The progression method in astrology is an example. Predictive astrology. Secondary progressions. Retrograde movement of planets

Let's look at what the concept of progressions is in astrology. Progressions are also called secondary directorates. In foreign literature, and indeed in the astrological literature of the last century, the two terms progression and direction were used equally. In particular, progressions were called secondary directions. Nowadays the term direction has prevailed, but we can often find, regarding this particular method, the name progression.

What are planetary progressions

In any case, there are many different progressions, built on the principle of similarity of the two types. As the main pair of cycles in secondary directions or progressions, this is year and day, i.e. daily cycle, day per year. These are secondary directions or solar progressions, most often they are simply called progressions.

You can build another system of the concept of progressions in astrology, it works somewhat differently, progressions in which one day is equal to a month. A year is a complete cycle of the Sun's revolution, the return of the Sun to some fixed place. As for the month, in this case we mean the lunar month.

And here a discrepancy arises, because there are at least two main lunar months. There is a synodic lunar month and a tropical lunar month; these are the two main ones, from new moon to new moon or from the return of the Moon to its natal place.

In this case we mean the tropical lunar month. And the last step, one month per year. Why are these three methods highlighted, these three cycles highlighted as the most leading?

The fact is that from the point of view of the inhabitants of the Earth, the apparent size of the Sun and the apparent size of the Moon are approximately equal. The apparent size of the Moon varies within small limits, about 30-31 minutes, the apparent size of the Sun is 31 minutes. This is where the eclipse effect occurs.

It turns out that from the point of view of an earthling, the cosmic influence of the Moon and the Sun, at least at this stage of our history, is approximately the same, hence these cycles, the cycle of the Sun and the cycle of the Moon, seem to distinguish two equivalent spheres in our lives. In general, creating the basis of our existence, the trinity on which our life is built, the Earth and two luminaries set the main cycle in progressions.

There is another option for working with the synodic lunar month. One can compare one day to one year of Saturn or one solar year to one year of Saturn. These are all kinds of variations on this theme, which are not very common in astrology.

The most common ones in astrology are day-year and day-month; they work with this the most. There are different nuances here. Although they seem to have the same type of structure, different planets work differently.

It turns out that one solar revolution of the Earth around its axis is equal to one revolution of the Sun around the Earth, i.e. ASC movement. The first is the exact choice of the moment at which the position of the planets must be calculated, i.e. selection of progressive date and progressive time. Imagine that a person was born on October 29, 1946.

Suppose we are going to make a forecast for today, January 20, 1994. The first thing I want to do is find out how much time has passed since birth; 47 years and 83 days have already passed. We put the letter A above the year, and the letter D (day) above the days.

Since one day, according to the progression method, is equal to one year, this means that 47 years must correspond to 47 days. Progressions, in contrast to such discrete methods, say, solar revolutions or some numerological methods, are conditionally continuous.

As a contrast, I will cite solar revolutions. There, a chart is constructed for each year at the time of birth, returning the Sun to its natal position.

Purpose of progressions

Let's look at the astrological purpose of progressions. Progressions describe precisely internal time. There are several such internal times in man, and one of these internal times is associated with secondary directions or progressions.

This means that in fact we are studying not an event that occurs in a person’s life, but an event that occurs in his psyche. Those. all situations that arise in the sky, aspects of planets to each other, aspects of planets to houses, the transition of planets from house to house, the transition of planets from sign to sign, changes in the movement of planets, and so on, all this corresponds to the events of inner life.

In this sense, progression as a forecasting method, let’s say, is not entirely convenient. If you predict a person’s usual situation in life, say a change of job or something else, then progressions do not answer these questions directly.

Progressions rather respond to what happened in the inner world of a person at that time. Another thing is that an external event and an internal event are interconnected, therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases, an event occurring inside a person is, as it were, a reflection of what is happening outside. Thus, progressions can be used for the most ordinary forecast, but quite serious mistakes can occur here.

