Run two or more Skype on one computer in windows. Running two Skype programs at the same time Is it possible to put 2 Skype

If you have registered in Skype twice, for example, one profile was created for work, and the second for communicating with friends, then, of course, it will be inconvenient for you to log into the first, then the second account from your PC. And, of course, I would like these two accounts to work at the same time on the same computer.

And I won't reveal a secret if I say that run two Skype on one computer can. And in this tutorial I will show you how to do it.

To run several Skype profiles, we will need the program itself, of course, but not lower than the fourth version. So update Skype to the latest version if needed.

I recently wrote a new lesson about Skype, where I told how you can call your friends, but let's not deviate from the topic and return to the simultaneous launch of several Skype.

We will need a second shortcut for the desktop, with which the second Skype will be launched. The first shortcut that will not work for us on the desktop, it will remain for launching the first Skype. You need to create a new shortcut.

Go to the folder with installed program, by default it is located at: C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone. There is a file Skype.exe, click on it with the right mouse button and in the list that appears, select the item "Create shortcut".

Then we drag this shortcut to the desktop, it will be responsible for starting the second Skype account. Therefore, you can rename it so as not to get confused among the labels, which is worker and which is personal. We give a name to the shortcut, for example "Work Skype".

But that's not all, you need to edit this shortcut. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" item from the context menu.

In the window that opens, go to the tab called "Shortcut". We need to change the "Object" field here. There is an address "C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" by which the shortcut launches the Skype program.

Add a space and the word / secondary to this address. It will turn out like this:
"C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary

We save the shortcut and launch it, then enter the login and password from our second profile.

This is how you can run two Skype on one computer. With the help of the created shortcut "Work Skype" we got to our second profile.

But what if you need to open three or more Skype accounts on one computer? There is also a solution here. Something else needs to be written in the properties of the shortcut.

First, we do everything as described above: create another shortcut, move it to the desktop, rename it, prescribe / secondary, and then do something else. We read on.

After the word secondary, put a space again, then write: / username: and Skype login / password: and Skype password.

Here is an example of a line that must be written to start another Skype, if the login is sergey, and the password is 1234.

"C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: sergey / password: 1234

I already three running Skype... Great.

More is possible. For each account, you can create a separate shortcut and give it a name that you understand.

This is how you can run two, three or more Skype on one computer.

Sometimes there is a need to run several skype accounts on one computer, for example, one account is personal, the other is a worker. How to do this in this small note.

There are two ways to start a second copy of Skype, one is fast, but not convenient for everyday use, the second is less fast, but after one "setup" you don't have to do anything else.

Method number 1(fast)

1) We place the skype icon on the quick launch bar, if you don't have it there yet.

2) Launch the first Skype account as usual. The skype icon appeared the next time

3) Hold down the CTRL + SHIFT keys and click on the skype icon with the left mouse button on the quick launch bar. After some waiting, a second skype window should appear where you need to enter your username and password, BUT This method does not always work depending on the version of Windows and the version of Skype.

Method number 2

1) Drag the Skype program onto the desktop several times, thereby creating several shortcuts for the program and call them somehow, for example, "My personal" and "Work" (you can drag and drop either from the "start" menu or from the folder where Skype is installed C: WindowsProgram FilesSkype).

2) One copy of Skype will start as usual, so we don't do anything with it. I have this shortcut "My personal", on the second shortcut "Work" right-click and select "Properties"

in the window that appears, on the "Shortcut" tab, in the "Object" line at the end, add "space / secondary". Click "OK" and you can run everything separately and together, each shortcut will run its own copy of Skype. The number of labels is not limited in principle, i.e. you can run 2, 3 and 5 copies of Skype with different accounts. And in the tray we see 2 skype icons.


3) With this method, with each download of a copy of Skype, you will have to re-enter the Skype username and password. There are two ways to solve this, one quick and easy, the other a little more difficult.

