruits, since the pulp of these berries is dense, elastic and does not soften after heat treatment.

Cherry does not lag behind sweet cherries in terms of the content of useful substances. Brightly colored cherry berries give a rich color in compote, which makes it possible to use it in the preparation of colorful assorted compotes. It is better to pick cherries together with the stalks, since when they are torn off, juice begins to release from the berries. It is better to remove the stalks immediately before cooking.

You can prepare mono compotes from cherries or cherries, mix these types of berries or make an assorted compote with them, adding any berries or fruits - it will still be tasty and healthy. And it’s beautiful - after all, cherries are not only red, but also yellow and pink.

To prepare compote from cherries or cherries, you need to sort out the berries, rinse them, and remove the stems. It is not necessary to remove the seeds, but remember that stone fruit compotes cannot be stored for more than 2 years.

Compote is cooked in different ways. The simplest one is to pour the berries into prepared jars, pour boiling water over them, let them sit, then drain the water and boil the syrup in it, then pour boiling syrup over the berries in the jar again and roll them up. This method is good for a large number of berries and housewives who do not like long fuss with jars. The most difficult one is with pasteurization or sterilization, when the berries are poured with pre-cooked syrup of the required concentration, the jars are placed in deep dishes, filled with hot water and heated at a temperature of 80-100°C. Yes, this method is time-consuming, but it is also the most reliable.

The number of cherries or sour berries per jar is determined empirically and depends on tastes. Some people like to open a can of compote and drink it right away without diluting it, while others prefer to brew a concentrated compote that can be diluted with sparkling or boiled water - advice here is inappropriate. Recipes for compotes from cherries or cherries contain recommendations for the amount of berries and sugar, but they are not strict, you can change them as you wish. The only thing that cannot be changed is the cooking method. If you ignore the recommendations to sterilize or pasteurize the compote, you risk losing your preparations. Therefore, be careful and choose recipes that suit you best.

4-5 stacks. cherries,
1.5 stack. Sahara,
vanillin - to taste.

Sort and rinse the berries. Boil water at the rate of approximately 2.5-2.7 liters per jar. Sterilize the jars, fill them with berries and pour boiling water over them. Cover with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan, add sugar, boil and add vanilla. Pour the syrup over the berries in the jars and roll up immediately. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them up.

Assorted compote of cherries and apples


3 kg cherries,
1 kg apples,
400 g sugar,
1.5 liters of water,
3 g citric acid.

Sort and rinse the cherries. Core the apples and cut into slices. Make syrup from water, citric acid and sugar. Fill the prepared jars ⅓ full with a mixture of cherries and apples, pour boiling syrup over them and place for sterilization. 3-liter jars must be sterilized in boiling water for 30 minutes. Roll up and turn over.

Compote of red and yellow cherries

5 pieces. 0.8 liter jars of red and yellow cherries,
1 liter of water,
650-700 g sugar.

Sort and rinse the berries, place them in clean jars. Boil syrup from sugar and water, pour hot into jars and place for sterilization. Sterilization time: 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Roll up, turn over and cool.

Pitted cherry compote

1-2 stacks. cherries,
50 g sugar.

Sort the cherries, wash and remove seeds. Place in clean jars, add sugar and pour boiling water. Cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Roll up.

Cherry compote with black currants

1 kg cherries,
100 g black currants,
1 liter of water,
300 g sugar.

Sort and wash the berries, put them in clean jars and pour boiling syrup over them. Let it sterilize for 25-30 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

Cherry and strawberry compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
1.5 kg cherries,
1.5 kg strawberries,
1.5 liters of water,
700 g sugar.

Boil syrup from water and sugar and cool. Place the prepared berries in jars in layers, fill with syrup, cover with lids and pasteurize at 80°C for 25 minutes. Roll up.

Assorted compote of cherries and strawberries

3 kg cherries,
500 g strawberries,
4 stacks Sahara,
2.5 tsp citric acid,
1 sprig of mint.

Rinse the cherries. Wash the strawberries, but do not remove the sepals. Place cherries first in clean jars, then strawberries, place mint leaves on top of them. Pour boiling water over and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water, add sugar at the rate of 1 cup per 1 liter of water. sugar, boil the syrup and add citric acid to it. Pour boiling syrup into jars of berries and roll up. Turn it over, wrap it up.

Cherry compote with lemon. Place a seedless lemon slice at the bottom of each liter jar. Fill the jars with washed berries, shaking so that the berries fit as tightly as possible. Add sugar to taste into each jar. Pour boiling water and set to sterilize under the lids: 0.5-liter jars - 7-10 minutes, 1-liter jars - 12-15 minutes, 3-liter jars - 20 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over. You can use orange instead of lemon.

Assorted compote of cherries, cherries and apricots

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:
200 g cherries,
200 g cherries,
200 g apricots,
400 g 30% sugar syrup.

Boil syrup at the rate of 200-350 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Wash the cherries, cherries and apricots, remove the stems and seeds (optional). Place in layers in jars, pour boiling water over them and leave covered for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and pour boiling syrup over it. Roll up. Turn over and wrap. Use the water drained from the jars to prepare syrup for the next batches of compote.

Simple cherry compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
1-2 kg cherries,
300 g sugar.

Place the prepared berries in sterilized jars and pour boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes. Pour the water into an enamel pan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Pour boiling syrup over the cherries in the jars and roll up immediately. Turn over and wrap.

Assorted compote of cherries and apricots

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
500 g cherries,
500 g apricots,
1.5-2 liters of syrup (20-60%).

Cook the syrup based on the sweetness of the cherries and apricots. The more sour the berries, the more sugar you need to add to the syrup. Place the prepared berries in jars in layers, pour boiling syrup and pasteurize under lids for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 80°C. Roll up.

Assorted compote of cherries and mulberries

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

1 stack cherries,
½ cup mulberries,
1 stack Sahara,
½ tsp. citric acid.