There is a sufficient circle of people who have a fairly intense inner life. And it turns out that for this category of people a lot can happen inside, but nothing happens in the outside world.

And in progression you will see an event, and if you try to find out what event happened in life, then the person simply will not remember, because nothing significant happens to him outside, all the most significant situations happen inside him.

A person can get into a very serious catastrophe, an accident, stay in the hospital for several months, all this will be clearly visible at the directorate or in transit, but if there are no significant changes, this has very little effect on the person, then this situation may not be reflected at all in the progressions.

True, it is very rare that a serious external event is not reflected in progressions at all, but it happens, and not every event in a person’s life is reflected in its, say, progressive aspects.

On the contrary, the progressions show some very powerful aspect or powerful transition (change of house, change of sign), it may happen that this will not be expressed at all in any external event, for example, in making some serious internal decision.

Sometimes, one conversation that changes a person’s life or just a reflection that leads to a different assessment of oneself, the choice of a different life path, leading to distant consequences, may certainly be reflected in the progressions, but may not be reflected in the directions at all. Such a decision can completely turn your whole life upside down, and therefore it will be in progressions, this is an event in the inner life of a person.

Progressions describe changes in the mental sphere, not social, not physical. Another thing is that we are very strongly connected with the world; we live in the embodied world, so what happens outside is very strongly reflected inside, what happens inside is expressed outside almost immediately. There may be some lag or advance between events in progressions and events in external life.

However, the vast majority of people are well connected with the world, so I often use progressions as the fastest, most convenient for calculations and for demonstrating, say, the ability of astrology to be a forecasting method, despite the fact that it seems to be purely mental.

How do planetary progressions affect a person?

In fact, the natal chart gives all the potencies of a person, but these potencies must reach their moment when they begin to manifest themselves. For example, a person is born with powerful musical abilities.

This can be reflected in the natal chart as a conjunction of the Sun and Neptune or some kind of trine with Jupiter at the same time, sextile with Venus in this configuration, and then we get a person with innate musical abilities. However, these abilities cannot manifest themselves until a person, say, begins to study music.

He can do this very early, like Mozart, or take up music at the age of 5-6, there are people who start doing this late (one of my clients started playing music at the age of 15, but was so successful that he completed the entire program in 3 years and at the age of 18 he entered the conservatory, which is practically a miracle). And until the age of 15, this person’s innate potencies were hidden, in an inactive state).

There's a ton of stuff in progressions. There is a significant difference in progressions when working with fast planets and slow planets. Let's consider the composition of progressions in astrology.

We have conditionally identified those planets with which we most often work in progressions, these are Mercury, Venus and Mars, as planets characterizing personality, these are some social situations and deep human situations in relation to social position, described by Jupiter and Saturn and the purely eventful layer described by the Moon . The higher planets here describe very profound changes in a person’s worldview, his perception of the world, so they are usually not used in progressions for everyday analysis of events.

We will not touch upon the Progressive Sun, because We have a relationship between the daily cycle and the basic solar cycle, the solar cycle acts as the basic one, and the results of the movement of the progressive Sun are less visible than the fast planets.

It will be necessary to analyze the mutual aspects of progressions, to analyze the aspects of progressions to the natal chart. Construction of a progressive map and its interpretation. Movement of the progressed Moon.

There are two main forms of progression in astrology: secondary or day-by-year progression, and solar arc progression. Particular attention is paid to changes in zodiac signs and houses, as well as angles or aspects of progressed planets from the original natal chart.

Predictive astrology

Astrological progression is part of what is commonly called predictive astrology - a branch of astrology intended to forecast or future trends and events. Most astrologers currently consider the term “prediction” not entirely correct, since modern astrology does not pretend to directly predict future events as such. Instead, it is argued that the astrological picture regarding the future can correspond to any of a variety of possibilities. What is actually predicted is the trend of circumstances and the nature of the individual's response to the situation. In other words, the progressing and transiting movement of the planets indicates certain phases in a person's life, while the potential shown in the natal chart will reflect the possibilities for the development of the situation under both favorable and unfavorable circumstances.