1 --- Open the Skype shortcut and in the line where we added / secondary add a few more parameters / username: LOGIN and / password: 12345 ... The line will look like this "C: Program Files (x86) SkypePhoneSkype.exe" / secondary / username: LOGIN / password: 12345 for x64 windows and "C: Program FilesSkypePhoneSkype.exe" / secondary / username: LOGIN / password: 12345 for x32 windows. Instead of the words LOGIN and 12345, you need to write your username and password. For each shortcut, of course, you must specify your username and password.

That's it, we exit Skype, and start again, now you don't need to enter the login password, Skype will immediately go into your account.
Shortcuts can be dropped into the startup folder and Skype will start when Windows starts.

This method has one drawback, those who have access to your computer will be able to find out the logins and passwords from your accounts by looking at the properties of the shortcut. To eliminate this, you must use the second method.

2 --- First, we need to do a little preparation.
We return to the folder of the Skype program, this is:
C: Program Files (x86) SkypePhone (for x64 windows)
C: Program FilesSkypePhone (for x32 windows)
And create two subfolders in it (if you want to use more accounts, then create more folders) with the names ВВВ "Data1" and "Data2".
Now back to our shortcuts that we created earlier ( Skype1 and Skype2) and in the properties delete everything that we added after the parameter / secondary.

The preparation is over, now we have two subfolders and three files in the program folder.
Let's first figure out why we created these subfolders ...
We created these subfolders in order to store account data, and shortcuts loaded this data from these subfolders. In this case, you don't have to add any logins and passwords to the labels.
Now let's put everything in its place and fill the subfolders with the appropriate data.
Because we launched Skype with different accounts, and we had an automatic login, which means that this data is stored somewhere.

And this data is stored in your account folder Windows, or rather:
C: Documents and Settings<имя_Вашей_учетной_записи>Application DataSkype
C: Users<имя_Вашей_учетной_записи>AppDataRoamingSkype
In my case, this is: C: UsersMaxAppDataRoamingSkype
We go to the corresponding folder and see there a whole bunch of subfolders and various files ...

But we only need those subfolders that have the names of the Skype accounts we need, i.e. those accounts that we want to automatically download.

As you can see in the picture, I have three accounts that I will later upload.
(I apologize for blurring the folder names, I just don't want to advertise my account names)
Once again we check whether we closed the Skype program, if not closed, then close all its copies by clicking the second mouse button on the program icon in the tray and selecting the Exit menu item.

And I would advise, just in case, to make a backup copy of the folder:
C: Documents and Settings<имя_Вашей_учетной_записи>Application DataSkype(if you have Windows XP)
C: Users<имя_Вашей_учетной_записи>AppDataRoamingSkype(if you have Windows 7 or Vista)
You can select all files and folders and add them to the archive, or just copy this folder somewhere else ... It's up to you ... It's just that if mistakes are made, you can always restore the files to their original state.

Now we open two windows, one window where our credentials are stored, the second is the program window with which we worked earlier.

And copy the folders of our accounts to the VBB Data1 and Data2 folders that we recently created.
Those. the folder of the first account is copied to Data1, respectively, the folder with the second account in Data2.
Note, we are not portable, namely Copy.
After copying is complete, it remains for us to add new parameters to our shortcuts Skype1 and Skype2.
As we remember, we left only the parameter in the properties of these shortcuts / secondary, naturally after the path to the program file.
Those. we should now have the following written:

"C: Program Files (x86) SkypePhoneSkype.exe" / secondary (x64)
"C: Program FilesSkypePhoneSkype.exe" / secondary(x32)

Now, let's get our shortcuts to launch the Skype VBB program and read data from the Data1 and Data2 folders.
To do this, in the properties of each shortcut, after the parameter / secondary you need to add one more parameter and the name of the folder from which the account data will be read.