Pour the prepared berries into a jar, add sugar and citric acid. Pour boiling water and immediately roll up with sterilized lids. Turn it over. Wrap it up and let it cool completely.

Cherry compote with spices without sugar


cherry - how long will it take,
2-3 buds of cloves,
1-2 allspice peas,

Fill sterilized jars ⅔ full with prepared berries with seeds, shaking the jars constantly. Boil water, add spices and fill jars. Set to sterilize: 0.5-liter - 10-12 minutes, 1-liter - 13-15 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

Cherry and blueberry compote

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:
200 g cherries,
400 g blueberries,
400 ml 50% sugar syrup.

Boil sugar syrup at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water. Rinse the berries, drain the water and place on a towel to dry. Fill the jars with prepared berries up to the shoulders, laying them in layers. Pour in hot syrup and set to sterilize for 8 minutes. Roll up.

Assorted compote of cherries and chokeberries

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:

250 g cherries,
300 g chokeberry,
450 ml 60% sugar syrup.

Cook the syrup at the rate of 600 g of sugar per 400 ml of water. Rinse and dry the berries. Do not remove pits from cherries. Fill the sterilized jars with berries, laying them in rows, pour boiling syrup and set to sterilize, covering them with lids, at a temperature of 80°C for 20 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

Cherry compote in its own juice

Squeeze the juice from some of the cherries and heat it with sugar at the rate of 200-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice. Wash the cherries, put them in jars, fill them with juice and put them to pasteurize at a temperature of 85°C: 0.5-liter jars - 10 minutes, 1-liter jars - 15 minutes. Roll up.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Cherry berries are so tasty and aromatic that they are usually eaten fresh, and housewives do not even have time to prepare for the winter. If it comes down to it, then instead of the usual preserves, marmalade or marmalade, it is better to prepare compote. This drink perfectly conveys the taste of fresh berries, quenches thirst and tones. In addition, it also has therapeutic properties, increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood and saturating the body tissues with vitamins, microelements, and fiber.

Product variants made from cherries alone have the maximum benefit. Additional components fill the drink with a new taste, but this does not always have a positive effect on its usefulness.

Features of preparation

In general, you just need to sort the berries before heat treatment; the end result will delight you with its taste in any case. If you want to cook the perfect compote, you should use these tricks:

  • It's better to get the bones. Firstly, they contain substances that, when prepared for the winter, are converted into toxins over time. Secondly, such drinks are more tasty, rich and healthy, without a bitter aftertaste. Thirdly, drinking such a product is simply more pleasant.
  • Not very ripe or white berries can be blanched by alternately dipping in hot and cold water. In this case, they will give more juice and taste.
  • If the seeds are not removed, then the cherry fruits should at least be pricked with a needle before cooking, then they will not burst in boiling water.

Tip: Cherries go perfectly with cinnamon, so this component can be safely added in any approach, regardless of the list of components given in the recipe. In this case, it is allowed to use both cinnamon sticks and ground product.

  • Small worms often appear in cherries. To get rid of them, the fruits should be soaked for half an hour in a salty solution (a tablespoon of the product per 1 liter of water).

At a minimum, the cherries should be thoroughly washed. To do this, after removing the petioles, place the berries in a colander and soak for a few seconds in cold water. We take out the colander, shake it up and repeat the manipulation. We do this several times, changing the water if necessary.

Recipes for one-component cherry compote

Of all the preparations for the winter, recipes for cherry drinks are the easiest to implement. Especially if they involve the presence of only one main component. The type of technique does not necessarily affect the quality of the final result. In this case, the impact option is rather selected on the basis of convenience.

  • Compote of berries with seeds. To implement this recipe, you should take 1 kg of fruit, a glass of sugar and water. Dry the washed cherries on a towel, place them in jars and pour boiling water over them. We select the proportions ourselves, but the jars are rarely more than half filled. Cover the containers with lids and let the mixture brew for 20 minutes. Then pour the liquid into a saucepan and mix with sugar. There is no need to cook the syrup for a long time; do not let it thicken too much. Pour the resulting mixture over the cherry berries again and roll the compote under tin lids.

  • A drink for the winter without seeds. For 700 g of berries we need 2.5 liters of water, a glass of sugar and half a teaspoon of citric acid. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, put them in water and cook after boiling for about 3 minutes. We take out the fruits with a slotted spoon and put them in jars, pour fresh boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. After this time, drain the liquid, bring to a boil, boil with sugar and citric acid until syrup forms. We pour it over the berries and seal the product for the winter. It can be used no earlier than a month later.

  • Berry compote with mint. For 3 kg of cherries we take 5-6 sprigs of fresh mint, 1.5-2 cups of sugar, 5-6 liters of water, a pinch of citric acid. Wash the berries and mint thoroughly and dry them. Make a syrup from water and sugar and add citric acid. Place the mint into the boiling mixture, cook for 3 minutes and remove. Then lay out the cherries, cook for 3 minutes and put them in jars. We roll up the finished product for the winter.

Regardless of how you decide to brew the product, it is recommended to let the finished drink steep for at least a week. Otherwise, the composition will be too watery, and the berries will be overly juicy and sweet.

The best combinations of cherries with other products

If benefits do not play the most important role, then compote can be prepared using one of the following methods:

  • Drink made from cherries, cherries and apricots. We take 200 g of sweet cherries, sour cherries and apricots (all components must be pitted). In addition, we will need water and a glass of sugar. Place fruits and berries in prepared jars, filling the containers up to half. Fill the rest of the space with boiling water. After 10 minutes, drain the mixture, strain and boil with sugar for 10 minutes. Fill the ingredients with syrup and cover the jars with lids.

  • Compote with cherries and black currants. For 1 kg of pitted cherries, take half a glass of black currants, a glass of sugar and 1 liter of water. We prepare syrup from water and sugar. Place the berries in jars, filling them halfway, and pour boiling syrup over them. Place the containers in a pan with hot water, sterilize them for 25 minutes, then roll them up and put them away to cool.