Progressions and free will

All modern astrologers emphasize the role of free will in predictions. It is argued that astrology does not predict fate, but rather reveals the strengths, weaknesses, talents and capabilities of a person. A horoscope does not determine the future, but shows possible paths that will be open to a person and on the basis of which he can make his own choice.

Modern astrologers argue that not a single planetary aspect determines fate as such, and the lion's share of future events really depends on the free will of a person. The interpretation of progressions in astrology can only give him a chance to change what at first glance may seem inevitable.

The role of an astrologer is to create self-knowledge and awareness of the movements of the planets and their meaning, enabling a person to make intelligent and thoughtful life decisions. In short, modern astrologers do not usually predict actual future events, but only assert that the future can be approximated.

Secondary progressions in astrology

This progression involves moving the natal chart forward one day each year of a person's life. So, for example, a person born on April 2, 1982 will have a progressive chart for 2007 based on the planetary positions on April 27, 1982 (i.e., 25 days in 25 years). Patterns formed 25 days after a person's birth are considered symbolic of the person's 25th year of life and indicate potential trends throughout the year. Secondary progressions are considered by most astrologers to be the most important form of progression.

Progressions based on the Solar Arc principle

This form of progression involves the entire natal chart moving forward one degree for each year. Thus, in 2007, a person born on April 2, 1982 would have a progressed chart based on the positions of the planets advanced 25 degrees from their position on that birth date (it is important to note that this action creates a chart of planetary positions, which never existed in real life). The name "solar arc progression" comes from the fact that the sun moves about one degree per day, so the other planets in this method are in a sense "forced to follow the sun." In other words, the planets move the same distance as the Sun in secondary progression. Those astrologers who use the solar arc progression generally view it as an additional source of information to be used in conjunction with the secondary progression.


The interpretation of progressions in astrology is usually similar to the interpretation of transits. In general, however, progressions are closely related to psychological events within the individual (often, of course, caused by external events), while transits are related to events in life circumstances over which the individual has no control.

In astrology, deciphering progressions plays an important role. But the most important point to remember about progressions is that the pattern of the natal chart always determines their value. So, for example, if the Sun and Mars are in difficult aspect in the natal chart, a positive or easy aspect between progressed Mars and the natal Sun will not bring the same expected benefits. Additionally, if planets are not aspected in the natal chart, progressed aspects will generally not have the same effect. In short, every person carries with him the whole picture of the natal chart, and the progressive and transit movements of the planets indicate when the potential of the natal chart is ripe for further development of the life scenario.

As written in books on astrology, the method of progressions is usually only important for the inner personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars), since the progressed outer planets will move only a small distance. However, the personal planets influence the transpersonal and outer planet aspects. Significant events in the movement of a slow moving body, such as retrograde status or direct progression, are also considered significant by many astrologers who use progression.

The sun is in a state of progression

A period of great importance. Both psychologically and due to circumstances, the time will be ripe for important adjustments, organization and integration of the whole picture of your life due to the direction of the planet associated with the sun aspect.

Progressed Moon

A period of about one month when all affairs and psychological aspects related to the planet will be pronounced and accelerated. The advanced moon often acts as a "trigger" to activate patterns already established by other progressed planets.

Mercury in progression

Typically indicates changes and necessary adjustments, increased mental activity, travel and intellectual issues of fairly high importance.

Venus in progression

A period of great importance in relation to emotional, personal and creative interests. It can mean marriage, falling in love, creative work inspired by love, the birth of a child, or an emphasis on the financial sphere.

Mars in progression

A period of increased activity, conflict and new ventures. Energy must be controlled and any impulsive decisions should be avoided. A period more prone to accidents. This may be the ideal time to take the initiative or tackle a difficult job.