So again we open the properties of each shortcut (Skype1 and Skype2) and in paragraph An object, after the parameter / secondary we register the parameter and the corresponding folder / secondary / datapath: "Data1" BBB - to Skype1 and accordingly / secondary / datapath: "Data2" BBB - to Skype2. Again, put a space before the slashes (/) and put the folder names Data1 and Data2 in quotation marks.
You should get the following:

- for Skype1 shortcut:
"C: Program Files (x86) SkypePhoneSkype.exe" / secondary / datapath: "Data1"(x64)
"C: Program FilesSkypePhoneSkype.exe" / secondary / datapath: "Data1" (x32)

- for Skype2 shortcut:
"C: Program Files (x86) SkypePhoneSkype.exe" / secondary / datapath: "Data2"(x64)
"C: Program FilesSkypePhoneSkype.exe" / secondary / datapath: "Data2"(x32)

Actually that's all, now you can run the shortcuts one by one Skype1 and Skype2.
If you have done everything correctly, then two copies of the program should start and automatically go through authorization.
Again, you can copy these shortcuts (Skype1 and Skype2) to the folder that is in the menu Start and both copies of Skype will automatically start at system startup.

The Skype program is one of the most popular and demanded services, which has gained universal love and important social significance, as it allows people with different countries and continents constantly keep in touch via chat, and chat for free for an unlimited amount of time. However, for some Skype users, one account is not enough for full-fledged communication. The only way out of this situation is to create a second account.

An effective way to create a second Skype account

If you are decisively daring to expand your circle and mode of communication, you should definitely know how you can quickly create a second Skype account.

The standard procedure for creating a second account in Skype provides for a preliminary exit from your account. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. In the corner of the active window, click the exit button.
  2. This will go through the process of canceling your first account.
  3. Then a new authorization window in Skype will appear in front of you.
  4. To create a second account, you need to confirm by clicking the button Don't you have an account?

To create a new account, you need to enter the following reliable data about yourself:

  • Name and surname, address Email;
  • Date of birth, gender, position and city;
  • The language in which you communicate and the contact phone number;
  • Original login and secret password.

If you do not want to carry out certain manipulations with the Skype program on your computer, then you can simply visit the official website of the developers and in the Login and registration section select the item Registration of new users, through which you will create a second account.

After the registration process, a letter will be sent to your e-mail with a link to confirm your registration in the program.

Important: if you want to create a second account, you must enter an email address that will be different from the first account. Therefore, for example,.

How to correctly combine two accounts to work in the program

Highly qualified programmers and skype users know for sure how to merge accounts. To use two Skype accounts in real time, you need to launch Skype several times. To do this, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Select the start button on the taskbar of your computer and press the Run key.
  2. Then a window will open in which you need to click execute and confirm with ok.
  3. After that, a message about the presence of an error may appear, for which it is worth copying the text command and re-pasting it in the run window.

Important: the list of steps for operating systems is slightly different: for 32-bit: "C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary, and for 64-bit: "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe "/ secondary .

Merging skype accounts requires special attention, because in case you have changed the installation folder of the Skype program, it is important to ensure that the path to the Skype.exe file is specified correctly.

Thus, in order to correctly and competently manage and use two accounts in the Skype program, you should first familiarize yourself with the intricacies of managing multiple accounts.

Some Skype users have two or more accounts. But, the fact is that if Skype is already running, you will not be able to open the program window a second time, and only one copy will remain active. Can't you run two accounts at the same time? It turns out that you can, but only for this you need to do a number of additional steps. Let's figure out which ones.

In order to work with two accounts at the same time in Skype 8, you just need to create a second icon to launch this application and adjust its properties accordingly.

  1. Go to "Desktop" and right click on it ( PKM). In the context menu, select "Create" and in the additional list that opens, navigate to item "Label".
  2. A window will open for creating a new shortcut. First of all, you need to specify the address of the Skype executable file. In the only field of this window, enter the following expression:

    C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft \ Skype for Desktop \ Skype.exe

    Attention! In some operating systems needed in the address instead of the directory "Program Files" write in "Program Files (x86)".