  • Harvesting white cherries for the winter. For 400 g of berries with seeds, take half a cinnamon stick, a pinch of star anise, ground nutmeg, ginger and coriander, a few peas of allspice, 4 tablespoons of sugar and fresh mint. Place the washed berries in a saucepan, add water and cook for a quarter of an hour. Then add all the other ingredients except mint and cook the mixture over low heat for another 15 minutes. Then filter the mixture and serve, garnished with mint leaves.

The shelf life of a product that uses pitted cherries should not exceed 1 year. If the berries are seedless, the compote can last for more than one winter, and its taste will not deteriorate at all.


Hello my dear readers! Our late cherries have already ripened - fragrant, dripping with juice, so beautiful that it’s a pity to pick them and eat them! But endless rains and flying bands of field thrushes make it necessary to quickly dispose of the harvest. Stretching out the pleasure to eat it for at least a week won’t work. Either it will burst from moisture, or only the seeds on the stalks will remain after a bird attack. Therefore, you urgently need to roll up cherry compote for the winter.

Early cherries are also suitable for making compote. Most often it is mixed with strawberries - it turns out tastier. And the later one is good as a solo ingredient. It is absolutely self-sufficient and does not require any “backing vocals”. Although it can be combined with apricots, peaches, some varieties of early apples, and spanka cherries.

Compote is made from cherries of any color - red, yellow, white, “red-sided”. The main requirement for raw materials is that the cherry must be elastic, undamaged, and not wormy. And if there are uninvited guests, then before cooking you should soak the berries in a saline solution. The living creatures will float to the surface in horror and should be removed with a slotted spoon.

Compote is prepared with different contents of cherries. Some people cook it for the aromatic liquid, while for others the cherries themselves are more important. In the first case, you should put a third of the jar of berries and fill the rest of the volume with syrup, and in the second, the cherries are placed tightly in the container. You need very little syrup.

Let's get to work. First of all, I give you a recipe brought from Donbass about thirty years ago by my friend. In this way, compote is prepared not only from cherries, but from any berries and even from large tassels of elastic grapes.

Cherry compote with pits for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization

Ingredients for making sugar syrup

  • Two liters of water.
  • 320-420 g of sugar (about two glasses).
  • 2-4 g of citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Prepare the container - wash it clean using ordinary soda or mustard powder, rinse thoroughly, sterilize in any way familiar to you.
  2. Sort through the cherries, select for rolling the compote only completely whole, not wrinkled, without damage or signs of spoilage. Remove the stalks, if any remain, wash thoroughly.
  3. Fill the jars one third full.
  4. Prepare the syrup and boil it.
  5. Pour into jars from the top, immediately roll up the boiled lids, and place upside down.
  6. Cover the jars with warm clothes. And pile on top - use an old coat, blankets.
  7. Leave until cold.

My comments

  • This method allows you to preserve the taste of fresh berries.
  • It is justified to prepare fresh cherry compote for the winter without sterilization in containers of at least 3 liters.
  • Almost the same way they roll up an assortment of cherries and strawberries. Take fruits in any ratio.

Cherry compote with sterilization

If you make a compote with a predominant content of berries, then there will not be too much syrup in it. Such a product must certainly be sterilized to avoid spoilage during storage. This drink is made from berries with and without seeds. In the first case, you should prepare a syrup of 35% concentration (350 g of sugar per 650 g of water). In the second case, prepare sugar syrup of 50% concentration (500 g of water for 500 g of sugar). A 1 liter jar requires approximately 300-350 ml of syrup. For every liter of syrup, add 1 g of citric acid.

How to roll up

  1. Sort through the raw materials, select only the highest quality berries for processing. Rinse in several waters, tear off the stems and remove the seeds (if you are cooking without them).
  2. Pour cherries almost to the top into sterilized jars.
  3. Make syrup of the desired concentration. Pour hot syrup (60°C) over the cherries. Place sterilized lids on the jars.
  4. Place in a container with water heated to 70°C for sterilization. You can place a wooden plank or a clean cloth folded several times at the bottom of the pan.
  5. Sterilize 1 liter containers at 100°C for 30 minutes (with seeds) or 20 minutes (without seeds).
  6. Screw tightly, place upside down and cool as quickly as possible, but not in a draft.

My comments

Compote using two-time pouring technology without sterilization

Ingredients for a three-liter jar

  • 1.8-2 kg cherries (approximately).
  • 1-1.2 liters of water.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 2 g citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Pour the cherries prepared in the above way into jars almost to the neck.
  2. Boil water, pour it into jars to the top of the neck, and put on sterile lids. Let it sit like this for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Pour the water into the pan. The most convenient way to do this is through gauze secured to the jar with an elastic band or a holey lid.
  4. Put sugar and citric acid in water, heat the syrup to 100°C, boil for 1 minute.
  5. Pour in until the syrup overflows over the neck of the container.
  6. Immediately roll it up, turn it upside down, wrap it in something warm and leave it like that until the compote has cooled completely.

Recipe for pitted cherry compote for children

If you decide to make compote from fresh or frozen cherries for a child, then you should definitely cook it without seeds. After all, the baby can choke on them. A homemade drink is much healthier than store-bought juices and carbonated drinks filled with “chemicals” and sweeteners. It has only one drawback - a high sugar content, which is certainly harmful. Therefore, we will cheat and prepare compote in a saucepan so that we can drink it now, without sugar at all. When the compote has cooled, we sweeten it with liquid honey (if the child is not allergic to it) or add a small amount of sugar, like in tea.

How to cook

  1. We sort and select high-quality berries for the compote, remove them from the stalks, rinse them thoroughly in water, and remove the seeds.
  2. Boil clean water, add the fruits to it, bring it to a boil again, remove from the heat and leave the drink to brew in the pan.
  3. Pour into cups or glasses and add sugar or honey to taste.