Retrograde movement of planets

A planet's retrograde motion is its apparent backward motion across the sky, caused by the Earth moving past a slower-moving outer planet, or when the Earth itself passes a faster-moving planet. For the secondary progression or day-by-year method, retrograde motion means that progressing a planet forward by one day causes the planet to move "backward" in the chart counterclockwise. The movement was traditionally considered unlucky or inauspicious because it was contrary to the "natural" order of movement (or "direct movement"), and a planet retrograde at the time of birth was considered a vulnerable point in the natal chart.

Most modern astrologers consider the retrograde motion of a planet to be an indicator of tension or difficulty, although this is often mentioned only in relation to transiting planets. For example, Mercury retrograde is believed to mean communication difficulties, lost letters, verbal misunderstandings and travel delays, as well as disappointments in people. However, some astrologers do not view the change from direct to retrograde as a uniquely bad sign, especially since the outer planets are retrograde more than 40% of the time. Slow progressions in astrology, to be honest, are also far from uncommon. For this reason, many modern astrologers generally believe that the significance of the retrograde movement is exaggerated, and it does not play any special role.

One way or another, the true meaning of retrograde movement in the natal chart is still not fully understood.

The next tool we need to add to the toolbox is an astrologer engaged in predictive work - these are secondary progressions(i.e.) .

In the modern world of computerized astrology, there are many types progressions, but the most common are secondary progressions,based on the day-per-year formula, i.e. movement of planets during the dayrepresents the movement of progressed planets throughout the year. For example, the thirtieththe day after birth will correspond to the thirtieth year of life. (Calculation methodsecondary progressions are given in Appendix 1.)

Firstly, it implies that the value can be taken from the real zodiacal position of the planet. For example, does 27° Leo have its ownmeaning? If yes, then the progressed planet reaching this point will beexpress this meaning through a person - at the moment when this person willhave a progressed planet at this degree, as opposed to a transit where the whole worldwill have a transiting planet at 27° Leo, resulting in lossindividualization. Even if we discard the tropical zodiac, we can stillobserve the passage of progressions through the fixed stars.

Secondly, the logical extension of this point is that a progressed planet will change sign. The sign change is unique to thisperson. Therefore, when progressed planets move through the zodiac, theyzodiacal positions - as well as sign changes - become significant,

Thirdly, if an aspect is formed in the world of transits, it is global. Grand trine formed by three transiting planets will be an aspect for each. Hemay or may not aspect a person's natal chart, but heexists for all people. However, an aspect formed in the world of progressions is notwill be connected with all people. It only applies to a small group of peopleborn within a few months of each other.

Fourth, a transiting planet may become retrograde or direct, but the energy of this retrograde planet is global - although we can blame the Cosmos forpostal delays when Mercury goes retrograde. Thisenergy cannot be perceived personally unless it has adirect impact on your natal chart. However, in progressions thesechanges in the direction of planetary motion are personalized. Human canexperience Mercury retrograde when globally it may be direct.

So one of the main points regarding progressions is that they exist independently of the natal chart. If your progressiveMars makes aspect to your progressed Venus, this will make a differencefor you, even if the progressed planets do not form any aspect tonatal chart. However, if transiting Mars forms an aspect with transitingVenus, this will only matter if one of these planetsalso forms an aspect to the natal chart.

To sum it up, we can say that a progressed planet matters for person when she:

  • changes zodiac sign;
  • changes direction of movement;
  • forms aspects to other progressed planets;
  • emphasizes the zodiac degree.

Of course, progressed planets can interact with the natal chart in the same way as transiting planets - forming aspects to the natal chart andmoving through the houses.

This results in two types of progressions:

a) Progressions that provide information based on the four points listed above - those. not related to the progression map. This means progressions associated withother progressions or other zodiac information. It could beprogressed Mercury changing signs, becoming retrograde, etc., but notformative aspect to the natal chart.

b) Progressions related to the natal chart in the same way as transits. This means progressions that form aspects to natal points and movethrough natal houses, i.e. progressed Mercury changing house oraspecting the natal Sun.