  3. Then a window will open where you need to enter the name of the shortcut. It is desirable that this name be different from the name of the Skype icon that is already available on "Desktop"- so you can tell them apart. For example, you can use the title "Skype 2"... After assigning a name, press "Ready".
  4. After that, the new shortcut will be displayed on "Desktop"... But this is not all the manipulations that should be performed. Click PKM by this icon and in the list that appears, select "Properties".
  5. In the opened window in the field "An object" to the record already there, add the following data after the space:

    Secondary --datapath "Path_to_profile_folder"

    Instead of meaning "Path_to_Profile_Folder" you need to specify the address of the directory location of the Skype account through which you want to log in. You can also specify an arbitrary address. In this case, the directory will be created automatically in the designated directory. But most often the profile folder is located in the following path:

    % appdata% \ Microsoft \ Skype for Desktop \

    That is, you just have to add only the name of the directory itself, for example, "Profile2"... In this case, the general expression entered in the field "An object" the shortcut properties window will look like this:

    "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft \ Skype for Desktop \ Skype.exe" --secondary --datapath "% appdata% \ Microsoft \ Skype for Desktop \ profile2"

    After entering the data, click Apply and "OK".

  6. After the properties window is closed, to launch the second account, double-click the left mouse button on its newly created icon on "Desktop".
  7. In the window that opens, click on the button "Go".
  8. In the next window, click "Sign in with a Microsoft account".
  9. After that, a window will open where you need to specify a login in the form of an e-mail, phone or the name of an account Skype recordings and then press "Further".
  10. In the next window, enter the password for this account and click "Entrance".
  11. The second Skype account will be activated.

Running multiple accounts on Skype 7 and below

Launching a second account in Skype 7 and in programs of earlier versions follows a slightly different scenario, although the essence remains the same.

Step 1: Create a shortcut

Which of the two methods described above to create a Skype shortcut to use, each user decides for himself. This fact is of no fundamental importance.

Stage 2: Adding a second account

You now have two Skype shortcuts to "Desktop" that can be run simultaneously. In this case, of course, you enter registration data from different accounts into the windows of each of these two open copies of the program. If you wish, you can even create three or more similar shortcuts, thereby getting the opportunity to run an almost unlimited number of profiles on one device. The only limitation is the size random access memory your PC.

Stage 3: Automatic start

Of course, it is very inconvenient to enter registration data each time to launch a separate account: login and password. You can automate this procedure, that is, make it so that when you click on a certain shortcut, the account allocated for it will be immediately launched, without the need to make entries in the authorization form.

As you can see, although the developers of the Skype program did not provide for the launch of several instances of the program on one computer, this can be achieved by making changes to the settings of the shortcuts. In addition, you can configure the automatic launch of the desired profile, without entering registration data each time.

Often when using one computer, both for work and for personal purposes, you need to have two different accounts and, accordingly, two different Skype programs. Many are interested in the possibility of such a comparison.

First of all, you need to understand why this is done at all. The presence of two different programs implies registration and two different accounts, which may differ in all information about the user. This approach will unload the working version of the program, ensure the impossibility of access to the personal information of various fraudsters who use this for malicious purposes, precisely in programs where business communication takes place, and personal Skype can only reflect information about the owner that he decided to demonstrate to his interlocutors. even specifying non-existent data. All personal correspondence will not interfere with work and possible problems in this version of Skype will not be reflected in any way on its "working" version.

It is in such a situation that it is often important that both programs be activated at the same time. To do this, you need the following:

  1. Only Skype from the 4th version.
  2. Auto shortcut that is created on the desktop after installing the program,

in this case it will not be effective. You will have to delete it and create a new one. To create you need:

After carrying out such operations, we get shortcuts, each of which corresponds to a specific account. You just need to remember which one is for work and which one is personal. It is better if everyone has their own nickname in the program.

Now you can have both programs active, being online at the same time in each. This will ensure that no important business information is missed while continuing to communicate with friends or parents. This solution is interesting to most users, since those who did not take advantage of this advice will have to open and close the unnecessary option every time by running the next program. This is very inconvenient, time consuming, and does not provide network persistence.