We slowly reached the end of our meeting today. Of course, you can prepare fresh cherry compote in a saucepan to drink immediately throughout the season of this delicious berry. But in the summer it is better to simply eat any fruits fresh, and prepare compotes for the winter.

In our house, on New Year's Day, it is customary to open the first jar of some kind of compote with a large content of fruits. Most often it is cherry, pear or. For me, this “greetings from a warm summer” tastes better than any cake. And kids really love to “peck” delicious berries.

I've exhausted the program for today. I would be very grateful if you share the recipe on social networks. I look forward to your comments - they keep me hopeful and confident that someone still needs my writing.
Always yours Irina.

I give you a bright, charming melody today.

Jehro - Continuando

Cherry is one of the first berries to ripen. And housewives, taking this opportunity, try to prepare it for the winter. Moreover, even in canned form, cherries practically do not lose their taste and also retain their beneficial properties.

If cherries grow in favorable conditions, their fruits contain up to 17.5% sugars (glucose, fructose), 1.2% organic acids, 0.32% fiber. It is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, E, C and useful microelements: potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron.

Cherries can be consumed if you have diabetes. It neutralizes excess acidity and normalizes intestinal microflora. It is recommended to include it in the diet for dysbiosis.

Cherry is a tender berry. In order to preserve most of the beneficial substances during canning, it must be subjected to heat treatment as little as possible. The best option for preparing for future use is compote.

Cherry compote for the winter: subtleties of preparation

  • Large-fruited yellow and dark red cherries are best suited for compote. Berries for compote should have a pronounced taste and aroma.
  • Cherries have varieties with easily separated pits and those in which the pit is difficult to separate from the pulp. Therefore, the choice of method for harvesting cherries for future use should depend on how easy it is to work with this berry.
  • The cherries for compote need to be taken quite ripe, but not soft. The berries are first sorted, removing green, wormy or bird-pecked ones.
  • Cherry compote is valuable precisely for its berries, so they put as many of them in the jar as possible. Only then will the drink turn out tasty and very aromatic.
  • Cherries go well with other fruits, so assorted compote is in great demand.
  • Sweet cherries are much sweeter than cherries. If cherries are poured with 60% syrup, then the optimal amount of sugar for cherries is 350 g per 1 liter of water.
  • You can add citric acid to the sugar syrup for cherry compote. Its optimal amount is 1 g per 1 liter of syrup.

Cherry compote for the winter: recipe one

Ingredients for two 2-liter jars:

  • cherries – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 350 g.
  • water – 2.5 l.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cherries, remove the stalks, as well as all spoiled berries. Wash thoroughly.
  • Prepare the jars by washing them with baking soda and rinsing with hot water. Sterilize in a way convenient for you: in the oven or in boiling water. Boil the lids.
  • Fill the jars up to the shoulders with berries.
  • Pour water into an enamel pan and add sugar. Boil the syrup.
  • Fill the berries to the top.
  • Place the jars in a wide saucepan of hot water. Cover with lids.
  • Pasteurize the compote at 80°: half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter jars - 30 minutes.
  • Remove from water and seal tightly.
  • Turn upside down and cool in this position.

Cherry compote for the winter: recipe two

Ingredients for four liter jars:

  • cherries – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 370 g;
  • water – 2.2 l;
  • citric acid – 2-3 g.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cherries, remove the stems. Wash well.
  • Pack the berries tightly into sterile liter jars.
  • Boil the syrup in an enamel pan by adding citric acid.
  • Pour it over the cherries. Cover with lids.
  • Place the jars in a wide saucepan filled with hot water. Sterilize 10 minutes from the moment the water boils.
  • Seal tightly with lids.
  • Cool upside down.

Cherry compote for the winter without sterilization

Ingredients (for a three-liter jar):

  • cherries – 500 g;
  • sugar – 400 g;
  • water – 2.5 l;
  • citric acid - a pinch.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cherries, remove branches and spoiled berries. Wash in cold water. Let the liquid drain.
  • Prepare sterile jars. Place berries in them.
  • Fill to the top with boiling water and cover with lids boiled in water. Leave for 15 minutes.
  • After pasteurization, close the jar with a lid with holes. Drain the water through the holes into the pan. Add sugar and citric acid according to the norm. Bring to a boil and cook the syrup for 2 minutes.
  • Pour it over the berries up to the neck level. It is advisable that the syrup overflows a little.
  • Seal immediately with lids. Turn it upside down. Wrap yourself in a blanket. In this position, let the compote cool completely.

Pitted cherry compote for the winter

Ingredients for 2 half-liter jars:

  • cherries – 2 cups;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 0.5 l.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cherries, tear off the stems. Remove unripe, spoiled berries. Wash in cold water. Place in a sieve or colander. Let the liquid drain.
  • Using a special device or a regular pin, remove the seeds from the berries.
  • Place the cherries in sterile jars. Add sugar. Pour boiling water over it. Cover with clean lids.
  • Place in a saucepan with hot water. Sterilize at 80° (the surface of the water should barely ripple) for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  • Seal with lids. Turn it upside down. Leave until completely cool.

Cherry and strawberry compote for the winter

Ingredients for two 3-liter jars:

  • cherries – 3 kg;
  • strawberries – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 700 g;
  • citric acid – 2 tsp;
  • water – 2 l;
  • mint – 1 sprig.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cherries, remove bad berries. Wash under running water.
  • Sort through the strawberries. Rinse by immersing in a colander in a container of water. Tear off the sepals.
  • Place the cherries first, then the strawberries, in clean, sterile jars. Place a mint leaf on top.
  • Pour boiling water over it. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Close the jar with a special lid with holes, drain the water into the pan. Put in sugar. Boil the syrup by adding citric acid.
  • Pour it over the berries. Seal immediately.
  • Turn it upside down. Wrap yourself in a blanket. Leave until completely cool.