When people express intense desires that come from the deepest, from the center their beings, then they manifest progressions of a non-card type.

The hallmark of these progressions is an unshakable faith oruncompromising determination.

When people express feelings or desires but willingly allow the world to change them, they exhibit card-related type progressions. A distinctive feature of theseprogression is the desire to move in a certain direction, but alsowillingness to compromise.

Therefore, progressions are a richer source of information than . They penetrate into the sphere of the inner personal world, showing everydaymotivations, and unshakable life statements or desires.

Bernadette Brady

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Tags: Secondary progressions, personal forecasts, slow progression, 1 day = 1 year, first months of birth, slow time,

Have you ever read astrological forecasts in newspapers or on Internet sites according to zodiac signs, weekly, daily, monthly, etc.? I think the majority will answer this question in the affirmative. However, how seriously should they be taken? Let's think together what it is predictive astrology.

There are approximately just over 500 million people of each zodiac sign in the world. Is it really possible to seriously believe that the few sentences written in the weekly forecasts will be valid for such a huge number of people? Of course not. In fact, it would be a little naive to believe that if, for example, it is written for Aries that easy flirting awaits them this week, then 500 million people will flirt easily this week. What if a promotion is written? I think there is no need to give further examples. Everything is clear and so.

The essence of predictive astrology

What is behind all these predictions? What is predictive astrology anyway? Predictive astrology is a verbal (or graphic) interpretation of the influence of planets on human life. The influence of the planets can be determined accurately if the exact time of birth is known, and accordingly all the active points of the horoscope are determined, which can receive positive or negative influences of the planets.

In fact, each person in predictive astrology can be “replaced” by a set of active points of his natal horoscope. Depending on the chosen prognostic method, there can be up to 22 such points - 8 planets, the Sun, the Moon and 12 vertices of houses. Together with the main 5 aspects of interactions, these points give rise to a whole variety of events caused by the influence of planets on human life.

At the same time, the time of birth has a huge impact on the accuracy of forecasts, because the most active points - the tops of the houses - move at a speed of approximately 1 degree per minute. And one degree of uncertainty in the position of an active point can give up to a year of uncertainty in the event generated by this active point.

If the birth time is known up to 10-20 minutes, you can ignore such fast active points, considering only interactions with 7 planets and the Sun (without the Moon and Mercury, since they also move quite quickly). On the other hand, the more mobile the active point, the more significant events in life it gives rise to. Thus, by discarding the tops of the houses, we end up with a set of fairly minor events that may not be at all interesting to a person.

If we return to the weekly forecasts, then we need to think about what time of birth they take to draw up a map of interactions? When making forecasts for such a large number of people, we are no longer talking about uncertainty in minutes or hours, but in days and even years.

Let's say we can assume that all Scorpios were born on November 7 (exactly the middle of the birth range - from October 22 to November 22) with an uncertainty of 15 days! But even so, it cannot be said that only the slowest active points are taken into account, and an interaction map is built based on them, because Scorpios, generally speaking, in addition to different dates of birth, also have different ages, i.e. their birth time will be years apart. And during this time, any active points shift quite significantly.

What then can you get as a result? Exactly what you get in the newspapers. In other words, as a result, in such “astrological forecasts” we get something like the average temperature in the hospital.

Predictive astrology techniques

As for truly individual astrological forecasts, which are made for a specific person with his specific natal chart, there are quite a lot of different methods of predictive astrology, with varying degrees of truthfulness and the number of predicted events. Let's look at the most common of them.

Method of directions in astrology

Directions are a very common (maybe even the most common) prognostic method. Perhaps its prevalence is partly due to its simplicity. In this method, all active points of the natal chart move at the same speed of 1 degree per year and the aspects that arise to the starting points during this movement are analyzed.

