Why do you dream about a camera? “Why do you dream about a camera in a dream? If you see a Camera in a dream, what does it mean? Dream Interpretation Camera, why do you dream about seeing a Camera in a dream?

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Why do you dream about a Camera in a dream according to 14 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Camera” symbol from 14 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

it was in the mountains. my sister dropped the camera into the water. it stopped working. Then they handed it over for repairs. but there was not a single photograph on it. They began to remember what photographs there were.

I dreamed that some guy I had never seen in my life was photographing me. And the last time he clearly photographed my eyes, so huge and beautiful. Why would you dream about this?

Hello Tatiana! In the dream, I took photographs with an old Soviet camera (my grandparents once had one), I don’t remember who. But I was surprised by the quality of these photos, it felt like he took the pictures himself. At the end I wanted to take a photo of myself, but I didn’t.

Here, listen. One day I dreamed that I was walking in the park with my dad. He had an expensive SLR camera. I myself saw a camera in a dream. One day we went to a sports complex and I saw my swimming coach there. When dad went out to smoke, I took a picture of my trainer’s bare butt with his camera...
Well, I don’t remember anymore...

I lost my mother’s camera and couldn’t sleep, but then I fell asleep at the beginning of the dream, I dreamed that I had lost it and went back to look for a man named Danik, I love him very much and I found the camera at the end, I dreamed that I found it at home in a box, it was lying on a pink raft or half a century

Hello, I dreamed that I was sitting in my car and from around the corner someone took a picture of me, I noticed it, but when I approached the camera there was no one there, I took it and deleted all the photos

I dreamed of my ex-husband who wants to take away the digital camera that I need, then he sits down and complains about his health. In reality, he left me all my things and took only personal belongings and clothes. Why would such a dream be from Sunday to Monday?

In a dream I take a camera. I want to photograph nature because I haven’t photographed it for a long time. I press the button to take a photo and the phone breaks in half vertically, very easily, as if a cracker had been broken. But she didn’t separate the halves. I was upset that I broke it. I'm holding the camera in my hands. And I woke up.

I lost my camera in a dream and broke something else. This something was not deposited in the consciousness, there was a feeling that it could no longer be fixed. and it was a pity for the camera, dear, the loan has not yet been repaid. Therefore, my husband and I looked for him, a friend helped me find him through a friend and file him. But they never found it, I woke up

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were getting ready for a wedding, it’s unclear how he goes into the store to buy a suit, I’m standing on the street waiting for him. My ex immediately appears and takes me to some house so that I can get ready myself and takes me into the bathroom, the room is spacious, the sweats are in the yellow-blue old tiles, pipes are dripping on the ceiling, I’m nervous, it’s a terrible dress, I’m not ready and .etc. My ex and I go up to the second floor, children are sitting in the rooms and preparing all sorts of paper fakes for the wedding, some Muslim woman appears and begins to prepare me for the wedding, my ex leaves and at this time I begin to understand and ask where is my boyfriend? Am I marrying my ex? to which the Muslim woman replies yes! I take out the phone, call the guy, tell him that they want to marry me off to someone else, then the Muslim woman takes out a SLR camera with pictures of my mother present and I faint and wake up

In the dream there was a large lake, mountains and nearby a forest on a cliff (descent) in the lake on its shore swans swam, I walked nearby, the water was blue and the shore was transparent crystal, there were stones and even waves on the shore, but I was so happy in the dream, over the edge, in the dream I asked my dad to take pictures of me, but something always prevented me from doing so, or I didn’t like the angle and was terribly upset. Afterwards I found myself in the forest with a deer, but he didn’t have an horn (he was young), but I still didn’t understand what kind of man he was. He (the deer) led me and I followed him and there was grass like in the steppes, long and lying young green and yellow dry. I kept walking along and when we reached the cliff I saw a very large tree, it was large, powerful and all covered in green foliage and there was a lot of azure transparent water around and we (me and the deer) all stood and looked at it all. Then it seemed to me that I scared him off, but people were following us all this time (there were relatives and strangers there), I turned around to look at these people, and when I turned back, there was a lot of water in front of me, like a river and the other bank, but there was no deer, I was looking at someone I was swimming in the hope that it was him (it was so important to me that he stayed alive and everything was fine with him) (on the left side there were light green reeds or some kind of greenery and everyone thought that he went from there, he was just not visible from -for the grass) but it turned out not to be him, but a small deer, and after that there were more of them and everything there was green and in meadow flowers.
Then there was a bright light through the tops of the trees, I was in the forest, everything was very fabulous there - fabulous, I asked my dad to take a picture of me again, but again it didn’t work, then a holiday began to take place there, but I was upset about it, and then again nature there were a lot of big snowdrops, a lot and I was sitting next to them and this place was the one that was at the beginning of the dream near the lake but closer to the descent (cliff) there people said or dad didn’t understand that go further into the forest there are a lot of flowers and I ran and there are a lot of flowering trees and even on the ground there are petals from under the color everything in them