Note to the hostess

Sweet cherry pits, like cherries, contain the glycoside amygdalin. When exposed to water, it decomposes and produces hydrocyanic acid, which is very poisonous. Therefore, cherry compote with pits can be stored for no more than one year. And, of course, you shouldn’t bite the bones.

Store cherry compote in a cool, dark place.


Cherry and cherry season is in full swing. When the whole family has eaten its fill of juicy, aromatic berries, it’s time to think about storing cherries for the winter.

If your family loves compotes, and you have a pantry, reliable mezzanines or, best of all, a spacious cellar in which you can store jars of compotes without any problems, now is the hottest time.

And it doesn’t matter whether you harvest from your plot or buy berries at the market, cherry compote will always come in handy in winter.

Cherry is one of the earliest berries. It is she who opens the fruit season. Cherry berries contain carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin C and other beneficial substances, including iodine.

Cherries are credited with aphrodisiac properties.

By the way, cherry compotes are considered the best of the stone fruits, since the pulp of these berries is dense, elastic and does not soften after heat treatment.

Step-by-step recipe for cherry compote Even more recipes for preparations

Cherry does not lag behind sweet cherries in terms of the content of useful substances.

Brightly colored cherry berries give a rich color in compote, which makes it possible to use it in the preparation of colorful assorted compotes.

It is better to pick cherries together with the stalks, since when they are torn off, juice begins to release from the berries. It is better to remove the stalks immediately before cooking.

You can prepare mono compotes from cherries or sour cherries, mix these types of berries or make an assorted compote with them, adding any berries or fruits - it will still be tasty and healthy. And it’s beautiful - after all, cherries are not only red, but also yellow and pink.

To prepare compote from cherries or cherries, you need to sort out the berries, rinse them, and remove the stems. It is not necessary to remove the seeds, but remember that stone fruit compotes cannot be stored for more than 2 years.

Compote is cooked in different ways.

The simplest one is to pour the berries into prepared jars, pour boiling water over them, let them sit, then drain the water and boil the syrup in it, then pour boiling syrup over the berries in the jar again and roll them up.

This method is good for a large number of berries and housewives who do not like long fuss with jars.

The most difficult one is with pasteurization or sterilization, when the berries are poured with pre-cooked syrup of the required concentration, the jars are placed in deep dishes, filled with hot water and heated at a temperature of 80-100°C. Yes, this method is time-consuming, but it is also the most reliable.

The number of cherries or sour berries per jar is determined empirically and depends on tastes.

Some people like to open a can of compote and drink it right away without diluting it, while others prefer to brew a concentrated compote that can be diluted with sparkling or boiled water - advice here is inappropriate.

Recipes for compotes from cherries or cherries contain recommendations for the amount of berries and sugar, but they are not strict, you can change them as you wish. The only thing that cannot be changed is the cooking method.

4-5 stacks. cherries, 1.5 cups. Sahara,

vanillin - to taste.

Sort and rinse the berries. Boil water at the rate of approximately 2.5-2.7 liters per jar. Sterilize the jars, fill them with berries and pour boiling water over them.

Cover with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan, add sugar, boil and add vanilla. Pour the syrup over the berries in the jars and roll up immediately.

Turn the jars upside down and wrap them up.

Assorted compote of cherries and apples

3 kg cherries, 1 kg apples, 400 g sugar, 1.5 l water,

3 g citric acid.

Sort and rinse the cherries. Core the apples and cut into slices. Make syrup from water, citric acid and sugar.

Fill the prepared jars ⅓ full with a mixture of cherries and apples, pour boiling syrup over them and place for sterilization. 3-liter jars must be sterilized in boiling water for 30 minutes.

Roll up and turn over.

Compote of red and yellow cherries


5 pieces. 0.8 liter jars of red and yellow cherries, 1 liter of water,

650-700 g sugar.

Sort and rinse the berries, place them in clean jars. Boil syrup from sugar and water, pour hot into jars and place for sterilization. Sterilization time: 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Roll up, turn over and cool.

Pitted cherry compote

1-2 stacks. cherries,

50 g sugar.

Sort the cherries, wash and remove seeds. Place in clean jars, add sugar and pour boiling water. Cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Roll up.

Cherry compote with black currants

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
1 kg cherries, 100 g black currants, 1 liter of water,

300 g sugar.

Sort and wash the berries, put them in clean jars and pour boiling syrup over them. Let it sterilize for 25-30 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

Cherry and strawberry compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

1.5 kg cherries, 1.5 kg strawberries, 1.5 liters of water,

700 g sugar.

Boil syrup from water and sugar and cool. Place the prepared berries in jars in layers, fill with syrup, cover with lids and pasteurize at 80°C for 25 minutes. Roll up.

Assorted compote of cherries and strawberries


3 kg cherries, 500 g strawberries, 4 cups. sugar, 2.5 tsp. citric acid,

1 sprig of mint.

Rinse the cherries. Wash the strawberries, but do not remove the sepals. Place cherries first in clean jars, then strawberries, place mint leaves on top of them.

Pour boiling water over and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water, add sugar at the rate of 1 cup per 1 liter of water. sugar, boil the syrup and add citric acid to it.

Pour boiling syrup into jars of berries and roll up. Turn it over, wrap it up.

Cherry compote with lemon. Place a seedless lemon slice at the bottom of each liter jar. Fill the jars with washed berries, shaking so that the berries fit as tightly as possible.

Add sugar to taste into each jar. Pour boiling water and set to sterilize under the lids: 0.5-liter jars - 7-10 minutes, 1-liter jars - 12-15 minutes, 3-liter jars - 20 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

You can use orange instead of lemon.

Assorted compote of cherries, cherries and apricots

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:

200 g cherries, 200 g sweet cherries, 200 g apricots,

400 g 30% sugar syrup.

Boil syrup at the rate of 200-350 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Wash the cherries, cherries and apricots, remove the stems and seeds (optional).

Place in layers in jars, pour boiling water over them and leave covered for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and pour boiling syrup over it. Roll up. Turn over and wrap.