There are variations of the method when the speed is equal not to one degree per year, but to the arc that the sun travels on average per day (it turns out to be a little less than a degree, 0.986 degrees), or when this movement is measured not along the ecliptic, but along the equator (in projection onto the ecliptic we also get a little less than a degree). But the main and oldest is the degree per year directorate, it is also called the primary or primary directorate.

Personally, I don’t quite understand how such a strange movement can be explained - 1 degree per year, and why all the points should move exactly like this during forecasting and why everything is the same. But this method still has the right to life, and sometimes with its help it is possible to achieve good results.

It seems to me that its antiquity can be explained very simply. Since previously there were no means for carrying out complex calculations, such an assumption about the movement of all active points by 1 degree in one year makes it possible to perform astrological forecasts almost instantly, carrying out all the simple calculations in the mind.

I believe that in our computerized age the time has come to abandon this overly simplified, albeit ancient, approach to the movement of active points.

Profections in predictive astrology

This method is similar to the previous one in its essence: all active points of the natal chart move over time at the same speed, equal in this method to 30 degrees per year, and for the forecast the aspects formed between the natal active points and the moving ones are also considered.

Unlike Directorates, it is not as ancient and, in my opinion, much less effective. If in the Directions method the choice of a movement speed of 1 degree per year can at least somehow be explained (the Sun moves at almost that speed, the difference between 0.986 and 1 can, in principle, be neglected), then the speed of 30 degrees per year is absolutely far-fetched and artificial (no not a single celestial body moving along the ecliptic at such speed).

Due to the rather high artificiality of this method, its effectiveness leaves much to be desired. However, it can be used in some cases as an auxiliary method.

Progressions in astrology

The essence of the method is as follows. The forecasting key is taken to be the ratio of one day of a baby’s life, from an astrological point of view, corresponding to one year of a person’s life. Accordingly, the real positions of all planets, the Sun and the Moon are calculated and their aspects to the active points of the natal chart are considered. Due to the fact that the higher planets (from Jupiter onwards) practically do not move even in 70 days (which correspond to almost the entire life - 70 years), their movement is not considered.

The tops of the houses are also considered motionless, because These active points do not represent real cosmic forces; in addition, in one day they make a full rotation of 360 degrees along the ecliptic, i.e. all aspects of them will be repeated in the same way from year to year, which gives every reason to rationally simply ignore them.

This method has proven itself well in making forecasts. It is based on a rather ancient and generally proven postulate of similarity. It’s not for nothing that people now have a belief that, as you spend the first 12 days after your birthday, you will live a year - one day per year, respectively. So there are no problems with the principle underlying this method.

There are variations of the method when the key is taken equal to 1 day corresponds to one month, and others, but they are not as common as the main one, and not as effective.

As for the effectiveness of this method, one not very positive point should be noted. Quite often, events predicted using this method are related exclusively to the inner world of a person, his self-development and have little connection with events external to him. And, you see, events in the inner world are not nearly as interesting to people as they are in the outer world.

Planetary transits and predictive astrology

This method examines the daily real movement of the planets, the Sun and the Moon in the sky and analyzes all aspects formed by or to the active points of a person’s natal chart. At the same time, due to the high speed of movement of the tops of the houses (a full rotation of 360 degrees per day), their movement is not taken into account.

Technically, this is the most complex of the forecasting methods, but it has the most logical principle at its core: the daily real positions of the planets and their interaction with natal points are analyzed, i.e. the real impact of the planets, determined strictly individually at a given moment in time and at a given geographical point (for example, when you change your place of residence, the position of the planets will change somewhat, and, accordingly, their impact).

Each radix planet is considered to move at the rate of one degree per year, and this degree represents a person's year of life. By counting as many degrees as you are now, you will get the primary progression. Houses in this progression are not touched! Lots too. All radix points shift along the signs of the Zodiac.