I dreamed of a girl dressed in a black dress, we met her, she was going down the stairs, I wanted to lead her, then we went along the top, she said wait here, and didn’t come back, Then I got into the boat, and somehow he I drove along the road, I asked the driver to stop, but he didn’t want to, I stopped him later when we left, Then a boy we didn’t know came up in the boat and said let’s go, We went to look for her, But we didn’t find her, He said that her name is Stalin Kalinskaya, The girl is... My beautiful girl, in a black dress, with a camera, started to photograph the event.

I had several dreams today. At first I picked and ate raspberries in the forest. Then I dreamed of a loved one who died 17 years ago. He was wearing a nice brown suit, he seemed to be in a good mood. We wanted to meet on one of the streets, he walked in front, and I walked behind. His wife walked ahead of him (she is alive) and grumbled. I decided that it was not worth provoking her and went in the opposite direction in the hope that we would come to the agreed upon place in a different way, but I could not understand where exactly we needed to come and left them. I also dreamed that while I was picking raspberries, I was alone a woman took my camera and I asked her friend to return it to me. I had such a strange dream on Easter, although I understand that this is not very good, because I am sick.

I dreamed that the boys were sitting in a tree, one of them had a camera camera fall out on the ground, at this time I was walking along the road and picked up this camera, took a photo of something and saw that the lens had broken, there was some security guard sitting nearby, and the boy was already climbing down from the tree, I didn’t wait for him and handed the camera to the security guard and told him to give it to that boy

with some guy, but it was as if I knew him... The group went to apartments, handing out cameras just like that. They skipped the first floor, other couples took it, went to the second and even thought about going, but their legs carried them. The partner went to the door and rang the bell. A blind girl opened it, and that’s where it all began. And suddenly at the end, instead of the guy, there was another girl. We began to say goodbye to that girl and left. And she went out with us, but on her own business. While we were walking, we were talking to her... She asked me to drive the spider away from her place, otherwise she was afraid. I thought how afraid she was of him if he was blind. And a thought immediately flew through my head, blind but not without feelings. I agreed. They approached, and there was a tree with long branches, I asked: where is the spider, they told me that it was in the foliage. At first I saw what looked like three small cocoons. And then, I threw two sticks over some kind of fence and thought, I need to go somewhere far away, otherwise he will come back. But I couldn’t throw him off, as if he didn’t want to leave. I thought that I should take some kind of branch and then throw it away along with the spider. After this thought I woke up.
I liked this blind girl that I wanted to date her.
thank you for your attention

I'm standing at the window in a new house. Mom is with me, and dad is outside. I see him from the window
My mother and I are laughing at something, when suddenly I turn around, look at the street, there my father, in a rage, throws the camera at Yurchenko (as if take it and don’t show up) and continues to yell something, drives him right away from the fence, and doesn’t let him come in! And then I see Timofey’s mother! All in tears! She somehow runs to my window! Knocks on it. I quickly open it, she wraps her arms around my neck, roars and says: Sorry! You are good! You have never been “pretty”, I hug her, stroke her, and say: what do you think, is life punishing you like this? She sat back and said yes. How I got everything. And then I woke up.
Yurchenko is the ex who cheated on me

I dreamed that a man and a woman were standing next to each other; they didn’t know each other, but they were communicating quite animatedly. I don't know where I stand. The man has a digital camera and it is behind him, supported by something. The start button on the camera is pressed, and the lens is turned down towards the ground, and it takes photographs non-stop. I look and am surprised at this, for some reason I’m standing in dark glasses, and they can’t see my eye reaction. I just thought to myself: Well, digital, you can delete everything

I am a photographer, I was on the set of rope jumping, not commercial. I put the lens on the camera, but it doesn’t focus, I put it on, but it doesn’t take pictures. I think, okay, I still wanted to change the equipment, it’s a pity that I won’t sell this one, then I understand that I’m not installing the equipment on my device, but on an old 1100. I put it on my own, everything works, but I went with the thought that I need to change the equipment.