Use the water drained from the jars to prepare syrup for the next batches of compote.

Simple cherry compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

1-2 kg cherries,

300 g sugar.

Place the prepared berries in sterilized jars and pour boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Pour the water into an enamel pan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Pour boiling syrup over the cherries in the jars and roll up immediately. Turn over and wrap.

Assorted compote of cherries and apricots

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

500 g cherries, 500 g apricots,

1.5-2 liters of syrup (20-60%).

Cook the syrup based on the sweetness of the cherries and apricots. The more sour the berries, the more sugar you need to add to the syrup.

Place the prepared berries in jars in layers, pour boiling syrup and pasteurize under lids for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 80°C.

Roll up.

Assorted compote of cherries and mulberries

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
1 stack cherries, ½ cup. mulberries, 1 cup. Sahara,

½ tsp. citric acid.

Pour the prepared berries into a jar, add sugar and citric acid. Pour boiling water and immediately roll up with sterilized lids. Turn it over. Wrap it up and let it cool completely.

Cherry compote with spices without sugar

cherries - as much as it takes, 2-3 buds of cloves, 1-2 peas of allspice,

Fill sterilized jars ⅔ full with prepared berries with seeds, shaking the jars constantly.

Boil water, add spices and fill jars.

Set to sterilize: 0.5-liter - 10-12 minutes, 1-liter - 13-15 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

Cherry and blueberry compote

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:

200 g cherries, 400 g blueberries,

400 ml 50% sugar syrup.

Boil sugar syrup at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water. Rinse the berries, drain the water and place on a towel to dry.

Fill the jars with prepared berries up to the shoulders, laying them in layers. Pour in hot syrup and set to sterilize for 8 minutes. Roll up.

Assorted compote of cherries and chokeberries

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:
250 g cherries, 300 g chokeberry,

450 ml 60% sugar syrup.

Cook the syrup at the rate of 600 g of sugar per 400 ml of water. Rinse and dry the berries. Do not remove pits from cherries.

Fill the sterilized jars with berries, laying them in rows, pour boiling syrup and set to sterilize, covering them with lids, at a temperature of 80°C for 20 minutes.

Roll it up and turn it over.

Cherry compote in its own juice

Squeeze the juice from some of the cherries and heat it with sugar at the rate of 200-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice. Wash the cherries, put them in jars, fill them with juice and put them to pasteurize at a temperature of 85°C: 0.5-liter jars - 10 minutes, 1-liter jars - 15 minutes. Roll up.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina


Cherry compote for the winter in jars - a recipe for preserving an aromatic drink

When the cherry season is in full swing, it means that it’s time to think about a compote of these berries for the winter.

The sweet canned drink is considered the best of the stone fruit varieties, since the fruits retain their density and elasticity even after heat treatment.

A delicious compote of juicy yellow, red, and burgundy berries will be especially valuable in winter.

How to cook cherry compote

The berry gives every housewife the opportunity to create beautiful and appetizing drinks containing useful elements.

Colorful cherry compotes for the winter will be an excellent vitamin thirst neutralizer during the season when there are practically no fresh fruits and berries.

To make the cherry variety more juicy, it should be picked from the tree with the stalk, which must be removed immediately before canning. The juice from the berry will not flow out prematurely; all the beneficial vitamins will be preserved inside the fruit.

Preparing compotes for the winter is an easy and not very labor-intensive process that allows you to enjoy a delicious drink in the cold.

You can make an aromatic drink exclusively from cherries or mix them with other berries that differ in color and taste. In any case, the drink will be as vitamin-rich and tonic as possible.

It is worth considering that cherry compote for the winter with pits not removed cannot be stored for more than two years.

If you are going to learn the science of how to cook cherry compote for the first time, you should know that this can be done without sterilization or with sterilization.

The first method is the simplest and is suitable for a large number of varieties.

It consists of filling prepared jars with berries, pouring boiling water over the food in the container, boiling syrup from the infused water and pouring it back over the raw cherries.

The sterilization method is more labor-intensive, because during the seaming process it is necessary to pour syrup of a suitable concentration into jars filled with berries.

After this, you need to securely place the containers in a large bowl or pan with hot water and heat them for a certain amount of time at a temperature of eighty to one hundred degrees Celsius.

The easiest way to cook compote for the winter quickly and easily is the option without sterilization. Based on a three-liter jar, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • cherry tree fruits – 4-5 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • vanillin - at your discretion.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the berries, that is, sort them out and rinse them thoroughly. Remove seeds as desired.
  2. Bring water to a boil at the rate of two and a half liters per jar.
  3. Sterilize the container, fill it with the main ingredient, pour boiling water over it, and let it stand for fifteen minutes.
  4. Drain all the liquid from the jars into a bowl, add sugar, boil and add vanillin.
  5. Fill the jars with the resulting syrup. After this, they must be closed immediately.
  6. Turn the filled container upside down and do not move it to a permanent storage location until it has cooled completely.

How to make pitted compote for the winter

We especially love this cherry drink because it can be stored longer. If you are wondering how to cook pitted cherry compote for a half-liter jar, then prepare the following ingredients:

  • juicy fruits of the berry tree - 1-2 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 50 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the main ingredient for seaming: remove the cuttings, wash, sort.
  2. Place the berries in pre-prepared jars, sprinkle with sugar and fill with boiling water.
  3. Cover the containers with lids. After this, set to sterilize for twenty minutes. The countdown begins from the time the boiling process begins.
  4. Roll up and store the preserves in a dark place.

Compote without sugar for the winter

It is customary to top the cherry compote with added sugar. However, you can replace regular granulated sugar with a sweetener in the form of honey or fructose.

Some housewives prefer to make a completely unsweetened drink for the winter, which is ideal for diabetics and women who watch their figure.

If you decide to make berry compote for the winter without sugar, then prepare the following ingredients per half-liter jar:

  • juicy fruits of the berry tree - 1-2 tbsp.