So, per year of life there is one degree, per month - 5 minutes, per week - a little more than one minute. When, with such a movement, the planets find themselves on the boundaries of houses or places of other planets, then the laying of a rhythm that has not yet manifested occurs. Progressions are the other side of transits; they are the foundation of the events that await us in life. Progressions without transits - a foundation without a house, transits without progressions - a house without a foundation. Only that situation will be permanent and long-lasting and will be able to lay down some period of work, which includes both progressions and transits.

Progressions show our karmic readiness for any events and our ability to perceive them. Transits show temporary events that exist independently of us and which can pass without a trace.

It is very important to keep track of the years when, one planet takes the place of another in radix. It is at these times that events are laid down, but these events may not be confirmed, not included or lost, if at the same time there is no significant transit that would connect these two points. Example: the progression of Mars reached radical Uranus, there were 31 degrees between them. Both these planets were very evil and were in the eighth house of the horoscope. In the 31st year of his life, nothing bad happened to him, because the progressive situation was not confirmed by transits - neither Mars nor Uranus at the same time were in any way in bad aspects to radical points. And in general, there were no bad aspects to these radical points. But that year, this man constantly found himself a witness or accomplice to some bad deeds, bad rumors, and some incomprehensible things happened next to him - the electricity went out, a friend crashed on a motorcycle, etc. So, the “foundation” turned out to be without “at home”, because this year Mars hardly moved, there was a Great Opposition of Mars, and Uranus made a trine to this Mars. But in another person, progressed Saturn found Mars in the 24th year of life, both of them were in the third house of the horoscope - the house of short trips, trips, etc. Mars, the ruler of the ninth house, was related to travel. At the same time, Mars itself made an opposition to Saturn, and Saturn at that time was in square to radical Mars. A man was run over by a train. Thus, the tau-square of progression and transit was realized, the 3rd and 9th houses participated.

Aspects of the radix indicate your view of the world, this is the objective reality given to us from the beginning. If initially there was a square between Mars and Uranus, then it lasts throughout life, and a trine in progression can only soften this contradiction, this conflict for some time. If there is a trine in the radix, and a bad constellation has formed in progressions or transits, then the trine will “pull you out” of this bad situation and will not allow you to die. Radix forces are collapsed, passive; transits and progressions are active forces, real ones.

Primary progression shows the reverse side of any situation.

In this progression, the situation begins to play out six months before the exact aspect (half a degree) and at the exit from the exact aspect - also six months. And so - throughout the year, knowledge of the exact boundaries of houses, ASC and MS makes it possible to very accurately predict events.

If the planet in the radix is ​​retrospective, then the progression will be more effective at a distance (after an exact aspect); if the planet is direct, then the situation is realized up to the exact aspect, a stationary planet - the situation is realized on the approach and on the way out. As the lunar nodes progress, they act more at a distance.

These progressions primarily take into account coatings- finding a progressive planet in place of a radical one.

The second most important is aspect between a progressive planet and a radical place. If this aspect, resulting from the calculation of progression, is confirmed by transits, then a certain rhythm will be established. At one time, W. Churchill lacked 66 grams. until Mars closes the trine of the Sun and Jupiter. He lived 65.5 years and became prime minister and then a national hero of England. At the same time, there were very favorable transits of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, which contributed to the laying of a large and significant rhythm in his life.

Aspects can be both good and bad. It happens like this: in progressions the aspect is favorable, and in transit the aspect is negative. For example: in progression - the Sun trine to Jupiter, and in transit - Jupiter's opposition to the Sun. Then the person begins to rush about. On the one hand, it seems to be lucky, but on the other hand, nothing works out. Victory can be achieved, but through very great difficulties, and this victory may turn out to be ephemeral if the aspects in transit are good and in progression - bad.

Sun trine with Jupiter - the need to achieve power. The trine of Mars with Saturn shows at what age a person will be most vulnerable.