It was warm, beautiful sunny weather, and the college kids and I went with the physical education teacher to practice on the grass, but I saw the rays of the sun and walked into them, the teacher noticed this and agreed and moved everyone to the sunny side. Then we did something, like exercises, and I felt cheerful and warm, something happened and I ran around my classmates standing by and I laughed, and they laughed, and the teacher had the feeling that he was filming me with a camera, but she She said she was taking pictures.
A short pause in the dream, everything turned white, like a transition to another dream. And there I played with two or three children the game stop the earth. And the weather changed terribly, the clouds were gray and black, but there was no rain, and I slowly hurried them to go home.

I found a camera on a tripod in my yard; my friends were not far away. I approached him and decided to take a photo, I didn’t understand it, a friend told me how to take a photo, somewhere in the background was my mother. And yet I was able to take a photo, but did not see it

Seeing a camera in a dream or photographing something with its help is a harbinger of unpleasant changes. You may experience acute disappointment in some person. In general, dreams in which a camera plays a central role often reflect the desire to stop reality, obtain additional information, or grasp a hidden meaning. Perhaps your life moves too quickly and you cannot grasp all its nuances.

1 camera by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

prominent position, fame.

1 camera by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You see a camera in a dream - you will suffer through no fault of your own; you will be unfairly offended. A young woman dreams that she is using a camera - this woman will soon be disappointed in her lover, with whom she had all her intentions and dreams; It will be empty in the heart, bitter in the soul.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 camera according to Dream Book 2012

A reflection of the desire to distance oneself from something (someone). A reflection of the desire to remember something (someone) (also the necessity and/or possibility of this).

1 camera by Ladies' dream book

Meaning of dream camera:

The camera lens is a focus on experiences.

Seeing a camera lens in a dream means you want to become more familiar with certain things.

1 camera by Family dream book

A camera seen in a dream foreshadows changes that can lead to trouble.

A young woman who dreamed that she was taking photographs will face many sorrows in the near future. She will experience acute disappointment in her loved one.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 camera by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Fame; shoot - a new acquaintance; disappointment in friends.

Photos are responsibilities, a sign of things that need to be done.

Seeing your photo in a newspaper or magazine means gossip, collapse of hopes.

1 camera by Modern dream book

A camera in a dream means:

Camera frame - you will be in terrible turmoil.

1 camera by Astrological dream book

Interpretation of the dream in the dream book: Adjust the sharpness of the Camera - find out some secret.

1 camera by Dream book of catchphrases

CAMERA (photo camera) – “point the lens” - pay attention, concentrate on the object. “Catch in the frame” - perceive what the observed image means. “Take a picture” - remember, understand, notice. “They’re filming you” - they show interest. See add. take off.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 camera according to the Online dream book

Why does a woman dream about a camera?

Symbolizes changes that are unpleasant for you.

You attach a flash to it - you will meet someone who will be interesting to you and will reciprocate your feelings.

1 camera by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing a camera in a dream means:

The unknown.

1 camera by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

A dream with a camera in the dream book is interpreted as:

May symbolize your desire to maintain distance between life and yourself. You refract life through lenses and filter it through light filters, instead of directly perceiving it.

A camera can also indicate a desire to preserve the past. Obviously, you want to collect a collection of wonderful memories so that you can revel in them.

1 camera by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dreaming with a camera means:

If you dreamed that you were taking photographs, get ready to experience the deepest disappointment. One of your friends will tell you a lot of things about your loved one that you will not be able to forgive him for. And it will seem to you that your life is over. However, do not despair: a wonderful future awaits you, albeit without your current lover.

1 camera according to Loff's dream book

Meaning of dream camera:

Dreams in which a camera plays a central role often reflect a desire to stop reality, obtain additional information, or grasp a hidden meaning. Do you photograph something specific or everything without understanding?

Do you photograph people, places or objects?

Do you take photographs in your spare time or do you specifically want to capture some facts on film? Perhaps your life moves too quickly and you cannot grasp all its nuances.

1 camera by Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a camera:

The image of the photograph points to a meme, something false, a lifeless memory. A camera or video camera always symbolizes a monitor of deviations in action or hidden influence, which leads to the emergence of stereotypes, a state of fixation and obsession.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 camera by Esoteric dream book

What a camera might mean in a dream:

Someone is closely interested in you and your affairs: it could be punitive authorities or the tax office.