You need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Prepare the fruits by clearing them of stems and spoiled elements.
  2. Fill a third of the jar with berries and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Roll up.
  4. Put the preserved food in the pantry or basement.

Cherry and strawberry compote

Preservation will have a richer taste if you add other fruits and berries to the main component.

Cherry compote for the winter can also be prepared with citrus fruits, such as lemon or orange. You will definitely like the combination of cherries and strawberries.

To seal the canned food, you should take the following ingredients:

  • juicy fruits of the berry tree – 3 kg;
  • strawberries – 500 g;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • citric acid – 2.5 tsp;
  • mint - 1 sprig.

Step-by-step instructions will help you understand how to prepare compote for the winter. To brew a cherry-strawberry drink, you need:

  1. Prepare the main components by thoroughly washing and removing twigs, cuttings and sepals.
  2. Place cherries, strawberries, and mint leaves into jars one by one. Pour boiling water over and wait twenty minutes.
  3. Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar to the liquid in a 1:1 ratio, add citric acid, and bring to a syrup on the stove.
  4. Pour the prepared liquid into jars, after which they must be closed immediately.


Our late cherries are already ripe - fragrant, dripping with juice, so beautiful that it’s a pity to pick them and eat them! But endless rains and flying bands of field thrushes make it necessary to quickly dispose of the harvest.

Stretching out the pleasure to eat it for at least a week will not work. Either it will burst from moisture, or only the seeds on the stalks will remain after a bird attack.

Therefore, you urgently need to roll up cherry compote for the winter.

Early cherries are also suitable for making compote. Most often it is mixed with strawberries - it turns out tastier. And the later one is good as a solo ingredient.

It is absolutely self-sufficient and does not require any “backing vocals”.

Although it can be combined with apricots, peaches, some varieties of early apples, and spanka cherries.

Compote is made from cherries of any color - red, yellow, white, “red-sided”. The main requirement for raw materials is that the cherry must be elastic, undamaged, and not wormy.

And if there are uninvited guests, then before cooking you should soak the berries in a saline solution.

The living creatures will float to the surface in horror and should be removed with a slotted spoon.

Compote is prepared with different contents of cherries. Some people cook it for the aromatic liquid, while for others the cherries themselves are more important.

In the first case, you should put a third of the jar of berries and fill the rest of the volume with syrup, and in the second, the cherries are placed tightly in the container.

You need very little syrup.

Let's get to work. First of all, I give you a recipe brought from Donbass about thirty years ago by my friend. In this way, compote is prepared not only from cherries, but from any berries and even from large tassels of elastic grapes.

Cherry compote with pits for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization

Ingredients for making sugar syrup

  • Two liters of water.
  • 320-420 g of sugar (about two glasses).
  • 2-4 g of citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Prepare the container - wash it clean using ordinary soda or mustard powder, rinse thoroughly, sterilize in any way familiar to you.
  2. Sort through the cherries, select for rolling the compote only completely whole, not wrinkled, without damage or signs of spoilage. Remove the stalks, if any remain, wash thoroughly.
  3. Fill the jars one third full.
  4. Prepare the syrup and boil it.
  5. Pour into jars from the top, immediately roll up the boiled lids, and place upside down.
  6. Cover the jars with warm clothes.

    And pile on top - use an old coat, blankets.

  7. Leave until cold.

My comments

  • This method allows you to preserve the taste of fresh berries.
  • It is justified to prepare fresh cherry compote for the winter without sterilization in containers of at least 3 liters.
  • Almost the same way they roll up an assortment of cherries and strawberries. Take fruits in any ratio.

Cherry compote with sterilization

If you make a compote with a predominant content of berries, then there will not be too much syrup in it. Such a product must certainly be sterilized to avoid spoilage during storage. This drink is made from berries with and without seeds.

In the first case, you should prepare a syrup of 35% concentration (350 g of sugar per 650 g of water). In the second case, prepare sugar syrup of 50% concentration (500 g of water for 500 g of sugar). A 1 liter jar requires approximately 300-350 ml of syrup.

For every liter of syrup, add 1 g of citric acid.

How to roll up

  1. Sort through the raw materials, select only the highest quality berries for processing. Rinse in several waters, tear off the stems and remove the seeds (if you are cooking without them).
  2. Pour cherries almost to the top into sterilized jars.
  3. Make syrup of the desired concentration. Pour hot syrup (60°C) over the cherries. Place sterilized lids on the jars.
  4. Place in a container with water heated to 70°C for sterilization. You can place a wooden plank or a clean cloth folded several times at the bottom of the pan.
  5. Sterilize 1 liter containers at 100°C for 30 minutes (with seeds) or 20 minutes (without seeds).
  6. Screw tightly, place upside down and cool as quickly as possible, but not in a draft.

My comments

  • Using this technology, it is justified to roll compote in 0.7-1 liter jars.
  • In winter, put pitted cherries from compote in pies, cakes, various desserts and simply eat them as if they were fresh.

Compote using two-time pouring technology without sterilization

Ingredients for a three-liter jar

  • 1.8-2 kg cherries (approximately).
  • 1-1.2 liters of water.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 2 g citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Pour the cherries prepared in the above way into jars almost to the neck.
  2. Boil water, pour it into jars to the top of the neck, and put on sterile lids.

    Let it sit like this for 10-12 minutes.

  3. Pour the water into the pan. The most convenient way to do this is through gauze secured to the jar with an elastic band or a holey lid.
  4. Put sugar and citric acid in water, heat the syrup to 100°C, boil for 1 minute.
  5. Pour in until the syrup overflows over the neck of the container.
  6. Immediately roll it up, turn it upside down, wrap it in something warm and leave it like that until the compote has cooled completely.

Recipe for pitted cherry compote for children

If you decide to make compote from fresh or frozen cherries for a child, then you should definitely cook it without seeds. After all, the baby can choke on them.