You take photographs - you are too interested in other people's affairs and are a source of rumors and gossip. This is punishable.

1 camera by American dream book

A camera in a dream means:

The desire to maintain distance between life and oneself. The desire to preserve the past; memories.

1 camera by American dream book

If a girl dreams of a camera, it means:

Dreaming about a camera is a sign of unpleasant changes.

To rent means to be disappointed in friendship or love; suffer from insincerity.

Taking pictures or films is good luck.

Photographic film or film - doing some kind of work.

Inserting a flash into the camera means that an interesting person will appear in your life, to whom you will be extremely grateful for his attention to you.

Seeing a camera with a built-in flash in a dream means you will be able to get what you want with minimal effort.

If you dreamed that your camera's flash did not work, this means that in real life you are in a very difficult situation from which you cannot find a way out.

If you were illuminated by a photo flash in a dream, this is evidence that despite all your desire to hide your bad deed from your loved ones, many will become aware of it. A woman looking at a camera means that something will happen to her that will seriously damage her reputation.

Breaking a flashlight in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream foreshadows the loss of a close relative. For a girl, such a dream means that she will remain unmarried.

1 camera according to Miller's dream book

Why does a woman dream about a camera?

Seeing a camera means undeserved reproaches;

for a woman to engage in photography - you will be disappointed in your loved one.

Also see Photography.

Dream interpretation camera

The camera is a wonderful invention of man. With its help, we can preserve moments dear to our hearts for many years. We can send photographs to our loved ones, store photographs of those whom, by the will of fate, we will no longer see in person.

Of course, lately technological progress has not stood still, there are different communication systems, every second person has a video camera, everyone has phones with cameras and Skype. But this does not mean that in a dream we cannot dream of a good old camera.

Dreaming about photography equipment

I dreamed about a camera

Why do you dream about a camera in a dream? Often interpreters view this symbol from the perspective that the dreamer wants to learn new information, concentrate, and learn what is hidden. But predictions are not always limited to such a narrow range of interpretations.

General interpreters

This symbol is quite versatile. Dream Interpretations view it from different positions. The more opinions you read, the more likely you are to create a correct prediction.

Star Interpreter

When you adjust the sharpness on the camera in a dream, some information will soon be revealed to you. For a long time this was a secret, carefully kept from you.

Home dream book

This interpreter examines not the apparatus itself, but its lens. If in a dream you saw it or looked at a certain object through a lens, then you are trying to look deeper into things. You are interested in a certain subject, and you will not rest without receiving answers.

Esoteric interpreter

This interpreter perceives this symbol negatively. It is believed that the camera is dreamed of by those people whose affairs the authorities have taken charge of. This could be the police, tax service, social service. It’s a good idea to be careful; someone is watching you closely, weighing every step.

When in a dream you take pictures of everything, then in reality you spend a lot of time tracking down other people's lives, gossip and gossip. Everything in life comes back to us like a boomerang.

Women's dream book

Taking pictures in a dream

Modern girls love to take pictures of everything. In fact, not a single representative of the fair sex understands herself without photographing any little things that happen in life. Why do women dream of such symbols in their dreams?

The interpreter believes that seeing a camera or photographing something with its help means that negative events are coming in the dreamer’s life. The dream may predict your disappointment in a certain person you trusted.

This symbol may indicate that your life has gained rapid momentum lately. You don’t have time to focus on certain things, understand their meaning, or enjoy the moment. This dream represents your desire to stop the moment, to be able to think.

Modern interpreter

A camera in a dream is a negative sign, which promises changes for the worse. Next, the dream book gives a number of interesting predictions:

When you see a photograph in a dream, soon events in life will spin at lightning speed. Everything that happens will be done in complete turmoil.

Interpreters of some seers

The dream books of such people as the Wanderer, Loff, Kananit are quite popular these days. Each of them expresses their point of view.

The Wanderer's Predictions

According to the Wanderer, a camera or camera is dreamed of by those people who, due to certain circumstances, will become famous. When you click it, you will meet new people, but at the same time you will be disappointed with old acquaintances.

Seeing only photographs means there are a number of tasks that you will need to complete.

Interestingly, seeing your photo in a newspaper or magazine is a negative sign. You may lose hope for the best. Also, such a dream symbolizes gossip that will circulate around your name.

Shoot landscapes in a dream

Loff's interpretation

When a camera appears in a dream, the dreamer tries with all his might to stop the moment, understand the situation, and comprehend the essence of things.

For prediction, it is important what exactly and how you photographed: everything in a row, or certain things, nature or people. These moments can clarify the essence of the dream and what you should concentrate on in reality.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Taking photographs in a dream means being disappointed in your friend.

You are being photographed for the press - good luck.

See photos - complete all tasks.

The camera according to Gustav Miller

According to this dream book, a camera in a dream promises quick changes. They will be associated with troubles, conflicts, and obstacles.

Miller believed that for women such a dream is much more negative than for men, because it affects the intimate, personal sphere of life. Disappointment in the other half in particular, and in all men in general, will soon follow.

Various cases in a dream

What if you accidentally broke your camera in a dream? This means that in reality a streak of bad luck awaits you. The same prediction can be given to a dream in which you saw a broken device.

If in night vision you deliberately disabled the equipment, then all the troubles that happen to you will be your fault.

They tried to steal your camera - expect trouble. We saw a thief trying to steal something, let him do it - evil will happen with your approval.

A camera in a dream promises changes, but what they will be depends not only on external circumstances, but also on you.

Your mark:


Today I dreamed that I was looking into the camera lens, but I couldn’t focus. I see beautiful mountains, fog, closer I see a bright yellow structure from the sunlight, similar to a place for prayer, but there is space there for 1-2 people. It stands on the street, and in front of it is something like a monument. I liked this bright spot so much, I point the lens, but the focus is not achieved, it doubles. And then I get it and the picture at some point becomes the same as in the original. A second later she doubles again, but I already KNOW that I will be able to seize the moment and I just have to do it patiently. Then people approach this place and I remain waiting for them all to leave, because... I don't plan to photograph them. At this time, I sit down with my son on the stairs and we light matches in turn, then he and then I, and watch them flare brightly. I don’t remember them burning out here, as happens in real life. Later there was a story about how I play table tennis and I’m not happy with the rackets. That's all. Yaroslav, I see progress in the fact that I was able to focus. I didn’t understand what the matches meant and that they didn’t burn in our hands. And lastly, I unexpectedly got to my friends’ house and it turned out that they had bought a tennis table, so I played tennis all evening. That's a coincidence?
I am 31 years old, my son is 10 years old.


If we consider the first part of your dream in the light of the lesson “Dream Coordinates”, then beautiful mountains, fog, closer I see a bright yellow structure from the sunlight, similar to a place for prayer describes the resources (and beauty) that are in your unconscious. Probably, a dream, after which one no longer dreams and a person becomes enlightened, consists in the fact that he sees the cosmos, the Universe, every atom and feels them as himself. Or he realizes the Universe as himself, feeling its response to the slightest movement of thought. You view these beauties through the camera lens, that is, you try to see what is already there from a different angle. And you succeed for a short moment, because for a short time the pictures coincide. A camera is a creation of human hands, which means that in a dream it relates to a conscious attitude towards something. And if the new conscious attitude coincides with the existing unconscious one and is congruent with it, then, without a doubt, this is progress. For now, you are not going to extend knowledge to relationships with people [Then people come up to this place and I remain waiting for them all to leave, because... I don’t plan to photograph them].
The child of sleep - and you yourself have already felt this - is personal spontaneity, spontaneity. You ignite with him some strong emotions, affects [with my son on the stairs, we light matches in turn, then he, then I, and watch how they flare brightly]. The unconscious knows how easily a Child can “carelessly” set something on fire, so the externally transferred poster “Keep matches from children” was born, and if children are allowed to light matches, then under the supervision of adults, an adult ego-image (Controlling Parent according to E. Berne) .
In the case of the tennis table, we can talk not about coincidence, but about foresight (the essence of a prophetic dream appears at the moment of its coincidence with reality and implies increased attention to what is happening in real life at the moment). At the same time, the dream-game of ping-pong is very reminiscent of Eric Berne’s theory of communication, who said that “a person sends an impulse, the interlocutor perceives and reflects it, and this is a transaction (unit of communication)” (for more details, see psychological defenses) . Dissatisfaction with the rackets is then dissatisfaction with the method of receiving (absorbing) and sending the transaction ball. Perhaps the dissatisfaction with rackets suggests that you would like to discard this mediating method [racket] and play directly (directly) with the consciousness [of the hand], feeling more immersed in communication, since the ball would directly touch the body. Playing tennis (in real life) for an entire evening is a great opportunity to socialize for a long time.