A homemade drink is much healthier than store-bought juices and carbonated drinks filled with “chemicals” and sweeteners. It has only one drawback - a high sugar content, which is certainly harmful.

Therefore, we will cheat and prepare compote in a saucepan so that we can drink it now, without sugar at all.

When the compote has cooled, we sweeten it with liquid honey (if the child is not allergic to it) or add a small amount of sugar, like in tea.

How to cook

  1. We sort and select high-quality berries for the compote, remove them from the stalks, rinse them thoroughly in water, and remove the seeds.
  2. Boil clean water, add the fruits to it, bring it to a boil again, remove from the heat and leave the drink to brew in the pan.
  3. Pour into cups or glasses and add sugar or honey to taste.

We slowly reached the end of our meeting today. Of course, you can prepare fresh cherry compote in a saucepan to drink immediately throughout the season of this delicious berry.

But in the summer it is better to simply eat any fruits fresh, and prepare compotes for the winter.

In our house, on New Year's Day, it is customary to open the first jar of some kind of compote with a large content of fruits. Most often it is cherry, pear or apricot compote. For me, this “greetings from a warm summer” tastes better than any cake. And kids really love to “peck” delicious berries.


A surge of strength and energy will come from cherry compote for the winter. When the yield of cherry trees in your garden is too high, the berries on them become overripe and often disappear. Canning for the winter will help preserve healthy fruits. Cherries are processed into preserves, jams, compotes, or simply frozen for later use as a filling for pies. The easiest way to preserve berries is to make compote from them.

Cherry compote for the winter is cooked in various ways. Firstly, the preparation of the berries themselves is of great importance. They can be preserved whole with the seeds. In this case, the drink will have a subtle, delicate taste and exquisite aroma. This elixir does not require sterilization of jars of compote before sealing with lids. The option of processing pitted cherries involves obtaining a more intense aroma and concentrated taste. But this recipe necessarily requires a procedure for sterilizing the jars with the contents. Otherwise, there is a possibility of the provisions being disrupted. Secondly, cherries, due to their mild taste, can be perfectly combined with other gifts of nature. You can get an excellent cherry compote by adding apricots, apples, pears, raspberries, chokeberries, cherries, and other berries and fruits that ripen during the cherry season.

Below are popular recipes for cherry compote, both in its pure form and with the addition of other fruits. Based on them, you can experiment and create your own, following the cooking stages.

Cherry compote with pits without sterilization

To make cherry compote for the winter without sterilization, you need to prepare 5 cups of berries. You need to take 250 gram glasses. For the preparation you will need another 1.5 cups of sugar. If you want to add a touch of spice, you can add vanillin. The listed components should make one 3-liter jar.


The concentration of the compote can be adjusted according to your taste by adding or subtracting the number of cherries. This also applies to the use of sugar in drinks.

Compote of pitted cherries with sterilization

Below is a recipe for making pitted cherry compote for the winter. The process involves sterilizing jars with contents to prevent the provisions from breaking down. The preparation will require 2 cups of cherries and only 50 grams of sugar. These ingredients are placed in a half-liter jar.


White cherry compote

White cherry compote for the winter has a delicate aroma and unusually delicate taste. If you happen to have such a variety, don’t miss the moment and prepare it for the winter. The amount of cherries per compote will be calculated based on the desired number of jars with the future compote. Since these berries have a weak taste, it is advisable to fill the jar halfway, or even more. For such a three-liter container you will also need a glass of sugar.


  1. Sort the cherries, wash them, separate them from the stems and leaves. Fill a sterile jar with them.
  2. Boil water (2 liters per jar).
  3. Gently pour bubbling water over the berries in the jar. It should be poured in a thin stream so that the glass container does not crack.
  4. Cover with tin lids and let the winter cherry compote brew for a few minutes.
  5. Remove the tin lid and put a nylon lid with drainage holes on the neck. Pour the berry-saturated water back into the pan. Add sugar to the same bowl and boil for a minute or two.
  6. Send the boiling syrup into jars and screw the tin lids on tightly. Turn upside down and wrap in thick cloth until cool completely.
  7. Ready!

If the cherries are wormy, they need to be immersed in water for several hours. During this time, all unwanted organisms and debris will float to the surface of the water.

Cherry and apple compote

Sweet cherries are perfectly complemented by the sourness of apples. This entire sweet and sour set can be stored for a long time in the form of compote. To create this fortified cocktail you will need a kilogram of apples and three kilograms of cherries. These components will use 400-500 grams of sugar. Safety will be ensured by 3 g of citric acid. The resulting compote of cherries with citric acid will have a refreshing effect on summer days and a feeling of vigor in winter.


  1. The cherries should be sorted and washed. There is no need to remove the seeds.
  2. Cut the washed, unpeeled apples into pieces and remove the core.
  3. Dissolve sugar and citric acid in 1.5 liters of water. Boil.
  4. Place sliced ​​apples and cherries in jars to fill 1/3 of its volume. Pour boiling syrup over.
  5. Submit for a 30-minute sterilization procedure. Remove from hot water, seal with lids and wrap until cool.
  6. Ready!

Strawberry and cherry compote for the winter

Juicy, aromatic strawberries go well with cherry fruits, so it is advisable to combine them in an assorted compote. The drink will hold 3 kilograms of cherries and a total of 500 grams. The syrup will use not only 4 cups of sugar, but also 3 teaspoons of citric acid. For special connoisseurs of subtle taste, you can add a sprig of mint or a leaf of lemon balm.


A simple recipe for cherry compote for the winter can also be supplemented with lemon or orange. To do this, in addition to cherry berries, you need to prepare citrus fruits by cutting them together with the peel into pieces of any shape. Combine the ingredients in a jar, add syrup and send for sterilization. The duration of this procedure depends on the volume of the jars. Standard 3-liter jars, which are most often used for storing compote, require 20 minutes of hot treatment. Delicious and healthy compote preparations for the winter!

Video recipe for compote from cherries and tangerines